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tr'or Baeking| Up Stueeo

Plaster€r€ liko thig tough, waterproof paper becauee it go€s on eo fast and without tearr or holee. Architeas and o\f,n€rs like its lasting protection against wind and rain

EALERS find a ready rnarket for Siealkraft l-l -t}.s all-purpoee paper. Exery etucco job neede iu Every conerete floor, walko drive and curb ie madebetter by its euringandprotection

There are a score of profitable markete for Siealkraft. Our dealer policy juetifies active interest in thie product and our ealee promotion helps have demonetrated their valu-e. If vou are not getting your ehare of Sisalkraft businees, write for eamplee and our dealer propoeition today.

Eor Curing and Proteeting ConereJ

Spread overnewly laid concrete aa soon as it can be walked on, Siealkraflkeeps in the mixing water and thereby makee it poeeible for every particle of cement to harden. In addition to thie curing, Siaalkraft at fhe eame tirne is protecting the eurface from dripping cement, oil staine, plaster, ets, without any additional labor or cxpenas

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