2 minute read

/ California Retail Lumbermen Visit Humboldt

The large party of retail lumbermen who made the threeday trip into the Redwood Empire to attend the meeting with the Redwood Relationship Committee at Scotia on August 21, and, to take part in the eritertainment program provided by the Redwood mills on the two following days, report having had a most enjoyable time.

The meeting with the Lumber Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association was held at 8 a.m., Friday, immediately after breakfast which was served on arrival of the Redwood special train from San Francisco. Some of the matters discussed at the meeting were the results of laboratory tests of Redwood crib walls, ways and means for bettei control of lower grades of Redwood, proper nailing of siding and rgstic, cooperation of manufacturer and distributor, and the business outlook for the rest of the year.

The party visited the mill and factory of The Pacific Lumber Company after the meeting and had luncheon at Hotel Mowatoc.

The golf tournament for the J. H. Holmes cup was held in the afternoon. George Malm, of Malm & Angle, Dos Palos, won first place with a net score of 73, and H. H. Watkins, of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., was runner up with a net score of.77. IJnconfirmed reports say that Elmore King got los't on the course, and that Harry Cahalan, of Burlingame, lost so many balls that a special messenger had to be sent to Eureka for a fresh supply before he could continue. A rumor, also unconfirmed, says that Ralph Duncan called a meeting to decide something or other in connection with the game, right on the course.

There is a story, too, that Clark Griffith's score was away up in the late 9Os, but this has received no confi_rmation either.

On Saturday the party was taken foratripto the logging operations of the Hammond Lumber Co. Luncheon was served at the camp cookhouse,. and the variety and excellence of the fare provided was an eye-opener to many of the visitors.

Irr the afternoon those who desired were taken on a drive from Crannell to Crescent City and returned to Eureka in time for dinner at Eureka Inn, where the visitors were presented with the key to the city of Eureka, and golf trophies were presented to the tourrlament winners.

On Sunday another drive had been arranged for those who wanted to enjoy the gorgeous scenery. This was an auto trip south to Eel River Valley, Van Duzen Grove, Grizzly Creek Grove, and back to Strongs Station Redwoods. Luncheon was served in the Redwoods, and the party motored back to Eureka Inn late in the afternoon, and left for San Francisco by N.W.P. train at 8:10 p.m.


All officers of the Tom A. McCann Hoo-Hoo Club, McCloud, Cal., were re-elected at a meeting at Pig Creek, August 3.

M. C. Gerlicher is president, Ray Hathaway, vice president, and L. E. McGonagle, secretary-treasurer. The directors are C. B. Daveney, W. H. Fishburn, John Kennedy, H. C. Braden and William Ponto.

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