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rr Kindly Expressions II

I take a daily paper and reldom read more than thc head liner. I take a dozen periodicale and read an occarional article from them. I take the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT and read it from cover to cover. Why rhould a man take correspondence rchool legsonr on how to be a lumberman when the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MER_CH4I{T giver him all the dope?-Sam T. Hayward, Hay- Lumber & Investment Company, Lor Angeles.

You have the livert lumber periodical I have ever read and we all read it with a great deal of pleasure around thir office.-H. B. Maril, San Francirco.

We have found the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCIIAN_T a very- intererting publication. There are many v_duablg ruggertionr in it, and it rhould prove of conrider. able value to the lumber indurtry, particularly the merchant locatcd in rmdler townr. Our beet wirhee for the rucce!! 9f y.9* _journal.-l. C. Raclenfou, executive departnent Standard Lurnber Co., Standard, Cal.

I am very glad indeed to hear about the CALIFORNLA LUMBER MERCHANT and know that in your handr it will be a cucce$.--C. L Hamilton, Weyerhacuser Forert Productr Company, Saint Paul, Minn.

Frorn the_ copier of the new baby that have corne to my detk, I would ray that you are to be congratulated oo r.r"h a promiring y66[qys.-f,oy A. Dailey, Secretary and Generd Manager, Pacific Coart Shipperr' Arsociation, Seattle, Warh.

CongratuLationr on the appearance of THE C^A,LIFOR- NIA LUMBER MERCHAT{T. It lookr good to me.-I. P. Aurtin, Pacific Coart Manager, American Lumberman, Seattle, lllarh.

Youn fu a live wire and ydu are rendering a real relvice. -H. C. Clark, Booth-Kelly Lumber Compann Sacramento.

Your paper ro far har been a world-beatg1.-/L. F. Stevenr, A. F. Stevenr Lumber Company, Heddrbury.

We are very glad to be able to subscribe to your pap€r as 'we believe that it will be a wonderful factor in the lumber indurtry of the rtate.-- We wish you the bert of luck and much rucceu in your enterprise.-f[oward Thompron, Fro* Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego.


CongratuLationr to the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCH.ANT. It truly bearr the ear-markr of Jack Dionnetr geniur.-Wertern Lumberman, Vancouver, B. C.

We want to congratulate you on your publication It ir lnappy and a plearure to read. Wirh you rucccr and lots of it.-t. S. Hickock, raler manager Hutchinron Lumber Company, Oroville, Calif.

I want to expre* my rincere appreciation of the reel renrice you are performing, through THE CAUFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT. Particularly let me ray thet' pcn ronally, I cannot help but be delighted at the mighty 6nc co-operation chown on your part in the laet irue with itr dirplay of our redwood dealer reryice and thc rpecid rcdwood article.-R. F. Hammatt, Secretary Catifonda Rcdwood Ascociation.

To Jack Dionne: tt\Me need your rtrong arrn and your miShty pen both in the South and in your new enterprire in California."-(Dr. Wilron Compton, Secretary.Managcr, The National Lumber Manufacturerrt Ar:ociation, Warh. ington, D. C.)

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