1 minute read
Chas. R. McGormick
San Francisco & Co.
Heiulock Flooring
Something new and splendid in softwood flooring ---- Weyerhaeuser's Bnd-Matched, Trade-Marked, Hemlock Flooring.
We also make ond seA euerA Commerciol
It is 1x3, perfectly manufactured, flawlessly matched. It will delight the eye of the discriminating retailer. Samples on request.
Cargo Lumber Comes in Same Regular Stream
Despite the heavy demand for lumber in the East and the absence of a great many lumber carrying vessels from the service, cargo shipments to California ports continue in steady volume.
For the first twelve days of the present month an aggregate of 42,545,000 feet of lumber arrived. at San Pedro harbor, of which 35,000,000 feet consisted of fir and'the balance redwood.
Much of the lumber eoming in now is unsold when shipped, but is readily disposed of when it arrives, as the demand for building material throughout California is strong and active.