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Slogan Contest Is Trade Stlmulant
A slogan contest is a good trade stimulant in any business and the Barr Lumber Company of Santa Ana recently had a concrete demonstratoin of that fact.
They advertised that they would ofrer a prize for the. best slogan for their business and the response from their friends a,nd patrons in their territory was simply amazing.
People sent in slogans from all parts of Orange county and friom'some of the outside counties as well. The result was, of eourse, that a lot of people began thinking of the Barr Irumber Company who had not given much thought to it before and through its distribution of prizes the company made many friends.
Get your trade ,to appreciate'the fact that often times a handy bunch'of shinglet tayeE a lot of trouble. Roofs leak, walls rot, and plaster crumbles. Then comea the big repair bill.
Iseniiower Gets Deserving Promotion
H. M. Isenhower, for the past six years in the office of the Valley Lumber Company at Fresno, has been promoted. to the position of manager of the Tulare County Lumber Company at Visalia. The Tulare County Lumber Company is owned by the Valley Irumber Company. Mr. Isenhower is one of the live and enterprising lumbermen of the San Joaquin valley.
Adams Is Iiammond Manager At Pasadena
O. B. Aclams has been appointed manager of the IIammond. I-.lurnber Company's yard at Pasadena, succeeding Lee Carlson, resigned.
The best slogan ofrered-the one that won the first prize anyway-was: "An ideal partner in all builcling enterprises. " - Second prize went to "-Where quality builds, satisfaction dwells," and the third prize was given for this alliterative slogan: "Barr builcling materials builcl better build.ings."
The company had the cohtest with the idea of substituting a new slogan for the one it had been using, "If it's from Barr's it's of the best," but the compeny eontinues to use the old slogan.
At the regular meeting of the Los Angeles lumbermen at the City club on August 31, W. B. Mack of the National Ilurnber & Manufacturing company at lloquiam, 'Wash. was the principal speaker. Mr. Mack presented many facts on the lumber industry from the mill man's standpoint. FIe is considered an authority on milling and marketing Iumber in the Northwest and is the author of a monthly bulletin that goes out from his office dealing with the manufacturer's problems. It always is interesting reading as well as being quite instructive. Mr. Mack came to California to get some first hand information on market conditions here and to learn what becomes of all the lumber they shin down here from Grays Harbor. He took a trip to the harbor at San Pedro and found out.
r/ Sudden & Christenson have bought the business of the - Jensen & Schlosser I.lumber & Mill company at San Rafael. They also haveTards at Sebastapol and Healdsburg. Henry Hess of the San Francisco office of Sudden & Christenson is manager of their outside yard.s. :