1 minute read
Beauty --Durability--Economy
Woco Qualtty
3 Ply Oregon Pine Panels are the product of ttre finest Old Growth timber-famous for its Beauty-strength-Durability-manufactured by skilled and well paid workmen with the finest equipment money can buy in a factory known since 1889 for the high quality of its products.
Water Proof
GIue (our own patented formula) is used in their ilrarrufacture and makes them suitable for all service under any climatic conditions.
Graded And Inspected
with rigid care-Quality uniformly high,
For Your Service
Abo Oregon Pine Doors of the Highest Quality Complete Stock in Los Angeles at Your Service
Corriplete stocks are carried in our Los Angeles ware. house and all orders, however large or amall, receive immediate and careful attention. Carload shipments-direct from our Tacoma, Washington Factory-Capitol of the Panel Industry.