3 minute read
Robert S. Osgood Stiring Things Up in Southern California
George J. Osgood, of Tacoma, has long been one of the leading figures in the door and panel business of the United States, as one of the executive heads of The Wheeler-Osgood Company.
But his son, Robert S. Osgood, after being raised in the door and.panel business, forsook the game, and went to selling automobiles. He followed this profession for several years, and was something of a success in the auto
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father's business, so they recently called him back, and. placed him in charge of the affairs of the big company in Los Angeles, selling Southern California.
And the son has already decided that he is strong for this Southern California stuff, and that the door and panel business is a sure enough keen game, and he has grabbed hold of it with a grin of enthusiasm. He bought himself a home in Los Angeles to begin with, so that he could talk " as one having authority" as the Good Book says to the folks of this territory, and already talks like a native son.
He then got busy acquainting those who did not know, with the facts concerning The Wheeler-Osgood Company, its size, importance, equipment, service, willingness, etc., so that there would. be established a foundation of understanding between himself and his trade. He is pounding hc the fact that his firm have the biggest production of Douglas fr panels and of Douglas ffr d.oors of any concern on top of the earth, and he is out to give the trade of Southern California a line of service they never had before.
"-We're giving 'em. the service, and we're having a circus doing it, " is the way the young man himself expresses the matter. i+
He reached out and grabbed a slogan, or conceived' anyway he got it, and the slogan is being strongly used, and it reads:
Nice little slogan, and the youthful enthusiast wants them to know that his firm is living up to it, all the way, with a little something left over for "langniappe," as they say in New Orleans.
And so that the trade won't forget, he mails out to all of them a stock sheet every week showing their stosks on hand and ready for prompt shipment.
He is an advertising enthusiast and is doing some very good advertising; sends out interesting and snappy letters frequently, just keeping the trade warn, and reminding them in pleasant fashion that The Wheeler-Osgood Company is still on the job and eager to please.
Young Mr. Osgood is instilling a degree of enthusiasm into the activities of his firm in Southern California that is good to look at and hear about, and he proposes to make Wheeler-Osgood goods and service as well known to the trade of Southern California as that far-famed California sunshine; and just as highly esteemed.
There is a world of healthy "kick" in what he is d.oing, and the yonng man himself is of the caliber and. possessed of the personality that makes his efrorts doubly interesti,-.
FTER thirty-five yeare test in the 6"ry crucible of time, Pioneer Products have found Fame and Place in the busy marts of trade.
Men who know have built the reputation of PIONEER PRODUCTS cn a splendid foundation of PROVEN RESULTS, they have achieved a recognized standard in an age of ex-
The Hayward Lumbgr & Investment Company, with headquarters in I-los Angeles, and branch retail yards throughout Southern California and Arizona, gave their regular annual picnic to their employees and families on August 26th, in Brookside Park, Pasad.ena. There was fun, music, and. refreshmients furnished by the company, and a grand time was reported.
This concern is busily engaged. in adding another big lumber shed. and sideline warehouse to their big retail plant on San Fernando Street in l-.ios Angeles. This is one of the most mod.ern retail Iumber institutions in California, with sales and service room, very attractive offices, sign boards; etc.
E. M. Clalbraith has resigned the position of Manager of the yard of The Hayward. I-rum.ber & Investment Company, at Long Beach, and has been succeeded by L. R. Byers, qecently a retail lumberman of Kansas City, Mo.
The Diamond Match Company has bought the stocks of the Colusa Lumber Company and H. H. Hicock & Son at Colusa and will eonsolidate the two yards at the Colusa Lumber Company's plant. A. II. Pope, manager of the Colusa Lumber Company, will be retained ?s manager under the new ownership.