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Lumber Bg -Products; I{orth and Sou th
From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand
Carl F. Meilstrup, who recently opened an office in Los Angeles for the National Manufactuirng company of Detroit, has just returned from northern California, where he succeeded in lining up several very strong white and sugar pine accounts which he will handle through his offiee, together with the hardwood business of the Detroit concern.
H. W. Lockhart of I-,os Angeles has joined Mr. Meilstrup and will be associated with him in handling the business of the new office. The two men working together will aim to give the trade superior service and a strict attention to the trade's requirements.
P. C. McNevin, General Sales Manager of the Paeific Lumber company, left last week for the east on a business trip to investigate the Redwood lumber market. He plans to be away about a month and will visit the company offices at Chicago, Kansas City, and New York.
C. P. Hansen & Co. of Niles recently equipped their yard with a plan and building service and are contemplating the building of two modern lumber stores, one at Centerville and the other at Niles.
Little River Redwood Company Installs Kilns And Will Add Band Saw
The little River Redwood company recently installed three new Cutler Dry Kilns, which wiII have a capaeity of about 100,000 feet. They also plan to increase the capacity of their plant by installing another band saw.
There has been a big demand for air dry red.wood and. as they are taking advantage of the air drying season, they do not want to stop operations to set the new saw until after the drying season, which will probably be within the next month or two.
Club Completes Hospital Tund
Los Angeles lumbermen have completed payment for a bed in the orthopedic hospital of that city. A check for $105 was presented to Roy Stanton at the last meeting of the club luncheon at the City club, and immediately the boys started a fund for another bed. Nearly $50 was raised in a few minutes. The first fund was secured by levying fines on members comins late to lunch.
Bettincen May Evade Arcadia
The William J. Bettingen Lumber Company, it is pnderstood, have plans for establishing a yard at Arcadia. The company already is established at Eagle Rock and Monrovia, with a branch yard at l\fontrose.
-And thoae Lumber Merchants who carry Hipolito Stock Size Screens in stock find them a quick money maker.
-Jhs1s is a stock size to fit every standard window opemng.
-Hipolito Stock Size ScreenE are proven profit makers for lumber merchants all over the West.
ua now for full details of our plan for dealers.
-Every Hipolito Screen embodies the "Cornera of Strength"+ feature of our method of construction combining mortise and tenon with dovetail construction, making the corners one of the rtrongclt parta of the rcrecn.
A coat of paint is as much the exterior mark of prosperity and. good. taste, as a new suit of elothes. It is an open sesame to the good opinion of your comruunity.
Go about in a shabby suit, worn, frayed and dusty, and you are apt to meet with many obstacles in your business attempts, and in your social aspirations. Neat raiment, in good taste, will win you a hearing and insure attention.
'When you apply to the banker for a loan, his d.ecision nay be greatly influenced by your outward manner and appearance.
The same thing applies to your home, your barn, your premises, your place of business. You will be juclged largely by their outward appearance.
Tee Appearance Of Youb Town
The APPEARANCE of the town he lives in, should be a matter of vital importance 'to the lumber-paint d€aler. If the place is "run down at the heels" he must accept a large share of the blame. If it is spick and span, he will receive a Iarge share of the credit.
In either case, the responsibility is his, if he has adopted his town in a building way. For it is the duty of the retail lumber dealer to put his town on the map as a good place to live in, where the builclings are attractive, in good repair, and pleasing to the eye. It is a duty he owes to his eommunity, his profession, and himself.
Anit if his town is to present a pleasing appearance to the eye, it meanb that the builctings must not only be attractively constructed and in good repair, but that they must be well PAINTED. All the work the builder can do is en-
Paint Supply For Lumber Dealers
larry the lines with a "f&rm" appeal.

Cater to the farm trade.
Make it convenient for the farmer to trade with you when he's in town.
Cultivate the farmer in his ofr months, with letters, color card"s, suggestions for repainting, etc.
Drive out on the farms and size up the builclings that need painting, then list them for special follow up and promoting efrort.
Take a demonstration kit qlong and show him your good.s against the mail order goods, and point out the loeal service you can give.
Dress your windofrs with a farm atmosphere.
Ilave booths at the county and. local agricultural fairx and exhibits.
Give paint talks at farn neetings, or get manufacturer's representatives to do it.
R,un slides in the loeal movies.
Maintain some mile post signs or road signs leading to your store.
flave a display of barn siding and farm surfaees, paddles, etc., for quick store reference.
Coach yourself and clerk on talking points against mail ord,er goods and hand mixtures.
tirely lost, unless the PAINTING thinking of the town is competently handled. No doubt about it, is there ?
Shabby or poorly painted buiclings are an eyesore, regard.less of the quality of the material and the eonstruetion. Therefore it appears that the retail lumber dealer is just as much interested in the PAINT business as he is in the BUIIJDING business, since th'ey &re so dependent upon one another.
LUMBER YARDS anticipating the rale of PAINT, not as a rideline, but ar a leading building matcrial, chould firct coruider a line of paint that ic made BY the conhcting ptinter and contracting builder, and FOR the contracting painter and builder.
Our materialc are made for tbc contractor who T H E knorvr what materialr will do to arrirt in ro painting thc lurnbcr er to improvc itr accept- ability.
WE HAVE A PATNT PROPOSITION FOR LUIIIBER gOs S. Mrin St. YARDS. Will b. plcucd to rubmit it on rcquort. LOS ANGELES