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IDorz?t Be Afir.aid to %e& WWew?, Kno\t&Www Are In Wws%wwww
Yearr ago A. L. Porter, of Spokane, said to me that the greatest trouble with the retail lumber induetry was, t'hat too many retailers seemed afraid to let people know they were in businesa.
That wac true then, and ir true today, although to a lesrer extent, since every year hundredr of lumbermen join the ranks of those who have dircovered that it payr to let the public know about themselvet, their burineu, their cervice, and what they mean to the public; and that in no uncertain terms.
A mighty good piece of advice for the retail lumberman ir to learn to SAY IT OUT LOUD. You can't deliver a mestage in a whisper while the band is pl"yitg.
You, Mr. Retail Lumberman, have a big mersage to deliver to the people of YOUR territory; a melsage of interert to lotr of people. And ittc your job to get it acrou, not only for your own rake, but for theirc.
People are all bury-all interested in their daily affairs-in the buoinesr of making a living, etc. They are interested in a thousand different thingr, and YOU are only one of the crowd that wants their attention.
Abrolutely, the only way you can get their attention and rnake them lirten to yor-make them hear your mersag+is to stand right up in meeting and
When you see a nran step out in front of a passing car' you dontt say, in a low and melodious voice, discreetly and courteously: ttPardon me, cir -" sfs. Not on your life, you dontt. You let out a roar that gete hir attention right THEN' and saves him. Do the rame thing Mr. Retailer, in seeking the attention of your trade, whom you have romething intererting for.
Cut out thoce little 2 x 4 adr in your local paper' that dontt mean a constructive thing to anybody. Go over and shock your editor by buying some real rpace from him. He'll rurvive the rhock, all right, and he'll be mighty glad to run rome editorial dope to go with the ad.
Then get out and hit the ball to back up the ad. See how many folks you can call on, grin at, talk to, interett. Fix up your place of busine6 that it rhiner like a new dime, and eurprire your towrr by your enthuaiactic activity IN THEIR BEHALF.
YOU mean a lot to your town, but the town wontt be cognizant of the fact unlers you ACT LIKE IT' and REMIND THEM OF lT. Get bury, dig up your mettage, be sure that it ir interesting, andSAY IT OUT LOUD.