2 minute read
Let the Mailman Carry Your Selling Talks to Prospective Customers
Sales are always made to the INDIVIDUAIT and not to the PEOPI.IE; and direct sales effort directed to the INDIVIDUAIT PROSPECT is the successful method of closing the sale.
The use of PERSONAT' CORRESPONDENCE is one of the best methods for producing this result; ancl it is the only alternative for face-to-face sales talks. with your prospect.
It's a bad plan to think that you have to "ivrite a letter." 'When you get that idea, the letter becomes just that and nothing more-it becomes a 'WRITTEN IJETTER.
Forget that very idea. Get, instead, the idea that you are merely SAYING-ON-PAPER, what circumstances prevent you from SAYING-BY-VOICE.
' ft is wise to make it a rule to send an enclosure in EVERY communication leaving your ofrice to a prospective customer-and remember that all OLD customers are FROSPECTIVE customers for future sales.
The writing of personal letters, the use of circlar letters, the use of enclosures in routine correspondence-all these conqe under tlre main head of this article.
These enclosures may be of a number of kinds; to.a list of people living, let us say, beyond the circulation of your local newspaper, you eould send a reprint of your current ad.vertisement; whieh you could have run ofr by the publisher at a minimum charge.
Many of the associations and manufacturers of the goods you hand.le will furnish you with small enclosures, leaflets, folders, etg., prepared for this very purpose.
You can have prepared a series of smnll'enelosures-slogbns-suggestions for the use of your good.s-special notices of certain special bargains you may have-and lumber yards are beginning to ffnd that these "speeial bargain lots" are more numerous than was formerly thought.
But the most important part of your correspond.ence should be the PERSONAIT letters you write to your "almost persuaded. " eustomers.
Too many men feel that writing such a letter is a matter of mysterious tecnique; not at all; any more than are'the words you SAY to your prospect over your desk in your ofrice.
You have a certain message. to give him-you can TAI-rK in-and. it shoulcl be easy. for you to PUT TEOSE SAME WORDS ON PAPER,.
You cannot SEE your prospect every day-or perhaps every week-but Uncle Sam can carry your message to him as often as you wish.
And what you SAY to him-or what you 'WBITE to him-will be clefinitely laicl out for you in the information carried in your PROSPECT CHA3,T.
This immensely valuable reference book, on which we harp so continuously, properly kept up-to-date, will enable you to write to each prospect EXACTLY 1ryHAT HE SEOIILD KNOW IN OR,DER, TO MAKE EIM WANT YOIIR GOODS ENOUGH TO ASK YOU TO.SEI,I, To HIM.
Keep an accurate list of your correspondence, and keep your prospects INDIVIDUATTITY in mind of you and of what you can d.o for them.
Just as long as some one tells you something that is of interest to YOU-something that he believes will BENEFIT YOU-just so long you are going to read. his letters-no matter how often they come along-and TTITr OTHER FELIJOW IS SIMPITY YOU-UNDER-HIS-NAME.
The more INDMDUAIT you make your business relations, the more closely you tie your trad.e to you-anrl personal correspond.ence is the best-and ONliY-means you c&n use, next to the actual face-to-face talks with your pros-