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Oklahoma Merchant Visits California
A visitor in California for the past month has been Mr. Kennet Hud.son, of the Hudson-Houston l-:umber Co', of Ardmore, Okla.
Mr. Hudson bears the reputation throughout the great state of Oklahoma of being one of the most vigorous and succesfsul exponents of Modern Merchandising in the retail lumber business in that commonwealth; and that is SOME honor, because there is many a live lumber merchant in Oklahoma who has learned a long time ago that his real job is CREATING business-not just bidcling for the business that develops.
Here is a picture of the front of the lumber store of the Hudson-Houston Lum.ber Co., at Ardmore. As will be secn, it is attractive on the outside, and it is still more attracdve insid.e. Mr. Hudson beli.eves that it is his job to be able to sell a building prospect anything and everything that goes into a home or other building of the sort. He has one of the finest paint departments to be found in a retail lumber plant anywhere, and. is a great enthusiast as a paint salesman,
He has a service and sales room, is a great plan book booster, and gives building service of the most real order.