4 minute read
F. L. Morgan Reports on Yards in Southwest Corn er of State
F. L. Morgan, the genial secretary-treasurer of the Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, returned a short time ago from a trip through the extreme southwestern part of his territory. He made a close personal study of business conditions at each place he visited.
Ife has prepared a yery interesting and. very instructive report. Ilere it is in detail:
Temecula Valley Lbr Co. A. F. Nienke says business outlook good and. present volume satisfactory. One man's misfortune is sometimes another's gain. A big warehouse near his yard burned down and it hacl a cement floor level with the ground. That floor is now supporting a nifty little lumber yard, ofrice and driveway. EIe has put in a much neede<l mill, electrically driven.
If you want to find out what becomes of the old automomile number plates just step into the neat, clean and attractive yard of the Fallbrook I-.rumber Co. Sam Grafrin has cut them up and used the figures for length numbers orr his sheds. Sam keeps his stock as neat as a dry goods stor, He says Jack Dionne's stufr appeals to him.
Escondido I:umber, IIay & Grain Co. have a splendid, well assorted stock and report the outlook good. Mr. Ramey-, the president, says they expect to move their office right up into the center of the town. This company is one of the oldest and strongest in that section of the state.
A. Ir. A. Lumber Company, a hew ffrm, has started. in using the old McCormick yard site and sheds. Mr. Agnew. the manager, who is also in the feed business, says he thinks there is room for two.
Mr. John C. Barger, who is now on a visit to Denver, has quite a layout there. In addition.to lumber, he carries feed, handles eggs and other things. Is also the plumber and the village blacksmith. IIe has a fine business whieh, during his absence is being well looked after by Mr. Telford.
Mr. F. L. Blane has a combination there too. Big preparations were being made for a real wild west celebration there, Saturday, the 26th. A regular "I:et 'er buck, Ride 'em cow-boy" time. The building of a lot'of new conerete highway was the occasion for the outburst.
Harold. Kibbey is another of those who find.s it well to combine lumber with some other lines and he even has electrical and automobile supplies and a filling station. He thinks the outlook good.
Santee Supply Company, Harold Bacon, Prop. Very small stock.
El Cajon
Mr. Geo. D. Hall, president of Geo. D. IIaII l-.rumber Companys, says business good and outlook good. I noticed quite a lot of lumber going out while I was there. This concern has a fine new building for its hardware and ofrice.
Mr. D. Frank Park, manager I-.ra Mesa Lrumber Co., has a fine plant and earries a large stock. He reports conditions and outlook good.
Lemon Grove
Arthur Kerfoot, who also owns a yard at Encanto, says things fair, while there is nothing big in sight he thinks his volume will keep up.
Chuija Vista
The Chula Vista Lumber Co. is going ahead splendidlland Mr. Robert Conyear is just about as busy as he ean be taking care of things. This is the most southerly yard in San Diego county and all the Tia Juana tourists pass through. But the Tia Juana travel didn't look to be very heavy to me.
Nationaij City
IIere again conditions are good. The Homeland Building Company is a large concern selling lumber, hardware and everything required for builcling. It is unsually well managed, and when it comes to "knowing where you're at" f take off my hat to Mr. R. L. Bullen. His monthly statements show the purchases, sales, proffts and expenses of each department separately and. in total and comparisons with previous years. And the beauty of it is he seems to do all this without efrort.
Conditions here show i, very good volume with indications that it will continue. Builtling is even beginning to pick up at the north end, which has been very quiet since the Exposition closed.
Mr. G. F. Hoff, the able ani long time secretary of the Materialmen's Assoeiation, -has been quite ill, but is "up and a comin'" again, More power to him.
Business quiet. Very few people for this time of year.
Town continues to grow at a fairly good rate. Outlook very good.
The Encinitas Lumber Company has started with a small stoek of lumber. They expeet to build up a big business in that locality.
Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. have a well stocked yard here, doing a good business under the capable management of Malon l-,littlefield. He says he thinks the outlook good. and expects to keep up his present lick.
Contaglous Smiles
My father smiled this morning when IIe came down stairs, you see, At mother; and when he smiled then She turned and smiled at me; And when she smiled at ne I went And smiled at Mary Ann, Out in the kitchen: and she lent it To the baker man.
So then he smiled at some one whom Ile saw when going by, 'Who also smiled, and, ere he knew, IIad twinkles in his eye. So he went to his ofrice then And smiled right at his clerk, 'Who put some more ink on his pen, And smiled back from his work.
And when the clerk went home he smiled Right at his wife, and. she, Smilecl over at their little chiltl As happy as could be.
And then the little girlie took The smile to school, and when She smiled at teacher hbm her book, Teacher smiled bari} again.
And then the teacher passed one on To little Jim McBride, 'Who couldn't get his lessons done No matter how he tried.
Ancl Jimnie took it home and told. Ilow teacher smiled at him, When he was tired, and didn't seold., But said, "Don't 'worry Jim.t'
And when I happened to be there That very night to play, Jim's mother had a smile to spare, Which came across my way. And then I took it for a while Back home, and mother said.-
"Ilere is that very self-same smile Come back with us to bed. "