1 minute read
Tracy Lumber Company is Live Yard
. Tracy, in San Joaquin county, has one of the livest retail yards and one of the most aggressive retail yard managers in the state. The yard is that of the Tracy Lumber Com. pany, and the manager's name is H. M. Schaur, and he is generally recognized as one of the most progressive lumber merchants in California.
The Tracy institution is one of the retail yards owned by the Santa Fe I.lumber Comapny of San Francisco, of which A. J. ("Gus") Russell is general manager. The others are at Brentwood, Newman and Patterson. AII of them reflect the very high stanclard of nod.ern merchandising ideas demanded and carried out by this live and enterpris. ing firm.
The silo illustrated here exemplifies the creative powers of a completed product. Being complete and. read.y to perform its intended functions, it is self-explanatory as to just what the buyer is to get for his money. It shows in detail the materials used. and the manner of construction. 'The Simplex silos and Papec insilage cutters are canied in stock at the Tracy yard and distributed throughout California, Arizona and Nevada by the Santa Fe Lumber Company.