2 minute read
oseville Dealer Shows Enterprise
One of the most progressive retail lumber concerns in California and one that is most alert to the possibilities of ad.vertising is the Sterling Ilumber company of Roseville.
A. M. Charter, general manager of the company, never overlooks an opportunity to bring his business and his service prominently to the favorable attention of his community.
At the Fourth of JuIy celebration in Roseville this year the Sterling Lurqber company entered a novel float in the big, speetaeular street parade. It consisted of a truck upon which a miniature house hacl been erected-a miniature so far as a home is eoncerned, but just the right size for a playhouse. Anyway s o thought an enthusiatic and expectant group of merry .Roseville youngsters who crowded around the float in the parade.
Kiln-Drying Experments are Making Good Progress
Experiments in kiln-drying l-inch and 2-inch common fir lumber which have been under way at the plant of the Wheeler, Osgood Company in Tacoma for the last few weeks have proved entirely satisfactory so far as they have -gone, but th-ey have not developed. far enough to give any idea of their practical or permanent results.
Word comes from the 'West Coast Lumbermen's Association that the tests will be continued for three or four months.
Ever since the inception of the Pacific North'west lumber industry, it has never been a general practice to kiln dry eommon lumber; also a region having the annual rainfall of the Pacific Northwest, does not easily lend itself to the air drying of lumber stock. These two factors have developed a practice, within the industry, of surfacing common lumber green and shipping it after natural shrinkage has taken place follqwing the surfacing-
To overcome this difficulty, and with a view to giving t,he trade a better service, as weII as elirninating the carrying of large stocks green, the West Coast Lumbermen's Association has entered into a co-operative agreement with the United- States Forest Products Laboratory of Madison' Wisconsin, wherein the government experts in kiln drying together with the practical manufacturers of the West Coast, are seeking to develop a means of kiln drying 1-inch and 2-inch Common lumber in from 48 to 60 hours, with a degrade of not to exceed 12 per eent in the machining process and 12 per cent in drYing.
Mr. Charter had anticipated just such a situation. He issued tickets, which were distributed among all the little girls of Roseville. The lucky number was held by Miss Corrinne Bush. The house was delivered to her home and she and her little friends have been having great times in it all Summer.
The house was completely finished inside and out and painted in attraetive eolors. All the material was furqishecl by the Sterling I-,lumber company and the work was donated by the union carpenters of R'oseville.
The Sterling Lumber company operates yards in a number of important towns in the northern part of the state. Genera I headquarters are in the Alexander building, San Francisco, with F. E. Duttle, general manager, in charge-and. a more wide-awake lumberman does not exist.
A kiln dried board has more moisture inside than on the surface.
Oak Flooring made from resawn kiln' dried lumber has but one DRY surface.
SUPERIOR BRAND Oak Flooring, all thicknesses, is equally dry on both sides as it is not made from resawn lumber.