2 minute read
best way to with a lot is to BUILD A HOME ON IT.
In other wordr, ane you lrLing the OFFENSIVE or the DEFENSM in your work?
There b SOME difference between thc two.
Do you rtart out in the morning wondering who will tun up during the day that you tran rell a bill of lumber to?
Or do you rtart in with a clearly dcfined idea of a SERVICE, a FtINCTION, a COMFORE a NECESSITY, that you arc going to bring to thc notice of Bill Joner, ruch SERVICE, 'COMFORT, FITNCTION, or NECESSITY bcing robed in th" gr.i". of a BUILDING or a BUILDING IMPROVE MENT?
Conrider for younelf whethcr your attitude toward yorrr day'r work b that of HOPE that romething will turn up; or decision to MAKE SOMETHING TURN UP.
No one necdr to tell you whetber you are drifting with thc tidg, or ewimming toward rome hown and choren goal.
The euccerful wing rhot ir the rnan who firet rkilfully at a DEFINITE BIRD, hrrting to CONCENTRATED cfiort; truting to AIM, not to LUCK.
If you are a GENERAL RESULT bueiner hunter, try it, rnd try the ehoot-to-hit rnethod of gctting buriness.
Have you in your office a lirt of the BUILDING PRO$ PECTS of your territory? Not a lirt of folke who ray thcy erc going to build, nccenarily, but a lirt of the folkr who can efiord to do eome building, and who, according to your obrcrvation, have rorne definite building NEEDS.
TttESE are the pcople you want to concentrate on. Handlc at leart onc of tbem every day. Donrt let the rrm ret oq a day in which you have not made a defnte, diligent, intctligcog concentrated cfiort to rell a BUILDING SERVICE to lonc Een who ir NOT in thc mar&et for lumbenopcely.
Ihe man who har decided what end when he ir going to build, buyr hir material at thc lowert competitivc price. Th€ nran who NEEDS a building but ber not yet actively arrived at thit conclurion buyr the IDEA whcn it ir brought to him; and t[e IDEA ir what getr the money.
Hitch your wagon to romething defnite, conrtantly.
Do the building THINKING for yow community, and help make yow torvn thc kind of a building town tbat it ought to be.
C. E. Donegan and W. W. 'Wood of the Arkansas Oak Flooring Company of Pine Bluff, Ark., have just concluded a successful business and vacation trip to California. 'While in Los Angeles they visited the ofrice and yard of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company, who handle their famous ,'Perfeetion" brand. of flooring.
The Arkansas Oak Flooring Company has just started a new flooring mill at Shreveport, I:a., which gives them practically double the output they formerly had. The constantly increasing d.emand. for hardwood flooring in California is responsible, they say, for the arrangement to increase their production.
Mr. Donegan has been in charge of western sales for the company, but has just been promoted. to the position of general sales manager. He will be succeeded in the western department by Mr. 'Wood.