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How Lumber Looks
The general market condition, in the wholeeale field, rbowr very little change for Ocober, ar compard with the month of September.
Cargo volume and demand, in the southerni part of tte rtate, ir fair, jwt about the same to'nnage ar for lart montfi, and at practically tte sa,mc price lwdr
Cutting orderr are still rtiff.in price, and hard to place. Randome are not rc.rce. Shingle! have itrenglhened romewhat, with a dight increare in demand, and lath have not changed.
The retailerr, in Southenr California, are looking forward to much better volume, for the balance of thir year, and the start of 1927. Competitive conditionc in l..oc ^Angelee, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, San Diego and otter commrmitier, have areumed a much better arpect and it ii fortrmate that the men who are putting the material on the jobr can now anticipate sornething better than they had the 6rrt nine monthr of the year.
Iq thq Bay_ Dietrict, according to telegraphic advicer, thii market har chown no change in two weeki. Fir cargo dernand ir fair, with pricer on the came lilt ar of tte f-5th of October. [.ath are weah and the mill quotatio,nr on uppent and commonr are the ram€, with a rtifiening on cutting. Rai! demand is fair, and rpotted, with pricel thi rane. The Redwood market har improved.
Building pennitr, in Lor Angelec, will reach a record total in Qctober, according to predicionr, on the 28th. To the night of that date the total had reached well irver nine mil- lion dollars with a prectical certainty of the month's total reaching ten millione, or more.
The lart weekly report from the West Coa* Lumbermen's Arrociation giver their weck'r rales ris 110 million, production 114 million and shipmentg 94 million.
Tbe member millr of the Asaociation have unfilled orders on their bo6ke tor 284 rnillion feet.
The California Redwoood Auociation report, for the week, disclorer their ealer at 13 million, the highert totd in months.
During the same period they shipped 8 million feet.
Millwork Institute Plans Annual
Plans for the Annual Institute of the Nlillwork Institute of California, to be held at the Hotel Whitcomb. San Francisco, on November 18 and 19, are being well taken care of by Managing Director H. T. Didescf and his stafi at Los Angeles.
A recent bulletin announces that Tack Hart. President of the San Francisco Branch, is Gen6ral Chairman of Arrangements.
In the bulletin members are urged to- make early hotel reservations, _ The meeting is being held the two days prior to the Stanford-California football battle, to give the delegates the opportunity to attend the Big Game.