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Some Splendid Rules and Directions for Points of Contact
Bt Jack Dionne
Much has been said in this department in the past about the "point of contact" between a business concern and the public, and the importanie of every person in every business who makes a public contact, and is therefore one of the principal items by which the visitor judges the firm and the business.
No better set of rules and directions for making better contact points of employees has ever come to our attention than the following, which were issued toits clerks and tellers by The Hampshire County Trust Company, of Northampton, Mass., and which apply beautifully to lumber, merchant as well as to bank employees. Study them over. They are worth while.
l. " Be agreeable. You are the contact point between the banks and the depositor. You make the bank's reputatio4 in the mind of the depositor.
2. Know your goods. The depositor expects you to be able to answer any question about you,r bank. Selling the service of the bank requires a thorough knowledge of bgnking practice.
3. Don't argue. Somebody once said that the customer is always right. If that is applied reasonably it isa pretty good motto to live up to.
+. Make it plain. You know the reasons for asking depositors to fill out certain forms or to do certain things. There is nothing mysterious about it, so explain it to them.
5. Tell the truth. The reputation of your bank is on your shoulders. Neither you or your bank can afford the slightest doubt as to the reliability of your statements.
6. Be dependable. If you promise to do something for a depositor, do it.
7. Remember names and faces. There is nothing more pleasing to a depositor than being gree ed by name. It makes him feel at home.
8. Dodt be egotistical" Most people are naturally, but you are at the counter to sell bank service, not to make a good personal impressiorl.
9. Think success. Radiate prosperity. Talk about successful things and people. Don't be a grouch.
10. Be human. If the bank merely wanted to disseminate information it would use a catalogue.