1 minute read
Exploiting the Mills of California
There is beauty and romance, as well as throbbing in- Redwood timber is lovely to look upon, and Redwood dustry, in the sawmill districts of California. operations are very interesting operations. Many of the
Therefore, The Caiifornia Lumber Meichgnt is'iufiitiS a biggest:Redwood m.ills are located on tidewater, in lovely series of ilescriptive stories concerning'nlany bf 'tlid oit: and iiicturesque valleys along the ocean. They are pracstanding mill operations, and will contihue to do so for tically allin low altitudes. some time to come.
There afe the two great groups of california mills, and
The' Pine millscut nearly abillion and ahalf feet of both of them lend trreriset.rei *"il ao exploiting bbth by.the lumber annually at their present rate of going' and the printed word and by the camera. - Redwood group cuts about six hundred million, the total
The Pine group' is the largest. It stretches along the for last year being'slightly over two billions of feet-for'the SierrasfromtheOregonIine.intheeasternpartofthestate,.state.ii almost to'Tehachapi. Most of'the Pine mills are located There are.oveitwo tiundred sawmills in California but ,close to their timber, and'in high altitudes, while a few; like they are sharply divided in :$ze, less than forty of them those at Fresno andrMailera,.are birilt in the,valleys; and' 'being #hat might b'etalled'large mills, and the remainder bring their timber d6yn to" be''iranufactured: With' bbiu- " bging of !_he small type;' lgre*al of the largest equiprnents tiful locationb, andi"srirrounded by scenery';woith going' 'oir iaith lre;in the:Califoihiagroqps. ' see; most of"the Pine-mill towns ' watir, The Lumber Mbrti"rrt fur th'isei'interesting mill 'are.thingslofbeautyas'wellas'enthusia*".iP.}"t1y....Ja".
The R-ed,wood 'group is like'wise delightfuliy located. r: ; r'r,o They ard all in the long thin strip bf Redwood timber that lines the Pacific Ocean north of San Francisco and reaches almost to.lhe Oregon llne- Nowhere else on earth is this sort of timber to be foun$.except the small patch on the Coast south of San Francisbo.
San Fernando Club Meets
The San Fernando l-ttmbermen's Club meeting on the night of October 13th was well attended.
President R. W. Blanchard of I-ankershim presided, introducing four visitors, all from Los Angeles: F-. A. Derni'er, Lumbermen's Service Association; H' L. Rosenberg, Hipolito Company; E. A. Gailbraith, Hammond Lumber Company, and Phil B. Hart, "California Lumber Merchant".
The evening was devoted to a general discussion on Service Rooms and Plan Services. Each of the invited guests made short talks on the subject, capably led by Mr' Rosenberg, who elaboratecl on his sultject with a very interesting discussion on the subject of Organization Burilding.
The San Fernando l-umbermen's Club meets r'egularly on the evening of the second Wednesday of each month at the Black Cat Cafe, San Fernando.
Mr. R. W. Blanchard is president of the club, Mr. Dick Speer, Olvensmottth, vice-president, and Mr. Dave Menlbach, San Fernando, secretary.