1 minute read
Corporation Tax Reduction Essbntial
Frank Wisngr, go-getting Mississippi lumber manufacturer and executive of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, is a strong advocate of corporation tax reduction, and in pleading the excess of the present tax rate, he uses the following very excellent illustratior\:
First, the cattle is shipped to market, and the railroad that does the hauling pays l3l per cent on its earnings.
Then the packing corporation dresses and sells the hide, and the packing company pays l3/2 per cent on its earnirtgs.
Third, the hide is shipped to the tannery, and the railroad that hauls it pays l3l per cent on its earnings.
Fourth, the hide is tanned and the tanning company pays l3l per cent on its earnings.
Fifth, the leather is shipped to the shoe factory, and the railroad that hauls it pays l3/2 per cent on its earnings.
Sixth, the shoe company makes the shoes, and, pays l3/2 per cent on its earnings. -
Seventh, the shoes are shipped to market, and the railroad that hauls them pays l3l per cent on its earnings.
Eighth, the retailer of shoes sells them, and he pays L3l per cent on his earnings.
And who does he sell them to? Who buys the most shoes? Why, the common people, of course..The average.working man is the fellow who actually pays thattax, over and