2 minute read
The Whitney Gompany
Gartbaldl, Orcgon
Mr. B. W. Shiplcy' 16 Calif. St., San Francisco
Mr. Gco.'W. Gormann 1620 Clinton Ave. Alameda
Mr. A. O. Nelron, 330 Central Bldg., Los Angeles TUcker 3512
CARGO SALES AGENTS W. R. CHAMBERLIN & CO., Matson Bldg., 215 Market St., San Francisco 266 New Chamber of. Commerce Building, Los Angeles MAin 4764 t-= - (Cdritiflued fiom Prige'I4) argument. I. believe in selling them what they ask for. If they make inistgkes, it's their fault,'irot qrinB.' : f'I think there is greater need than, ever before for intelligent work on the part of the producer of lumber to see that it is properly presented to the consurner, because of, the fact that the dealer has become a general building merchant, and is becoming more so all the time. Intelligent trade exteqsion efforts are more necessary that ever before. The physical merits and shortcomings of each species should be well known. Whenever a man buys a board of a certain species for a certain use, and that board fails to perform the functions expected of it because it vt'as the wrong kind of ,a board, the lumber business has been hurt, and the substitute business has been helped. And that ls being done very frequently.We need more known quantities, more ingito prosper. ': i'I could mention several lur4ber phases in corirlnorr'usc.' that are doing harm right now.. I may tell you more about them later."
"And'that," said my salesman friend; 'ts the way most of them feel, according to my observation, and, of course, it's wrong. It hurts the lumber business, because when that item falls down on the job, it helps a substitute to come in. I have seen many specific instances.where this happened.
"I think the dealer who sells a man a thin, cheap shingle for his roof, without explaining to him the small difference in cost and the great difference in value between that and a good shingle roof, is the worst enemy the shingle business has, with the exception of the man who makes the bum shingles. Shingles that will cup, curl, crack and wear away under hot sun and severe weather conditions, should only be sold after an intelligent effort has been made to educate the purchaser as to what he is getting.
To all of which I could 6n1! say "Ametr." ..'.' ... .....
Golf Tournampnt at Santa Barbara
Golf Chairman Frank Surnaby of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club has just annqrrced the date of a Golf Tournament and Banquet, to be held at Santa Barbara
Through Francis Boyd of the Boyd Mill & Lumber'Company, Santa Barbara, the Club has been extended privileges at the beautiful La Cumbre course.
The date is Friday, Novembei lzth.
There will be an l8-hole tournament, with the usual number of prizes, and the affair will be in the hands of the same fellows who conducted the successful group of tournaments last year.
In the evening there will be a banquet.
All details will be in the announcements that will be mailed in a few days, and in the meantime Frank and Francis request your decision to attend.
Telegram to Friend: "Washout on line, cannot come."
Reply: "Co1ne anywayi,.bor.row a qhirt,'f .i.