2 minute read
The proper care and handling of lumber is-fully as important to deal. ers and users as accurate manu, facture. Too often, wellmade stock suffers by carelessness or through indifference to such important, pains. takins details as those illustrated abovE. (ln our operations, W€ rec. ognize that our customerS &f€ @fi, tiiled to stock which shallreach them in the best physical condition which scruDulouJ care can Provide; and m puttmg ttus pnnclpte mto practlce, wL have the interested, effectual co,oP€f&tion of our empfoyees. C[As to
Pickering Kansas City
the product itself, the conspicuous me;it of Pickering California
'\f'{1'tir" and Susar Pine has been awarded the G;ld Medal of the California State Fair for the second consecutive vearthe last award beine made it Sacramento during the week of September 7th to l2th, 1926.0 Such imbressive indorsement together with the practices outlined above assure the utmost in quality and service. Ample stocks enable us to quote for immediate deliverv on sta;dard and wide Finish, M6uld' ings, L"p and Bungalow Siding, Lumber and Lath. Write now.
Continued from Page 11) amqrdments can probably be improved and he urged the lumbermen to study the present law thoroughly.
The morning session closed with a general discussion on "Credits and Collections," with special reference tq the "Trust Fund" as a means of carrying outthe financial transactions with speculative builders. Closer cooperation between the Building and Loan and.Materialmenli Associations was recommended to solve this difficulty and the matter was referred to the Resolutions Committee for proper action. ';] p:oper-i4tetpretation of the Co.de of Ethics on this point as thd'only effective way to solve this sribject. With'the use of charts, he showed the progress that had been made on this subject at the several meetinls of the Central California Lumbermen's Club and the-joint meeting between the Central California and the Sacramento Valef Lumbermen's Club during the past year. He stated that both clubs had an Inter-Relations Committee for the discussion of such problems common to both districts and he urged the various clubs to cooperate and work together wittr ihe ob- ject of eliminating this practice.
President Pinkerton appointed the followiqg to act on the Resolutions Committee:
George Hoff, San Diego, Chairman.
Elmer Ellis, Palo Alto.
Harry A. Lake, Garden Grove.
George Ground, M.odesto.
Thursday Afternoon
Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Vice President of the Southern District, presided over the afternoon session.
The session was opened with stereopticon views illustrating logging, mill, and shipping scenes in the Redwood industry which were very interesting and instructive.
"Manufacturers Selling Direct to the Contractor" uras discussed by W. H. Falconbury, Falconbury Lumber Co., Stoclton. He stated that this was one of the most important problems facing the lumber business today. Manufacturers and the dealers can not agree on the matter, he said, and he suggested that the Ass-ociation should have a

-. Following Mr. Falconbury's address, there was a lively discussion on the subject duiing which many of the dealers qelated how the problem was handled in iheir respective districts. Several suggested that the various clubs ippoint committees to cooperate and followup these complaints and if carried ortt L00/o would be effective and the piactice eliminated.
"Grade Marking and Certificatio4 of Lumber Grades" was discussed by President Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier. Mr. Pinkerton said that if the Association went on record as endorsing Grade Marking, it would have a lig effect on getting the mills to agree on this matter.
Referring to the Grade Certificate, he said that the Certificate Plan is now in use in twenty-five towns in the state. At the convention of the Building and Loan, League of California held during the past summer at yosemite; at which conference he represented the Association, he advised^that they pass a resolution favoring the Grade Certificate Plan.
Following his address there was a general discussion on the subject of "Grade Marking" which resulted in a motion being passed calling for a referendum vote by mail of all
(Continued on Page 22)