1 minute read
Paul Bunyan's California Pine Plywood
Are placed in some of the finest buildings in America. Selected for quallty r.t d beauty, they stand beside the most costly materials and finest examples of the decorators' art-and lose nothing by the comparison.
Yet they are inexpensive enough for themodestbungalow, the "tax-payer" store or temporary office partitiohs. A great money-maker for dealers and contractors.
Tradc MarL
"Producers of White Pine for Over HaIf a Centurg"


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HIS record shcet shows the rigid care, the constant watching and the positive result obtained in HDE kiln operation.
Note that it took seventeen days to dry this lumber. The moisture content is supervised constantly, and brought down gradually.
The lumber, by reason of automatically controlled kilns and continuous supervieion, does not case-harden, check, warp or honeycomb.
(Continued f.rom Page 24)
4. It will benefit the materidmen manufacturers.
5. It wiU create a higher standard of health and safety.
6. It will reduce the cost of building to the tax payer. In closing he stated that there is only one "Ifniform Building Code" that is not selfish or biased and that is the code of the Pacific Coast Building Inspectors, and with the aid of the combined efforts of everybody involved that its adoption will be successful.
Following a general discussion on the subject the following motion was passed: that the Association endorse the work of Pacific Coast Building Inspectors conference and thata committee be appointed by the Association to cooperate with them and when the final draft of the "Uniform Building Code'r is prepared that it be sent to the various lumbermen's clubs in the state for endorsement.
The afternoon session adjourned at 4:30 P. M. in order that the delegates could make an inspection of the various