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The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
Eugene, Oregon
General Sales Office, Portland, Oregon
We own otu timber and loggrng roads, and modern mills at Springfieldand Wendling. California Officee
J. R. Neylan, Saler Agent
402-4 Marvin Building 730 CentralBuitding
H. C. Clark, Sales Agent trYoodcraftsr/ten who take pride in their produfrf,nd no subftitute for Sugar?ine, toe Cuneo, White Bros., San Fiancisco.

The Treasurer's rep_ort was read by Treasurer J. E. Neighbor, Neighbor's Lumber yard, Oikland. In hii an_ nual statement, he stated that the Association's office was administered in a splendid way by Mrs. Fraser and that the cash'balance on, hand October 6 was $943.93 with a sav_ ings a^ccount of $1500.The gross receipts for the past year were $10,197.87 *ith the totil disbursements for ih" ""rrru period $9,228.9t. Mr. Neighbor's report was unanimously accepted and placed on filC.
The Secretary's report was read by Mrs. Fraser. She stated that 14 new members joined the Association during the past yeal an_d that the Assbciation finanpes were in gooi condition with 91500 in the savings account and a cheJking account on hand of approximately $1000. She announged that the Certificate Plan was no* itt use in over 24 ciiies in the state and that the Legislative Committee has been very. active, giving much time and attention to the Me_ chanic's Lien Law and the 4 per Cent Drhyage Tax. Her report showed that she had bgen very activjdu-ring the past year on the matter of the ,.IJniform Building Cdde,,, ilso that thirty-five trips were made during the y"ear to attend the various lumbermen's meetings and othir conferences of importance to the lumber dealers. She urged closer cooperation among-the various clubs for the p'roper solving .of-the many problems confronting the tumbei bisiness anE 'asked all the lumbermen of the itate to get together and make the next year the best ever in the Iumbei business. Mrs..Fraser's report ivas unanimouily accepted and placed on file.
To.the Officers and Members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
^ It is indeed a pleasure to submit my Annual Report at the 1926 uonventlon. We have increased in membe._ship this past year, having taken in fourteen new members. our fina'ncei "ri-i" i"u"it better- condi- tion than at the last Convention-w" noo, fra". $l-sdi i;';'."-;i';; a-c-gopnJ, an4 practically a thousand dollars in the'checki"c .ccou""a Au indebtedness of the association has been paid to date.-
The Association has undoubtedly. gained in prestigibecoming widely known not onty by organizitio-ns in tt i Slai. ?iC;if;;;i;: but in other States. Through the Grade Certificate the eyes of the other.states.arc on us, and the National Retail Lumbei bJiters Association is desirous that one of our members present this sub(Continued on Page 30)