14 minute read
SiLnc Resilient UnderFoot ltrd Irot g Wbaring=
HrnBs a new covGr, ing for platformsr wNr€, house floors, car floors and runways. Newonthemar, ket but proven by actual use to be the most efficient obtainable, Pioneer Industrial Floor Covering has already been accepted by industry!
It is made of extra heavy fabric, saturated and coat, id ott'both sides with pure asphalts and compressed, under gfeat pressure, into tough, flexible sheeting of unusual durability. It is put up in 36,inch rolls of approximately 1'16 sq. feet. There are.hundreds of uses forthis Pioneer Product so be sure you stock it to me,9t the-demand !
(Continued from Page 28) ject -a! th-e Convention of -the ,,National" at New Orleans, thc 9th to l2th of next month. Many requests have come to the'Assbcia- tion hea-dquartcrs for information-regarding this Grade Certificate. The Building-Loan League of the State of CTafifornia wis suftcientlv interested in the Grade certificate to ask this association to prescrit it to their deleg-atc-s at the-ir Annual Convention in Vosemiii fi Mt of this year, whiclr was done, and a resolution rccommending thai the members of the Leaque avail themselves of the protecti6n of- fcred by thc Gradc CertiGcate, by making it a rcquisite of j toan. Ir-t tt y opinion this was one of tfie rjrogrJssive mo]es of tfro Asso- ciation during this ycar. The Grade eertificate is now irr- u"e in over 25 cities in California.
-Ttjrougb our -Legislative activities this organization has the eycs of those throughout the state who make oui laws, The work that has -becn done by the Legislative Committec durinc the last two scssions of the Lcgislature has made them realize t-Lat this Asso-clation.is a f-orc-e, with its members scattered throughout the State. We will urrdoubtedly have our work to do when -the Legislature conv€ncs this ycar, as various attacks are scheduled to abo-lish the California Mechanics Lien Law. Also the association must ;atch and work on the matter of-. the 4 per cent drayage tax. We will go into the Legislative.Session this-timc as stro-ng] if not stronger, than we were liast s.essiorq and wc believe we will'be as succeslfui as we were last session.
Throrrgh our_participation_ in_meetings of the California Develop- q.qnt- L.eg4e Building Code Committee we have become closeiy allied with that organization.
__Your President, Mr. Pinkcrton, Mr. paul Hallincby. Mr. R. F. Hammatt of thc California Redwood Associatioq ld;.' C. Stowell Smith. of the California White- and Sugar pine Associaiion, youi .Tr-e-asurcr, J.. E. Ncighbor, and I have attended various mietihgi held-concer-nrlt.lhe .comgilation of a Urtiform Building Code f6r the Statc of California. This has becn in an endeavor -to sce that should have been receiving, during thc past year, an issue of their monthly magazino-which-by thc way, iontjins muctr vjiuaUte in_ lormatton and food for thought, and is well worth sncndinc the time to-rcad, as can be vouchid tor uy ttrosi-who iil"" i"-ti"'tiiiI to go through each copy. If any of you "re nbt i.aeili;; ;;; copy. please advise me after this meetin! and I will see thai ioir ao recerve it in the future. Thc ..National", of which you are bne of the many membcrs, all ovcr the Unitcd States, ig irvini &;t-;t possrble to bc of assistancc to its members. Our-prisideni is a Dircctor of thc National Association, and tri tt"s ttri u""suar ai"l tinction qf-being the first Director to rcpresint ttre Natio"li i"rl cratron and.to -preside as President of his own Association's Con_ ventror! as is the casc today. President pinkerton has served well llr_d yc should bc proud to havc him as our representative on thj "Na_tional" Board--the first membei from -the F;r W;;:-- "Credits and Collections,' has been onc of ltrJ suUjicii discussed at this convention. I believe the Association could'be a bil-h;i; in the- matter-if every dealer in the Associitio" *ootA-si"? i"i'" !!9 oftqe information -about any contractor who does noi-;; hi; bills before-leaving town; this-information "ooia-U" dilet;il";;; to our rnembers and it may- save many of- you from leing aeiiiuaea by the same contractor, and at the saire tiire, when this T"roitniti", is. sent out, if that sam€ contractor happens io U. op-.iitf;il-;;; district-and vou would so advise youi'secretirv. ii--o,iia--"i6u'"ti" assist the other felln- in collectiirg his bill. tttii is c"--Jp*"ii.i that would be helpful both ways.
I wish orrr members would call at the Association Headqu.rters rhen in San Francisco; it would bring me in closir ;;a"14;th you and conditions and would provc hJlpful. ll.ii-itre-6mci ,ilui hel9euarters when you are in San Francisco-you ;ni d-;.i;;;. This Assoriation is just reaching the age whcn childrc; b."i;i; go to schoot-we have bcen in-a formative period for the paJt five years-tut now that wc are six years old'today -l itoria -niii learned a great_deal-this year sh6uld be one ot-grcit;;;;;l;i: mjnjs. Let's all gct togcthcr and work togcthci ?; ;"k;ii,16;;; or tne gteatcat ycarF^ lot- gnly in the Rctail Lumber Business. but rn_tnc good accomplishcd by our Statc Association.
^ l am no.w beginning my fifth year with the Association as its :,u.c"T:"J, h"ygg. comc-to it whcn it wag but a baby of ten months 9ld:_lj tl-_"_olhjqty a pleaslrre to bc the sccrctary 6f such a gooa, i9919_,_congenial o_rganization" your success is riry plcisuro a-na ii rn any small way I can help yorl do not hesitatc io -call on me. I have.bccn -Eo r_uc-ely releived by all members I have caled on and py au tne local clubs that r wish to take thie opportunrtv of thank- in<_you all-also I wish to thank our Fi"siiii"tl'o-uiiil;.dil. il;: mrttccs. and mernbers for thcir many favors and co_opcration., -I thank you.
Reepectfully submittcd, B. FRASER, Secrctary, California Rctail Lumbiimen,s lsioc-iation.
A. E. Fichling W. H. Falconbury R. F. Hanmotr|"
lqnber gets a square deat in the Uniform Building Codc. Several trips- have been rnade by Mr. E. G. Kimball. tho teihnical man for thc National Lumbcr Manufacturers' Association. Hc has w&tca rqlth the Pacific Coast Building Oftciatr Confercncc, wtrict is "om: piling thc codc for thc Pacific Coast Statcs; so this time. iumbcr has not been a-slecp, but ie taking an active part in the'compila- tion of the Code. Your Secretary attcnded thi Convention of-tht Pacific Coast Building Officials Cbnference at San losc. Seot.-ti" ZOth wcek+itting in cxecutive sessions of buildini mitcriil men. having in mind thc protection of lumber in their prd-lrosed code.
Sincc our last Convcntion, your secrctary has rnadc 35 trips to "":jot: pa.rts of .the Statc in ihe interest of ihc Cssoiiiiion, -iliirii with the local district clubs whcncver possible, and I hope to bI ablc to do this more and more as timc goes o+ as itris is i;"diu- for meeting-thc gr€atcst number of lumber'Aea6s i"1ir;-6r; lmgunt of .time, and. also a good medium for keeping thc dircctors rn roucn wrtn condrttons rn thc various localities. I shall bc glad to have the secrctaf,ies of thc local clubs advise me when thei have their-meetings and I shall be_happy to attend if humanly poiiiUii'- I ftnd conditions have not beln very good the past yeal or more in the rctail lumber industry. To me, t[e simplesi iird "iril-st-.ii.i to accom_plish results and -change suctr conditioirs, is lico_op;;a;6; and confidencc. The dealers -in each city, town or iounty shoula have a Local Association,, and -meet togeiliet "eguiirtn-ini ;-d;ie attend thc local club meetings t_he samJas they ittcnd- ih; euii;;ai their offices, for it is a p_arl of your businesj a"d ;-";t "ii"irtJ and profilabl9-ptrt, too. It is a joy to sce the co-opiratidn ";i.d"; rn some localities where the local associations furiction-it stroutl exist all through the-.Statc and then there woutd-b;;; ";;r;;i;; complaint- about conditions. We most of us makc our own unfavor- ablc conditions.
At thc last convention we affiliated with the National Retail Lum- ber Dealers'Association, with headquarters in Wastrin*on-;;d dili- cagryour Association paid your ducs to the Nati6nal ;e y;;
A motion was unanimously passed by the Convention authorizing the President and sicretary of ttre Association to attend the annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association at New Orleans o. rurt llo_ vember 9-12.
An amendment to the Constitution was unanimously passed conferring honorary membership in the Associatioi on A. C. Bourers, P3r9o1 Sjmpkin, - G. Cornwall, Jack Dionne, Phil Hart and J. E. Mariin. -

_ President Pinkerton requested Chas. Bird and Frank Trower to escort Parson Simpkin to the platform, where he made a short address in which he thankid the members for.conferring on him an honorary memUerstrif irr th;-A;- sociation.
. J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant", was introduced by President pinkerton and made a few ri_ marks expr-essing his appreciation on being elected to honorary membership in the Association.
Th_e.-Selretary was instructed to send letters of sympathy to Will Davies of Pasadena and Frank Fo*, wh'o "lu iif and under the doctors' care.
George- Hoff, Chairman of the Resolutio4s Committee, submitted the following resolutions that *"ru ,rrr"rri*o""- ly approved:
^.RESOLVED, That- a vote ot apprJciiiio-n be extended to the Lrry or sacramcnto throggh their Mayor and Chamber of Commerce for thcir most cordiil hqspitaliti-bistowea on-ui-a;td;fri; Convention.
RES9_LVED, That a vote_ of thanks bJ &tendcd to thc Sacra_ i1l1-.-Y:I"f L,urnbermen's-Ctubf ortheii-efi o;isf p;il;iirriliia conducting such a succcssful convention.
(Contin,ued on page 32)
Why Essco California White Pine?

The Wood Wi,th a Supreme Working Texture
t1aHBnp were good reasons why the FOREST LUMBER COMPANY, one I of the compaiies of the EXCHANGE SAWMILLS SALES COMPANY
Broup, chose Clatifornia Whitg Pine in looking for a.Westejl wood to be manutacturid and sold in connectioir with its Southern Pine and Southern Hardwood operations. After forty-seven years of manulagturigg and_selling^Pine lumber, it was logical that the manufacture and sde of pine should be continued.
ESSCO trade-marked Califiornia White Pine is pecrrliarlyfavored with a soft texttrre and lightness of weight because it gro-ws in a section ol th9 corurFy w,her-e high .al$tude. and cfimatic conditiois are particularfi favorable in producing these deirable characteristics. With ah*. factots ESSCO Cl'fifo*i" fttite Pine haia fine giain, satiny surface end a minimum of pitctr. Ttt"s. characteristics, combined with ESSCOmodern manufacttrre, produce a product ihat is bringrng theif organization manyfavorable comments and repeat ofders.
Present stocks include in addition to the factory grades such itesrs as beveled siding, identil fied with the ESSCO greerr label, softtexture satfoiy6nistr, mouldings and wide clears, lqth and picf.ets. The moderriplsnt at iTne Ridge, Oregon, is equipped to handleorders cdling fon special or unusual items.
General Seles Office,KansasCity, Missouri. Branches at Pine Ridge, Oregorl-qld the princifal cities East of the Rocf<y M6untains including Chicago,-Neq-YorF, D- dlas, St. Louis, bf.f*i"-" City, S"tr Antonio, Ntw Orleans, Memphii and Norfolh Va., besidcs twenty-five edditionalexcluiive ESSCO representatives inothercentralPoints.
7,000,000 feet daily production of ESSCO
C alif ornieW hite P inc,- ES S CO S outhqn
Pine-ESSCO Southqn Hardwoods B B
fxcnexce $ewrurl.s $nes (9.
ESSCO regular service to ESSCO dealers includes a comPrehensive and business-getting retail advertising program which is used bY dealers ever5zwhere. Ask us to tell you about this service.
Some of the Golt Plagers
RESOLVED, That we extend a vote of thanks to the press and to the Trade Journals for the publicity given the Convention and for. their splendid co-operation in making this annual meeting such a success.
RESOLVED, That in view of the very excellent service rendered by the Hotel Senator and the uniform courtesy shown our members by its entire stafr during the Convention oi the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, that we expiess our fullest apprecia- tion to the management for these services rendered.
RESOLVED, That the members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at this convention hereby express, by a rising vote, their appreciation to President Pinkerton, for his untiring work during the past year.
RE_SOLVED, That this Convention expresa its appreciation of the unselfish services performed by the 6ntire meinbership of the Board of Directors who have laborcd without compensation, as well as paying their own expenses to attend meetings for the general good of the industry.
RESOLVED, That heartfelt thanks and appreciation, in convention assembled, be expressed, by a rising vote, to Mrs. J. E. Frascr, Sccretary, for, her untiring efforts and the dnergy expCnded for thc prelfare of this as_soci4!i94 during the past y€ar.
RESOLVED, That the thanks of the convention be extended to all speakers participating in the splendid program of this convention.
RESOLVED, That a special vote of thanks be extended to Phil B. Hart, Ed. Martin and Jack Dionne and the "California Lumber Merchant" and to George Cornwall and H.L. Potter and the Timberman for ttre publicity given this convention in their publica- tions and for their qo-operation with this association.
WHEREAS, A recent Babson Report suggests that the Florida autholi4es prohibit the erection of fiame buildings in that State, and
WHEREAS, Such report was based on insufficient data,
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Association condemns said report as,ill advised and injurious to the building industry, and that the Secretary of this association send a copy of this resolution to the Sabson Bureau.
RESOLVED, That this Association, as such, and its members individually, co-operate with Building and' Loan Associatibns' in every possible way to the end that mutual interests may be furthered and protected.
RESOLVED, That the Secretary acknowledge receipt of the many wclcome telegrams received at this annual and thank each scndcr for his interest and well-wishes.
WHEREAS, Perpetuation of the lumber industry, which employs 25,0fi) people in California, and continued prosperity for the State depend up-on--the- continuous production of timber crops on forest lands in California. and
WHEREAS, The mountain counties of California can continue to be self-supporting, providing private cutover lands are kept upon the tax rolls and do not revert to the State or Federal governtnent, as has been the case with cutover lands in Michigan and other Lake States, and
WHEREAS, Timber can be produced as a crop in California, providing_ti-m^ber.crops- are treated as fairly as are other growing crops in California, and
WHEREAS, Proposition No. 22 on the November ballot treats second gtowth timber crops the same as farm crops, and'would promote reforestation by private capital in California, and does not takc from the present county tax rolls any values assessed at the prcsent time, bc it therefore,
RESOLVED. That the California Retail Lumbermen's Association endorses Proposition No. 22 on the Novcmber ballot.
WHEREAS, Thc Great Architcct of the Universe has seen fit to call to higher work a greatly estcemed friend of the association lqembers and a most valued cb-worker with our Assopiation, Mr. Herbert Stone.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That in the death of Mr. Stone the building industry of the Staie of California has sustaincd a loss of thc gieatest magnitudc, and that the Secretary bc instructed to convey thc family of thc deccased the high estee; in which he was held by our Asbociation and its membership, and o3r lppr_eciation of the invaluable services rendered our organiza- tion by Mr. Stonc during his lifctime, and that this resolut-ion be adopted by a rising vote.
RESOLVED, That a vote of thanks be extended to C. D. LeMaster,- chairman of the Arrangements Committee, for his untiring efforts in arranging for such a successful Conven'tion.
__RISO!-VED, lhat a vote of thanks be extended to the J. E. Higgins- Lumber Co. for presenting the excellent hardwood lavel to the Association.
_ WHEREAS, A Divine Providence has, during the past year, seen fit to rernove from their earthly snheres of aCtiviry, thrle of our beloved members, Mr. B. A. Nixon, Mr. A. W. Heavenrich and Mr. Lloyd Swain, Mr. Elmore Bowers and E. H. Smith.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That this Association inourns the loss of such valued members and that the Secretary gonv,eJr to the respectivc families of said decedents the high esteem in which- they were held by our membership and our appriiation of the services rendered us by them during -their lifetimi, and that this resolution bc adopted by a standing vote.
WHEREAS, Thc California Retail Lumbermen,s Association has greatly prospercd dlring the past and is year by year rendering Sr91!e1_-an!_qoqe efficient service to its membership.
NOW THEREFORE BEIT RESOLVED, that the entire mcmbership. ofthis Association pledge itself by a rising vote to do all within their power and a6ilitv to promo:te the inTerests of the Association during the coming year.
BE IT RESOLVED, That Article ?? of the By-Laws be amended by adding thereto a .Section numbered ?? readins as follows:
Any pcrson who has performcd conspicuous ser-vices in any de- partment of thc Lumber Industry. or in anv association or oisanization similar to or allied with this Associati-on may by a twd-th-irds vote of ,the Board of Directors be elected an honoraiy member of this Association and shall not be required to pay dues. -
The following resolution was passed by the-Directors: -
WHQBEAS-r- If" believe a Uniform Buitding Code for Pacific Coast cities will benefit our communities in mattErs of oublic health and safetS _in^securing better homes and habitations,-in reducing an_d__s_t_gdq{i?in_g building costs and in many other ways, and
W-HEREAS, We lelieve such a code, fairly and impar-tiilly drawn, would tend t9 srqdifv our own busineis of harketing such-building rnaterials as lumber and,shingles, cement, walt and lhster boardsl lath, roofing and many other items;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOI-VED, That we, the Directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, do _
1.._Heartily gndorse the principle of a Uniform Building Cod" for Pacific Coast cities.
2. Comm6nd the Pacific Coast Buildins Officials' Conference for its efforts in compiling and.making avaiable Final preliminary Draft of such a code.
3. Pledge our support to the Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference up to the point where its final draft of said colde is completed, under the Conference plan of procedure which we believe to be fair and equitable to all intcrests ioncerned. and
4. Urge- allbuilding matqial manufacturers, including lumber, cemcnt, lath,.plqster and wall board, roofing and so forth; likewisd to sup-port said Confercnce to the end that th1 Conference may com- pletgillU:riforrn__Qole, qo_w_ in form of a Final preliminary-Draft.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this reiolution be furnished to the Pacific Coast Buildins Offiiiils' Conference. all Retail Lumbermen's Clubs in California,-Associations and Gr6ups of Manufacturers of Building Materials, and to the California Divelopment Association.
BE IT FURTHER RF'SOLVED, That there be appropriated from funds of the Association the sum of $l5O to be mide available to the Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference to assist in preparation of final draft of its Uniform Code.
Nine nerv directors were elected to serve on the Board of Directors for the three-year period, the entire Dictatorial Board is made .up of trventy-seven members. The new dr. rectors elected were: Coast Counties l)istrict, George Wood, Wood Brothers Companv, Santa Cruz; Long Beaih District, A. E. F'ickling, Fickling Lumber Co., Long Beach; Los,Angeles District,Franli 13urnalty, Sun Lumber Co., Beverly Hills; Pomona District,'Chas. P. Curran. Curran

Bros., Inc., Pomona; Pasadena District, Georg,e Bentley, Bentley Lumber Co., Glendale; Sacramento Valley District, E. t. Robie, Auburn LumberCo., Auburn i San Francisco District, Earl White, East Bay Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland, and San Joaquin Valley District, Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield.
The Tellers',Committee was made up of C. H. Chapman, Santa Ana, Chairman ; Guy Tyler, Whittier; C. E. Reader, Santa Paula; Frank Minard, Fresno; W. H. Falconbury, Stockton, and E. S. Carpenter, Sacramento.
4riday Afternoon
At a meeting of the Boald of Directors, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President, Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Vice-President Northern District, Elmore King, King Lumber Co.. Bakersfield; Vice-President Southern District,
Ghas. P. Curran, Curran Bros., Inc., Pomona; Treasurer, 1J. E. Neighbor, Neighbor's Lumber Yard, Oakland, and , Seqreta.iy, J. E. Fraser, San Francisco.
, Paul.:'II,allingby, thenewly elected president, presided ovef the afternoon business session.
"Lochl'Association Management" was discussed by'E. Steffenson, Secretary-Managir of the Orange County Club. Mr. Steffenson stated that their club represented 4O yards ' .in Ordnge and Los Angeles counties. He'saidithat one of the first objects of an Association is to know your coma petitor anll suggested as a good slogan, "Do something to m4ke y'qur conipetitor like you". He suggested that a dealer should eall on his competitor often, learn to know him and give hiin lreasons why he should co-operate with ypu. He asserted qhit tt e success oi the Orange Cbunty Club was i, due to Cfoup meetings with 100 per cent attenclance. He ; siggested that Club secretaries should have price guides