1 minute read
Directors San R. F. WeIk that aie complete and kept up-to-date, and shoulcl also have ' the pori'er to act in collective bargaining, which he stated is oftentimes necessary .I{e advised that the Orange CounI ty.:Club'believediig,qid supported the practice of the Code of LEthics as,'adgirted,6y the Association, the studying of I trade journals,'and t{rei gU[rport of the State Association.
. ''"Discussion of Side I-ine'i and Their Relation to Volume" l. ..was presented by Sarn. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis, r and F. D. Prescott, lalley,T,urnber Co., Fresno.
,r, ',Mr. McBride s{4ted that lumber,was a seasonable sale
' - and the sales from f'side lines" helped out in' quiet times; also the dealers not using side lines were just losing out. He said that'25 per,.cent.to 35 per cent of the retail dealers' sales are for well ,advertised specialties. With the sale of "side lines", he asserted that, you are better able to keep in iouch with your customers, also he classed the ladies today as among the dealerS' best customers and through the sale of lumber alone it.,"virould be impossible to get them into a lumber office. In closing, he stated that the lumber
(Continued on Page 44)