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Union Lumber Company Mills at Ft. B Hundred Mi
The Union Lumber Company, of San Francisco, one of the oldest, most substantial, and most respected sawmill firms on the Pacific Coast, operates three big and modern sawmill plants, manufacturing Redwood, in ealifornia.
These three mills are locatld at Ft. Bragg, Glen Blair, and Mendocino.
_ T!" chief milling unit operated by this concern is that at Ft. Bragg, which is one of the molt modern and efficient mills in the Redwood belt, producing over fifty million feet of Redwood annually.
.Ft. Bragg is located on the ocean front, giving the sawmill and sawmill town one of the most attlactive and delightful locations on the whole coast. There is 18 feet of water right at the mill docks, where vessels oflight draft may load, and a short distance away on the coast the company 9ry1 and operate their own over-head wire loading port which they call Noyo. Noyo is a part of the Ft. Bragg plant, and serves both the Ft. Bragg and Glen Blair plants-. Here they have installed the most modern equipment for the safe, efficient, and economical loading of lumber over a wire, the ships being very lvell protected from the open sea by bluffs that project into the ocean.
The milling plant atFt. Bragg is a most complete and thorough one. The sawmill itself is equipped with three band headrigs and three resaws. The dry kiln equipment is sufficient to enable them to dry about one thirdof ttre product of this mill, as w,ell as a lesser percentage of the product of the mill at Glen Blair, where there are no kilns. The planing mill is a most efficient one, but goes no farther into the remanufacturing of lumber than the making of siding, ceiling, trim, tank stock, etc. In other words, lt is strictly a sawmill and planer operption, and not a remanufacturing proposition. This planer tdrns out more than 50 million feet annually, and is the biggest thing about the Ft. Bragg plant.
Ft. Bragg belongs entirely to The Union Lumber Company, and every modern convenience for the comfort, safety and e'ntertainment of their employes and their families, is to be found there. The town is located on the line of