2 minute read
Glen Blair and Mendocino Cut Over Annually
the California Western Railroad and Navigation Company, which belongs to and is operated by the owners of 'fhe Union Lumber Company, and which furnishes the rail outlet to the world for the product of the Ft. Bragg and Glen Blair mills. This railroad runs.from the ocean front at Ft. Bragg to the main line of the Northwestern Pacific
Jlailroad. the linethat taps the entire Redwood district. Through this outlet The Union Lumber Company seeks the rail trade of the entire United States, and through their loading port of Noyo, they seek the water market w,ith the product of these two mills.
The Glen Blair mill is operated by The Glen Blair Redwood Company, which concern is owned by practically although not identically the owners of The Union Lumber Company. The Glen Blair mill is located 12 miles inland from Ft. Bragg, on their own railroad line, and the lumber is shipped through Ft. Bragg.
The Glen Blair sawmill is likewise a big one, although not as large as that at Ft. Bragg. It is equipped with two band headrigs and supplementary modern equipment for the efficient handling of the product of the tu/o bands. Here there is just the sarvmill. There is ho planer and no dry kilns or remanufacturing facilities. The lumber to be dressed.and dried is handled for this purpose when it arrives at Ft. Bragg, the planer at that point being of sufficient size to serve both mills.
The Glen Blair mill cuts an average of 20,000,000 feet of Redwood annually, but it has never been the policy of the compahy to push this particular production heavily, as this mill could easily cut a great deal more lumber than it does, and can be made to do so whenever greater production is desired.
Glen Blair, like Ft. Bragg, ships its water stock through the loading docks at Noyo, and itsrail deliveries over the California'Western Railroad and Navigation Compagy.";i*
The third plant of The Union Lumber Company,'.ffiffitirely separati from Ft. Bragg and_Glen Blair, being loia'f&l on the ocean front at Mendocino Harbor, and is owned and operated by a subsidiary of The Union Lumber Company,
the Mendocino Lumber Company. This plant has no rail connection whatever, its entire contact with the world being by water through Mendocino Harbor. It maintains its bors at Noyo and Mendocino, and the ports of San Francisco and Los Angeles.

The Union Lumber Company own enough virgin Redwood timber adjacent to these three mills to keep them in continuous operation at their present rate of production for about fortv vears more.
And Ft. Biagg has been operating continuously for more than thirty years already, and all that time under the same ori'n loading equippent in this' harbor, the loadihg'beihg
"$gionil growth Redwood on IJnion" Lumber Company's' ftbtd,iirlg.f. 'Trees are about sixly-foe J'ecrs oldfund'yielil close to l50,O00 tditt :r to thE, dtre.
,', ownership and management; that bf 'TheUnion Luihber Company and Mr. C. R.:'J0hnson, its President. .',M.r.']ohnson has been manufacturing Redwood in Califqlnia,$for (Continked, on,Page 38) ; ':,