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thirty-five years. His son, Mr. Otis Johnson is Vice-President, and executive assistant to his iather, taking much of the load from the shoulders of the elder man.- Another 1-r_owerful character, one of the strongest in the Redwood field, is associated with Mr. Johnson in the handling of the qany affairs of this great concern in the person-of Mr. Hugh M. Cochran, who still bears the title of General Sales Manager, but who is very much more than a sales manager, having been a powerful executive in this concern for many years. He has been with The Union Lumber Company gbout thirty consecutive years. Over thirty years ago Mr. C. R. Johnson took into partnership with him in The Union Lumber Company I\{r. W. P. Plummer, an experienced Redwood manufacturer. Mr. Plummer retained his interest until his death a number of years ago, and then handed it down to his very worthy son, Harold Plummer, who stepped into his father's shoes, and has been actively associated with The Union Lumber Company ever since he left school, and has built for himself through hisown fine character and ability a fine place in the institution as an executive lieutenant of Mr. C. R. Johnson.
So it will be seen that men do not just come and go in The Union Lumber Company, the two older executives of the concern having been with it more than thirty years. and the two junior executives throughout their entire lives.
At the mills also, strong men ar€ in the harness. The great plant at Ft. Bragg is under the capable management of Mr. Fred White. At Glen Blair Mr. Ernest Sinclair is in charge. And at Mendocino Mr. R. D. Swales is the man on whom they put their dependence.
There are many other interesting men around the Union mills. There are two more of the White family, brothers of F. C. White, Manager of Ft. Bragg. J. F. (Jack) White is manager of rail sales from the mills, and L. C. White is Auditor at Ft. Bragg, both live and likeable young men. C. M. Adams is Mill Superintendent at Ft. Bragg, and one
The prize vinning Percy Electric Dog, ileveloped at Ft. Bragg, of the inventors of the Percy Dog, which was winner of the 1925 one thousand dollar prize given by the National Association. W. G. Collins, Plant Superintendent at Ft. Bragg, is not only a good mill man, but the leading historian of that part of the state. His hobby is the interesting history of Mendocino County, which he knows by heart. Eaton Grimes is Mill Superintendent at Mendocino and Ed. Green, the plant Superintendent at the same place, are hustling young college men who have learned the lumber
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