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Lumber By'Products, North and South
From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand.
Lumber Production In California Loweir In 1921 Than In Previous Year
The total production of lumber during l92l by California, Nevada, ,and Utah, according to preliminary statistics of the Department of Commerce was 1,368,427,0C0 feet, which is a decrease of 8.1 per cent com,pared with the cut for the preceding year.
The reported production of lath was 52,632,000 in 1921 compared with 37,175O00 in 1920 and 54,426,W in 1919, and that of shingles was 121,345,000 in 1921 compared with 167.555,C00 in l92O and 192,362,000 in 1919.
The cut of redwood was reported as 469,934,000 feet in l92l compared with 476,m3cf/u- feet in 192O, and the prol duction of sugar pine lumber in California was 133,757f[0 feet in l92l as against 141,134,000 feet in 1920.
The production ,of California and Nevada ,is grouped together in the report and by species is divided as- follows: Western yell,ow (white) pine, 458,086,0@ feet; Do'uglas fir, 12j,373,000 feet; White f,r,'138,673,000 feet; Redwood, 469,934,n0 feet; all ,other species, including sugar pine, cedar and spruce, 170,672,ffi Ieet.
rProduction for the state of Utah was very slight, bein'g only 7,689,O00 feet.
Exports To Mexico Increase
A substantial movement of lumber has started within the last few weeks frorn San Diego to Mexico. Nearly every vessel that travels along the west coast ,of Mexico now" carries a cargo of lumiber. The principal demand is for finished lumber and small d,im,ension. In normal times Mexican por'ts get much of their lumber direct from producing centers in the North, but now the movement consists mostlv of local shipments out of San Diego.
The Ward Lumber Company of Modesto, one of the most enterprising retail yard concerns in the valley, has bought !!r_e yard and business of ,the Modesto Lumlber Company at Waterford. It is understood that P. A. Oswald, will remain as ffIanager.
Blinn Wharf Nearly Complete
The new dock and wharf ,of the L. W. Blinn Lumber Company at Wilmington is practically complete and w,ill be occupied by the owne.rs by the first of the year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Spalding of Visalia have returned ho'me from a three-months' trip through the eastern part of the country. They traveled through- the Panama Cinal and visited all the points of interest aloqg the Atlantic Coast and inland. They report a delightfuf tim,e but rglad to be back in Californ,ia.
Hardwood Man Calls On California Trade
W. T. Gillespie, sales representative for the Memphis Hardwood Flooring Company of Memphis, Tenn., has.been calling on the lumber trade of the state in the las,t few weeks. He reports a steady demand for hardwood in all parts of the country but California continues to be the biggest individual con,sumer.
_ Guy D. Reynolds, Pacific Co.ast representative fgr J. A. Fay & Egan Co., manufacturers of Wood-Working machinery, is now located at the cornpany's new warehou se at 2@ Spear Street, San Francisco, where they will carry a full supply of wood-working equipment. J. A. Fay & Egan, Co. are one of the old established machine companies- of the cou-ntry having been in business since 1830 and only recent- lI !3ug purchased a new' plant at Oakley, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati.