1 minute read
Fisher Brothers Enlarge Stockton Plant
The Fisher Brothers Planing Mill, at Stockton, have just recently completed a move with th6ir plant, that will greatly increase their output, and at the same time make possible greater efficiency of operation.
They have erected a beautiful new stucco office and storage shed, 5Ox15O in size, on a three-acre ,tract on Weber Avenue that was bought a short time ago by the company.
The new mill is modern throughout, 125 feet square, and is arranged with all line shafts submerged, doing away with overhead gear, and making more room. There is no lost motion in this mill. the material starts in at one end in the rough, and is sent through a continuous line of operation,
Crprcity til that brings the com.pleted product out at the other end of the mill.
Fisher Brothers opened their first plant in Stockton in 1916. They were formerly connected with the Richardson & Fisher Sash a-nd Door C6mpany at San D'iego.
Fire of an unknown origin, destroyed five dry kilns, other buildings and a quantity of dry lumber at the Samoa mill operated by the Ha,mmond Lumber Company.
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