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Random Editorial Ramblings
(Continued from Page 6.)
ing points. That's good business for the mills, and good business for the consluner. It is one of the signs of the times, and will continue at rapid pace. We believe that the end of 1929 will find the industry on a better plane and in better condition than it is today. One year of sensible operations brings a demand for more.
I read somewhere that California may consume less lumber ir1 1929 than it has in 1928. I don't believe it. I think California will considerably increase its lumber consumption next year over this year, and that the year to follorp will probably be another great b,ig year. To my notion, everything points that way. Don't overlook this old truismr. People buy the most lumber where they chew the most gum. fn other words, the more people there are, the more lumber they buy. California is rapidly filling up with people from everywhere. And more people need more lumber and building materials. The history of Chicago, New York, and every other cenler of civilization, proves that. * rl.
Just as well get this fact square in our minds. We will always have ups and downs in the lumber market, but this is certain, THAT THE CONSUMPTION OF LUMBER AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS IN CALIFORNIA IS GOING TO INCREASE STEADILY AND CERTAINLY AS THE STATE GROWS AND THE POPULATION INCREASES. We are going ahead in wonderful style to accomplish the purpose of having a solid civilization on the coast of California from San Francisco to San Diego. And that takes lumber, and it takes all sorts of building materials. Some of these days there will be fifteen millions of people living in the sunshine of California. They must have homes, and garages, and stores, and roads, and theatres, and atl the building needs of a great civilization. Just as well get ready to supply them, and get ready to sell more lumber in California t*han*evelbefore.
Understand, f have always believed, believe now, and will continue to believe, that the amount of building that will be doqe this year, next year, or any other year, depends directly on the quality and quantity of the effort to make people build. Dividing the business of the people who are going to build anyway never has and never will make the lumber business prosperous. We've got to buckle on our individual armour, get our decks cleared for action, decide on what and when and how we can do something to induce people to use more buildi4g material, and then go out to make 1929 a better year.
:N€ *
"Business is good-I make it good", doesn't mean that you get out and use your ingenuity to grab the lumber bill after the order develops without the aid of either you or your competitor. THAT never will make business good. THAT'S just like turning a lot of hogs loose in a melon natch. B,ecause one gets more than the other doesn't increase the crop. What we need in the lurnber business is a bigger crop.
4-Wheel Steer-4-Speeds Forward and Reoerse