Byron Bazaar - Corona Chronicles Vol #17, Thursday 6th August 2020

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together with friends and like-minded people. Venus, the love goddess unites with the North Node in Gemini. Fated meetings might take place and great ideas might be spun; not all of them will be practical, but at least there is a great deal of inspiration. On Saturday Lady Venus moves into homely, protective and nurturing Cancer, where she is very touchy/feely and at times a bit moody. She takes about a month to traverse the Cancerian realm. Internal conflict about whether to stay safe (Venus) or move forward heroically (Mars in Aries) could mess up your inner equilibrium during the weekend. If you are not sure where and how to invest your energy, cleaning up your space or engaging in some home renovation might be an excellent choice. Monday is not the day to raise difficult issues or ask for cooperation. Mercury in Leo is rather self-centred and forms a passionate firetrine to Chiron, which may open up old wounds. Also Mercury and Uranus are in a challenging square and some people might display a short fuse, in particular concerning issues of right/wrong. On top of that, an irritating Mars/Pluto square is building (exact 13/8) which can easily inflame strained relationships with authorities, superiors or anyone who tries to tell you what to do. For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.

Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela FOR AN APPOINTMENT: or text 0431 894 408









The Prince of Disks symbolises slow and steady, down-to-earth energy. With him by your side you may be able to transform your daily life to a pace that is very beneficial for your nervous system. You still get things done and actually might be more efficient because you don’t miss small details.

The 9 of Cups is a very social, happy and outgoing card. A get-together with friends and family before the weekend might uplift your spirit for quite a while and infuse you with profound wellbeing and a feeling of belonging. The more generously you give the more graciously you receive.


The 9 of Swords represents an overactive mind that may cause anxiety, suspicion and severe self-judgement. No matter what your worries or regrets are, being hard on yourself won’t make it better. As soon as you realise your destructive thoughts, ask yourself how you can change your inner self-talk to that of a good friend, rather than a worst enemy.


The Magician Tarot card promises an interesting and surprising week. Opportunities to create miracles might present themselves out of the blue and you may come closer to realising your true potential. Most important are setting your intentions, a steady mental focus, straightforward communication and excellent timing.

The 6 of Cups symbolises goodwill and acts of random kindness. Imagine yourself as a beacon of light that brings hope and reassurance into other’s lives. As you offer these you get a chance to receive much gratitude in return. Spending more time with children is especially delightful right now.

With the 4 of Wands drawn this is the week to tie up loose ends and bring a project or a chapter of your life to completion. It is important to realise when that moment arrives, because you easily get lost in small details. Your inner perfectionist could make you waste time and energy that would be better invested in looking for new opportunities.


The 6 of Wands speaks of triumph and success. As a Libran you can only experience the full satisfaction of it if you know that anyone else involved is also feeling good about the outcome. Your yardstick for a job well done is if you can create harmonious win/win situations, and this comes easily right now.


The 4 of Swords symbolises the process of exploring what keeps you stressed, anxious, on the edge or overwhelmed and how to take responsibility for it. This card proposes that you first look into your own heart and mind, to determine how to gain more inner peace and how to reconcile with yourself what is most important, before you relate to others.

With the Star Tarot card drawn you naturally boost your confidence without inflating the ego. You may encounter situations that make you aware of your boundaries and limits, but gently taking care of yourself allows you to direct your creative energies exactly where you want them to flow.

When the Wheel of Fortune appears you are granted an opportunity to turn things around and to get more of what you want. When you see a chance, don’t hesitate for too long. Don’t get stuck in worst case scenarios, rather focus on awakening to new possibilities and gaining a greater perspective with expanded possibilities.


The 7 of Disks symbolises rather limited and constricted energy, or a fear of failure which may render you unable to make a decisive move. It is a valuable process to assess your motivations and question your choices, but you have to make sure that you don’t get stuck in very old, self-sabotaging and restrictive patterns. Take the opportunity to move beyond them before you act.


With the Death Tarot card drawn you come to the end of the road and something has to give. You are entering a phase of profound change, transformation and renewal. It does not work to hang on right now or lament about what is lost; the more you resist the necessary endings, the more pain you feel. What would be your most exciting and expansive outlook right now?

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