P O L I T I C S , ECO N O M I C S & L AW
The Manner of Their Going Prime Ministerial Exits from Lynne to Abbott By Norman Abjorensen
The story of how all twenty-nine former Australian prime ministers lost their jobs. This book is for those who want to understand Australian politics today. Why does Australia change its prime ministers so often? Has the job of prime minister become more difficult? It has certainly become more insecure, with six changes in the eleven years between 2007 and 2018. This volume presents the story of how all twenty-nine former prime ministers lost their jobs to explore these questions.
Australian Scholarly Publishing • 9781925984064 • Paperback 284 pages • February 2020 • £30.00
Being Left-Wing in Australia Identity, Culture and Politics after Socialism By Geoff Robinson
Explores various aspect of the left-wing movement in Australia. This book examines the left-wing movement in Australia–from its rebirth as a force of government after the collapse of the socialist project in the eighties, to its issues grappling with the remnants of past radicalisms (such as Marxism and radical feminism) and new challenges (such as religious fundamentalism, right-wing populism, crisis in Indigenous communities, global economic crisis, and the rise of the Greens as a challenge to Labor).
Australian Scholarly Publishing • 9781925801798 • Paperback 408 pages • February 2020 • £30.00
Markets, Misconduct and the Technological Age Edited by David Chaikin
How digital disruption is refashioning the legal services market. In these essays, experts in financial crime, regulation, and markets provide an international analysis of the market for trusts and explain how digital disruption is refashioning the legal services market. They also explore how whistleblowing, as in the example of the Panama Papers, has undermined the offshore secrecy market; how technology has impacted insider-trading behaviour and the regulatory response, and why criminal risks posed by new technologies must be managed under global anti-money laundering standards.
Australian Scholarly Publishing • 9781925984248 • Paperback 150 pages • February 2020 • £30.00
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