Where It Begins August Issue

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entertainment movement despite Covid-19

V BOZEMAN Talks Her Rise about in the Industry and Her New

Single "Juicy" WIBMAGZ




Tameka Foster ................................................................ 04 Tiara Nicole .................................................................... 06 V Bozeman ...................................................................... 10 Young Sauce Da God ...................................................... 12 Kinyatta Gray .................................................................. 14 Aviator's Queenie ........................................................... 16 Emma G ........................................................................... 18 Brittney Holman .............................................................. 20 Jessica Golich ................................................................ 22 Dionne Mahaffey ............................................................ 22 Jaican .............................................................................. 26 Deliqua Isom ................................................................... 28 Keyondra Lockett ........................................................... 30 Siergio ............................................................................. 32 Brittany Bloom ................................................................ 34 Jassi Rideaux ................................................................. 36 Brandi Riggins ................................................................ 38 Jayla Ores ....................................................................... 40 Jasmine Pope ................................................................. 42 Theo Mack ...................................................................... 44 Big Ray Vangroove ......................................................... 46 Khaled Abdelghany ........................................................ 48 Emily Ballhouse .............................................................. 50 Fly Guy DC ....................................................................... 52 SoulStress ....................................................................... 54

















Founder – Cece Hymes

W.I.B (Where It Begins) is an Independent agency with the aim to always be innovate in each approach taken to projects and making sure excellence is given in a projects execution when it comes to media marketing, branding, networking and management. Founded by the well experienced and ever growing force; D.C native - Cece Hymes, the most important and integral aspect of W.I.B is that branding for both Creatives and Businesses is taken to the next level with each and every project undertaken.


We’ve continued to represent a very diverse and well acclaimed roster of emerging talents in the entertainment, and businesses!


With a determined persistence for continued excellence, our Founder – Cece Hymes, with a college Degree in Business Management, has also worked within radio and with many companies such as: RDE Entertainment, H.I.G.H Entertainment and Caribbean Gospel Records Ltd.,



“ I love the “pace” I guess that’s why it never seems overwhelming. I love working the Red Carpets. It’s very fast paced, and you have to be able to navigate your client towards the right interviews and ready for the next. ”




Q. It is an honor to Interview you please tell the audience who Tameka is? A. I’m a woman, mother, an entrepreneur, someone that is always striving to better herself from the day before. I take each day one day at a time And I strive toward greatness every day. Q. How do you balance all your endeavors? A. Have a lot on my plate, I just make time. My children always come first, but aside from that I continue to work on my projects, because all that I do is ultimately to strengthen my legacy for them. I’m not perfect, but I am proud of the woman that I am today. Q. Tell us about “Kile's World Foundation”? A. The Kile’s World Foundation was founded in March 2013, in honor of my son Kile. Initially our mission was to gift children in underserved communities with the opportunity to learn performing and fine arts. In light of today’s climate, we have shifted our focus too children that perform good deeds, we want to reward children that do random acts of kindness or help others. I am praying that the message of spreading love and kindness is the way to go. Q. What is your new normal due to Covid 19? A. In terms of slowing down, Covid 19 has been a blessing. It has allowed me to reassess my priorities, for the past 60 days I have been working on my memoir. This is a project that I started in 2011 and now I am at 15 chapters. Very proud of myself, I should be finished writing within the next week. I have also been doing online webinars one style, I honestly like the more slowed down version of myself, the quality time with my children has been priceless.

Q. Tell us some of the great opportunities and challenges you’ve had being a Fashion Designer? A. I have worked primarily as a fashion stylist; However, I have designed looks for tours and my clients. I have a jacket line called Cult de Jour. As a stylist I have had many opportunities to work with some of my favorite brilliant artists and been afforded the opportunity to travel all over the world doing something that I love. The projects really didn’t feel like work often times. Q. What are some of your other hobbies? A. I’m a passport stamper. I love to travel. Wanderlust has given me new perspective and introduced me to so many different cultures. I also like to dance, collect caftans, and decorate. Q. What or who inspired you to be the woman you are today? A. Had some amazing women in my family, I’m blessed to still have my 96-year-old Aunt Sadie who has been a bit of a mentor and life coach to me, I worked in her boutique as a little girl and She’s always been my muse in terms of fashion. My mother, sister Yolanda and grandmothers we’re also huge influences over my life.

Q. What projects are you working on right now? A. I am feverishly working to complete my memoir, I also have an animated project called “The Odd Life of Kile Lyles” which is based on nuclear, Black family unit with a boy that experiences life as a middle child, yet he has a special gift that his family knows nothing about. I am still designing my Cult de Jour jackets and I also recently launched a website for my virtual closet organization services. I’m keeping very busy, lots of great projects on the horizon. Q. Can you give any advice to others that want to be a Fashion Designer? A. My advice to aspiring designers or stylists would be to find someone in the field to intern for, the experience that you can gain through internship can really propel your career to the next level. Never count on trends, have your own unique style and always be on time. Q. Where can the audience follow you? A. I have IG, FB and TW: @tamekafoster /@tamekaraymond





Q. Tell the audience Who you are and Where you’re from? A. My name is Tiara Nicole Riley and I am a motivational speaker, 3-time published author, and a business coach! Personally, I am a Christian, a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. (Fall 2010), I am a competitive cheer coach, I am an angel mom (Christopher and Christian, 10.27.16), an auntie of 8, and a big sister! I am from the DMV area, but I currently reside in Charlotte NC! Q. How do you balance all your Endeavors? A. I find balance in all that I do by ensuring I’m doing what I’m supposed to do, not just what is a good idea. Understanding the difference between a God thing and a good thing has helped me minimize stress and accomplish all that I’ve been put on this earth to accomplish in this time. When you’re doing what God told you to do, He’ll make provisions and that includes energy, I had to learn that one the hard way. When things are feeling overwhelming or stressful, I ask myself am I doing too much? Plus, I’m intentional about consistency and automation, if it

can be scheduled in advance I do so! Additionally, I have a very consistent self-care routine that allows me to accomplish all that I have on my plate. My week is structured intentionally to ensure there’s order to the chaos, this has been increasingly important as I’ve transitioned to a full-time entrepreneur. I take at least one day a week off to rest, I start my day focused on myself for at least 2 hours. I’m very intentional about where I choose to spend my time and energy and most importantly, I mind my business. You’d be surprised how much of your stress comes from things that has nothing to do with you or you have no control over. I focus on what I can control… nothing more nothing less! Q. What kind of inspiration can you give the audience as a Coach? A. Chase your dreams fiercely, there is someone connected to your purpose that is waiting on you to do the very thing you KNOW you’re supposed to be doing. Fear often cripples us, but instead learn to embrace the fear and do it scared. Fear is just an

emotion, but we often give it too much power. Just like sadness, anger, hunger, joy, and all the other emotions are tools for communication…so is fear and if you learn to use it as a tool and not a roadblock, you’ll see the results you’re looking for. Be consistent. You’d be surprised what consistency can get you! I’d rather you spend 30 minutes a day working on your dreams than to spend 4 hours once and never touch that dream again. You may not see the results right away but one day you’ll look up and see the fruits of your labor, be consistent anyway! Have accountability! Give those around you the permission to hold you accountable to do what you said you wanted to do. There should be someone who can ask you the tough questions and push back when you start making excuses. Hire a coach, because you don’t know what you don’t know. Yes, you can Google and YouTube your way through, but if you were given the choice between a paper map and a GPS,



you’d take the GPS right? Hire a coach! Even as a coach myself I have coaches, mentors, and accountability partners…it really makes a difference! Q. Tell us about your Journey being a Speaker, Author and Coach? A. My journey to each of those titles is one that I was almost thrusted into, and I’m so grateful for it! There were people in my life who saw more in me than I could see for myself and gave me the nudge I needed to step into my true purpose! I became an author because I realized my story could help someone else. My first book (23… And Finally Loving Me) started as a journaling process when I decided to spend my 23rd year of life focused on my growth and healing. It wasn’t even intended to be a book as far as I knew, but God had other plans. Fast forward 2 years later, a lady at my church said her daughter was struggling with depression and suicide and didn’t know how to help her child. I let her know that I had suffered through both and she could call if I could help in any way. A few weeks later her daughter had been date raped and consequently attempted to take her own life. The mother called and I was able to help her communicate with her daughter, understand her daughter’s perspective better, and help to translate her daughter’s words and actions in a way the mother could understand. It was in that moment I knew my story had value in this world and it would be selfish of me to keep it to myself. I became a speaker because my sorority president at the time wanted to host a women’s empowerment event for our chapter. I offered to coordinate the event and do the groundwork because I believed in her vision and wanted to see it come to pass. She casually mentioned “I wonder if anyone in our chapter is an author?” and I let her know that my first book would be published by then and she immediately stated that I need to be speaking as well! Although I had spoken in public before (your purpose always leaves breadcrumbs), this was the first time I stood on stage as a Motivational Speaker. That day I knew this was my true God-given purpose! Finally, I became a business coach because I saw a need that I could serve. People kept asking me how I did this or that and I decided to create a service that could help other business owners create a sustainable foundation for themselves. The content I use to this day was created because I asked



my audience, what do you need help with? How can I serve you? And now I’m able to pull from those experiences and create customized experiences for my clients to ensure they’re growing in the way they individually need to grow! The best part about being a business coach is seeing their businesses grow and thrive, I feel like their results are my results! Q. What is a big challenge you have had in life? Surviving the grief of miscarriage is the biggest challenge I’ve ever had to face

in my life. I’ve always wanted to be a mother and for my first (and only) pregnancy to end tragedy it literally broke my heart, I’m not sure it’s ever beat the same since. In 2016 I was pregnant with twins and on my 25th birthday I found out one of my sons had been dead for 6 weeks and the other son was suffering as a result. After three weeks of every test imaginable, on October 27th , I learned that because of Christian’s miscarriage, Christopher suffered an extensive amount of brain damage. I made

the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make and decided to induce my labor because I knew Christopher didn’t deserve to live life full of pain and suffering with no relief in sight. I chose to break my own heart so that my child wouldn’t suffer. And that heartbreak has never really healed fully, I’m not sure if it ever really does. But as I walked away from my children in the hospital room, I made a silent promise that there would be purpose from that pain and their life would have meaning. I promised them that I would spend the rest of my life living in a way that would make them proud. Christopher and Christian are my biggest “why” and they push me even when I don’t feel like it. There are very few resources for HOW to process grief, despite miscarriage happening to 1 in 4 women (and the people connected to them). Even beyond miscarriage there was very little information for how to handle grief in general, and people die every day. So, one day my mother challenged me to be the resource I needed when I was suffering most, and from that my 3rd book (Life After Loss) was born. I also run my nonprofit Life After Loss aimed at providing tangible resources to help people create a productive life after loss of any kind. Q. What are some of your other hobbies? A. Sleep! Y’all I love sleep! I also love food…it’s the only reason I work out consistently! Going out to eat is my favorite addiction, and every time someone asks to go eat…I always say yes! If you ever need a food buddy, PLEASE call me! For me, I prefer the experience of eating in the restaurant, take out doesn’t do the same thing for me. I could’ve just cooked at home for that matter. While it’s not a “hobby” of mine I am a pretty good cook! But I prefer to cook for others. Food is an experience for me, so I rather do it with people I care about. Competitive cheerleading is a lifestyle and I liveeeeeeee for it! Being a coach to the sport I love is such a rewarding experience! I know what my coaches meant to me growing up, and if I can be even 1/3 of that to my cheerleaders, I know I’m doing my part in this world. I love TV shows and movies. Especially reality tv! Give me all the love and hip hop (the entire franchise, although Atlanta is my fave). I also love movies based on true stories, especially when those stories involve black history!

Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go? A. As long as it’s warm…count me in! Literally! Q. What projects are you working on right now? A. My podcast (Chasing Dreams Podcast), season 2 is airing now but I’m working on recording for season 3! My nonprofit is preparing for our FOURTH annual #LovingMe conference in Charlotte, NC Sept 18-20! We are also hosting FREE virtual workshops every month, except September… we’ll be a little busy with the conference that month! I’m working on my 4th book, more details will be dropping soon! I’m back in school…again! I have my bachelor’s in psychology and my master’s in HR management…I’m not sure who told me to go back for a graduate certificate in project management, but here we are! I’m also working on expanding my coaching services! Q. What or Who inspired you to be the woman you are today? A. I’m inspired by so many people! I try to take the good from everyone I encounter! My unofficial mentors are Beyoncé, Oprah, Kandi Burrus, Michelle Obama, and Lisa Nichols. All of these women are black women who have first generation wealth, and all took their natural talents and ability and honed their crafts. That means it’s possible for me too! I also come from a history of entrepreneurs. My mother has owned her accounting business for 20 years and is now a Jackson Hewitt franchisee…all as a single mother! My mom’s mom is a writer and has been her whole life. My dad’s sister has been a hairdresser for as far as I can remember. My dad’s aunt owns multiple massage envy franchises. My dad’s dad used to be a motivational speaker. When I think about where I come from… entrepreneurship was literally in my DNA!. I’m also inspired by my circle! I’m surrounded by so many dope people doing some dope things in this world! In my immediate circle I have a medical doctor, an attorney, a psychologist, a principal, a few financial experts, a pastor, and a string of business owners. And although most of my close friends don’t all do the same things, they

inspire me to show up in this world as the best version of myself! Surround yourself by people who require you to level up a bit and walk on your tip toes trying to keep up! I’m in complete awe of the people who God chose to bring into my world! Then I’m inspired by the next generation. So not only my twins and what they mean to me as a mother and a woman. But also, my baby sister (who’s not a baby anymore…). She’s in college learning to be a film director and is chasing her dreams, it’s my goal to be the best example of #BlackGirlMagic I could possibly be for her! I want to be able to fund her dreams when she’s finished with school, and that pushes me like no other! Plus, my 8 nieces and nephews and my future children. I want to be able to pay for their education or invest in their businesses and help them get it off the ground. That inspires me to keep pushing because the next generation needs me! Q. Where can the fans follow you at? A. Website: TiaraNicoleRiley.com LifeAfterLoss.me  IG @TiaraNicoleRiley @LifeAfterLossNonProfit YT Tiara Nicole Riley

TW FB LIn

Life After Loss Nonprofit @TIaraNicoleRile Tiara Nicole Riley Tiara Nicole Riley

“ ... I’m surrounded by so many dope people doing some dope things in this world! In my immediate circle I have a medical doctor, an attorney, a psychologist, a principal, a few financial experts, a pastor, and a string of business owners... ” WIBMAGZ




Q. It is a pleasure to interview with you please tell the audience who you are and where you’re from? A. My name is V Bozeman. I’m a native of SouthCentral LA. I’m a singer, songwriter, actress, model, and use my platform for the good of my people and the world as a whole. Q. Who are the people who have been your number one supporters? A. My mother has definitely been my number one supporter from day one as well as my best friends Tricia and Ijeoma. My management team at Artistry Group which I consider family are also strong supporters of my journey. Monica Payne and Max Gousse have been guiding me for a while now and I wouldn’t be here without their guidance and dedication. They’ve curated a team at Artistry that are passionate, focused, young, and have a fresh perspective in cultivating artist in the industry and current climate. Q. Can you tell me about your single “Juicy”? A. “JUICY” is a feel-good summer bop!! Sumthin for everybody to Groove to during these heavy times. It’s a sample from MTume’s original “JUICY” and my producer Jim Beanz put his twist to it. It’s “femininity meets hip hop” w/ a west coast flair. Something for the homegirls to enjoy and feel sexy their sexiest when they hear it. Q. What do you do on your spare time? A. I’m always thinking about my next move and plotting in my spare time. Lol. I like to stay creative and work on my mind, body, and spirit. Q. Tell us about the experience you had being on the BET Soul Train Awards with Teddy Riley? A. The experience was magical. Teddy is the originator of a whole genre of music which we know as “New Jack Swing” it was an honor to have shared the stage with royalty. That’s what Teddy is - Royalty.

Q. What have been one of your biggest accomplishment you have had? A. My biggest accomplishment is me being able to still do this. I get to live my dream with passion and peace of mind. It’s nice being able to recognize myself after all the things I’ve been through and be proud of that. I’m as strong as ever and that’s an accomplishment in itself surging this industry. Q. What are some of the challenges you’ve had in the music industry? A. I would say the business aspect of it and not letting it get in the way of my creative spirit. Also readjusting to the constant changes that artist deal with as far as the climate of the industry. You have to work 10 times harder than ever to stay relevant. It’s a whole new world and a whole entirely new industry. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A. I see myself as a solid universal brand. An artist that’s known and has the reputation to touch the hearts and souls of the people Q. What projects are you working on? A. I’m working on my EP right now. I’m about 75% done and very proud of what’s been created so far. It’s definitely going to be an amazing body of work for the homegirls. Q. Tell us where the fans can follow you at? A. You can follow me on:  FB: @vbozeman  IG: @vbozeman  TW: @vbozemanmusic  YT: VBozeman make sure you like, share, and subscribe.





YOUNG SAUCE DA GOD “ ... you get a chance to see some of your favorite artist and also you get a opportunity to perform on the same stage and you have the chance to gain a lot of new fans.”

Q. Tell us about the EP “Back 2 Da Basics”? A. My new Ep titled ‘Back 2 Da Basics’ is my introduction to the music world and me telling my story. Q. What are some of your other hobbies? A. My hobbies beside music Include Acting and playing sports.

Q. Tell everyone about Young Sauce Da God? A. I’m an underground independent Hip Hop artist from Ohio/North Carolina. Q. What made you want to be a rapper? A. I wanted to become a rapper because I have a deep passion for music, and I love creating records and making music for the people. Q. Who is one of your biggest inspiration? A. One of my biggest inspirations I would have to say is Jay-Z. Q. You have opened up for some of the biggest names in the Hip-Hop Industry tell us about that experience? A. The Experience was real amazing because you get a chance to see some of your favorite artist and also you get a opportunity to perform on the same stage and you have the chance to gain a lot of new fans.

Q. Tell us about your new single and also is that one of your favorite songs you have? A. My new Single Ride wit me Feat Hot Handz is one of my favorite songs because it has a dope beat and chorus to go along with great lyrics. Q. What makes your music style different than others? A. I think my style is different because I'm bringing lyrics with a never heard before delivery over dope beats and I feel that I can connect with all audiences. Q. Tell everyone where they can follow you? A. You can follow me on:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Youtube &  Sound Cloud:

@youngsauce_dagod @YoungSauceDaGod @YoungSauceDaGod



“ I support the protesting and the constructive social activism. I’m incredibly proud of this generation of strong, educated and resilient people from all backgrounds who are fighting for justice and equal rights that POC have been denied for too long.”



Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. It’s my pleasure. I am Kinyatta Gray and I’m from Washington, D.C. I am a published author and the C.E.O. and Creator of Flights In Stilettos, LLC. Q. Tell us about your book “30 Days: Surviving the Trauma and Unexpected Loss of a Single Parent as an Only Child”? A. My first published book is often referred to as “30 Days”. This book takes you on an emotional journey because it details my thoughts, feelings and experiences 30 days prior to my mother’s sudden and unexpected death, without knowing I was actually living in my mother’s last 30 days on earth. My book also describes in vivid detail, the anguish I suffered during my mom’s 2-week hospital stay leading up to the day that she took her last breath. Q. What or Who inspired you to be an Author? A. I began writing this book about 6-months after my mother (who was a single parent) suddenly and unexpectedly passed away in October 2018. I am her only surviving family member. She was adopted, and her adoptive parents transitioned before I was born. Having to face life without my mom and no maternal family members were unbearable and traumatic. My entire world as I once knew it had been tossed upside down. In light of my mom not having any other family members to help me keep her memory alive, I became fearful that people would soon forget about my mother. So, I began to think about how I could honor her legacy and keep her memory alive. My mom was a writer, songwriter, and playwright. However, her dream was to become a published author. Unfortunately, she was not able to complete that dream before she transitioned, So I went the rest of the way for her and became a published author. My book ‘”30 Days” is dedicated to her memory. Q. What was a challenge for you when you wrote this book? A. The biggest challenge for me was reliving the moments between October 8 and October 21, 2018. This was the time period that my mom was hospitalized until she transitioned. Once I wrote the book, it took me several weeks to actually read and

digest what I had just written because again, I had to revisit horrific and painful memories. The only reason that I was able to complete this book is the belief that I was making my mother proud by becoming a published author. That was my “why” and that’s what gave me the motivation to press forward with publishing my book. Q. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? A. I would travel to Kericho, Kenya. I’d travel to Kenya because my mom traveled there about 15 years ago on a mission trip and was very beloved by the people she was there to serve. My mom stayed in contact with a woman who was running an unofficial orphanage (this was of course dear to mother who was adopted). I knew how much my mother loved the people of Kericho, and therefore 100% of the money that I received in cards at my mother’s funeral was donated to the

lady running the orphanage in Kenya. Yes, all these years later, she was still running the orphanage with new abandoned children. The people of Kericho paid homage to my mom after she transitioned and told me that I have a home there and that I am their sister. Q. How do you feel about everything that’s going on with the Covid-19 and the protesting? A. I feel extremely concerned about COVID-19 and saddened by the devastation it has caused. I have several friends who have lost parents to this deadly virus and I personally have family members who have contracted the virus and survived. I currently still take precautions and require that anyone in my immediate family take precautions in order to remain safe and healthy. I support the protesting and the constructive social activism. I’m incredibly proud of this generation of strong, educated and resilient people from all backgrounds who are fighting for justice and equal rights that POC have been denied for too long. Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. I love shoes (stilettos) more than I love food! LOL Q. What new projects are you working on? A. I recently released a new eBook titled “So You Want To Be An Author: A Step by. Step for Aspiring Authors”. This eBook provides 10 important steps for an aspiring author who wants to publish their first book. I’m also preparing for a virtual press event for the launch of my 2020 Glam Girl Beach Towels! Q. What advice would you give to your younger self in order to pursue today’s society? A. I would tell my younger self to soak up the wisdom and love from my mom. Memorize those sayings and quotes that your mom said because those are the breadcrumbs you’ll need to follow on the biggest journey you’ll ever take – called life. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. Thank you for asking. I’m on:  Instagram: @kinyattagraytheauthor @flightsinstilettos.



Q. It is and honor to interview with you can you tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. They call me Aviator’s Queenie of the music recording group “The Aviator’s Club”, born and “grown” in the nation’s capital of Washington DC. I’m very proud to be a Washington native and resident, obviously, it’s one of the greatest cities in the world as far as I’m concern. Q. What or Who inspired you to be in the music industry? A. There’s a mix of influences that have created my singer, songwriter, businesswoman mentality…the funny thing is, they’re all men. My father was in a band with his brothers growing up. He has a smooth Luther Vandross tone, its slightly higher, but listening to him always encouraged me to sing along. My favorite bandmate turned producer; Julian Nixon was the first person to spur the writing aspect of my life. His compositions spurred my interested in good writing. Finally, my husband, quit his job as an electrician to pursue his passion of becoming a master tailor. He needed a game plan, marketing strategy and content. Together we’ve educated one another on moving forward as small business “designers”. I say designers because it seems you really have to build a look, a feel, an experience when you’re presenting your creations to the world. Q. Let’s talk about how you came up with the name “Aviator Queenie and “The Aviators Club” and the meanings?



A. LOL! Oh, my goodness! My first job after college, a co-worker of mine would always smile and comment that I’m a tiny, little, boss woman, and he dubbed me “Queenie”. I’ve had that nickname for a long time. Working with Julian Nixon, and Brian Jones, the three of us writing, producing, and performing in 2009, during the era of everyone being “so fly”, “so high”, “feels like I’m taking off”…The Aviator’s Club seemed to be the only way to describe what we were doing. Aviation is literally a lifestyle in the clouds aboard a plane…we didn’t view ourselves of ever coming down, you know…just living above it all. So fast forward to a society that is “social

media”. I had to come up with a way to be me and yet unique enough to never have my social media handles blend with a gang of other Queenie’s. Simply put, I belong to “The Aviator’s Club” …I AM Aviator’s Queenie. (Don’t come for me…we all view ourselves differently. LOL) Q. What are some things you want to accomplish in the next 5 years? A. 5-year plan for Queenie, includes more music for sure, but I’ve been enjoying the challenge of writing for others. I hear songs in other people’s voices, and from other people’s vibes sometimes. I found that to bring me joy…making up their melody and their emotions, their struggles/pain, even their love. I want to write the songs that don’t make sense for me to sing them. I must learn an instrument, I can mimic sounds with my voice of course, but I want to be a part of that exclusive club where they manipulate a piece of machinery. LOL. Guitar, I think. And of course, prove I can help develop and promote the talent of others through this record label. I guess the only proof will be to show I can make it lucrative. Help folks with a talent make a living from their skills, talent, god given gifts, whichever of these you feel music comes from. Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. Aviator’s Queenie has unlimited hidden talents (if I ever was forced to toot my own horn with fun facts). I’m a poet, a painter, I write short stories, I do commercial and residential volunteer construction work (both electrical and painting), I do nails and hair, I’ve tried my hand at standup

comedy but never presented my first comedy set, I have a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, I research almost every small bit of information that comes before my eyes and ears… and finally I’m a nerd, because you asked for one and I gave you several. Q. Tell us about “Unexpected Originals”? A. Shouts, “UO!!” Unexpected Originals (UO) is my baby. Finally, an independent music label that’s not designed to take advantage of people. I created UO music label as a means to recruit the quiet talents. A way to share what I’ve learn through research with gifted people who want their creations heard, and are consistent in self-motivation to write, produce, perform, etc. The name comes from the last band I was a part of UNEXPECTED. We performed around the DC area. I considered us a group of musical thinkers, always trying to surprise a crowd with song choices or playing styles. It makes for a good transitional name. Originals. So instead of performing covers, we’re creating something with these artists from scratch. We’re doing as much in house as we can. We’re building a musical family that can sit at the table and help one another with lyrics, with instrumentation, with composition…it’s going to be respected for its “WOMAN RUN” leadership, and its quiet takeover based on lasting tunes. Q. What projects are you working on right now? A. The Aviator’s Club has its first EP coming out called “The Freshman Class”. This is unique in having all the artist on the label contribute to its song selection. It’s the first compiled effort in a few years that puts everyone’s talent out there in a group environment. Kind of the way “the Notebook” was presented. There were so many musicians that came in and out of tracks, various singers, with the same core writers. It’s like a do over for 2020. The first album was distributed via hard copy in 2010, then rebranded for the digital world in 2018. A big “sumpn” is coming! Q. What is one of your biggest accomplishment? A. My biggest accomplishment would have to be the “Aviator’s Queenie” album. It’s self-titled for a reason. I was

truly on my own in making it happen. Farming the music that would be used, I wrote 90% of the songs featured besides “Precipitation”, which was written for me by Tyrone Dantley, and my first co-write “Better Than Us” which had to be the “most funniest” (LOL) song and my personal favorite that I shared with fellow artist Kevin Exclusives and JM. The Aviator’s Queenie album broke away from the lighter airy presentation of the Notebook’s songs, and helped the audience see a vocally versatile and sometimes serious writing style that I’m capable of producing. Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go? A. If I could go anywhere, I’d want to go to Australia! Something about the words “down under” and the threat of extreme heat, and the visuals of the aboriginal people (I’m not sure if it’s politically correct to desire to see an indigenous group of people, it’s not like I travel to native American reserves here, so I hope saying that’s the reason isn’t offensive. I think they are extremely beautiful.) Q. Where can the audience follow you at? A. The Aviator’s Club music is available on all streaming services including Pandora Radio, YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. Aviator’s Queenie is the social media handle for Instagram, Facebook, SoundCloud, YouTube, and Twitter. If you want to get a 360 degree view of all things Queenie then Unexpected Originals is the social media handle for Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for updates and clips, Sound trap to collaborate with me as a writer/producer and Ko-fi to support the financial efforts. To purchase “The Aviator’s Club” merchandise, visit :  unitedmasters.com/the-aviator-s-club.






Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. My name is Emma G – the G is for whatever resonates with me on the day – sometimes Goddess – sometimes gangsta – always Girl Power But seriously; my last name is too long and complicated because it hails from Iran, but I was born in New Zealand as a dual citizen between there and the States. My father was from Fiji, and my grandmother’s lineage hails from Norway! I’m a singer/songwriter/artivist, and I just released my thirteenth single as a solo Goddess-rock artist here in Washington DC. I used to be the front person of a hard rock band in New Zealand called Static Era; but after coming in the Top 10 of X-Factor New Zealand, I decided it was time I took advantage of my dual citizenship and follow my dreams in the bigger pond that is the States! Q. Tell us about your single “Time’s Up for the Bad Stuff”? A. Oh man – that seems like forever ago! I wrote Time’s Up for the Bad Stuff after being asked to perform for a six-year old’s birthday – her celebration was to protest outside of The Whitehouse with 100 of her friends! That’s my kind of kid! Anyway, her sign said, “Time’s Up for the Bad Stuff”, and I figured – why not write a song especially for her to celebrate her birthday? She ended up making headlines all over the world, and I thought “why not release the single while we’re at it?”. I’m very proud of that song. It’s super catchy, and full of important issues. However, SINCE THEN I’ve also released - PROUD [Jan 10 – written for my father who

passed away in January 2018], - Living Proof [Jan 17 – written for Marianne Williamson], - Chasing Love Songs [Feb 27], - Be Brave [April 2 – about moving to DC, and now about how we need to be during 2020. These are STRANGE times!], - My Fire [April 10], - Save you From Yourself [May 22] - and now You Can’t Control the Night [July 10]. Q. What is one of your biggest accomplishments you have had being in the music industry? A. Thus far; the fact that I’ve been able to sustain myself as a full-time musician in Washington DC is pretty epic! Releasing 13 singles, being featured on PBS, Fox5 and even appearing on The Daily Show…. Doing a show alongside Dave Chappelle, and playing at The Kennedy Center… performing songs about respect, diversity and love at the 4th of July Parade, and – of course – the National Cherry Blossom Parade! Q. What is one of your biggest challenges working in the music industry? A. The music industry tends to have a very competition-based mindset. I’m much more of a coopetition mindset. But I believe with every challenge comes an opportunity, so I decided to establish the Capitol Groove Collective in early 2018 to redesign the mindset of musicians at least in the DMV. Because I believe in teamwork – after all, “Together We Rise”. Q. I also see that you appeared on “CBC News” and “Radio Live New Zealand” how was that experience? A. Ha! CBC was so surreal! I was getting ready to perform in the 4th of July parade, and my best friend Janine Krippner had come along to support me. Janine is a world-renowned volcanologist who comes from a neighboring town to mine back in New Zealand, but she currently lives in Silver Spring, So to have her there was incredible! But then, of course, she tweeted about my performance and it was almost as if every media publication started blowing up both of our phones to get an interview, given how tumultuous the political world is here in the States. But both interviews were great! It’s surreal how much support media has given my music these last five years. I’m incredibly grateful. Q. Who or What inspired you to get into the music industry? A. My mum said I was born singing and making up songs, but I think a huge

contributing factor was the fact that I was born with serious health complications that have resulted in me having 24 surgeries in my life – including 10 brain surgeries. Music was my go-to, because not only does it work both sides of the brain [perfect for dealing with brain damage!], but also it helped me to connect with myself and communicate with others even though I was a bit of a freak. I’m still a bit of a freak. But I’m proud of it now. Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. I used to do bodybuilding – oh! And I studied to be a mechanic years ago! Q. Are you working on any new projects? A. You know it! 2020 is my year of releasing new music every six weeks. So, while I’ve just released my 13th single: [You Can’t] Control the Night; my 14th comes out on.14th [Slow Motion], 0 my 15th on September 25th [Mad for You], my 16th on November 6th [Every Little Bit], and a surprise one on the 18th for Christmas! In saying that, on August 7th, the musicians collective that I founded: Capitol Groove Collective, is releasing our first collaborative project: an artivist anthem called DIG DEEP. Q. What advice would you give to your younger self in order to pursue today’s society? A. Stop caring so much about people and the boxes they try to place you in. You’re only in competition with yourself, and if you improve on yourself 1% every day, by the end of the year: you will have improved 36,000%. GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY, DIG DEEPER AND LOVE YOURSELF UNAPOLOGETICALLY!!! Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. Everyone can join my mailing list from my website  emmagmusic.com or follow me:  @EmmaGmusic  [I just hit 1000 followers!], Twitter, and Facebook!





Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and where you’re from? A. I am Brittney LaShe Holman a 27-year-old author, entrepreneur, influencer, and mentor to many. I’m the owner of Measure Up Studio, Lavish Looks and serves as the Founder and President of I Am Lavish Foundation, Inc. The titles of my books are “Learning Who Father”; and “The No Touch Zone”. I am ambitious, resourceful, and passionate in creating opportunities for those that I empower and whom I serve. In my spare time I enjoys researching, traveling and making good use of the many talents I’ve created with my hands.

victims. It starts with Promise getting a talk from her mother about the need to protect her privates and the importance of telling someone older if she is ever a victim. Ezekiel tries to coerce her into letting him touch her. He even brags about his success stories and it is discovered that he is being sexually abused by his sister friend. Sarah, who is also his classmate, falls victim to his coercion and gets hurt. The school authorities are made aware of it, with the help of Promise and they handle the case accordingly. Q. What made you want to write about teenage experiences? A. I use all of my personal experiences to inspire the youth, In a way I didn’t know how to express myself at their age.

Q. What is a big challenge writing about Q. Tell us about your book “The No teenagers? Touch Zone”? A. The biggest challenge I have writing “The No Touch Zone” is one, which about teenagers is staying up to date with enlightens us about the existence of the way they speak and making things age sexual abuse among the young and appropriate for them to read. how both males and females are Q. What is one of your greatest accomplishments? A. One of my greatest accomplishments would be that I do all things in the spirit of excellence, and putting my best foot forward at being a servant, influence, and role model to many. Q. Can you tell us one fun fact about Brittney? A. I am an outspoken, friendly individual who enjoys entertaining and being with her friends. Q. Who is one of your biggest inspirations? A. My biggest inspiration would be my first cousin Tiffany Johnson-Womack. She’s a fulltime wife, mother of 2, author and a successful operator of serial businesses. Q. What projects are you working on right now? A. My current projects I am currently working on is my newest book “Learning Who Father Is” and I Am Lavish Foundation Outreach Center. Q. What advice can you give to others that want to be an author? A. Don’t over think it, make a bullet list of what you’ll like to say, write your WHO, WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE. And write your book. Q. Where can everyone get your books and follow you? A. Amazon and www.brittneylashe.org



Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. Thank you so much for having me! My name is Jessica Golich and I am a Cannabis Entrepreneur and Music Photojournalist based in Detroit. I have interviewed, photographed and covered well over 1000+ global musicians around the world including Snoop Dogg, Cardi B, Jeezy, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Bone Thugs-N- Harmony, Quavo, Wiz Khalifa, Playboi Carti, Maroon 5, Busta Rhymes, Normani, Lil Yachty, 21 Savage and many more along with major music festivals such as Coachella and High Times Cannabis Cup. I began my journey as a Freelance Journalist in January 2016 for a major publication and then went independent and launched my own, Life Beyond The Music, in October of 2018 in which I was able to carry out the continued success into my independent endeavors. I was able to parlay my success in the music industry into an opportunity to begin working in the Cannabis Industry in the beginning of 2019 and have loved every bit of it. I have worked with some of the biggest cannabis brands in the world and look forward to continuing to share my healing journey with cannabis. Q. How does the cannabis interacts/Influences the Hip Hop world?




A. Hip-Hop and Cannabis go hand in hand. Some of the greatest Hip-Hop and Rap musicians in the world are huge connoisseurs of cannabis and the creative process while working on their music is surrounded by cannabis use. I’ve smoked on stage with some of the greats and know that their teams live and breathe around ensuring that top- shelf cannabis is always stocked! Hip-Hop artists and entrepreneurs around the world have extended their brands to create their own cannabis lines that reflect the culture and energy that they share and build through their music and community. We listen to the relationship between Cannabis and Hip-Hop daily as the joint culture of both has served as a staple pillar of growth as we continue to experience the evolution of the cannabis industry.

Q. What is your opinion on the incarceration population for cannabis related charges? A. That’s a great question that leads me back into something I wrote recently. Freedom is a privilege that I am learning to not take for granted every day. The federal decriminalization of cannabis would increase tax revenue, provide investment opportunities for entrepreneurs and so much more. We live in a time where there are human beings spending huge portions of their lives behind bars for a nonviolent “crime” stemming from a therapeutic plant that is steadily becoming more recreational and medicinally used throughout society. I encourage everyone to check out Last Prisoner Project to educate yourself on criminal justice reform and how you can help raise awareness in your community. Q. In what ways is cannabis beneficial to your health? A. Cannabis can be consumed in a variety of forms and I always recommend that each individual uses online educational resources such as Leafly to dive into what they are interested in using Cannabis and CBD for therapeutically as each of our human bodies and minds react differently to the plant as it reflects our natural state. Personally, I am in the best mental and physical shape of my adult life due to incorporating a daily Cannabis and CBD regimen that is focused on deriving the holistic benefits of the plant according to my body & unique makeup.

cannabis is a better natural healer than prescription medicine. When cannabis is grown organically and tended to throughout the stages of the cannabis plant growth cycle, the plant can be used and prescribed medicinally depending on your states laws to transform lives and treat those experiencing everything from cancer to multiple sclerosis to anxiety and even the common cold through alternative ingesting methods such as topicals. Pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors are loaded with toxins that can hemically alter an individual’s brain and body. Think about how all prescription pill commercials commonly conclude with a long list of side effects with the speaker’s volume lower than the background music; you don’t face those extreme side effects with responsible medical cannabis use. Q. How has cannabis been beneficial to you?

my core and aligned with the healing benefits that come from cannabis that have positively served to better my life. Q. Tell us about some of the experiences you have had being a concert photographer? A. I have been so fortunate to have had so many memorable experiences with musicians over the past few years. One that truly stands out to me is my experience photographing Snoop Dogg. I had the opportunity to photograph Snoop at his concert in Detroit back in January and it turned out great; Snoop was smoking on stage and the whole crowd was energized by the show. I got a call the next morning about Snoop still being in town and doing a meet and greet with his fans at a Cannabis dispensary in Metro Detroit and that photographers were needed; I ended up going and photographing the whole event.

A. Cannabis is medicine that has helped me become the greatest and highest version of myself mentally, emotionally, spirituality and intellectually. My creative curiosity ignites through responsible cannabis use and the woman that I’m blooming into along the way is the icing on the cake.

Snoop Dogg was one of the kindest A-List celebrities that I’ve ever met, and he took the time to meet every single fan in the building no matter how long that it took. Beyond my experience of Snoop just being a great human being, it was a day or two after Kobe Bryant’s death so what will forever stick with me is how Snoop showed up in that manner while mourning the loss of his dear friend.

Q. What new projects are you working on?

Q. Where can the fans follow you?

A. I am in the beginning stages of developing and launching my own Cannabis product line in Michigan with my new partner, Skymint, over the next year and I am so excited to create products that are true to

A. Thank you so much to everyone for your support; I wouldn’t be able to experience what I experience today without your support. Join me along my journey on my TikTok, Instagram and Life Beyond The Music.

Q. Do you think cannabis is a better natural healer to the body than prescription medicine? A. Absolutely, I strongly perceive that



“ I have two creative and amazing young adult children who are coming into their own. My daughter graduated from Tuskegee University in 2019 and my son is a college sophomore.�




Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. I’m an Atlanta based organizational psychologist, business coach and serial technology entrepreneur. Q. I see you founded “The Atlanta Chapter of the Awesome Foundation for Arts and Sciences” please tell us more about this and the experience you had? A. The Awesome Foundation is an amazing organization. It’s a simple concept – 10 friends come together to form a group of trustees. We pool or money to give away $1000 per month to worthy causes that make our cities more Awesome. Worldwide, the foundation has given almost 5 million dollars out of our own pockets. The recipients don’t have to be a non-profit organization. Q. Can you tell us about “Culture Greetings” and how you got started? A. Yes, I developed the Culture Greetings platform to make it easier for us to send greeting cards. You can pick a Black Greeting card from our collection of nearly 2000 cards and then personalize the card with a note. We will mail the cards directly to your recipients on your behalf, saving you a trip to the store. Q. So, you have developed other apps? Can you explain the details? A. Yes, I created a black business directory app, WhereU in 2015. I also created the Divine 9 emojis app, it’s a messenger app for iOS and also The Greek Gram, a photo-editor app. Q. What are some of the things you do on your free time? A. When I am not creating and building businesses, I spend a lot of time meditating and reading. I am a very reflective person always focused on bettering myself and manifesting good in my life and in the world, so my time is spent focused on that.

Q. Let’s talk about your talk show “Lets Talk Good Business” tell us more details about your show? A. In each segment I interview entrepreneurs and explore and share how we all can consciously adapt and apply business acumen, business practices, business sensibility and strategy to how we create social change. We discuss what they do for profit, but also, how the put good back into the world through their business or as an individual, philanthropic being. Q. You wear so many hats how do you find the time to do all this and what motivates you to continue this journey? A. I understood a long time ago that my capacity for work and multitasking wasn’t average. I manage all the things I have to do by being very methodical with a planning and scheduling. I create roadmaps and project plans for the things I have to do personally and professionally. I revisit my goals often and I reprioritize when necessary.

Q. What are some projects you working on for 2020? A. I will be expanding the delivery options for Culture Greetings. In addition to the home mailing option of us sending the card directly to the customer’s recipient, we are implementing an in-store pick-up option with a major retailer. Q. What is one of your biggest accomplishments? A. I have two creative and amazing young adult children who are coming into their own. My daughter graduated from Tuskegee University in 2019 and my son is a college sophomore. They’re very grounded and focused on their goals and I’m pleased with where they are in their respective journeys. Q. Tell the audience where they can follow you? A. Sure you can follow Culture Greetings on:  Instagram: @CultureGreetings





Q. What makes your music and style different from others? A. The mere fact that my voice identifies itself is a big factor, also my unique way of creating different crossover styles allows me to reach a multicultural audience. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 2 years? A. I would say in the next two years, I will be more recognized in the industry and my lyrical content will continue to make a global impact on my fans.

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell us who you are and where you’re from”? A. My Name is JAICAN Pronounced (JAY-CAN) I am Humble, hardworking, committed and goal driven individual who craves success. I was born in Mandeville, which is located in Manchester, Jamaica. Raised in the parish of Manchester where my father lives and also Clarendon where my mother lived. If you’re familiar with Jamaica these areas are considered the Country. I guess that make me a “Country Boy” LOL. Q. What or Who inspired you to want to be a musical artist and songwriter? A. I have always loved music ever since I was a little baby boy. Music has helped me in ways that are unexplainable. I was also fascinated about how music was created so I decided to learn more about the business aspect of it. This includes writing, distribution, royalties and so on. I would definitely say my life experiences inspired me to become a songwriter and recording artist. Q. Tell us about your single “Melody”? A. Melody was inspired by the Afrobeat music culture. I started writing the track in 2017 when I began taking music seriously. Melody is a track that ignites excitement, the moment you hear it your body automatically starts grooving. don’t believe me? Listen and you’ll experience the inevitable. :-)

Q. What are some challenges you have being an artist? A. Haha!!! I can almost guarantee, anything you can think of I’ve probably experienced it. I’ve dealt with a lot of con artists, jealousy, backstabbers, producers holding on to my music and the list goes on. I consider myself a creator with a lot to offer in the entertainment space, there is no need for gatekeepers. Music is an artistic expression that shouldn’t carry barriers, my music has reached fans of all ages and connects with each of them on different levels. From the youth who is wondering where his next meal

is coming from to the women who are experiencing low self-esteem and trapped in their feelings. My music is written to Motivate, Inspire, mesmerize and create good vibes. Q. What is one of your biggest accomplishments being an artist? A. God putting me in an environment that has helped me to flourish in a humble manner. Hence my catch phrase #watchtherise Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go? A. I would go to the United Kingdom (UK) Why? Because of the musical diversity of that market and being able to perform for different cultures. I also believe my music will bloom there in different ways and open up my creativity to different sounds. Q. What projects are you working on right now for 2020? A. My team (Skymode Entertainment) and I are currently working on the release of my Mixtape “Active”, a single “Me & You” featuring Sidney Bailey, a video shoot, a lyric video and my brand new single “Active” set to release in the few weeks and yes you got the exclusive right here at WIB magazine. Q. Where can the audience follow you at? A. I love my Fans and enjoy interacting with them so I can be reached on all platforms “Jaicanmuxiq”.

“ I love my Fans and enjoy interacting with them so I can be reached on all platforms “Jaicanmuxiq”.”





Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and where you’re from? A. Thank you Greatness for this opportunity. My name is Deliqua Isom I’m 43, a child of God, that’s full of purpose and living it out. I’m originally from Cocoa, Fl. I move from Orlando, Fl. to Atlanta 5 years ago. Q. Tell us about your company Flawless Fitness Spa and how you got started? A. My Fitness company Flawless Fitness Spa is a personal training service, I’m currently doing most of my training virtually and I also provided Wellness Empowerment coaching. Helping people to Heal, rebuild while empowering them ...mind, body and soul. I started in this industry over 14 years ago, as I was healing from my own childhood trauma God began to show me my purpose through fitness. I’ve often said fitness saved my life. I was a cosmetologist at the time. Q. I see that you have a book called “Through the Pain I Rise” tell us more about the book? A. My book “Through the pain I rise...lets talk ... Whew Chile lol...I release it last year May. It’s about my healing process the stages and things that I went through and how I had to heal from, molestation, rape, domestic violence, verbal abuse. I had a whole lot of healing to do, I sat down over 14 years ago and began to heal myself, forgive, love myself and see myself as God sees me. I had no idea I would be writing a book about it at the time. But God showed me that I had to write and that it would bring healing to a lot of people. Q. I see you do Live body blast how has that been going, and can you give us more details? A. Yes, I do Daily Live Stream workout Classes via zoom ever since the pandemic Covid-19. I literally had to revamp and tap into the virtual training market on a more consistent level. So, each day is a completely different workout. I do 2 classes Mon-Fri and only one class on Saturday. Registration is on my website at www.flawlessfitness.biz class cost is $100 per month or $15 per class. Q. What are some of the advantages and challenges of being fit?

Reach out to that trainer. Understand that it is a lifestyle change. Commit to yourself. Q. Tell us your journey of being in fitness? A. My journey in fitness... I’ve always been athletic, small and petite. (but I was skinny fat because I ate all the wrong foods) So I don’t have a physical pounds weight-loss story. My story is being traumatized, mental unhappy and bent up (I don’t like to say broken). That is the worst weight to me. I say that because its mental your mind. Your mind controls everything you do, say, feel and believe. It takes years to break the cycles in our heads and generational curses off our lives. Detoxing the mind, body and spirit. So, my journey is one of healing, rebuilding myself so I can be empowered. I did overcome bad eating habits greasy fatty foods that caused me to be placed on high blood pressure pills. I took ONE pill and NEVER AGAIN. I began to change my eating habits with the help of a few friends.

A. Whew Chile... how much time do you have... lol advantages of being fit I have to say you look good in your clothes, you feel good, your confidence level goes up, it’s an added benefit to your business and brand when you live the lifestyle yourself. It teaches you how to be discipline, dedicated, the perseverance in other areas of your life.Challenges... I would say is pushing your body to new levels figuring out what works for the now over 40 body vs the 25-year-old body as far as foods certain foods may not agree like they did in the 20’s. Good thing my metabolism is still good.

Q. Are you working on any projects right now?

Q. What advice can you give other people that want to be healthy and fit?

Q. Where can the fans follow you?

A. My advice would be seek professional help. Seek a personal trainer that you vibe with but most important one that is knowledgeable and cares about your goals.

A. My project is the Women’s Cabin Retreat that’s coming up in OCT 23-25 Blue ridge Ga. The Release, Renew and Refresh. Q. What other hobbies do you have? A. My hobbies I love the gym of course. Lol, also love the beach, laughing with my friends, traveling when I can and Quiet time to just sit and DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with a glass of Champagne.

A. So my IG: @flawless_fitness38  YT: Flawless Fitness SPA



KEYONDRA LOCKETT Nobody can say I did anything because of someone else. All my ideas are specific to me and make up as an artist. And I’d like to keep things that way.



Q. It is an honor to interview with you can you tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. Thank you so much, the pleasure is all mine. I’m an Urban Inspirational Gospel Artist, Keyondra Lockett. I’m a 2x Stellar Award Nominee and 2x Billboard Top 15 Singer/Songwriter. I’m from Shreveport, La residing in Atlanta, Ga. Q. Who or What inspired you to sing? A. The ability to sing inspired me to sing. Q. Tell us about this gospel group “Ziel” and how this group got started? A. We were known to have a developed sound as The Clark Sisters. So much so, we decided to cover one of their most popular songs “Is My Living In Vain” for our first national project, Zie’l Genesis. We had some really amazing successes. We sang on the 2007 Stellar Awards, had a Billboard chart topping song, written by me and shared the stage with the likes of Yolanda Adams, Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond and Tye Tribbett... to name a few. The group began singing together in the summer of 98-99, invited to sing in the city and shortly after, we branched out into other cities and states. The group disbanded in 2015. Q. I also see you have an apparel line “Jolie Noire” can you tell us more about this line? A. Yes. My sister and I are both at the helm of this business. We wanted to further push the narrative that representation matters. Jolie Noire means “Pretty Black” in French so of course, our line is dedicated to black women. Black women, especially in this time, need affirming and we wanted to push a message for us. We’ve had the honor of having the likes of Fashion Bomb Daily’s Claire Sulmers, Plus Size Super Model Liris Crosse, Gospel Superstar Jekalyn Carr, and Plus Blogger Essie Golden to wear our brand. Our line can be found here:  www.joliexnoire.com, Follow us: @joliexnoireapparel Q. You’ve written the song “State of Emergency” what is the meaning behind this song? A. It was a cry out to God. The chorus says: “Lord I need you now, it’s a state of emergency!” We’ve all been in situations where we didn’t know what to do. And had God not heard our cry, we would have gone crazy! But, as scripture says: “Thanks be unto God for allowing us to triumph!” We eventually win in the end. Q. What are some things you like to do with your free time? A. I’m a homebody by nature. I love the feel and atmosphere of my home. So, I’m a Netflix and Chill type gal. I chill and write songs too. I also work from home. Jolie Noire keeps me busy these days.

Q. What is one of your greatest accomplishments you have had being in the music industry? A. Developing my own sound and creating a lane of my own. Nobody can say I did anything because of someone else. All my ideas are specific to me and make up as an artist. And I’d like to keep things that way. Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go? A. Paris. It’s one of the most beautiful places ever!!! Q. What are some projects you are working on right now? A. I’m working on my EP, Cornerstone. The name of the EP is probably most important to me because of its strong message. When architects begin with the building process, the foundation is what matters beyond all the other constructs of the building itself. If the foundation stone which is the cornerstone, isn’t secure or positioned strong, the build will collapse when shaken. It’s the same for our spiritual selves. If we don’t have what the Bible calls the Chief Cornerstone (Jesus), when we’re shaken by calamity, we will collapse. Q. Where can the audience follow you at? A. You can follow me on my social media: ( FB/ IG/  Twitter): @KeyondraLockett



"Live more. Have fun and do more reckless things. I hate how in line I remained. Coming from absolutely nothing,.."



Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. Thank you for having me. I’m Siergio. R&B singer, actor and songwriter. Q. Tell us about your new single? Q. I can’t give too much away about it but it’s definitely a feel-good song with some bounce to it. I recorded this song last year before the pandemic so it’s an interesting time to have it coming out especially since everyone is having cabin fever and wants to get out of the house. It’s fun and I think a lot of people will enjoy it. Also It was produced by my producer DJ Cool. Q. What or Who inspired you to be the man you are today? A. Growing up in Chicago definitely inspired me. I saw so much at a young age and that really inspired me to want more for myself and for those around me as well. I’ll also say my experiences all built me to be this guy that I am. Q. What is one of your biggest challenges working in this industry? A. One of the biggest challenges I’ll say is finding a common ground between where I think I should be in the industry versus where I actually am. I think we all have this idea of where we feel our careers should be: notoriety, fame, money, “success”. So, for me I have challenges with accepting the place that I’m in and the journey I have to take to get exactly where I want to be. And you have to make sure you don’t become bitter because there will be people who haven’t worked as hard as you and some that aren’t nearly as talented as you are, but they reach higher heights. That can be very hard, but I just try to be happy for everyone and understand the true meaning of seasons. Mine is coming.

Q. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? A. Chicago. Home. I haven’t been home in a very long time, and I miss my family. As my grandmother gets older it becomes harder and harder for me to be away and miss moments. And also, my mother, I can’t hug my mother like I want to especially in such a time. It’s very hard being alone for me right now. So, I’d like to be home. Q. How do you feel about everything that’s going on with the Covid-19 and the protesting? A. Wow it’s such an interesting time right now. The protests have been so powerful and forward pushing. It’s amazing how much we can accomplish when we come together and fight for the equality that is owed to black people. It’s hard to see my black brothers and sisters murdered in these streets by first responders and just how less they think of us. It could be me, you or any of our family members gunned down or killed for simply being black so it all hits very close to home for me as a black king. The unity from different races and countries has been beautiful to see. We are all fed up with racial inequality and bigotry. This change is something we needed. As far as the pandemic, whoa! what a year it has been. So many lives lost and so many people sick, based off of poor leadership and careless behavior. I never thought that in my lifetime I would witness such a plague on humans, and I feel helpless. I try to do my part by staying at home and avoiding gatherings but it’s disheartening to see so many people not take it seriously. I will say this pandemic has allowed me to get into my screenplay writing and to simply sit down, which I can’t say would’ve been possible had the world not been affected by Covid. Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. (laughs) I’m not really a fun person lol. I can play connect 4 better than everyone.

I can arm wrestle so well, I beat my entire middle school once. I can’t really sleep most nights because my creative mind won’t allow me too. Oh wait, this is fun, I think. (laughs) I freestyle all of my songs. I never write them. I just tell my producer to press record and I create the songs. Q. What new projects are you working on? A. I have completed my album. I can’t wait to share it with everyone. I have started developing 4 tv shows. I’m so excited to tell these stories and share them with the world. I’ve been so lost in that writing process and building these storylines and characters. It has been fulfilling. Q. What advice would you give to your younger self in order to pursue in today’s society? A. Live more. Have fun and do more reckless things. I hate how in line I remained. Coming from absolutely nothing, I maneuvered through everything as if the stakes were very high and they were but I wish I knew how in control I was of my future. You can work hard but you can also live. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. Everyone can follow me everywhere at @siergio. Also be on the lookout for my new single and album at :  siergiomusic.com.





Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell us who you are and where you’re from? A. Thank you for having me. Well, I am a singer/independent artist born and raised in Florence, South Carolina; currently residing in Atlanta, GA. Q. Who or What inspired you to want to be a singer? A. I grew up in a family full of singers. I sung in church and in school choirs. My Aunt Pie (who recently passed away February 2020) was a member in the band Chic with the legendary Niles Rodgers. I grew up with her posters and seeing her on TV. All those things I believe inspired me to sing. It was just something I liked to do. Q. Tell us about your single “Breathe” and the meaning behind the song? A. I have been seriously and professionally working as a singer for over the last decade. Within the last three years I made even more of a commitment to sacrifice luxuries and my wants in order to pour ALL of my efforts, time and money into my career. After years of not seeing as much progress as I wanted, I began to doubt myself, my decisions and then I fell into a depression. This song comes

from my pain. It’s a rallying cry to those that feel beaten down and have lost hope. It’s a motivational work that is intended to uplift and encourage us all to keep going. It is intended to inspire the masses and remind people that being down is a part of life, but we are able to push forward. Q. I see you also have a clothing line how did you get started in that? A. My mom, both of my grandmothers, my greatgrandmothers and so on, are/were seamstresses. I love to create! I’ve been designing clothes since I’ve been a child as well as singing. In 2015 I took a singing residency in China where I then started my clothing line. It is still a work in progress, but definitely another passion project of mine. Q. What do you think is missing in today’s R&B music? A. I’m not sure I’ll say anything is missing per say. I think “Today’s R&B” is just that, its what artist choose or are inspired to create for today. There are so many artist/sounds out there! Outside of the Hot 100 billboard charts you can find whatever you’re looking for in R&B. It just takes some searching at times.

Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go? A. I have been quite a few places but, I have never been to Africa. I would love to visit South Africa or Nigeria and the list goes on. I would love to go to experience it for myself. I would be curious of the inspiration I’d get from those travels. Q. Are you working on any new projects? A. Yes, I am! My hope is to finally release my EP soon! Q. What have been one of your biggest accomplishments being in this industry? A. I would say one big accomplishment was when I was acknowledged by DJ Enuff and his team at Hot97 in NYC. I then became the first Hot97 Spotlight artist. Another great accomplishment was being voted Atlanta’s Hottest Female Vocalist of 2020. These accomplishments mean a great deal coming from a small city in SC with no connections to the industry. It’s a testament and reminder to the work and seeds I’ve been sowing for years. I’m forever grateful. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A.  IG/  FB: itsbrittanybloom Twitter: _brittanybloom  Soundcloud: itsbrittanybloom  Youtube: itsbrittanybloom Also visit me at : BrittanyBloom.com





Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Can you tell the audience who you are and where you’re from? A. Hey guys I’m jassi also known as Jassi the beauty aka Jassi the goat aka that girl.

Q. What is one of your favorite quotes you go by daily? A. One of my favorite quotes I live by is Good better best never let it rest until your good gets better and your Better gets best.

Q. Tell us about your business “Chateau Rideaux” and the journey of starting it? A. Chateau Rideaux it was birth when my grandmother who’s a self-made millionaire painted the name on our family home. Chateau Rideaux is actually French chateau means house and Rideaux is the French spelling of my last name. The journey of Chateau Rideaux began in Asia and ended in India. It took me about 6 or 7 years to birth Chateau Rideaux, but I’ve always been involved with hair in one way or another. I am a licensed cosmetologist and have been since I was 17. Q. I also see you was an award-winning pageant guru how was that experience?

Q. Are there any projects that you are working on? A. You know I’m always working on something I have a few really big projects coming up which I can’t share all the details, but I will say you could be seeing a lot more of me. Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. Aww only 1? I was actually a cheerleader during college I use to tumble and really love cheerleading, but I can’t tumble any more.

Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. Awww, I call anyone who’s a fan of me family. So, the Family can follow me on:  TW jassi the beauty.  FB

jassi the beauty

 IG

jassi the beauty

A. Honestly, I loved my pageant days. You know I’m the kind of girl who loves prepping and bettering myself rather it’s mentally or physically. Pageants have really helped me develop into the woman I am today. Q. As a world traveler what was one of your favorite places you have been too? A. One of the best places I’ve been to is actually Lagos Nigeria. It was a pretty mindblowing experience to see such an innovative city. Q. Can you give us 3 tips on how to stay healthy? A. 3 tips on staying healthy are 1. Don’t overeat 2. Trust the process. 3. 80%diet 20% gym. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A. In the next 5 years I see myself owning a few more business, hosting business seminars and Having a PhD of Physical therapy.

“ I was actually a cheerleader during college I use to tumble and really love cheerleading, but I can’t tumble any more.”






Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell us who you are and where you’re from? A. No problem! Thank you for the opportunity! My name is Brandi Riggins. I’m an inspiring actress and model. I was born in Albany, GA and grew up in Atlanta. Q. What or Who inspired you to get into Modeling and Acting? A. Random People walking up to me, asking me if I was a model and if I wasnt I should be. I always enjoyed watching Raven Symone in the show "Thats So Raven" years ago. She was the person that inspired me. I loved her and wanted to be an actual Cheetah girl. Q. Tell us about your experience modeling with “Kay’s Exquisite Collection”? A. This collection is my friend’s hair line, and the experience really helped build up my self-esteem, I gained confidence being in front of the cameras. That was my first real modeling experience. I learned a lot. I was a little nervous at first but when I got in front of the camera it all went away. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A. My plans are to be in front of or behind the cameras. When I attended Albany State. I was a News Anchor and

had to learn the ins and outs of both. In the next 5 years I see myself working as a professional actress having successful roles and even hoping to have a few movies under my belt. I am willing to leave Georgia if I have to. LA would be my top pick. Q. What have been one of your biggest accomplishment you have had in life so far? A. My biggest accomplishment was finalizing on a Major. Also, me coming out my shyness and deciding to pursue my dreams in acting/modeling and letting my family know what I really wanted to do. Its great seeing everyone being so supportive. It feels so good. Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. At my age I prefer to listen to Blues and Oldie but Goldies than Rap music. Q. Are you working on any new projects right now? A. Not working on any projects right now I’ve been taking more acting classes and continuing to perfect my craft. I have another photo shot next month. Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go? A. Africa! It has so many beautiful places Egypt being one of them I would love to see the pyramids.

Q. What has been one of your biggest challenges you have had so far in Modeling and Acting? A. My biggest challenges so far has been finding good management and breaking into the industry. It’s so hard trying to find the right people who have your best interest at heart. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A.  Instagram: _shesbrandi

“ I gained confidence being in front of the cameras. That was my first real model experience I learned a lot. I was a little nervous at first but when I got in front of the camera it all went away.” WIBMAGZ


“ I am getting better, but I do not like when things don’t go as planned. I am learning that literally everything happens for a reason, and if it doesn’t make sense now, it will later."



Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell us who you are and where you’re from? A. I am Jayla Ores and I’m from Covington, Georgia. I’m currently a graduating senior at the Illustrious Clark Atlanta University where I am pursuing a degree in Mass Media Arts with a concentration in Radio, Television, and Film. Q. How have your experience been hosting at WSTU Radio? A. My experience as an on-air host has been great! Both shows that I co-hosted were centered around celebrity gossip and relationships. My sophomore year, I was a co-host for “Get the Spill: Reloaded” it was like a late night show that ran from 8PM to 10PM. My junior year, I was a co-host for “In The Mix” which was a daytime/ lunchtime show that ran from 12PM to 2PM. Being a host for the campus radio station has definitely been a highlight of my collegiate career. Not only is it fun, but I feel like it’s a great practice for when I do become an on-air personality elsewhere. We book our own guests, make our own flyers for the shows, and create a run of show. With WSTU Radio, I’ve also had the chance to host Meet and Greets as well. Our Meet and Greets allows students to sit in on a live interview, ask questions, and take pictures with the guests. My favorite Meet and Greet that I had the opportunity to host was actually one of our most successful ones. It was a full house and unfortunately, had to turn people away because we were at capacity. It was with Jayda Cheaves, who is known for her former hair business and being Lil

Baby’s girlfriend. I have been following Jayda since I was in ninth grade (before she was famous), so having the chance to not only meet her, but to interview her was very exciting for me. Q. What or Who inspired you to be the woman you are today? A. There isn’t just one, there’s many that have inspired me. Career wise, it’s Wendy Williams and LaLa Anthony. Both women are excelling in the media industry and have a special spark that attracts me to them. My mother has inspired me when it comes to some of my values. She has instilled in me to never depend on anyone or anything. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A. Life is so unpredictable, so I honestly do not know. I just hope that wherever I am, I am doing something that makes me happy and getting paid to do it. In 5 years, I’ll be 26 so hopefully I’ll be doing well in my career. Q. What have been one of your biggest accomplishments? A. One of my biggest accomplishments was having a photo of me interviewing Trina on BET’s website. Trina is one of my favorite rappers so interviewing her is an accomplishment in itself, but to see myself on BET’s website was major.

Joe with Jayla Os. I want each episode to include an open, fun discussion with a guest. I’m not a fan of serious topics, even though they are needed sometimes, but I choose to do fun topics that my audience can relate to. Q. What is one of your biggest challenges you have had so far in life? A. One of the biggest challenges in my life has been accepting things for what it is, even when things do not go my way. I am getting better, but I do not like when things don’t go as planned. I am learning that literally everything happens for a reason, and if it doesn’t make sense now, it will later. Q. Tell us one fun fact about yourself?

Q. I also see you a youtuber tell us about your series on there? A. Yes, when it comes to YouTube, I don’t think that I have a set niche yet. I do like to vlog though! My most viewed vlog is my spring break trip to Miami, which I often watch to reminisce. Even though I have not done one in a minute, I do have a series on the channel called “A Cup of Joe with Jayla O.” It started out as a class assignment, where we had to create an episode of a podcast. The first episode (that received an A) was about dating in college. I had some high school girls send me some questions and three of my college friends and I answered them and discussed our experiences. I made sure to include different points of views, so I had a friend that was in a committed relationship, a friend that was actively dating, a friend that was in a long distance relationship, and then there was me who wasn't dating at all. Shooting that video was super fun and prompted me to create more of Cup of

A. My initial dream career was to be a fashion designer. I used to love That’s So Raven, and loved clothes so I used to keep a binder full of sketches of my designs. I created that binder when I was in the first or second grade, and I still have it. Q. Who would you like to interview and what question would you ask them? A. I would love to interview the City Girls! I would definitely ask them why the “City Girls” mindset is so important and how it plays a part in a woman’s self-confidence. With their type of music, I feel like some people blow it out of proportion and do not realize that listening to the City Girls can really be a confidence booster. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. You can follow me on:  IG &  TW : @alyajj_ and subscribe to my Youtube: Jayla O.



Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. Thank you for this opportunity. My name is Jasmine Pope and I was born and raised in Sandusky, Ohio (what many people know as Cedar Point), however I currently reside in Toledo, Ohio. I consider myself to be a “Jazz of All Trades.” I am a Licensed Independent Social Worker and a Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor in the State of Ohio (in simpler terms I provide mental health and substance use therapy). I am an author, collegiate professor, licensed minister, wife, mother, daughter, and so much more! Q. Tell us about your Book “In the Middle”? A. My book In The Middle was a three-year process, but I got it done and I believe it was all in the right time. In this book, I share with readers my very own personal journey of how I found my purpose while also encouraging readers to find their own through various spiritual and inspirational messages throughout the book. I believe we all find ourselves in a place where we are not at the beginning of our purpose journey, yet we are also not at the end. We are in the middle and that is the place where we can be unsure of how all of the things we are going through, have been through, and will go through will help us find and fulfill our purpose in life. I use all of my own personal ups and downs to encourage readers to stay the course and not get distracted by the tests and trials of life. It is my most vulnerable but necessary piece of work and I hope readers are inspired, motivated, and encouraged after they read this book. Q. I also see that you are the owner of “Blessing in Disguize Counseling and Coaching” What made you want to start that business and tell us about the journey? A. Honestly, it was never my intention to start a business or go into providing therapy/counseling/coaching services. When I got my Masters in Social Administration (Social Work), my main goal was just to be able to get a position which paid more so that I could be a better provider for my oldest daughter. But I found



myself in a place where people would call me, and I would zone out and just begin counseling them even though I did not recognize that was what I was doing. My husband was the one who encouraged me to pursue opportunities to provide therapy. I had two interviews and the second one was the place I believe I was purposed to be at and what led me to becoming a business owner. It is through stepping out on faith in this venture that has led me to not only having Blessings In DisguiZe, but the Pretty. Powerful. Purposeful. Conference and now my personal brand Jasmine Lynn Enterprises. All three allow me to assist women with finding mental, emotional, and spiritual healing that will allow them to operate in their God-given purpose. This journey has been a faith journey for me and has ultimately led me to the success that I have seen thus far.

Q. You host at the Triple P which is “Pretty, Powerful, and Purposeful tell us more about details on what this is? A. The Triple P Conference was another thing that I never thought I would do. I blurted out the idea one day when talking to my business coach and once I said it, she pushed me into bringing it to fruition. These three things are areas that I struggled in and know that other women also struggle

with. I did not think that I was pretty enough on the inside because I was not pretty on the inside in my thinking. I had difficulty realizing that I was a woman of power and purpose. So, this conference was designed to bring women together from all walks of life to help them understand that “Pretty is a Mindset” and what you think on the inside will bring forth how you feel and look on the outside. It helps women develop an unapologetic sense of who

they are understanding that they are powerful beyond measure and that they have a purpose that only they can fulfill. Although COVID-19 made me change the date of this year’s conference, I hold this conference as close to my mother’s birthdate as possible. My mother passed away from breast cancer 5 and purposeful and this was one of the things that she desired to do but was unable to accomplish before she passed away. Q. What are some things you do when you have spare time? A. I recently began getting more into photography. It brings out another piece of my creative side. I LOVE reading books (Amazon is my best friend). I love writing and am always buying journals because I fill them up so quickly. I am also a lifelong learner and continually find myself in school. I will be beginning my doctoral program in just a few weeks. Q. What advice can you give to people that want to be an Author? A. My biggest piece of advice for anyone who wants to be an author is to just start. Don’t think about what you’re writing or try to correct your grammar and punctuation in the beginning. Just write. Let your thoughts flow freely then once you are done you can go back and make corrections. If you do that from the beginning, you will become overly critical of yourself and your work which can come with negative effects, I.e. you will stop writing. Just get your thoughts out. You can go back and edit and organize as needed later. The focus in the beginning should be to just get it out. Another piece of advice I would offer is to enjoy the process. There will be ups and downs. You will laugh and cry. You will question if you should say THAT thing that you thought you might never say. But it’s all a part of the process. I went through so many emotions. I had to pay for my book cover twice and felt like the process was taking too long. However, when I look back at my process, it made me stronger, wiser, and it definitely helped me to heal in some areas that I didn’t know I still needed healing in. Q. Who or What inspired you to be the woman you are today? A. My father is my biggest inspiration. I begged to move with my father when I was eight years old and he came

and got me from Winston-Salem, NC where I was living with my mother and brought me back to Sandusky and raised me from that time on. My father was always hard on me growing up, but it was because he wanted me to be the best me that I could be. My father was and is the hardest working man I know. He is the epitome of persevering past every obstacle that is set before you. He taught me the importance of what being focused, walking in integrity and dedicated to learning and growing can do for you. He is my inspiration, motivation, and my hero all wrapped in one. My mother was also a great source of inspiration for me. My mother had breast cancer

three times and never once during the process did complain. She remained a woman of faith, strength, grace, and class no matter what she was facing and no matter how she felt. It is through her life and the legacy that she left that I continue to go on and embody those same principles that she did during her time here on this earth. Q. Are there any new projects you working on right now? A. I recently launched my TV show “Purpose Talk” which airs on a local TV channel and is also streamed to my Facebook and YouTube channels. Through this show, I focus on mental health, ministry, and marketplace, all key components of my purpose and that have some connection to the purpose of others. Purpose Talk airs every Saturday at 6 PM. I will be announcing the date of the next Pretty. Powerful. Purposeful. Conference soon and will begin my weekly blog posts again, as well. Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. A fun fact about me is I have a goal to get as close as possible to have the whole alphabet behind my name. If I write my signature out write now, it is Jasmine Lynn Pope, MSSA MACJ BA LISW-S LICDC. Once I complete my Ed. D and my Mdiv, I’ll have a few more behind my name. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. For anyone who wants to connect with me, they can find me on :  Instagram @j.lynn.a (I do follow back)  Facebook Jasmine Lynn Enterprises  Youtube Jasmine Lynn Pope and by visiting my website:  blessingsindisguize.com I love connecting with people across all of my various platforms.



THEO MACK “ As an entrepreneur I am conscious of every detail that goes into my photo booths, merchandise, and games and how they enhance the customer experience.”

Q. It’s an honor to interview with you can you tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. My name is Theo Mack I’m the owner of IModelBooth and IModelBooth Games. I was born and raised in Macon, Ga. I attended UGA and lived in Athens for a while until I relocated in Atlanta 13 years ago. Q. Tell us about IModelBooth & Games and how you got started? A. IModelBooth is the name we’re known for while providing photo booth event services. We take branded photo booth pics that are sent directly to event goer’s phones for direct social media posting to assist with event promotion and message branding for our customers. Our most requested work is what we call an IModelBooth music video where we take the photo booth pics and set to an artist’s music as part of the event promotion. I got started with photo Booths almost 4 years ago when I partnered with an event services company owned by a couple of family members. I went to a trade show and saw a photo booth and fell in love with the concept at events. Since then it has been a process of creating and developing the equipment to enhance the experience at events. After purchasing my 1st booth I thought to myself I can make this better and the rest is history. IModelBooth Games was born 2 years ago out of my love for tech, retro games, and independent artist music. I’ve always loved casual games as opposed to endless console marathons. I became more of a Mobile gamer after the birth of my



son as a way to keep him entertained and the passion for gaming was reignited. Doing so many industry events with independent artists gave me the idea to create a different platform to get their music heard and with my programming and graphic background I started tinkering with a new programming language. Fast forward 2 years later we have 8 games on Android and 7 on Apple published or in development with a goal of 10 games on each platform by the end of the year. Q. What make your product and games different than others? A. IModelBooth photo booths are different because they are one of the smallest booths ever, completely wireless, and the most mobile photo booths ever created. Also, we manufacture the booth, so it is not available at other events. The IModelBooth Games, game line is different because we created a streaming music system for the games that allows me to control the playlist from my phone and features incredible independent artists music never before heard in any other games. Q. Where do you see your company being in the next couple of years? A. I see IModelBooth expanding and growing to service more and bigger events. Also, we will increase our travel footprint to cover a wider range of events. In the next few years I see IModelBooth Games becoming the largest Game Line from an African American owned business.

Q. What has been one of your biggest accomplishments being an entrepreneur? A. We have done events for Neiman Marcus, DTLR fashion shows, and gala events for celebrities such as CeeLo Green and his Greenhouse Foundation. But my biggest accomplishment would have to be developing my 1st game with my streaming own music system. Casual games are not designed to stream so I definitely think it’s a major accomplishment that will surely be emulated by others. Q. What has been one of your biggest challenges being and entrepreneur? A. Covid has been the single biggest challenge because my business has been primarily focused on event revenue. Previously I would have answered being responsible for every detail of my business. As an entrepreneur I am conscious of every detail that goes into my photo booths, merchandise, and games and how they enhance the customer experience. It was easier to go to sleep and not worry about details and timelines before I hired myself. Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. I paraglided off the 2nd highest mountain in Europe Mt Blanc in Switzerland. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. Fans can follow us on :  IG and  FB @IModelBooth our website: Q. So, with Imodel Games tell us where we can find and play the games and does these games cost?


or find our games like IModelUNO, Hip Hop Head Soccer, and Agent Ricochet on Google Play and Apple App Store.

A. Our games are free and linked in the bio on our social media and found in the Google Play Store for Android devices and Apple App Store on iPhones. Search for IModelUNO, IModel LLC, or IModelBooth Games. Q. How do you get others involved with the games as far as artist music and characters? A. Our characters are people in Atlanta that do a lot of positive things for independent artists with their platform. I have been blessed enough to develop games that they want to be a part of in likeness usage, sponsorships, and/or providing music resources. In this industry it’s a lot of people that “Rock With IModelBooth Games” and that I personally respect a lot. Most music comes from music submissions. One of our goals is to always offer some level of free music placements in our games to support independent artists.





“ I love Radio-One as a company for the plain simple fact it’s black owned and they care about the community and small businesses.” Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell us who you are and where you’re from? A. My name is BigRay Vangroove originally from the Bronx New York. Q. You have been in the entertainment industry for years now what has been one of your biggest accomplishment? A. I’ve been in the industry since 1988 in all honesty just every day doing something that I love is an accomplishment to me.

Q. How do you feel about everything going on with Covid-19 and the Protesting? A. This Covid thing is scary and my prayers go out to everybody who has lost somebody because of it or who are suffering from it, as far as the protesting... it’s necessary it’s time that people hear our voices and to know that we are serious about change. Q. Are you working on any new projects right now? A. Right now I’m working on my IG live show called virtual vibes a platform for independent R&B artist to be heard I’m also working on my YouTube show call Cigar chronicles and my nonprofit organization call Marian heart named after my mother. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. On IG @BigRayVangroove

Q. How did you get into the radio industry? A. I’ve worked for record companies for over 20+ years and I was ready to get out of the business there was a program director in Albany New York named Sugar Bear I knew him from work and records and I told him I’m ready to move and change careers. He offered me a job at the station producing and board opp for the Tom Joyner morning show and the rest is history. Q. How have your experience been working at radio one? A. I love Radio-One as a company for the plain simple fact it’s black owned and they care about the community and small businesses. Q. Tell us one fun fact about yourself? A. One Fun fact about myself is that I used to sing for the Harlem boys’ choir when I was a kid and I’ve been around the nation in drum and bugle corps. Q. What advice would you give to your younger self in order to pursue in today’s society? A. I will tell my younger self to stay focused and really pay attention to the leaders of this industry. And listen more than you talk.



“One fun fact about me.... Hmm,.. My favorite fruit is mango.”



Q. It is an honor to Interview you. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. Hello I’m Khaled Abdelghany. Some may know me as Sowle on social media. I’m from DC, but also represent Egypt as well as part of my cultural background. Q. Who inspired you to be the man you are today? A. I give thanks to my family as a whole, but a special thanks to both my mother and father for pouring their own little ingredient in making me the man I am today. Having both the middle eastern culture along with the African American southern hospitality culture in one household to embrace from is special. Very lucky to have had parents like mine who showed me a lot of ways to life’s beauty. Q. Tell us about this short video you did called “I’M Black and I’m Proud” and the meaning behind it? A. The video was raw footage of how hurt and pain surpassed capacity and poured out in response to the peaceful protesters who were expressing emotions I also felt. My repeating along “I’m Black and I’m Proud” was a natural instinct no matter what situation I am in. I am a black man first before anything. By far the toughest mission I have ever been on. Emotions were all over the place. But it was important to stay professional and maintain my military bearings, it was even more important to me to show my black and brown community of protesters and everyone that was protesting peacefully, that I felt the pain too for #GeorgeFloyd #BreonnaTaylor and the many other names before them. Q. I know you talk about a lot of art what is your vision for art? A. My vision for art is unlimited. I think of art and I think expression in the most vulnerable form of oneself. Mine is music. Singing and writing. I dabble in other visionary arts too, but I lean heavy on music because I feel it in every way. It’s a creativity that has always been a part of me. Q. How has your culture defined you and what parts do it play in your music? A. Oh my culture has a HUGE part in my music capabilities. From being around my

grandmother (father’s side) as a kid in Egypt, watching her knit as she listens to her Arabic music. While I naturally sing along and dance to it. That gave me perspective in a much different way for music. Then to compare that and bring my ear to listening and watching to my uncles (mother’s side) in South Carolina set up their instruments under the big tree at grandma house, and perform songs by Earth, Wind, and Fire, Marvin Gaye, and The Temptations. As a kid, I was in my own little music Mecca. I would watch my mother take lead and sing her songs just because she wanted to. She was an inspiration to me. Q. With everything that’s going on what are some things you been doing while quarantining? A. Well quarantine has given me plenty opportunities to focus. I’ve been really putting in work with writing music more and being able to share some of it with social media. But I’m mostly excited about my podcast project coming soon. I wanted to set up a platform for the black local culture and how it plays an important positive role in our everyday community. I will have special guests that have their own respective field and play in helping the black and brown community. As well as a way where people watching or listening could get involved too. Also, I can’t forget the gym! Being able to stay fit and healthy is important to me too. So, I have cut out all meats and have orchestrated a special diet tailored for me. Along with playing ball. That’s my joy too. Love hooping. Q. Are there any projects you working on right now?

when I attended a private school named ISA. Which taught us both Arabic and English. So, my transition was smooth. Although my father probably couldn’t say the same. He was the one teaching me English at home after I came home from school. So, it was like going to school twice in a day. I had a school desk at home with a white board and everything. Lol. It was fun because he was actually a good teacher and I learned quickly. Didn’t need to be put in any ESL classes. So that was amazing that he could teach this hyper super goofy kid to sit still and learn. But I leaned on my love for sports and athletics to fit in. I love to play soccer and basketball. Which I excelled in both sports and lifetime friends came along with it. Grateful.

A. Podcast project, music (possible EP), YouTube channel.

Q. What is one fun fact about yourself ?

Q. Tell us how the transition from Egyptian to the U.S. has been for you and family?

Q. Where can the fans follow you?

A. Well I was born here. A few weeks after, my parents decided it would be a smart idea to send me to Egypt and leave me with my Grandmother there to raise me and teach me the culture and the language early. I attended Pre-K and Kindergarten there as well. When I moved back to the states, I was old enough to start 1st grade. That is

A. One fun fact about me.... Hmmm My favorite fruit is mango.

A. The tribe can definitely follow me on: Twitter and IG @__sowle__  YouTube channel will be available soon. My name is Sowle. Please go and subscribe. I’ll be putting out snippets of the podcast interviews there as well as my behind the scenes videos of me making music and possible raw videos of me creating a song too.



EMILY BALLHOUSE Q. Thanks for interviewing with us Tell us who Emily is and where you’re from? A. I am a Canadian R&B/R&P singer from Nova Scotia, Canada. I’m also a Homeschooling Mom and a Piano Teacher, so basically, I’m a nerd who’s stumbled into something really cool... by the grace of God. I never thought people would accept me in the world of R&B/CHH, but God sees differently and had a plan for me to be exactly here from the beginning. That I know without a doubt. Q. As the “Singing Piano Teacher” Tell us about that experience? A. Well, my formal music education started out on the piano at 9 years old, but I sang in church from the time I was



4 and definitely always identified more as a Singer than a Pianist. But being in the church, singing at the piano just happened a lot naturally. I knew that I wanted to continue my music education, so I dedicated myself to Opera for about 10 years, 7 of those years being through the University world. I started teaching piano a year before University and never stopped. I love teaching. I love relaying what I’ve learned to others. I’ve always known that Performing and Teaching are equally for me -- I’ve never really separated the two. The piano program I teach from, Simply Music Piano, encourages students to sing along, which is an invaluable skill as a musician. As someone who is always inclined to sing, I’m glad that I’ve found a program that jives with my strengths and personality.

Q. You were into Opera and now in Pop/R&B how did you mix the two together? A. I have yet to truly mix the two together and I do have plans to do that, but it’s a tricky fusion that will either blow people’s minds and have them listening to it addictively or it will be so off putting that people will just be mad and shut it off -- I’m going for the former. Right now, I’m focusing on being truly R&B. I grew up with 90’s R&B, which true R&B fans will tell you was the best era for the genre. Musically, my goal is to always have 90’s R&B roots in my songwriting while still being obedient to the new school of R&B, which is cool, too. Q. Tell us about this single “Back and Forth” and the meaning behind it? A. ‘Back and Forth’ is all about celebrating the marriage relationship when it’s working right. It’s about both people investing and giving equally in the relationship. I’ve been studying the Songs of Solomon deeply for a year now and in that time, I’ve written Spoken Word poems off of them, as well as songs. ‘Back and Forth’ is

the overall vibe I got from Songs of Solomon 2. It’s the one where the dialogue switches back and forth frequently between the man and woman, like they’re eager to express their love for one another and almost out-give each other. I think we should strive for this in our marriages. Let’s stop trying to out-do each other and sometimes, even worse, do each other in, but instead, out-give and always be looking for ways to love one another more and better. I’m not married, but that’s what I want if I ever get to be. And it’s what I want for God’s people. Q. What inspired you to be a singer? A. I think it’s just how God made me. I know it is, actually. There’s a difference between being a good singer and having the need to sing. I definitely have something to say, always have and I’ve always felt that I’m never satisfied with getting something off my chest until I’ve sung about it. On the flip side, although I’m very out-going, believe it or not, I’m not a “Everyone, look at me” person. I don’t crave accolades or attention over my singing. I probably would have had a career a lot sooner if I had. And if it weren’t for the people God had placed in my life, it would have never occurred to me to pursue a singing career. I started singing in a church choir when I was 4. I remember loving choir practice. I enjoy singing in groups. My Mom told me that whenever I had to miss choir practice and she told my choir instructor; she would always say “Make sure you bring her back! She keeps everyone in tune!” I had no clue that that’s what I was doing, but I knew I loved to sing and that I cared about singing well. I played trombone and French horn in junior high/high school (see? I told you I was a nerd) and when I knew I was contemplating applying for post-secondary music school, I told my band teacher that I had narrowed it down to either piano or French horn for my instrument of choice...well she looked at me like I was crazy and said “Ummmmmmm neither! You’re a singer!!” At that point I figured I never had any real formal training, so I just assumed that applying at the University level was out of the question. I’m thankful in the end that it wasn’t

and that I had people in my life that cared enough to point me in the right direction. In hindsight, the French horn is just not my calling. Ha! Q. What do you think is missing in today’s R&B world? A. Being the 90’s girl that I am, there’s a raw, unfiltered, unapologetic passion that is all over R&B of that time. I don’t know if it’s because everything is so meticulously produced or if it’s because it’s cool to sound like you don’t care today, but I find that a lot of stuff that’s hip in R&B is lacking in passion and range of emotion -- or even believable emotion. When Brandy sang “Have you Ever?” I believed her. I still do. Same with “Before you walk out my life” by Monica. I’m craving that honesty from those days, I guess. Q. Are you working on any new projects? A. O yes! ‘Back and Forth’ is a taste of a larger work to come out in 2021. Those Spoken Word Poems I was telling you about? You just might hear them on a deluxe version of my album along with the other 7 songs that go with ‘Back and Forth’. Until then, I got a Christmas song y’all can look out for in late November 2020. Q. What have been one of your biggest accomplishments being in the music industry? A. I just got here, so I don’t feel truly accomplished at this point, to be honest, but I guess the thing I’m most proud of at this time would be my ability to maximize all the connections I’ve made through my networking efforts. ‘Back and Forth’ happened because I did my homework on some dope producers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, got to know them and their work, worked very hard on my songs, came READY and invested pretty much everything I have in that song and a couple of others. They say you have to start somewhere, and I say when you do, jump in with both feet and stomp them into the ground as deep as you can. That’s what I did, and I have no regrets.

Q. Tell us about the simply music piano program? A. Their slogan is “A Breakthrough in Creativity for Humanity” and it truly lives up to that. The method treats students like real musicians from day one by teaching real songs that you actually want to play, from day one, and the method is playing based, not notation based. The approach is this: get the students playing well, teach them to self-generate and when they have shown you that they can learn, retain what they have learned, and easily get back what they’ve forgotten (because that’s inevitable) using the tools and process you’ve given them, THEN they’re ready to learn how to read music. It’s a brilliant program with lots of variety: blues, accompaniment, classical and contemporary. I switched to this method 3 years ago and I can honestly say I will never go back to teaching the traditional piano lesson. It’s the best piano method I’ve ever come across, hands down. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A.  IG:


 FB

‘Emily Ballhouse’

@BallhouseBlog  Twitter @EmilyBolhuis Follow me on Spotify! You can find my music on all digital platforms.



Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from? A. I’m Audley “Fly Guy DC” Feemster, I’m a prominent figure in the Southeastern region especially within Atlanta I’m a radio personality/ event host/brand ambassador/ youth influencer. I’m originally from Washington, D.C. but have been in Georgia since 2007. Q. How did you get the name Fly Guy DC and the meaning behind the name? A. Fly Guy DC started off as SuchaFlyGuyDC. When I first moved to Georgia my high school peers, neighborhood and teammates coined me with DC because I was from Washington, D.C. and they use to always call me fly or fly guy because of the way I dressed. In 2007 being from up north my style was different from the rest and it made me stand out from my peers. As I got more comfortable in GA I ventured into the social scene & entertainment industry. SuchaFlyGuyDC was my social media handle and host name and as I progressed, I outgrew the Sucha part because it sounded kiddy and childish, so I dropped the Sucha and just became Fly Guy DC. Q. Tell us about your experience as a host and how you changed the game in Atlanta?




A. My hosting experience as a host has been remarkable. I came up in the industry with no mentor and no one teaching me the game. I had to find my way and maneuver best for me. As I created my brand I stood out with my distinctive voice and changed the hosting game in Atlanta. Hosting wasn’t a thing as prominent unless you were a DJ. I bring about an insane dynamic to the event especially because I control the crowd, I’ve changed the game tremendously based on how creative I am, the energy I bring to a party, the vibes I bring. I’ve learned to master the craft of hosting & I understand the party is not about me and other hosts don’t understand that. As a host, I am in high demand hosting 5/6 hosting gigs in one day, or just in general at night it’s crazy. I’ve been told by all the OG’s and people in the industry that they have never seen one like me before, so I know have/am changing the game. My goal is to always be 100 steps ahead of anybody in my field that calls themselves a host.

Q. How do you feel about everything that is going on with Covid-19 and protesting?

Q. What have been one of your biggest accomplishments being on Streetz 94.5? A. One of my greatest accomplishments is being part of Streetz 94.5 FM Atlanta as a radio personality. I am one of the youngest radio personalities to have a night show in a Top 10 market as well as being consistently ranked in the Top 10 since obtaining the show in 2017. When I came on to Streetz as a rookie, I was part of DJ Holiday’s Show and a year later I was able to hold my own show alongside my co-host Ferrari Simmons. It’s been a blessing being able to team up with Rari as he has become my big bro through this and an amazing co-host to work alongside. Honestly, the rest is history we’re still rocking the airwaves Monday through Friday 6 to 10 PM EST. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A. Mmm ....5 years, in 5 years I see myself being one of the biggest radio personalities in the world, one of the most significant television hosts to change the culture. All falls into place I will have a fiancé and maybe just maybe one kid lol but living life not just existing and wishing for change but being the change. Q. Who or What inspired you to be the man you are today? A. Growing up in a single-parent home seeing my mom raised 5 kids basically by herself and me being the oldest and father figure gave me all the ammo I needed as a role model and to chase my dreams. I have always been a go-getter and always told myself I have to set an example and be the flagship for my younger siblings Danny,

Marlayshia, Kamari, & Kamarjah. My ambition drives me daily, I’m a hard worker and I never settled. Q. I see that you are a Fortune500 Brand Influencer how has that experience been? A. As a Fortune 500 brand influencer has been phenomenal/ magnificent/incredible / it’s really been mind-blowing. I’ve worked with so many companies and it feels amazing because my hard work and dedication to my craft and my brand is paying off. I have had the opportunity to work with Footaction (my first ever influencer opportunity), AT&T, Reebok, Adidas, Fresh Empire, Rap Plug, and many others. Q. What projects are you working on?

A. The COVID-19 situation has been insane and sometimes it makes sense to me and sometimes it doesn’t I don’t understand a lot of things when it comes to it. I do feel the virus is real, but some things just do not make sense to me. The protesting I am all for, I actually went and led a peaceful protest myself with my radio co-host Ferrari Simmons, DJ Holiday, The Commission, Chubbie, Stix Malone, Shon brown, and many other African American males in Atlanta who have a powerful voice within the community. I feel it is important to stand for something, important to speak our truths and important to speak for those who can’t. Having a platform, I like to use it positively at all costs. Fighting injustice is important to me because I am someone who is impacted by it being black, being a man and even having a platform can put a target on your back, however, I just want to be part of the change however I can and see it through especially amongst the streets I’m involved in on a daily. Q. Where can the fans follow us? A. Everybody can go follow me on all social media platforms: @IAmFlyGuyDC and Instagram @Fly Guy DC Facebook Website www.flyguydc.com If you really rock with me and support my movement tune in:  Monday - Friday 6 PM/10 PM EST  Streetz 94.5 FM, or listen live on www.streetz945atl.com

A. I have so much stuff I’m working on currently one of my newest ventures during quarantine has been Isolation Insider an interactive one-on-one curated interview experience for top talent hosted by me. Isolation Insider literally came together in a week's time and something I'm truly proud of! The purpose was to drive into in-depth conversations with talent and get those really gritty unfiltered answers about their life, career, and whatever they wanted to talk about. Another venture has been Storytime, a sit down with me talking about all and everything from my personal to professional life. During this time, I have also been perfecting my craft as a radio personality, preparing for my transition into television, my new apparel line and just becoming a better person all around.



“ I Love to take care of people and make others smile.”




Q. Thanks for interviewing with us Tell us who SoulStress is and where your from? A. SoulStress is a preacher’s daughter who was born into a very talented musical family. She was born with the natural ability to sing, write songs, play instruments and appreciate music at a very early age. SoulStress is truly a multi-gifted individual. Her unique vocal ability has electrified audiences all over the world and abroad. SoulStress offers an original, captivating and a heartfelt experience which shares the soul of every song she has written or performed. With a vocal ability that is comparable to none and marveled by many, SoulStress incorporates thought provoking lyrics with unmistakable soul and jazz overtones into her music. Her organic songwriting abilities blends soul, jazz and a contemporary sound that transcends musical barriers Q. What inspired you to be a singer? A. I grew up with my entire family doing something musically, from my father playing guitar, being the lead singer of a Quartet group, to my mother singing in the church, and my sibling singing as well playing many different instruments. Music was such a major part of my everyday life growing up, so I didn’t really have a choice for it to be a major part of me. Q. Tell us about your new single “Baby I Love you”? A. “Baby I Love You” is a slight glimpse into the deepest and most intricate chambers of my heart. This is a song that comes from love and I wanted that love to be expressed through this song... There is so much negativity in the world, broken relationships, and music that supports that today unfortunately I felt as though we needed a good Love song. Q. What do you think is missing in today’s R&B music? A. I believe that it has lost its sense of authenticity to an extent. I’m a lover of music in general. However, I think that almost anything goes with music today. I think we’re missing the art of timeless music. The message that was once so impactful to the point of remembering where you were when you 1st heard a song , who you remember being in love with or breaking up with and all of the emotions that went along with it somehow has disappeared. There are still a few artist that are trying to keep that original I do understand the industry like

everything else has evolved with time and with us a people being innovative we will always find a ways to seemingly make things work favorably for us. Do you remember putting foil on the TV antenna to get better reception? That was all before HD, UHD, LED, OLED, LCD smart TVs and cable. Just like tape recorders to tape players, CDs and now Bluetooth. Everything has evolved so much but music is by far is one of the things that hasn’t gone anywhere just evolved. Q. What has been one of your biggest accomplishments being in this industry? A. My ability to see my work transcend language barriers, culture barriers and enhance someone else’s life. Simply Being able to touch the lives and hearts of people through music. Q. Tell us one fun fact about yourself? A. I Love to take care of people and make others smile. Q. Are there any projects you working on right now? A. I have some pretty amazing things currently in the works on for the end of the year and 2021. I’m collaborating with pretty amazing

TV producers, Music Producers and Singers. It’s going to be amazing! You can expect some amazing music, TV production, acting, international touring, a book titled The Next Chapter, and some motivational speaking. Q. What is your favorite genre in music and who is your favorite artist? A. I have so many musical influences in my life from life experiences all the way down to love and relationships. Favorite singer.... Whew.... So many…. That’s a tough one because I’ve been favored to have so many inspiring musical geniuses in my life, so to name any in particular would kind of get me in a lot of trouble... lol. Q. Who are some artist you would love to collab with? A. There are so many different artists that I feel are absolutely amazing that I would love to work with, but if I had to pick one today, it would have to be Jill Scott. Q. Where can the fans follow you? A. Everyone can follow me here: www.reverbnation.com/iamsoulstress iamsoulstress  Facebook  Soundcloud iamsoulstress  Instagram iam_soulstress1  Twitter iamsoulstress





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Articles inside


pages 54-56

Big Ray Vangroove

pages 46-47

Fly Guy DC

pages 52-53

Khaled Abdelghany

pages 48-49

Theo Mack

pages 44-45

Emily Ballhouse

pages 50-51

Jasmine Pope

pages 42-43

Jayla Ores

pages 40-41

Keyondra Lockett

pages 30-31

Brittany Bloom

pages 34-35

Brandi Riggins

pages 38-39


pages 32-33

Jassi Rideaux

pages 36-37


pages 26-27

Deliqua Isom

pages 28-29

Tiara Nicole

pages 6-9

Emma G

pages 18-19

Aviator's Queenie

pages 16-17

Tameka Foster

pages 4-5

Brittney Holman

pages 20-21

V Bozeman

pages 10-11

Young Sauce Da God

pages 12-13

Kinyatta Gray

pages 14-15
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