Have you ever stuck your hand under a desk and felt the warmth and stickiness of a freshly chewed piece of gum? Gum is made up of six basic ingredients which include the gum base, flavorings, colorings, preservatives, sweeteners,and softeners (International Chewing Gum Association). With all these ingredients imagine how many bugs and germs could be attached to the gum.
Bubble popping and other chewing noises serve as a distraction to students which is detrimental to their education.
Students deposit chewed gum under desks, on seats, in the carpet, and between book pages. The reasons students do this are ones society will never understand. If a piece of gum is to lose it’s flavoring, the logical response is to stand up and dispose of it in a nearby receptacle. However, many do not have the decorum to get up and throw it away.Fitting to their generation’s reputation of pure laziness; it makes more sense to simply lodge the used glob in the nearest crevice. Once this is done, the gum is no longer it’s consumer’s problem but the responsibility of someone else.
Willing to share responsibility with the janitorial staff, an anonymous sophomore at Countryside High School recycles the gum by picking it off and chewing it.
Apart from the dust, dirt, and other microscopic organisms, it is unimaginable the trouble these six ingredients can create for facilities.
There was a total of 167 pieces of chewed gum under desks in four classes. With a total of fourteen wings, and six portables. Just imagine about 60 pieces of chewed gum in each classroom of every wing and portable.
He has been working at our school since June 10, 2005. Many people may recognize him as a temporary step-dad, counselor, disciplinary police officer, a mediator or referee. He is better known as Officer Cavaliere.
John Cavaliere was born on September 11, 1964 in Queens, New York. In 1968, he moved to Garden City, Long Island, where he grew up until his ninth grade year. When he was 14, John moved to Fort Myers, Florida. Where he attended Bishop Verot Catholic High. During his senior year, he moved again to Seminole, Florida, attending Osceola High School.
In 1983, he went to Saint Petersburg Vocational Technical Institute and received a 2 year commercial photography certificate.
At age 19, he met his wife Anastasia Cavaliere. They were married at age 21 on August 30th, 1986. They have been married for 26 years and have raised three boys. His sons are now 18, 23 and 24.
When he was about eight years old, he knew he wanted to grow up to become a police officer. In 1988, he started the application process.
For his training, he went to Saint Petersburg College Academy. He went through six months of college training,
four months of field training and one year probation on his own in the field.
In 1990, he was hired as a police officer. On June 30, 1991, he became an official police officer. In 1997, he became a Field Training Officer (F.T.O).
During his years on the road, officer Cavaliere backed up School Resource Officers (SRO) Officer Brooks, Officer Kitchen, and Officer Zara at Clearwater High School. Getting a feel for what an SRO is and does. He came to the conclusion that it would be worthwhile for him to work with high school students.
When a spot opened up at Countryside High School, he took it. On June 10, 2005 at the age of 41, he went into the Clearwater PD, special operations, as an SRO officer.
After seven years at Countryside High School, he still loves his job.
“I love it. It’s very challenging, I wear many hats but it’s very rewarding” said Cavaliere.
He is at work by 6:15 in the morning and leaves around 2:15 in the afternoon. On weekends, holiday breaks, and dur ing the summer he is back on the streets as a patrol officer
Formally called table tennis, ping pong is a universal activity played around the world. The sport can be played casually with friends or competitively in tournaments. All one needs is a paddle, table, and an opponent, so why not play at Countryside wondered Michael Butler.
Butler is the founder and president of the newly started “Ping Pong” club in the Cougar halls. The goal of the club is to provide students with the opportunity to make new friends and be involved in an activity after school.
“It all started when my friend Joey Poelker and I were playing ping pong. I made a joke about it in Mrs. Brunson’s class, and she informed me we could actually start a club,” said Butler.
After holding one meeting, over 30 students were interested in joining the club. There was a second meeting on November 13 to fill the officer positions. All members are required to pay a five dollar fee. This money will contribute towards more equipment and tables to allow more students to play.
The club plans to meet twice a month, on a Monday and Wednesday after school. They plan to switch between the days so there is more opportunity for students to be involved.
During the day, a lot of people will come to talk to him about problems they may be having instead of going to their counselors.
“For some reason they find it easier to talk to me instead of their counselor.”
When kids come and talk to him, he treats them like adults and tells them how it is; he never lies to them.
Officer Cavaliere said the hardest part of his job is learning about the bad things that happen to kids at home or what they go through on the streets. He said there are a lot of funny things that happen at his job.
“But that’s what keeps it interesting.”
He never thinks about changing schools he says this is the school he cares to be in. If he ever did leave he would go back to street patrol because he sometimes misses it.
Officer Cavaliere does not know when he’s going to retire he just knows that he’s got a few years left in him. When John finally does retire he is going to spend more time with his wife fishing and golfing.
The International Thespian Society was created by a group of high school and college students in 1929. Within the past seventy years, the Thespian Society has gone international gaining millions of members. This society’s goal of great acting has not changed. The Thespian’s of Countryside High School are striving to make their school a place of great theatre.
“I love everything about being a Thespian- the pride, getting to become a mentor, helping others and watching them grow.” said Megan Whitstine (’15).
The first step in becoming a Thespian is to audition. Auditions consist of two thirty second segments of dance, act, or song leading up to one minute of a special talent. The top picked inductees then have two weeks to figure out who their mentors and characters are, and if they do not figure it out within the time given, the mentor could and will be reprimanded.
Characters are based on how well the inductee acts and their personality. In order to achieve the title of Thespian fifteen points is required. To get these “points”, attend Coffee house, build sets, show support at shows, also consider volunteering. Students have all school year to obtain them seeing that this does not generally happen until late April.
Innumerable teachers enjoy the Thespians as they walk around class to class; during this time period they are not to break character under any circumstance.
“I was into acting in high school, so yes, I love them. Every year they come in my room, sometimes I even go out in the halls and seek them out. They are very outgoing, and fun to be around.” said, Mrs.Greco.
“They’re pretty funny and they are out of their shell but they give me a headache.” said Brandon Pertile (’13).
For years, the hard work and training has lead the characters in coming alive; and it has turned out to be a huge success! This year as always, the Thespian’s will strive to make each performance exceedingly more memorable.
“I made a joke about it... and she informed me we could actually start a club.”
On November 1st, former Clearwater High School student, Melissa Dohme, brought a certain awareness to Countryside High school about abusive relationships and teen dating, wrapping up domestic violence awareness month in October.
The goal of the presentation was to help teens recognize and understand abusive relationships. It was made so that teens will be able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and show what an abusive relationship may encompass.
There are many different kinds of abuse that were brought up during this presentation. These included, physical, emotional/verbal, sexual, and even financial abuse. Financial abuse could include someone who steals money from their partner, or forces them to pay for almost everything.
Only 13% of girls report abuse in their own relationship.“Violence in relationships often times starts out with verbal abuse. Many victims in relationships that are abusive often times don’t report because of the emotional attachment they have to their partners. The abusive partner is manipulative, and has a large amount of control over how the other person feels and acts. I was one of the few people that did report,” says anonymous, former domestic violence victim.
Statistics say that 1 out of 3 teenage girls have been reported to have been physically harmed in an a relationship and 1 out of 7 men have been physically harmed by women.
The presentation not only caused you to ask yourself about how you are being treated in a relationship, but also about how you yourself are treating your partner. The main reason for abuse in relationships was clearly stated, which was that it is caused by one’s desire for power and control over another.
According to the Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV), there are 8 main ways one can gain power and control in dating over the other which are: intimidation, violation of privacy, threatening, using male privilege, limiting independence, humiliation, isolation, and harassment.
Many people question why people stay in these types of relationships. Many would agree that it could be for irrational reasons such as, a need for financial stability or not wanting to be alone. Melissa Dohme shared with students about her life-threatening situation, and about how it was fear that kept her from reporting her partner, who had threatened to kill her if she left him (See A Surviving Champion of Domestic Violence article for more details on her story).
Only 13 percent of girls report abuse in their own relationship.
Motivational speaker Chad Herman, who also spoke at the seminar, spoke with students on November 1st about how vital it is to make many people aware of domestic violence and about how it can happen to everyone.
If you or anyone you know is a victim of Domestic violence, please call the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-500-1119. See additional numbers and websites for more information.
Domestic Violence Prevention Blog: - http://Opt4.wordpress.com
- http://seeitandstopit.org
- http://teenhelp.org
- http://www.teencentral.net
- http://teengrowth.com
- http://teenshealth.org/teen/index2/html
- http://www.nrscrisiline.org
- http://dosomething.org
- http://www.pflag.org
- http://safeplaceservices.org
- http://promotetruth.org
- http://breakthecycle.org
- http://teenvillage.org
Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence: 1-800-500-1119
Alcohol and Drug Helpline: 1-800-821-4357
Covenant House Nineline (for general teen help): 1-800-999-9999
Job Corps: 1-800-733-5627
Rape. Abuse and Incest National Network: 1-800-657-HOPE
School Violence: 1-877-7BE-BRAVE
The Haven of RCS: 727-442-2128
staff writer
It was only January of this year when 20 year-old, Melissa Dohme, faced a terrible life-threatening situation that has inclined her to make many teens aware about one worldwide issue faced today: teen dating and domestic violence.
Melissa had been with her former boyfriend, Robert Lee Burton, for two years and they both graduated from Clearwater High School together.
One evening, he called Melissa wanting to talk to her and was in need of a hug. Melissa, already sensing something suspicious, brought pepper spray with her when they had met each other. Then Burton stabbed her 32 times in both the neck, face, and shoulder.
Reproduced by the permission of the Support Melissa
Thescars and bruises marking her face display the abuse Dohme beared in her unhealthy relationship.
“He treated me like a queen,” said Melissa to ABC Action News, explaining how she saw no sign of cruelty in Robert at the time. It was not until she moved onto college when Melissa started noticing his strange behavior.
Burton would become angry whenever Melissa would not include him in every aspect of her life. He also became very controlling, and showed behavior similar to that of a stalker. When Melissa broke it off with him, things began to get worse. He started threatening Melissa and started harassing her, calling and texting her 24/7.
Doctors said that it is a miracle that she was alive, considering that she needed several pints of blood added back in her system and her recovery was phenomenal. Burton faced first-degree attempted murder charges as well as assault charges. Melissa is spending her time today enjoying life and making a difference in other people’s lives.
Robert Lee Burton is faced with attempted murder charges and is currently behind bars and has been previously charged with domestic battery twice when being with Melissa on October 25th and December 26th in 2011.
Astime passes, the blemishes progressively heal around Dohme’s person.
“He did not win and I won,” says Melissa, who is now considered to be both a champion and warrior amongst many women today.
The 2012 United States presidential election was nothing short of a nail-biting drama. For both parties, tension was high and nerves were on edge. This led to more than a few harsh exchanges; not only between the presidential candidates, but supporters as well. Social networking took a brand new spin on the whole, “freedom of speech” thing. The variety of emotions people put out on the internet for the whole of the world to see was quite the sight. A constant game of “he said...he said” was played throughout the final weeks, days, and moments of the election. This resemblance of a popularity contest was anything but muted when you turned on your computer. People from all walks of life, ages, and global locations had their opinion on the seemingly never-ending race taking place on American soil. Even President Obama and Governor Romney’s “people”, and the occasional candidate himself, tweeted from their official Twitter accounts, broadcasting information on their platform, advertising, and of course the friendly fire of verbal combat all presidential candidates appear to be obliged to. When the President gets a twitter account, you know things are getting serious.
As for the public, there rarely seemed to be a happy medium of opinions expressed by individuals. It appeared to be as black and white as the candidates running. (Pun, maybe intended.) Throughout the entirety of the race, it was difficult to get a good idea of who in fact would win
the title of The President of the United States. As the election progressed, while commercials became more vicious and signs on the side of the road became more obnoxious, the winner’s name was even more clouded. However, a number of supporters belonging to the side of a specific office-seeker never had a doubt in their minds that anyone besides their “saving grace” would win.
A major curveball in the election made its way through the Atlantic ocean in the form of the historymaking superstorm Sandy. As the final days drew near, people had worries regarding achieving an outcome that would not be skewed. Flooding resulted in individuals being stranded in their homes and away from accessible voting polls. News coverage of the daunting hurricane took airtime away from the anxious candidates and their narrowing campaign efforts. With fears that individuals would not be able to reach a destination to vote due to blocked roads and have the opportunity to exercise that freedom, in the end it turned out that the affected northeast states turned blue on that election night.
Barack Obama won his second term as the President of the United States on December 6th, 2012. Throughout an election season filled with controversies, tribulations, and unexpected natural disasters, both candidates were unrelentlessly fighting day in and day out. Personal views and opinions aside, the only thing the public can do now is wish President Obama the best luck in guiding our country during his next four years in office.
The greatest treat granted to Americans along the east Winds of up to 80 miles per hour whirled through New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and West Virginia in the early morning of October 29. The day before was used to begin evacuations and to make final preparations for an incoming storm that could be largest to ever
Hurricane Sandy, later nicknamed “Frankenstorm”, destroyed numerous businesses, power lines, and over 50 homes as she made her way up the east coast. It had been reported that there was approximately 55 deaths after she passed through the states. In addition, 7.5 million people were without power, and seawater levels rose 13 feet. As the storm continued, high tides and harsh winds also aided progressive flooding.
Although the eastern states had their statistics repeatedly updated on every news channel, Sandy spent a bit of her time in the Caribbean, as well.
The very first victim of this superstorm was Puerto Rican, Kenah Huggins who had drowned in an overflowing river. Over 130 other deaths followed, counting from the Caribbean up through the East.
“As everyone knows, this [was] a big and powerful storm,” said President Barack Obama in a national address. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people who [were] potentially affected. We are extraordinarily grateful for our First Response Team because they are going to be working 24/7, around the clock, non-stop; and I would like to send out our thoughts and prayers to all those who... [will] be dealing with this situation. But the great thing about America is that when we go through tough times like this, we all pull together.”
Few people stay hopeful for the future and others focus primarily on the present times. After this storm’s mass destruction, comforting organizations have systemized plans for now and later times. The American Red Cross Association is a prime example: they have over hundreds of millions of dollars raised for disaster relief. One may give blood, volunteer, or become an advocate to aid this association. Another option for helping victims through The American Red Cross is to make a money donation; after Hurricane Sandy passed, female pop-singer Lady Gaga wrote a check for $1 million and Steve Jobs’s Apple Incorporation gave $2.5 million. Foundations and such like the American Red Cross do not expect those large donations, however, and will accept anything that is brought their way.
From provocative songs to the wild and crazy television shows, it is pretty hard to deny that sex is everywhere. Being portrayed as a glamorous thing that everyone should take part in it is almost as though sex is the new trend, and it has gone viral.
For many people, the value of sex has dwindled down to virtually nothing. Up until recent years, the word “sex” only came into context when talking about marriage or love, but times have changed.
Having intercourse as though it is just another leisure activity, teens are just doing what appears normal according to multiple reality shows, such as “Jersey Shore”. But there are a lot of awful things about sex that shows and songs keep hidden in the shadows. The only consequence ever talked about coming from teen sex is pregnancy, but theres much more at stake.
Sexually transmitted diseases in teenagers are increasing at alarming rates, and statistics do not show any evidence of the rapid incline slowing down. There are many steps in stopping the spread of STDs; although, without any knowledge of what these diseases can mean for their health, there seems no hope in stopping, or even putting a dent in these outbreaks.
According to the Huffington Post, one in two sexually active young people will get an STD by the age of 25, and most of these people will have never known they even had STD until they were tested. Also, if left untreated some STDs can cause infertility or increase the risk of getting
cancer. Hence, it is very important for a person who is sexually active to get tested just to be safe.
There are plenty of steps to help protect yourself from Sexually Transmitted Diseases. First and foremost, abstinence would be the most effective way. Corresponding to archaic belief sex should be valued much more than it is in modern society. It used to be looked upon as a special gift you could give to your significant other after marriage; however, nowadays being a virgin up until the day you get married is a very rare thing.
Finally, be knowledgeable about sex. Ask questions and find out all that you can do to stay safe. Sex should be something that teens can feel comfortable talking about to someone if need be.
•The US has the hightest teen pregnancy rate of the western industrialized world.
•Before the age of twenty, 34% of teens have had at least one pregnancy.
•80% of teen pregnancies are unintended.
•75% of teens have had intercourse before they have turned 20.
•Approximently 8,300 teens (1324) in 40 states have reported having a HIV infections in 2009.
•Nearly one half of the 19 million new STDs each year are among young people, aged 15 to 24.
For more information visit teenhelp.com, familyfirstaid.org and cdc.gov
As everyone knows, Christmas is generally a holiday where you spend time with family and friends. An estimated 70,000 U.S military personnel will be serving in combat or in some kind of service operation. Families of military personnel will get a surprise of having their soldier home; however others will not be so lucky this holiday season.
“My brother is 23; he just got back from basic military training for Marines, and is now at Camp Lejeune for training. My brother inspires me. It is hard when he is gone, but we write back and forth. When he was at basic he wrote telling us about how he was doing, and how his staff sergeant walked by him he would shake his head and say ‘It is not Hammer time’.” Said sophomore, Zach Hammer.
While many Americans feast, sing, or cuddle up with warm hearts during the holidays, thousands of military families have had to plan ahead to adapt their traditions to the demands of the deployments. For the troops not able to make it home for the holidays, they commonly receive treats. Also, morale boosters which include comedians or bands that come and perform for them.
In their free time they go to the recreation center to work out, play cards, shower or shoot some pool. Particularly using the computers to via skype with friends and family.
Being able to come home for the holidays is a very special thing for those who have been in battle for the past months or even past holidays. Some soldiers like to get creative with their homecomings, wrapping themselves up as gifts or showing up places. Thankfully, the troops will not come home to spits and jeers of an ungrateful nation, but to their loved ones lined on the streets with signs and joyful smiles of gratitude awaiting their arrival.
Troops agree that coming home relieves stress and they are no longer worried about separation. “The first week back, I was the best man in a wedding, and I had a Vietnam War veteran come up to me, and he handed me $50 and said, ‘Take your wife out to dinner. I appreciate what you did. We didn’t get the welcome we deserved when we got back, and I don’t want that to happen to you; I want you to go out and enjoy yourself.’ It was amazing to see her smile, i missed it so much” Stated Navy Corpsman, Jim Weller
All over America there have been thousands of teary eyed reunions for families of troops coming home. The Christmas season makes these reunions that much sweeter.
Isabella “A mini cash register and a mini kitchen.”
Nico “I want a little helicopter!”
“An iPod because they are so cool! You get to do your own thing on it.”photo credit briana dilworth photo credit briana dilworth photo credit briana dilworth
During the holiday season, multiple responsibilities are conflicted by the extremely short amount of time- considering most people procrastinate tasks such as planning Christmas dinner, buying presents and gathering the family into one house. Although this month is cha otic, some note-worthy individuals and groups, manage to find time for good deeds.
Multiple clubs at Countryside High School are organizing drives to collect clothing, food and toys for the families that cannot afford a nice Christmas meal or just want to give their children a very special and memorable day.
For instance the Surf Club is collecting clothes of all sizes, disregarding undergarments, which will be donated to Clothes to Kids and Pinellas Surf Organization’s No Shirt, No Shorts mission project.
Early in November was the first period breakfast competition. The first period class that donated the most clothes were rewarded a Chick-Fil-A breakfast and the teacher received a fifty dollar donation for class room supplies. Although this competition ended, the Surf Club continues to donate clothes all throughout the year.
The SADD Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions, constructed a toy drive so that the kids at Community Pride Child Care can get presents for Christmas. This organization is a daycare for infants through the age of six. These families cannot afford presents for their children and with the donated toys Community Pride Child Care can give them gifts. Donations of any type of toys can be given to Officer Cavaliere or Mrs. Prescott. For the sixth year, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, SADD Club goes to serve a Thanksgiving dinner for the children.
The Key Club collected food and delivered it to the Safety Harbor Neighborhood Family Center on Friday, November 16th.
Some of the clubs at Countryside High School have been doing these drives for years, some for the first time, and many just change it up year by year, but the help of some dedicated teachers and students can make an enormous impact on the holiday season for many people.
Employees are flooding into stores, toys stocking up on every shelf and the sweet aroma of cinnamon is filling the crisp air. Little kids are walking into stores with wide eyes filled with hope for what is to come.
Christmas is arriving. The Little Cougars have wishes of their own to be filled this holiday season.
Alexis “A piece of gum because my brother and me love gum.”brianaDILWORTH
Twelve weeks ago, Cougar football fans and players could not imagine their season ending the way it did. Expected to be the best year of football Countryside High School has ever seen, things did not go according to plan. With high hopes of being a three-peat undefeated season, the team did not think about the possibility of not entering the playoffs.
The season was going phenomenal with everyone thinking this could be the year the Cougars get a shot at the big title. All was well until Countryside was hit with an overwhelming blow. Papers not properly filled out and turned in regarding the new quarterback from Canada, Christian Strong came to light.
All students who transfer from different schools after ninth grade need to complete a GA4 form, which was not accurately accomplished. The House Bill No. 1403 states that games cannot be forfeited unless school administration or coaches had previous knowledge about the violation. Unfortunately, Countryside administration had been told about the complications and problems that needed to be fixed back in Spring 2012. Yet, Coach Davis had been given the “green light” when fall season rolled around.
When the report finally became public, Countryside with a record of 7-1-0, was astonished. Who would have thought that all the work the players had put in all season could have been for nothing. On November 1, 2012 Countryside appealed the ruling of the 6 games in process of being forfeited. The outcome was one that no one wanted to hear.
There is more to this story than just the heartache of a season lost. What about the 24 seniors that will never have another game under those Friday night lights? Players were not given the chance to compete in the playoffs, even with a “real” record of 9-1-0. Players unable to show their skill in front of big time colleges that only are interested in teams making the playoffs. What about those 24 players who lost their chances due to something they did not have any knowledge of? The coaches and the administration not only threw away an impeccable season, but also demolished the future of many talented athletes.
BUTTERFIELD sports editor
The current National Hockey League Lockout has left the season two months behind the regular starting date of October 11, 2012 to December 1, 2012. 327 games have already been cancelled and only 66 games will be played per team, 990 total games throughout the entire season.
Pierre LeBrun who covers the NHL on ESPN.com says that “The League needs to legitimately honor their codes and take care of existing players” which is what the NHL is trying to do.
The owners of the teams and NHL board members are talking about a revenue sharing among teams in the League; meaning that specific teams do not get direct money when their logo is purchased but rather it is split up among all teams in the NHL. The individual player’s revenue would change from 57 percent to 46.
Another upcoming change is that all new players will have a maximum of 5 years in a signed contract. Signing bonuses will be eliminated and a uniform salary for each year of the contract will be put into play, eliminating the “front-loading” of contracts.
Avid hockey fan Zach Capco said “the lockout makes me feel sad and I miss hockey. The season is shortened so they’re losing money either way but I think the teams and players should be the same. The players need to stop being so greedy. The game isn’t the most popular in the world so the revenue is not going to be top dollar so the players need to be able to understand that the owners are running a business and need to make profit.”
As the season gets closer, fans are becoming more anxious as well as the players and coaches. The opening season shall show us who is top in the league.
“The lockout makes me feel sad and I miss hockey.”
-Zach Capco ‘13reproduced by permission of noozebox.com photo credit Riley Narum
This is the first year since 2003 that Countryside High School has provided lunch in the middle of the day. There are two lunches that students get to sit around, talk with friends, or get some work done during the 35 minute period.
As a result of the new lunch schedule, a strict closed campus rule has come into play. In previous years, students were allowed to go outside during break; however, this year everyone must stay indoors. To ensure this, administrators stand in front of the main entrances of the school.
Although the rule may be set into place, it is not followed or respected. Students are often seen walking to their cars or off campus during lunch. Mr. Schlereth attempts to stop them, but as soon as he leaves, the students swarm back outside. In addition, Angelo talks to the students outside, rather than sending them back indoors.
“I know that a group of students leave school before Angelo gets out. They get food with friends. Three cars go to McDonalds regularly”, said senior, Matin Norazzi.
Why is it that there is a strict closed campus rule during lunch, but students are still seen walking in and out of the building throughout the day? From first to seventh period,
There needs to be structure. The cops and Mr. Angelo are ineffective, and if the rules are to be followed, then students need to face the consequences. Otherwise, the rule should be loosened so students can go outside or leave campus.
Since CHS is an all indoor school, it seems unfair not to allow students to go outdoors. Students need fresh air, especially with the tar-like fumes created from the roof construction lingering throughout the school.
Administration needs to decide whether or not they want to enforce or get rid of the new closed campus rule. Students get anxious cooped up indoors all day. This was a big change and everyone needs to accept it, or things
1.On Elena: Pink sweater with black jeans and motorcycle
On Jordan: Red dress with grey cardigan, black tights and black boots.
2.On Jade: A grey black and white leopard print long sleeve T shirt paired with jean shorts with gray tights underneath and black ankle boots .
3.On Lindsey: and black riding boots.
4.On Molly: Black long sleeve shirt with a printed black, white, and pink skirt. Underneath she sports black tights and a pair of black boots.
5.On Emily: A long sleeve collared blue printed blouse, a pair of bright red capris and tan heeled ankle boots.
The fact that tobacco products are harmful to individuals’ health is not news to anyone. It is common knowledge, and fairly warned, that products such as cigarettes can cause detrimental damage to lungs, skin, teeth, and everyones overall well-being. What is shocking, though, is the fact that these human-used products are being inhumanely tested on innocent animals
According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), tobacco companies are using animals to test out their lethal products. Animals such as mice and rats are included in various methods of testing; spread-
In the realm of public education slipping on leggings is an act of war. Hallways become relentless battle fields with guerrilla soldiers scouting out members of the opposing side- those who do not conform to their ideals of acceptability.
This war began long ago when the two sides
copy editor they could never coexist. Those wishing to dress in a manner fit to their individuality transfigured into the sole enemy of educational facilities.
With the procession of time each side has morphed, in more modern terms, to students and administrators.
As with every war a competitor concieves an operation to glide by their opposition unnoticed.
Below lies the most successful:
ing cigarette tar on the bare skin of the animal’s flesh, then killing the remaining test subjects that survived and concluding the tests by dissecting them are some of the controversial methods used.
If this is not repulsive enough, the maker of Newport cigarettes, Lorillard Tobacco, subjected thousands of rats and mice to forcefully breathe in cigarette smoke for several hours a day, everyday. What is upsetting about these barbaric testing reports is that these animals’ anatomy and body reactions are completely unrelated to those of a human being that smokes cigarettes. Comparing reallife smokers to rats in a laboratory is simply illogical and unrealistic to discover any substantial information that could benefit any one of the parties involved.
Not one of the tobacco companies in the United States are required to conduct animal testing. In fact, in several countries, including the United Kingdom and Germany, these activities are strictly prohibited. If this is upsetting to the public, the most obvious action to take is to quit buying the products they are selling- cigarettes being the most commonly used. On top of this, anyone can write to the FDA to inquire that they seize the primitive use of animals for tobacco testing. A change is possible. To write to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the information is as follows:
Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee
Center for Tobacco Products
U.S. Food and Drug Administration 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20993
The two weeks off from school in December are commonly known to most as Christmas Break, but to Jews and other religions it is just Winter Break. According to pewforum.org, 78.4 percent of people‘s religious affiliation is Christianity. Although Christianity is the most common religion followed in the United States, there are others out there. On December 25, not everyone is sitting around the Christmas tree, opening presents. To other religions it is just another day.
Most Jews joke about Christmas as the day that they go to the movies and get Chinese food, but there are a lot more options. For example, flights are very cheap on Christmas; therefore, non-Christians often fly on the 25. In addition, Disney World and other theme parks are opened. Other options in the Tampa Bay area are ice skating, zip lining and looking at Christmas lights.
“[On Christmas] my family used to get Chinese food, but now we just chill. We stay isolated from everyone. Recently we have been going to our vacation house in North Carolina”, said senior, Harry Finklestein
“I am Muslim. [I do] nothing on Christmas. Gid is similar to Christmas. The date varies every year and little kids are given presents. It is during the fall, after Ramadan,” said freshmen, Amira Ali.
December is a very festive time of year. The weather, decorations,such as the holiday lighted menorah, music and food lead to a very fun-filled month for everyone. Christmas is an wonderful holiday, but it is not the only one out there. Channuka, Kwanzaa, Festivust and Bohdi Day are other days of celebration during the holiday season.
Nearly every teenager and their parents have sat down together at one point in their lives and watched one of the six movies in the Star Wars saga. Whether you hated it or loved it, there’s no denying how unique it truly is. When an idea that colorful, creative and evil is mixed together in a film series, it is sure to cause some different reactions. George Lucas’s mysterious mind surely left an impact on viewers in the 1970s when Episode IV: A New Hope was first released. Back then, a movie with the plot of a ‘dark side’ and an invisible force that can make things float was not common. People were hooked.
A New Hope, technically the first movie in the saga, cost nearly 11 million dollars to produce. All the actors, props and stuntmen added up to a hefty price. In the end it was all worth it because the final income for ticket sales was 460 million dollars in America and about 314 million dollars overseas.
Big time company Disney recently gave a bid for the rights of Star Wars to be turned over and George Lucas
agreed to the hefty price of 4 billion dollars. This turn of events didn’t go very well with lovers of the series and quite a few spoke out against the event.
“I think it is going to crash the series only because it was an original idea and Disney is not going to be able to bring that excitement of the original’s to the series.” Said sophomore Brian Yoannon. When something like Star Wars that is known and loved by hundreds of thousands of people is sold out of the blue; there will be complaints. On the other hand, there are lovers of the films that will stand by it until the end no matter who has their name in the credits.
“It’s more a syfy movie so I find it odd, but I’m still excited to see the seventh, eighth and ninth movies.” Said sophomore Emily Bravo. While most fans stand strongly by their decision to enjoy the upcoming releases of episode 7, 8 and 9, there is no hiding the fact movie theaters will be packed full of critics and fans, ready to judge Disney’s latest project.
Deadfall- A 94 minute drama about siblings Addison (Eric Bana) and Liza(Olivia Wilde). On the run from a casino heist gone wrong, when a car accidentally leaves their wheelman and state trooper dead. Premiering on December 7.
Heleno- A movie with a 116 minute run time premiering December 7, it is about a talented Brazilian-born (Heleno De Freitas) with an unimaginable athletic talent. He conquered the soccer world in the 1940s but as his fame and fortune grows he takes a liking to more women and nightclubs that will threaten his career.
Hobbit- starring Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Andy Serkis, and Aidan turner this is an action/ fantasy which follows the character Bilbo Baggins from Lord Of The Rings who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim The Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. Premiering December 14.
The Guilt Trip- In this bittersweet comedy starring Seth Rogen, Barbra Streisand, Kathy Najimy, Colin Hanks, and Adam Scott. Andy Brewster is about to plunge into a road trip that will change his life. Andy is guilted by his egotistic mother Joyce to chaperone him on the trip.They travel 3,000 miles as they come to find out her advice is something they both need to build their relationship stronger. Premiering December 14.
Les Miserables- A motion picture adaptation of the beloved global stage sensation directed by tom hooper, based on victor hugo’s classic novel set in 19th century france starring, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter,Sacha Baron Cohen, Eddie Redmayne. The release date is December 25, this tells of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice, and redemption.
When images of teachers and celebrities begin to blend, the result is suprsing.
Since Countryside opened, Carl Zimmermann has not only taught the television side of journalism through TV production, but he has inspired young cougars to follow their dreams. He has been a large part of the success of UPC show, and the teaching of the young minds majoring in journalism.
As of the recent election, Zimmermann is now part of the State Representatives in Florida. His responsibilities are comprised of making and changing laws, as well as assisting constituents.
His ambition is to change the way teachers and students are evaluated in Florida. He aspires for public schools to be treated fairly, unlike how circumstances are today.
“I hope to be a voice for everybody in education, and stop the assault on public education” said Zimmermann.
In addition to education, Zimmermann has his sights set on adjusting the home owners’ insurance rates to bring them down to be more affordable.
His position is a two year term, and his goal is to be re-elected to serve the eight possible years. Just as the president, his term begins in January 2013 deeming him ineligible to teach second semester.
Zimmermann is a pillar within the educational system shaping bright minds. His impacts within Countryside will hold their own legacy as this former teacher shifts to bettering education and homeowners across the sun-
From sitting on a small stage to standing behind her own microphone, Countryside High School graduate, Jillian Stein, is progressively making her way to folk-rock stardom.
At an early age, Jillian recognized her love for music and began to pave a fresh path into the music industry.
“Listening to all kinds of music is what inspires me, not only to play music, but to live a certain way” said Jillian, who echoes the styles of Bob Dylan.
She claims to have really gotten her start thanks to common chorales such as Sheryl Crow, Bob Marley and Joni Mitchell. “I think that listening to music and playing music are both equally vital to my life and I do not know where I would be without them.”
As far as talent goes, Jillian is considered by most to be a phenomenal guitarist, as well as harmonist and pianist. She first picked up a guitar at the age of twelve and has not put it down since.
Going on fifteen she began to perform covers to live audiences; her first open-mic performance being Safety Harbor’s own, Whistle Stop.
“I try not to think about how I’m doing when performing,” said Jillian, “I feel I really perform best when
I’m not thinking about technique, but when I feel the words and what I am singing about.”
She continued to perform as she became more and more developed into the music industry. She was featured on Tampa Bay’s Studio 10 and in The Florida Folk Show, followed by many other gigs.
“She has always been really proactive about pursuing a career in music. She actively looks for opportunities to play at restaurants and bars rather than waiting around for someone else to approach her,” said former Countryside student, Haley Peters.
Jillian is currently attending Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee where she will soon be auditioning for a minor in music. However, she remains undecided between English, History and Journalism for her major.
Jillian’s gratifying style of folk-rock was picked up by Low Down Records through which she will be issuing an EP pre-release of her album in the fall and the full album will be released come spring time. With her non-stop determination, this will surely not be the final time we will hear her name. She has proven that if people really set their minds to it, they can be successful and make their dreams more that just dreams. Fans look forward to seeing what her future holds and wish her the best of luck.
Most high school students are known for their infamous I-don’t-care-I-do-what-I-want, indifferent, uninvolved, selfish attitudes. Very rarely can a kid under the age of eighteen be labeled as an accomplished idol. However, there is one male that rises above the typical negative teen stereotypes - the one, the only… Scott Gould.
This remarkable individual, better known as Scottie, is currently completing his senior year at Countryside High School. He has only started his life yet he has taken on more leadership roles than the average person ever will.
Scottie has chosen the ultimate high road by taking on the duty of senior class president. He spectacularly represents the student body as a whole by working with students to resolve problems and informing administration of the students’ needs or wants.
“He is demanding of authority, yet he is respectful and would never even think of being rude,” said Harry Finkelstein, treasurer of the National Honor Society.
Scott has exceeded normal expectations academically ever since he was a child by constantly earning top notch grades. Currently, he is taking multiple honors classes and advanced placement (AP) classes which include AP Calculus, AP Psychology, and Marine Science Honors. Granted, many students are involved in honors courses, but that is not the end of the story for Scottie.
Given his previous scholarly success, it is evident that Scott was invited to join the National Honor Society. In addition to NHS, he has been a committed member of the school’s SADD Club, Interact Club, and Student Government Association.This year, he also made an impression with sports by becoming the captain of the varsity bowling team. Most kids cringe at the thought of taking on more than one major responsibility. Meanwhile, Scott deals with an overabundance of important tasks every day with ease.
Contrary to popular belief, extraordinary young adults do exist today. Scott Gould is living, breathing proof. It is indisputable that this inspirational seventeen year old has a bright future. When asked about his plans for the future, Scottie responded with, “I want to graduate from UCF and go to culinary school. I hope to become a chef and own my own restaurant.” It leaves his peers pondering one question: How does he do it?