AscensionLife October 2021

Page 28


The Soul‘s Perspective: The Anatomy of the Crystal Connection and Other Modalities by Josef We are often asked about the use of crystals, cards, candles, etc. as a way to‚ connect‘ to your higher Source, and‚ other‘ consciousness that is available for all to experience. We love that our human counterparts are seeking ways to connect, ways to enhance their connection and ways to expand the physical Self, the human aspect of the Soul. To this endeavor, we applaud your‚ efforts. However, from our perspective, as most of you know, there is never effort in connection; there is no effort in anything that is in Alignment with your Soul, for the word “effort“ does not exist here. We use it as a means to communicate with you based on your current understanding - and herein lies part of the conundrum in the understanding of your expansion and movement forward to the New Earth vibration. There is, and has been for many eons, an understanding and belief that relies on outside modalities for the human connection to Source. It is a belief that was/is conjured in and perpetuated from the third dimension of contrast where it was, born so to speak. It was derived from

a place of lack and misunderstanding you see, misunderstanding of who you really are, and is in alignment with the third dimensional contrasting vibration. It supports and manifests from the vibration with which it was created - as all beliefs and understandings do. From our perspective which is the perspective of the expanded‚ “You“, the perspective of your Soul, who is‚ “sitting“ in the expanded vibration that is the New Earth in its non-physical form, there is no need for any modality to bring you closer to another aspect of you, you see. There is nothing outside of you that is necessary for your recognition of, and communication with, another vibrational timeline, another consciousness, that exists in this Universe, for nothing is more powerful than you, than your focus and desire for experience. As you move forward in your unique journey of expanding the human aspect of your Soul, you will discover that it is your current understandings that are limiting you; the understandings and beliefs that you have lived as the human aspect in the contrasting vibrations of the third dimension. This discovery is evidence of

Welcome Aboard. The Teachings Of Josef 28

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