7. Encourage cycling Take up cycling projects at college or workplace Contribute to cycle promotion
5. 6.
Institutional Partners Develop and maintain a website / portal and social media about Bicycle Dept, PMC IT the Pune Cycle network, cycling maps, information about cycling Dept facilities, events, apps, plan implementation, partnership programmes, schemes, guidance documents for citizens groups, institutions, work places, volunteering opportunities, cycling tips, how to get cycle training etc Introduce new content and innovative teaching methods and Traffic Police and materials in the Road Safety Patrol programme RTO Road Safety Set up mechanisms for feedback/ data collection: Patrol program a. Gather feedback from students on their travel experience, such as through a participatory survey as part of the Road PMC School Safety Patrol programme and use this feedback for bringing Education Dept. about improvements as needed in traffic management, road infrastructure etc PMC Indradhanushya b. Add a data set in the annual school report form, on how Centre for Citizenship students and staff travel to school and submit to School and Environment Education Dept and Bicycle Dept Education (under Introduce systematic training for cycling in all interested schools, PMC Environment through trained instructors Dept) Provide cycle kits and training on bicycle maintenance Through School Transport Committees and School Management Committees, actively discourage underage driving, and promote safe road behaviour and use of protective gear by parents/ guardians and all school staff Develop institutional partnerships with colleges and youth groups Bicycle Dept / for: Indradhanushya a. cycle-friendly campuses b. student projects such as surveys and studie c. cycling promotion events
Easy access to all 1. information about cycling in Pune, events, efforts to improve cycling, partnerships and volunteering Children or school Encourage positive attitude 2. students towards cycling and enhance understanding of sustainable 3. transportation Enable gathering of feedback from children as users of transportation services Enable data collection on school transportation Provide systematic cycling training 4.
Table 6: Activities for public awareness and outreach