j. A shift of 20% combined with the existing share of 3% of cycles, gives an estimated projected mode share of 23% for cycles. Potential Shift to Cycles Across Modes 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
47% 36% 23% 3%
29% 23% 6% 5%
10%9% 1% 1%
4% 3%
Current Mode Share (from Household Survey) Projected Mode Share (excluding recreational trip)
Figure 1: Potential of shift from other modes to cycling
Potential for integration with public transit The survey indicates that a significant shift to BRT system (about 45%) from motorized modes may be possible if Public Bicycle Sharing system is provided within 5 minutes walking distance from their origin/destination points and at the BRT stations. 3. Conclusions from Studies a. Cycling as a mode has decreased since 1980s as it used to be more than 50% in the traffic flow in 1981, to about 7% in 2008, and about 3% in the present day. However, 3% trips by cycle is still a significant share compared to 4% trips by auto and 5.5% trips by cars. b. A range of measures will be essential to make cycling safer, and to increase cycling in Pune. c. Changes in the infrastructure for cycling and its management are essential for the safety of current cyclists. d. The safer and more attractive the cycling infrastructure, the greater the likelihood of commuters choosing to cycle as a mode to travel for various travel needs. e. The inadequacy of the cycle infrastructure network in the city in the recent times with increased modal share of motor vehicles is a root cause of this decline in cycling. This has led to increase in the actual threat to cyclists as well as in the perception of Punekars. f.
Punekars are aware of health and other benefits of cycling and if the required infrastructure is in place, commuters would opt for cycling, including for first/ last mile connectivity to public transport along with rental cycles.
g. The stated preference survey also reveals the same outcome that commuters are willing to shift to cycling if infrastructure including cycle network, cycle rentals and cycle parking is developed. h. Pune is well-placed to take a comprehensive initiative for improving cycling infrastructure across the city, given the current institutional and physical situation, and tremendous interest and favourable attitude among the citizens of Pune towards cycling.