Figure 22: Perceived unsafe corridors Public Perceptions about Cycling Infrastructure Cyclists were asked to rate their experience of cycling in the city on five different parameters. Behaviour of motorists: The majority of cyclists find behaviour of motorists towards cyclists as unacceptable and they don’t feel safe on road. This may be due to the traffic regulation enforcement issues i.e. motorists using cycle lanes to drive and specially during peak hours, or the absence of cycle infrastructure itself. Safety: While overall safety on the road is a very big concern, it comes second to the concern about behaviour of motorists. Crossings: Cyclists find signals and crossings highly inconvenient. The general observations survey also shows that the signal cycle doesn’t have a cyclists’ phase. Surface for Cycling: The surface that cyclists currently use (which is primarily roads, and not cycle tracks) is of relatively lesser importance. Cycle Parking: A few cyclists agree that they find cycle parking easily. However, from the observational survey, it has been noted that very few locations have cycle parking.