A Message from yo ur
Newsletter Editor Hey Key-uties! 2020 has flown by so fast! Cheers to month number 10 of serving our community from the comfort of our homes. This year has been a roller coaster and I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing club with awesome members :) November was filled with lots of events, from fundraisers to service events, you guys were a huge part to making it happen. With over 40 service opportunities, we were able to serve 2,851.78 hours this term! I can’t wait for you guys to see what we have planned for December and the New Year! We have lots of ongoing events planned for December, as well as gift exchanges, movie nights, and more to help destress y’all after finals. I wish all my fellow Key Clubbers a happy and healthy holidays! See you all in 2021!
With love,
Claire Tseng
Claire Tseng Newsletter Editor tsengclaire95@gmail.com