Cross Keys January 2023

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The Cross Keys

The Monthly Newsletter of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone No.242 Number 250

Happy New Year and let’s hope it’s better for the Craft than last year which had so manychallenges.

I have included the PGL of Cornwall’s ArmedForcesCovenantwhich,Iamdelightedtosay,manyPGLshavesignedupto. It wasgoodtoseeBro.Brian‘OJ’KerrPM242 involvedwiththeCraftoutinCincinnati.

Grant Cover The front cover of a masonic newspaper first published in 1834 showing Royal Arch symbolism or perhaps this was common in lodges at that time. See Page 14 for its varied contents.

The Cross Keys is a free magazine distributed across the many countries in order to spread the good (and sometimes not so good) qualities of the Craft. All views are of individual brothers and not any organised body.

Editor: Bro. N. Grant Macleod

PM of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone No. 242

PM of The Anchor Lodge of Research No.1814 Past Provincial Grand Secretary of the Province of Renfrewshire East.

Proof Reader: Bro. Allan Stobo

PM of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone No. 242 Treasurer 242

All Scottish Constitution.

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 2
From the Editor In this issue: 3 UGLE 7 Year Plan 4 Installation Programmes Appeal 5 Square Wheels’ Lodge No. 9966 6 Lodge 203, Airdrie 7 Irish RA Founder’s Jewel 8 Royal Bruce Chapter, Lochmaben 9 Symbols 10 Questions for an EA 11 German Masonic Hall, 1920 12 Cornwall’s Armed Forces Covenant 13 Masonic Miscellany 14 Freemasons’ Quarterly Review 15 Lodge St. John 3bis Charity Box 16 Old French Masonic Temple 17 French Constitution 1801 18 Russia 1858 19 Education in 18th Century Russia 21 Did You Know? 22 Scots POW 25 Local Foundation Stones 27 Answers to the EA’s Questions 29 GL/PGL News
January Meetings Thursday 12th MM Degree Thursday 26th EA Degree By OBs Visit 17th January 2023 at St. Barchan No.156 7.30pm start

The Pro Grand Master Bro. Jonathan Spence said ‘Over the next seven years, we will enhance our reputation as a thriving organisation that people aspire to join and broaden our membership among all age groups.’

Strong Foundations outlines the need to:  Implement an investment plan (people, capabilities and technology) to support delivery of the Strategy  Tap into our talent base, identifying and using members’ skills and talents, whatever their rank 

Update the Book of Constitutions, ensuring that it is fit for a modern membership organisation.

Thriving Membership reiterates our commitment to: 

Constantly reinforce the concept of our unique combination of fun/sociability and serious and timeless core values  Address the ‘membership challenge’ at all levels, encouraging innovation, embracing change and spreading successful ideas  Further enhance our members’ understanding of our history and values.

Coherent Organisation summarises the necessity of: 

Communicating clear, concise and consistent messaging within UGLE and beyond 

Empowering and enthusing our mem-

bers, supporting them with the tools and knowledge to act as ambassadors and become our future leaders 

Further develop the RCG structure to maximise local impact across traditional Provincial boundaries.

Engaged In Our Communities reflects the need for us to: 

Build on the recent success of our members’ response to the pandemic in their local communities and of our partnership with the MCF and other local and national charities  Identify new areas for engagement in our communities 

Communicate more openly and explicitly the full scale and community impact of members’ current engagement through charitable donations and volunteering.

Another of the key takeaways from ‘The Strategy for Freemasonry 2022 & Beyond’ is the need for a change in attitudes throughout the organisation in order for us to move forward. As Freemasons, we can sometimes find new ideas and advancements are met with some scepticism and the old adage of ‘No, because’. It is this that we need to urgently address in order to make sure that the ambitious plans presented within this Strategy can be properly embedded. Instead, we need to move towards a ‘Yes, if’ approach at all levels.

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Year Strategy Plan

Installation Programmes Appeal

Below is the first programme which we hold Bro. Dr. Michael Symington in 1926 and anotherlaterforBro.Rev.KerrMcKayin1932. Iamintheprocessofcollectingasmanyaspossiblebefore1940soifanybrothermighthaveoldprogrammes,pleasehavealookandemail me.


The Cross Keys

A ‘new’ colourised image of the Cross Keys Hotel where the lodge met in the 19th Century. The band stand which was the present from the Houstoun family sits across and the water fountain from the Paton mill owners, both families heavily involved in the lodge. The building to the right of the hotel and the band stand remain today.

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Square Wheels Lodge No. 9966

Followingonfromlastmonth’sF1lodge,here isanother‘specialist’lodge,verycommonunder the UGLE. The core of this lodge has emerged from the Square Wheels Classic Car Club which was formerly the MasonicClassic Vehicle Club which having existed for many years was relaunched following the success of the national Classic 300 classic car runs supporting the Tercentenary celebrations in 2017.

The Square Wheels Cub (MCVC) was relocated to Warwick and it seemed appropriate that the home forthe new Lodge shouldalso bebasedatAldersonHouseHighStreetWarwick being close to the centre of the British CarIndustryinEngland.

ItisthebeliefoftheFoundersthatconsecrating the new lodge will not only serve and bewidely supported by Square Wheel Club membersbutwillactasamostusefulrecruitment catalyst for Classic vehicle enthusiasts notcurrentlyFreemasons.

It is worthy of noting as a statistic that independent research shows the Classic vehicle industryaloneintheUKemploys34900people and is worth £5.5 billion giving a serious indication of the size of the hobby serving a wide and predominantly male demographic. TheLodgewillofcoursebeopentoallClassic vehicleenthusiastsandownersaswellasany othersuitableapplicantformembership.Itis notintendedtooperateasaclosedLodgeper se.

We have considered the question of recruitmentandhavetoacceptthatsomeofthiswill beempiricalwithalearningcurvetotravelas

the Lodge develops. However the “inside” knowledge of those Founding members involved in the Square Wheels Club means we arecognisantandawareofwhatthepotential istorecruitfromwithintheCraftandalsoto involveandrecruitnewmembersfromwithin the wider hobby. At major exhibitions there has been great interest shown which the Founders believe that capable of being capitaliseduponsuccessfully.

Thusthereareinterestinglytwodifferent aspects to membership of a new Lodge. The Lodge has 75 Founding Members primarily drawn from within the membership of the Square Wheels Club which itself has astrong and growing constituency to draw upon. In additionthereisamuchlargeranduntapped constituency of Freemasons who own use and enjoy the classic vehicle hobby who it is hoped will become interested. The Founders are equally optimistic that through their attendanceatshowssocialrunsetc.thatenthusiasts for the hobby who are not currently Masonswillwanttobebecomeinvolved.

Theprimaryaimwillbetonurturearealunderstanding of Freemasonry, to encourage thenewBrethrentoassimilateintoandenjoy theLodgeandFreemasonryandtoencourage their Masonic aspirations. We hope to foster relationswiththeotherspecialinterestLodgesandallbasedonacommonenthusiasmfor thehobbythelodgeserves.

The lodge meets four times a year on the fourthThursdayofJanuary,thefirstSaturday of May and July and the fourth Saturday of SeptemberintheHighStreet,Warwick.

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What is Unique about Lodge 203 in Airdrie?

The charter of The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No.203 was granted on the 6th day of August 1799. The first time that an installed masters’ degree is mentioned is on 27th December,1885whenBro.Mitchellwas giventhishonour. However,whatisunique istheceremonyofaninstalledmarkmaster normallyconferreduponaFirstPrincipalof achapter.

In 1888 the Grand Lodge of Scotland took away the right of the lodge to elect and install a Mark Master, but with the assistance ofP.G.L.GrandMasterBro.Lieut.Col.J.Clark this was restored to the lodge. A second attempt was made to take this right away in 1923 but after a strong appeal by the lodge this was also resolved in the lodge’s favour.

At the meeting of 14th . Feb. 1940 it was reported that the lodge had again successfully defended the right in our charter to keep the office of mark master, although thanks were due to the master and the S.W. for moving an amendment, it was considered that the work done by Bro. William Blair Secretary in penning letters to about fifty Grand Officers and Committee members must have had some weight with the decision, and as such the lodges thanks were minuted.

So the lodge continues today with the master of the lodge receiving the installed mark master as well!

Duringtheeighteenthcentury,MarkMasonry had two degrees, Mark Man and Mark Master;theynowarecombinedintoonedegree in Scottish Masonry but this is not the case in other countries, even if they differ from the old ones. The Mark Man Degree was reserved to Fellow Crafts and the Mark MasterwasexclusivelyforMasterMasons.

In 1856, Grand Chapter decided to issue Charters for Mark Lodges. This time the Charters were confined to the working of the Mark Degree only, in effect they were setting up a Mark Lodge. From 1856 until 1900 some 42 Mark Charters were issue by the Supreme Grand ChapterofScotland,the majority issued to England.

The other problem was that although Grand Lodge ‘banned’ the working of the Mark in 1800, many lodges still conferredit. Forexample, No. 8 in Edinburgh because they conferred before Grand Lodge was formed in 1736. Four years later, a committee of Grand Lodge and SGRAC was formed to review the situation and its outcomewastoallowlodgestoconfertheMark Degree. It also agreed a candidate applying to be admitted to the Royal Arch Degree, if hehasreceivedtheMarkDegreeinaregular Lodge of St John's Masonry, shall not be required to take it a second time in the chapter.

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What is Unique about Lodge 203 in Airdrie? (ctd)

“As regards the Royal Arch Degrees, the Mark Degree shall be reckoned as the Fourth Degree in Masonry” whereas the Grand Lodge views its degrees as the first three with the Mark being an extension of the FCD and the Installed Master being a ceremony. Playing with words to a certain extent?

To add to the confusion, the installed mark masterceremonyisgivenonlytoFirstPrincipalsofthechapterbecausetheycanholda mark lodge attached to a chapter and most candidates are then required to affiliate to this mark lodge. Masters of Craft lodges (withtheexceptionof203)onlyreceivethe

Installed Master Ceremony yet confer the full Mark Degree in the lodge whereas very few First Principals will have conferred the MarkDegreeinfull.


The lodge meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October and November, at 19:30,and every 4th Wednesday in August , at 19:30 and every 2nd Wednesday in December, at 19:30 in the Masonic Temple, 80 Clark Street, Airdrie.

Interesting Royal Arch Jewels

Jewel far right was presented in Londonderry to Ex. Comp. M. McNeary, 5th King & Founder Culmore R.A.C. No. 320(1925).

Jewel centre was presented in 1995 in Good Samaritans Chapter No. 7654 in Northumberland.

JewelimmediaterightbelongstoImperialCollegeRACwithinImperialCollege Lodge and consists of former students andstaffofICL.

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At Lochmaben March 18th. A.L. 5821, A.D. 1817 at a meeting of the Royal Arch Royal Caledonian Chapter of Annan No.100. The Chapter being opened in due form there was produced and read a Disposition and authority from the Grand Supreme Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem at London of date the 8th day of February A.L. 5821 A.D. 1817 empowering the Chapter to hold their meetings at this town of Lochmaben as well as at Annan and there to exalt Master Masons properly qualified in due form to the sublime dignity of Royal Arch Masons as the same more fully B????? which being considered by the Chapter they made choice of Companion William Rae as Principal Z, J Brotch H and William Mitchell J. to hold meetings and exalt companions and do other business in their name until a Warrant of Constitution be granted them as formerly applied for to act in their own names and authority under the title and designation of The Royal Bruce’s Castle Chapter of Lochmaben and the said Wm. Rae Z, J Brotch H & W Mitchell J. were in due form installed in their offices and took the chairs accordingly.

Thereafter, the Chapter proceeded to the Exaltation of (3 Master Masons, named) who being examined were found to have passed the chair & were in due form exalted to the Sublime Degree of Royal Arch Masons and admitted Companions accordingly.

The above box was presented by a companion to the chapter showing Royal Bruce Castle (LochmabenCastle)ontherearandonthefront,threecastlesformingatrianglewithsword throughthecentre couldthisbeasubtlerepresentationoftheelement air? AnearlyinterpretationoftheEMveilsrepresentingthefourelements.

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Royal Bruce Castle Royal Arch Chapter


Freemasonry,byusingsymbolswhicharenot closely defined, makes it possible for many men of many minds, each to read his own conception of the truth into the symbols. Freemasonry thus becomes as great a "System of morality" as the mind of him who attemptstounderstanditmayadmit.

In his introduction to Hunt's fine volume "Some thoughts on Masonic Symbolism," the late Jacob Hugo Tatche, noted student and Masonichistorianwrote: Freemasonry permits each individual to interpret and apply the lessons of the Craft as he sees best. It is this unique spirit of tolerance and freedom which frequently confuses opponents of the Fraternity. One Mason places his interpretation upon a certain symbol or attribute of Freemasonry; another may take an entirely different view, and will cite evidence with which a third may be in entire variance; yet these three men can gather about our altars and labour together in perfect amity.

Long before Tatche, Bro. Albert Pike expressed the same thought in different language:

Masonry . . .follows the ancient manner of teaching. Her symbols are the instructions she gives; and the lectures are but often partial and insufficient one sided endeavours to interpret those symbols. He who would become an accomplished Mason must not be content merely to hear or even to understand the lectures, but must, aided by them, and they having as it were marked out the way for him study, interpret and develop the symbols for himself.

That Freemasonry conceals in symbols in ordertoarousecuriositytoknowtheirmeaning is often considered the only explanation. But there are many more lofty ideas of why this greatsystemoftruth,philosophyandethicsis hiddeninsymbols.


that symbol into words which appeal only to themind,andthespiritofthemeaningislost. Words appeal to the mind; meanings are expressedinwordsappealtothespirit.

AllthatthereisinFreemasonrywhichcanbe set downin wordsonapageleavesoutcompletely the spirit of the Order. If we depend onwordsorideasalonetheFraternitywould not make a universal appeal toall men, since no man has it given to him to appeal to the mindsofallothermen.

But Freemasonry expresses truths which are universal; it expresses them in a universal language, universally understood by all men withoutwords.Thatlanguageisthelanguage of the symbol, and the symbol is universally understood because it is the means of communicationbetweenspirits,souls,hearts.

Ten different men may read ten different meaningsintoasquare,andyeteachmeaning fitswith,andbelongstotheothermeanings. Ten men have ten different kinds of hearts. Not all have the same power of imagination, the same ability to comprehend. Soeach gets fromasymbolwhathecan.Heuseshisimagination.

In other words, listen to the ritual and think about our symbols what do you make of them? Thereisnorightorwronginterpretation (unless you use them like the media attempt to when selling papers or having a dig!!). You will find it rewarding and rather interesting, and you might be surprised how yourviewchangesovertime.

Frontcover whatdoesitmeantoyou?

Thanks to Bro. Stewart Donaldson PM 76 using THE SHORT TALK BULLETIN Vol. XIX No. 3 March 1941The Masonic Service Association of the United States

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Questions for an EA

TheoldmethodoftestinginthelodgewasbyQuestionandAnswer fewdothistodaybutit wasalsoamethodusedtoconferthedegrees. HereasetofquestionswithanswersonP.27:

 Namethe4cardinalvirtues.

 WhataretheworkingtoolsofanEA?  Wherewereyoufirstprepared  Whatarethegreatlights?  WhatdoestheVSLteach?  Whatisthepositionofthesquare&compasses?  WhatdoesthefirstpartoftheEAsignsignify?  Whatarethechiefsupportsofafreemason?

 Namethese  Whatarethegrandprinciplesofafreemason?  WhydoestheEAwearaplainwhiteapron?  WhyisthecarpetB&W?  Howisalodgesituated?

 Whatmustallregularfreemasonsbelievein?  WhentistheSW’scolumnupwards?  Whatjeweldoeshewear?

 WhyisthenewapprenticecalledanEA?

 WheredoestheJWsit?

The Kent Cube

The “Kent Cube” is a personal gift from the Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent, to every Provincial Grand Master under the UGLE.

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Germany, 1920

Thesephotosareunusualandseemtohavebeentakeneitherasproofofwhathappensina masonictempleoraspartofapropagandapiece. Eitherway,theyprovideauniquerecord oftheCraftinGermanypriortotheNazis.

Union Lodge No.310, Carlisle

This lodge was at Carlisle, working under Scottish Warrant No. 216, from in 1786 then was warranted under the Grand Lodge of England in 1796 as Number 555. At that time, it met in the Grapes Inn, Scotch Street, Carlisle. In 1832, it was re-numbered 389 which appears on the chair and then 4 years later it received its present number 310.

Today the lodge meets in Freemasons' Hall, Castle Street, Carlisle. My thanks to Bro. John Muir for the photos.

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Armed Forces Covenant—Cornwall

It’salwaysgreattoseetheCraft’ssupportoftheArmedForcesandonlylastJunewasanotherProvincialGrandLodgesigningup thistimeCornwall.

CornishFreemasonswillbesupportingmembersofthearmedforcescommunityafter signing a covenant. V.W.Bro Roger Cargeeg JP, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in ChargeaccompaniedbyotherservingandmilitaryveteranshostedHerMajesty’sLord LieutenantEdwardBolithoOBE,attheAlvertonManorHotelinTruroonMondaythe 20thJune,tosignthe‘ArmedForcesCovenant’.

ThepartnershipaimstosupportmembersoftheArmedForcescommunityandensure theyhavethesameaccesstogovernmentaswellascommercialservicesandproducts as any other citizen. By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall like the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) will be able to demonstrateitssupporttomembersoftheArmedForcesinanumberofareas,including education, family wellbeing, getting a home, starting a new career, access to healthcareandfinancialassistance.

CornishFreemasonry,liketheUGLEhasalongandrichhistorywithintheArmedForces, with several serving and retired military personal as members of the 80 Cornish Lodges,sothispartnershipthereforerepresentsanimportantstepinfurthersupportingbothactiveandretiredmilitarypersonnel.

Colonel Edward Bolitho joined the Grenadier Guards in 1978, and later commanded the 1st Battalion in 1993-1995 during which time he was awarded the OBE. Having been a Deputy Lieutenant of Cornwall since 2008, Colonel Edward Bolitho was appointedLord-LieutenantofCornwallandtheIslesofScillyinSeptember2011,becoming Her Majesty The Queen’s personal representative in Cornwall in a role that dates backalmost500years.


Cross Keys January 2023 Page 12
Back row: Alan Powell, James Bolan, Malcolm Pearce, Tim Burley, William Milliken, Steve Nicoll, Damo Bawden, Anthony Wilkins (also a Cross Keys reader); Colonel Edward Bolitho O.B.E, Roger Cargeeg JP DPGM

Brian Kerr PM 242

Whilst freemasonry here in Scotland has been placed on a back burner with many lodges enjoying a summer recess, Bro. Brian Kerr PM reports that in Cincinnati Ohio, the majority of masonic lodges have been as busy as ever working away in the heat and burden of the day.

Recently brother Brian was invited to take part in the reconsecration ceremony marking the 175th anniversary of the Buckeye Lodge during which he had the honour of presenting the 3rd lesser light in what was by all accounts a very dignified and impressive ceremony.

Bro. Brian reports that in casual conversations with the office bearers of the Grand Lodge at a picnic after the close of the meeting that they were impressed with the objective evaluations as published in the Cross Keys in relation to our beloved craft.

Mt Herman Lodge No. 7 (British Columbia)

Membership has shown a net increase in the past 5 years and more importantly an increase in active attendance and engagement in the lodge business (numbers and committee work), ritual work (high attendance at practices with questions from new officers and enthusiasm in learning our ritual), participation in educational programs and volunteering to present papers.

There is an informal development program. The master has struck up a committee to cover best practices including expectations, duties and roles of lodge officers. PMs have been helpful in guiding / mentoring Lodge Officers in their roles. There are enough MMs to sustain succession of for the next 5 years.

We give opportunities to those who wish to take on an office but do not force or rush anyone to

take on an office. Recently a newer member declined on the opportunity of office, saying he would rather take a year to reflect on his journey as a MM and become more seasoned as a mason. The next year he took office and has been performing excellently in that office.

Our sponsors mentor the new members and they regularly meet and talk. New members, EA, FC, and MM are encouraged to visit other lodges and their sponsors and other senior members accompany them.

242 now has sub-committees in place, but please approach the Secretary if you would like to help in any way. It’s your lodge after all.

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Doing his best to promote the good name of Houstoun St Johnstone.

Thisnewspaperwaspublishedbetween1834to1851withahugevarietyoftopics. Belowis thetableofcontentsfromthefirstedition:

The last topic is interesting considering we do not allow discussion of political ideas in the lodge. Thefollowingisanexceptfromalongerarticleonnumbersinmasonry:

TheTetradwasesteemedthemostperfectnumberbythePythagoreans,asbeingthearithmeticalmeanbetweenoneanclseven,equallyexceedingandexceededinnumber.Itwants 3of7,andexceeds1by3.ThefirstsolidfigureisfoundinaTetrad,forapointiscorrespondenttoMonad,alinetoDuad,becausedrawnfromonepointtoanother,asuperficiestoTriad, because it is the most simp le of all rectilinear figures; but a solid properly agrees with theTetrad;forthefirstpyramidisinaTetrad,thebasebeingtriangular,sothatatthebottomis3,andatthetop1.ThisnumberreferswithustothefourriversofParadise,Pison,Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates, which were imitated in the four artificial rivers surrounding thetabernacleinthewilderness. Also important to Freegardeners.


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Freemasons’ Quarterly Review

Lodge St. John 3 bis Charity Box

The charity box was presented to the lodge in 1886 as shown on the plaque on the right. It was made from woodrecoveredfromthefollowingbuildings theMoat BridgeofRothesayCastle,GlasgowCathedral1133(after repairsabout1880),theoldStockwellBridge1343, and The Old College in the High Street (now The University ofGlasgow). AfabulouspieceofGlasgowhistory.

Bottom right shows the main crest on their jewels the lamb,thecrossandtheeagle.

My thanks again to Bro. David Jack RWM 3 bis.

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Old French Masonic Temple

A rare example of a preserved 18th Century temple at the Chateau de Mongenan in Bordeaux, France. All the necessary elementsarepresentincludingaMM apron.

It was owned by Louis XVI's last Foreign Minister Antoine-Claude Nicolas de Valdec de Lessart (1741-1792). From the midcentury temples were frequently set up in private aristocratic homes. This one is said to have been in use from as early as 1750 and is described as an"itinerant temple",that is it was designed to be taken upand downthefurnishingsincludeapaintingofastarryskywhichwaserectedwhenthesceneryofthe templewasputinplace. TheequipmentandparaphernaliabelongedeithertoValdecdeLessarthimselfortohismistress,thecelebratedcourtesanMadameGrand,whowasmemberof afemalelodge.AlsodisplayedistheapronofthefamousalchemistandMason,CountCagliostro,whovisitedBordeauxbetweenNovember1783andOctober1784asaguestoftheMarquis de Canolle. The presence of two sarcophagi evoke Cagliostro's so-called Egyptian rite, whichhetriedwithoutsuccesstoestablishinBordeaux.

The temple proper is preceded by a chamber of reflection where neophytes were isolated prior to initiation, and which is furnished with various symbolic objects: a mirror, salt, sulphurandametalcock(symbolisingtheelementmercury).

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The title page from the Grand Orient of France(notrecognisedbyusnowalthoughit was then) dated 1801. Although it is a long book of rules, the inside image of a ‘lodge

room’ is quite recognisable. The master’s seatwithacoveragainwasverycommonand manyoldlodgeshaveeitheralinencover,but oftenthecoverispartofthewoodenchair.

Living Stones

Ifwe workuponmarble, it willperish. Ifwework uponbrass, timewillefface it. Itwerear temples,theywillcrumbletodust.Butifweworkuponmen’simmortalminds,ifweimbue themwithhighprinciples,withthejustfearofGodandloveoftheirfellowmen,weengrave onthetablessomethingwhichnotimecanefface,andwhichwillbrightenandbrightentoall eternity. May God grant that we Masons to do our part in brightening the living stones of menwithwhomwecomeincontact.

Thanks to Oklahoma Mason

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French Constitution 1801

Theabovearticleappearedinoneofthemasonicnewspapersofthe day in 1856. Clearly, the importance of freemasonry re-opening in Russia by Tsar Alexander II (whose father had banned freemasonry) was‘big’newsandimportanttothewholeofEurope:itwasoften described as the general pardon. The Tsar was responsible for otherreforms,includingreorganizingthejudicialsystem,settingup electedlocaljudges, abolishingcorporalpunishment, promotinglocal self-government, imposing universal military service, ending some privileges of the nobility, and promoting university education. HealsosoldAlaskatotheUSandwasassassinatedin1881in St.Petersburg.

Cathedral of the Saviour on Spilled Blood was erected on the spot where Alexander II was assassinated, as a memorial.

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 18 Russia 1858

The Great War—New Book

The Great War 1914-1918

Brother Stuart Jack PM Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 has pulled together over 5 years to research members of the Lodge and Uddingston that served in the First World War. The book is available from Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 at Gardenside Street, Uddingston, G71 7BX on Wednesday 26th October at 7:30pm at £20.

Bro. Stuart has completed the research by pain stakingly trawling website and national records also visiting various locations over the world to complement his research.

Well Kent Glasgow People

In the minutes from 1909, it is noted that a certain A E Pickard affiliated to Lodge Dramatic No.571 from Lodge St Kentigern No 976. The older brethren of the Lodge will remember him as the 'penny millionaire.' Originally from Bradford, he made Glashow his home and his Glasgow empire included the Clydebank Gaiety Theatre, the White Elephant in Shawlands and the Norwood, near Charing Cross, which he dramatically opened in 1936 by smashing the glass doors with a crowbar. My grandfather actually bought the Norwood from him which had a first edition of the Kilmarnock Burns book. He claimed the only landlord with more properties than him was the Glasgow Corporation!

Also in Dramatic’s minute books on Thursday March 2, 1911, we find recorded the initiation of George Gordon Jefferson, the manager of the Metropole Theatre. Although Jefferson was well-known in Glasgow, it was his brother who was to find world-wide fame . . . as Stan Laurel, perhaps one of the best comic actors of the screen. Stan never joined but his partner, Ollie, was a freemason.

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Masonic Centre in Aylesbury

TheMasonicCentreinAylesburywasoriginallybuiltinorder to play Fives Court tennis (more similar to squash). Aylesbury is the County Town of Bucks. Aylesbury was a major market town in Anglo-Saxon times, the burial place of Saint Osyth, whose shrine attracted pilgrims. The Early English parish church of St. Mary (which has many later additions) has a crypt beneath. At the Norman Conquest, the King took themanorofAylesburyfor himself, andit islistedasaroyal manor in the Domesday Book, 1086. Some lands here were granted by William the Conqueror to citizens upon the extraordinary tenurethat theowners shouldprovidestraw for the monarch's bed, sweet herbs for his chamber, and two greengeeseandthree eelsfor histable, wheneverheshould visitAylesbury.

Aylesbury Masonic Hall is the home of the first Lodge in Buckinghamshire–theBuckinghamLodgeNo.591.ItwasConsecratedin1852whenitwas No. 861; and was subsequently during the renumbering in the late 19th Century was given thecurrentnumber.TheLodgepurchasedthebuildingin1880.

Thebuilding providedthevenueforthefirstmeetingoftheProvincialGrandLodgeofBuckinghamshire on the 17th July 1890. It is the home to a number of lodges, a Knight Templar PreceptoryandaRedCrossofConstantineConclave.

My thanks to Bro. Malcolm Summers Sec of Aylesbury Lodge No. 4534 for giving me access to the building.

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The Bible is called a greater Light of Masonry because it pours forth upon the East, West, NorthandSouthitsrefulgentraysofDivineTruth,andisusedamongMasonsasthesymbol ofthewilloftheG.A.O.T.U.Whatevertoanypeopleexpressesthatwillmaybeandisused asasubstitutefortheBibleinaMasonicLodge.Thus,inaLodgeconsistingentirelyofJews, theOldTestamentalonemaybeplacedontheAltar,andTurkishMasonsmakeuseoftheKoran(Qur’an).WhetheritbetheGospelstoChristians,thePentateuchtotheIsraelite,theKorantotheMusselman(Muslim seenotebelow),ortheVedastotheBrahmin,iteverywhere Masonically conveys the same idea – that of symbolism of the Divine Will revealed to man. AnenquirythatisoftenraisedisastoatwhatplacetheV.S.L.oughttobeopeninaLodge. There are no special directions – some lodges and some W. Ms. have their own particular pages,butthelateW.Bro.Dr.G.Oliver(averygreatauthority)suggeststhatfortheFirstDegree, Psalm cxxiii; Ruth iv; Genesis xxi; xxii; xxviii; or 2 Samuel xxiv might be used; for the SecondDegree,1Kingsvi;2Chroniclesiii;orJudgesxii;andfortheThirdDegree,2Chroniclesiii;oriv.ProbablythemostfrequentlyusedpassagesareFirstDegreePsalmscxxiii,SecondDegreeAmosvii:7-8,ThirdDegreeEcclesiastesxii:1-7.

NB Archaic word for "a Muslim," 1560s, from Turkish musulman, from Persian musulman (adj.),fromArabicmuslim+adjectivesuffix-an.

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 21
Did You Know?

Scots POW Brethren

HollandandSwitzerlandwerebothneutralintheFirstWorldWarandbyAugust1917,the governmentsofBritainandGermanyreachedanagreementthatallowedeachsidetotransfer a number of British POWs to Holland and German POWs to Switzerland, where they would be interned until the end of the War. This flow of releases began toward the end of 1917 and by the middle of 1918, a considerable number of British were already accommodatedinHolland.

In the midst of all these prisoners were a number of English, Irish and Scottish Brethren. SomeoftheseseniorBrethren,wereincontactwithTheGrandEastoftheNetherlandsand onthe15thJune1918theGrandEastissuedaWarrantauthorisingtheformationofWillem van Oranje Lodge on the 6th of July 1918. The ceremony took place in the Temple of The GrandEastoftheNetherlandsinTheHaguewhensome43numberBritishPrisonersofWar wereConstitutedintothisnewDutchLodge.TheoriginalCharterwasintheDutchlanguage, andstillsurvivestoday.

ThefollowingarethelistoffounderbrethreninScottishlodges: 

SgtDavidNichol,“Candra”No.59(CanadianWesternCavalry) 

CaptMalcolmGSandeman,“FriendsinCouncil”No.1383(EC)(A&SH) 

SgtHughA.R.MacLennan,LangsideNo.955(CameronHighlanders) 

SgtFrederickJ.Taylor,SouthChinaNo.848(RE) 

SgtBenjaminDavis,VictoriaNo.363(RoyalWarwickshireReg) 

SgtBenjaminSmith,CaledonianNo.339(RoyalFusiliers) 

CplJosephReid,St.BrydeNo.579(CameronHighlanders) 


Asthewarcametoanend,theseP.O.Wswereallowedtoreturnhome.However,theyallenjoyedthecompanionship oftheirDutchLodgeandonthe14thofJuly1919theWillemvan OrangeLodgewasissuedwithWarrantNo3976ontheregisteroftheU.G.L.E.andtheceremony was conducted in Freemason’s Hall London by The Right Honourable Lord Ampthill ProGrandMasterofU.G.L.E.(seeover). ThisLodgeisstillinexistenceandcontinuestomeet rightuptothepresentday.

My thanks to Bro. Bob Bashford PM (GLoI) for providing the information.

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 22

Fancy a Birmingham Burns Supper?



Cross Keys January 2023 Page 23 Scots POW Brethren (ctd)
Abbey Lodge is holding its Burns Supper in Halesowen in the West Midlands (near Birmingham). If you’re in the area, you would be made most welcome.


Congratulations to Bro. Allan McKinley who received his Jubilee Certificate for 50 years in the Craft. It was one of the first duties of the new master, Bro. Alistair Griffiths, last month to present the certificate. Alan has been a great attender for all these years and continues to work hard for St. Paul’s Church of which he is a long time elder. Too good to be true? He’s a St. Mirren fan so that evens things out. . .

We have been brought into the full splendour of the true light. Our God has brought us the medicine for both soul and body, truly precious and golden, once by Trismegistus, and now by our “medicus.” Jesus Christ, who is the stone cut without hands from the highest of mountains, and the corner-stone rejected indeed by the nations, but placed as the cope-stone the head and glory of the Eternal Temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

When and who wrote this? Its English title is Most Secret Mysteries and has huge similarities merging religious and medical views, and also mark masonry. However, this was written by Michael Maier in approximately 1614 well before a mark degree had been thought about! Quite remarkable.

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 24
Arcana Arcanissima

Local Foundation Stones

18thand19thCenturylodgesusedtobepresent at the laying of foundation stones of mostnewbuildingswithintheirareaandalso attend further afield in large towns such as GlasgowandEdinburgh.

242waspresentatthefoundationstoneceremony of the Customs & Excise Building in Greenock on 2nd May, 1817 when the lodge was only 5 years old! It cost approximately £30,00 and was built mainly be ex-soldiers probablyfromtheNapoleonicCampaign.

The lodge attended the ceremony of the old Relief House in Johnstone on 29th March, 1824(aswereSt.BarchanNo.156). Thelocalpapergivesalaterdate,butthismightnot havebeentheactual ceremony which would take place earlier than the main building. This was a Presbyterian Church and was one of only three before the disruption in 1843. The other two being the Burgher Kirk (1791, now St. Paul’s) and theHighChurch(1792,nowtheHighParish).

The relief church was opened in 1829 in Walkinshaw Street it was also called the East Parish Church which united with the Burgher Church (later the West Parish) to form St. Paul’s. There are no images of this building.

In January, 1842, the lodge returned to Greenock for the opening of Highland Mary Statue. According to a report published in the Greenock Advertiser on 23rd January 1842 a sealed bottle containing an inscription,coinsandnewspaperswasplacedinthe cavity of a stone. The inscription read: “The structure which is over this stone has been

erected by the contributions of many admirers of Scotia’s Bard in memory of his early love Mary Campbell or Highland Mary.” It can still beseenintheOldWestKirkgraveyard.

On18thJune1859LodgeSt.BarchanNo.156 assembled and preceded by instrumental band, proceeded through the village via BarholmtoJohnstonewherethebrethrenof242 joinedthem.

All then marched to Linwood where a foundation stone waslaidat thenewchurch. The blessing was given by Rev. Robert Graham and Mrs Speirs of Caldess deposited a box containingcoinsandpapersinacavitywithin the stone. The Lodge returned home to Kilbarchan by way of Burnbrae House Elderslie, Thornhill and Johnstone where the 242 brethren invited them in for refreshments.

Another, well documented in the Cross Keys, was the ceremony conducted by Bro.ProvostLovefortheMunicipalBuildings on 17th June 1887 in Collier Street (now a dentist)nexttothelodge.

A rather strange one was in 1863 when the lodgeconductedare-dedicationceremonyon theMasonicArmsPubinBridgeofWeirthen the lodge opened (in the pub) to initiate one cottonspinner. Thiswasactuallythesecond time242metinBoW thefirstbeingin1813 when 5 were initiated from the mil, but the locationwasnotminuted.

In 1901, the lodge attended the building of Lodge Doric Kilwinning No.68 in Port Glasgow(asshown).

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 25

Withoutgoingintotoomanydetailsinvolvinga sordidargument betweentheKnightTemplars oftheUS andtheCBCS oftheUS including law suits, the Grand Master of the Templars was shownonthefrontcoverwiththestatementat the bottom: I never forget loyalty, not do I forget betrayal. Wow!!!! Quite rightly many took thisasathreat

AnhistoricgatheringtookplacelastMarch,and I don't mean in a happy, smiley-face historic way. Michael B. Johnson, Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights TemplaroftheUnitedStates(shown),hasbeen removed from office at a Called Special ConclaveheldinFortWayne,Indiana.

Johnson has been replaced as Grand Master by DavidKussman,and willretainthetitleofPast Deputy Grand Master. Some 291 Templars in attendancecasttheirvotes,andthedecisionto remove Johnson was overwhelming: 219 in favor of his removal, 57 against, with 15 spoiled ballots. Andwethoughtwecoulddisagree!!!

RAC No.109 Display Cabinet

Most brethren will have noticed the RAChapterdisplaycabinet.

Unfortunately, most items are newish so if any brother has an Royal Arch items from pre-1980, I would be delightedtoinclude.

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 26 Wow!!!!!



Temp,Fort,Pru&Justice 


24”g,ch,mal  Wherewereyoufirstprepared

Inyourheart  Whatarethegreatlights?

VSL,S&C  WhatdoestheVSLteach?

GiftfromGodtomantorule&governourfaith  Whatisthepositionofthesquare&compasses?

Bothptsarehidden  WhatdoesthefirstpartoftheEAsignsignify?

Positionintheob 


The3gtpillars  Namethese W,S&B  Whatarethegrandprinciplesofafreemason?

BL,R&T  WhydoestheEAwearaplainwhiteapron?

Badgeofinnoc  WhyisthecarpetB&W? Good/evil,etcopposites  Howisalodgesituated?

E&W  Whatmustallregularfreemasonsbelievein?

ASupremeB  WhentistheSW’scolumnupwards?

Lodgeatwork 


Level  WhyisthenewapprenticecalledanEA?

Enteredintothelodge’sbooks(fromthedaysofoperativestonemasons)  WheredoestheJWsit?


Cross Keys January 2023 Page 27

Where is this lodge from December? This is the lodge in Kirkwall in Orkney.

Unusual PM Memento

Bro. Magnus Norman MacLean was born c1886 in Glasgow and served as officer in 7th Cameron Hghrs and Royal Army Ordnance Corps during WW1. He was the son of Bro. Magnus MacLean, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow for 25 years. Unusually, while he was master of Lodge James Watt No.1215 in 1931, his father was Celebrant (master) of the Rosicrucian College in Glasgow. I wonder of this spoon was presented rather than the usual PM jewels we receive today? Bro. Magnus Jnr died Glasgow 1957.

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 28
Mystery from

TheGrandLodgehasannewupdatedwebsiteandisworthhavingalookat:The GrandLodgeofScotland-ScottishFreemasonry( Very quickly,wecanseethereareScottishlodgesinover40countriesworldwide. At therecentseminar,thelaunchedthenewdigitalidentityfor theGrandLodgeofAntientFreeandAcceptedMasonsof Scotland.ThenewDigitalidentitywasdesignedtosupport thenewdigitaldrivebytheGrandLodge. Thisoffersan easily recognizable brand across all its digital assets and presentsamorecontemporaryapproachtothewayScottishFreemasonryispresentedintheglobaldigitalspace.

PGL Renfrewshire East

I hope everyone had an enjoyable festive season, and as we end another year, the lodgeinstallationsarealmostcomplete.

Unfortunately, two premises in the Province suffered water damage after the cold spellinmidDecemberandanumberofmeetingshadtobecancelledorrescheduled. HopefullythesepremiseswillbeupandrunningagaininearlyJanuary.

The PGL Handbook has now been in print for 20 years and the 2023 edition will be available at PG Committee on Monday 9th January, 7pm in Lodge St John Busby No. 458.

The PGL Annual Meeting and Installation of Elected Office Bearers will take place on Saturday 28th Jan in Lodge Union and Crown No 307 at 2.30pm. The Office BearerswillbeinstalledbyBroChrisKerrDPGMandBroGavinBurtSPGM.

MerryChristmasandaHappyNewYeartoallbrethren, Ronnie PGMRE

Cross Keys January 2023 Page 29

Did You Know?

InOctober1863,theworld’sfirstandoldestFootballAssociation is founded at The Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street London (now the New Connaught Rooms) andthefirstsetofruleswereestablished.TherepresentativesfromalltheprofessionalteamsacrossEnglandincludingprivateschoolsandworldteamsagreeontheset rulesofthegame. ThereareanumberofMasonicLodges named after their famous teams – Anfield Lodge, No. 2215,EvertonLodgeNo.823andmorerecentlytheFootballLodgeNo.9921.

To submit an article or want added to the mail list or Facebook group, contact the Editor, Grant Macleod:

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Cross Keys January 2023 Page 30

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