Coastrider 563

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Torrevieja and local areas

Tuesday, September 8th 2015 - Edition 563

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Demonstration for free school transport PARENTS, STUDENTS, and opposition politicians attended a demonstration towards the seemingly ever changing policies regarding Free School Buses for Torrevieja. With primary schools starting Thursday and secondary on Friday, the government have been changing their minds about who should be receiving subsidies, as they backtrack from wanting to charge everyone and then give refunds at the end of the school year. On Friday The FAPA Association called for these demonstrations to be held every Friday at 12 noon outside the doors of the City Hall. The local chapter of the Federation of Associations of Parents (FAPA) held their first planned demonstration at noon last Friday to protest their dissatisfaction against the modification of the procedure of municipal aid for school transport, as announced by the new government team led by Jose Manuel Dolon. About a hundred people seconded this call held at the gates of City Hall, in the Plaza of the Constitution, many carrying banners with slogans that mostly called for subsidised transport. The protest was called by the provincial president of FAPA Gabriel Miró: Ramon Lopez, as well as the local delegate, Patricia Muñoz, who was pleased by the response to this first concentration. The representative announced that "we will continue fighting for the position that is of the most benefit to parents, to the very end." In this sense FAPA has requested from the government authority permits for other

demonstrations, scheduled for the days 11th, 18th and 25th September, also to place in the Plaza of the Constitution. On Friday the demonstrators shouted different slogans demanding their requests and asking the mayor or some members of the municipal government, come out to the front of City Hall to hear them, but this did not happen. After about one hour of protest and the expected non arrival of anyone from the government team, the protest dissolved peacefully. The rally was supported by half a dozen members of the Partido Popular Party, among whom was the former Councillor for Education and Youth, Rosario Martinez, who justified her presence, as she's both a mother of two daughters of school age and an educator herself, saying that "before and now, we have always been on

the side of families, but this time we can only express our solidarity." Martinez recalled that the PP has filed a motion on "to solve this conflict." The PP criticism that the deadline for emergency aid for the school buses is still not resolved. At an earlier Press Conferee Rosario Martínez, said that "we are on the eve of the start of the school and parents do not know anything about the transport system being offered.' Rosario Martinez, noted that the different messages and confusing passage of statements from the municipal government, that apparently was meant to ensure that parents of students who applied for aid to school transport "received different amounts and as such were credited to the reports signed by the mayor." Martinez asked the Mayor "who is it that is manipulating and misinforming the people" about the school buses and said that although the Government had published a document about emergency aid requests, she noted: "that the application deadline is done." Martinez added: "we are on the eve of the start of the school year and parents do not know anything about transportation," reiterating that the motion filed by the PP on the feasibility of continuing to maintain the payment of aid for the school year "is the solution, but the government has not valued our contribution," even though they have requested that members of the opposition are part of the Government different departmental groups.

Theatre could be closed to correct deficiencies Torrevieja while across town at the Palacio de la Música at 7.00pm the Coro Sol y Sal will perform a free concert. On the 21st September at 8.00pm in the Virgen del Carmen, the Leigh Orpheus Male Voice Choir will put on a benefit concert for APANEE. Tickets are 5.00€. On the 26th

at 7.30pm in the Palacio de la Música the Coro Nuevo Amanecer perform. Also on the 21st in the Virgen del Carmen at 8.00pm there is a free evening of music with the Intercambio Bandas Juveniles y Asociación Musical Canalense put on by the Unión Musical Torrevejense.

Special Feature: The Pailebote “Pascual Flores” See page 24 IT LOOKS as if Torrevieja's Municipal Theatre may be temporally closed due to lack of the correct building licences and security issues. Last week the Councillor for Culture, Alejandro Blanco, said in a radio interview that the municipal government could close "temporarily" the Municipal Theatre "for security issues that affect the theatre and have so far prevented obtaining its opening license.” Apparently, the council could just close the theatre, but that

would depend on technical reports, not the opinion or decisions of the Councillor. If necessary, possible events that are normally held in the Municipal Theatre will be moved to another auditorium. And speaking of culture, or in this case, a lack of it, last week Torrevieja Autumn Cultural Program was announced. Until 27 September in the Centro Cultural Virgen del Carmen: Photo exhibition "La Torrevieja de hoy" is taking place. On the

13th at the Virgen del Carmen there is a Festival Folklórico, free with invitation from the Centro Asturiano de Torrevieja and on the 18th there at 9.00pm there is a benefit gala for ASIMEPP from the Danza Academia Dharma with tickets priced at 5.00€. On the 20th everyone is welcome to attend the free performances for celebration of Ukrainian Independence Day at 6.00pm, put on by the Asociación de Ucranianos de


Gardening News

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

The basement dentist A RUSSIAN woman has been detained for practicing as a dentist despite lacking the required qualifications and for prescribing medicines to patients. The alleged facts occurred in Torrevieja, as reported by the Guardia Civil Guard in a statement. The events date back to July when a woman of Russian nationality went to a dental clinic in Torrevieja where, where she was served by a woman, who is Spanish but born in Russia. She claimed to also be a doctor and offered the possibility of treatment. The Russian patient was asked if she could visit her home surgery due to the "impossibility", said the patient, to visit the clinic during weekdays. Following her instructions, the patient went to the home of the alleged doctor, where she made an opening in a molar and then extracted the nerve by applying an anaesthetic, plus she provided a prescription to be taken to the pharmacy

for an antibiotic to prevent infection. Four weeks later, the patient returned to the clinic again complaining of feeling a sharp pain. The dentist allegedly told her she needed a tooth implant and a crown, to which the patient refused. Other dentists informed her that the work done was wrong and that the work was not done by a professional. They also discovered on the website of the clinic that the alleged 'doctor' was listed as an assistant and dental hygienist who had posed as a doctor, so she decided to lodge a complaint with the Guardia Civil of Torrevieja. Given these facts, an investigation was initiated to determine what happened. On September 1st, a visit was made to the home of the alleged doctor where they found a room in the basement with a professional chair for the practice of dentistry and instruments, syringes and drugs related to the practice. Guardia Civil officers then proceeded

Ray's Rant

LOCAL POLITICAL commentator Raymond Kearney shared his thoughts with us about the present world political scene. Over to you Ray: “Who decided that our modern countries should NOT get involved in "internal affairs of another sovereign state", allowing despots and extremists to commit genocide without fear of military action against them? This accepted cop-out has allowed genocide in Rwanda, Northern Iraq, Chechnya and Syria to name but a few. Any government that practices genocide inside or outside of its own borders should immediately face sanctions followed by military intervention. Western leaders should not have to have excuses like "weapons of mass destruction" to enter a country practicing genocide, genocide alone is a perfectly good reason. What has been happening in Syria for more than four years is not only a shame on the Asad regime but on the whole world that has stood by and let it happen. This has been a breeding ground for ISIS or ISIL to spread it's cancerous ideology and to infiltrate Europe with terrorist cells hidden among the emigrants fleeing the genocide in

Syria. ISIS is NOT an unruly underfunded rabble defending their beliefs, they are a highly manipulative, billion dollar Islamic organization with a goal of world domination. They view non-Islamics, as we would rats or mosquitos, good for nothing and an obstacle to progress. In our generation many conflicts are in Islamic countries where the poor are very poor and the rich rulers hold all the power. Rich Islamic countries seem to do very little to help their brother Muslim countries. There seems to be a policy among Brother Islam Countries to stand back and let Neighbouring Christian Countries provide all the aid and the solutions. At the same time there seems to be a distinct lack of gratitude towards their Christian neighbours who lend a helping hand, but then in Islam, Christian neighbours are tolerated but they are always infidels. Three points to get us through these difficult times: Islamic nations - help relocate your displaced Muslim brothers. Western leaders - take military action quickly against genocide. Non-Islamic people - remember, you are an infidel in the eyes of Muslims.�

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to charge this woman for allegedly committing the crimes of professional intrusion and document forgery. Following the investigation, they discovered that the woman, who has now been charged, had been working as an assistant and dental hygienist to the clinic for the past 12 years and that

allegedly took advantage of her position to refer patients of Russian nationality to her home. So far it is not possible to determine the number of people who have been victims of this alleged fraudulent practice, although given the number of years she had worked at the clinic, this could be high.

More than just wood in Torrevieja

SINCE IT opened on July 7th, a total of 30,120 people visited the exhibition 'El Bosque. More than just wood in Torrevieja.' Located in the harbour zone, the exhibition dealt with different aspects of Forests as they are the most biologically diverse terrestrial ecosystems in the world. Forests preserve the heritage of billions of years of evolution. In Spain, forests are represented throughout almost all the country and the result is one of the greatest biodiversity for forests found in Europe. Our trees regulate the humidity and temperature, keep the water cycle operational, act as a 'lung' in air purifying

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and favour the formation of humus and protect against erosion. These functions must be added to those associated with the use of forests as a resource and the great cultural value they have for humans. How does a tree work? How is humus formed? What is wood? From the humble earthworms, essential for making humus, to the trees, the undisputed protagonists, this exhibition gibes visitors a tour of the complex ecosystem called forest. The forest. More than just wood', visited the Port of Torrevieja through, September 3rd, and is part of the Program of environment and science of "la Caixa".

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News 3 Gardening CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

August was cooler but warm ALTHOUGH AUGUST was a more bearable month compared with July, August 2015 has been a very warm month with precipitation levels that were just about what is considered normal. This emerges from data collected by the stations that make up the Torrevieja Mastral Project which computed that during Augusts Torrevieja had an average temperature of 27.9 degrees, a value that lies just over a degree above average. It should be noted, especially during the first two weeks of the month that temperatures were high, on occasion reaching and even breaking historical records. August 13th, 2015 became the hottest day in August ever, according to data that has been collected about Torrevieja, with a maximum temperature of 38.2°C in the centre of the city. In addition to these high temperatures it must also be emphasized that the town suffered from high humidity and the consequent minimum temperatures, especially during the night, were still in the high 20s for much of the month. Only the expected normal temperature values for the month were recorded in recent days which has keep the average where

it is. As for rainfall, August this year could be considered a typical month with rainfall between 1 and 5 litres per square meter, depending on the area of the city. Compared to the average levels around Valencia, according to data provided by the Meteorological Agency, August was a hot and humid month, highlighting the heat during the first fortnight and heavy rains in some parts of the Community which dropped more than 200 litres per square meter within hours. September brings with it a highly variable time with thundershowers hitting the area during the first weekend, with up to 70 litres of water falling per square metre in Aguas Neuvas during the first weekend. In addition, a drop in temperatures, both maximum and minimum are expected. You can find more information on the website of Project Mastral as well as tral and in l.

Torrevieja Today through photography

The Exhibition Hall of the "Virgen del Carmen" Cultural Centre, last week welcomed the opening of a new photography exhibition, Organised by members and friends of the Photographic Association Torrevieja, under the title "The Torrevieja Today" (A personal view of the current Torrevieja) the exhibition features the works of 19 photographers selected from participants at the Photographic reunion

which took place on June 6th. The event was presented by the member of the Management Committee of the Association, Eva de la Fuente. The event was attended by the Mayor, JosĂŠ Manuel Dolon, the Councillor for Sports, Pablo Samper and several councillors of the municipal corporation, plus the new Director of Museums, MartĂąinez Carolina. The exhibition will run until 27th September.


Gardening News

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

A man, a piano ... and art Local celebs turn out for Elche Childrens Home

A MAGNIFICENT, solo, piano concert, was performed last week in the main hall of the Casino of Torrevieja, by Francisco Lucas. Franciso was born in Orihuela in 1990 and began his studies there, studying from the age of eight at the Conservatory of Orihuela and moving in 2010 to the Conservatory of Murcia "Manuel Massotti" where he graduated with flying colours. Francisco has performed many concerts throughout Spain and Europe and last week's performance was one of the best seen in the Casino, which

left more than one member of the audience "open mouthed" with his technique, proficiency and style.The program included "Sonata in C Major" by Haydn with its three movements Allegro; Adago and Allegro Molto. Then he offered "Chaconne in D minor" by JS Bach. In the second part he showcased the "Suite" Goyescas of Granados and his movements "Women and the Nightingale"; "Love and death" and "Wimp". A fabulous show and already plans are afoot to bring him back.

New walkway between the Los Náufragos and Ferris

A NEW walkway, boardwalk style, is to be erected between Los Náufragos and Cala Ferris as part of the compensation works for the construction of the desalination plant. Last week Torrevieja's Government discussed obtaining the authorisation for land occupation of a space designated as in the maritime domain. This in the area between the Los

Náufragos and urbanization Mar Azul, near Cala Ferris, for the construction of the announced crosswalk. The spokesperson of the Government, Fanny Serrano, explained that the path is part of state investments made as compensation for the construction of the desalination plant. The grant, approved by the Ministry of Environment last June 8th, is for 30 years and Serrano said that "although the project was passed several years ago they had forgotten to request the necessary authorization to enable them to start work."

Many local acts are turning out for a massive charity event in aid of the Children’s home in Elche in Entrenaranjos on Saturday 19th September. The idea came about as local celeb Stevie Spit was at a gig and having a laugh with someone in the audience, who threw him a euro. Stevie then said he would donate the euro to the Children’s Home and explained to the crowd that there was no funding for these kids, they relied on donations. Before he knew it someone passed a hat round and they collected another €257 euros that night. It’s a cause close to Stevie Spit’s heart. The Home was originally part-funded by Central Government and donations from La Fundación Aros Del Castillo but during the crisis Government funding reduced and eventually ceased altogether, leaving them totally reliant on the Foundation and the Charity. Neither staff nor essential items like electricity bills got paid making donations from the Charity crucial. Whilst, thankfully, the Home is now able to pay most of their running costs there's still little spare money, so the Charity now aims to provide those important extras that our own children take for granted like birthday presents, visits from the Three Kings, trips to the cinema and McDonalds. Touched by the generosity of the people there that night, The Inn at The Green are opening their doors and the

Torrevieja's sinking image SINCE THE new Pentapartido government took over rule in Torrevieja, it can hardly be said that the tourist image of the city has improved. Concerts have been cancelled. The summer parade cancelled. Inacurate information given out about the cruise ship arrival. Lack

of information about La Vuelta. Closure of various clubs and fairground activities during the height of summer. And the list goes on according to Partido Popular deputy spokesman Joaquín Albaladejo. Joaquín Albaladejo says the pentapartito is providing a sinking image of the town hall and only they are responsible for this. The councilman and deputy spokesman of the PP in the City of Torrevieja, Joaquín Albaladejo, said last week that in almost 100 days, the pentapartito has damaged the image of the city and as the entity in charge, they hold responsibility for the sinking image of Torrevieja. Albaladejo says that it's the irresponsibility of the Government of Torrevieja to not cover the financial

whole street in front to raise money. They have already donated prizes for a huge raffle themselves as have local people and businesses, one guy donating 50€ and a few vodka bottles as we spoke! Nicky and Chris of the Inn are also in discussions with the brewery to enable them to make a contribution as well as promising a percentage of their takings on the day. They are inviting any stall holders to get in touch that might want to set up on the street for the event. Stevie Spit will be the host as well as performing a spot. Stevie will also later team up with Kylie Burgazzi, and Nikki G to perform their Broadway Babe show after their respective solo spots. Tommy ‘Meet Laaf’ Taylor will make his first appearance in the area, with Tony Francis, JJ Soulman, Dave The Hat and That’s Life! also appearing on the day. Robert Bonovox will be taking to the boards and well-known local act Suzy G who has not been able to sing for some weeks now after her vocal chords were damaged in an attack on her in Benidorm, is going to make this her comeback event. JB Brass Band will also be performing, helping the day to really go with a bang. The fun will start at midday on Saturday 19th September with Elche Children’s Home staff and volunteers in attendance. Anyone wishing to donate towards the raffle or organise a stall should contact Nicky or Chris on 634 887 889. Tommy ‘Meet Laaf’ Taylor. Read his interview on page 16

commitments of the city, due to various business over the last term in office. This bad image is going to have an effect and be expensive for all torrevejenses in the long run. Albaladejo regrets the diabolical situation where at present, all municipal technicians, who in their capacity as economic operators of services to the city will not be paid. But at the same time, they have to pay all their staff and business expenses for providing a services to the city of Torrevieja. Joaquín Albaladejo added: “this is a government that is genetically prepared to do damage to the town of Torrevieja, led by a mayor whose greatest merit was speaking on 'ill' on national television of his city. And he is still the only mayor in all of Spain to say bad things about the city he now controls. He has given his approval of invoices by voting in favour with all his councillors of his government team, then allows the Councillor for Finance and Deputy Mayor, José Hurtado, to lie to reporters at a press conference saying they have to pay these bills and then in the council meeting they vote the opposite.” Finally, Albaladejo said that the chaos and inconsistency of Jose Manuel Dolon and his government, is at the forefront of the lack of political leadership of the City of Torrevieja.

News 5 Gardening CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

Night cruising

Alternative entertainment at ComarCon 2015 MORE THAN 2,000 visited ComarCon 2015 over the wet weekend, enjoying a wonderful atmosphere of imagination, games, competition and coexistence. For the third consecutive year this place popularly known as "macro disco", the CMO, behind Carrefour, hosted the Third Conference of Alternative Entertainment: The ComarCon 2015, organized by the youth association, under the sponsorship of the Department of Youth of Torrevieja. The doors of the event opened at ten o'clock, with the visit of the councillor of Youth, Pablo Samper and from that moment there began a trickle of people coming to pass by their stands, more than a thousand young and not so young who they enjoyed both the facilities

TOYS FOR mainly boys was the order for the day in Torrevieja's Park of Nations over the weekend, as kids of all ages put their remote control boats on the water and enjoyed sailing them around the lake. It was all part of the eighth edition of Night Navigation, organized by the Association of Naval Modelismo of Torrevieja, under President Pedro Serrano. The lake was filled with smallscale vessels all operated by radio control, to the delight of the many people who stopped by to enjoy these

little gems, sailing on the lake as if they were larger boats on the open sea. The models other than just sailing, also had lighting and ornaments because the prizes were awarded to the best adorned and illuminated. These were awarded to Alejandro Garcia (1); Cris Fraguer (2) and Ian Turner (3). Attending once again and not wishing to miss this fun event, were the councillors Rosario Martíenz Chazarra and Sandra Sánchez, to meeting with all the participants and present the prizes.

inside and outside, practicing the sport of Juggar and Softcombat. The morning went as planned, with the participation of over 40 stands, who provided workshops and activities that quickly filled up their places, and the top floor where the games were developed. The Mayor of the city, José Manuel Dolon, visited about eight o'clock in the evening, but in the morning the vice president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Eduardo Dolon did the same accompanied by Rosario Martínez, councillor of the Partido Popular along with other councillors from the Government team. During the weekend, different councillors returned and enjoyed the role playing games for the Magic Game Day, in addition to various workshops such as making a medieval shield. The ComarCon'15 continued throughout the weekend with a host of activities for all such as live roleplaying games, tournaments, demonstrations, workshops, lectures and contests.


CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

The Leigh Orpheus Male Voice Choir Based in Essex in South East England, the Leigh Orpheus Male Voice Choir is reputedly one of the largest male voice choirs in the UK with over 100 members and a large number of supporters and Patrons. About half of the choir are taking part in our Torrevieja Tour. Choir members rehearse every Friday evening throughout the year. The choir has a wide-ranging

repertoire from 16th century madrigals, through traditional male voice choir pieces, to songs from the shows and modern classics. In addition to its performances locally in Essex, LOMVC has performed at a number of prestigious venues in the UK and regularly undertakes concert tours across Europe. LOMVC has performed alongside Aled Jones, Alfie Boe, Lee Mead

and The King's Singers. Each year LOMVC performs concerts and other fundraising initiatives which enable large donations to be given to a range of charities. On this Tour we are raising money for local charity APAN EE. We’d be delighted to see you at one of our performances in Torrevieja CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015


Academy A +: different and unique MANY INTERNATIONAL students who have lived the majority of their lives in Spain, are as comfortable with being taught in Spanish as they are in English. Those bilingual students now have another option for their education. In June 2014, Antonio Flores Rivera, came up with the idea for 'Academia A +'. The idea concept came as a result of demands that the student sector in the city lacks a school that specificity focuses on expanding or enhancing knowledge for future education or training. As symbolises by the logo of the academy (A + means the chart American qualifications which in Spain is "honours") 'Academy A +' has facilities and a team of highly qualified teaching staff with experience in the employment and educational system with the objective that students get the most out of time spent in class. What distinguishes Academy A + with the rest of the academies of the town? 1. Teachers: The Academy has a team of professionals led by Antonio Flores who are all graduates and hold specific qualifications for demanding subjects. 2. Work method; Without underestimating other professionals, Antonio Flores - Manager Academy A + - is in favour of using a completely opposite approach to that used by the rest of the schools in the town, as it believes that grouping students from different courses, subjects, levels and agendas, They believe the normal system is wrong because students lose interest and this causes a lot of frustration among both students and parents if they are not reaching the desired objectives. Therefore their groups do not exceed six students who always study the same subject and course is taught to each of them. He added: “It should seem easy to understand that it may not be as effective for teachers to explain a concept or resolve a doubt a student may have studying 2nd Bachelor of Mathematics while at the same time a student of 4th year of Language is in the same class. However, in today's typical Spanish system, students often suffer since they do not receive the explanation or the attention a Student deserves, and which can result in an unmotivated student: "and that is unacceptable in

Academy A +” The Academy A + schedule is adapted to the student's needs, even giving classes on weekends, holidays or time off, normally not possible for the rest of the academies. 3. Location: In the heart of the city, many students can have access to their facilities by walking, bike or scooter, without forgetting that there is a bus stop just 100 meters away. For those who want to travel by car, they have arranged parking for students (upon request). 4. Facilities: All the facilities have been designed to not only fulfil current regulations required by this type of establishment but are designed for maximum performance, as it is considered very important that students can be comfortable and learning in ideal conditions. A + Academy is also the only school of Torrevieja "Without Barriers", as it has adapted its facilities to the current regulations for the disabled. The new classrooms are all fully air conditioned and soundproofed with lighting and appropriate comfortable seating. Each student has a spacious work station with ergonomic chairs. The centre has 3 classrooms for use as required by the working group: • A first classroom with multimedia facilities and interactive whiteboard. • A second classroom for group work. • A third classroom for conferences, courses and briefings. The common areas are designed for proper entry and exit of students to the classroom, and there is a relaxation area to access the classes, which is equipped with natural cold bottled water and coffee service and Tea. The Academy has a library of more than 200 volumes available to students for consultation. Academy A + teaches students from ESO and Bachiller, although their specialty are university subjects, The Academy is unique in Torrevieja because it is staffed to meet the diverse

technical subjects taught in schools This allows the student to save on travel expenses to other cities that can now be avoided and to use the valuable saved time for studying. Antonio Flores says that after years of hard work and a daily struggle to meet the needs of each student, who has opted for to study at the centre, all of them have achieved the study goals, which leaves him with a feeling of satisfaction. He invites anyone who may be interested in visiting their facilities to please contact him for all the information you will need on prices, schedules, courses or any other concerns of both the parents and the students of the city. Also remember that all young people who have the Youth Card get a discount on their services. This is available from the CIAJ in Torrevieja. They are located at C/ Concordia No. 36A, 03181, Torrevieja. Phone: 966 843 644, 772 756 845 or email:

The CoastRider

Back in the hands of W. Wrulich (Thomas), the founder, is the new Coastrider with its original spirit and incorporating a change of image, direction and content to make the Coastrider even more attractive for its readers. Many have asked themselves what was happening over the last few months about the ownership of the newspaper and read publications referring to a series of legal problems. All that illegal activity, started legal

actions, to protect the name, rights and ownership of the Coastrider. Having the Legal Resolution which confirms and expresses that only trade name ‘The Coastrider’ and the use of it in any media or publication form, is that of ‘ANews Media Channel, SL. The person who published the Coastrider since September 2014 until two weeks ago, had or has no right to use the Trademark ‘The Coastrider’ in any way, shape or form.

This legal resolution has been accepted by Mrs. Claire Worland (Richards). Today, the Coastrider is back in the hands of Mr. W. Wrulich (Thomas), the founder and the only authorised person allowed to use the name ‘Coastrider’ for publication. The Coastrider Free  All Rights Reserved. ANews Media Channel, SL is not responsible for any opinions about this publication.


CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

Coastrider Property of the Week: The Neptuno This is a great opportunity to own a beachfront hotel overlooking Playa La Puntica in Lo Pagan, Mar Menor, Murcia. Just 10 meters across from the sand you will find this wonderful looking, three star hotel. This beautiful hotel is functioning at present and open to the public all year round. The hotel has a total of 40 rooms, 36 of which are double and 4 are large family suites. All rooms include a full bathroom, LCD TV, air-con, WIFI, minibar, solid wooded flooring, and 27 rooms have a good size terrace overlooking the sea/beach, while the rest face towards the town, to the rear of the hotel. The hotel includes a large cafeteria that's open to the public to relax, and is also used quite often for business meetings; a separate restaurant, reception desk / lobby , meeting rooms, underground social club / disco, plus underground parking for residents. The Neptuno is situated directly in front of the boardwalk, which is many kilometres long, It is just meters away from bars, shops, fine dining restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies and banks. It is less than 100 metres away from the Club Nautico of Lo Pagan and the heart of this beautiful

traditional Spanish town: Lo Pagan. The general location is fantastic for people travelling from abroad or from other parts of Spain, as San Javier Airport is just 4km away; which you can reach by car, Taxi or the local bus service, which stops directly in front of the hotel. Over the last ten or so years, the Mar Menor has become even more popular as it is so easy to access all year round by airport or car. The hotel is well known by the locals and has yearly guests from Madrid because of its unique situation being directly in front of the beach. This is why it has a large customer base of repeated client’s year in - year out; Spanish and other nationalities. La Puntica Beach was again this year awarded with one of the European Blue Flags, This is due to the constant work and effort put in by the local town, making this a clean, safe and a desirable place to bath. The beach also has a good number of water sports, the club Nautico is just a minute’s stroll away from the hotel where many activities are on offer, the beach has many children play areas, peddlows, canoes, also good access for wheel chairs and babies, life guards, plenty of parking and a good number of cafes and bars. The beach

has everything a holiday maker could desire. The hotel has been well-preserved and looked after over the years with reforms being carried out in 2005 and 2009, so a new reform is not at present necessary as it meets all the standards required to run straight away by a new owner. The hotel has a floor space of 1,900 m2 plus 300 m2 of terraces to the front looking out to sea, this is spread over 5 floors, basement, ground and three floors with rooms. On the ground floor there is a lobby / reception area with sofas, coffee shop, separate restaurant, Kitchen and a 500sqm terrace facing the Mar Menor Sea. Floors 1 – 3 consist of 40 rooms: 25 double rooms with terrace, 6 doubles without terrace, 4 family rooms and another 5 double rooms without terrace. All rooms have wooden floors, LCD TV, mini bar, safe, A / C, complete bathroom, WIFI. The first and second are 400 m2 construction and the third is 300 m2. The price for this investment is just 2,900,000€. Considering it is a walk in business, in such a great location, this hotel does stand out compared to other hotels currently on the market. We believe this is a very good price. For more information email: or phone: (34) 618 320 420.

9 CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

La Coruña Rally Crash Leaves Six Dead Six people have been killed and sixteen others injured after a racing car flew off the track and crashed into spectators during a high-speed rally in Spain. Two pregnant women and an eight-year-old child have both been confirmed amongst the fatalities, with six of those wounded in hospital with serious injuries. The victims were struck by the vehicle when its driver lost control after negotiating a bend during the La Coruña‬ Rally, in the Spanish municipality of Carral in the north west of the country. The horrific accident happened at around 8pm local time this evening as thousands watched on from the side of the road. Witnesses described seeing the racing car fly off the dirt track and into the crowd as it attempted to take a bend at high-speed. The car - a Peugeot 206 with the number 39 on its door - is believed to have smashed through a group of

around 20 spectators. There were no safety barriers in place to separate the spectators and the track. Spanish media reports that it was being driven by local man Sergio Tabeayo Sande, nicknamed Tisi, who was in the car with copilot Luis Miguel Prego. Organisers immediately suspended the race - in which more than 100 participants were competing - in the wake of the incident. Among the casualties confirmed so far are four women and two men, one of whom was a child aged eight. Three of the dead are thought to be from Cambre, near to the scene of the tragedy, with one of the pregnant women said to have been killed understood to be nine months pregnant. Her partner was also reported to have died. Spanish Police have warned that the death toll is expected to rise. At least 16 people were injured and are being treated in the nearby La Coruña University Hospital Complex. They include four children, a police spokeswoman confirmed. The cause of the accident is being investigated, with police and ambulance services still at the scene supporting the victims and their families. Fans attending the race shared news of the horror on Twitter. Monica Carrillo tweeted: 'Two

dead and several injured in a rally in Coruña in the last minute.' Another witness suggested that 'there may be two dead and a dozen injured.' Eyewitnesses told Spain's Ideal news site the scene was 'chaotic'. The race was organised by the Escuderia La Coruña group, who host 11 high-speed contests a year. Their inaugural event was held in 1982. Escuderia La Coruña tonight uploaded an image of a black ribbon to their Facebook page in honour of those who lost their lives in today's crash. Alongside it, they wrote: 'For the victims of the accident today in Carral.' The Toyota Breogán racing team, who were taking part in the race, also paid their own tribute. In an online post, they said: 'We send our deepest sympathy to the families of the victims of the Rally Coruña accident which occurred this afternoon.'

Spanish police arrested teenager for 'recruiting other women to fight for ISIS in Syria'

These dramatic pictures show the moment a teenager wearing a burqa was paraded down a Spanish street after being arrested for allegedly recruiting other women to fight for ISIS in Syria. The 18-year-old Moroccan, clad in the full-length Islamic robe and veil, was led down the crowded road in Gandia, near Valencia, after being detained by counter-terror police. Dozens of locals watched as armed officers stood guard outside the young woman's door, while other policemen

wore balaclavas as they carried away boxes of evidence from inside. Police arrested her on suspicion of using the internet to recruit other women to join ISIS. At the time of her arrest, the woman 'was making the last preparations for her journey' to Syria, a police statement said. She was the latest in a series of suspected ISIS sympathisers detained in Spain in the last year, with another woman arrested on the island of Lanzarote for allegedly recruiting women

and girls in July. More than 100 people from Spain are thought to have joined jihadist fighters in Iraq and Syria, with the authorities fearing that some could return to Europe to launch attacks. In March 2004, Al-Qaeda inspired bombers blew up four packed commuter trains in Madrid, killing 191 people. More than 20 people, including a number of Moroccans, were convicted of that attack. Police said the woman arrested

Saturday was Moroccan but had lived in Spain for years. Officers arrested her 'for suspected links with jihadist terrorist activities,' a statement from the Guardia Civil said. The statement continued: She spread jihadist ideology on the Internet, justifying terrorist acts and spreading videos that glorified executions of people. 'She had focussed her online activity on recruiting women to go and swell the ranks of Daesh (ISIS).'


Spanish News

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

Father offers €5,000 Police arrest organiser of migrant-smuggling ring to find job for son More than 20 companies have responded after a pensioner in Zaragoza, in north-east Spain, placed an advert in the local paper offering €5,000 (£3,700) to anyone who would give his 39-year-old son a job. The ad in the Heraldo de Aragón read: “Pensioner offers €5,000 to a firm that will employ his unemployed son who is qualified, responsible, hardworking and has a good professional record.” The pensioner, a retired lawyer who has chosen to remain anonymous, said his son, who has a five-year-old child, had had a series of temporary contracts, the last of which expired in September last year. He said he didn’t mind if the responses were concrete job offers or simply opportunities – anything to get his son out of the hole he was in. He said none of the 20 firms that had called had asked about the money, only about his son’s CV. The pensioner hadn’t consulted his son before placing the ad, and he told El País that when his son found out “he was very angry with me and was afraid that someone in Zaragoza would realise who he was. He said it was shameful. But after a long chat he told me I was the best father in the world.” Unemployment in Spain is around 23%, equating to about five million people out of work, and 134,000 jobs

were lost in August. Figures for September will be worse when they take in the 333,107 people whose temporary contracts – mainly in the tourism and other service sectors – expired last Monday, the last day of August. These were the worst job losses in a single day on record. Pensioners have been propping up three generations during Spain’s doubledip recession. A report by the Comisiones Obreras trade union revealed that in 2014 an old-age pension was the only income in 20% of households, as many Spaniards had been forced to move back into their parents’ or grandparents’ homes to save money. “Before, we pensioners helped out with our grandchildren, but now unfortunately we have to look after our children as well,” the Zaragoza pensioner said, adding that his other four children did not earn enough to make ends meet.

Spanish police have arrested the suspected organiser of a ring smuggling migrants from Western Sahara to the Canary Islands and the captain of a trafficking boat from among a group of migrants recently arrived in the islands. The 40-year-old Senegalese man was part of a trafficking organisation based in Laayoune in the disputed territory of Western Sahara that chartered boats to take migrants to the Spanish islands which lie off the coast, police said. Migrant arrivals in the Canary Islands, which peaked at 32,000 in 2006, have fallen sharply due to stronger interception measures and Spanish return agreements with Mauritania and Senegal but some migrants still attempt the voyage. A boat containing about 40 African migrants including a toddler girl landed in Gran Canaria on Tuesday. Spain is one destination for the hundreds of thousands of refugees from wars in the Middle East, along with economic migrants fleeing poverty in

Africa and Asia, who have braved the Mediterranean Sea and land routes to reach the European Union. Police said the alleged organiser, who was not named, hid migrants in safe houses in Western Sahara and then charged them between 800 and 1,500 euros (US$890 and US$1,670) for the dangerous voyage to the Canary Islands, which could take up to 11 days. In July, he joined 33 other migrants on one of his gang's boats for the trip to the Canaries, a police statement said. Some of the passengers on the boat were Nigerian women who had been sent to Spain for sexual exploitation, it said. On arrival in the Canaries, the organiser and the captain of a migrant boat, a 24-year-old Senegalese man, mingled with migrants in a holding camp, passing themselves off as ordinary migrants, the police said. Police investigations revealed his identity after he gave a false name. Then, other migrants at the holding camp, who had been intimidated into silence, pointed out the boat captain, who was also arrested, the police said. The police said the traffickers sometimes beat migrants to make them get on the ramshackle boats and that eight people had died on another of the organisation's vessels before Spanish Sea Rescue saved the 13 survivors.

Convict used prison leave to set up record-sized marijuana plantation

An inmate serving time in a Murcia penitentiary used his time out on temporary release to set up the largest marijuana plantation ever discovered on European soil. P. S. A., a 47-year-old resident of the town of Pozo Cañada, Albacete province, had built a thriving business with a Lithuanian colleague in just three months, according to Civil Guard sources. In May, P. S. A. used his furloughs from prison to purchase 30,000 square meters of land in an olive grove in Villarrobledo (Albacete). Then he obtained modified seeds that produce hemp plants no taller than 40 centimeters and that are notable for their high yield. The venture did so well that the partners soon had 75,000 plants and 155 kilograms of marijuana packed and ready to go out on the market. Sources familiar with the investigation said the final destination of the drug was Barcelona. Six people have been arrested in connection with Operation Casamonte, including the Lithuanian citizen G. S, 59., who lived on the premises and acted as the manager. Two other

suspects are residents of a nearby village and three are Moroccan nationals who took care of the crops using state-of-the-art irrigation technology. The ringleader was already serving time at the Murcia II prison for drug-trafficking offenses. The merchandise was concealed inside flour sacks and taken out in trucks. Investigators are now trying to find the distribution channels and the origin of the seeds. This is the first time that a marijuana plantation has been discovered in an olive grove, as they are typically concealed among corn fields. But the unusually short plants looked like grass to the police helicopters, while the telltale smell had been masked with piles of fertilizer and trash placed strategically along the perimeter of the plantation, said investigators. Security measures were also in place within the grounds: the site had only one entrance, and there were several lookout points from which gang members could detect anyone approaching. Meanwhile, the farmhouse had been converted into a clandestine lab where the plants were dried and processed. The Civil Guard also found opium, hashish and a gun inside the premises.

Spanish News 11 Summer deaths on Spanish roads Hordes of seized marijuana rise for first time since 2006 makes Spanish police 'dizzy' CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

The total death toll from road accidents this summer came in at 225 people, five more than last year, according to figures released by Spain’ DGT traffic authority. The number bucks a downward trend that began in 2006, when 542 people lost their lives on the road. Overall, however, road deaths have dropped drastically in Spain since the 1980s. In 1989, 1,378 people died in crashes even though there were significantly fewer vehicles on the roads at the time. The construction of highways in recent decades has contributed to this fall. Most of the deaths continue to occur on secondary roads, with one lane per traffic direction. Asked about the reason for the slight rise in fatalities this summer, DGT director general María Seguí Gómez noted that there was also a rise in the number of road journeys. There were 81 million long-distance trips made in July and August of this year,

a 3.4-percent rise from the same period in 2014. Around 27 percent of deaths occurred on road stretches that the DGT had already identified as being particularly dangerous. Ageing vehicles may have played a role as well, said Seguí. In 2014, motor vehicles involved in fatal crashes were 10.2 years old on average, while this year the average was 11.7 years. Seguí also underscored that “unbelievable as it may sound” in this day and age, 30 of the victims who died in cars or vans were not wearing a seat belt. And in the case of motorcycles and scooters, four of them were not wearing a safety helmet. Two cyclists out of the five who died this summer were also traveling without any head protection. Driving under the influence was another cause of traffic deaths, said the DGT chief. During a seven-day campaign in August, 478 drivers tested positive for drugs, representing 34.8 percent of all tests.

Huge stashes of seized marijuana are piling up at police stations across Spain, leaving officers dizzy and feeling like "they smoked something illegal", a police union said Thursday. The problem is concentrated in rural areas with small police stations that are responsible for vast stretches of farmland where regular seizures of illegal marijuana are made in summer, according to Catalan police union USPAC. The police station in Olot, a town of 34,000 residents in the north eastern province of Girona, has 300-4000 marijuana plants in its garage, said USPAC spokesman Josep Miquel Milagros. "At other police stations it is being stored in underground parking, even in offices," he added. Police stations are required to hold on

to the seized marijuana until they get a court order to destroy it, which can sometimes take over 30 days. The smell of marijuana is so strong that police officers "have the feeling of being under the effects of having smoked something illegal," the spokesman said. "The odour is intolerable. There have been cases of officers who have had to leave before their shift was over because their head hurt and they were feeling dizzy," he added. "Imagine the image this gives when people come to a station to file a complaint for theft, and they find this smell." To solve the problem the union wants the government to supply stations with containers that can be hermitically sealed to store the marijuana outside of police buildings.


CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

A Fresh New Experience for San Luis

How often do we truly realise our hopes, dreams and ambitions? Four people feel they have found their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They are the new owners of Reflections Restaurant and Bar in Calle Aviles, San Luis and are Craig McCarthy and Chris Frydenlund with their partners Claire and Lara. Reflections is situated in the quiet and peaceful lakeside area of San Luis away from the maddening crowds and competitive clusters of bars and café’s. Since early July the team have created a mouth-watering selection of menu’s to

cover breakfasts, special 5 euro light lunches, an evening meal menu and a full A la Carte evening menu. This has been achieved by Craig who from the tender age of 16 worked in bars and restaurants, and attended catering college going onto becoming a sous chef subsequently being promoted to head chef. He was head hunted into becoming an advisor to large ailing restaurants transforming them to ensure success. His dream, when moving to Spain, was to have his own restaurant and now he has. Norwegian Chris, spent many years studying

hospitality specialising in bar and waiters skills whilst studying languages and is fluent in English, Swedish, German and the many diverse dialects of Norway and Sweden. After passing all his examinations he joined a top Norwegian hotel and continued to study to become a specialist on wine, which helped immensely in his role as a head waiter. He moved south to Spain carrying his dream of owning his own restaurant, and now he has. Behind every man there is a good woman, so the saying goes!! Behind Craig and Chris are Claire, sous chef, but can jump, and does, into any role in Reflections to help where it’s needed. Chris’s partner Lara is definitely front of house where her six years’ experience of working in international establishments and teaming up, alongside Chris, are the smiley faces who give the exceptional service that Reflections is quickly becoming renowned for. Reflections Restaurant and Bar offer superb food and exceptional service, and have organised a programme of activities and entertainment for every single day or evening for customers of all nationalities. Every Sunday from 4pm., Reflections is the home of the renowned, Big Jam Session. Every Monday is Country night with live singer guitarist for all line dancers. Tuesdays we have a general knowledge quiz, Wednesday

evening card Bingo and Thursdays at 2pm Shirelle presents her musical bingo and in the evening can enjoy Albi Lee Dana, guitar vocalist, who entertains with 60’s, Latin, swing, rock, blues and jazz music Every Friday night is Steak night with superb live entertainment, reservation essential. On Saturday join us for a Dinner Dance with fantastic live music for dancing and reservations only. Every month come and have fun at a special themed food and entertainment evening. On September 16th we go south for our Mexican evening. Dine on delicious Mexican food, try Mexican cocktails and beers, dance to live music and have fun with Piñata’s. Tickets for this event are from Reflections or The Post Room, Benijofar. Reflections Restaurant and Bar would like to invite you to their Grand Opening on Thursday 1st October at 7.30pm till late with Cava reception and buffet. Music by The Jam Tarts in their own right and if any musicians would like to jump onto one of their guitars or the drum kit, they will be very welcomed. All reservations can be made by telephone 966845456. Why not join Reflections on Facebook Reflections Bar/Restaurant to get daily updates on events, activities and functions or visit our website but why not just come and see for yourself what is happening. CoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470 563 - March - September 5th 20138th 2015



Painting your mobile Immerse Virtual Reality


A TEAM of researchers from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, has developed a reflective paint that keeps the object at room temperature and even below it, and could extend the life of smartphones. In recent years, large manufacturers are making water resistance the hallmark of its high-end products. However, the sun is still an unbeatable enemy of electronic devices, as it accelerates the deterioration and corrosion of its components. Overheating of the surfaces of objects, whether it be a mobile phone or a car, makes age prematurely. The paint developed by these researchers reflects sunlight and repels heat passively even on metal surfaces, thus

helping to maintain the temperature of objects covering. The new paint has almost completely crystallized inorganic silicate-based composition, which makes it more durable than traditional paintings degrade under sunlight exposure and end yellowing. On the other hand, is also waterproof (once pulverized and dried), does not harm the environment and is sufficiently elastic to accommodate the expansion of the materials without cracking. Although the painting was intended for covering military vessels, its creators expected to spread to other objects such as children's toys, vehicles, roofs and what interests us most: technology.

play immersive games or you're just looking for a quick departure from our own tedious reality – there's something for everyone. Just load up your chosen piece of virtual content, slot your smartphone into the rugged plastic enclosure, put it up to your eyes then adjust the lenses and comfortable head straps to your liking. It's never been easier (or more affordable) to explore these vivid new environments from the comfort of your living ₏40.89 You've probably seen countless videos on the internet of people wearing the much-lauded Oculus Rift, tripping out in digital worlds and generally loving life. Not only is this revolutionary device unavailable until 2016, but you'll probably have to sell a number of vital organs just to be able to buy it. Well, feast your eyes on (and indeed, in) the Immerse Virtual Reality Headset – a new and affordable foray into the breathtaking world of virtual reality. Because it utilises your smartphone, it's compatible with hundreds of free and inexpensive VR apps on the Play Store and App Store. So whether you want to watch 3D movies, explore new worlds,

room. Even if you don't intend to buy it for yourself, it's definitely just as amusing to watch someone else experience it.



CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

Markets Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Tuesdays 9:00am Los Belones 9:00am Benissa 9:00am Los Alcazares Street Market 9:00am La Unión 9:00am Los Alcázares 9:00am Alhama de Murcia 9:00am Relleu 9:00am Altea 9:00am Jumilla 9:00am Callosa d‘ En Sarrià 9:00am Agost 9:00am Bullas 9:00am Orihuela Street Market 9:00am Pilar de la Horadada 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market Wednesdays 8:00am Alcoy 8:00am Calpe Flea Market - Car park close to Casa 9:00am Santiago de la Ribera Street Market 9:00am Polop 9:00am Mutxamel 9:00am San Miguel Street Market 9:00am Teulada 9:00am El Poblets Craft Market 9:00am Alcantarilla 9:00am El Campello 9:00am San Javier 9:00am Benidorm

9:00am Orba 9:00am Benitachell 9:00am La Mata 9:00am Yecla 9:00am Ondara 9:00am Guardamar del Segura Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Thursdays

8:00am Benidorm Antiques Market - El Cisne 9:00am Villajoyosa 9:00am Lorca 9:00am Javea 9:00am Blanca 9:00am Los Urrutias 9:00am Guardamar del Segura Street Market 9:00am Murcia 9:00am San Javier Street Market 9:00am San Javier 9:00am Balsicas Street Market 9:00am Gandia 9:00am Agost 9:00am Librilla 9:00am Rojales Street Market 9:00am La Marina Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Fridays 8:00am Alfas del Pi 8:30am Abarán

9:00am Gata de Gorgos 9:00am Pilar de la Horadada 9:00am Onil 9:00am Torrevieja Street Market 9:00am Calasparra 9:00am Finestrat 9:00am El Verger 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas 12:00pm Benidoleig Charity Auction at El Cid 4:00pm Los Montesinos Street Market Saturdays

8:00am Calpe 9:00am HELP Charity Sale Behind Rendezvous Bar Tiro de Pinchon Pueblo Principe 9:00am Underworld Car Boot Sale Punta Prima 9:00am Alicante Market 9:00am Benissa 9:00am Torre Pacheco Street Market 9:00am Almoradi Street Market 9:00am Los Narejos Street Market 9:00am Fortuna 9:00am Pedreguer 9:00am Los Narejos 9:00am Santa Pola Street Market 9:00am Abanilla 9:00am Elda 9:00am Águilas 9:00am Playa Flamenca Street

Market 9:00am Orihuela Street Market Sundays 9:00am Alhama de Murcia Craft Market 9:00am Lorca 9:00am San Pedro del Pinatar Craft Market 9:00am Torremanzanas 9:00am Cabo de Palos Street Market 9:00am Guardamar Campo Lemon Grove Market 9:00am Pedreguer Flea Market 9:00am La Marina Street Market 9:00am Zoco Street Market 9:00am Aledo 9:00am Los Nietos 9:00am HELP Charity Sale Punta Prima - Water Tower Punta Prima

9:00am Murcia Antiques Market 9:00am Mazarrón 9:00am La Nucía Flea Market 10:00am Flea Market Punta Prima Mondays 9:00am San Pedro del Pinatar Street Market 9:00am Dénia 9:00am Roldan 9:00am Beniel 9:00am Parcent 9:00am La Nucía 9:00am Caravaca de la Cruz 9:00am Ontinyent 9:00am Los Narejos Artisan Market 9:00am Santa Pola Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015


A Word from the Editor

DEAR READERS and Clients. The Coastrider has been your free, local weekly newspaper since 2004 and has not, according to rumours and radio advertising, changed its name to the Costa Blanca People. Some of the former team from the Coastrider have started their own venture called

the Costa Blanca People but continue to use the Coastrider name in their advertising and promotion. However, the Coastrider has put its own new team together and will continue to deliver a free weekly newspaper, every Tuesday, at a growing

number of venues around the Southern Costa Blanca. The following is our present list of distribution points. However, if you have any suggestions of new distribution points, please let us know by emailing:

Restaurante Moseño CATRAL: B&H Stores - Café Uno LA MARINA URB: Cards and More DOLORES: Fountain Bar Twilight Bar - Final Whistle - Café J’s ALMORADI: Cage Almoradi News 4 U - Iceland Café Vienna - Café El Robel LOS MONTESINOS: Ofelia Prensa ALGORFA: Mailbox - All Days Bar Charly - Kennedy’s Supermarket ALGORFA GOLF: Johnsons PUNTA PRIMA: Quick Wash LOS DOLCES: Rolos Café Patio Andaluz - Card Place - Easy Cars RIOJA CENTRE: Canal Print EL RASO: Bar Med - Rayz Bar - The Local CITRUS CENTRE: Johnsons DOÑA PEPA: Banjo Tobac - Postbox PLAYA FLAMENCA: Maceys Hotel Laguna - Edinas Bat Rocky’s Arena Restaurant Budapest LA ZENIA - Ponderosa QUESADA: Johnsons - Cards and More VILLAMARTIN: Eduardos Muebles 43 - Quesada fish & chips Quesada Fish & Chips FORMENTERA: British Indoor Market - International Paper shop he Property Shop - Don Carlos Howells and Sons Quesada Country Club - The Club SAN FULGENCIO: Swan Autos LA MARQUESA: Quick Save oldos Guardamar - Rapid repairs ROJALES: Prensa Maite LA MARINA VILLAGE: Bar La Vista Bar San Francisco - Prensa Omar - BENIJOFAR: Hamiltons - Marcos Cars

BENIMAR: TJ’s - Card Place TORREVIEJA: Bargain Books La Morena Toldos - Imagen Foto La Bella Lola Restaurant - Tourist Office Bar Columbus - Kiosk Torreta II - Kiosk Mercadona – Carrefour - Iceland LA MATA: Kiosk Prensa Main Street LA SIESTA – SAN LUIS: Bar Washington - Restaurante Quick - Gramms Bakery Bodgega San Luis - Star of India Luz de luna - Chicken Shack - La Bohéme Bar Churchill - Casa Ventura GUARDAMAR: Tourist Office

Let us know where you'd like to pick up your favourite weekly newspaper. You can also read your favourite weekly newspaper online at:



CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

Back Stage with Tommy ‘Meet Laaf’ Taylor

Artists Direct-Spain went backstage to talk to Tommy ‘Meet Laaf’ Taylor. Tommy is moving to the Torrevieja area in September so we thought we would find out about this charismatic character and let the good folks of Costa Blanca know what they were in for. Tommy is no shy retiring type; he is Scottish, drives a hearse, and takes a parrot for a daily walk. He lives in a self-sufficient motor home with his wife Fiona who is a carer/hairdresser and he does a crazy Meat Loaf comedy tribute. Reading the reviews, the show IS something completely different, even people who don’t like Meat Loaf love his shows. Once seen never forgotten He has been in entertainment all of his life as a quick inspection of his website reveals a colourfully long history, from owning and running 5 disco units through to playing in a number of bands such as The Rejects and even twice being a support act to The Skids so music is very much in his blood. He sees his current show as just a natural progression and he now gets to sing the songs he loves and… “Do things normal people get put in jail for” as he says as he breaks into crazy laughter. We wondered what this character might do if he had not found his feet in the entertainment business.

“Politician” was not a predictable answer! “I did run many years back in my Tommy Sideburn days. So many things I would like to change, we as a society have lost the plot, too many rules and too many masters. Not enough freedom”. As a high energy entertainer, Tommy’s biggest influences were Johnny Lydon and Jim Steinman. He loves that Johnny turns his anger into energy. So with all that energy does Tommy ever get stage fright? Never, I cannot afford to – he says with passion. “If you have seen my show you would know why. I take no prisoners, or excuses. My show may be a tribute, but it is original comedy every time, I have no gags, if the audience is rubbish then I am rubbish, they are my material, so by original I mean that Meat Loaf could not be me, but I can be him. You would think that with all those original comedy shows there surely must be one moment that sticks out in his memory but Tommy tells us that most nights are special to him. He puts on the same high energy show

Torrevieja – Alicante Airport Bus This service offers 8 round trips without any stops, 365 days a year. Torrevieja to Airport: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 Airport toTorrevieja: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 Departure and arrival (in Torrevieja): From Torrevieja bus station. Calle del Mar, 50 Departure and arrival (in Alicante Airport): 2nd Floor Ticket Price: € 6.92 Children under 4 years free (ID required)

Pensioners: 30% discount. Requires accreditation by submitting Social Security card. This discount only applies to pensioners living in the Valencia region. To prove that you are a pensioner, you must be over 65 and present your NIE, DNI or residence card, which must confirm that you are a resident of the community of Valencia. Handicap accessible: Yes Free Wifi: YES Luggage space: YES

for a small crowd as for a large one. With a smaller crowd, naturally he has less ammunition for his show so he has to work harder but is adamant that most nights are his best nights. Hmmm ok so if all is so good – is there a bad moment that springs to mind? “An unresponsive Audience, after all it’s the crowd that make the show, no matter how good you are if the audience are not up for it you’re on to a loser “. Tommy has a little piece of advice for budding entertainers : “Don’t join a band go solo, you CAN do it then you will never be let down or have to conform to suit others who are only out for themselves. Since going solo I have worked non-stop and never let a venue down, now all the negatives and positives are mine, and YOU can work on your own negatives… but you cannot do this for others”. So come on Tommy, you must have at least one really interesting piece of showbiz gossip. He bursts into real belly ‘laaf’ and tells us that his lips are sealed! He is a true professional and that we have to understand that Tommy Meet Laaf Taylor’s show is a take no prisoners show … it is full contact and scary. “I kiss both men and women…I suck toes, so I have thousands of very funny stories BUT I am a professional you know” Tickets sale (in Torrevieja): Torrevieja bus station (calle de Mar, 50) Tickets sale (in Alicante Airport): In the same bus at the airport (pay the driver). No pre-book needed. Journey time: 50 minutes Phone Torrevieja bus station: Call 96 571 01 46 (be aware they may not speak English) The route selected runs inland via the A-7 highway instead of following the N-332 route, thus avoiding traffic delays on the N-332, especially during the summer months. NOTE: T webpage is updated frequently with information on the bus service between Torrevieja and Alicante airport. Location Bus Stop in Alicante Airport

Entertainment CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015


Coastrider Gig Guide Dee

Benny van den Berg Tuesday 8th September 8:00 PM El Marino Restaurante Casa Da Vinci, Zenia Mar 8:30 PM Timewarp Rosamar Hotel, Benidorm 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Tango Bar, Avda Purissima, Torrevieja 9:00 PM Gina G Clarke's Bar, Playa Flamenca 9:30 PM Martin Kay Cabaroke Pablo's, Playa Flamenca 10:00 PM Dan Davy Tradewinds, La Fuente 10:30 PM David John Yolo's, Cabo Roig

9:00 PM Dan Davy Princess Lounge Bar, Punta Prima 10:00 PM Andy Winwood Kvikk Baren, Torre La Mata 10:30 PM - Gina G Legends, Playa Flamenca 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Yolo, Cabo Roig Friday 11th September

8:30 PM Tony Capaldi SportsBar, Toretta 2 8:30 PM Tony Francis Las Ramblas Golf 8:30 PM Zodiac Hotel Helios, Benidorm 8:30 PM Sharni Bar La Copa, Calpe 8:30 PM Graeme Mykal The Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Dougie Munro Queen Victoria, Cabo Roig 9:00 PM That's Life! New Tavern, San Miguel de Las Salinas 9:00 PM The Streeters Bar Amigo's San Pedro 9:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Emerald Isle La Florida 10:00 PM Roz McQuillan New Priory, El Galan 10:00 PM Gina G Local, La Florida 10:30 PM Graeme Mykal Paddy's Point, La Zenia 10:30 PM Backyard Session Murphys on the Park, Torrevieja

2:00 PM The Streeters El RIncon Tio Cali, Torrevieja 7:00 PM Graeme Mykal The Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:00 PM El Marino Restaurante Nautilus, Punta Prima 8:00 PM Dan Davy Las Ramblas Golf Restaurant 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Restarante Cucalos, Orihuela Costa 8:30 PM Nigel Burchill as Elvis Sportsbar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Sharni Rusty's, Benitachell 9:00 PM Andy Winwood La Luna Bar, Las Mimosas 9:00 PM David John Celt's Irish Bar, Los Alcazaras 9:00 PM The Streeters Hen's Teeth, Villamartin Plaza 9:00 PM Martyn Ross Mariano's, Benidorm 9:00 PM Duncan Papillon Bar Toretta 2 9:00 PM Gina G Clarke's Bar, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Dougie Munro Yolo's, Cabo Roig 9:00 PM Alma Roca Bar La Torre, La Florida 9:00 PM Chloe Leigh Final Whistle, La Marina 9:00 PM Timewarp Duo El Commercio Restaurante, Denia 10:00 PM Rain O'Connor Gogarty's La Zenia 10:00 PM Shani Ormiston Piano Bar, La Manga 10:30 PM Graeme Mykal Paddys Point, La Zenia 10:30 PM Roz McQuillan Trinity Bar, Cabo Roig 11:00 PM Martin Kay Cabaroke New Priory, El Galan

Thursday 10th September

Saturday 12th September

Wednesday 9th September

8:00 PM Chloe Leigh Las Ramblas Golf 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Ali Baba, Rojales 8:30 PM Ed Temple Sunrise Terrace Bar, Play Flamenca 9:00 PM The Streeters The Arches, Los Alcazares 9:00 PM Dougie Munro The Local, La Florida 9:00 PM Sunflower Valley Trinity Bar, Cabo Roig 9:00 PM Rain O'Connor Auld Dubliner, Lomas Cabo Roig 9:00 PM Roz McQuillan Porterhouse Bar, Altos del Limonar

8:00 PM Rob Roberts Breeze Bar, Benimar 8:30 PM David John Eduardo's, Villamartin 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Aneto Cerveceria, Benijofar 8:30 PM Nigel Burchill as Elvis Horacio's, Las Mimosas 8:30 PM Tony Francis Garden Party, Buscot 9:00 PM Roz McQuillan Abbey Tavern garden 9:00 PM That's Life! Pals, La Siesta 9:00 PM Dougie Munro Yolo's, Cabo Roig 9:00 PM Gina G Clarke's Bar Playa Flamenca

9:00 PM Chloe Leigh The Club, Quesada 9:00 PM Timewarp Duo Hotel Villa Marisol, Calpe 9:00 PM Martyn Ross Hotel La Mariposa, Sierra Espuna 9:30 PM DJ Weeto Bokao Bar, El Condado 9:30 PM Dan Davy Emerald Isle, La Florida 10:00 PM Rain O'Connor Gogarty's, La Zenia 10:00 PM Dave the Hat Shandon Bells, Villamartin 10:00 PM The Streeters Shamrock Lounge, Mar Menor Golf 10:30 PM Graeme Mykal Paddy's Point, La Zenia Sunday 13th September 1:30 PM Tony Capaldi Gastro Restaurant, Torrevieja 6:00 PM Backyard Session Il Baccio Beach Club, La Mata 8:00 PM The Streeters Sun Dolce Vita, Mojacar 8:30 PM Graeme Mykal The Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Andy Winwood Las Ramblas Golf 8:30 PM Roz McQuillan Thirsty Monk, Torrevieja 8:30 PM Rob Roberts La Vida Sunset, Quesada 10:00 PM Sharni Tradewinds, La Fuente 10:30 PM Gina G Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca 10:30 PM Graeme Mykal Paddys Point, La Zenia 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Paddy's Point, La Zenia Monday 14th September 8:00 PM El Marino The Bells Restaurant, Quesada 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Asturias Restaurant, Punta Prima 8:30 PM Dan Davy La Finca Eduardos 8:30 PM Graeme Mykal The Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Rain O'Connor Pablo's, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM David John The Local, La Florida 9:00 PM Gina G Bar La Torre, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Backyard Session Emerald Isle, La Florida 10:00 PM Shani Ormiston Piano Bar, La Manga 10:30 PM The Streeters Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Celtic Drop, Playa Flamenca Acts and Artists: would you like to see your gigs promoted in the gig guide? Contact Artists Direct at: or 966 784 456


Over 50’s

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

6 ways to look younger today Scrub up with our winning ways to look younger today - from investing in a new pair of denim jeans to switching to contact lenses. Check your smile Nothing says ‘old age’ more like a set of teeth that look they’ve been through a war. Stained teeth caused by the foods you eat, or smoking, as well as wear and tear can add years to your face. What’s more, as you age, you lose bone mass in your jaw and that can gradually cause teeth to crowd together, leaving you with crooked and uneven rows. That unevenness can also increase your likelihood of gum disease and tooth decay because parts of the tooth are more difficult to clean, which may also trigger receding gums. Use a gentle whitening toothpaste or invest in a whitening session with your nearest dental practise. Avoid staining drinks such as red wine and tea, and quit cigarettes, which not only stain but dry out your mouth making you more prone to gum disease. If you’re keen, ask your dentist about options to straighten your teeth, too. Many offer braces that can be worn at night that will gently put your teeth back in order. The bonus: Not only will you look younger, you’ll instantly look more kissable. Buy a new pair of jeans Older men tend to avoid denim, perhaps because of an association with work clothes, but a well-fitting pair of jeans will instantly knock 10 years off you. While suit trousers may be what you’re used to, they’re intended to be worn – and look best as – part of a suit, something you probably don’t put on every day. The fact that your shoulders may not be quite as square as they were and that your middle may have extended over the years also means that it’s more difficult to carry off a pair of suit trousers with style. Jeans can be smart or casual, depending on the colour of the denim, the cut and the stitching. Opt for darker colours and straight leg if you’re going for a smarter look but above all, get a good fit. That means not too tight around your middle (you want to avoid strapping your belly in with your belt and having it hang over the top) but also not saggy around the bottom.

The bonus: Jeans last for years so if you invest in a pair (or two) that you like, you can enjoy looking younger for years to come. Trim your hair Your bushy brows may have come across as sexy when they were dark and you had hair on your head, but you need to tame those wild things if you want to look younger. As you age your hair growth changes, which can mean getting hair in places you’d rather not (ears, nose, for example) and losing it in places you’d like to keep it (head). Invest in a nose and ear hair trimmer and keep hair at a length that means it’s not visible outside your nose. You need the hairs inside your nostrils to help keep you healthy by trapping dirt and even filtering out viruses. Regularly trim any excessively long eyebrow hairs too. The bonus: Your nose hairs won’t freeze in winter. Scrub your face It may have been more than half a century since the last time your mother told you to wash your face properly but it’s time to take her advice on board! Splashing your face with soap and water won’t remove the dead skin cells that make your skin look dull and lifeless, you need to exfoliate. That’s something you can do with a special exfoliating wash or you can simply use a good quality sponge or even a flannel. Be sure to moisturise afterwards, too. This will help keep your skin supple and

less prone to wrinkles. The bonus: Your skin will feel softer too and infinitely more strokable. Slap on the sunscreen The sun’s rays cause wrinkles and dry out your skin, as well as trigger age spots, but more importantly, if you don’t take care you might get skin cancer. Men are far less likely to use sunscreen than women, but they are just as likely to get skin cancer and, in fact, because men are generally less observant when it comes to their own skin, they’re more likely not to notice a growth until it has progressed. You don’t need to give up a tan completely but use a good-level sunscreen (30 SPF for example) to protect yourself from the most harmful rays and stay out of the sun when it’s at its hottest. The bonus: Sunscreens usually contain moisturising agents too, so you’ll get softer, smoother skin at the same time. Adjust your view Your glasses may have given you an intellectual look when you were younger but now they might be making you look older than your years. Maybe it’s the way you tend to peer over the top of them or the fact you haven’t changed the design in years, but generally glasses don’t help you look any younger. This is especially true if you’re short-sighted as the lenses can make your eyes seem smaller, and big eyes (think Disney characters!) suggest youth. Try contact lenses if you can. Not only will they help make you look younger, you’ll also save time as you won’t leave them in odd places where you can’t find them. If your glasses are for specific activities only, invest in a new pair and choose a style that will help make you look younger. Choose styles with thin frames and softer edges, to reduce their impact on your face (look at Richard Gere or Kenneth Branagh for inspiration) and avoid lenses that are too big as these will overpower your face. The bonus: A new pair of glasses means you can use the old pair as spares, so you’ll always have some to hand when you need them.

aspirin and ibuprofen? Paracetamol Adult dose of paracetamol: 500mg -1g every four to six hours, maximum 4g daily. What is paracetamol? Paracetamol is a non-opioid (or non-narcotic) painkiller. When should you take paracetamol? Paracetamol is used to ease mild to moderate pain from headaches, toothache, muscle and joint pains and period pains. What are the dangers of taking paracetamol? Paracetamol side-effects are rare if you do not take more than the maximum recommended dose. However, it can be very dangerous if you take an overdose. Taking paracetamol with other medications? It is usually safe to take paracetamol with other medications but check with your doctor or pharmacist if you suffer from liver or kidney problems. And be careful if you're taking other non-prescription remedies, such as cold treatments, which may also contain paracetamol. Aspirin Adult dose of aspirin: 300-900 mg every four to six hours, maximum 4g daily. What is aspirin? Aspirin belongs to the group of medicines known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. When should you take aspirin? Aspirin can be used to relieve pain and inflammation caused by rheumatic and

muscular pain, sprains, backache, headache, sore throat, toothache and period pain. It can also be used to treat flu-like symptoms and reduce fever in adults. In low doses, it can be used to thin the blood. What are the dangers of taking aspirin? Some medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, bleeding disorders, asthma, stomach ulcers, and liver and kidney disease, could make aspirin a bad choice for you. Taking aspirin with other medications? Aspirin can mix badly with other medicines, vitamins, herbals, or dietary supplements. People who are already using a prescribed medicine to thin the blood should talk to a health professional before using aspirin, even occasionally. Ibuprofen Adult dose of ibuprofen: 1200 - 1800 mg daily in three to four divided doses, preferably after food. Maximum daily dose 2400mg. What is ibuprofen? Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug. When should you take ibuprofen? Ibuprofen can be used to relieve pain and inflammation caused by rheumatic and muscular pain, headaches, backache, and period pain. It can also be used to relieve cold and 'flu-like' symptoms. What are the dangers of taking ibuprofen? Ibuprofen may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Taking ibuprofen with other medications? Ibuprofen can interact with medications, including herbal and complementary preparations. Check with your pharmacist before taking it if you have blood clotting problems, peptic ulcers, kidney or heart problems.

Know your painkillers

Aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol - what are the differences between these three painkillers? A third of UK adults don't know, says a survey. The survey involving over 1,000 people was carried out by Panadol to coincide with Ask About Medicines Week, a campaign that aims to encourage all of us to ask more questions about medicines as we get older. One in three people said that they would take the first available medicine. Women were more likely to make an informed choice, with 39 percent thinking about which medicine to take compared with only 27 percent of men. Most people knew that some painkillers should be avoided for individuals with certain medical conditions but 40 percent had no idea what these painkillers were. What are the differences between paracetamol, CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

Health and Beauty


Ten ways to trick yourself slimmer A healthy balanced diet and regular exercise hold the key to staying in shape but there are plenty of little tricks you can try to help yourself. 1. Don't shop before dinner Feeling hungry? Steer clear of the supermarket! People who haven't eaten all afternoon choose more unhealthy, high-calorie foods than those who eat before shopping, says a study from Cornell University. Even if it's inconvenient to buy your groceries after lunch, at least aim to write your shopping list when you're not feeling famished – and vow to stick to it. That way, you're less likely to arrive at the checkout with a trolley full of crisps and biscuits.

2. Don't eat in front of the TV Watching TV while you have your dinner can be an unhealthy distraction – and means you're more inclined to reach for a sugary snack afterwards. Diners who concentrate on their meal - and focus closely on the flavour, texture and appearance of the food – tend to feel more satisfied, according to research from the University of Birmingham. 3. Use smaller serving spoons It's human nature to pile up your serving spoon to capacity – regardless of how much food you actually intend to eat. One US study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, found that people

served themselves 14.5 per cent more ice cream on average when using a larger scoop. 4. Choose your plate colour wisely Believe it or not, the colour contrast between your food and plate creates an optical illusion that can lead you to eat more than you realise, according to research from Cornell University. The more obvious the contrast between food and plate colour, the less likely you are to overeat. In the study, people who served themselves pasta with tomato sauce on a red plate ate 22% more than those who ate the same meal from a white plate. 5. Choose your glass carefully, too Alcohol is packed with calories - which is one of the many reasons why it's never a good idea to overindulge. But did you know you can slow down the rate at which you drink by choosing a differentshaped glass? Opt for a straight glass and you'll be better able to gauge how much you're drinking than if you go for a curved one, say researchers at the University of Bristol. Using glasses with volume markings also helps, of course. 6. Hide those second helpings Made a nice big stew, lasagne or casserole? Once you've served up, put the remainder away – with a lid on it – before you sit down for dinner. If you put it on the table or even just leave it sitting out in the kitchen, you'll be more tempted to go for seconds. 7. Tailor your portion sizes Give everyone the same-sized portion - regardless of their gender, height, body shape or lifestyle - and chances are someone's going to be taking in more calories than they need. As a rough guide, women need 2,000 calories per day and men need 2,500. Interestingly, women also tend to eat more when they dine with men because they don't want to give the impression they're constantly counting calories, according to recent

Dance - getting started Dancing is a great way to meet people and many firm friendships - even romances are made on the dance floor. Read our tips for getting started, and how to find a dance group to join

You won't even need a partner - teachers usually rotate men and women so you get a chance to dance with everyone in the class. Most dance classes are extremely friendly and many

teachers hold social events or clubs where you can practise your steps. Follow these tips to ensure you get fit safely and avoid injury: • Don't over-do it. If you've

research from Ireland. 8. Listen to relaxing music …and dim the lights during dinner. Lighting and noise can influence food consumption because they dictate how satisfied we feel. Create a calming environment and you're more likely to relax and enjoy your food instead of wolfing it down mindlessly. People consume an average 175 more calories in a brightly lit fast food restaurant than they do in exactly the same eaterie when it's dimly lit with relaxing background music, according to research at Cornell University. 9. Chew your food for longer Make each mouthful last longer and you'll significantly reduce the amount of calories you consume – partly because it gives your brain longer to register that the stomach is full. One study from Harbin Medical University in China found that people who chewed each piece of food 40 times ate 12 per cent less than those who chewed just 15 times. It's also a good idea to pause – and even put your cutlery down – between mouthfuls. 10. Have a laugh

Finally, give yourself a break and forget all about portion sizes and serving spoons for a little while. Have a proper 15-minute belly laugh every day and you could burn up to 280 calories in a week. That's according to a US study, published in the International Journal of Obesity. Laughter speeds up the metabolism and works lots of different muscles.

previously been inactive it's best to start slowly (no more than three times a week) to avoid the risk of injuring feet, ankles or knees. • Stay cool. Wear light, comfortable clothing - cotton is good as it disperses sweat. Choose sensible low-heeled shoes with a leather or composite sole. Trainers are difficult to dance in as they stick to the floor; keep high heels for special dancing occasions. • Warm up and cool down. A good dance teacher will begin with a short warm-up to get your circulation moving, with a cool-down and stretch at the end of the class.

• Stick at it. The first few weeks are always the most difficult but, even if you have two left feet, you'll get the hang of it with a little time and practice. Most classes are friendly so there's no need to feel self-conscious - and the teacher's always on hand if you're finding it tricky. • Shop around. If you're not sure which dance is for you, try a few out. • Find the right teacher. For more established dance styles like ballroom, look for a qualified teacher. Emerging dance forms like salsa are less tightly regulated, so it's best to check out classes yourself.


CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013 CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015




CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

The world's 20 oldest cities These cities, which are the 20 oldest continuallyinhabited places on earth, are about as close to time travel as you can be on a city break (if you are able to go, that is). 20. Varanasi, India

visible, while the city is now the headquarters of Iraq's petroleum industry. Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. 13. Arbil, Iraq

Archaeological sites and numerous beaches attract modern visitors. Robert Byron (British travel writer): "History in this island is almost too profuse. It gives one a sort of mental indigestion". 16. Athens, Greece When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 1,000 BC Situated on the west bank of the Ganges, Varanasi also known as Benares - is an important holy city for both Hindus and Buddhists. According to legend, it was founded by the Hindu deity Lord Shiva 5,000 years ago, though modern scholars believe it to be around 3,000 years old. Mark Twain (American author): "Benares is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together." 19. Cádiz, Spain

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 1,100 BC Found on a narrow spit of land jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean, Cádiz has been the home of the Spanish navy since the 18th century. It was founded by the Phoenicians as a small trading post and fell to the Carthaginians around 500BC, becoming a base for Hannibal's conquest of Iberia. It then came under Roman and Moorish rule, before experiencing a renaissance during the Age of Exploration. Robert Browning, the English poet and playwright, wrote: “Nobly, nobly Cape Saint Vincent to the Northwest died away/ Sunset ran, one glorious blood-red, reeking into Cádiz bay.” 18. Thebes, Greece

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 1,400 BC A major rival of ancient Athens, Thebes ruled the Boeotian confederacy and even lent assistance to Xerxes during the Persian invasion of 480 BC. Archaeological excavation has revealed a Mycenaean settlement dating back even further. Today, Thebes is little more than a market town. John Milton (English poet): “Sometime let gorgeous Tragedy/ In sceptred pall come sweeping by/ Presenting Thebes, or Pelops' line/ Or the tale of Troy divine.” 17. Larnaca, Cyprus When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 1,400 BC Founded as 'Citium' by the Phoenicians, Larnaca is well-known for its pretty seafront lined with palm trees.

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 1,400 BC The cradle of Western Civilization and the birthplace of democracy, Athens's heritage is still very evident. It is filled with Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman monuments and remains a hugely popular tourist destination. Alexander the Great: “How great are the dangers I face to win a good name in Athens.” 15. Balkh, Afghanistan

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 1,500 BC Known as Bactra to the ancient Greeks, Balkh is found in northern Afghanistan and is described as the 'Mother of Cities' by Arabs. It reached its peak between 2,500 BC and 1,900 BC prior to the rise of the Persian and Median empires. Modern Balkh is home to the region's cotton industry. W.C. Fields (American actor and writer): "During one of my treks through Afghanistan, we lost our corkscrew. We were compelled to live on food and water for several days.” Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. 14. Kirkuk, Iraq

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 2,200 BC Located around 150 miles north of Baghdad, Kirkuk stands on the site of the ancient Assyrian capital of Arrapha. Its strategic importance was recognised by the Babylonians and the Media, who have also controlled the city. The ruins of a 5,000-year-old citadel are still

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 2,300 BC North of Kirkuk lies Arbil, ruled at various times by the Assyrians, Persians, Sasanians, Arabs and Ottomans. It was a major stop on the Silk Road while its ancient citadel - which rises 26 metres from the ground - still dominates the skyline. Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. 12. Tyre, Lebanon

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 2,750 BC The legendary birthplace of Europa and Dido, Tyre was founded around 2,750 BC, according to Herodotus. It was conquered by Alexander the Great in 332 BC following a seven-month siege and became a Roman province in 64 BC. Today, tourism is a major industry: the city's Roman Hippodrome is a Unesco World Heritage Site. The Bible mentions the city: "Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes.” 11. Jerusalem, Middle East

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 2,800 BC The spiritual centre of the Jewish people and Islam's third-holiest city, Jerusalem is home to several key religious sites, including the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the al-Aqsa Mosque. During its history, the city has been besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, captured 44 times and destroyed twice. Benjamin Disraeli (1st Earl of Beaconsfield; former UK prime minister): "The view of Jerusalem is the history of the world; it is more, it is the history of earth and of heaven." 10. Beirut, Lebanon When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 3,000 BC Lebanon's capital, as well as its cultural, administrative and economic centre, Beirut's history stretches back around 5,000 years. Excavations in the city have unearthed Phoenician, Hellenistic, Roman, Arab and Ottoman remains, while it is mentioned in letters to the pharaoh of Egypt as early as the 14th century BC. Since the end of the Lebanese civil war, it has CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015 cities. It was the base from which the Phoenician's great Mediterranean empire grew. Both Jesus and St Paul are said to have visited Sidon, as did Alexander the Great, who captured the city in 333 BC. Charles Méryon (French artist): "Few persons new to the climate escape a rash of some description." Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. 6. Faiyum, Egypt



wealth of historical attractions made it a popular tourist destination, until recent unrest struck. Hilaire Belloc (English-French writer and historian): "Damascus is... a symbol. One might call it a bunch of symbols. It is a symbol of the permanent physical conditions that run throughout history; the permanent geographical limits of human settlement, government and war." Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. 3. Aleppo, Syria

become a lively, modern tourist attraction. Jan Morris (Welsh historian and travel writer): “To the stern student of affairs, Beirut is a phenomenon, beguiling perhaps, but quite, quite impossible.” 9. Gaziantep, Turkey

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 3,650 BC Found in southern Turkey, close to the border with Syria, Gaziantep's history extends as far back as the Hittites. The Ravanda citadel - restored by the Byzantines in the sixth century - is found in the city centre, while Roman mosaics have also been discovered. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (English poet and philosopher): "They have no past; they are not an historical people; they exist only in the present." Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. 8. Plovdiv, Bulgaria

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 4,000 BC The second-largest city in Bulgaria, Plovdiv was originally a Tracian settlement before becoming a major Roman city. It later fell into Byzantine and Ottoman hands, before becoming part of Bulgaria. The city is a major cultural centre and boasts many ancient remains, including a Roman amphitheatre and aqueduct, and Ottoman baths. Lucian (Roman writer): "This is the biggest and loveliest of all cities. Its beauty shines from faraway." 7. Sidon, Lebanon

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 4,000 BC Around 25 miles south of Beirut lies Sidon, one of the most important - and perhaps the oldest - Phoenician

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 4,000 BC Southwest of Cairo, Faiyum occupies part of Crocodilopolis - an ancient Egyptian city which worshipped Petsuchos, a sacred crocodile. Modern Faiyum consists of several large bazaars, mosques and baths, while the Lehin and Hawara pyramids are found nearby. Herodotus (Greek historian): "Egypt is an acquired country, the gift of the river." Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. 5. Susa, Iran

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 4,200 BC Susa was the capital of the Elamite Empire before being captured by the Assyrians. It was then taken by the Achaemenid Persian under Cyrus the Great and is the setting of The Persians, an Athenian tragedy by Aeschylus and the oldest surviving play in the history of theatre. The modern city, Shush, has a population of around 65,000. Francis Bacon (1st Viscount St. Alban; English philosopher and author): "Persia, a country imbarred with mountains, open to the sea, and in the middle of the world." The Foreign Office has recently changed its travel advice for the majority of Iran and now considers it safe for travellers. 4. Damascus, Syria

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 4,300 BC Cited by some sources as the world's oldest inhabited city, Damascus may have been inhabited as early as 10,000 BC, also this is debated. It became an important settlement after the arrival of the Aramaeans, who established a network of canals, which still form the basis of its modern water networks. Another of Alexander the Great's conquests, Damascus has since been in Roman, Arab and Ottoman possession. Its

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 4,300 BC Syria's most populated city with around 4.4 million citizens Aleppo was founded as Halab in around 4,300 BC. As the ancient site is occupied by the modern city it is barely touched by archaeologists. The city was under Hittite control until around 800 BC, before passing through Assyrian, Greek and Persian hands. It was later occupied by the Romans, Byzantines and Arabs, besieged by the Crusaders and then taken by the Mongols and Ottomans. Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. 2. Byblos, Lebanon

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 5,000 BC Founded as Gebal by the Phoenicians, Byblos was given its name by the Greeks, who imported papyrus from the city. Hence the English word Bible is derived from Byblos. The city's key tourist sites include ancient Phoenician temples, Byblos Castle and St John the Baptist Church - built by crusaders in the 12th century and the old Medieval City Wall. The Byblos International Festival is a more modern attraction, and has featured bands such as Keane and Jethro Tull. 1. Jericho, Palestinian Territories

When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 9,000 BC The world's oldest continually-inhabited city, according to our sources, archaeologists have unearthed the remains of 20 successive settlements in Jericho, dating back 11,000 years. The city is found near the Jordan River in the West Bank and is today home to around 20,000 people. Can I go? The Foreign Office advises not. For the record, Europe's other oldest cities include Lisbon (ca. 1000 BC), Rome (753 BC), Corfu (ca. 700 BC) and Mantua (ca. 500 BC). London was founded in 43 AD.



CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

The Pailebotes "Pascual Flores" and "Carmen Flores" THE SCHOONERS or pailebotes "Pascual Flores" and "Carmen Flores", their construction, voyages and their crews are part of the maritime history of Torrevieja. Both vessels, were built in the shipyards of the Torrevieja Beach Arenal, Cala Cornuda, by the riverside, by master carpenter Antonio Maria Aguirre, with the Pascual Flores being the last ship to be built on Torrevieja's Beaches. The Valencian owner of the boasts decided to name both after his daughters Pascual and Carmen. Over time the two schooners followed different paths at the hands of various owners or maritime shipping companies and they were subjected to various styles of work from pure merchant vessels, to restaurants, to museums and training ships. After many years of neglect, in January 1997, the "Carmen Flores", could be seen in Cartagena's port under the name Sayremar I. It was dedicated to maritime rescue and was bought by the consortium of Drasenas the Maritime Museum of Barcelona for restoration as one of the last merchant sailing ships built on the Mediterranean shores by a Spanish company. The restoration of the ship, its launching and corresponding sea trials were carried out to the full satisfaction of all involved with the name changed to "Santa Eulalia", patron of Barcelona. With her new crew the ship set sail following the old salt route from Balearic Islands to Barcelona, visiting different ports of call in Spain, including Torrevieja and Huelva. At present the "Santa Eulalia" is designated as an historic sailing ship and is the subject of numerous visits from people who love vintage sailing ships. In early February, 1999 the "Pascual Flores" could be found in the UK, looking very sad for itself. It belonged to a British company based in Bristol and had spent time mainly as a floating restaurant before being purchased by the Municipality of Torrevieja with the intention to transport the boat to Spain for restoration. However, once it had been thoroughly inspected and work started, due to the poor state of the timber it was decided to build a replica of the original ship, piece by piece, timber by timber. Today the new schooner Pascual Flores is docked in the area dedicated to the floating museum in Torrevieja's harbour. Unlike the Santa Eulalia, the Pascual

Flores is not open to the public and has been the subject of much political wrangling over the years. The original idea was the ship would be used as training ship for naval cadets for part of the year, based in Torrevieja for the majority of the year as a museum and the rest of year attending Tall Ship events as a floating promotion for the City of Torrevieja. Depending on the new government of this city, this may or may not still be part of the future for the beautiful tall ship. In August 1999, a delegation from the City of Torrevieja, led by former mayor Pedro Hernandez Mateo visited the English town of Bristol to buy the schooner "Pascual Flores". The characteristic sailboat was acquired for a total of 468,000 euros, paid to an English charity. The fixed price, close to 78 million pesetas (remember those days of the peseta), was high by the standards of the market, but the lack of existence of vessels from that era, still with life in them and because of its historical value seemed to dampen the spending costs. The schooner had spent nearly eight years stranded in the port of Milford under limited supervision and had to be transported by specialists Cheyenne, who specialise in the transport of yachts in poor condition. In turn, parallel to the arrival of the ship, the construction of special concrete structure was undertaken to welcome her, which cost about 102,000 euros. She arrived in Torrevieja in September 1999 with the first serious inspections resulting in the wait of about a year sitting docked at the port. The ship began to suffer problems with water leaks, and in 2000 it was decided that further studies would have to be made. The acquisition expenses, initial studies, transfer from England and related expenses, exceed one million euros. For five years nothing was known about the yacht, but in 2005 the council announced the commissioning of its "restoration" by the joint venture company formed by Jost SL and Vatasa shipyard Santa Pola for an amount at 3.5 million euros. A year later (2006) of the vessel's remains are found in a Bigastro junkyard. Doubts now began to overshadow the actual value of the ship to the city of Torrevieja, with the estimate of the municipal initiative now standing around 4.5 million euros. In April 2007, the contractor requested an amendment to the initial plan and for the first time, the Town Hall opened up to the public about the status of the ship. In late 2007, the "Pascual Flores" was launched into the sea. In 2009, the former President of the Generalitat Francisco Camps visited the city and along

with the Mayor announced the signing of an agreement by which the "Pascual Flores" will be the future of the Sailing School of the Generalitat, in what appears to be Valencian version of the training ship "Juan Sebastian Elcano". It advertises a schedule for the boat for the next nine months, with the plan being to rest during the summer and be used as a tourist attraction in the maritime museum. Two years later (February 2011) she received its first crew: five students from the Polytechnic Institute of Alicante Mediterranean Sea. However, apart from a few visits by speciality groups, dignitaries and travel agents, she has not yet been visited by the public. After spending six million euros and twelve years of waiting, the "Pascual Flores" is now apparently ready for business, but even though she has recently passed sea worthiness tests, some political wrangling over the future plans for the ship remain. The ships more illustrious past also included being one of the featured ships in a couple of episodes of The Onedin Line, the BBC television drama series, which ran from 1971 to 1980. The series is set in Liverpool from 1860 to 1886 (even though the Pascual Flores was built in 1917) and deals with the rise of a shipping line, the Onedin Line, named after its owner James Onedin. Around this it depicts the lives of his family, most notably his brother and partner Robert, a shop-owner, and his sister Elizabeth, giving insight into the lifestyle and customs at the time, not only at sea, but also ashore. The series also illustrates some of the changes in business and shipping, such as from wooden to steel ships and from sailing ships to steam ships. It shows the role that ships played in such matters as international politics, uprisings and the slave trade. Among the other ships used in the series, of which many can still be found sailing around the world in Tall Ship events, were the steam pinnace Hero, then owned and lent by John Player & Sons, and the following tall ships: Statsraad Lehmkuhl, Kathleen and May playing the part of the Charlotte Rhodes, Christian Radich, Sagres, Søren Larsen, Danmark, the Sir Winston Churchill - one early episode, Gorch Fock, Thorso, Nora-av-Ven from Ven, Sweden, an 82 feet long twin-masted topsail schooner built in 1825 and used in Series 1, plus the Pascual Flores.

25 CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

Cardona: a Hollywood Hotel: From 007 to 700 A mere 50 years after Orson Welles walked through the palatial splendour of Cardona castle to film his Shakespearian classic ‘Chimes at Midnight’, the world of the cinema returns to Cardona for an event in which three experts on Spanish cinema history and the popular new kind of tourism, ‘set-jetting’, or movie tourism if you prefer, will present the fruits of their research in the same place, which is now the Parador Nacional de Cardona, one of many historical buildings which operate as state-run hotels in Spain. Many Paradors have been used for films, such as the one at Sigüenza, where Ridley Scott shot ‘1492’, or Oropesa in the province of Toledo, where Frank Sinatra stirred up guerrilla trouble during ‘Pride and Passion’, Hondarribia, where Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen were marched into exile in ‘Papillon’, or Chinchón, where John Wayne set up his big top in ‘Circus World’; but Cardona was the first, where Welles turned the 9th century castle into Windsor, and where Henry IV and his son, the future Henry V argued about kingship. Valencia-based teacher and writer Bob Yareham was Bob with his book

the initiator of this project, having already presented his new book at the Parador at Oropesa in the summer of 2015. He will present his latest book: ‘A Set Jetters Guide to Spain: 101 Locations’, and will review the history of some of the 700 English language films shot in Spain and discuss how Spain can harness and benefit from cinema tourism. Jaime Palau from Lleida is an expert on the locations of James Bond films, and has travelled all over the world recording the places where 007 did what he does so well, a surprisingly large number of the locations being in Spain. Jaume is now developing a number of movie tourism initiatives. Marga Araya is from Barcelona and has dedicated many years to researching the visits of Sir Laurence Olivier to Spain, and has just published a book about the great actor and his wife, the actress Vivien Leigh. The event will take place in the Parador on Saturday 17th October 2015 at 7 pm, and admission is of course free. Jaume




CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013


Across 1/24 Which League One team are nicknamed the Addicks? (8,8) 7/10 Which British tea clipper built in 1869 is preserved as a museum ship at Greenwich, London? (5,4) 8 Which arm of the South Pacific lies between Australia and New Zealand? (6,3) 9 In Coronation Street, what was the first name of the character played by actor Peter Adamson from 1961 to 1983? (3) 10 See 7 11 Which financial services organ­ isation currently sponsors rugby league’s Super League? (6) 13 What was the surname of the 40th president of the USA? (6) 14 What name is given to a dealer in textile fabrics, especially silks, velvets, and other fine materials? (6) 17 What was the title of country singer C W McCall’s only British hit single? (6) 18 What name is usually given to a long accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio? (4) 20 What was the nickname of the former American general and Re­ publican president, Dwight D Eisenhower? (3) 22 Which 1992 film starred Whoopi Goldberg as a nightclub singer who dresses up as a nun to

avoid the mob? (6,3) 23 Elland Road and Headingley Stadium are both located in which city in West Yorkshire? (5) 24 See 1

Down 1 Phoebe who starred as Kate Beringer in the films Gremlins 1 and Gremlins 2: The New Batch? (5) 2 Österreich is the German name

for which country? (7) 3 Pb is the chemical symbol for which heavy, bluish­grey, soft, ductile metal? (4) 4 In Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, which character speaks the open­

ing line, ‘If music be the food of love, play on’? (6) 5 What name is given to a priest’s silk vestment worn over the shoul­ ders and hanging down to the knee or below? (5) 6 To what did Burma change its name in 1989? (7) 7 Which 1966 film musical, with music by John Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb, was based on a book written by Christopher Isher­ wood? (7) 12 House of Fun in 1982, was which group’s first British number one hit single? (7) 13 Which Italian dish consists of small pasta envelopes containing minced meat, cheese, or vegeta­ bles? (7) 15 Which small dried fruit, made from a small seedless variety of grape originally grown in the east­ ern Mediterranean region, is much used in cookery? (7) 16 Dorchester is the county town of which county? (6) 17 In Roman mythology, what was the name of the corn goddess? (5) 19 What name was given to a member of the American Indian people dominant in Mexico before the Spanish conquest of the 16th century? (5) 21 Which singer married top fash­ ion model Heidi Klum in May 2005? (4)

the crossword grid SCIENCE QUIZ FILL-IT-IN Complete by using the given words: Data Dole Dolt Doss Dust Ease Elan Else Fees Halo Lava Lean Made Ogee Ogle Ones Only Oval Roue Sane Sent Slat 5 letter words Bosun Stage Valet 6 letter words Bathos Senate 7 letter words Castled Portals Tetanus Trefoil 8 letter words Boastful Semester

1. The Eldest Sons Of The Kings Of 9. What Did Lord Carnavon & Which Country Had The Title Howard Carter Discover In 1922? 10. In 1785, Blanchard and Jeffries (Dauphin)? 2. What was invented by Dr. Albert became the first to cross the English channel using which method of Southwick in 1881? 3. Who Preceded Harold Wilson As transport? 11. Colonel Jacob Schick invented Prime Minister? 4. Dom Perignon invented what, in 1928 in USA? 12. What did the first issue of champagne and what else? 5. Agrippa poisoned her Playboy in 1953 not have? 13. What did jack the ripper sign on husband/uncle, who was he? 6. Name The Ship In Which his first note? Columbus Discovered America? The Big Crossword Answers 7. What city was once called York? 8. Who was the first US president born outside the original 13 states?

Answers: 1. France 2. Electric chair 3. Sir Alec Douglas Home 4. Corks in bottles 5. Claudius 6. Santa Maria (Pinta & Nina Were Sister Ships) 7. Toronto, by British governor 1793 8. Abraham Lincoln 9. The Tomb Of Tutankhamen 10. Balloon 11. Electric Razor 12. A Date - unsure if it would continue 13. Yours truly

2 letter words Is No 3 letter words Ago Ale Are Ban Bog Dab Dye Elm End Ewe Flu Lea Lei Oak Oar Pal Rot Rye Sin Sow Ted Tie Ton Uke Via 4 letter words Abed Acme Ages Bean Boer Bore Cony Cuss

Puzzles CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015



Be in with a chance to win a 10€ voucher Simply send your completed crossword for the cryptic clues to our office by 12 noon on Thursday. The overall winner will be drawn from a hat of correct entries. Don’t forget to include your contact details and remember, you can enter every week! Send your completed entry to or bring it to our Torrevieja office (address on page 2). Draw will take place at 4pm every Thursday. The CoastRider’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


Please contact The Coastrider to claim your prize. Identification will be required. Voucher only redeemable for 7 days after collection.

logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.

Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

1. The 5 people were Abbigail, the one with the 7:00am wake­up call, the person whose phone number is 502­9182, the person who watched HBO, and Oscar. 2. The person whose phone number is 502­9182 is not Mathew. 3. The one with the 8:00am wake­up call is David. 4. Either the person whose phone number is 281­0911 or the person whose phone number is 867­5309 is David. 5. The person who watched Cinemax has a later wake­up call than the person who watched TBS. 6. The person who watched Cinemax has an earlier wake­up call than the person whose phone number is 867­5309. 7. The person who watched TNT is not Micheal or Abbigail. 8. Of the person whose phone number is 867­5309 and Mathew, one has the 7:30am wake­up call and the other watched Cinemax. 9. The person who watched HBO has a later wake­up call than the per­ son whose phone number is 445­7953. 10. The one with the 8:30am wake­up call watched TNT.

Cryptic Across 1 Sound on a trail perhaps (8) 7 Quiet street to fleece (5) 8 Coral bean cooked in Spain (9) 9 Low order of animal but very wise (3) 10 Pass over little captain (4) 11 Hide seal in salty water (6) 13 Never-ending week’s shift makes one spit (6) 14 Acquires cue ball in delivery (6) 17 Apportions company stock (6) 18 Thing found in ammunition (4) 20 Stop filming a share of the profits (3) 22 Underlying principle, to do it wouldn’t please beer drinkers (9) 23 Calls of nature devastated ringleader Rosa (5)

Sudoku Solution

24 Carte blanche for an unpaid employee (8) Down 1 End of December decorations for dressing gowns (5) 2 White ant is a form of emitter (7) 3 Finished on top (4) 4 It’s unprincipled to let little Albert roam around inside (6) 5 Ocean going craft? Hardly (5) 6 Understand how to convert into cash (7) 7 Send-ups are strange, I assert (7) 12 Fixes rapiers (7) 13 Respect drunken spirit (7) 15 May say goodbye to this choral composition (7) 16 The odd poem with Euro metal (6) 17 Let off when mates go out together? (5) 19 Scottish flower used to make rough material (5)

21 The poet’s said to be finished (4) Standard Across 1 Logical (8) 7 Trim (5) 8 Spanish city (9) 9 Night bird (3) 10 Hop (4) 11 Containing salt (6) 13 Metal pin (6) 14 Save (6) 17 Divides (6) 18 Item (4) 20 Dissect (3) 22 Reasoning (9) 23 Bellows (5) 24 Carte blanche (8)

Down 1 Garments (5) 2 White ant (7) 3 Finished (4) 4 Shameless (6) 5 Small boat (5) 6 Comprehend (7) 7 Uses witty language to insult (7) 12 Mends (7) 13 Phantom (7) 15 Choral work (7) 16 Alloy of tin and lead (6) 17 Vapour (5) 19 Thick woollen fabric (5) 21 Finished (4)

Last weeks Crossword Solution

Solution for Logic Puzzle


Bars, Restaurants and Food

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

After Hours at The Fire Station Whats On Costa Blanca shared a glass of wine After Hours with Nigel and Tracey Betteridge at The Fire Station in Via Park 1 Playa Flamenca Tell us about yourselves We are Nigel and Tracey Betteridge, we are married and have lived permanently in Spain for 7 years now, having owned a holiday home in La Mata for some 7 years beforehand, so we already knew the area very well. We are a friendly couple and love meeting people, so opening a bar was a natural progression for us. What made you open a bar? It had been a dream of ours since before we moved to Spain; we always

talked about opening our own bar out here. Of course, as often happens, other matters got in the way and at times we thought it would never happen. So it has taken us 6½ years but our dream is now a reality. As soon as we viewed the bar we fell in love with it and the terrace is fantastic. We also have the great sea view as an added bonus. That alone really is worth coming up the steps for. Where did the inspiration for the name come from? Nigel is an Ex Firefighter, as are most of his family. I, Tracey, was a secretary for The Fire Service so it is in our blood really. The family had lots of authentic memorabilia, some of which we have used to help create a theme for the bar so, when it came to choosing a name for the bar that was all the inspiration we needed really. Who does the cooking? And how would you describe your style? I bake all the Baguettes, Paninis and Pies fresh every day. Most of our cakes too are homemade. We will be

Giant Low Fat Ginger Cookies Ingredients • 1 cup whole wheat flour • 1 cup white flour • 2 teaspoons baking soda • 1 dash salt • 2 teaspoons ground ginger • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1 1⁄4 cups brown sugar • 2 tablespoons butter • 1⁄4 cup molasses • 2 large egg whites or 1⁄4 cup egg substitute • 1⁄2 cup unsweetened applesauce Directions 1. Preheat your oven to 325°F. 2. Combine the flour through the brown sugar and mix well. 3. Using an electric mixer combine the butter, molasses, egg whites, and applesauce. 4. Add the dry ingredients and mix well. 5. Spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray.

6. Drop the batter by 1 1/2 tablespoons onto the baking sheet. 7. These will spread so allow some room. 8. Bake for about 15 minutes per batch or until they are starting to brown on the bottom. 9. Let these cool on a rack.

introducing more mouth-watering home cooked food for the winter months. We also wanted to be a little different from most bars, this is why we sourced our flavoured syrups for our speciality coffees, hot chocolates, frappes, milkshakes, etc. What’s your favourite dish on the menu? At the moment our favourite item on the menu has be the Deep Filled Apple Pie with Cream, naughty but very nice! Favourite day of the week? We both agree that it is a Saturday as we have live entertainment on that night. We have a different act every

week so there is plenty of variety. For us it is like being able to look forward to having a party every weekend! Any interesting tales? Well, as I suppose any bar owner will tell you, there are many, although some are not fit to print! One amusing story that springs to mind is a question once asked in all seriousness by one of our customers. You have to bear in mind that our bar is situated on the 2nd Floor of Via Park 1, (there is no lift) and our customer asked if it had originally been an actual Fire Station and, if so, how did the fire engines get in and out !!! CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

Bars, Restaurants and Food



Bars, Restaurants and Food

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

Cooking for a Fiesta Hosting a Spanish party and not sure what to serve? Follow these examples of local fare and it’ll be plain sailing! ‘Siesta’ and ‘Fiesta’; two of the most commonly used words in the Standard Expat Dictionary (which doesn’t exist, but probably should). As philosophical states of the mind and body, every Spaniard has perfected the art of the fiesta-siesta-fiesta routine. As you might expect, the morning starts slowly with friends and family arriving as and when they please. If you’re hosting, be sure to instil a BYOB policy, or if you’re feeling adventurous, send round a few recipes beforehand and let your guests try their hand at Spanish cookery too!

Tapas, of course, plays a role in a big foodie gathering

like this, but more in the form of something for guests to pick on before the main dishes arrive. Bowls of olives, bar snacks and platters of cured meats such as chorizo, lomo and jamón serrano are sure to be popular and require next to nothing in terms of preparation. The main meal: A little fact: No matter where you are, no Spanish party is complete without paella, and the great thing about paella is ‘the bigger the better.’ An authentic paella is cooked (and served) in a wide, two-handled paella pan, and will always contain rice seasoned with vegetable or meat stock and saffron. Beyond this, you can add in just about anything you like. My personal favourite is pancetta, rabbit and asparagus, so be sure to include your favourite ingredients because there is no wrong answer! The concept of vegetarianism still isn’t all that common in some parts of Spain, and this is no different at big parties, where high quality meat reigns supreme. The traditional accompaniment to the mighty paella is a carnivore’s dream: churrasco. More generally, churrasco refers to any type of grilled meat cooked over a barbecue or grill (parilla), but in Northern areas like Galicia, you can expect rack upon rack of perfectly charred pork or beef ribs. This is where the quality of the ingredients really shines through. You could go for a cheaper option and end up with a mouthful of bone, gristle and fat, along with a sliver of meat, but your guests will thank you for shelling out a little more for

9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski Water Sports Centre Open ALL Day 9:00pm The Fresh Corner La Fuente, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - KARAOKE - Via Park 1 Thu 10 Sep

Tue 8 Sep 8.00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE Open All Day 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Open All Day 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - QUIZ NIGHT 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis QUIZ NIGHT 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar KARAOKE 9:00pm Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta KARAOKE 9:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos QUIZ NIGHT Wed 9 Sep 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE Open All Day 8.00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse la Fuente BREAKFAST 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12.00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente - LUNCH 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 4:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos BINGO 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 6:00pm Bar Imanyo,Daya Nueva - Special Menu €5.00 (Club Members €3.00) 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis CARD BINGO.

8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE Open All Day 8.00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse la Fuente BREAKFAST 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Bar & Restaurant Open All Day 12.00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente - LUNCH 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 2:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis MUSIC BINGO 3:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta, JULIES CARDS 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 7.00pm The Club Quesada Restaurant – DAILY SPECIALS 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva – DARTS COMPETITION 8:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos QUIZ & GAMES NIGHT 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina LIVE MUSIC 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Fri 11 Sep 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE Open All day 8.00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse la Fuente BREAKFAST 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre & Restaurant Open All Day 12.00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse

thicker, meatier ribs that cook better and taste delicious. For true flair, serve these ribs with a generous measure of either bottled or homemade chimichurri; a tangy mix of fresh herbs, garlic, oil and vinegar. Dessert:

Whether the recipe comes from Mamá or from Abuelita (grandmother), you can be sure every family has at least one trick up their sleeves when it comes to desserts. Flan, a set egg custard topped with syrupy caramel is always a firm favourite, as is natilla – break through the soft cinnamon-dusted biscuits to get to the runny custard underneath. Finally, the drinks: A good Rioja will always go down well – decanter not necessary, but it adds to the grandeur of the occasion! Aside from that, be sure to have cans or bottles of the beer of your choice, as well as lemonade (Kas Limon is perfect!) for guests to mix up their own ‘clara’ or shandy. Kids love homemade lemonade (lemons, ice, sugar and fresh mint), or why not whip up a non-alcoholic sangria? Any or all of these food ideas will be hugely appreciated at any Spanish lunch, dinner or party, so get creative and have fun with it!

La Fuente - LUNCH 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 2:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 3:00pm The Porter House, Altos del Limonar BINGO 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 7:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7.00pm The Club Quesada Restaurant – DAILY SPECIALS 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva – FREE POOL NIGHT 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - KARAOKE Sat 12 Sep 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE Open All Day 8.00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente BREAKFAST 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre MUSIC 9PM 12.00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente - LUNCH 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 3:00pm The Porter House, Altos del Limonar - JAM SESSION 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8. 7:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7.00pm The Club Quesada Restaurant – DAILY SPECIALS 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar KARAOKE 9:00pm Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina LIVE MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

9.00pm The Club Quesada LIVE SHOW & MEAL DEAL Sun 13 Sep 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Open All Day 12.00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente Famous Roast 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis SUNDAY LUNCH 12:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nuevo - Sunday Lunch €5.00 12:30pm Bar Carmen's El Chaparral, La Siesta CARVERY 12.00pm The Club Quesada Restaurant SUNDAY LUNCHES 1.00pm Pimientos San Miguel Sunday Lunch 1:00pm The Porter House - Sunday Lunch €4.95 4:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis BIG JAM 4.00pm The Club Quesada LIVE ENTERTAINMENT & BBQ 5:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta KARAOKE 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 8:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - QUIZ & BINGO. 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos KARAOKE Mon 14 Sep 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE Open All Day 8.00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente Breakfast 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12.00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente - Lunch 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 3:00pm The Porter House Altos del Limonar BINGO 3:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos DOMINOS 4:00pm Bar Carmens - El Chapparal, La Siesta BINGO 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

Bars, Restaurants and Food

Pulpo a la Gallega This is a very typical Spanish dish from Galicia in the North West of Spain. This can be served as a tapas or a main meal. Pulpo is very popular at the markets or ferias in the region and it is very typical to see the "pulpeiras" with a huge copper pot, where the octopus is boiled. The majority of people go to the ferias just to try this dish. Most of the work is cleaning and preparing the fresh octopus. Frozen octopus is readily available in speciality food stores and using this eliminates the need for the preparation described below. The frozen octopus comes cleaned and chopped, all is required is to defrost and cook. We will include in this recipe the process of preparing the fresh octopus. Ingredients: 1 large octopus (more than 1kg). If the octopus is fresh it is best to freeze it for a couple of days to help soften it. Rock salt Spanish smoked paprika (Hot, sweet, or both) 1 Bay leaf Potatoes Extra virgin olive oil Preparation: Method: Thoroughly clean the fresh octopus. Open the head and remove the entrails (this will smell a little!) In a large casserole pot add water to boil with some salt and the bay leaf.

Once the water is boiling, prick the octopus with a fork and plunge it whole into the water. Remove from the water immediately. This action ‘scalds’ the meat which makes it shrink and helps it become soft. Repeat this action of plunging the octopus into the boiling water twice more, the final time leaving it in the water. Depending on the size of the octopus, leave it to boil for about 30 minutes. After this time, turn off the heat and leave everything in the pot for 5-10 minutes (this will help keep the meat nice and white and prevent it peeling). For presentation, potatoes can be added. Use 3 to 4 medium to large potatoes peeled but not cut. When the potatoes are boiled, cut them into thick slices and lay them out covering the surface of a plate. Chop the octopus into 10mm thick slices using scissors and arrange on top of the layer of potatoes displaying the best cuts at the top. Generously add salt, olive oil, and the paprika to taste. Serve hot.




CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

The best of three worlds New website lets you appeal parking fines in seconds

It seems that a number of manufacturers are tapping into the pickup market these days, with good reason too: one-third of Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) sales are pick-ups and the UK's the biggest market for them in Europe. So it comes as no surprise that Renault has unveiled a concept for its first truck - the Alaskan concept. Powered by Renault’s four-pot twinturbo diesel, the Alaskan is a concept for now, but a production model will follow in 2016 and Renault says the design and dimensions will follow suit. The production model will be unveiled during the first half of 2016, Renault has confirmed. Another pick-up: what the Renault Alaskan concept has to offer Renault says that the Alaskan concept is ‘the best of three worlds:’ business, leisure and motorway driving. The four-

pot twin-turbo diesel engine powers the Alaskan and Renault claims strong performance, class-topping fuel economy and low CO2 emissions. It's based on the Nissan Navara pick-up as part of the Renault-Nissan Alliance - and the forthcoming Merc ute will use the same underpinnings. Renault has paid particular attention to the front end, with bonnet bulges providing a muscular look, and 21in wheels - a size more accustomed to a west-coast customs Escalade. Loading capability sits at one-tonne and there are compartments dashed about the loading bay for fixing down materials or hiding away items. The Alaskan concept is finished in a combination of satin-effect, brushed and polished metal finishes. The 2016 production model will be available in a range of body types and powertrains, Renault says.

A teenager has created an innovative way for motorists to fight parking tickets in seconds. Joshua Browder, 18, from North London, created the website after he received numerous parking tickets in the months since passing his driving test. The website directs motorists to pick 12 options, asks them to fill in their details and then creates a customised appeal – generated by the website – to the relevant council. The entire process, including signing up to the service, takes less than a minute. It proved so popular that the website crashed a few days after launching with the student now rapidly expanding its capacity, as well as introducing new features. Mr Browder, who will study Computer science and economics at California’s Stanford University this autumn, said he realised councils operate a “tickets first and ask questions later” policy after

receiving 30 tickets parking around his school in Camden. “I was given the parking tickets for trivial reasons. I have had to spend around one hundred hours of valuable study time writing appeals to these tickets, many of which have been successful,” he told the Daily Mail. “Unfortunately, many recipients of these tickets don't have the time, legal knowledge or energy to appeal,” he added. The website was built over the summer after the student – who taught himself code aged 12 – had scanned thousands of pages of documents released by a Freedom of Information request. He had the legal complexities fine-tuned with the help of a leading traffic lawyer. Mr Browder intends to keep the website free for users and claims that not only is it quick to use, it also offers the best possible chance for motorists to win their appeals. CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015


2016 Jaguar F-Pace SUV revealed For months, Jaguar has been drip feeding the world information about it new F-Pace – the first SUV in its history. But now, a week before the car's official unveil at the Frankfurt motor show, we have the first picture of the finished product. The F-Pace is the production version of the C-X17 concept, which Jaguar displayed in 2013. And its looks and proportions clearly remain faithful to the show car's. Ian Callum, Jaguar's director of design, explained: “We received such an overwhelmingly positive response to the C-X17 concept that we just had to make it a reality. Under the skin the F-Pace uses the same lightweight aluminium structure as Jaguar's new XE and XF saloons, so efficiency should be comparable with the best luxury SUVs. However, the company has also borrowed expertise from its sister brand Land Rover for the all-wheel-drive system. Prices will start at about £30,000, meaning the F-Pace will compete with the Audi Q5, BMW X3 and Land Rover Discovery Sport, while more expensive versions will also take

on the Porsche Macan. Buyers will be able to choose from 2.0- and 3.0-litre petrol and diesel engines, and there is also likely to be a high-performance R version with a supercharged 5.0-litre V8. However, unlike the Discovery Sport, the F-Pace won't be available with seven seats. Jaguar's decision to break from tradition and build an SUV

makes a lot of sense given the popularity of these high-riding models. The company sold just 81,000 cars globally in 2014, while in the UK the figure was a paltry 15,000. Such volumes simply aren’t enough to sustain it in the long-term; Jaguar’s German rivals Audi and BMW shifted 158,000 and 148,000 respectively in the UK in 2014, and both sold more than 1.5

million cars globally. The F-Pace will be built in Solihull alongside larger Land Rover products and the Jaguar XE, and it will go on sale in early 2016. Before then, Jaguar will reveal more details at this year's Frankfurt show, and we will be reporting live from the press day on September 15. The show is open to the general public from September 17-27.



Gardening Television

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013


8th September Channel


00:15 Live at the Apollo 01:00 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:05 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Blitz Cities 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 New Tricks 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 The World's Worst

00:15 The Women's Football Show 00:45 Dragons' Den 01:45 Odyssey 02:25 The Great British Bake Off 03:25 Who Do You Think You Are? 04:25 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Saints and Scroungers 08:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 09:15 Rick Stein: From Venice to Istanbul 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 Cash in the Attic 15:15 Two Greedy Italians 16:15 Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food 16:45 Great Bear Stakeout 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 20:00 This Wild Life 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 The Hairy Bikers' Northern Exposure 22:00 India: Nature's Wonderland 23:00 Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience

00:40 River Monsters 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:45 Emmerdale 20:15 Live International Football 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 International Football Highlights

00:00 24 Hours in A&E 01:05 One Born Every Minute Specials 02:00 The Food Hospital 02:55 Supervet in the Field 03:50 Location, Location, Location 04:45 Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb 05:40 Fifteen to One 06:30 1001 Things You Should Know 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Draw It! 08:10 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 For the Love of Cars 12:00 Undercover Boss Australia 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 22:00 Educating Cardiff 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

00:00 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 Under the Dome 01:55 SuperCasino 04:10 I Want That Wedding! 05:00 Michaela's Wild Challenge 05:25 HouseBusters 05:50 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Bop Box 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 My Neighbor's Keeper 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 I Want That Wedding! 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 The Hotel

00:00 Family Guy

00:00 Horizon

00:10 The Job Lot 00:40 Two and a Half Men 01:45 Mom 02:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 02:50 Animal Practice 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 The Hot Desk 07:15 Psych 07:55 Emmerdale 08:30 Coronation Street 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Psych 11:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell's Kitchen USA 23:00 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

01:20 Wycliffe 02:15 Murder, She Wrote 03:05 Judge Judy 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Never the Twain 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Agatha Christie's Marple 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 In Loving Memory 17:50 Never the Twain 18:20 On the Buses 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Prime Suspect

01:30 Motorsport UK 02:25 Hogan's Heroes 02:50 Cycling 03:40 Movies Now 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Alias Smith and Jones 07:55 Minder 08:45 Hogan's Heroes 09:15 Hogan's Heroes 09:50 Kojak 10:55 Magnum, PI 11:55 Cycling 12:55 Cycling: Tour of Britain 14:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain Live 17:00 Magnum, PI 18:00 Kojak 19:00 The Professionals 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Pawn Stars 21:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain 22:00 The Chase 23:00 Football Dream Debuts

00:25 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:05 Family Guy

01:00 Krakatoa Revealed 01:50 Natural World 02:50 The Toilet - An Unspo-

01:30 Stacey Dooley

ken History


04:50 Close

02:25 Don't Tell the Bride 03:25 Russell Howard's Good

03:50 Treasures of the Indus 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Great Continental


Railway Journeys

03:55 Secrets of China

21:00 Canals - The Making of

04:55 Close

a Nation

20:00 Top Gear

21:30 Hive Minds

21:00 Don't Tell the Bride

22:00 Hidden Killers

22:00 Secrets of China

23:00 West Meets East

23:00 EastEnders

23:50 Battle for The Himala-

23:30 Fried

yas: The Fight to Film Everest

Television Gardening35 CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015


9th September Channel

00:35 Who Do You Think You Are? 01:35 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:40 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Blitz Cities 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Pound Shop Wars 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:00 Doctor Foster 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 A Question of Sport

00:15 Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week 01:15 Natural World 02:15 Britain Beneath Your Feet 03:15 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Saints and Scroungers 08:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 09:15 Claimed and Shamed 09:45 Antiques Roadshow Detectives 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 The Rockford Files 14:45 Cash in the Attic 15:15 Two Greedy Italians 16:15 Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food 16:45 The Bear Family and Me 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 20:00 The Hairy Bikers' Bakeation 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Horizon 22:00 The Ascent of Woman 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight

00:00 Family Guy

00:50 Grand Prix: The Killer Years 01:50 Canals - The Making of a Nation 02:20 Hive Minds 02:50 Van Morrison - Up on Cyprus Avenue 03:50 Battle for The Himalayas: The Fight to Film Everest 04:50 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Great Continental Railway Journeys 21:00 A303: Highway to the Sun 22:00 Timeshift 23:00 India's Frontier Railways

00:25 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:05 Family Guy 01:30 Fried 01:55 Secrets of China 02:55 Don't Tell the Bride 03:50 Secrets of China 04:50 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:05 Bangkok Airport 22:00 Don't Tell the Bride 23:00 Top Coppers 23:30 Bad Education


23:40 Through the Keyhole

00:05 The Catch 01:10 Poker 02:05 KOTV Boxing Weekly 02:30 Gillette World Sport 02:55 Triathlon 03:55 British GT Championship 04:20 Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb 05:15 Location, Location, Location 06:10 Fifteen to One 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Draw It! 08:10 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 For the Love of Cars 12:00 Undercover Boss Australia 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Posh Pawn 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 Million Pound Movers

00:00 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 Cricket on 5 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 The Special Needs Hotel 05:00 Michaela's Wild Challenge 05:25 HouseBusters 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Bop Box 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Defending Our Kids: the Julie Posey Story 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Super Skyscrapers 21:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Wentworth Prison

02:10 Hell's Kitchen USA 03:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:25 Teleshopping 06:55 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 You've Been Framed! 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 You've Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 The Cube 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Through the Keyhole 23:00 White Chicks

01:15 Agatha Christie's Marple 03:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Never the Twain 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:30 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Agatha Christie's Marple 13:55 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:00 Where the Heart Is 17:05 In Loving Memory 17:40 Never the Twain 18:10 On the Buses 18:45 Heartbeat 19:50 Murder, She Wrote 20:50 Inspector Morse 23:00 Prime Suspect

00:00 Smokin' Aces 02:10 Red Sonja 03:55 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Alias Smith and Jones 07:50 Minder 08:50 Hogan's Heroes 09:20 Hogan's Heroes 09:55 Kojak 11:00 Magnum, PI 12:00 Pawn Stars 12:30 Pawn Stars 12:55 Cycling: Tour of Britain 14:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain Live 17:00 Magnum, PI 18:00 Kojak 19:00 The Professionals 20:00 Cycling 21:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain 22:00 British Superbike Championship Highlights 23:30 Death Wish II

01:00 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 ITV Changed My Life 22:00 The Nick 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News London


Gardening Television

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013


10th September Channel


00:05 Mountain Goats 00:35 Deadly Pursuit 02:20 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:25 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Blitz Cities 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:45 Decimate 16:30 Escape to the Country 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Eat Well for Less? 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 Motorway Cops

00:15 Bletchley Park: CodeBreaking's Forgotten Genius 01:15 Building the Ancient City 02:15 Alex Polizzi: Chefs on Trial 03:15 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Saints and Scroungers 08:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 09:15 Natural World 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Rockford Files 14:45 Cash in the Attic 15:15 Two Greedy Italians 16:15 Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food 16:45 The Bear Family and Me 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 20:00 The Real Peak Practice 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 World's Weirdest Events 22:00 Cradle to Grave 22:30 Boy Meets Girl 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight

00:40 Wild Ireland 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Don't Blow the Inheritance 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Coronation Street 21:30 Flockstars 22:00 Stephen Fry in Central America 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 The Late Debate

00:00 Educating Cardiff 01:00 Live from Abbey Road 01:35 The Secret World of Tinder 02:30 Premonition 04:10 Location, Location, Location 05:05 Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb 06:00 Hugh's 3 Good Things: Best Bites 06:10 Fifteen to One 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Draw It! 08:10 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 For the Love of Cars 12:00 Undercover Boss Australia 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Hunted 23:00 First Dates

00:00 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 The Hotel Inspector Returns 01:55 SuperCasino 04:10 Countdown to Murder 05:00 Michaela's Wild Challenge 05:25 HouseBusters 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Garage Sale Mystery III: The Deadly Room 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Underground Britain 21:00 The Last Secrets of 9/11 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 The Special Needs Hotel

00:00 Family Guy

00:00 Treasures of the Indus

00:25 Family Guy

01:00 A303: Highway to the

00:45 American Dad!


01:20 Safeword 02:05 Two and a Half Men 02:30 Fake Reaction 03:05 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 You've Been Framed! 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:10 You've Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 You've Been Framed! 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell's Kitchen USA 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 American Pie Presents the Naked Mile

01:15 Agatha Christie's Marple 03:00 Movies Now 03:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Never the Twain 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Agatha Christie's Marple 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 In Loving Memory 17:50 Never the Twain 18:20 On the Buses 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Prime Suspect

01:25 Range War 02:10 Cycling 03:05 Minder 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Football's Greatest: Cristiano Ronaldo 07:20 Alias Smith and Jones 08:15 Minder 09:15 Hogan's Heroes 09:50 Kojak 10:55 Magnum, PI 11:55 Cycling 12:55 Cycling: Tour of Britain 14:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain Live 17:00 Magnum, PI 18:00 Kojak 19:00 The Professionals 20:00 Cycling 21:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain 22:00 The Sentinel

01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Top Coppers 02:00 Don't Tell the Bride 03:00 Secrets of China

02:00 Scotland's Home Movies: Memories on Film 03:00 Heritage! The Battle for

03:55 Don't Tell the Bride

Britain's Past

04:55 Close

04:00 Timeshift

20:00 Top Gear

05:00 Close

21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Being Human 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Russell Howard's Good News Extra

20:00 World News Today 20:30 BBC Proms: The Bach Recitals 23:15 Natural World

Television Gardening37 CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015


11th September Channel


00:35 The Unbreakables: Life and Love on Disability Campus 01:35 Holiday Weatherview 01:40 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Blitz Cities 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Would I Lie to You? 22:00 Ripper Street 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 Mountain Goats

00:10 Weather 00:15 Horizon 01:15 Panorama 01:45 World's Busiest Railway 2015 02:45 Animal Super Parents 03:45 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Saints and Scroungers 08:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 09:15 Gardeners' World 09:45 Great British Menu 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Rockford Files 14:45 Cash in the Attic 15:15 Two Greedy Italians 16:15 Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food 16:45 The Bear Family and Me 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 20:00 The Real Peak Practice 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners' World 22:00 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 22:30 Rick Stein: From Venice to Istanbul 23:30 Weather 23:30 Newsnight

00:10 Perspectives 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Tonight 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Piers Morgan's Life Stories 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 2 Fast 2 Furious

00:05 9/11 Firehouse 01:10 How the Rich Get Hitched 02:05 Burger Bar to Gourmet Star 03:00 The Auction House 03:55 Location, Location, Location 04:55 Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb 05:50 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 06:05 Fifteen to One 06:55 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 Draw It! 08:10 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 For the Love of Cars 12:00 Undercover Boss 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Celebrity Fifteen to One 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 This is England '83 - '90 23:05 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

00:00 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Police Interceptors 05:00 Michaela's Wild Challenge 05:25 HouseBusters 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Show Songs 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:20 The Front 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 The Missing Evidence 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:30 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side

00:15 Family Guy 01:00 American Dad! 01:25 Family Guy 01:45 Being Human 02:45 Don't Tell the Bride 03:40 Comedy Feeds 04:00 Fried 04:30 Top Coppers 05:00 Close 20:00 Great Movie Mistakes 20:15 Doctor Who 21:05 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Russell Howard's Good News 22:30 Russell Howard's Good News 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Murder in Successville

00:00 Natural World

01:50 Two and a Half Men 02:20 Hell's Kitchen USA 03:05 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 You've Been Framed! 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 09:05 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 14:10 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Bourne Supremacy

01:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 02:50 Movies Now 03:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Never the Twain 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 In Loving Memory 17:50 Never the Twain 18:20 On the Buses 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Prime Suspect

00:15 Year of the Dragon 02:55 Cycling 03:45 Movies Now 03:55 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Football's Greatest: Lionel Messi 07:20 Alias Smith and Jones 08:15 Minder 09:15 Hogan's Heroes 09:50 Kojak 10:55 Magnum, PI 11:55 Cycling 12:55 Cycling: Tour of Britain 14:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain Live 17:00 Magnum, PI 18:00 Kojak 19:00 The Professionals 20:00 Cycling 21:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain 22:00 Red Sonja 23:55 Mortal Kombat

01:00 Archaeology: A Secret History 02:00 Horizon 03:00 Horizon 04:00 Natural World 04:45 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Proms on Four: Friday Night at the Proms 22:45 The Story of Musicals 23:45 The Story of Musicals


Gardening Television

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 562- Edition - September 470 - March 1st 2015 2013


12th September Channel

00:05 Pound Shop Wars

00:05 Rabbit Hole

00:35 The Stepford Wives

01:30 Britain's Spending

02:05 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:10 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast

Secrets 02:30 Horizon 03:30 This Is BBC Two

11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live

09:50 The Women's Football

12:30 Terry and Mason's


Great Food Trip

10:30 Animal Park

13:00 BBC News; Weather

11:00 More Creatures Great

13:10 Football Focus 13:50 Saturday Sportsday 14:00 Athletics 15:00 Live Athletics

and Small 11:30 More Creatures Great and Small

17:00 Final Score

13:00 Terry and Mason's

18:10 Kung Fu Panda

Great Food Trip

19:30 Now You See It

13:30 Great British Menu

20:00 BBC News

14:00 Great British Menu

20:10 BBC London News;

14:30 Great British Menu


15:00 Live Golf: Walker Cup

20:20 Pointless Celebrities 21:10 The National Lottery: In

19:45 Dad's Army

It to Win It

20:15 Last Night of the Proms

22:00 Last Night of the Proms

22:00 Mock the Week

23:30 BBC News; Weather

22:30 Cradle to Grave

23:50 Match of the Day

23:00 Boy Meets Girl

00:00 Comedy Feeds 00:25 Family Guy 00:50 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 01:35 Family Guy 01:55 Top Coppers 02:25 Comedy Feeds 02:50 Russell Howard's Good News 03:20 Fried 03:45 Murder in Successville 04:15 Comedy Feeds 04:35 Comedy Feeds 05:00 Close 20:00 Great Movie Mistakes 20:10 Don't Tell the Bride 21:10 Top Gear 22:30 Jarhead

00:45 The Story of Musicals 01:45 Sings Musicals 02:45 Bollywood and Beyond: A Century of Indian Cinema 04:15 Nicola Benedetti's Indian Serenade 04:45 Close 20:00 India's Frontier Railways 21:00 Natural World 22:00 Beck: Buried Alive 23:25 A Very British Murder with Lucy Worsley


01:40 Jackpot247 04:00 Britain's Best Bakery 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 The Aquabats! Super Show! 07:25 Pat & Stan 07:35 Dino Dan 08:00 Signed Stories 08:05 Sooty 08:20 Super 4 08:35 Adventure Time 09:00 Marvel Avengers Assemble 09:30 Fish Hooks 09:45 Horrid Henry 10:00 Jessie 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 11:20 The Jeremy Kyle Show 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 14:30 The Chase 15:30 You've Been Framed! 16:00 The X Factor 17:15 ITV News London 17:30 ITV News and Weather 17:45 Back to the Future 20:00 Keep It in the Family 21:00 The X Factor 22:15 Through the Keyhole 23:15 ITV News and Weather 23:30 United 93

00:10 First Dates

23:00 Gogglebox

00:30 Celebrity Big Brother: Live from the House 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Celebrity Big Brother 05:30 Access 05:40 House Doctor 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 07:35 Pip Ahoy! 07:45 Tickety Toc 08:00 Chloe's Closet 08:15 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:20 Make Way for Noddy 08:35 Paw Patrol 08:50 Little Princess 09:05 Wanda and the Alien 09:20 Zack and Quack 09:35 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:50 Jelly Jamm 10:05 LazyTown 10:35 Dora and Friends 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:40 The Secret Life of Pets 12:10 Cowboy Builders 16:10 Columbo: Murder, a Self- Portrait 17:55 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 18:50 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 19:50 5 News Weekend 19:55 Zulu Dawn 22:00 Football League Tonight 23:30 Celebrity Big Brother

00:10 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 03:10 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Emmerdale 09:40 Coronation Street 12:30 The X Factor 13:50 The Xtra Factor 14:55 You've Been Framed! 15:25 Catchphrase 16:00 The Flintstones 17:55 Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde 19:55 ET the Extra-Terrestrial 22:15 The Xtra Factor 23:15 Celebrity Juice

01:10 Meet Joe Black 04:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:40 Emmerdale 07:00 Murder, She Wrote 07:50 Where the Heart Is 08:55 Where the Heart Is 10:00 A Touch of Frost 11:55 The Pure Hell of St Trinian's 14:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 16:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 18:05 Columbo: Murder with Too Many Notes 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Lewis 23:00 A Touch of Frost

01:50 Cycling 02:50 The Cycle Show 03:40 Movies Now 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Football's Greatest: Paul Gascoigne 07:10 Ax Men 07:55 Ax Men 08:55 Motorsport UK 09:55 Cycling 10:55 Cycling: Tour of Britain 12:00 British Superbike Championship Highlights 13:30 Storage Wars 14:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain Live 17:00 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 18:30 Storage Wars 19:00 Football Dream Debuts 20:00 Cycling 21:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain 22:00 National Lampoon's European Vacation

01:15 Bad Robots 01:45 Byzantium 03:40 Supernatural 04:25 Grand Designs Australia 05:20 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 05:25 You Deserve This House 06:20 Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb 07:15 How I Met Your Mother 08:05 Great North Swim 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:25 The Big Bang Theory 11:55 Come Dine with Me 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:05 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:30 Channel 4 News 19:00 Location, Location, Location 20:00 Grand Designs 21:00 Our Guy in India 22:00 It Was Alright In

Television Gardening39 CoastRider - Edition 470 562 - March September 5th 2013 1st 2015


13thSeptember Channel 01:15 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 08:05 Match of the Day 09:30 The Andrew Marr Show 10:30 Athletics 14:30 BBC News 14:40 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:45 Bargain Hunt 15:15 Eat Well for Less? 16:15 The Great British Bake Off 17:15 Points of View 17:30 Lifeline 17:40 Songs of Praise 18:15 Pointless Celebrities 19:05 BBC News 19:20 BBC London News; Weather 19:30 Countryfile 20:30 Antiques Roadshow 21:30 An Inspector Calls 23:00 BBC News 23:20 BBC London News; Weather 23:30 Match of the Day 2

01:35 Primeval

00:25 Family Guy

00:25 Sex and Sensibility: The

00:50 Family Guy

Allure of Art Nouveau

01:10 Family Guy

01:25 The Story of Musicals

01:35 Family Guy

02:25 The Story of Musicals

02:00 Family Guy

03:25 The Story of Musicals

02:20 Family Guy

04:25 Close

02:45 Comedy Feeds 03:10 Top Coppers 03:40 Fried 05:00 Close 20:00 Don't Tell the Bride 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 The 51st State

03:05 This Is BBC Two 07:15 The Instant Gardener 08:00 The Instant Gardener 08:45 Countryfile 09:45 Gardeners' World 10:15 The Beechgrove Garden 10:45 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:15 Great British Menu 12:45 Great British Menu 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 Flog It! 14:30 Live Golf: Walker Cup 19:00 Athletics 20:00 World's Busiest Railway 2015 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week 23:00 Odyssey 23:40 Family Guy

20:00 Darcey's Ballerina Heroines 21:00 The King who Invented Ballet: Louis XIV and the Noble Art Of Dance 22:40 Planet Earth

23:30 Russell Howard's Good

23:00 The Sky at Night

News Extra

23:30 Horizon


01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 Show Me the Telly 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 The Aquabats! Super Show! 07:25 Pat & Stan 07:35 Dino Dan 08:00 Signed Stories 08:05 Sooty 08:20 Super 4 08:35 Matt Hatter Chronicles 09:00 Marvel Avengers Assemble 09:30 Fish Hooks 09:45 Horrid Henry 10:00 Horrible Science 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Murder, She Wrote 11:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:30 ITV News and Weather 12:45 Problem Child 14:15 Tipping Point 15:15 The X Factor 16:30 ITV Changed My Life 17:30 Midsomer Murders 19:30 ITV News London 19:45 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Coronation Street 21:00 The X Factor 22:00 The Trials of Jimmy Rose 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:15 Casino Royale

00:05 Chronicle 01:45 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 03:50 Hollyoaks 06:00 Location, Location, Location 06:55 How I Met Your Mother 07:20 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 How I Met Your Mother 08:10 Mobil 1: The Grid 08:35 Motor Sport on 4 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons 13:55 The Simpsons 14:25 Fast Girls 16:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 17:10 Location, Location, Location 18:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 19:10 Channel 4 News 19:30 Battle of Britain: The Last of the Few 21:00 Time Crashers 22:00 This Is England '90 23:00 The 90s: Ten Years That Changed the World

0:30 Tattoo Disasters UK 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Celebrity Big Brother 05:00 Transporter: The Series 05:50 Make It Big 06:40 Angels of Jarm 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 07:35 Pip Ahoy! 07:45 Tickety Toc 08:00 Chloe's Closet 08:15 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:20 Make Way for Noddy 08:35 Paw Patrol 08:50 Little Princess 09:05 Wanda and the Alien 09:20 Zack and Quack 09:35 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:50 Jelly Jamm 10:05 LazyTown 10:30 Dora and Friends 10:55 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:30 Football League Tonight 18:00 Zookeeper 20:00 Cricket on 5 20:55 5 News Weekend 21:00 Police Interceptors Unleashed 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 20 Moments

00:05 Safeword 01:30 Fake Reaction 02:15 Crazy Beaches 03:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:25 Animal Practice 03:50 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 Emmerdale 10:00 Coronation Street 12:55 Catchphrase 13:55 You've Been Framed! 15:35 Sweet November 17:50 The X Factor 19:10 The Xtra Factor 20:10 Bean 22:00 The Xtra Factor 23:00 Burlesque

01:05 Wire in the Blood 02:30 Judge Judy 02:50 Movies Now 03:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 On the Buses 07:35 The Pure Hell of St Trinian's 09:30 Heartbeat 11:40 Murder, She Wrote 12:40 Agatha Christie's Marple 14:50 Agatha Christie's Marple 16:50 The Great St Trinian's Train Robbery 18:45 Wycliffe 20:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 22:00 It'll Be Alright on the Night 23:00 Birds of a Feather

00:00 The Interpreter 02:35 Hogan's Heroes 03:00 Cycling 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Football's Greatest: Bobby Moore 07:05 Ax Men 08:50 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 10:20 Hogan's Heroes 12:00 The Professionals 13:00 Pawn Stars 13:55 Cycling 14:55 Cycling: Tour of Britain 16:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain Live 19:00 Storage Wars 20:00 The Chase 21:00 Cycling: Tour of Britain 22:00 Chris Froome: How The Tour Was Won 23:00 Cycling


Gardening Television

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013


14th September Channel


00:35 The Hunted 02:00 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:05 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Class of 92: Out of Their League 23:00 BBC News 23:35 Room 101 - Extra Storage

00:00 Family Guy 00:20 Family Guy 00:40 The Big Kahuna 02:05 Countryfile 03:00 Holby City 04:00 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Saints and Scroungers 08:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 09:15 Escape to the Continent 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 Athletics 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Rockford Files 14:45 Equestrian 16:45 Life Story 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 20:00 This Wild Life 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 9 Months That Made You 23:00 Six Degrees 23:30 Newsnight

01:55 Jackpot247 03:45 Motorsport UK 04:35 British Superbike Championship Highlights 05:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Britain As Seen on ITV 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 Piers Morgan's Life Stories

00:30 Hunted 01:30 The Place beyond the Pines 03:50 Come Dine with Me 06:05 Location, Location, Location 06:55 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 Draw It! 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 For the Love of Cars 12:00 Undercover Boss 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 Posh Pawnbrokers 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Jamie's Super Food 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 The Catch 23:00 It Was Alright In

00:30 Wind Chill 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Beware 05:00 House Doctor 05:25 Make It Big 06:40 Angels of Jarm 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Profile for Murder 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Ultimate Police Interceptors 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 The Woman with No Face

00:15 Russell Howard's Good

00:30 Space Shuttle: The Final



00:45 Family Guy


01:25 Viral Tap 02:10 Reality Bites 02:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:15 The Hot Desk 03:25 Teleshopping 06:55 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 The Hot Desk 07:15 Psych 07:55 Emmerdale 08:30 Coronation Street 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Psych 11:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Bourne Ultimatum

00:30 The Color Purple 03:25 Wycliffe 04:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:40 Emmerdale 07:00 Never the Twain 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:30 Where the Heart Is 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Agatha Christie's Marple 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:00 Where the Heart Is 17:05 Never the Twain 17:40 On the Buses 18:15 In Loving Memory 18:50 Heartbeat 19:50 Murder, She Wrote 20:55 Wycliffe 22:00 Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 23:00 Law & Order: UK

00:00 Quadrophenia 02:25 Hogan's Heroes 02:50 Cycling 03:40 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Alias Smith and Jones 07:55 Minder 09:00 Hogan's Heroes 09:30 Kojak 10:35 Magnum, PI 11:40 Alias Smith and Jones 12:45 Minder 13:50 Cycling 14:50 Cycling: Tour of Britain 15:50 Hogan's Heroes 16:25 Hogan's Heroes 16:55 Magnum, PI 18:00 Minder 19:00 The Professionals 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Pawn Stars 21:00 MotoGP Highlights 22:00 Storage Wars

01:10 Family Guy 01:30 American Dad! 01:55 Family Guy

02:30 Len Goodman's Dance Band Days

02:15 Russell Howard's Good

03:30Darcey's Ballerina Heroines

News Extra

04:30 Close

03:00 Secretariat

20:00World News Today

05:00 Close

20:30 Great Continental Railway

20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Girls Can Code

Journeys 21:00Saints and Sinners: Britain's

23:00 EastEnders

Millennium of Monasteries

23:30 Russell Howard's Good

22:00Treasures of the Indus


23:00 Mumbai High: The Musical CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015



CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

Fiestas, Festival & Concerts Tue 8 Sep Javea Mare de Déu de Loreto Fiesta Feria de Calasparra Feria Albacete Fiestas Patronales de Santa Pola Feria de Murcia Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Feria Albacete (Alabcete Fair) Festa Major de Viladecans Wed 9 Sep Feria Albacete Feria de Murcia Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Feria Albacete (Alabcete Fair) Thu 10 Sep Feria Albacete Feria de Murcia Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Moors & Christians Quart de Poblet Valencia Feria Albacete (Alabcete Fair) 7:00pm Supersubmarina + Varry Brava + Zahara Concerts, Viva La Feria Albecete 8:00pm JAVEA PLAYERS – CROCODILES IN CREAM - Players' Studio Theatre, Javea Old Town 8:00pmHogjaw European Tour Alicante 9:00pm Hombres G Palau Sant Jordi Barcelona 9:30pm Murcia Summer Concerts Plaza de San Juan Murcia

10:00pmLos Secretos Plaza de la Cruz Roja Murcia 10:00pmFunambulista Auditorio Parque Fofó Murcia Fri 11 Sep Feria Albacete Feria de Murcia Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Moors & Christians Quart de Poblet Feria Albacete (Alabcete Fair) 7:00pmNERVO Marmarela Alicante 8:00pmM-Clan y Joaquín Talismán Auditorio Parque Fofó Murcia 8:00pmJAVEA PLAYERS – CROCODILES IN CREAM - Players' Studio Theatre, Javea Old Town 8:00pmAlejandro Sanz Barclaycard Center, Madrid 9:00pmMelendi, Cuartel de Artilleria Murcia Sat 12 Sep Feria Albacete Feria de Murcia Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Moors & Christians Quart de Poblet Valencia Feria Albacete (Alabcete Fair) 9:30pmBrothers in Band y Zequiband Auditorio Murcia Parque 10:00pmMelendi Cuartel de Artillería Murcia 10:00pmLos De Marras - Sala Marea Rock Alicante 10:30pmPlease U2 Experience Plaza de la Cruz Roja Murcia Sun 13 Sep Javea Fiesta in honor of the Virgen del Populo Bar Rendevous, Edificio Tiro de Pichon, Campoamor, Orihuela Costa Wednesdays

Tuesdays 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja 10:00am Cycling Club (Club Ciclista) - Main square in San Miguel de Salinas 10:45am Gardeners Corner Torrevieja - at karaoke bar 'Supersof' Torrevieja 1:00pm The Good Life Club - Los Arcos Restaurant Avenida Baleares Torrevieja 1:00pm Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja - Centro Social, San Miguel de Salinas 1:00pm Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers - El Paraiso Restaurant urb. Los Angeles Plaza Los Halcones Torrevieja 2:00pm Table Tennis Club - Torrevieja - Casa Ventura, San Luis 2:30pm Labour International Costa Blanca - Ancora Tennis on the Arenal in Javea 4:00pm Belly Dancing - The Emerald Isle, Urb. La Florida 4:00pm Latin Line Dancing - Casa Venture San Luis 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante beach, 03710 Calpe 7:00pm Badminton Club Teulada - Calle Benopia 2, 03724 Moraira 7:30pm Modern Jive Club - La Acena Gym, Puerto de Mazarron 8:00pm Lions Club Javea, Denia and Pedreguer - Hotel El Rodat in Javea. 8:00pm Royal Air Forces Association in Torrevieja Social Various venues 8.30pm Friends and Buddies - Cats Bar, Sector A Camposol The English Folk Music Club, Costa Blanca

9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 11:00am Sailing Association Mar Menor - Centro Technico Deportivo (CTD), Los Narejos, Los Alcazares. 12:00pm Jalon & Orba Lions - Jalon/Orba 12:30pm Royal British Legion in Torrevieja - Royal British Legion in Torrevieja 2:00pm Table Tennis Club - Torrevieja - Casa Ventura, San Luis 2:30pm Spiritual Friends - Los Leones Restaurante Urbanization Sol Park Carrer de Ciudad Real, 03724 Moraira. 3:00pm Moraira Ladies Craft Club - Various 3:00pm MOFTAG - Crosskeys pub in Calpe 4:00pm Belly Dancing - Keep Fit - Las Claras, Urb. Oasis, Los Alcazares 6:00pm Netball Club in Torrevieja - At Playa Flamenca 7.30pm The Crescendo International Choir - Oasis Bar Torreta 3 Computer Club Da Vinci’s Bistro San Luis Thursdays All day Carp-R-Us Angling Club - Various 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja 10:00am Cycling Club (Club Ciclista) - Main square in San Miguel de Salinas 10:00am Mazarron Bay Bridge Club - Playa Grande Hotel, Puerto de Mazarron 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva - Pg Oliva al Mar km 1.3, 46780 Oliva. 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:30am Ladies' Barbershop Harmony Chorus - Las Claras Community Centre, Los Narejos 11:00am Labour international - Casa del Pueblo, Calle La Paz, Torrevieja (PSOE Offices) 1:00pm Bridge Club - Rest. Antonios, Avda de los Naciones 16, (150 metres from the arches at Ciudad Quesada) 1:00pm Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers - El Paraiso Restaurant urb. Los Angeles Plaza Los Halcones Torrevieja 2:00pm Table Tennis Club - Torrevieja - Casa Ventura, San Luis

Feria Albacete Feria de Murcia Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Moors & Christians Quart de Poblet Valencia Feria Albacete (Alabcete Fair) 7:00pmR5, Razzmatazz Barcelona 8:30pmLa Pandilla del Drilo Auditorio Parque Fofó Murcia Mon 14 Sep Feria y Fiestas de Yecla Feria Albacete Feria de Murcia Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Feria Albacete (Alabcete Fair) Fiestas de Alfarnate Malaga - Alfarnate Malaga Moors & Christians Murcia Feria y Fiestas de Baza Granada 11:00pmDanny Avila Pacha Barcelona 4:00pm Latin Line Dancing - Emerald Isle, La Florida 6:00pm The Sunshine Club - Various - Villamartin 6:00pm Gandia Area Social Club (GASC) - Viva Espana, Oliva 8:00pm Costa Barber Singers - Recibar La Torre, Benissa. Fridays All day Alcalali Angling Club - Various venues 9:30am – 5:30pm La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja 5:45pm – 8:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante beach, 03710 Calpe 7:00pm Coropilar - Choral group - Municipal offices at Campoverde 7:00pm Badminton Club Teulada - Calle Benopia 2, 03724 Moraira 9:00pm Jazz Club - El Puente, Santiago de la Ribera Saturdays 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja Sundays 8:30am Costa Blanca Runners South - Caprabo Supermarket 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva - Pg Oliva al Mar km 1.3, 46780 Oliva. 10:30am Christ In You - Torrevieja - Europa Building, Avda del Pino, Pinar de Campoverde. 11:00am Netball Club in Torrevieja - Playa Flamenca 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante beach, 03710 Calpe 6:30pm International Christian Assembly - Calle San Miguel de Salinas 2, corner Santomera (Nr. Centro de Salud) Torrevieja Mondays 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja 10:00am Torrevieja Craft Club - Diane's bar at 55 Dr Gregorio Maranon, Torrevieja 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva - Pg Oliva al Mar km 1.3, 46780 Oliva. 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015

Weird Wide Web


Giant Tarantula Sent In Sir Patrick Moore ‘Saw Parcel To Bristol Home UFO Being Filmed’

A new homeowner had a shock when one of the world's largest spiders arrived in a box in the post. The Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater was discovered when the man received a 'Return to Sender' parcel which was intended for the previous owners of his house in Bristol. Dates on the parcel showed that the arachnid had been circulating in the postal system unopened for about three weeks and its bedding had gone mouldy. The man took the spider to Highcroft Veterinary Group in Bristol, which confirmed it was a member of the world's third largest spider species - and that it was "very unwell". Sonya Miles, a veterinary surgeon at the clinic, said it was "showing signs of dehydration and had lost a lot of hair from the abdomen". She added: "Mould can affect tarantulas very negatively so, with the

exposure to the fungus and being stressed after circulating in the post for so long, I'm surprised it even survived." It is not uncommon for insects and small living creatures to be sent via the post but there are strict regulations regarding labelling and the type of postal service that should be used. "Although the package did adhere to all the regulations, it was just an unlucky situation that resulted in it not being collected by its intended owners," Miss Miles said. The spider, named Sid, has been taken to recover at the North Somerset Reptile Rescue centre before it can be handled and given a new home. Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeaters can have a leg span of 11in (28cm) and have been known to be aggressive. The spiders have 1in (2.5cm) fangs and are capable of "kicking" hairs from their abdomen when they feel threatened, which can cause blindness.

Iconic TV astronomer Patrick Moore saw a UFO caught on camera while making a documentary during the 1960’s – but the BBC edited it out, an alien researcher has claimed. Matt Lyons, an alien researcher, made the bold claims during the 50th anniversary of the ‘Warminster Thing’ – after local residents of the Somerset town began reporting strange noises and paranormal residents in 1965. Detailing the claims, Mr Lyons revealed how local reporter Arthur Shuttlewood had spoken to Sir Patrick as he stargazed in the village in January 1969. But despite being a renowned UFO sceptic, Sir Patrick and his production crew were said to have spotted a ‘UFO’ and their watches stopped when they arrived on the site. Mr Shuttlewood wrote: ‘Just after a satellite arced from north to south, the attention of a camera man was drawn to

an orange glow that developed into an ellipsoidal craft flying low in the opposite direction to the satellite. ‘It then flared into a glowing brilliance as it glided unerringly and silently towards the darkened copse saddling Cradle Hill.’ And while Sir Patrick referred to the‘UFOs’ as ‘inexplicable light formations’, a BBC producer later thanked Mr Shuttlewood for an ‘unforgettable and wonderful experience.’ Denying the claims, a BBC Spokesperson said: ‘We have a lot of things in the BBC archive but no aliens or flying saucers.’

Princes in the Tower still haunting London

Good baa-haviour

A sheep has been promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal in the British Army for good behaviour. Private Derby XXX was promoted to the rank at an event in Chester, marking eight years of being in the Mercian Regiment. The ram was awarded his honour by the Colonel of the regiment, Brigadier Andrew Williams. The Swaledale sheep is officially classed as a solider and he is the 30th in a

line of mascot rams running back to the Indian Mutiny War in the mid-19th Century. Formerly known as Private Derby 30th, his promotion now entitles him to wear a single stripe on his uniform. The Mercian Regiment celebrated his success on its Facebook page, writing: "He was resplendent in his scarlet coat with Lincoln green and gold facings, emblazoned with the Regiment's main Battle Honours."

The spooky images were taken by Christine Hamlett, 58, a psychic who believes the long-dead boys reached out to her when she visited the London attraction. Edward V and his twin brother, Richard of Shrewsbury, disappeared in 1483 and their death has been shrouded in mystery ever since. It's believed the two princes were murdered by their uncle Richard III. But the medium from Northwich, Cheshire, believes she has the answer – and it's that the 15th century king is innocent. She said: "I'm sure they were trying to communicate with me. As soon as I arrived at the tower I felt a presence. "It's an amazing place for any medium because it's draped in history but to have contact with the two princes was incredible. "I invite the spirits to reveal themselves to me and take the photographs – my friends call me the

psychic paparazzi. "When I look at the photos on my computer, I lighten and darken the photos, as sometimes that can help the spirits reveal themselves. "When I turned this photo into black and white, I was stunned - I could see the figure as clear as day. "He looks to be a teenage boy, between 14 and 16, walking along the tower with his head bowed. "Of course I don't know for sure that that is what it is, but that's what I believe. The princes were last seen in the tower at the end of August, and that's when I think they appeared to me, at the same time of year. "I don't think Richard III murdered them. Of course, you can never be completely sure but that's what I think and that's what I felt on that day. "There is a lot of building work being done to the tower, and often, that can disturb spirits - which I see as even more proof that the figure I can see is a spirit."


CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

This week in History September 8 1903 Between 30,000 and 50,000 Bulgarian men, women and children are massacred in Monastir by Turkish troops seeking to check a threatened Macedonian uprising. 1906 Robert Turner invents the automatic typewriter return carriage. 1915 Germany begins a new offensive in Argonne on the Western Front. 1925 Germany is admitted into the League of Nations. 1944 Germany’s V-2 offensive against England begins. 1955 The United States, Australia, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, the Philippines, Pakistan, and Thailand sign the mutual defence treaty that established the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). 1960 Penguin Books in Britain is charged with obscenity for trying to publish the D.H. Lawrence novel Lady Chatterly’s Lover.

1974 President Gerald Ford pardons former President Richard M. Nixon for any crimes arising from the Watergate scandal he may have committed while in office. 1991 Macedonian Independence Day; voters overwhelmingly approve referendum to form the Republic of Macedonia, independent of Yugoslavia. 1994 USAir Flight 427 crashes on approach to Pittsburgh International Airport, killing all 132 people aboard; subsequent investigation leads to changes in manufacturing practices and pilot training. Born on September 8 1925 Peter Sellers, English comic actor, famous for his role as Inspector Clouseau. 1932 Patsy Cline, country singer ("Crazy", "I Fall to Pieces"). 1933 Michael Frayn, playwright (A Very Private Life, Noises Off ). 1947 Ann Beattie, writer (Chilly Scenes of Winter, Picturing Will). 1954 Anne Diamond, journalist, TV host (Good Morning Britain) social activist; led Back to Sleep campaign that drastically reduced the number of cot deaths (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) among UK infants. 1954 Michael Shermer, founder of The Skeptics Society and editor of Skeptic magazine. 1963 Brad Silberling, screenwriter, director (City of Angels); wrote and directed Moonlight Mile (2002) based on the murder of his girlfriend, actress Rebecca Schaeffer, by a stalker. 1971 Martin Freeman, actor (The Office BBC Two TV series; Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey). 1979 Pink (Alecia Beth Moore), multiple award-winning

singer, including three Grammys ("Lady Marmalade," "Trouble," "Imagine." September 9 1911 An airmail route opens between London and Windsor. 1915 A German zeppelin bombs London for the first time, causing little damage. 1943 Allied troops land at Salerno, Italy and encounter strong resistance from German troops. 1948 Kim Il-sung declares the establishment of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. 1956 Elvis Presley makes his first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show; cameras focus on his upper torso and legs to avoid showing his pelvis gyrations, which many Americans—including Ed Sullivan—thought unfit for a family show. 1969 Canada’s Official Languages Act takes effect, making French equal to English as a language within the nation’s government. 1990 Sri Lankan Army massacres 184 civilians of the Tamil minority in the Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka. 1991 Tajikstan declares independence from USSR. 1993 The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) officially recognizes Israel as a legitimate state. 2001 Two al Qaeda assassins kill Ahmed Shah Massoud, leader of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. 2001 A car bomb explodes outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta, killing 10 people. Born on September 9 1900 James Hilton, British novelist who authored Lost Horizon and Goodbye Mr. Chips and created the imaginary world of "Shangri-La." 1905 Joseph E. Levine, film producer, founder of Embassy Pictures Corporation, an independent studio and distributor of films such as Godzilla, King of the Monsters!, The Graduate, A Bridge Too Far, and The Lion in Winter. 1922 Bernard Bailyn, historian, author; received Pulitzer Prize for History (1968, 1987), and National Humanities Medal (2010). 1941 Otis Redding, singer, songwriter, record producer, known as the "King of Soul"; "(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay," "Respect."

1960 Hugh Grant, actor, film producer; awards include Golden Globe (Four Weddings and a Funeral) and London Critics Circle’s British Actor of the Year (About a Boy) 1966 Adam Sandler, actor, comedian, screenwriter, film producer (Saturday Night Live, Happy Gilmore). 1975 Michael Buble, multiple Grammy and Juno award– winning singer, songwriter, actor (Crazy Love, It’s Time).

1980 Michelle Williams, Golden Globe–winning actress (My Week with Marilyn). 1988 Jo Woodcock, actress (The Picture of Dorian Gray, Torn TV miniseries). September 10 1912 J. Vedrines becomes the first pilot to break the 100 m.p.h. barrier. 1914 The six-day Battle of the Marne ends, halting the German advance into France. 1923 In response to a dispute with Yugoslavia, Mussolini mobilizes Italian troops on Serb front. 1963 President John F. Kennedy federalizes Alabama’s National Guard to prevent Governor George C. Wallace from using guardsmen to stop public-school desegregation.

1967 Gibraltar votes to remain a British dependency instead of becoming part of Spain. 1981 Pablo Picasso’s painting Guernica is returned to Spain and installed in Madrid’s Prado Museum. Picasso stated in his will that the painting was not to return to Spain until the Fascists lost power and democracy was restored. 2001 Contestant Charles Ingram cheats on the British version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, wins 1 million pounds. 2003 Sweden’s foreign minister, Anna Lindh, is stabbed while shopping and dies the next day. 2007 Nawaz Sharif, former prime minister of Pakistan, returns after 7 years in exile, following a military coup in October 1999. 2008 The Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator—described as the biggest scientific experiment in history—is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland. Born on September 10 1929 Arnold Palmer, golfer who won four Masters, two British Opens and one U.S. Open. 1934 Charles Kuralt, journalist, known for his popular "On the Road" television program. 1935 Mary Oliver, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet. 1941 Stephen Jay Gould, paleontologist, biologist and writer of popular books about science such as Time’s Cycle and The Panda’s Thumb. 1941 Gunpei Yokoi, inventor of Game Boy. 1945 Jose Feliciano, guitarist, singer, songwriter. 1948 Margaret Trudeau, actress (Kings and Desperate Men), author, photographer. 1949 Bill O’Reilly, TV host (The O’Reilly Factor), author. 1950 Rosie Flores, singer, musician. 1960 Colin Firth, Oscar and Golden Globe-winning actor (The King’s Speech). September 11 1904 The battleship Connecticut, launched in New York, introduces a new era in naval construction. 1944 American troops enter Luxembourg. 1962 Thurgood Marshall is appointed a judge of the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. 1965 The 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) arrives in South Vietnam and is stationed at An Khe. 1974 Haile Selassie I is deposed from the Ethiopian throne. CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015 2001 In an unprecedented, highly coordinated attack, terrorists hijack four U.S. passenger airliners, flying two into the World Trade Center towers in New York and one into the Pentagon, killing thousands. The fourth airliner, headed toward Washington likely to strike the White House or Capitol, is crashed just over 100 miles away in Pennsylvania after passengers storm the cockpit and overtake the hijackers. 2005 Israel completes its unilateral disengagement of all Israeli civilians and military from the Gaza Strip. 2007 Russia detonates a nano-bomb; dubbed the "Father of All Bombs," it is the largest non-nuclear weapon developed to date. 2012 US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, attacked and burned down; 4 Americans were killed including the US ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens. Born on September 11

1885 D.H. Lawrence, English novelist (Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Sons and Lovers). 1917 Jessica Mitford, investigative journalist (The American Way of Death). 1937 Robert L. Crippen, US Navy captain, astronaut; former director of Kennedy Space Center. 1939 Charles M. "Chuck Geschke, co-founder of Adobe Systems, Inc. 1940 Brian DePalma, film director (Dressed to Kill, Carlito’s Way)). 1940 Theodore Olson, US Solicitor General under Pres. George W. Bush (2001-04). 1965 Bashar al-Assad, president of Syria since 2000. 1966 Princess Akishino, nee Kiko Kawashima, wife of Prince Akishino, second son of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of Japan. She is only the second commoner to marry into Japan’s royal family. 1967 Harry Connick Jr., Grammy and Emmy awardwinning singer, musician, actor. September 12 1918 British troops retake Havincourt, Moeuvres, and Trescault along the Western Front. 1919 Adolf Hitler joins German Worker’s Party. 1939 In response to the invasion of Poland, the French Army advances into Germany. On this day they reach their furthest penetration-five miles. 1940 Italian forces begin an offensive into Egypt from Libya.

1940 The Lascaux Caves in France, with their prehistoric wall paintings, are discovered. 1969 President Richard Nixon orders a resumption in bombing North Vietnam. 1990 East and West Germany, along with the UK, US and USSR—the Allied nations that had occupied post-WWII Germany—sign the final settlement for reunification of Germany. 1992 Space Shuttle Endeavor takes off on NASA’s 50th shuttle mission; its crew includes the first AfricanAmerican woman in space, the first married couple, and the first Japanese citizen to fly in a US spacecraft. 2003 UN lifts sanctions against Libya in exchange for that country accepting responsibility for the bombing of

Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988 and paying recompense to victims’ families. 2007 Joseph Estrada, former president of the Philippines, is convicted of plunder. 2011 In New York City, the 9/11 Memorial Museum opens to the public. Born on September 12 1910 Alexander D. Langmuir, epidemiologist, created and led the U.S. Epidemic Intelligence Service.

1913 Jesse Owens, track and field athlete who won four medals at the Berlin Olympics in 1936. 1931 Kristin Hunter, author (God Bless the Child, The Survivors). 1931 George Jones, country singer. 1943 Michael Ondaatje, Canadian novelist and poet (The English Patient). 1949 Charles "Chic" Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, that was highjacked and flown into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, by terrorists. 1956 Brian Robertson, singer, songwriter, musician (Thin Lizzy, Motorhead, Wild Horses bands). 1956 Richard "Ricky" Rudd, known as the "Iron Man" of NASCAR racing; he holds the record for the most consecutive NASCAR starts. 1981 Jennifer Hudson, singer, actress; numerous awards include a Grammy (Jennifer Hudson, 2008), and Oscar, Golden Globe and British Academy awards (Dreamgirls, 2006). September 13 1918 U.S. and French forces take St. Mihiel, France in America’s first action as a standing army. 1945 Iran demands the withdrawal of Allied forces. 1951 In Korea, U.S. Army troops begin their assault in Heartbreak Ridge. The month-long struggle will cost 3,700 casualties. 1961 An unmanned Mercury capsule is orbited and recovered by NASA in a test. 1976 The United States announces it will veto Vietnam’s UN bid. 1988 Hurricane Gilbert becomes the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere, based on barometric pressure. Hurricane Wilma will break that record in 2005. 1993 The Oslo Accords, granting limited Palestinian autonomy, are signed by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat at the White House. 2007 UN adopts non-binding Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 2008 Five synchronized bomb blasts occur in crowded locations of Delhi, India, killing at least 30 people and injuring more than 100; four other bombs are defused.

2008 Hurricane Ike makes landfall in Texas; it had already been the most costly storm in Cuba’s history and becomes the third costliest in the US. Born on September 13 1911 Roald Dahl, writer, best known for his children’s books such as James and the Giant Peach. 1922 Tony "Charles" Brown, blues singer and musician (*Merry Christmas Baby"). 1925 Melvin "Mel" Torme, jazz singer, musician,

45 composer and arranger ("The Christmas Song," AKA "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire"); nicknamed the "Velvet Fog.". 1926 Andrew Brimmer, economist; first African American to serve as governor of the Federal Reserve System (1966-74). 1938 Judith Martin, journalist and author best known as "Miss Manners" for her syndicated newspaper column on etiquette. 1944 Peter Cetera, singer, songwriter, musician, producer; member of the band Chicago before embarking on solo career ("After All," "Hard to Say I’m Sorry"). 1948 Nell Carter, singer and actress; won Tony and Emmy awards (Ain’t Misbehaving). 1967 Olympic sprinter; won four Olympic gold medals and eight World Championship gold medals. 1973 Mahima Chaudhry, Indian actress, model; Bollywood Movie Award for Dhadkan (2001). 1980 Ben Savage, actor (Boy Meets World TV series). September 14 1901 Vice President Theodore Roosevelt is sworn in as the 26th President of the United States upon the death of William McKinley, who was shot eight days earlier. 1911 Russian Premier Piotr Stolypin is mortally wounded in an assassination attempt at the Kiev opera house. 1943 German troops abandon the Salerno front in Italy.. 1960 Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia form OPEC. 1966 Operation Attleboro, designed as a training exercise for American troops, becomes a month-long struggle against the Viet Cong. 1975 Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton becomes the first native-born American saint in the Roman Catholic Church. 1979 Nur Muhammad Taraki, president and former prime minister of Afghanistan, is assassinated in a coup in which prime minister Hafizullah Amin seizes power. 1982 Bachir Gemayel, president-elect of Lebanon, is killed along with 26 others in a bomb blast in Beirut.

1984 Joe Kittinger, a former USAF fighter pilot during the Vietnam War, becomes the first person to pilot a gas balloon solo across the Atlantic Ocean. 2007 Northern Rock Bank suffers the UK’s first bank run in 150 years. Born on September 14 1769 Baron Freidrich von Humbolt, German naturalist and explorer who made the first isothermic and isobaric maps. 1864 Lord Robert Cecil, one of the founders of the League of Nations and its president from 1923 to 1945. 1879 Margaret Sanger, birth-control advocate and founder of Planned Parenthood. 1898 Hal B. Wallis, film producer (The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca). 1930 Allan Bloom, writer (The Closing of the American Mind). 1934 Kate Millet, feminist writer, author of Sexual Politics. 1936 Ferid Murad, Albanian-American physician and pharmacologist, is co-winner of Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on nitroglycerin’s effects the cardiovascular system. 1948 Marc Reisner, author and environmentalist best known for his book Cadillac Desert, a history of water management in the Western portion of the US. 1955 Geraldine Brooks, Australian-American journalist and author; her novel March won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction (2005). 1961 Wendy Thomas (Melinda "Wendy" Thomas Morse), namesake, mascot and spokesperson for the Wendy’s chain of fast-food restaurants. 1983 Amy Winehouse, singer-songwriter; her five Grammy wins (out of six nominations) for her Back to Black album (2006) tied the existing record for most wins by a female artist in a single night; won Brit Award for Best British Female Artist (2007).



CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

Polina Berezina attends the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championship with the Spanish Selection POLINA BEREZINA, Tthe Torrevieja Club Gymnast, is attending the World Rhythmic Gymnastics championships which are being held in Sturttgart from 7th to September 13th, along with her three companions of the Spanish Squad. Polina makes her debut in their first World Cup with the ribbons. The competition is a qualifier for the 2016 Summer Olympics, so the Spanish team are here fighting for a spot.The Spanish representation has the first two top gymnasts in the country, Carolina Rodriguez and Natalia Garcia alongside Sara Illana and Polina. Each compete in a different discipline which serves for Olympic qualification. During this season Polina has been

part of the Spanish selection at six World Cup events and, despite her youth, already has major experience behind her that serves well for the next season. The selection of the national team for the world championship is based on periodic inspections of the Spanish selection and the evolution of the gymnasts in international competitions this year. Polina's coach, Monica Ferrandez, stressed that "the Club Torrevieja gymnast comes with us to the competition in order to both compete and to demonstrate the work she has done throughout the year. She will continue to accumulate international experience without losing sight of the next Olympics in Rio."

Costa Cobras Rfc Keep Quesada Golf Society Moving Forward

Last Wednesday the Society travelled south to the Mar Menor to play Roda. The course was in excellent condition except for the area surrounding most of the greens which had been sanded but it is appreciated that maintenance work has to be carried out. The weather forecast was not very good with storms and rain being given out between 12.00 and 15.00. We were teeing off at 10.00 am so fully expected to get wet on the second 9. There was a dis-appointing turn-out of 17 golfers but those who did make the effort had a good day because there were no thunderstorms or rain, just a bit of breeze which was most welcome to cool things down. The competition was an individual stableford for the “Summer Cup”. One incident out there worthy of note has to be the eyesight of Janet Candelin who lined up a shot to play towards the pin but the pin she lined up to play towards was in fact a sun brolly in somebody's garden on the edge of the course. A visit to Spec-Savers may be needed. The winner of the “Summer Cup” with 34 points was John “Robin Hood” King who played well and being a regular player at the tight course at Font De Llop

has certainly made him a straighter hitter and more consistent golfer. There were 4 players behind with 27 points so C/B came into play to decide 2nd, 3rd and 4th places. In second place was John “Bite Your Legs at Walking Football” Dunnion. In third place was the ever so talkative “Was that a 7 Paul” Darryll Wright and in fourth place bonnie Scotsman Gordon McGregor. Brian Airey in fifth place just missed out on a podium finish but got in on the winners photo and won a bottle of wine with a Nearest the Pin. There were only 2 Nearest the Pin winners, Brian as mentioned and also Darryll Wright. No winner of the 2´s pot which is carried forward to the next game, although John King and Brian Airey got very, very close. After the game, the golfers returned to the Quesada Country Club for the presentations and a well-earned beer or two and a hot and cold buffet kindly laid on by mine hosts. Anyone in the Quesada area looking to join a very friendly golf society and play golf once a fortnight at a wide variety of courses at very reasonable cost, should contact the Membership Secretary Les Pancetta on 966716723.

The club will be training on Guardamar beach on Monday and Wednesday this week at 20.00. All being well will be back at Daya Vieja as the fiestas should have finished by then. We will be back there training until we can find a more permanent ground to train and play on as well as hold tournaments. So the club is continuing to look for a more permanent base to do all of the above, so if anybody knows of any town halls in the area of Guardamar to Cuidad Quesada or surrounding area, that would like to have a rugby club based there, please contact us on 692 767 242. We will be on the beach regardless of the weather with all the new training gear that has been donated to the club and with a few more players to join the club we can start looking for friendlies to play to give the majority of them some game experience ready for next years tournaments and touring teams. We are looking to be able to put a team in at all levels in the league this time next year so come along and join the newest rugby team on the Costa Blanca and join the rugby revolution.

Also remember the rugby World Cup starts on 18 September so come and get a taste of what all of the excitement is all about. All ages, gender and nationalities are welcome, from beginners to experienced players, the more the merrier, as we are based on the true traditional ethics of the sport. So come along and join the newest rugby club on the Costa Blanca. Also team bonding after training in the nearest bar for a drink and chat, just how rugby should be.

Training still takes place on Monday and Wednesday from 20.0021.30 at Guardamar beach in front of the restaurants. For more information about the club contact myself, Dutch, on 692 767 242. Also I am back down at Zoco market on Sunday again from 09.00-13.30, so come on down and find more out about the club and rugby in the area. Also for all of your rugby branded clothing and gear including Canterbury casuals and Cotton Traders shirts.

Sport CoastRider - Edition 470 563 - March September 5th 2013 8th 2015


Football y Fútbol AT LONG last the transfer window is closed and football life returns to what amounts to the football norm until the mad rush to improve teams over Christmas and the New Year. Manchester United headed up the transfer news with buying a relatively unknown teenager for a record fee and then missing selling Spanish goalkeeper David de Gea by two minutes, after many weeks of the transfer market being open for business. As rumour would have it, apparently Paris St-Germain had a £110m bid for Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo, 30, rejected on transfer deadline day while West Brom's 22-year-old forward Saido Berahino, who was the subject of several bids from Tottenham in the summer transfer window, is set to withdraw his strike threat and will return to training this week. West Brom boss Tony Pulis says Berahino will play for the Baggies again and will take the striker and his mother out to dinner on Monday night following talks with the club. Karim Benzema has reiterated he is happy at Real Madrid and says there was never any truth in speculation he was planning to leave the club in the Karim Benzema

Marco Reus

summer. Arsenal had been strongly linked with the 27year-old French striker. Manchester United are keen to bring Borussia Dortmund forward Marco Reus, 26, to Old Trafford. The deal could involve United winger Adnan Januzaj, 20, turning his loan with the Bundesliga club into a permanent move. Manchester United midfielder Nick Powell, 21, is set to return to training after undergoing knee surgery in February. (Manchester Evening News) Former Borussia Dortmund manager Jurgen Klopp has fuelled speculation about his next job in management by admitting he may not join an "absolute top club". (Liverpool Echo, via Bild) Newcastle United turned down the chance to sign 26year-old QPR striker Charlie Austin on transfer deadline day. Kevin De Bruyne's dad has admitted his son may well take special pleasure in scoring against Chelsea for his new club Manchester City. Attacking midfielder De Bruyne, 24, was sold to Wolfsburg by the Blues in January 2014. Wales manager Chris Coleman says his team would love to take on England in a friendly before the European Championships in France next summer.

England manager Roy Hodgson says he will experiment with his team in their final three European Championship qualifiers after securing qualification with a 6-0 victory over San Marino. Hodgson has also admitted he is concerned that strikers Danny Welbeck, 24, and Daniel Sturridge, 26, may not be fit enough to play for England at Euro 2016. Arsenal and England winger Theo Walcott, 26, has suggested that young English players should get first-team experience by playing lower down the leagues. Manchester United striker Anthony Martial, 19, has been impressing in training with the French national team and could start their friendly match against Serbia on Monday. Swansea want to release forward Michu from his contract at the club. The 29-year-old Spaniard has not played for the Swans since April 2014 and spent last year on loan with Napoli. The president of FC Porto has written to Uefa with a proposal that each of the 32 clubs taking part in the Champions League group stage help raise money for refugee charities. The clubs would donate one euro for every ticket sold over the first two match days.


Torrevieja loses to Saguntino by a goal to nil ONE POINT from nine is not what fans, players, management or the directors of CD Torrevieja expected at this part of the season. As local sports writer Antonio Sala Buades put it: “The impression continues to be that this is a Torrevieja team with a car whose driver strives to keep turning the ignition key without any spark that starts the engine. It sounds as if in turning the key these attempts seem to anticipate that at any time the engine may start, but the truth is that as much as the pedal is depressed, you are still almost standing still. So perhaps the time to get out and lift the hood has come, to see what happens.” Cutting words indeed about a team that showed great pre-season promise but has not been able to perform at all this season. With one very fortunate point from their fantastic two goals in additional time comeback at home, the one point looks better than nothing at the bottom of the table. It is early to assess the extent of these early games with all of the league ahead, but the competition is unforgiving and eight points have been lost already. A significant fact is that the team have not yet been able to take the lead in any game and also that, to make matters

worse, have not looked dangerous, with the exception of final minutes against Borriol, to be able to counter attack with guarantees. And these situations, sooner or later can lead to psychological damage and degenerate into a dangerous spiral. Manager Pedreño tried to shake the team into action with several changes in the starting line-up. Besides Edi on the left side, Matej debuted in the centre of defence with Quintero and Lewis up front. However, the most important tactic lay in the provision of Sanchez played ahead of the back three, in order to develop the game from that area and not have to play the long pass. Carrasco occupied his natural demarcation as Juanfran's link man. But the team did not look confident from the start and these anxieties were visible in certain details,

like a pair of back passes that meant that goalkeeper Oscar, had to leave his area to clear, once even by his head. Torrevieja lost the battle in the melee at midfield from the start. The height and strength of Paul Vidal had no proper response, and therefore favoured the local team with worrying frequency for Torrevieja, every time the ball would leave the goalkeepers hands. The difference between having to attack or defend is decided in these plays, and in them, at least so far, Torrevieja suffer from a significant deficit. While Torrevieja stood off the opposition, in contrast, when Torrevieja were trying to move forward, there was always one, two or even three opponents with the man who was on the ball.

Having had only the one opportunity in the first half, Torry then went a goal down in the fiftieth minute when 'Fran Gámez put the home team one up. But, as has often been the case with Torrevieha over many seasons, any chance of a comeback seemed to be scuppered when a contentious second yellow card was handed out to Carrasco leaving Torrevieja with ten men. Having not looked dangerous with eleven, it was now going to be a bigger take a man less, and a task that even when reverting back to the long ball and looking for a lucky bounce, they were unable to find that elusive equaliser. Club Deportivo Torrevieja: Oscar Vicente Boix, Matej, Quintero, Edi, Jorge, Brani (Juanma 60 '), Carrasco, Juanfran, Sanchez (Martin 82) and Lewis (César 52'). They did not play: Miguel Serna and Burguillos. Coach: Antonio Pedroza Saura. Referee: Rallo Estevez, showed yellow cards to the Torrevieja players Quintero, Lewis, Juanfran and Matej, and two to Carrasco (expelled 64 ') who will now miss the next home game.After seven visits, the Torrevieja remained winless in the stronghold of Saguntino, this loss coming after three consecutive draws.


CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 563- -Edition September 470 - 8th March 2015 2013

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