Coastrider 566

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Torrevieja and local areas Tuesday, September 29th 2015 - Edition 566

Tel: 673 196 455

Loggerhead turtles are born

LAST WEEK the eggs of the first sea turtle nest from Torrevieja, were hatched at the premises of Oceanographic in Valencia. Late in the afternoon of Wednesday, September 16th, several loggerhead turtle eggs (Caretta caretta) were hatched. These came from the nest deposited on the beach of La Mata in Torrevieja on the night of July 31st. These eggs were taken from Torrevieja's La Mata beach on 1st August where they were placed in the incubator of the research department of the Oceanogràfic facility, in order to control the temperature and ensure a certain number of births. The first of those

born in the Oceanogràfic facility was baptised with the name "Chelo" a reference to the taxonomic family "Cheloniidae" which classifies these reptiles. The rest of loggerhead turtle eggs transferred from Torrevieja are now relocated in a nest dug in the Punta beach and are being monitored day and night by volunteers from the Xaloc association, in order to protect new-borns when they emerge and make their way to the surface. In the location of this camp, called Playa Punta II, the area is patrolled by the Third Battalion Emergency Intervention (BIEM III), based in Bétera (Valencia), who have installed a large tent in the area. They are also working the Parador de El Saler area, providing logistical support to the volunteers. The birth of the Torrevieja turtles has occurred just days after releasing another group of small turtles into the sea at Carabassí in Elche, whose nest was deposited on the beach of San Juan de Alicante last summer. After more than a year of being kept and fed in the ARCA Oceanogràfic facility, these specimens have been kept in captivity until

they were a considerably larger size, to greatly reduce their risk to natural predators. Some of these turtles have been fitted with a lightweight device designed by the Polytechnic University of Gandia, in collaboration with the University of Valencia, in order to track them and thus get valuable biological data of where they travel now that they have been deposited back into the sea. To date there have been exactly four of these specially installed devices. One of the turtles is estimated to already be more than 80 km from the coast. The position of the turtles that have been tagged may be followed by those who wish to at: Project_id=1143&dyn=1442471908. Sea turtles are seriously threatened by pollution, fisheries and pleasure boats, including other adverse factors. In the case of nests laid in the Spanish Mediterranean beaches, obtaining biological and behavioural data can contribute decisively to the consolidation of these new spawning areas and lay the foundations for proper management.

Torrevieja's Cruise welcome LAST TUESDAY Torrevieja became the latest of Spain's Cruising destinations. With the arrival of the elegant MS Amadea Torrevieja joined the cruise revolution and now that the city has a taste of it, they are looking for more. The good news is that the city will become a cruise destination again in October 2016 as the cruise operator Phoenix Reisen has "ratified and confirmed" that the City of Torrevieja will once again be a chosen port for one of their larger ships, the MS Albatros. The return of the

cruise line to Torrevieja was confirmed by the Councillor of Tourism, Fanny Serrano (PSOE). The premier German Cruise and Travel Company placed Torrevieja on the cruise map for the first time on Tuesday when the MS Amadea anchored in the waters of the city. Approximately 400 of the MS Amadea's cruise passengers disembarked, mostly of German, Austrian and Swiss origin, with the majority remaining in the city for about five hours. "They loved everything ... from the place of receipt of the passengers, the welcoming Tent and the great expectations of the media, because for them this was a major promotion," said Serrano. This arrival, as hosted in Torrevieja last week, was announced last March by the previous government team led by Eduardo Dolon (PP). Shipping Agent Grupo Pérez y Cía managed the logistics of the arrival in coordination with the German shipping company, and they have expressed their willingness to work on the development of new projects related to cruise

tourism. The enthusiasm expressed by the company and the local administration was also shown by Torrevieja's small and medium businesses association, APYMECO plus many members of the hospitality industry, who did a lot of work to make the arrival a success, especially given the short time in which the ship remained in Torrevieja. More information about the occasion and future plans for Torrevieja on Page 8.


Gardening News

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

100 days and counting “The arsonist of yesterday cannot transform himself into today's firefighter” "The balance of the first 100 days of pentapartito cannot be negative. What they are not doing is turning into the most resounding thriller” "Today Torrevieja is crying against the pentapartito. They are doing the opposite they said they would do” "The Mayor and his 1st Deputy Mayor, who said they would not take a salary, have earned almost 7,500€ and 7,000€ respectively” "The biggest star in the municipal corporation is that they have blamed everything on the 27 years of the Partido Popular when today, one of their own, a Deputy Mayor for the pentapartito is a former PP Deputy Mayor and is called Domingo Soler” “They have never mentioned the 22,000,000€ they inherited from the PP when they came to office” ONE HUNDRED Days has passed and things don't seem to have improved a whole lot, if at all in Torrevieja. Torrevieja's former Mayor Eduardo Dolon, the spokesman of the opposition Partido Popular took stock last week of the first 100 days of the five party coalition pentapartito who now front the City of Torrevieja. Eduardo Dolon was very clear in stating that "today the pentapartito have made Torrevieja City less transparent, with less participation and that has depleted Torrevieja's democratic quality.” In this sense, the Speaker of the Municipal PP reported that "there is less transparency, as can be seen in the municipal website where, one of the failures of their leadership is that they still have not published the statements of assets and activities of the council, and the council costs more today than in the previous term because of their additional temporary staff who have also significantly increased its number. It is very striking that as from April 2015, the website of the Greens no longer publish what they pay their councillors, thus omitting the almost 7,500€ that Mayor José Manuel Dolon has been paid in his first 100 days. Another example was the 'handpicking' that took place when choosing the company that will make the programs and magazine of the May Fair. Also, if they were transparent, they would also have announced 7,000€ that has also been paid to the 1st Deputy Mayor, Pablo Samper.” As for the references to civic participation deficits, the PP spokesman stressed that "yesterday we had clear examples of how much José Manuel Dolon bothers people. The Mayor referred to citizens of the city of Torrevieja disparagingly by uttering expressions like "you do not paint anything here" or "do not tell me your life story." We have also checked with the clubs, groups and associations, as well as his attitude of contempt towards parents affected by school transport which

have had to undergo dictatorial measures and to expel Torrevieja's Parents and Students Association who offer a book bank, from their headquarters while offering no alternative, just as for example, it has behaved with the collective anti-eviction group.” With regard to the impoverishment of the quality of democracy, Eduardo Dolon stressed "the total absence of dialogue with all members of the opposition. We have lived 100 days with a government whose only goal was and is to harm the Partido Popular, which if it had to hurt Torrevieja and its citizens in doing so, that has been done. They try to appear as the saviours of the country and paint the PP as the devil by establishing closures that have delayed the opening in the case of the Municipal Theatre or where they have already proven themselves wrong and unjustified in the closure of the Cultural Centre: just to make a point. We officially denounced them yesterday as reports are more than two months overdue since they were requested, being the full unanswered questions from July, as we ask them to act in exactly the same way as they had done for many years in opposition doing nothing more than denouncing.” Eduardo Dolon added; "if there were elections tomorrow, just 100 days after his inauguration, the result would be very different. Today Torrevieja is crying because of the pentapartito. They are doing just the opposite of what they said they would do as they continue acting as if they were in opposition. It is impossible for them to discredit themselves more in less time. They live in a world of permanent contradiction. " On the other hand, referring to the repeated excuses that have been reported over the past 100 days of pentapartito rule, where they have found it almost impossible to send out a press release without referring to the past 27 years of the Partido Popular being in power, and with their constant references to their “inheritance' and how bad all the things that the PP did

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while they were in power, Eduardo Dolon recalled that "the biggest star in the municipal corporation is that they everything is blamed on the 27 years of Popular Party rule, however today part of the pentapartito government during those 27 years was a Partido Popular Deputy Mayor, and he is called Domingo Soler." Eduardo Dolon also referred to the pentapartito spokesperson, Fanny Serrano, who he added “has repeatedly shown her preference for lying. She has been trying to fool everyone by saying that torrevejenses were in agreement with the Councillor for Fiesta, who used 2,000€, although nobody knows where that went, and then gave the publishing contract to a company outside of Torrevieja who she has commissioned the magazine of the festivities from, when she was aware at all times that this could be well taken care of in Torrevieja. He continued: "they only talk about what they have inherited from the PP as an excuse to continue neglecting thousands of residents with issues like light, the lack of urban sanitation and betrayal of their promises to those who asked them quests and when showing up at the Town Hall, were then turned away. I have not heard a word about 22€ million that was given to them to when they took over power, nor of the reality that the only positive things they have done are all actions of the previous government team's Party." When it comes to their institutional politics, it's only thanks to the support of the Provincial Council of Alicante that anything in Torrevieja is going ahead as they receive the demands of organizations, groups and individuals linked to the city of Torrevieja. Eduardo Dolon added: "what hurts the pentapartito is not that the Mayor is not trying to help the city, but what hurts is that for most citizens of Torrevieja, the Mayor is located on the 4th floor, where citizens came to because, from day one, they are not attended by the Mayor, or Social Welfare or in other departments but their Councillors. Their inability, their lack of projects and complete lack of imagination is evident in that they only want to hide from their public duties by issuing constant attacks on the Partido Popular, even creating problems where none exist." Finally he lamented that "people on the street convey mixed messages because of their disappointment caused by the distrust that the pentapartito have generated in their first 100 days, and this is shrouded in sadness that nothing is being done. The pentapartito have proved unable to generate good news for the city because everything they have done is negative. The Perception of the people of Torrevieja, in view of their lack of governance, is that in over 20 years in opposition, in trying to crush the city, they have not changed one bit; the arsonist of yesterday cannot transform himself into today's firefighter.

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News 3 Gardening

Virgen del Carmen open again A 30 minute tour with a clipboard was really all that the Partido Popular probably needed to have a qualified technician to do to make sure the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre could be officially opened a decade ago. After being closed for a couple of weeks, the centre opened again yesterday after the government had given approval when the deficiencies were remedied the lack of an emergency plan rectified. Apparently the Virgen del Carmen suffered from an emergency door that was padlocked and blocked, a lack of fire extinguishers in some units, access to the terrace on the third floor needed changed, and wiring that had not been checked in ten years and, above all, the lack of an emergency plan. The deficiencies have now been corrected and the government has given its approval to the reopening of the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre. Activity in this central municipal building was suspended last September 10th who noted that the centre had never had an opening license since its opening in 2005, which according to a municipal architect, could not ensure the safety of users. That license that required prior inspection was never carried out. The Councillor of activities Fanny Serrano explained that this intervention has not had any cost to the treasury of the City as they have a contract with a company that carries out such plans-and then wondered why the previous governments of the PP did not address this task in 2005. However, one will have to judge for oneself if the actions of the pentapartito government was merely political flag waving and looking towards electioneering at the general election, if a problem really existed and maybe to ask oneself why over the last decade nobody from the opposition could be bothered to tour the Virgen del Carmen themselves and notice any of these

deficiencies, rather than waiting until a few days before the academic year was about the begin.. And along those lines the PP have fired back, accusing the pentapartito of doing nothing more than trying to generate "social alarm" with their actions by closing the Cultural Centre. Partido Popular councillor, Luis Maria Pizana, welcomed the announcement by the municipal government to reopen the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre, after it being closed for two weeks. Pizana stressed that "it is common knowledge that the sole purpose of this hasty measure was to do nothing more than cause alarm as the reason for this was that the Pentapartito are doing little more than claiming they are doing a great job of 'damage management' when they are really just trying to tarnish the reputation of the previous government team." He also said that local government "accepts and assumes that the professional technicians follow the

legal criteria, indicating that municipal public buildings do not require a license to open, showing that the Partido Popular has at all times acted in accordance with the law.� Luis Maria Pizana recalled that the technical and legal advocates point of reference cited that: "maintain the administration itself, through the municipal officers, both during the process of drafting, execution of works and finally before final acceptance of any property or infrastructure; to make all kinds of checks and inspections and that they must certify that everything is correct according to law and in perfect condition." He also stated that this standard indicates that municipal public buildings do not require an opening license and "shows that the Partido Popular, at all times, acted in accordance with the law" and added that "we have said, the pentapartito is a government of pure populism and demagoguery. They love overacting and posturing. The same day they closed the Virgen del Carmen one should note that this topic would end up hiding the management irregularities of the school bus situation, which was all perfectly legal." The Councillor also said that "none of the neighbours living around the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre has seen a single worker in the building since September 10th when it closed. And for the Pentapartito it was perfectly OK to kick out the Fapa Gabriel Miró, the parents and students association during these important back to school weeks, and not to let them carry out their work." According to the Pentapartido Government the building still requires a proper opening license, which is now being processed at the Generalitat, but the positive reports give a free hand to open the enclosure. Yesterday, Monday, the study rooms opened and the municipal schools of painting, photography and dance can now start their academic year.


Gardening News

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

Cartagena Jazz Festival THE CARTAGENA JAZZ FESTIVAL celebrates the 35th edition of the festival next month, bringing to the stage of El Batel and the Nuevo Teatro Circo the best from world jazz scene, with artists like Benjamin Clementine, Kyle Eastwood, Cassandra Wilson, John Scofield with Joe Lovano and Kurt Elling. The festival takes place from October 31st to November 22nd. The Cartagena Jazz Festival is organised by the Culture Department of the City of Cartagena. This edition celebrates 35 years as of one of the oldest festivals in Spain said the mayor, David Martínez during the presentation ceremony, accompanied by the director of the festival, Francisco Martin , the editor of La Opinion, Jose Angel Ceron . kitty Daisy Lewis

From October 31st to November 22nd the festival will be presented on the stages of the Auditorio El Batel and the Nuevo Teatro Circo, featuring some of the leading figures in Jazz including Benjamin Clementine, Silvia Pérez Cruz, Iron & Wine, Richard Bona, GoGo Penguin, John Scofield, Joe Lovano, Cassandra Wilson, Kurt Elling, Jose James, Ibrahim Maalouf, Esperanza Spalding, CMQ Big Band playing Benny Moré, Kitty Daisy & Lewis, Andrea Motis & Joan Chamarro Quintet, Kyle Eastwood and Jorge Pardo presenting Cumbre Flamenco Latin Jazz with Jerry González, Javier Colina, Antonio Serrano, Caramelo, Rycardo Moreno and Israel S. Piraña. This edition will also be offering new parallel programming with street music, jam session and book

presentations by music journalists. A full festival ticket costs 75 euros or a Kurt Elling & concert for 8 euros while normal ticket José James prices range between 18 and 25 euros. You can buy both the Nuevo Teatro Circo box office and in the Auditorium of the Batel, online at with more information from: Program full of STARS The jazz festival begins with Benjamin Clementine. In his broken voice, piano keys that accompany their cries, there is a hypnotic mystery. Clementine is a difficult riddle to decipher, and audiences first enjoyed him in Cartagena, in 2014, in his first performance in Spain. He had not yet performed his 'At Least For Now', with which he will inaugurate the Cartagena Jazz Festival on Saturday 31st October. After Benjamin, in a double bill, act Silvia Perez Cruz featuring Silvia between strings, where the singer performs songs specially arranged for the occasion, accompanied by a group of five strings. Iron & Wine is the folk music project led by American singer-songwriter Sam Beam. Often compared with artists of the stature of Nick Drake, Neil Young or Elliott Smith, Iron & Wine will come to Cartagena accompanied only by his acoustic guitar and his warm voice to provide an intimate concert in which you will enjoy his exquisite repertoire folk, from their classics to new compositions. Friday, November 6th is completed by Richard Bona with his band. The great bassist, composer and lead singer is an exceptional talent. He returns to the festival as one of those bass players who after hearing the first album of Jaco Pastorius said it changed his life and now, in turn, also changes the lives of all who listen to him. On Saturday, November 7th, promises and legends will come together, when GoGo Penguin and John Scofield with Joe Lovano are joined by Ben Street and Bill Stewart who will perform at the Auditorium. The trio of Manchester Gogo Penguin is considered one of the new stars of the British jazz group scene. The band has a unique ability to develop and synthesize their own melodies, creating a very personal style that incorporates elements of electronic music, hip-hop, jazz, rock and classical music. On the other hand, there is little to say about the two legendary figures of jazz, with John Scofield considered one of the best guitarists in the world, like Joe Lovano on saxophone. Sunday, November 8th is the turn of the great Cassandra Wilson. It is an ebony jazz voice that she, CMQ Big Band

rather than sing, recites the words. Respectful of tradition, she always comes across as a new breath because in addition to being a performer, she is above all creative. On Friday, November 13th is the night in which festival hosts two of the best male jazz singers of the moment: Kurt Elling and José James. You need little introduction Kurt Elling, considered the number one of jazz vocalists of this modern era. He comes to the festival with his latest album Passion World. For his part, José James presents 'Yesterday I had the Blues', a tribute to Billie Holiday in the centenary year of the birth of Lady Day. Trumpeter Ibrahim Maalouf was born in Beirut into a family of artists and intellectuals. In his music and his playing, influences of Arab culture can be perceived, which incorporates ingredients from jazz, funk and electronic music with a score full of strength, beauty and nuances. He will perform on Saturday, November 14th in a double bill with Esperanza Spalding, singer, songwriter and bassist. Considered, despite his youth as one of the great jazz artists of today, he was the first jazz artist to win a Grammy for best new artist in 2011. Jorge Pardo is a world reference in terms of where jazz and flamenco is concerned. In 2013 he received the Award for Best European Musician by the French Jazz Academy. Two years later he will perform in Cartagena with The Latin Jazz Flamenco Summit accompanied by Jerry Gonzalez, Javier Colina, Antonio Serrano, Candy, Rycardo Moreno and Israel S. Piranha. The Night of the great bands of is on Friday, November 20th, since after the combo Jorge Pardo will be with the CMQ Big Band playing Benny Moré, where a band will play the great songs of the universally acclaimed Cuban Benny Moré. Siblings Kitty, Daisy and Lewis will come on Saturday, November 21st. The family surprised everyone when, in their early teens they developed a vintage sound anchored in the era of rock and roll and rhythm and blues. A vocation that accentuates their look with prominent hairdos and suede shoes. The festival concludes on November 22nd with performances by the duo of Andrea Motis and Joan Chamorro, two separate jazz generations, but here teacher and student are at present one of the greatest exponents of todays jazz. After them, accompanied by his band, Kyle Eastwood comes to present Time Pieces, an album in which he pays homage to the jazz bands of the 50s and 60s of last century. Clint Eastwood's son will bring the festival to an end. Kyle Eastwood

News 5 Gardening CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015

Crime rate an all-time low THE GOVERNMENT delegate in Valencia, Juan Carlos Moragues, said on Saturday that the crime rate in the region follows a general downward trend, reaching 48.3 crimes and offences per 1,000 population, the lowest index in history. In addition, during the first half of 2015, home robberies have declined by 15 percent over the first half of 2014; theft of motor vehicles has dropped 6 percent; robbery with intimidation and violence by 14 percent with only criminal offences, up 4.5 percent. The government delegate passed on this information during the delivery of the Commendation of the Order of Civil

Merit awarded by HM King Philip VI, a fitting tribute to the civic virtues of officials who serve the state, province or municipality, as well as extraordinary services performed by Spanish citizens for the sake of the nation, which also may be granted to foreign citizens or as a reciprocal courtesy, the Government Office said in a statement. Moragues said to those attending; "You are a better reflection of the everyday reality of Spain. Your behaviour is a benchmark for building a better future" as he began to award each delegate, whom he thanked in their fight against crime.

Free diabetes meeting WITH CASES of diabetes reaching epidemic proportions and many people unaware they have the disease, Medcare British GP is holding a free diabetes meeting and offering diabetes diagnostic blood tests for just 1.00€. Specialist diabetes nurse Dorothy Cook is coming from the UK to host the meeting at Medcare’s Benijofar clinic. Dorothy will share her knowledge and experience with a talk on all aspects of diabetes, followed by questions and answers. The free meeting is open to people with diabetes, their families and anyone else who wants to know more about the disease. Private consultations, for a small fee, can be booked in advance with

Dorothy by calling Medcare. The 1.00€ fasting blood test to diagnose diabetes will be available at Medcare’s clinics in Benijofar and Alfaz del Pi until the end of October. Medcare’s Dr Hussain said the clinic is offering the one euro tests because “many people with diabetes are unaware they have the condition and diagnosis is vital if the disease is to be properly managed and future health problems avoided.” To book a 1.00€ fasting blood test or private consultation with Dorothy, call Medcare on 966 860 258 or email To attend the free meeting, just go along to Medcare’s clinic at C/del Sol, 2, Benijofar on September 29 at 2.00pm.

Ciudadanos want more from Pentapartido CIUDADANOS, the Citizens Party or Cs, would like to see something a little more positive from the Pentapartido government team. Having chosen not to be part of Government team in order to stay neutral in the run up to Spain's General Election, which will probably take place in December, the C's spokesperson Pilar Gomez Magan says that they would like more dialogue with the pentapartido and less personal promotion. The Ciudadanos municipal group in Torrevieja approves but wishes they had more from the management of José Manuel Dolon during his first hundred days as the man in charge of the Town Hall. C's spokeswoman Pilar Gomez Magan says that once again the "lack of dialogue" reiterated to our activities being neither active nor passive, in both plenary sessions and personally, in that we do not give the pentapartido a good review about this grace period. Therefore we request that, from now on, the government team accept our outstretched hand in order to try and agree on policies and actions for the benefit of Torrevieja. Pilar Gómez believes that there are things that Mayor José Manuel Dolon could improve. She commented: “We are aware that they are trying to solve some inherited problems, but we cannot fail to note a lack of dialogue from some members of the government team," and that includes the Mayor, said the opposition Councillor.

The opinion of Ciudadanos should matter a lot to the Mayor and the pentapartido because they have signed a temporary pact with Ciudadanos to allow the Cs to remain neutral but most importantly for the C's not to vote against the government. Otherwise, the minority five part coalition would not have been able to go into power in the first instance and the pentapartido would be unable to continue in power as they would find themselves in a minority position and unable to pass any measures. There is always the possibility, especially after the General Election and totally dependent on what the Ciudadanos Party President Albert Rivera instructs, that around the Alicante Province the Cs could be instructed to line up with the parties who gained the most votes in local elections, which could see a shift in power and motions of censure being issued. However, until after the General Elections and the various pacts that might be formed, nothing in the Province or around Spain will be changing. But come the New Year 2016...


CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013 CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015


Visit the IFA for something a little different ALICANTE'S EXHIBITION Centre, the IFA, has ten exhibitions happening between now and the end of the year, with an estimated audience attendance of more than 100 thousand visitors expected. Starting next weekend, the IFA features the 5th edition of the Fair Outlet Alicante followed by Firahogar, an exhibition of Furniture, Equipment and Home Decoration: Sweets, Pastry and Sugar Craft: I Love You Baby: products and services for babies and families: Expofiesta - National Fair of Festivities: Erotic Festival of Alicante: Fira Novios – Bridal Expo: Expocachorro, Dog and other pets plus the National and International Dog Show: Exponadal - Exhibition of Children and Youth Leisure. During the last half of 2014 these events attracted 108,000 visitors and it's expected that these trade fairs will exceed those figures. This weekend, on 2nd, 3rd and 4th October, Stockcity comes back to Alicante. This year 2015 they want to be more radical than ever with discounts. They have promotions and offers with something for everyone: fashion, sports, sunglasses, surf, snow, urban, home goods in addition to their dining area. You'll find many of your favourite fashion brands to such as Pepe Jeans, Ray Ban, Adidas, Vans, Levis and many more... FIRAHOGAR opens its doors to offer the public a wider choice in furniture and decor throughout the province. From 16 to 18 October and from 23 to 25 October IFA will become a large shopping centre dedicated to home furnishings in its broadest sense, allowing for more than 100 businesses that show their highest quality products at the best price. For those with a sweet tooth, you won't want to miss the IFA Sweet Festival, Salón De Repostería Creativa and Sugar Craft. On 17th and 18th October the event I LOVE YOU BABY, an expo of all the most important developments in areas related to motherhood and childhood will coincide with FIRAHOGAR and the IFA SWEET FESTIVAL. The show brings together a host of companies and products to meet the needs of prospective and new parents. The event features health care for the baby, nutrition, health insurance, cell banks for umbilical cords, strollers, car seats, cribs, etc.; just

some of the many products to be exhibited at the fair. Expofiesta - National Fair of Festivities takes place from 6th to 8th November while the much naughtier and more than slightly spicy, the Erotic Festival of Alicante is on the 7th and 8th. The fourth edition of the Erotic Festival of Alicante is a very cool, fun and festive event, open to all kinds of adult audiences that are looking for something to spice up their sex lives, not as a 'dirty' activity but as an everyday reality: as an element of personal life with your partner. More information at: Following on from the Erotic Festival it's kind of humorous that from 13th to 15th November 2015, Fira Novios – the Bridal Fair, is a must not only for those who have a wedding coming up, or their families, but for the general public who enjoy keeping up to date with the latest trends in fashion and bridal. Fira Novios is a wonderful opportunity to see ideas from all aspects of wedding planning in one space, at one time. In this edition you'll find, venues for celebrations, photo and video, details for gifts, travel agencies, flowers, events, magazines and of course, the ultimate in suits; Bride, groom, party and communion. Event schedule: Friday and Saturday from 10:30am to 9:30pm and Sunday from 10:30am to 9:00pm. Become a fan of the Facebook page Firanovios and find out all promotions and news from exhibitors: 77898271?ref=tn_tnmn. Into December and we have the EXPOCACHORRO, on the 5th and 6th for all lovers of pets and especially dogs, which will be held alongside the national and international canine exhibitions in the IFA. The schedule of this event that takes place in Hall II of the fairground is from 9.00am to 8.30pm on Saturday and 9.00am to 7.30pm on Sunday.

Here you can find the latest products and services for pets, along with a wide range of activities, exhibitions and championships showcase. Ideal for weekend entertainment. Expocachorro has 30 exhibitors offering everything necessary for the care of pets, such as food, clothes and accessories, toiletries and beauty, toys for animals, terrariums, veterinary clinics, plus of course pets. Plus, the National and International Dog Exhibition also takes place. Following the success of last year, the second Mascotada Expocachorro takes place. Until last year you could not attend the event with animals that were not enrolled in any of the tests of national and international dog shows, but this time the event is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, after 2.00pm there will be a fun program including various activities for pet lovers to enjoy a different day with your pet. And taking us through Christmas and into the New Year 2016 is the annual Exponadal, which will open its doors on December 26th, 2015 to January 4th, 2016, just closing for New Year's Eve December 31st. The schedule of the fair is from 11.00am to 9.00pm and as every year they are working on a few new surprises; new family activities, spectacular circus acts, crafts, sports, music, everything you need to spend unforgettable days for the entire family but especially the kids. Exponadal. Exponadal has a "picnic area" for families who wish to bring their own food but in addition, the IFA's restaurant service offers menus for all tastes. Most visitors that come to the IFA are from the province of Alicante, amounting to 79% and of these, a large percentage are from Alicante, 33% and Elxhe 25%. The CEO of the IFA exhibition centre, Antonio Galvany explained that; "we face the second part of the year with optimism regarding the evolution of the economy that alongside the work of IFA exhibitors and our industries will ensure that we finish the year with very good numbers "and added" in the end, what we all want is to work and the data is converted into results that improve our area employment and sustainable growth which means a real development of society The normal price of admission on the day is 8.00€ and 6.00€ if you have a discount voucher that you can download in the download section of each show page on the IFA website. You also have the option to buy in advance entry (until October 15th, inclusive) through for 5€ for most shows, except Exponadal.

The CoastRider

Back in the hands of W. Wrulich (Thomas), the founder, is the Coastrider with its original spirit and incorporating a change of image, direction and content to make the Coastrider even more attractive for its readers. Many have asked themselves what was happening over the last few months about the ownership of the newspaper and read publications referring to a series of legal problems. All that illegal activity, started legal

actions, to protect the name, rights and ownership of the Coastrider. Having the Legal Resolution which confirms and expresses that only trade name ‘The Coastrider’ and the use of it in any media or publication form, is that of ‘ANews Media Channel, SL. The person who published the Coastrider since September 2014 until two weeks ago, had or has no right to use the Trademark ‘The Coastrider’ in any way, shape or form.

This legal resolution has been accepted by Mrs. Claire Worland (Richards). Today, the Coastrider is back in the hands of Mr. W. Wrulich (Thomas), the founder and the only authorised person allowed to use the name ‘Coastrider’ for publication. The Coastrider Free  All Rights Reserved. ANews Media Channel, SL is not responsible for any opinions about this publication.


CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

MS Amadea makes history in Torrevieja

LAST TUESDAY, Torrevieja welcomed Phoenix Reisen's flagship Cruise Ship the MS Amadea. As the first cruise ship to visit the City of Salt, the day September 22nd, 2015 will forever go down as the day that marked a starting point and opened the door to the cruise ship market in Torrevieja. The MS Amadea is a small cruise ship by today's standards, at just 29,000 GRT and she cruises the world carrying her mainly German passengers to many exotic and different ports of call. The company's flagship was officially launched in 1991 as the Asuka in Japan. She

became part of the Phoenix Reisen's fleet in 2006. The ship has now been and gone and one hopes that the Town Hall has learnt a few valuable lessons in what it takes to arrange for a cruise ship arrival. This historic day was made possible in the first place by former Mayor Eduardo Dolon and his team and was almost two years in the planning. Although the ship was only in port for a few hours, thanks to the efforts of the local small and medium business association, APYMECO, and with backing from the Costa Blanca Tourist Board who produced special shopping and places of interest maps, just for the occasion, by all accounts the ship's guests enjoyed an evening of relaxation and shopping in Torrevieja.

The arrival of the MS Amadea is a precursor to next October, 2016, when the MS Albatros departs on a 17 day voyage from Bremerhaven to Genoa, dropping anchor in Torrevieja at 2.00pm on Saturday October 8th, for a twelve hour stay. Of the cruise, Phoenix Reisen say: 'It's a fantastic route, always headed towards the sun that we have prepared for you. Attractive destinations in England, Spain, France and Portugal will make you want to discover and explore. MS Albatros cruises through the

North Sea, Atlantic and Mediterranean to the most interesting coastal towns. The passage through the Strait of Gibraltar is a special experience. Here at the narrowest point between the two continents is Tangier, the gateway of Morocco. The Spanish coast destinations include Torrevieja, a hot, sunny vacation Mecca on the Costa Blanca, Malaga and Barcelona. A trip to Mallorca and Ibiza, is also on route in the Mediterranean for you. In France, the austere Brittany and the lovely St. Tropez are equally attractive destinations for our guests. Portugal raises their trump card with Lisbon, Italy lures with San Remo and we have a "very, very British" start the whole cruise on the Thames near London and in Portland. A wonderful trip with many highlights and new goals awaits you - welcome aboard.' And thus the challenge is on for Torrevieja to improve their cruise offering. The big prize would be to establish a cruise dock and look for interested investors to expand the cruise marketplace into the city. The most important timeline is to be able to offer a number of attractive shore excursions to offer their guests in and around Torrevieja, but those interest need to get their thinking caps on, as the list of shore excursions for the voyage will be published in December. Bon Voyage...

9 CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015

Orihuela Costa Remembrance Day Concert We are very proud to announce a forthcoming concert which I am sure you would all enjoy tremendously. It is a Remembrance Day Concert which will take place on Sunday 8th November at 7.30pm in the new church - Cristo Resucitado - at La Zenia. That is the church in which the Military Wives concert was held in April of this year. The concert will be given by the Orihuela Costa Male Voice Choir and the chamber choir 'In Harmony' - both conducted by Nigel Hopkins. It will consist of a very varied popular selection of songs, including such favourites as Dream A Dream, Nella Fantasia, Summertime, Elizabethan Serenade, Vilia (Merry Widow) and many more. The Male Voice Choir will sing an entirely new repertoire including If Ever I Would Leave You, Goin' Home (New World Symphony) - remember the Hovis advert? There will also be an exciting medley from Les Miserables. There will be offerings from some of the best soloists on the Costa including Janelle Gaskell and the new singing sensation Verity Hall, as well as Graham Cooke and the popular Mary Beer. Nigel Hopkins himself will sing twice ... so all in all a very exciting programme will be heard on the night. Tickets are 10â‚Ź each (with generous

donations to Royal British Legion ORIHUELA Costa branch) and CRISTO RESUCITADO church, and are available only from La Ponderosa gift shop at La Zenia C.C. or from choir members. This will be a sell-out concert so you are urged to buy early to avoid disappointment. Future date for your diary: The Nigel Hopkins Christmas Concert on Sunday 13th December at 7.30pm at La Zenia church, off La Zenia Island.


Spanish News

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

Dublin gangster cornered and shot after dramatic chase at Spanish resort A Dublin gangster was trying to escape out of a back exit on the gated Costa del Sol estate where he lived when he was cornered and shot in the head and chest. Gary Hutch was trapped when he found a door leading onto waste ground behind the complex locked after a dramatic chase round the communal swimming pool. He had already been shot twice in the back according to local reports. The masked assassin shot him in the chest after cornering the 34-year-old before shooting him in the head. Witnesses told police how they saw the gunman run away before slowing to a walk on a steep hill leading out of the complex in Miraflores near Fuengirola as the effect of the chase and kill took hold and he began to tire. He escaped the scene of the shooting - a sprawling complex of five-storey apartment blocks set around a pool - in a stolen BMW which was later found gutted outside a restaurant in Cabopino a 10-minute drive west towards Marbella. Police are examining footage from CCTV cameras in the area including cameras inside the complex where Hutch was living. The killer has been described as a tall strong man dressed in jeans and a black tracksuit top. As well as a balaclava, he was wearing gloves. Neighbours say the first shots rang out in the underground car park beneath the block the dead Irishman had been living in for the past few months. He was chased out of the garage and round the complex garden before being killed by the south west corner of the pool. Police extracted several bullets from the walls of two

apartment blocks next to the pool. It was reported locally the ground-floor flat Hutch was living in belongs to his mother. Officials would not confirm the reports. The killing happened just after 11.30am Thursday at a complex called Angel de Miraflores. The Miraflores resort lies between the towns of Fuengirola and Marbella, just off the N340 dual carriageway which runs along the Costa del Sol and very near to missing Amy Fitzpatrick's mum Audrey's old home. A neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: “We heard the first shots go off in the garage under our home and then saw this man running around the garden where the swimming pool is with a balaclava on and gloves. “We thought at first it was a terrorist. There were lots of shots, around a dozen, and then we saw him running away.” Another described the victim as someone who was “pleasant but kept himself to himself.” She added: “There was a woman living with him who I imagine was his girlfriend but she hasn’t been around of late.” Hutch’s murder brought the number of deaths linked to organised crime to four already this year on the Costa del Sol. Last week a 30-year-old Colombian was shot dead as he sat in his wife’s Golf GTI in nearby Las Lagunas heading towards Fuengirola. A man on a motorbike driven by an accomplice shot him seven times before making his getaway. At the end of May, the Civil Guard found the body of a man in a flat near Miraflores three days after a shoot-out close by

between drugs traffickers. His hands had been tied behind his back and he had been shot in the chest and leg. Police evacuated an apartment complex in the same area - Riviera del Sol which is next to Miraflores where Hutch was shot dead - at the start of this month after the discovery of a car with weapons inside including a Kalashnikov, mortars and grenades. The BMW had been parked in a garage underneath the block for around a month. Last weekend police revealed they had arrested a gang of contract killers hired by a Colombian drugs cartel in La Cala de Mijas a 10 minute drive from the spot where Hutch was killed. The seven detainees included two minors. They were accused of travelling from Madrid to the Costa del Sol to murder a businessman and two bodyguards for €90,000. Hutch, who has links to the Kinahan drug mob, is believed to have been the intended target of the bullet that hit innocent boxing pundit Jamie Moore last August near Estepona. A Spanish court recently closed its inquiry into the killing of Irish gangster Gerard ‘Hatchet’ Kavanagh after failing to find out who had gunned him down outside Harmons Irish Bar in Elviria near Marbella last September. Two gunmen shot him nine times before fleeing in a car they torched down the road. Spanish police probed possible links to the botched shooting of Jamie Moore. Miguel Briones, a central government representative in Malaga, said investigators were probing whether Hutch’s shooting was linked to any of the organised crime-linked killings over the past year including the one on September 17. Spain’s National Police are understood to be examining the getaway car Hutch’s killer used because it was found in an area they and not the Civil Guard are responsible for. The Civil Guard are probing the murder because Miraflores is their patch. Mr Briones said: “The police and Civil Guard are persevering in their attempts to clarify these crimes in the same small geographic area.” A spokesman for the Civil Guard in Malaga, which is usually reticent in making any official statements about crimes of this type, said: “I can confirm a person has been killed but we are not making any official statement at this time and I doubt we will for the moment.”

Teenager found squeezed inside car dashboard to cross Spanish border Officers stripped down the BMW sedan after noticing it was being driven by two young men they suspected of being people smugglers. Police said on Thursday that during their search they detected a heart beating. They "carried out an exhaustive search and found a false compartment inside the dashboard," from where the 19-year-old Guinean migrant emerged "in a very bad physical state," police said. They said the teenager was hospitalised. The two suspected smugglers fled the scene. But one of them, a Spaniard aged 23, was later arrested and charged with people trafficking. Spain's other North African enclave, Ceuta, was the scene of another bizarre clandestine attempt to enter the EU state when an eight-year-old boy from the Ivory Coast was found in a suitcase. Spanish media reported the child's father, already living in Spain, had paid a young woman

to carry the case through border control. Melilla has for some years been a flashpoint for African migrants trying to enter Spain, with authorities stepping up security by strengthening border barriers after thousands of immigrants tried to scale existing fencing in 2005. Each year, thousands of Africans seek to cross into Melilla and Ceuta as the only land borders between Africa and the European Union. CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015

Mas vows to push on with secession despite winning just 48% of vote

Mas vows to push on with secession despite winning just 48% of vote By the time 96 percent of votes had been counted at 11pm on Sunday, with a majority of seats – 62 out of 135 – going to his Junts pel Sí (Together for Yes) coalition, Catalan premier Artur Mas had already been celebrating victory for nearly two hours. At 9.15pm, the Catalan premier called his bloc’s results at the regional elections a “double victory.” “Today we have a double victory. The ‘yes’ vote has won, and democracy has won as well,” said Mas about a parliamentary election that he has cast as a proxy vote on the issue of independence. Prior to the elections, secessionist leaders had announced their intention to carry on with the breakaway process and declare independence within 18 months, should they earn an absolute majority of seats on Sunday. The results indicate that Mas and his partners will in all likelihood carry on creating “state structures,” such a tax collection agency, despite Madrid’s vocal opposition to such a plan. “We will not let up. We have won despite having everything against us, and this gives us enormous strength and great legitimacy to carry this project forward,” Mas told a crowd of cheering supporters.

The Catalan premier, who heads the Convergence (CDC) party, also asked rivals to respect the results of the election. “Just like we, as democrats, would have accepted defeat, we ask for others to accept Catalonia’s victory and the victory of ‘yes’.” However, because an absolute majority is set at 68 out of a total of 135 seats at the Catalan assembly, Junts pel Sí will require support from the other secessionist contender in Sunday’s elections, CUP, which is set to secure 10 representatives according to the latest count. The numbers also suggested that secessionist forces would win the most seats but not the most votes: 39.62% for Junts pel Sí and 8.19% for CUP, for a joint 47.81%. But Junts pel Sí is attributing itself a victory in votes as well, by not counting support for the leftist coalition Catalunya Sí que es Pot as a ‘no’ vote for independence. This group, which includes the anti-austerity party Podemos, has stated that it does not wish Catalonia to secede from Spain, but that it supports a referendum in the region. “The ‘yes’ option has won in votes and in seats,” said Oriol Junqueras of the Catalan Republican Left (ERC), Mas’s main partner in Junts pel Sí. “We have a more than sufficient majority to forge ahead with independence for Catalonia.” Mas also sought to allay concerns about a growing rift among supporters and detractors of independence in Catalonia, where the nonsecessionist party Ciudadanos has become the second most-voted party with 25 seats. “We will manage victory in a spirit of cohesion within Catalonia, and a spirit of concord with Spain, Europe and the world,” he said.

Spanish News


Cashpoint scam

Two people of Rumanian nationality have been arrested for doctoring 193 cashpoints or ATMs in Madrid, Valencia and Albacete in order to steal a total of approximately 19,000 euros. The simple scam operated by the two, who were arrested in Madrid, consisted of placing devices in the note feeders by which cash is dispensed in order to prevent notes from being collected by customers. Once the machine had been abandoned by frustrated customers they returned to collect their haul, and apart from the 19,000 euros in cash they gained they also caused an estimated 41,000 euros’ worth of damage while retrieving the “note-traps”. The arrests came after an investigation which began in April, and ended with the discovery of the equipment needed to carry out this scam in the home of one of the arrested.

The evidence was compounded by video camera footage of the two fraudsters. The police advise members of the public to check ATMs before using them, including not only the cash dispensing mechanism but also the card slot, the keyboard and the ceiling (in case cameras have been placed there). If anything untoward is observed, call the police on 091. If the withdrawal appears to have gone smoothly but no cash appears, check that the note feeder is clear, and if anything suspicious is observed wait by the machine until the police arrive. It is also recommended that the keyboard should be obscured from view while keying in your PIN, that no help in using machines should be accepted from strangers, and that where possible cashpoints should be used only when the bank is open.


CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

Artists For Refugees sense,” he said, “and no one person would like to think that any of their family would be in that situation.” So he set about trying to find suitable causes that would help those refugees on the ground with food, shelter, clothing and those that rescue people from the sea. From that ARTISTS FOR REFUGEES was born, an event to raise money to go direct to those desperate people at risk of drowning in the seas. Three charities have been selected, 'Save The Children' who have teams on the ground: 'Casitas' who also have teams on the ground and 'MOAS' Migrant Offshore Aid Station,

ON OCTOBER 12th, dozens of local artists and business are putting on a very special concert and fundraising day in VillaMartin Plaza, Orihuela Costa. The event is to raise much needed funds, supplies and awareness of the plight faced by many migrants who try to make the dangerous crossing by sea to reach Europe. In September 2015, the body of a three year old boy was found washed up on the shores of the Mediterranean. The picture went global. It also inspired local bar owner Steven Ahmed to do something and take action. “We are all refugees in a

who have boats helping to rescue as many as they can from the waters. Dave Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame has also donated heavily to this cause raising more than £17,000. Dave‘s offer is that for every £5,300 (7,200euros) pounds raised, which is the cost of running the boat for a day, he will donate the same amount thereby ensuring the boat can run for another day. The momentum is gathering for this event, which will be held at Villa Martin Plaza on Monday 12th October, which is also a Red Day, Hispanic Day and so a

Spanish national holiday. The event starts at 2.00pm and there are many wellknown local bands taking part such Kolted, The Streeters, Pinnacles, Los Duques, Let it Roll, Backyard Session, Steve Plant, Riverside Trails, Tim Taylor, Tommy ‘Meet Laaf’ Taylor and Red Strokes All the bars in the plaza will be donating a percentage of their proceeds to the cause. There is a Facebook Page set up to take donations online direct to MOAS if you can’t get there on the day, Local businesses are all playing their part and getting involved, some really interesting raffle prizes being donated for instance by La Bocana Water Centre in Torrevieja, who have donated a free Water-ski session and another local beauty business, Vanilla, where the staff

are running a sponsored SOBER for OCTOBER campaign with all proceeds to be added to the final total. If you have something you would like to donate – please message the event organisers through the Facebook page or contact Steven Ahmed at the Hen’s Teeth in the Villa Martin Plaza. Arrangements are also being made for clothes donations to be accepted on the day as well as any canned or dried foods. Steve is setting this up with the Red Cross to have all donations shipped direct to where they are needed. Not an easy task. The Coastrider and Big FM are also sponsoring this event and will also be there on the day, with Big FM hoping to broadcast everything live. More information at: pain. CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015



Spectre World Premiere on October 26th SPECTRE HAS been selected for The Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund’s (CTBF) Royal Film Performance 2015. The World Premiere will be attended by Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry and will take place on 26th October at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The World Premiere will also be attended by the film’s leading actors Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, David Bautista, Monica Bellucci, and Ralph Fiennes. The cast will also be joined on the red carpet by director Sam Mendes and producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, vice patrons of the CTBF. Producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli commented, “We are honoured that Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry will attend the Royal Film Performance of SPECTRE and delighted the CTBF will be the beneficiary of the event.” With the film's premier less than a month away, fans are getting excited with word out that the producers have dumped CGI for the stunt work and in one scene a full-size plane with 007 at the controls smashes through an Alpine barn in this still from the forthcoming James Bond outing Spectre, and the most astonishing fact is that the stunt was staged for real - without the use of CGI The makers behind the £200m film, which stars Daniel Craig, ditched computer technology for much of the high-octane Alpine action and staged it for real on a glacier in the Austrian mountains. According to the Daily Mail, the six-minute high speed air chase that culminates in the crash was filmed by suspending the plane on wires strung between giant cranes, with the aircraft fired out of the barn with a cannon. Amid high security to keep the paparazzi at bay, the popular ski resort of Obertillach in the Austrian Tyrol

was inundated by 1,000 Spectre crew members in February to create the sequence. Art director Neil Callow said: “This scene is like an aerial Scalextric but on a massive scale. It is a full-size plane going down a zip-wire through the trees. The wires are attached to overhead cranes. There is no CGI, apart from erasing the wires in post-production.” Local carpenters built ten Alpine hay barns to give the area an authentic feel, and because there was too little snow, an area of 50,000 square metres was covered with 3ft of snow produced by special machines. And if you are wondering why action films can cost so much: one stunt, three months in the planning and precisely three seconds worth of film is what it took, for your enjoyment. The film stars Daniel Craig in possibly his last outing as Ian Fleming's legendary spy, while it is certain is that Bond aficionados will be kept happy with the requisite glamorous girls - played this time by French actress Lea Seydoux and Monica Bellucci at 50 the oldest Bond girl, or Bond lady as she describes herself with Naomie Harris as Moneypenny and Ralph Fiennes as spymaster M while teasers for the film have already generated speculation about whether it will

feature a return of Bond's most feared adversary, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, as well as a new version of the spy's trademark Aston Martin. For Spectre, ten Aston Martin DB10s have been specially produced - two for close-up shots and eight stunt cars - and, recalling a previous model from Goldfinger, the car is even equipped with the allimportant ejector seat. Top Gears new front man Chris Evans got to roadtest one of the DB10s and said: “A magnificent thing to behold, this is British engineering at its most sublime. We all need to get on our knees and pray for Aston Martin to release a version to the public.” The only thing not getting the thumbs up is possibly the film's theme song, The Writing's on the Wall; Sam Smith's James Bond Spectre theme which has been panned online. U.K. singer's theme for the next James Bond movie has been called 'bland,' likened to 'asthmatic goose'. Sam Smith's new theme song for the next James Bond movie Spectre premiered last week and while the soaring strings and intense vocals of a Bond tune are there, reaction online has been mixed, at best. Compared to 'Skyfall' and the Oscars, Sam Smith looks like an also ran. Getting back to the positives, Blood, Sweat and Bond: Behind the Scenes of SPECTRE, produced by photographer Rankin, is published on October 27th. The book showcases the actors, locations, stunts, film sets and special effects of SPECTRE. With contributions from unit-photographers Jonathan Olley and Jasin Boland and guest photographers Graciela Iturbide, Brigitte Lacombe, Anderson & Low and Mary McCartney, the book also includes specially commissioned portraits of the cast and crew shot by Rankin. It's available for pre order now. SPECTRE opens in Spanish cinemas on November 6th, 2015.



CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

Markets Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Tuesdays 9:00am Los Belones 9:00am Benissa 9:00am Los Alcazares Street Market 9:00am La Unión 9:00am Los Alcázares 9:00am Alhama de Murcia 9:00am Relleu 9:00am Altea 9:00am Jumilla 9:00am Callosa d‘ En Sarrià 9:00am Agost 9:00am Bullas 9:00am Orihuela Street Market 9:00am Pilar de la Horadada 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market Wednesdays 8:00am Alcoy 8:00am Calpe Flea Market - Car park close to Casa 9:00am Santiago de la Ribera Street Market 9:00am Polop 9:00am Mutxamel 9:00am San Miguel Street Market 9:00am Teulada 9:00am El Poblets Craft Market 9:00am Alcantarilla 9:00am El Campello 9:00am San Javier 9:00am Benidorm

9:00am Orba 9:00am Benitachell 9:00am La Mata 9:00am Yecla 9:00am Ondara 9:00am Guardamar del Segura Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Thursdays

8:00am Benidorm Antiques Market - El Cisne 9:00am Villajoyosa 9:00am Lorca 9:00am Javea 9:00am Blanca 9:00am Los Urrutias 9:00am Guardamar del Segura Street Market 9:00am Murcia 9:00am San Javier Street Market 9:00am San Javier 9:00am Balsicas Street Market 9:00am Gandia 9:00am Agost 9:00am Librilla 9:00am Rojales Street Market 9:00am La Marina Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Fridays 8:00am Alfas del Pi 8:30am Abarán

9:00am Gata de Gorgos 9:00am Pilar de la Horadada 9:00am Onil 9:00am Torrevieja Street Market 9:00am Calasparra 9:00am Finestrat 9:00am El Verger 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas 12:00pm Benidoleig Charity Auction at El Cid 4:00pm Los Montesinos Street Market Saturdays

8:00am Calpe 9:00am HELP Charity Sale Behind Rendezvous Bar Tiro de Pinchon Pueblo Principe 9:00am Underworld Car Boot Sale Punta Prima 9:00am Alicante Market 9:00am Benissa 9:00am Torre Pacheco Street Market 9:00am Almoradi Street Market 9:00am Los Narejos Street Market 9:00am Fortuna 9:00am Pedreguer 9:00am Los Narejos 9:00am Santa Pola Street Market 9:00am Abanilla 9:00am Elda 9:00am Águilas 9:00am Playa Flamenca Street

Market 9:00am Orihuela Street Market Sunday 9:00am Alhama de Murcia Craft Market 9:00am Lorca 9:00am San Pedro del Pinatar Craft Market 9:00am Torremanzanas 9:00am Cabo de Palos Street Market 9:00am Guardamar Campo Lemon Grove Market 9:00am Pedreguer Flea Market 9:00am La Marina Street Market 9:00am Zoco Street Market 9:00am Aledo 9:00am Los Nietos 9:00am HELP Charity Sale Punta Prima - Water Tower Punta Prima

9:00am Murcia Antiques Market 9:00am Mazarrón 9:00am La Nucía Flea Market 10:00am Flea Market Punta Prima Mondays 9:00am San Pedro del Pinatar Street Market 9:00am Dénia 9:00am Roldan 9:00am Beniel 9:00am Parcent 9:00am La Nucía 9:00am Caravaca de la Cruz 9:00am Ontinyent 9:00am Los Narejos Artisan Market 9:00am Santa Pola Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015


A Word from the Editor

DEAR READERS and Clients. The Coastrider has been your free, local weekly newspaper since 2004 and has not, according to rumours and radio advertising, changed its name to the Costa Blanca People. Some of the former team from the Coastrider have started their own venture called

the Costa Blanca People but continue to use the Coastrider name in their advertising and promotion. However, the Coastrider has put its own new team together and will continue to deliver a free weekly newspaper, every Tuesday, at a growing

number of venues around the Southern Costa Blanca. The following is our present list of distribution points. However, if you have any suggestions of new distribution points, please let us know by emailing:

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CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

Back Stage with Sunflower Valley

Artists Direct –Spain caught up with Mark and Carla Farrow Back Stage Who are you and what do you do? We are Mark and Carla Farrow, a duo known as Sunflower Valley. We also run Matrix Studio Madhouse. How did you start in the business? Carla started as a red coat from Butlin’s, joining the resident band and just started touring, learnt though the school of hard knocks. Mark was taught guitar by his father and in his teens played in Southern rock bands until joining Physical show band where he met Carla and the rest is history. What would you be doing if you were not an entertainer? Trying to be one! Seriously! For Carla, it would have to be something with animals or teaching! Mark is a jack of all trades and can do just about everything himself very well without having to book in a pro, he only needed

Carla cause she had the right equipment have to the babies. He is also an artist so he would probably lean more towards the art world. As an entertainer who has been your biggest influence? For Carla the biggest influences would be Barbara Streisand, Taylor Dayne and Freddie Mercury, Mark on the other hand cites Chet Atkins, Brian Setzer. Do you ever get nervous or have you suffered stage fright? Carla says “No, I have always been an exhibitionist or maybe just too thick skinned and stubborn to be bothered by other people’s opinions!” Mark, no, never. What was your best moment? Carla’s best moment: Marrying Mark, having our children (well a few hours after having our children when the drugs kicked in) Musically, it would be every time I sing and it has a positive effect on the audience. Every time I teach vocal training and whether one to one or with our rock choir, seeing people excel and feel good about themselves. For Mark it was when a woman laid on the floor at a

Torrevieja – Alicante Airport Bus This service offers 8 round trips without any stops, 365 days a year. Torrevieja to Airport: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 Airport toTorrevieja: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 Departure and arrival (in Torrevieja): From Torrevieja bus station. Calle del Mar, 50 Departure and arrival (in Alicante Airport): 2nd Floor Ticket Price: € 6.92 Children under 4 years free (ID required)

Pensioners: 30% discount. Requires accreditation by submitting Social Security card. This discount only applies to pensioners living in the Valencia region. To prove that you are a pensioner, you must be over 65 and present your NIE, DNI or residence card, which must confirm that you are a resident of the community of Valencia. Handicap accessible: Yes Free Wifi: YES Luggage space: YES

gig in a black and white stripy dress and Carla told her to get up before someone walked on her as she looked like a zebra crossing! What has been your worst moment? Carla asks on which scale? Losing my sparkly bra on stage during a performance in front of 3000 people! Or recently losing one of our best students and artists who died at such a young age. For Mark, the same as above but without the sparkly top! What’s the best piece of advice you have received or would give someone starting out in the business? Learn to drive! Be honest and true to yourself, never let the buggers drag you down and treat people how you would want to be treated. Mark says be diligent and be the best you can possibly be! Carla adds that she thinks having no fear of your audience is a ‘must’ in this industry also having no fear of making a fool of yourself and being able to laugh when things go wrong will always keep you doing what you love! You can view Sunflower Valley’s profile and book them direct at Do you have a question you have always wanted to ask your favourite artists? Email it to and we will try and get the answer for you. Tickets sale (in Torrevieja): Torrevieja bus station (calle de Mar, 50) Tickets sale (in Alicante Airport): In the same bus at the airport (pay the driver). No pre-book needed. Journey time: 50 minutes Phone Torrevieja bus station: Call 96 571 01 46 (be aware they may not speak English) The route selected runs inland via the A-7 highway instead of following the N-332 route, thus avoiding traffic delays on the N-332, especially during the summer months. NOTE: T webpage is updated frequently with information on the bus service between Torrevieja and Alicante airport. Location Bus Stop in Alicante Airport

Entertainment CoastRider CoastRider- -Edition Edition470 566- -March September 5th 2013 29th 2015


Coastrider Gig Guide Shanie Vaughan

El Marino

Tuesday 29th September 8:00 PM El Marino Restaurante Casa Da Vinci, Zenia Mar 8:30 PM Timewarp Duo Rosamar Hotel, Benidorm 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Tango Bar, Torrevieja 9:00 PM Dee Bar La Torre, La Florida 9:30 PM Martin Kay Cabaroke Pablo's, Playa Flamenca 10:00 PM Dan Davy Tradewinds, La Fuente 10:30 PM Gina G Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca Wednesday 30th September 8:30 PM Duo Zodiac Hotel Helios, Benidorm 8:30 PM Sharni Bar La Copa, Calpe 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi SportsBar, Toretta 2 8:30 PM Graeme Mykal The Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Dougie Munro Queen Victoria, Cabo Roig 9:00 PM Rob Roberts Arches Bar, Los Alcazares 9:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Emerald Isle La Florida 10:00 PM Roz McQuillan New Priory, El Galan 10:00 PM Gina G Local, La Florida 10:30 PM Graeme Mykal Paddy's Point, La Zenia 10:30 PM Backyard Session Murphys on the Park, Torrevieja

9:00 PM Rain O'Connor Auld Dubliner, Lomas Cabo Roig 9:00 PM Roz McQuillan Porterhouse Bar, Altos del Limonar 9:00 PM Dan Davy Princess Lounge Bar, Punta Prima 10:00 PM Andy Winwood Kvikk Baren, Torre La Mata 10:30 PM Gina G Legends, Playa Flamenca 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Yolo, Cabo Roig Friday 2nd October 2:00 PM Andy Winwood Bar Carmen's, El Chaparral 8:00 PM El Marino Restaurante Nautilus, Punta Prima 8:30 PM Monsters of Rock Hotel Mariposa, Gebas Alhama 8:30 PM Sharni Rusty's, Benitachell 8:30 PM Nigel Burchill as Elvis Sportsbar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Drew Clark Breakaways, Villamartin 9:00 PM Timewarp Duo Hotel Sol Ifach, Calpe 9:00 PM Andy Winwood La Luna Bar/Restaurant, Las Mimosas 9:00 PM Gina G Clarke's Bar, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Dougie Munro Yolo's, Cabo Roig 9:00 PM Duncan Papillon Bar Toretta 2 10:00 PM Rain O'Connor Gogarty's La Zenia 10:30 PM Graeme Mykal Paddy's Point, La Zenia 10:30 PM Roz McQuillan Trinity Bar, Cabo Roig 11:00 PM Martin Kay Cabaroke New Priory, El Galan

Thursday 1st October Saturday 3rd October 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Ali Baba, Rojales 9:00 PM Dougie Munro The Local, La Florida 9:00 PM Sunflower Valley Trinity Bar, Cabo Roig

8:00 PM Randall Cain Laurel & Hardy's, Quesada 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Aneto Cerveceria, Benijofar

8:30 PM Martyn Ross New York's, El Trimpolin, Roldan 9:00 PM Gina G Clarke's Bar Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Dougie Munro Yolo's, Cabo Roig 9:00 PM Roz McQuillan Abbey Tavern garden 9:30 PM DJ Weeto Bokao Bar, El Condado 9:30 PM Dan Davy Emerald Isle, La Florida Sunday 4th October 1:30 PM Tony Capaldi Gastro Restaurant, Torrevieja 8:00 PM Daz Holford La Vida Sunset, Quesada 8:30 PM Dougie Munro Bar Argento, Orihuela 8:30 PM Roz McQuillan Thirsty Monk, Torrevieja 10:00 PM Sharni Tradewinds, La Fuente 10:30 PM Gina G Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Paddy's Point, La Zenia Monday 5th October 8:00 PM El Marino The Bells Restaurant, Quesada 8:30 PM Drew Clark Breakaways, Villamartin - Quiz Night 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Asturias Restaurant, Punta Prima 8:30 PM Dan Davy La Finca Eduardos 9:00 PM Gina G Bar La Torre, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Backyard Session Emerald Isle, La Florida

Acts and Artists: would you like to see your gigs promoted in the gig guide? Contact Artists Direct at: or 966 784 456


Over 50’s

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

Avoid travel website scams Don't get caught out by fake websites offering holidays that don't exist or flight tickets that never arrive with our tips to avoid online travel scams. With the children back to school, now is a great time to take advantage of the drop in holiday prices. Many people will be going online to book last-minute breaks abroad and tick tasks off their pre-travel “to-do” list. If you are planning on doing your holiday preparation online, you need to be on your guard, as lots of travellers are getting duped by fake travel websites, and handing over their hard-earned cash for dream holidays that do not exist, or plane tickets that never arrive. Beware of holiday booking fraud New findings in a report compiled by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) reveal that criminals stole an estimated £2.2 million from unsuspecting holidaymakers and other travellers in 2014. Here are six dangers to watch out for: 1. Spoof accommodation websites One of the most common types of scam involves fraudsters hacking into the accounts of owners on wellknown accommodation sites, or spoofing these websites with convincing bogus imitations. People who book through these sites will then find the villas and apartments they thought they had booked and paid for are non-existent, or had never been booked. In the worst case scenario, victims may not get a refund or a place to stay. 2. Scam caravan sites Anyone booking a caravan stay is also warned that adverts for non-existent accommodation are being posted on sites such as Facebook, Gumtree and Craigslist. 3. Fake airline tickets Holidaymakers need to be extra careful when booking plane tickets, as unless you have bought from a

trusted and reputable source, there is a risk you could receive a fake ticket or hand over money for a ticket that never turns up. 4. Watch out for holiday club cons With holiday club scams, victims often get a phone call or email telling them that they have ‘won’ a holiday, but they have to attend a meeting to collect their prize. When they go to collect their free holiday, they are pressured into signing up for a timeshare. Another sting in the tail is that the ‘free holiday’ sometimes only includes accommodation and ‘winners’ have to book expensive flights through the company running the competition. 5. Don’t get duped by copycat EHIC sites If you are heading to Europe on holiday, it is well worth applying for a European Health Insurance Card or EHIC, as this will entitle you to state-provided healthcare at a reduced cost, or sometimes for free. But it’s important not to get duped into paying a fee for one of these cards, as you can apply yourself for free.

You needn’t put up with knee pain ‘Bad knees’ are a cause of pain for millions people in the UK leaving them unable to complete basic everyday tasks such as gardening, walking or playing with their grandchildren. One of the main causes of knee pain is arthritis. An estimated 8.5 million people in the UK are affected by the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis which usually occurs first in people aged between 40 and 50 years. Michelle Siddle, 49, from Lancashire, is one of those thousands of people who have ended decades of pain after receiving a knee replacement. Michelle opted for the ‘Signature Knee’ replacement surgery which uses MRI technology to create a 3D joint reconstruction and personalised positioning guides for total knee replacement. The procedure is less invasive, has reduced recovery times and better long term results. The surgery was performed by consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Rajan Mohan and gave Michelle an end to years of suffering. She recalls: “I found that I’d get tired when walking my dog, and I could no longer ride my bike. My leg would seize up from time to time, in fact once I fell over in the Trafford Centre because of this. Basic activities became

intolerable and my knee pain was really hampering my lifestyle. I felt my knee was ageing before me.” Orthopaedic surgeon Mr Rajan Mohan undertook the surgery, recognising the need to get a precise fit for Michelle to ensure the operation was a success. “In traditional surgery, a surgeon uses points of reference to estimate where a new knee should be aligned. This can lead to misalignment if the knee is placed in error, which

A host of unofficial sites will offer to help you through the application process for a cost which could be £25 or more. There is no need to hand over any cash, as you can apply for a card for free at the official NHS site. 6. Watch out for rogue passport websites Anyone applying for a new passport also needs to take care not to get caught out a by a copycat website, as these sites will charge a premium for your application compared to the official body. Many of these rogue websites have sprung up, deliberately designed to mimic the official channels, and fail to explain clearly that their charges are on top of those levied by the Government agencies. Tips to avoid getting caught out by a scam • Check the web address is legitimate – and ensure it has not been altered by slight changes to a domain name, such as going from to .org. • Always check the authenticity of travel providers before booking a holiday online and parting with any cash. Do a thorough online search to check the company’s credentials. Bad feedback – or no feedback at all – should raise alarm bells and warn you to steer clear. • Look to see if the holiday provider is a member of an organisation, such as Abta. Also check the authenticity of rental villas with the agent directly. • Never pay money directly into someone’s bank account. Where possible, pay by credit card – or with a debit card that offers protection. • Take the time to check all the receipts, invoices and Ts and Cs – and be very wary of any companies that don’t provide any paperwork. • Trust your instincts: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. • If you fall victim to a travel-related fraud, you should contact Action Fraud on (0300) 123 2040 or could reduce the lifespan of the new knee”, explains Mr Mohan. “With techniques that measure the patient’s knee exactly, the new knee is aligned with the guidance of a live 3D computer. This greatly reduces the room for error, which in turn reduces a patient’s hospital recovery time, in some cases from five days to two.” concluded Mr Mohan. Michelle recalls: “I had surgery in the morning, and was up and walking by the afternoon. My recovery had exceeded all expectations. I only needed two sessions of physiotherapy afterwards. For me, my operation and recovery afterwards couldn’t have gone better.” “Since my knee replacement, I haven’t felt any pain. I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve felt like this. I’m out walking, shopping – I have a new lease of life. I would definitely recommend this surgery to anybody who needs it.” Knee replacement treatment has excellent outcomes for patients with 85% of those replaced lasting approximately 12 years. The investment in pain free living is hard to measure, but for patients like Michelle, there is clear evidence that the emotional and physical benefits of surgery far outweigh the financial cost. For further information and download a free guide to bone and joint pain, visit CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015

Reduce water retention A puffy face and an ill-fitting ring can often be signs that for one reason or another your body is retaining excess water. Thankfully there are ways to help your body avoid storing that water and also help it flush it out if you’re already bloated. Drink more water This might sound counterintuitive but water retention is a result of your body’s attempt to keep you hydrated. Your liver uses water to convert fat you’ve ingested into energy. When you’re dehydrated your kidneys can’t cope with the highly concentrated fluid that

they need to clean up, removing toxins and other substances, and so they pass on the work to your liver. As your liver is busy helping the kidneys, it doesn’t do its main job as effectively resulting in less fluid being flushed out of your body. What’s more, your body retains liquid to reuse too. Eat fruit and vegetables to reduce the swelling Try celery or cabbage too – they are natural diuretics so should help remove the excess fluid that’s causing your puffiness. Bananas, which contain potassium, are also useful as potassium is used in

eliminating fluid from the body. Eat protein This naturally aids the body in removing fluid, but avoid a carbohydrate-rich diet which does the opposite. So try to steer clear of pasta, white rice and bread, and instead go for fish and lean meat, as well as plenty of liquidheavy fruit and vegetables. Avoid salty foods That obviously includes the usual culprits such as crisps and pretzel sticks, but also some other foods that might surprise you - bread, salad dressing, olives, soya sauce, sausages and other processed meats, and

of the stairs • Use a flexible table lamp for reading • Where possible, opt for fluorescent lamps: they produce a lot of light, but very little heat. 4. Stop smoking Yes, it's yet another very good reason to quit. Smoking causes harm to the tissues of the eye and doubles your chances of losing your sight, according to the Royal National Institute of Blind People. In particular, it increases risk of developing agerelated macular degeneration (AMC) and has been linked to the development of cataracts. It can also worsen diabetesrelated sight problems. 5. Don't forget your sunglasses High exposure to harmful UVA and UVB rays from sunlight can burn the surface of the eyes and significantly increase the chances of developing cataracts. The solution? Protect your eyes with sunglasses. But not just any old sunglasses: look for ones with a UV 400 label, 100% UV protection and the CE and British Standard marks. This indicates they've been made to

an agreed safety standard. 6. Clear out your make-up bag Eye make-up has a use-by date for a good reason. Kept for too long, these products can become breeding grounds for harmful bacterial that cause conditions such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelid. However, many women are holding on to their cosmetics for up to six years too long, according to research by Escentual. Mascara should be kept for no longer than four months – while eyeshadow and liner needs to be thrown away after a year. 7. Keep moving! Taking moderate exercise, such as regular walks, can protect the eyes and help prevent age-related vision loss by preserving the structure and function of nerve cells in the retina, say scientists at Emory Eye Center in the US. Keeping your weight in check with regular exercise may also help prevent eye problems related to conditions such as type 2 diabetes and stroke. 8. Take a screen break Nine out of 10 adults admit to suffering symptoms of 'screen fatigue', including eye strain and problems with close and longdistance vision, according to the Eyecare Trust. And because staring at a computer screen can slow down the rate at which we blink by up to 400 per cent, more of us are suffering from itchy dry eyes, too. The solution is simple: step away from the screen, at least every 20 minutes, and try to go outside or look out the window. Focusing on distant objects relaxes the muscle inside the

Health and Beauty

many types of cheese (cottage cheese, Cheddar, for example) are all high in salt. Salt holds water in your body which is useful when you’re

Ten tips for eye health Because eyesight naturally weakens with age, nearly all of us will need to wear glasses or contact lenses by the time we're 65. But there's still plenty you can do to boost and protect your eyes. 1. Go for regular eye tests A rather worrying 41 per cent of adults aged 40 to 75 have noticed a deterioration in their eyesight, but done nothing about it, according to a recent survey for the Simplyhealth Advisory Research Panel. Having a regular eye test is the best way to ensure your eyes are healthy – and can pick up problems such as glaucoma or cataracts before there's any change in your vision. If you're over 60, you can have a free NHS test every two years. And if you're 70 or over, you're entitled to a free test annually. 2. Don't diagnose yourself More than one in 10 people have bypassed the optician and bought ready-made glasses from a pharmacy or supermarket, according to the Simplyhealth survey. One word of advice: don't! It's very rare for both eyes to require exactly the same amount of correction. Going for a test will ensure you get the prescription that's suitable and safe for you. 3. Take a look at your lighting To see clearly at the age of 60, your eyes need three times the amount of light they did when you were 20. So make sure your home is well-lit and gets as much daylight as possible. A few tips from Age UK • Keep your windows clean and pull the curtains back as far as possible • Ensure you have good lighting at the top and bottom

eye, which in turn lessens the strain. 9. Eat an eye-friendly diet No, we're not just talking about carrots. A feast of nutrients can protect your eyes and help prevent sight problems. A few examples? • Vitamin E – found in seeds, nuts and wholegrains – can reduce risk of cataracts, according to new research published in Public Health Nutrition. • Omega-3 fatty acids – found in oily fish, walnuts and flaxseed – help strengthen and protect the retina. • Carotenoids – found in green leafy vegetables – offer protection to the macula, the central part of the retina. Find out more about nutrition and eye health here 10. Check each eye separately Because many conditions appear in one eye first, it's important to be aware of your vision on each side separately. Cover each eye in turn and you're more likely to notice any changes – such as blank or blurry spots – in between checkups. If you do spot anything out of the ordinary, don't wait for your next regular appointment. Contact your optometrist immediately.


sweating a lot but if you eat too much of it, you’ll end up bloated. Exercise While exercise might trigger swelling when you first start doing it regularly, the fitter you are, the less you should experiencing swelling as the body becomes more efficient at pumping blood around your body.


CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013 CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015




CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013 CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015




CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013 CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015

Spain Received Over 47.2 Million International Tourists to August Data from the latest Frontur tourist border movements survey published this week by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, reveal that Spain received more than 47.2 million foreign tourists in the first eight months of the year, which represents an increase of 4.1% over the same period of 2014, and an additional 1.8 million visitors. In August, a record 9.2 million international tourists visited Spain, which is 1.6% more than during the same month of 2014, when the number of international tourists visiting Spain reached 9 million for the first time, and is equivalent to 296,774 foreign visitors per day. The United Kingdom was again the primary source market in the month, with 2,145,949 visitors (+0.5% yo-y), followed by France (2,088,801 visitors, +5.1%), while the strongest growth in the number of inbound tourists was registered in the U.S. market, which posted growth of 25% in the month. The United Kingdom, France and Germany together accounted for 55.4% of the international visitors to Spain in the eight months to the end of August. British tourists accounted for 23% of the total international arrivals, with 10.88 million (+2.9%), followed by visitors from

France, with 8.16 million (+7.1%) and 17.3% of the total, while the German market accounted for 15% of the total arrivals to the end of August, with over seven million visitors (-0.4% y-o-y). The most notable decline registered was in the number of Russian tourist arrivals, which fell by 36.7% compared with the same period of last year, to 675,231 visitors. The regions of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and AndalucĂ­a received the greatest numbers of international arrivals, with 25.7%, 18.5% and 13.5% of the total, respectively. Catalonia was the principal destination for over 12.11 million international tourists from January to August, which is an increase of 3.8% over the previous year, followed by the Balearic Islands, which received 8.72 million visitors (+3.1%), and AndalucĂ­a, with 6.38 million visitors (+6.7%).





CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013


Across 1 Which Californian city was the title of a UK top four hit single in 1961 for the Temperance Seven? (8) 7 See 5 Down 8 Which member of The Eagles reached number 12 in the UK charts in 1985 with The Heat Is On? (5,4) 9 What name is given to a long, thin stole of feathers or fur worn around a woman’s neck, typically as part of evening dress? (3) 10 What name is given to the back of a person’s neck? (4) 11 What is the name of Del Boy Trotter’s younger brother in Only Fools And Horses? (6) 13 Andy who achieved fame for a series of silk­screen prints and acrylic paintings of familiar objects such as Campbell’s soup tins and celebrities such as Marilyn Mon­ roe? (6) 14 Which city in NE Texas is noted as a centre of the oil industry? (6) 17 What was the name of the Lone Ranger’s horse? (6) 18 See 13 Down 20 What name is given to the raised hairs, threads, or similar small projections on the surface of fabric or suede leather? (3) 22 Which Greek dramatist’s most notable plays were Antigone and Oedipus Rex? (9) 23 Which is the third planet out from the Sun? (5) 24 Pt is the chemical symbol for

which precious metal? (8)


Down 1 What name is given to a person holding religious beliefs other than

those of the main world religions? (5) 2 In which 1973 Woody Allen film is a store owner deep frozen after an operation and wakes 200 years in the future? (7)

3 Which adjective means ‘dis­ agreeably damp, cold, and musty’? (4) 4 Which adjective means ‘limited in extent, amount, or scope’? (6) 5/7A Who was the captain of the

England team that won the 1966 World Cup? (5,5) 6 Which country in eastern Eu­ rope, whose capital, Minsk, is also known as White Russia? (7) 7 To what did Burma change its name in 1989? (7) 12 Which highly seasoned Hun­ garian soup or stew of meat and vegetables, is flavoured with pa­ prika? (7) 13/18 What was the name of the Indian reservation in South Dakota, where, on December 29, 1890, more than 200 Sioux men, women, and children were massa­ cred by US troops? (7,4) 15 Which fatty substance found naturally on sheep’s wool is ex­ tracted and used as a base for ointments? (7) 16 What is the American term for a person with whom one becomes friendly by exchanging letters, es­ pecially someone in a foreign country whom one has never met? (3,3) 17 What name is given to a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal? (5) 19 The Derby and Oaks horse races are both held on which Sur­ rey racecourse? (5) 21 Which painful inflammation of the big toe and foot is caused by defects in uric acid metabolism? (4)

the crossword grid MUSIC QUIZ FILL-IT-IN Complete by using the given words: Hate Heed Leak Ocas Pyre Ramp Rely Rota Shot Stag Tags Tops Trod Twos 5 letter words Byres Paras Reach Salad Sense Smith Suite Tarts 6 letter words Caress Screen 7 letter words Adrenal Decided 9 letter words Alleviate Rearrange 10 letter words Plagiarise Stewardess

1. Helen Mitchell became famous as Holly's Real Christian Name? 9. Name The Hit Making 3 Tenors? what soprano? 2. Who Was The Youngest Female 10. What Group Did Ray And Dave Artists To Have A UK Million Selling Davis Form In 1962? 11. Whose Debut Album 'I Should Single? 3. What Instrument Do You Coco' Reached No.1 In The UK Album Charts? Associate With 'Yehudi Menuhin'? 4. Planet Earth' Was Duran Duran's 12. Eurovision:- With which country First Hit, But What Was Their First did Celine Dion win the Eurovision Song Contest in 1988 singing 'Ne Top Ten Entry? 5. Who won the Euro song contest Partez Pas Sans Moi' with the song 'Save All Your Kisses For Me'? 6. Live You're Life Be The Big Crossword Answers Free Was A 90's Hit For Who? 7. What color was Lucy's sky? 8. What Was Buddy

Answers: 1. Nellie Melba 2. Britney Spears 3. Violin 4. Girls On Film 5. Brotherhood of Man 6. Belinda Carlisle 7. Marmalade 8. Charles 9. Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti 10. The Kinks 11. Supergrass 12. Switzerland

3 letter words Ads Aft Ape Ear Eke Foe Hoe Lad Lea Leg New Oak Psi Rag Ran Red Sad Tea Tee Tom Was Yen 4 letter words Afar Akin Bawl Coca Cope Derv Drab Drew Drub Ease Elms Fees

Puzzles CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015



Be in with a chance to win a 10€ voucher Simply send your completed crossword for the cryptic clues to our office by 12 noon on Thursday. The overall winner will be drawn from a hat of correct entries. Don’t forget to include your contact details and remember, you can enter every week! Send your completed entry to or bring it to our Torrevieja office (address on page 2). Draw will take place at 4pm every Thursday. The CoastRider’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


Please contact The Coastrider to claim your prize. Identification will be required. Voucher only redeemable for 7 days after collection.

logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.

Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

1. The lacrosse facility holds 120 fewer people than Austin Arena.. 2. Of Harmon Arena and Cantu Arena, one is in Jenner and the other is set up for soccer games..

Cryptic Across 1 Toast without tea but with a recipe will do for the Sunday meal (5) 4 Small birds break no ribs (6) 9 Abridge a version of a fighting force (7) 10 I’m past the stage of being adult (5) 11/13/18 It doesn’t cost anyone anything, but it’s a fight to get in (4,3,3) 12 The journalist has ice if in the building (7) 13 See 11 14 Eastern ruler returns from Crimea (4) 16 The first victim is in Rabelais’ book (4) 18 See 11 20 The king’s sons are not exactly little nippers (7) 21 Stupid person to be on drugs (4) 24 Play a doctor and a graduate (5) 25 High spirits when a toe nail is broken (7) 26 Second part finishes, but still hands

over the money (6) 27 It’s time to become uptight (5) Down 1 Blunt refusal concerning Polish (6) 2 Tolerate a bride with no resistance (5) 3 Wood Kate ordered (4) 5 Find Gloria in novel (8) 6 Picture made from a Gemini (7) 7 Arranges football results (6) 8 Fed up with hesitation and delay (5) 13 Carte blanche for an unpaid employee (8) 15 Order chap on a social engagement (7) 17 Cards passed around (6) 18 The fool alien is a plus (5) 19 Can see it upset a spiritualist’s session (6) 22 It brings tears to your eyes on no one’s return (5) 23 Wish for pale tea (4)

Standard Across 1 Heat strongly (5) 4 Small songbird (6) 9 Military unit (7) 10 Adult insect (5) 11/13/18 Public brawl (4,3,3) 12 Building (7) 13 See 11 14 Asian ruler (4) 16 Cain’s brother (4) 18 See 11 20 Grasping tool (7) 21 Fool (4) 24 Play (5) 25 Delight (7) 26 Pays out (6) 27 Tight (5)

Last weeks Crossword Solution

3. The facility with seating for 270 people isn't set up for basketball games.. 4. Of the facility with seating for 350 people and the facility in Jenner, one is Wilcox Arena and the other is set up for lacrosse games.. 5. The baseball facility holds 40 more people than the arena in Para­ mount.. 6. Cantu Arena isn't set up for lacrosse games.. 7. The arena in New Cuyama holds 80 more people than the facility in Jenner.. 8. The facility in Wayne is either the lacrosse facility or the soccer facil­ ity..

Sudoku Solution

Down 1 Spurn (6) 2 Remain (5) 3 Hard wood (4) 5 First (8) 6 Form a picture (7) 7 Marks (6) 8 Put off (5) 13 Freedom to do as you see fit (8) 15 Authorisation (7) 17 Broad-bladed digging tool (6) 18 Valuable quality (5) 19 Meeting of spiritualists (6) 22 Edible bulbous plant (5) 23 Desire (4)

Solution for Logic Puzzle


Bars, Restaurants and Food

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

After Hours at Star of India

Tell us about yourselves My name is Preet (pronounced ‘Pritt’ in English) and I, my father and several other members of our family own and run the ‘Star of India’ restaurant in San Luis. We have been here almost 5 years now. What made you open a restaurant? I am originally from India but have lived in Spain for 11 years. I came here first of all to study but, after working in several restaurants and learning the trade as they say, I decided that I would like to have my own restaurant. My family and I had been living in the San Luis area for some time and had made friends with a lot of people and it seemed right to open our place in this area. Where did the inspiration for the name come from? The premises where we are located in San Luis Square was previously an Italian restaurant which I and some of my local friends frequented sometimes. Not long before opening some of us were trying to think of a name and one of them, Dom, who later became a valued customer of ours, came up with ‘Star Of India’ and so we went with that. Who does the cooking? And how would you describe your style? My father does most of the cooking and we do mainly traditional Indian food.

However we are well aware that we have a truly International clientele with obviously varying tastes so we are more than happy to cook to order. “Keep the customer satisfied”, as they say. What’s your favourite dish on the menu? My personal favourite is Chicken Bhuna. This may surprise some people as they tend to assume that all people from India prefer strong spicy dishes. Chicken Bhuna is a medium dish but it has lots of flavour and I absolutely love it, especially when it is cooked by my father. Favourite day of the week? Favourite day? I love them all. We have made so many friends here that have become regular customers and every day we have people we know coming in to eat and to chat with us. If I had to choose a day I would go for Thursday as, for some reason that is consistently our busiest day. Any interesting tales? On our fourth anniversary we decided to celebrate with an evening of dining accompanied by live music. We also arranged for a ‘Bollywood-style’

dancer to entertain us and our customers. We were expecting an Indian girl but when she turned up she spoke no English or any of our dialects to us, only Spanish. We were a bit perplexed at first. However when she got into costume and danced she looked more ‘Bollywood’ than Bollywood! She was amazing. In the end we found out she was from Russia. The Star of India is at San Luis, La Siesta just off the CV905 main road from Torrevieja and is open every day for lunch and evening meal as well as for takeaways. You can book a table by calling them on 966 788 781/680 168 888 CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015

Bars, Restaurants and Food



Bars, Restaurants and Food

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

The Region of Valencia... the Mediterranean Diet The cuisine from the Region of Valencia enjoys great prestige at both a national and international level. Its traditional recipes are prepared using natural ingredients such as oil, vegetables, spices, fruit, fresh meat or fish and has come to be known as "the Mediterranean Diet". The incredible variety of rice dishes and desserts is outstanding. All this without forgetting the great variety of fruit which the Region of Valencia produces in abundance. Its traditional soft drinks have also become well-known, such as tiger nut milk ("horchata de chufa"). Its long wine-growing tradition has given rise to a delicious range of wines with their Denominations of Origin, which when added to the local soups comprise some of the most exquisite recipes of Valencian cooking. The secret of rice. Rice is the ultimate Valencian product. The Muslims started to grow this cereal and passed on their production techniques to the Christians who continue to use them to this day. Rice can be accompanied by almost anything. It is interesting to see that in Valencia, the way rice is cooked is determined not only be the ingredients it contains but also by the type of vessel in which it is prepared. Therefore, if it is to be

cooked in a cooking pot or deep earthenware dish it will have more juices. Rice dishes which are baked in the oven are the driest of all. When they are cooked in a special paella pan (type of shallow, flat frying pan), the chef is making the most famous of all Valencian dishes: the "paella valenciana". It was originally popular to serve this dish at festivals or on public holidays but now it is famous world-wide. However, there are many more types of rice dishes: "arroz en perdiĂş", "arroz al forn" (baked in the oven), "rossjat", "arroz a banda" (with fish), "arroz con costra" (with an egg crust), etc. Stews. Apart from rice, the Region of Valencia also beef, which used to be reserved for festivals or holidays. Game such as rabbit and duck are used in rice, chicken in paella, whilst lamb is usually roasted. Fresh from the sea. Due to the proximity of the sea, the Region of Valencia also has a wide variety of fish. Typical fish from the Valencian coasts include the spotted flounder, conger, whiting, hake, sea bass, gilthead sea bream, red mullet, anglerfish and a small fish called the "aladroc" (anchovy), which can be fried, baked, covered in a salt casing, cooked in a "suquet" (type of stew), served with onion, with an almond or has many soups and stews known locally as "ollas" which are made from the stock of pulses and meat. In Castellon, the "olla de la plana" , cooked with vegetables, haricot beans and saffron, and "la olla recapte", with potatoes and pork; in Alicante turkey is used in a lot of these dishes, "ollica de verduras" (vegetables), "olla de cardet" (thistles) and "Alacant", which substitutes rice for lentils, "giraboix" (cod, green beans and potatoes) from Xixona, etc. Meat. With regards meat, the traveller will find ox and CoastRider CoastRider--Edition Edition470 566--March September 5th 2013 29th 2015

orange sauce or prepared in any other of the many ways which have been invented by the fertile Mediterranean imagination. There is one very characteristic and popular way of preparing fish in the Region of Valencia: "salaz贸n". The fish is covered in salt for the preparation of "sardinas de cuba", "mojama", "tronc" and "sorra", which are made with various fish and taste strongly of the sea. The Valencian market garden. The traveller who goes inland will find wideopen spaces designated to the cultivation

of fruit and vegetables. Mountain slopes are reserved to grow almond trees and carob trees, whilst the rest of the land is used for abundant citrus trees and vegetables, which Valencia exports in quantity. Its tomatoes, lettuces, onions and any other ingredient of the chef's fancy are used to make the typical Valencian salad. Vegetables are often used in stews, especially the "bullit". Valencian fruit, some of which have a Denomination of Origin, are renowned world-wide and the quality and fame of its orange has made this fruit unique. Its "turrones" or nougat are also famous throughout the world, especially the type

Bars, Restaurants and Food

from Jijona and Alicante, which have Protected Geographical Denominations and are made exclusively of almond (Jirona uses ground almonds and Alicante uses whole ones). The introduction of other ingredients has given rise to a great variety of "turrones" and pralines of many different flavours which are prepared using expert confectionary techniques. The pumpkin and sweet potato are used to prepare"arnad铆", a dessert served over Easter and well-known fried dishes include the many types of "orelletes". The most important soft drink from Valencia is the tiger nut milk, which at first was only drunk for dietary reasons but is now enjoyed as an original drink exclusive to this region. It is excellent in hot weather accompanied by 'fartons' (local pastries). Wines and restaurants. The Region of Valencia has wine with denominations of origin: Alicante, Utiel-Requena, Valencia and Cava. The majority of vineyards with denomination are located in the province of Valencia, the largest wine-growing land found in Utiel-Requena. The restaurant Girasol, in the province of Alicante and awarded two suns by the CAMPSA Guide, is a good place to try Mediterranean food. Ca Sento in Valencia, Rafael in Castell贸n de la Plana and Malena, also in Alicante, all awarded one sun by the CAMPSA Guide, are other good alternatives.


Motoring 1,000mph Bloodhound land-speed record car laid bare 32

The other big motoring story of the week thankfully had nothing to do with emissions. Unless you count the fire and brimstone that will emerge from the back of the 14-metre-long, 135,000bhp Bloodhound SSC landspeed record contender when Andy Green drives it on its first test runs at St Mawgan aerodrome in Cornwall next spring. On The 24th of September it was shown in fully assembled form for the first time, with the right-hand side fully dressed in desert spec, complete with forged aluminium wheels and aerodynamic panels, and the left in "naked" Newquay spec, meaning rubber tyres that can run on Tarmac and panels missing for easy access. The team also announced that it will be mid-October next year when Bloodhound will first turn its wheels on the 11.8-mile Hakskeen Pan in South Africa, the place where it will hopefully crack 1,000mph. The clock is ticking... It's a measure of the interest of the British public in this extraordinary jet- and rocket-powered car that over

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the next few days more than 8,000 people will come to Canary Wharf in London to see the beast for the first time. In spite of being told how big it is, the first impression (after an immense swell of pride that such an advanced piece of machinery could be developed in Britain) is that it looks compact, muscular and simply crammed with engines, jets and rockets. The most recognisable thing, apart from the seven fire extinguishers, is the 5.0-litre V8 engine from the Jaguar F-type sports car, which will run the fuel pumps, delivering more than 800 litres of high-test peroxide in just 20 seconds – the rocket motor's burn time. The jet engine from a Typhoon fighter plane occupies the car's top floor and provides nine tonnes of thrust, while underneath is a single Nammo rocket motor providing an additional four tonnes. Mark Chapman, Bloodhound's chief engineer, said: "When we go for 1,000mph, we'll need another two rocket motors. That total additional eight tonnes of thrust is what we'll need to get from 800 to 1,000mph." Richard Noble, the project's director and a former landspeed record holder himself, seemed relaxed, but warned of being too complacent about record-breaking. "I think we'll get out there all right," he said, referring to the team's arrival in

Hakskeen Pan. "And if the money's OK, we'll make the first runs, but in record-breaking it’s always those final few miles per hour that are the problem." "To get through the next year we're going to need about £17 million," said Noble. "We've got some clear water now and we need to get the car properly built and to Newquay, but we often find ourselves in huge gulfs between promised sponsorship." Philip Dunne, MP, minister of state for defence procurement, which has provided backing for the team in terms of Army and Royal Air Force personnel and equipment, said: "This is the best of British engineering meets the best of British banking. "The Ministry of Defence is the largest employer of engineers coming out of our colleges and universities and this project is an enormous motivator to young people to get into an engineering career." Dunne also pointed out that more than 6,000 UK schools have signed up to use the free Bloodhound education resources.

New Baleno to take on Fiesta

Suzuki’s new Baleno, which will go on sale in Britain next spring, is more than just another small hatchback. Expected to start at around £12,000, the Baleno will be a small hatchback that undercuts A-list opposition like the Polo and Fiesta. And it’ll provide a clue to Suzuki’s future, too – because it’s built on a new platform that will one day apper beneath the next Swift. The same architecture is also expected to provide the foundations for an SUV that will sit below the Vitara in Suzuki’s SUV line-up. The new Baleno is a larger but less upright vehicle than the Swift, with more interior space – including in the back, where a 355-litre cargo bay means it’ll haul more cargo than its Ford and VW rivals. Ahead of this, a new dashboard

includes the option of a 7” touch screen, though most sales will go to cheaper models with a less fancy display. And ahead of even that, your choices will include a 1.2-litre petrol engine with 89 of both bhp and lb ft, as well as a turbocharged 1.0-litre triple revving out 110bhp and 125lb ft. Both engines will come with a fivespeed manual box, though there’ll be a CVT option with the 1.2 and a traditional six-speed auto with the 1.0. There’ll also be a mild hybrid in the range, with a belt-driven startergenerator assisting the 1.2-litre petrol engine. Suzuki says this will allow the stop-start engine to fire up more seamlessly; emissions are rated at 93g/km, compared to 101 and 103g/km for the standard 1.2 and 1.0 turbo respectively. CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015



UK to conduct its own inquiry into vehicle testing as BMW hit by fallout The UK is to launch its own investigation into vehicle emissions testing, following the Volkswagen scandal. The UK regulator, the Vehicle Certification Agency, will work with car makers to re-run lab tests where necessary and compare them with “real-world” road tests. The UK Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said the move was to ensure the issue of emissions cheating was not industrywide. “My priority is to protect the public as we go through the process of investigating what went wrong and what we can do to stop it happening again in the future.” The German car maker said it hoped to release more details about which brands and models are affected by “defeat device” software designed to cheat emissions tests today. The move followed a call by the European Commission on all EU countries to carry out separate investigations. “We need to have the full picture of whether and how many vehicles certified in the EU were fitted with defeat devices, which is banned by EU law.” Previously VW said 11 million cars worldwide had been fitted with the software. Experts said it was unclear whether “defeat devices” would have led to VW cheating emissions tests outside the US. The company told EU officials the vehicles in question included cars with 1.6 litre and 2 litre diesel engines, the German Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt said. The German transport authority has launched an

inquiry into the scandal and is conducting static and road tests on VW models and spot tests on cars made by other manufacturers to discover the extent of the wider problem. The influential Commons Transport select committee said it would launch a wider investigation into testing in the car industry. Louise Ellman, the committee’s chair, said: “Action must be taken to give the public confidence in the testing regime in relation to emissions, safety, recyclability and other factors. “It should not take a crisis to make the authorities act.

There have been anecdotal reports for some time that real-world performance does not match data reported by manufacturers. “This gap is now subject to research and earlier this month the Committee on Climate Change was told that the growth in this gap is partly due to increased exploitation of ‘flexibilities’ in laboratory testing by vehicle manufacturers.” Other car makers have seen their shares hit by the scandal. The share price of the rival German manufacturer BMW fell more than 5 per cent after a car magazine reported that road tests by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) – who helped spark the VW scandal – revealed one of its BMW X3 models exceeded European emissions limits by more than 11 times. It did not say what the cause for the alleged problem was. BMW said it did not manipulate or rig any emissions tests. “There is no function to recognise emissions testing cycles at BMW. All emissions systems remain active outside the testing cycles,” a statement said. Juergen Pieper, a Frankfurt-based motor industry analyst, said: “There is no suggestion BMW has done anything illegal. There are concerns for the long-term damage for every manufacturer that builds cars with these engines.” Emissions measured in road tests of 15 new diesel cars were an average of about seven times higher than European limits, according to a study ICCT published last October.


Gardening Television

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013



September Channel

00:30 The Graham Norton Show 01:15 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Home Away from Home 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 New Tricks 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 A Syrian Love Story Storyville

00:15 Today at Conference 00:45 The Best of Top Gear 01:45 The Great British Bake Off 02:45 Who Do You Think You Are? 03:45 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 08:45 Thief Trackers 09:15 Rick Stein: From Venice to Istanbul 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Cash in the Attic 14:30 My Life in Books 15:00 Daily Politics Conference Special 17:00 Best Bakes Ever 17:45 Coast 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 This Wild Life 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 The Hairy Bikers' Northern Exposure 22:00 The Naked Choir with Gareth Malone 23:00 Later Live - with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight

00:00 Family Guy 00:20 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:05 Family Guy 01:30 KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy 02:25 Orphan Black 03:10 Orphan Black 03:55 KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy 04:50 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Reggie Yates: Race Riots USA 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Fried

00:15 Brick by Brick: Rebuilding Our Past 01:15 Cosmonauts: How Russia Won the Space Race 02:45 Saints and Sinners: Britain's Millennium of Monasteries 03:45 The Inca: Masters of the Clouds 04:45 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Great Continental Railway Journeys 21:00 Canals - The Making of a Nation 21:30 Hive Minds 22:00 The Search for Alfred the Great 23:00 Treasures of the AngloSaxons


23:40 Through the Keyhole

00:05 24 Hours in A&E 01:10 Hunted 02:05 This Is England '90 03:00 Battu's Bioscope 04:10 Grand Designs Australia 05:05 You Deserve This House 06:05 Location, Location, Location 07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss Australia 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Deal or No Deal 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 Posh Pawn 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 22:00 Educating Cardiff 23:00 The Changing Room

01:55 SuperCasino 04:10 The Hotel Inspector Returns 05:00 Nick's Quest 05:25 Divine Designs 05:50 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Finding a Family 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Body Donors 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

00:55 Celebrity Juice 01:40 Two and a Half Men 02:30 Mom 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 Psych 07:55 Emmerdale 08:30 Coronation Street 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Psych 11:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Derailed

00:00 The Vice 01:15 Trial & Retribution 03:00 Movies Now 03:05 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Inspector Morse 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Where the Heart Is 17:20 Doctor in the House 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 In Loving Memory 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Law & Order: UK

00:05 Bundesliga Football Highlights 01:05 Motorsport UK 02:05 Ax Men 02:50 Minder 03:45 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Gunfighter RIP 07:50 The Professionals 08:50 Minder 09:55 The Car Chasers 10:25 The Car Chasers 11:00 Magnum, PI 13:00 Minder 14:05 The Car Chasers 14:35 The Car Chasers 15:05 Gunfighter RIP 16:10 MotoGP Highlights 17:15 Rugby World Cup 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Chase 22:00 Goodwood Classic Cars 23:00 The Day of the Jackal

00:45 Murder, She Wrote 01:40 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:55 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Parking Wars 22:00 Britain's Biggest Adventures with Bear Grylls 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News London

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30th September Channel 00:55 Who Do You Think You Are? 01:55 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Home Away from Home 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 19:55 Party Political Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Pound Shop Wars 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:00 Doctor Foster 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 A Question of Sport

00:15 Today at Conference 00:45 The Super League Show 01:30 Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week 02:30 World's Busiest Railway 2015 03:30 The Ascent of Woman 04:30 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 08:45 Thief Trackers 09:15 Pound Shop Wars 09:45 Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Rockford Files 14:45 Cash in the Attic 15:30 A Taste of Britain 16:00 Best Bakes Ever 16:45 Africa 17:45 Coast 18:15 Flog It! 18:55 Party Political Broadcast 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing It Takes Two 20:00 Food & Drink 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Welcome to the Mosque 22:00 The Face of Britain by Simon Schama 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight

00:40 Benidorm

00:00 Family Guy 00:25 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Reggie Yates: Race Riots USA 02:30 KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy 03:30 Fried 04:00 Reggie Yates: Race Riots USA 05:00 Close 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Bangkok Airport 22:00 Don't Tell the Bride 23:00 Asian Provocateur 23:30 Bad Education

00:00 The Last Journey of the Magna Carta King 01:00 Operation Jericho 02:00 Canals - The Making of a Nation 02:30 Hive Minds 03:00 The Secret Rules of Modern Living: Algorithms 04:00 Britain Through a Lens: The Documentary Film Mob 05:00 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Great Continental Railway Journeys 21:00 Brick by Brick: Rebuilding Our Past 22:00 Dark Side of the Greens 23:00 Horizon


gue Highlights

00:05 Bodyshockers 01:10 Poker 02:05 KOTV Boxing Weekly 02:30 Gillette World Sport 02:55 Challenge Weymouth 03:50 FIM Superbike World Championship 04:20 The Grid 04:45 Volkswagen Racing Cup 05:10 Location, Location, Location 06:10 Deal or No Deal 07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss Australia 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Deal or No Deal 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 Posh Pawn 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 Forced Marriage Cops

00:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 01:45 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Angry Britain 05:00 Nick's Quest 05:25 Divine Designs 05:50 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Make You Laugh Out Loud 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:15 Deadly Sibling Rivalry 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Missing Evidence 21:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 22:00 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 23:00 Wentworth Prison

00:15 The Job Lot 00:40 Two and a Half Men 01:35 Fake Reaction 02:10 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 02:40 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:00 Animal Practice 03:25 Teleshopping 06:55 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 09:10 You've Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 14:15 You've Been Framed! 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Through the Keyhole 23:00 Release the Hounds

00:00 The Vice 01:05 Trial & Retribution 02:55 Judge Judy 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Inspector Morse 14:05 Heartbeat 15:10 The Royal 16:10 Where the Heart Is 17:20 Doctor in the House 17:55 Rising Damp 18:20 In Loving Memory 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Long Lost Family 22:00 Britain's Busiest Airport - Heathrow 23:00 Law & Order: UK

01:55 Ax Men 02:55 Minder 03:45 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Gunfighter RIP 07:50 The Professionals 08:50 Minder 09:55 The Car Chasers 10:55 Magnum, PI 11:55 The Professionals 12:55 Minder 14:00 The Car Chasers 15:00 Pawn Stars 15:55 Gunfighter RIP 17:00 Magnum, PI 18:00 Minder 19:00 The Professionals 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 River Monsters 22:00 The Quest

01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:25 Party Political Broadcast 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 All Star Mr & Mrs 22:00 Midwinter of the Spirit 23:00 UEFA Champions Lea-


Gardening Television

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013



October Channel


00:05 Room 101 - Extra Storage 00:45 Sliding Doors 02:20 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:25 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Home Away from Home 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Eat Well for Less? 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 Question Time

00:15 Today at Conference 00:45 Countdown to Life: The Extraordinary Making of You 01:45 The Hairy Bikers' Northern Exposure 02:45 Alex Polizzi: Chefs on Trial 03:45 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 08:45 Thief Trackers 09:15 Eat Well for Less? 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Rockford Files 14:45 Cash in the Attic 15:30 A Taste of Britain 16:00 Best Bakes Ever 16:45 Africa 17:45 Coast 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Mary Berry's Absolute Favourites 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 World's Weirdest Events 22:00 Cradle to Grave 22:30 Boy Meets Girl 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight

00:00 ITV News and Weather 00:35 ITV News London 00:45 UEFA Champions League: Extra Time 01:20 Goodwood Revival 02:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Don't Blow the Inheritance 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Rugby World Cup 19:45 ITV News London 19:55 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 The Pride of Britain Awards 2015 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 UEFA Europa League Highlights

00:00 Sex Diaries 01:05 Blink: Music on 4 01:35 Shooting Gallery 02:15 The Catch 03:10 Big Nothing 04:35 Cinema on Cinema: Pancham Unmixed 06:35 1001 Things You Should Know 07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss Australia 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Deal or No Deal 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 Posh Pawn 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 22:00 Hunted 23:00 First Dates

00:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 01:45 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Underground Britain 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 The Gourmet Detective 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Underground Britain 21:00 Building the London Underground 22:00 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 23:00 The Expendables

00:00 Family Guy

00:00 Woolly Mammoth: Se-

00:25 Family Guy

crets from the Ice

00:00 Tricked 01:05 Two and a Half Men 02:00 Release the Hounds 02:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:10 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 You've Been Framed! 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Almost Impossible Gameshow 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Billy Madison

00:05 The Vice 01:15 Blue Murder 02:35 Judge Judy 02:55 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Inspector Morse 14:05 Heartbeat 15:10 The Royal 16:10 Where the Heart Is 17:20 Doctor in the House 17:55 Rising Damp 18:20 In Loving Memory 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Law & Order: UK

00:00 National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 01:40 It Happened in Boston 02:30 Minder 03:20 Hogan's Heroes 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Gunfighter RIP 07:50 The Professionals 08:50 Minder 09:55 The Car Chasers 10:55 Magnum, PI 11:55 The Professionals 12:55 Minder 14:00 The Car Chasers 15:00 Pawn Stars 15:55 Gunfighter RIP 17:00 Magnum, PI 18:00 Minder 19:00 The Professionals 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Rugby World Cup 23:15 Invictus

00:45 American Dad!

01:00 Brick by Brick: Rebuil-

01:10 Family Guy

ding Our Past

01:30 Asian Provocateur 02:00 Don't Tell the Bride 03:00 Reggie Yates: Race Riots USA 04:00 Don't Tell the Bride 04:55 Close 20:00 Top Gear

02:00 The Inca: Masters of the Clouds 03:00 The Search for Alfred the Great 04:00 Dark Side of the Greens 05:00 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Top of the Pops: 1980

21:00 Don't Tell the Bride

21:00 Ian Hislop's Age of the

22:00 Being Human


23:00 EastEnders

22:00 Oak Tree: Nature's Gre-

23:30 Russell Howard's Good

atest Survivor

News Extra

23:30 Detectorists

Television Gardening37 CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015


2nd October Channel 00:35 This Week 01:20 Holiday Weatherview 01:25 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Home Away from Home 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Still Open All Hours 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 The Kennedys 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 The Graham Norton Show

00:15 The Naked Choir with Gareth Malone 01:15 Panorama 01:45 Horizon 02:45 Doctor Who 03:35 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 08:45 Thief Trackers 09:15 Gardeners' World 09:45 Great British Menu 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Rockford Files 14:45 Cash in the Attic 15:30 A Taste of Britain 16:00 Best Bakes Ever 16:45 Africa 17:45 Coast 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Strictly Come Dancing It Takes Two 20:00 Mary Berry's Absolute Favourites 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners' World 22:00 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 22:30 Patagonia: Earth's Secret Paradise 23:30 Newsnight

00:55 Rugby World Cup Highlights 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 04:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Rugby World Cup 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather

00:15 Family Guy 00:35 Family Guy 01:00 American Dad! 01:25 Family Guy 01:45 Being Human 02:45 Asian Provocateur 03:15 Fried 03:45 Comedy Feeds 04:00 Asian Provocateur 04:30 Fried 05:00 Close 20:00 Great TV Mistakes 20:10 Doctor Who 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Russell Howard's Good News 22:30 Russell Howard's Good News 23:00 EastEnders 23:30 Murder in Successville

00:00 Detectorists 00:30 After Life: The Strange Science of Decay 02:00 Top of the Pops: 1980 02:35 Britain on Film 03:05 Oak Tree: Nature's Greatest Survivor 04:35 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Leeds International Piano Competition 2015 22:00 Biggest Band Break Ups and Make Ups 23:00 Music for Misfits: The Story of Indie


23:35 ITV News London 23:50 Rugby World Cup Highlights

00:05 Gogglebox 01:10 Educating Cardiff 02:05 Undercover Boss Australia 03:00 Forced Marriage Cops 03:55 Location, Location, Location 04:50 Deal or No Deal 05:40 Fifteen to One 06:35 1001 Things You Should Know 07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss Australia 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Deal or No Deal 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 Posh Pawn 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Celebrity Deal or No Deal 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

00:50 Caught on Camera 01:15 SuperCasino 04:10 Now That's Funny! 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Police Interceptors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 A Three Pines Mystery: Still Life 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Make You Laugh Out Loud 21:00 Black Market Britain: Undercover Sting 22:00 NCIS: New Orleans 23:00 NCIS 23:55 NCIS: Los Angeles

01:40 Two and a Half Men 02:30 Viral Tap 03:05 The Hot Desk 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 09:10 You've Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 14:10 You've Been Framed! 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 The Back-Up Plan 23:10 Derailed

00:00 The Vice 01:05 Inspector Morse 03:05 Movies Now 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:35 Judge Judy 10:55 Judge Judy 11:25 Judge Judy 11:50 Inspector Morse 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 Doctor in the House 17:50 Rising Damp 18:20 In Loving Memory 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 20:55 Foyle's War 23:00 Law & Order: UK

01:55 Goodwood Classic Cars 02:55 Minder 03:55 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Gunfighter RIP 07:55 The Professionals 08:45 Minder 09:45 The Car Chasers 10:50 Magnum, PI 11:50 The Professionals 12:50 Minder 13:55 The Car Chasers 14:55 Tommy Cooper 15:25 Pawn Stars 15:55 Gunfighter RIP 17:00 Magnum, PI 18:00 Minder 19:00 Rugby World Cup Highlights 19:45 Pawn Stars 20:45 Cannonball Run II 23:00 Benidorm


Gardening Television

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013


3rd October Channel

00:25 Asian Provocateur 00:55 Pound Shop Wars 01:25 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:30 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:00 BBC News; Weather 13:10 Football Focus 13:50 Saturday Sportsday 14:00 Super League 15:00 Bargain Hunt 16:00 Escape to the Continent 17:00 Final Score 18:10 BBC News 18:20 BBC London News; Weather 18:30 Pointless Celebrities 19:20 Strictly Come Dancing 21:25 Doctor Who 22:10 Casualty 23:00 The National Lottery Live 23:10 BBC News; Weather 23:30 Match of the Day

00:00 Family Guy 00:25 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Russell Howard's Good News 02:00 Russell Howard's Good News 02:30 Asian Provocateur 03:00 Orphan Black 03:45 Orphan Black 04:30 Fried 05:00 Close 20:00 Don't Tell the Bride 21:00 Confessions of a Shopaholic 22:40 Pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides


00:00 Artsnight 00:30 Later - with Jools Holland 01:35 Cash 03:15 Question Time 04:15 Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week 05:15 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Gunga Din 08:55 Dean Spanley 10:30 The Women's Football Show 11:00 Animal Park 11:30 More Creatures Great and Small 12:00 Animal SOS 13:00 Great British Menu 15:00 Silk Stockings 16:55 Flog It! 17:55 World's Busiest Railway 2015 18:55 The Hairy Bikers' Northern Exposure 19:55 Gardeners' World 20:30 Natural World 21:25 Dad's Army 22:00 Cradle to Grave 22:30 Boy Meets Girl 23:00 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 23:30 In Case You Missed It

00:20 Fast & Furious 02:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Britain's Best Bakery 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Bottom Knocker Street 07:35 Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures 08:00 Signed Stories 08:05 Sooty 08:20 Super 4 08:35 Adventure Time 09:00 Marvel Avengers Assemble 09:30 Fish Hooks 09:45 Horrid Henry 10:00 Jessie 10:25 ITV News 10:30 The Unforgettable 11:00 All Star Family Fortunes 11:45 The X Factor 13:45 ITV News and Weather 13:54 ITV London Weather 13:55 Downton Abbey 15:00 Rugby World Cup 17:20 Rugby World Cup 19:50 ITV News London 20:00 ITV News and Weather 20:15 Rugby World Cup 23:15 Through the Keyhole

00:05 First Dates 01:05 Bad Robots 01:30 Rude Tube 02:25 The Last Exorcism 03:50 Supernatural 04:35 Location, Location, Location 05:30 Hugh's 3 Good Things: Best Bites 05:35 Deal or No Deal 06:25 Fifteen to One 07:15 How I Met Your Mother 08:05 World Mountain Running Championships 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:50 Come Dine with Me 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Channel 4 News 17:35 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:05 Location, Location, Location 20:00 Celebrity Benchmark 21:00 Britain's Best Loved Sitcoms 22:00 Bridesmaids

01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Autopsy: The Last Hours Of 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 07:30 Pip Ahoy! 07:45 Tickety Toc 07:55 Chloe's Closet 08:10 Roobarb and Custard 08:15 Make Way for Noddy 08:30 Paw Patrol 08:45 Little Princess 09:00 Wanda and the Alien 09:15 Zack and Quack 09:30 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:45 Jelly Jamm 10:05 LazyTown 10:30 Dora and Friends 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:35 Access 11:50 Cowboy Builders & Bodge Jobs 13:50 Crazy for Christmas 15:45 A Christmas Kiss 17:30 Help for Christmas 19:10 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 20:05 Fail Army 21:00 Now That's Funny! 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Football League Tonight 23:30 Michael Buble's Christmas Special

00:00 BBC Music John Peel

01:20 Two and a Half Men 02:10 The Almost Impossible Gameshow 03:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:25 Teleshopping 06:55 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 Emmerdale 10:40 Coronation Street 12:05 The Cube 13:10 You've Been Framed! 14:10 The X Factor 16:15 The Xtra Factor 17:20 Catchphrase 18:00 The Polar Express 19:55 Rumor Has It.. 22:00 Practical Magic

00:05 The Vice

00:00 Rambo: First Blood, Part II 02:00 Goodwood Cars of the Future - Road 03:00 Ax Men 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Football's Greatest: Cristiano Ronaldo 07:20 Ax Men 08:50 Motorsport UK 09:45 Bundesliga Football Highlights 10:45 The Professionals 11:50 Rugby World Cup Highlights 12:20 Pawn Stars 13:50 Goodwood Cars of the Future - Road 14:50 Goodwood Classic Cars 15:50 BRDC Formula 4 Championship Highlights 16:50 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 18:20 Pawn Stars 20:10 Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol 22:00 The Blues Brothers

Lecture 2015 with Brian Eno 01:00 Joy Division 02:35 Biggest Band Break Ups and Make Ups 03:35 Music for Misfits: The Story of Indie 04:35 Close 20:00 Three Men Go to Scotland 21:00 The Search for Alfred the Great 22:00 Beck 23:30 Biggest Band Break Ups and Make Ups

01:10 Wycliffe 02:40 Where the Heart Is 03:35 Judge Judy 04:15 Emmerdale 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 Where the Heart Is 09:05 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 11:30 Agatha Christie's Sparkling Cyanide 13:25 Inspector Morse 15:45 Foyle's War 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Lewis 23:00 A Touch of Frost

Television Gardening39 CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015


4th October Channel 00:55 Anchorman: the Legend of Ron Burgundy 02:25 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:30 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 08:30 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 BBC News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Bargain Hunt 15:00 The Great British Bake Off 16:00 Eat Well for Less? 17:00 Points of View 17:15 Songs of Praise 17:50 The Great British Bake Off 18:50 BBC News 19:10 BBC London News; Weather 19:15 Countryfile 20:15 Strictly Come Dancing 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 From Darkness 23:00 BBC News 23:20 BBC London News; Weather 23:30 Match of the Day 2

00:00 Hunky Dory

00:45 Family Guy

00:30 Music for Misfits: The

01:10 Family Guy

Story of Indie

01:30 Family Guy

01:30 Top of the Pops: 1980

01:50 Family Guy 02:10 Family Guy

01:40 Skeletons 03:15 This Is BBC Two 07:15 The Instant Gardener 08:00 Countryfile 09:00 Gardeners' World 09:30 The Beechgrove Garden 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30 Great British Menu 12:00 Live Athletics 15:00 NFL Live 19:00 The Super League Show 20:00 Patagonia: Earth's Secret Paradise 21:00 Licence to Thrill - Paul Hollywood Meets Aston Martin 22:00 Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week 23:00 Family Guy 23:20 Family Guy 23:45 Family Guy

02:05 A Very British Murder

02:30 Family Guy

with Lucy Worsley

02:55 Asian Provocateur

03:05 Joy Division

03:25 Orphan Black

04:40 Close

04:10 Orphan Black

20:00 The Other Pompeii: Life

04:55 Close

and Death in Herculaneum

20:00 Don't Tell the Bride 21:00 Top Gear

21:00 Woolly Mammoth:

22:00 Tropic Thunder

Secrets from the Ice

23:40 Russell Howard's Good

22:00 Rome's Lost Empire


23:30 TOTP2

00:15 ITV News and Weather 00:35 Rugby World Cup Highlights 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Show Me the Telly 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Bottom Knocker Street 07:35 Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures 08:00 Signed Stories 08:05 Sooty 08:20 Super 4 08:35 Matt Hatter Chronicles 09:00 Marvel Avengers Assemble 09:30 Fish Hooks 09:45 Horrid Henry 10:00 Horrible Science 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Murder, She Wrote 11:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 14:45 ITV News and Weather 15:00 Rugby World Cup 17:20 Rugby World Cup 19:45 ITV News London 19:55 ITV News and Weather 20:00 The X Factor 22:00 Downton Abbey 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:14 ITV London Weather 23:15 Rugby World Cup Highlights

00:15 Celebrity Juice 01:05 The Almost Impossible Gameshow 02:05 Release the Hounds 02:55 Safeword 03:30 The Hot Desk 03:40 Teleshopping 06:40 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 The Cube 07:50 Emmerdale 11:10 Coronation Street 12:40 The Almost Impossible Gameshow 13:40 You've Been Framed! 14:10 Uncle Buck 16:05 Beethoven 17:55 She's the Man 20:00 Stormbreaker 22:00 The Xtra Factor 23:00 American Pie: the Wedding

00:30 Hope Springs 02:25 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 03:20 Hollyoaks 05:25 Hugh's 3 Good Things: Best Bites 05:35 Deal or No Deal 06:25 Fifteen to One 07:20 How I Met Your Mother 07:40 How I Met Your Mother 08:05 Caterham Motorsport 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 The School of Rock 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Homes by the Sea 21:00 Secret History 22:00 This Is England '90 23:40 Gogglebox

01:00 Inspector Morse 03:05 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Murder, She Wrote 07:50 The Young Ones 10:05 Heartbeat 11:05 Heartbeat 12:10 Murder, She Wrote 13:15 Inspector Morse 15:30 Ben-Hur 19:50 Foyle's War 22:00 Sunday Night at the Palladium 23:00 Birds of a Feather 23:30 City Lights

CHANNEL 00:25 My Crazy Christmas Obsession 01:25 The Gadget Show 02:20 SuperCasino 04:10 The Yorkshire Vet 05:00 Body Donors 05:50 Make It Big 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 07:30 Pip Ahoy! 07:45 Tickety Toc 07:55 Chloe's Closet 08:05 Roobarb and Custard 08:15 Make Way for Noddy 08:25 Paw Patrol 08:50 Little Princess 08:55 Wanda and the Alien 09:05 Zack and Quack 09:20 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:35 Jelly Jamm 09:55 LazyTown 10:20 Dora and Friends 10:50 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:25 Football League Tonight 12:55 Access 13:05 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 14:05 My Crazy Christmas Obsession 15:10 My Santa 16:50 The Horse Whisperer 20:05 5 News Weekend 20:10 Hancock 22:00 That's My Boy

00:35 The Day of the Jackal 03:25 Hogan's Heroes 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Football's Greatest: Eusebio 07:05 Ax Men 08:50 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 10:20 MotoGP Highlights 11:20 Tommy Cooper 11:55 Rugby World Cup Greatest Moments 12:55 Rugby World Cup Highlights 14:00 Dunkirk 16:45 Battle of the Bulge 20:00 Goodwood Cars of the Future - Road 21:00 Goodwood Classic Cars 22:00 Apocalypse Now


Gardening Television

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013



October Channel


00:45 The Women's Football Show 01:15 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Home Away from Home 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Rooney: The Man Behind the Goals 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:05 Top Coppers 00:35 Lucky Them 02:05 Love 03:25 Countryfile 04:20 Holby City 05:20 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 08:45 Thief Trackers 09:15 Escape to the Continent 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 The Rockford Files 14:45 Cash in the Attic 15:30 A Taste of Britain 16:00 Best Bakes Ever 16:45 Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild 17:45 Coast 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing It Takes Two 20:00 Great British Menu 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 The Celts: Blood, Iron, and Sacrifice with Alice Roberts and Neil Oliver 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight

00:15 Perspectives 01:20 Murder, She Wrote 02:15 Jackpot247 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Britain As Seen on ITV 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 100-Year-Old Drivers Ride Again

00:45 Embarrassing Bodies 01:45 Made of Stone 03:30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 05:10 Fifteen to One 06:00 Location, Location, Location 07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Deal or No Deal 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 Posh Pawn 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Stand Up to Cancer 21:00 Jamie's Super Food 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 The Catch 23:00 Sex Diaries

00:20 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry 02:30 SuperCasino 04:10 The Missing Evidence 05:00 House Doctor 05:25 Make It Big 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby's Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders & Bodge Jobs 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Yorkshire Vet 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 Do You Know Me? 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Autopsy: The Last Hours Of 23:00 The Four Feathers

00:05 Family Guy

00:00 Jazz Piano Gold

00:30 Family Guy

01:00 BBC Four Sessions

00:50 American Dad!

02:00 Bought with Love: The

01:00 Billy Madison 02:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:10 The Hot Desk 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 Psych 07:55 Emmerdale 08:30 The Cube 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Psych 11:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 The Cube 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Casino Royale

00:35 Private Benjamin 02:50 Murder, She Wrote 03:40 Doctor in the House 04:05 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:15 Emmerdale 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:20 The Royal 09:25 Where the Heart Is 10:30 Judge Judy 11:50 Inspector Morse 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 Doctor in the House 17:50 Rising Damp 18:15 In Loving Memory 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 20:55 Wycliffe 22:00 Women Behind Bars with Trevor McDonald 23:00 Law & Order: UK

01:05 The Quest 03:00 It Happened in Boston 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Goals of the 70s 07:10 Gunfighter RIP 08:05 The Professionals 08:50 The Car Chasers 09:50 Tommy Cooper 10:55 Magnum, PI 11:55 The Professionals 12:55 Minder 13:55 The Car Chasers 14:55 Pawn Stars 15:50 Gunfighter RIP 16:55 Magnum, PI 17:55 Minder 19:00 The Professionals 20:00 Rugby World Cup Highlights 21:00 Storage Wars: New York 22:00 Storage Wars 23:00 Benidorm

01:10 Family Guy 01:30 Asian Provocateur 02:00 KKK: The Fight for White

Secret History of British Art Collections


03:00 TOTP2

03:00 Fried

03:30 A Very British Murder

03:30 Don't Tell the Bride

with Lucy Worsley

04:30 Asian Provocateur

04:30 Close

05:00 Close

20:00 World News Today

20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Don't Tell the Bride 22:00 Is Britain Racist? 23:00 EastEnders

20:30 Canal Walks with Julia Bradbury 21:00 Natural World

23:30 Russell Howard's Good

22:00 The Great British Year


23:00 Storyville CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015



What’s on

CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

Fiestas, Festivals & Concerts Tue 29 Sep Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Moors & Christians Bellreguard Gandia Fiesta San Miguel, Alqueria d'Asnar Fiesta San Miguel, Agres Fiesta San Miguel, Alcalalí Fiesta San Miguel, Benifallim Fiesta San Miguel Arcangel, Daya Nueva Fiesta San Miguel, Benifato Fiesta San Miguel, San Miguel de Salinas Redovan Patron Saints Fiesta Fiesta Elche Fiesta Daya Nueva San Miguel Arcangel Feria de San Miguel, Villajoyosa Fiestas Patronales de Altea Fiestas Patronales de Crevillent 7:00pm Sufjan Stevens Concert CCIB - Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona Wed 30 Sep Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Fiesta Elche Fiestas Patronales de Altea Fiestas Patronales de Crevillent 7:00 Orphaned Land Concerts Sala Caracol Madrid Thu 1 Oct Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Fiesta Elche Fiestas de La Marina Elche Fiestas de l'Altet, Elche Moors & Christians Benidorm Fiestas Patronales de Altea Fiestas Patronales de Crevillent Fiestas Patronales Pilar de la Horadada

Tue 29 Sep 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Cycling Club (Club Ciclista) - Main square in San Miguel de Salinas 10:00am PALS La Siesta Meat Raffle & Bingo 10:45am Gardeners Corner Torrevieja 'Supersof' Torrevieja 1:00pm The Good Life Club - Los Arcos Restaurant Torrevieja 1:00pm Calpe Rotary Fellowship - Asia Restaurant La Fustera 1:00pm Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja - Centro Social, San Miguel de Salinas 1:00pm Bridge Club - Rest. Antonios, Quesada 1:00pm Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers - El Paraiso Restaurant Torrevieja 2:00pm Table Tennis Club - Torrevieja - Casa Ventura, San Luis 4:00pm Belly Dancing - The Emerald Isle, Urb. La Florida 4:00pm Latin Line Dancing - Casa Venture San Luis 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach 7:00pm Badminton Club Teulada - Calle Benopia 2 Moraira 7:30pm Modern Jive Club - La Acena Gym, Puerto de Mazarron 8:00pm PALS La Siesta GAMES NIGHT 8:30pm Friends and Buddies - Los Galayos, Puerto de Mazarron 8:30pm The English Folk Music Club, Costa Blanca - Bar Rendevous, Campoamor Wed 30 Sep 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja La Siesta, Torrevieja 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre

Fri 2 Oct Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Fiesta Elche Fiestas de La Marina 2015, Elche Fiestas de l'Altet, Elche Moors & Christians Benidorm Fiestas Patronales de Altea Fiestas Patronales de Crevillent Fiestas Patronales Pilar de la Horadada 8:00pm Joe Satriani Barts Barcelona Sat 3 Oct Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Fiesta Elche Fiestas de La Marina 2015, Elche Fiestas de l'Altet, Elche Moors & Christians Benidorm Moors & Christians Planes Fiestas Patronales de Altea October Fiestas de Muro del Alcoy Fiestas Patronales de Crevillent Fiestas Patronales Pilar de la Horadada 7:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio Taylors One Man Show 9:30pm God Save The Queen Palau Sant Jordi Barcelona 10:00pm Dani Martin Pavello Olympic Badalona Barcelona Sun 4 Oct Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Fiesta San Francisco de Asís, Crevillent Fiesta Elche Fiestas de La Marina 2015, Elche Fiestas de l'Altet, Elche Moors & Christians Benidorm Fiestas Patronales de Altea October Fiestas de Muro del Alcoy

Fiestas Patronales de Crevillent Fiestas Patronales Pilar de la Horadada 7:00pm Orphaned Land Concert Sala Boveda Barcelona 7.00pm The Palace Variety Show Benidorm Palace 9:00pm U2 - Innocence + Experience Tour Palau Sant Jordi Barcelona Mon 5 Oct Fiestas Virgen del Rosario de Guardamar del Segura Fiesta Romería de Sant Francesc, Calpe October Fiesta Petrer Fiesta Sant Francesc, Polop Fiestas de l'Altet, Elche Moors & Christians Benidorm October Fiestas de Muro del Alcoy Fiestas Patronales de Crevillent Fiestas Patronales Pilar de la Horadada 7:30pm Mika Barclaycard Centre Madrid 9:00pm U2 - Innocence + Experience Tour Palau Sant Jordi Barcelona

12:00pm A Touch Of Class Portrait and Pastel Artwork Classes - Los Arcos, Avda. Baleares 2:00pm The Golden Girls - The Emerald Isle, La Florida 2:00pm Table Tennis Club - Torrevieja - Casa Ventura, San Luis 2:30pm Spiritual Friends - Los Leones Restaurante Urbanization Sol Park Moraira. 3:00pm Moraira Ladies Craft Club - Various Phone for info 4:00pm Belly Dancing - Keep Fit - Las Claras, Urb. Oasis, Los Alcazares 6:00pm The Crescendo International Choir - Oasis Bar Torreta 3 6:00pm Netball Club in Torrevieja - At Playa Flamenca 7:30pm Computer Club - Da Vincis Bistro San Luis

Siesta 10:00am PALS La Siesta UNISEX SLIMMING AND RECREATION 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach, 7:00pm Coropilar - Choral group - Municipal offices at Campoverde 7:00pm Badminton Club Teulada - Calle Benopia 2, Moraira 9:00pm Jazz Club - El Puente, Santiago de la Ribera

Thu 1 Oct

Sun 4 Oct

All day Carp-R-Us Angling Club - Various – phone for meet point 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, La Siesta 10:00am Cycling Club (Club Ciclista) - Main square in San Miguel de Salinas 10:00am Mazarron Bay Bridge Club - Playa Grande Hotel, Puerto de Mazarron 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 10:30am Ladies' Barbershop Harmony Chorus - Las Claras Community Centre, Los Narejos 1:00pm Bridge Club - Rest. Antonios,Quesada 1:00pm Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers - El Paraiso Restaurant Torrevieja 2:00pm PALS La Siesta CRAFT CLUB 4:00pm Latin Line Dancing - Emerald Isle, La Florida 6:00pm The Sunshine Club - Various - Villamartin 6:00pm Torrevieja Digital Camera Club - Casa Ventura San Luis 6:00pm Gandia Area Social Club (GASC) - Viva Espana, Oliva 7:00pm PALS La Siesta BINGO 8:00pm Costa Barber Singers - Recibar La Torre, Benissa.

8:30am Costa Blanca Runners South - Caprabo Supermarket 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, La Siesta, Torrevieja 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 10:30am Christ In You - Torrevieja - Europa Building, Pinar de Campoverde. 11:00am Netball Club in Torrevieja - Playa Flamenca 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach 6:30pm International Christian Assembly - Calle San Miguel de Salinas 2, corner Santomera Torrevieja

Fri 2 Oct 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini. La

Sat 3 Oct 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja 9:00pm PALS La Siesta LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHT

Mon 5 Oct 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja - Calle Rossini, La Siesta, Torrevieja 10:00am Torrevieja Craft Club - Diane's bar at 55 Dr Gregorio Maranon, Torrevieja 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 11:00am The Jalon Valley Dolls House - Bar Emilio, La Llosa de Camacho Jalon 5:00pm Mazarron Bahia Lions Club - Camposol Business Centre, Camposol Sector A, Mazarron 10:45am Gardeners Corner Torrevieja 'Supersof' Torrevieja 1:00pm The Good Life Club - Los Arcos Restaurant Avenida Baleares Torrevieja

What’s on CoastRider CoastRider- -Edition Edition470 566- -March September 5th 2013 29th 2015


What’s on in The Costa Blanca Bars Tue 29 Sep 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Open All Day 10:00am PALS Washington Square La Siesta BINGO & MEAT RAFFLE 10:00am Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm 10:30am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente YOGA 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern Lo Crispin TAI CHI 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 5:30pm Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVENING MENU €9.95 6:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KARATE 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD MEAL DEAL 1 for €6 two for €10 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada MOTOWN SOUL NIGHT & PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel PIE NIGHT 2 for €9.50 7:30pm The Fire Station - Paso a Paso - Via Park 1 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - QUIZ NIGHT - Daya Nueva 8:00pm PALS Washington Square La Siesta GAMES NIGHT 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis QUIZ NIGHT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin DARTS 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar - KARAOKE 9:00pm Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta KARAOKE 9:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos QUIZ NIGHT Wed 30 Sep 8:00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente BREAKFAST 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE 10:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS 10:00am Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin ZUMBA 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente LUNCH 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 1:30pm Lo Crispin Tavern Lo Crispin COMMUNITY LUNCH €3.00 3:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente LINE DANCING 4:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos BINGO 4:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada ROCK AND ROLL BINGO AND MUSIC QUIZ 5:15pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KIDS THEATRE GROUP 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 5:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos BIG JAM 5:30pm Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVENING MENU €9.95 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD MEAL DEAL 1 for €6 two for €10 6:00pm Bar Imanyo,Daya Nueva - Special Menu €5.00 (Club Members €3.00) 6:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta CARVERY 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel STEAK NIGHT (minibus service) 7:00pm Pimientos Restaurant and Terrace San Miguel A LA CARTE Thu 1 Oct 8:00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente BREAKFAST 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Open All Day 10:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente COFFEE MORNING CRAFTS BINGO & MY WEIGH IN 10:00am Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm 11:00am Mono's Bar Quesada LADIES PAMPER DAY 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente LUNCH 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 2:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis MUSIC BINGO 2:00pm PALS Washington Square La Siesta CRAFT CLUB 3:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta, JULIES CARDS 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8

5:30pm Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVENING MENU €9.95 6:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KARATE 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD MEAL DEAL 1 for €6 two for €10 7:00pm Pimientos Restaurant and Terrace San Miguel A LA CARTE 7:00pm PALS Washington Square La Siesta BINGO 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - Darts Competition - Daya Nueva 8:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos QUIZ & GAMES NIGHT 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis, Live Entertainment 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar - KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Fri 2 Oct 8:00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente BREAKFAST 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Open All Day 10:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS 10:00am PALS Washington Square La Siesta UNISEX SLIMMING & RECREATION CLUB 10:00am Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm 11:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH INTERMEDIATE 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente LUNCH 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 2:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 3:00pm The Porter House Altos del Limonar BINGO - Altos del Limonar 4:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente FAMILY NIGHT MEAL DEALS Bouncy Castle & More 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 5:30pm Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVENING MENU €9.95 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD MEAL DEAL 1 for €6 two for €10 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel STEAK NIGHT (minibus service)

ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Sun 4 Oct 8:00am The Fresh Corner LA FUENTE Open All Day 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Open All Day 10:00am Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm 12:00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente FAMOUS ROAST 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis SUNDAY LUNCH 12:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nuevo - Sunday Lunch €5.00 12:00pm Pimientos Restaurant & Terrace San Miguel SUNDAY LUNCH 12:30pm Bar Carmen's El Chaparral, La Siesta CARVERY 1:00pm The Porter House - Sunday Lunch €4.95 - Altos del Limonar 1:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel CARVERY €7.50 (free minibus service available) 2:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP FOOTBALL 4:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis BIG JAM 5:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP FOOTBALL 5:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta KARAOKE 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 5:30pm Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVENING MENU €9.95 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD MEAL DEAL 1 for €6 two for €10

Sat 3 Oct

Mon 5 Oct

8:00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente BREAKFAST 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre Commercial LA FUENTE 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Open All Day 10:00am Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente LUNCH 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 12:45pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP FOOTBALL 3:00pm The Porter House, Altos del Limonar - JAM SESSION 4:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP FOOTBALL 5:30pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 5:30pm Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVENING MENU €9.95 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD MEAL DEAL 1 for €6 two for €10 6:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP FOOTBALL 7:00pm Pimientos Restaurant and Terrace San Miguel A LA CARTE 7:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio Taylors One Man Show 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar - KARAOKE - Altos Del Limonar 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada LIVE MUSIC 9:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm PALS Washington Square La Siesta LIVE

8:00am Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente BREAKFAST Menu 8:00am The Fresh Corner Centre LA FUENTE Open All Day 9:00am Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta MENU DEL DIA 9:30am La Bocana Water-Sports Centre Open All Day 10:00am Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin ZUMBA 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 12:00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente LUNCH Menu 12:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL 3:00pm The Porter House Altos del Limonar BINGO 3:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos DOMINOS 4:00pm Bar Carmens - El Chapparal, La Siesta BINGO 4:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis KARAOKE & LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 5:30pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KIDS ROCK CHOIR 5:30pm Bar Carmens, La Siesta MENU DEL NOCHE 5:30pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 5:30pm Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVENING MENU €9.95 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD MEAL DEAL 1 for €6 two for €10 6:30pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente ADULT ROCK CHOIR 7:00pm Pimientos Restaurant and Terrace San Miguel A LA CARTE 8:00pm Fire Station Pool League & Crib Night - Via Park 1 8:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SKITTLES 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP FOOTBALL 9:00pm Monos Bar Quesada FUN QUIZ NIGHT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin CRIB NIGHT


CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

This week in History September 29 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union reach an agreement on the division of Poland. 1941 30,000 Jews are gunned down in Kiev when Henrich Himmler sends four strike squads to exterminate Soviet Jewish civilians and other "undesirables." 1943 Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf is published in the United States. 1950 Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev repeatedly disrupts a UN General Assembly meeting with his violent outbursts over intervention in the Belgian Congo, US U2 spy planes, and arms control. 1966 Chevrolet introduces the Camaro, which will become an iconic car. 1971 Oman joins the Arab League. 1979 John Paul II becomes the first pope ever to visit Ireland.

1990 The YF-22, later named F-22 Raptor, flies for the first time. 2008 Dow Jones Industrial Average plummets 777.68 points in the wake of Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual bankruptcies, the largest single-day point loss in Wall Street history. 2009 An 8.1 earthquake causes a tidal wave that claims 189 lives in Samoa, American Samoa, and Tonga. Born on September 29 1547 Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist best known for his book The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. 1758 Horatio Nelson, British naval commander who defeated the French and her allies on numerous occasions during the age of Napoleon. 1901 Enrico Fermi, Italian-born U.S. physicist who led the group which created the first man-made nuclear chain reaction. 1907 Gene Autry, actor, singer, star of radio, film and TV; known for his film roles as a "singing cowboy" (Oh, Susanna!, Back in the Saddle), he was influential in country music with songs that included "Back in the Saddle," "Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer," and "Frosty the Snowman." 1935 Jerry Lee Lewis, singer, songwriter, musician; influential figure in early rock ‘n’ roll ("Great Balls of Fire"). 1942 Madeline Kahn, actress, comedian, singer, best known for comedic film roles, especially Mel Brooks’ films Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein. 1943 Lech Walesa, Lech Walesa, president of Poland (199095); co-founder of Solidarity, the first independent trade union in the Soviet bloc; won Nobel Peace Prize, 1983. 1951 Michelle Bachelet, first woman president of Chile (2006-10). 1955 Ann Bancroft, explorer, author; first woman to reach North Pole on foot and by sled and first woman to cross both polar ice caps. September 30 1935 George Gershwin’s opera Porgy and Bess opens at the

Colonial Theatre in Boston. 1938 Under German threats of war, Britain, France, Germany and Italy sign an accord permitting Germany to take control of Sudetenland–a region of Czechoslovakia inhabited by a German-speaking minority. 1949 The Berlin Airlift is officially halted after 277,264 flights. 1954 The first atomic-powered submarine, the Nautilus, is commissioned in Groton, Connecticut. 1955 Actor and teen idol James Dean is killed in a car crash while driving his Porsche on his way to enter it into a race in Salinas, California. 1960 Fifteen African nations are admitted to the United Nations. 1975 The AH-64 Apache attack helicopter makes its first flight. 1994 Aldwych tube station (originally Strand Station) of the London Underground transit system closes after 88 years. 1999 Japan’s second-worst nuclear accident occurs at a uranium processing facility in Tokai-mura, killing two technicians. 2009 Earthquakes in Sumatra kill more than 1,115 people. Born on September 30 1861 William Wrigley, Jr., founder of the Wrigley chewing gum empire and owner of the Chicago Cubs baseball team. 1863 Reinhard von Scheer, German admiral who commanded the German fleet at the Battle of Jutland. 1924 Truman Capote, author and playwright whose works include Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Cold Blood. 1927 W.S. Mervin, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet. 1928 Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, writer, best known for his first book Night about his own experiences in concentration camps. 1935 Johnny Mathis, singer. 1941 Samuel F. Pickering Jr., unconventional professor of English at the University of Connecticut in Storrs who was the inspiration for the character of Mr. Keating in the movie Dead Poets Society. 1955 Andy Bechtolsheim, engineer; co-founder of Sun Microsystems.

1958 Marty Stuart, singer, songwriter, musician ("Hillbilly Rock"); joined the renowned Lester Flatt’s Nashville Grass bluegrass group at age 14; at this writing he hosts The Marty Stuart Show on RFD-TV. 1974 Daniel Wu, Chinese-American actor, director, producer (City of Glass). October 1 1908 The Ford Model T, the first car for millions of Americans, hits the market. Over 15 million Model Ts are eventually sold, all of them black. 1942 The German Army grinds to a complete halt within the city of Stalingrad. 1943 British troops in Italy enter Naples and occupy Foggia airfield.

1946 Eleven Nazi war criminals are sentenced to be hanged at Nuremberg trials—Hermann Goring, Alfred Jodl, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Wilhelm Keitel, Joachin von Ribbentrop, Fritz Saukel, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Julius Streicher, and Alfred Rosenberg. 1947 First flight of F-86 Sabre jet fighter, which would win fame in the Korean War. 1971 First CT or CAT brain scan performed, at Atkinson Morley Hospital in Wimbledon, London. 1974 Five Nixon aides–Kenneth Parkinson, Robert Mardian, Nixon’s Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell–go on trial for conspiring to hinder the Watergate investigation.

1975 Legendary boxing match: Muhammad Ali defeats Joe Frazier in the "Thrilla in Manila." 1982 First compact disc player, released by Sony. 2009 The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom takes over judicial functions of the House of Lords. Born on October 1 1904 Vladimir Horowitz, Russian-born American virtuoso pianist. 1924 Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the U.S. (1977-1981) 1932 Albert Collins, guitarist. 1935 Julie Andrews (Julia Elizabeth Wells), actress and singer whose films include Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music. 1946 Tim O’Brien, novelist (The Things They Carried, In the Lake of the Woods). 1947 Dave Arneson, game designer; co-created Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game with Gary Gygax, establishing the roleplaying game genre. 1950 Randy Quaid, actor (The Last Detail; won Golden Globe for his portrayal of Pres. Lyndon Johnson in LBJ: The Early Years). 1955 Jeff Reardon, pro baseball pitcher known as "The Terminator" for his intimidating pitching mound presence and 98 mph fastball. 1963 Mark McGwire, "Big Mac," pro baseball player who broke Roger Maris’ single-season home run record; admitted in 2010 to using performance-enhancing drugs throughout his career. 1964 Max Matsuura (Masato Matsuura), record producer, president of Avex Group, one of Japan’s largest music labels. October 2 1909 Orville Wright sets an altitude record, flying at 1,600 feet. This exceeded Hubert Latham’s previous record of 508 feet. 1931 Aerial circus star Clyde Pangborn and playboy Hugh Herndon, Jr. set off to complete the first nonstop flight across the Pacific Ocean from Misawa City, Japan. 1941 The German army launches Operation Typhoon, the drive towards Moscow. 1959 The groundbreaking TV series The Twilight Zone, hosted by Rod Serling, premiers on CBS. CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015 1964 Scientists announce findings that smoking can cause cancer. 1967 Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court justice, is sworn in. Marshall had previously been the solicitor general, the head of the legal staff of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and a leading American civil rights lawyer. 1970 A plane carrying the Wichita State University football team, staff, and supporters crashes in Colorado; 31 of the 40 people aboard die. 1980 Congressional Representative Mike Myers is expelled from the US House for taking a bribe in the Abscam scandal, the first member to be expelled since 1861.

1990 Flight 8301 of China’s Xiamen Airlines is hijacked and crashed into Baiyun International Airport, hitting two other aircraft and killing 128 people. 2001 NATO backs US military strikes in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Born on October 2 1900 William A. ‘Bud’ Abbot, comedian, the straight man to Lou Costello. 1901 Roy Campbell, poet (The Flaming Terrapin). 1904 Graham Greene, novelist (The Power and The Glory, The Heart of the Matter). 1907 Alexander R. Todd, Baron Todd, Scottish biochemist who won Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1957) for his work on nucleotides, nucleosides, and nucleotide coenzymes. 1933 John Bertrand Gurdon, English developmental biologist who shared Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (2012) for the discovery that mature cells can be converted to stem cells. 1945 Don McLean, singer, songwriter guitarist, best known for "American Pie," his tribute to Buddy Holly and early rock ‘n’ roll. 1945 Martin Hellman, cryptologist, co-inventor of public key cryptography. 1949 Annie Leibovitz, photographer whose subjects include John Lennon and the Rolling Stones.

1951 Sting (Gordon M.T. Sumner), singer, songwriter, musician, actor; lead singer and bass player for the band The Police before launching a successful solo career. 1970 Kelly Ripa, actress, producer, co-host of Live! with Kelly and Michael TV talk show. October 3 1931 The comic strip Dick Tracy first appears in the New York News. 1940 U.S. Army adopts airborne, or parachute, soldiers. Airborne troops were later used in World War II for landing troops in combat and infiltrating agents into enemy territory. 1941 The Maltese Falson, starring Humphrey Bogart as detective Sam Spade, opens. 1942 Germany conducts the first successful test flight of a V2 missile, which flies perfectly over a 118-mile course. 1952 The UK successfully conducts a nuclear weapon, becoming the world’s third nuclear power 1985 The Space Shuttle Atlantis makes its maiden flight. 1989 Art Shell becomes the first African American to coach a professional football team, the Los Angeles Raiders.

1990 After 40 years of division, East and West Germany are reunited as one nation. 1993 Battle of Mogadishu, in which 18 US soldiers and some 1,000 Somalis are killed during an attempt to capture officials of the warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid’s organization. 1995 Former pro football star and actor O.J. Simpson is acquitted of the murders of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, ending what many called "the Trial of the Century.". 2008 The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase distressed assets of financial corporations and supply cash directly to banks to keep them afloat. Born on October 3 1800 George Bancroft, historian, known as the "Father of American History" for his 10-volume A History of the United States. 1900 Thomas Wolfe, American novelist (Look Homeward Angel) not to be confused with American novelist Tom Wolfe (The Right Stuff). 1916 James Herriot, Yorkshire veterinarian and author of All Creatures Great and Small. 1925 Gore Vidal, writer ("Myra Breckinridge," "Burr," "Lincoln"); one of the screenwriters on the movie Ben Hur (1959). 1935 Charles "Charlie" Duke, the youngest astronaut to walk on the moon (1972); retired from US Air Force as a brigadier general. 1938 Eddie Cochran, influential rock ‘n’ roll pioneer ("Summertime Blues").

1941 Chubby Checker (Ernest Evans), singer, songwriter who popularized the dance The Twist; Billboard magazine ranked "The Twist" as the most popular single in its Hot 100 since the list’s debut in 1958. 1954 Al Sharpton, African-American minister, civil rights activist, TV and radio talk show host; unsuccessful candidate for Democratic nomination for the US presidency in 2004. October 4 1905 Orville Wright pilots the first flight longer than 30 minutes. The flight lasted 33 minutes, 17 seconds and covered 21 miles. 1914 The first German Zeppelin raids London. 1940 Germany’s Adolf Hitler and Italy’s Benito Mussolini meet at the Brenner Pass. 1943 US captures the Solomon Islands in the Pacific. 1957 Sputnik 1, the first man-made satellite, is launched, beginning the "space race." The satellite, built by Valentin Glushko, weighed 184 pounds and was launched by a converted Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). Sputnik orbited the earth every 96 minutes at a maximum height of 584 miles. In 1958, it reentered the earth’s atmosphere and burned up. 1965 Pope Paul VI arrives in New York, the first Pope ever to visit the US and the Western hemisphere. 1985 Free Software Foundation founded to promote universal freedom to create, distribute and modify computer software. 1992 Mozambique’s 16-year civil war ends with the Rome General Peace Accords. 1993 Russia’s constitutional crisis over President Boris Yeltsin’s attempts to dissolve the legislature: the army violently arrests civilian protesters occupying government buildings. 2004 SpaceShipOne, which had achieved the first privately funded human space flight on June 21, wins the Ansari X Prize for the first non-government organization to successfully launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space. Born on October 4 1923 Charlton Heston, American film actor. 1928 Alvin Toffler, writer and futurist. 1934 Sam Huff, pro football player; star of CBS TV special The Violent World of Sam Huff (1961) narrated by Walter Cronkite that is frequently credited with the surge of pro football’s popularity in the US.

45 1937 Jackie Collins, novelist whose books have sold over 500 million copies (Hollywood Wives, Drop Dead Beautiful). 1941 Anne Rice, author of gothic fiction, erotica and Christian literature (Interview with the Vampire, Queen of the Damned, Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt); also known by her pen names Anne Rampling and A. N. Roquelaure. 1946 Susan Sarandon, actress; won Academy Award for Dead Man Walking (1995). 1946 Chuck Hagel; current US Secretary of Defense (2013).

1947 Jim Fielder, bassist with the band Blood, Sweat & Tears. 1957 Russell Simmons, businessman; founded Def Jam Hip hop music label and Phat Farm clothing line. October 5 1931 Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Herndon complete the first heavier than air nonstop flight over the Pacific. Their flight, begun October 3, lasted 41 hours, 31 minutes and covered 5,000 miles. They piloted their Bellanca CH-200 monoplane from Samushiro, 300 miles north of Tokyo, Japan, to Wenatchee, Washington. 1938 Germany invalidates Jews’ passports. 1962 The first James Bond film, Dr. No starring Sean Connery, debuts. 1968 Police attack civil rights demonstrators in Derry, Northern Ireland; the event is considered to be the beginning of "The Troubles." 1969 Monty Python’s Flying Circus debuts on BBC One. 1970 The US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is established. 1970 Members of the Quebec Liberation Front (QLF) kidnap British Trade Commissioner James Cross in Montreal, resulting in the October Crisis and Canada’s first peacetime use of the War Measures Act. 1986 Britain’s The Sunday Times newspaper publishes details of Israel’s secret nuclear weapons development program. 1988 Brazil’s Constituent Assembly authorizes the nation’s new constitution. 2000 Slobodan Milosevic, president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, resigns in the wake of mass protest demonstrations. Born on October 5 1830 Chester A. Arthur, 21st president of the United States (1881-1885). 1902 Ray Croc, founder of the McDonald’s hamburger franchise in 1955. 1911 Flann O’Brien, Irish novelist and playwright (The Hard Life, The Third Policeman). 1936 Václav Havel, Czech dissident dramatist who became the first freely elected president of Czechoslovakia in 55 years.

1943 Steve Miller, singer, songwriter, guitarist; lead singer of Steve Miller Band. 1952 Clive Barker, author, director (Hellraiser, Candyman). 1957 Bernie Mac, comedian, actor; member of the Original Kings of Comedy. 1959 Maya Lin, American architect who designed the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. 1963 Laura Davies, England’s top professional female golfer. 1965 Mario Lemieux, hockey player, led Pittsburgh Penguins to consecutive Stanley Cups (1991-92).



CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

Novelda beat Torrevieja once again NOVELDA HAVE constantly been a thorn in the side of Torrevieja. Sunday was no different with the Blue and Whites losing 3:0 leaving Torrevieja unable to beat them during the last dozen attempts. When there is so much need of points, it's little comfort if the team play well but still lose. And while Sunday's Torrevieja was a different looking team, being much more fluid and dynamic and generating numerous opportunities, trying to get the ball into the back of the net still seems to elude them. The new image of Torrevieja with the help of Edi is a midfield role allowed the visitors more control and recovery, upping the work rate and looking much better with regard to playmaking. The passing lanes looked clear and Lewis was putting the Novelda defence in lots of trouble. However Torrevieja couldn't make the pressure count and went in one nil down at half time. Shortly after the break the home team almost went two up, hitting the woodwork. Just three minutes into the second half they went two up and despite the best efforts of Torry they let in a third in the 70th minute and there was no coming back. Even though they threw everything into attack and never gave up, after a noble

but fruitless struggle, they had to surrender to a very efficient Novelda side but not before Juanfran added a glimmer of hope by pulling one back in the 82nd minute. 3:1 Final score. CD Torrevieja remained winless in Novelda after twelve official visits, in which Torrevieja have had only four draws, and Sunday's loss was the sixth in a row. CD Torrevieja now have two local, home derby's week after week. The first of these is against Crevillente Deportivo at the Vicente Garcia Stadium on Sunday October 4th with kick off at 5.00pm. Plans are underway for TKO to be there supplying a bit of atmosphere and some music along with various other activities and stuff to keep the little ones busy. The following Sunday, arch rivals CD Orihuela are in town and that always promises to be a tough game although the 'Scorpions' also have had a poor start to the season and are only one place and one point above Torrevieja in the league. On the plus side, next Sunday is only the eighth game of the season and although the team only have five points and lie in 17th place, those games lost have

been against what we know to be some of the top teams and the next six weeks or so could see the team returning to winning ways against teams who are not promotion challenging sides.

medal in a closely fought and hotly contested final losing out by just 11 seconds, primarily because of having great difficulty as a result of wind and swell that became part of the event in the afternoon. In doubles of the Absolute Female, a major surprise came from the boat of torrevejenses Raquel Moreno and Mireya Ortigosa. After the knockout stage it seemed that the bronze might just be within their grasp but a strong awareness of the changing water conditions and a

change of boat at the last minute to a special model, gave then silver in this highly competitive category, The competition's showpiece competition is the male Absolute doubles. In the category, the pairing of World Champions Lars Grumpecht and Francisco Pizana have dominated the race at all times beating Spain's Champions and taking gold with style and showing the rest the difference in class that being World Champions means. And as with the absolute girls, the joy shown by the club with the pairing of Jorge Ballester and Adán Heil who achieved a hard-fought bronze in their category is a great sign for the future of this style of rowing in Torrevieja. The awards were presented at the ceremony attended by the President of the Spanish Federation of Rowing - Federación Española de Remo, Olympic medallist Fernando Climent, Torrevieja Mayor Jose Manuel Dolón, the President of the Federación Valenciana de Remo Juan Bautista Romero, and VicePresidente of the Diputación de Alicante Eduardo Dolón, all under the chairmanship of the RCN Torrevieja, Germán Soler.

More water sports medals for Torrevieja

TORREVIEJA HAS a very strong record of doing well in open water rowing events and last weekend all that hard training proved fruitful for a number of local athletes. The II Spanish Rowing Championship, organized by the RCNT: Real Club Nautico Torrevieja, featured the participation of 125 rowers in eight categories including the major rowing clubs of Valencia who took part in this championship. The rowing team from Real Club Nautico Torrevieja improved their results of the previous Spanish Championship Spain, not bad when the competition also had fewer categories in play and it was not possible to share boats. The II Spanish Rowing Championship saw Real Club Nautico Torrevieja take gold in the doubles Female Cadet Category, with the crew of Carmen Vila and Llanos García taking Gold in the 3,000 meters race with a 45second advantage over the second placed boat. Hats off to Laura Gil and Alicia Sánchez from RCNT who were fifth in the final that featured the participation of seven boats. In Male doubles Cadet Category the pairing of Juan Miguel Perez and Ian Capasso took a fabulous Bronze

CD Torrevieja 2015 / 16

THE CD TORREVIEJA squad for the 2015/16 season has been finalised. And so that you can put a name to their smiling faces, now that they no longer have their names on the back on the back of their shirts, the squad, management and directors of the football club are: Back row: Óscar, Quintero, César, Jorge, Martin, Matej, Ricardo Cavas, Rives, Eddy

and Miguel Serna. Middle row: Jeff, Miguel, Fran, Rubén, Pedreño, Vicente Boix, Álvarez, Guerrero, Metralla and Pablo. Front row: Luis Carlos, Brani, Sánchez, Carrasco, Tote, Lewis, Juanfran, Adrián Banderas, Vicente and Juanma. Come on Torry...

I Torrevieja basketball tournament

ON SATURDAY the Cecilio Gallego Pavilion (with the blue roof ) was home for the Ist Trofeo Ciudad de Torrevieja Basketball. The event announced the start of an exciting new season for CB Torrevieja. The day began with the match for of the new Trophy in junior category in which the CB Torrevieja faced CB Orihuela, with Torrevieja winning 51 - 49. This was followed by the presentation of the entire Basketball school and teams plus a photo shoot of all the club teams composed of the Municipal School's

teams and men's team. After the photo shoot, the senior team "swept" aside the oriolanos by a convincing 93-37 victory. CB Torrevieja enters the new season with many new players to face the new challenges under the technical direction Juan Albaladejo whose role is also to encourage children and youth to join in the sport. He can be contacted through their new website: to possibly complete their squads for this season and enjoy playing basketball.

Sport CoastRider - Edition 470 566 - March September 5th 2013 29th 2015


Football y Fútbol WHAT A weekend of football. Messi managed three minutes in Las Palmas before being helped off the field and will miss seven or eight weeks but Barcelona looked unconvincing in their 2:0 win after being beaten 4.1 last week. Those of who had money on Spurs beating Manchester City four goals to one must be raking it in. How many Manchester United fans would have believed you at the end of August that United would be top of the Premiership, after beating bottom of the table Sunderland three – nil and second from bottom Newcastle United throw away a two-nil lead to let Chelsea go home with a point. Meanwhile in Spain, Real Madrid and Ronaldo draw another blank and can only manage a nil-nil draw against a poor Malaga team. And up north Motherwell caretaker boss Stephen Craigan guided the Fir Park side to all three points in their first match since the sacking of Ian Baraclough with a 2:1 win against Partick Thistle. If that's not enough excitement

Motherwell for you, thank goodness we have the Rugby World Cup to watch and an inspired Wales beating England in that other football game with the funny shaped ball. All great stuff. In the world of gossip and those who just want to have their say, former Manchester United defender Gary Neville believes a north-south divide is developing in English football which reflects a drift in economic power towards London. One of those northern clubs who have not had a great start to the season, but did manage a scrappy 3:2 victory against travelling Aston Villa is Liverpool where defender Nathanial Clyne, 24, insists there is no panic at the club despite their disappointing start to the season. Liverpool are also close to completing work on a privacy screen at their Melwood training ground which they hope will stop confidential team details being leaked. Crystal Palace manager Alan Pardew claims Wilfried Zaha's spell at Manchester United set the 22-year-old Wilfried Zaha

Marco van Ginkel

give him time and show more patience. Stoke manager Mark Hughes has dismissed suggestions that he is under financial pressure to play Chelsea loanee Marco van Ginkel, 22 and Norwich defender Sebastien Bassong says he is taking nothing for granted despite starting every game for the Canaries this season. Top of the table surprise Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal is not worried about 29-year-old striker Wayne Rooney's Premier League goal drought, which was closing in on 1,000 minutes and then popped one in on Saturday. Van Gaal will not let striker James Wilson, 19, go out on loan until December because he needs cover for Rooney, Anthony Martial and Memphis Depay according to the Daily Express while United's Juan Mata, 27, says he wants to win the Premier League and the Capital One Cup to complete a full set of medals which include the World Cup, European Championships, Champions League, Europa League and FA Cup. Former Juan Mata

manager Sir Alex Ferguson thinks United could win the Premier League title after goalkeeper David De Gea committed his future to the club. Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino believes striker Harry Kane, 22, is struggling for form because of his exertions with England Under-21s over the summer but he also managed to get on the score sheet as Spurs took Manchester City apart 4:1 at White Heart Lane, and that was after taking the lead. Pochettino has urged Spurs to make a "quick" decision on where they should relocate to during White Hart Lane's redevelopment. Wembley and Milton Keynes are possible destinations.

The big news, but not unexpected, is that Fifa president Sepp Blatter and European football chief Michel Platini are facing an investigation by Fifa's ethics committee. The move comes after the Swiss attorney general opened criminal proceedings against Blatter, 79. He is accused of signing a contract "unfavourable" to football's governing body and making a "disloyal payment" to Uefa president Platini, 60. Football Association Chairman Greg Dyke says Fifa is "like a soap opera", after president Sepp Blatter was questioned as part of a Swiss criminal inquiry. "Clearly the organisation is in chaos," Dyke told the BBC. Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan, said the developments underlined the "need for new leadership." Prince Ali added: "We have to accept that changing Fifa is not a matter of choice; it has already changed, shaken to its very core by the scandals that have decimated our governing body and cast a cloud over the entire

Greg Dyke organisation. We have a duty to use our expertise, our experience, and our knowledge to lift that cloud by taking action to demonstrate that Fifa is worthy of the sport it oversees on behalf of the players, the fans and the millions of young boys and girls who can benefit from it." Gordon Taylor, the chief executive of the Professional Footballers' Association, said Fifa was "not fit for purpose. If it was a school it would be under special measures.” The Swiss attorney general's office said Blatter was questioned on Friday and his office was searched. He faces a charge of criminal mismanagement or misappropriation, relating in part to a TV rights deal he signed with former Caribbean football chief Jack Warner in 2005. Warner is currently fighting extradition from Trinidad. In 2005, Blatter signed a contract for World Cup Sepp Blatter

Mauricio Pochettino

winger's development back by a year and Southampton manager Ronald Koeman says he has no regrets about letting midfielder Jack Cork, 26, leaving St Mary's for Swansea City. Aston Villa manager Tim Sherwood says he would not accept a £60m offer for 20-year-old playmaker Jack Grealish while Boss Steve McClaren says struggling Newcastle will succeed providing the club

TV rights with the Caribbean Football Union, controlled by Warner. His company later sold the rights on for an $11m (£7.2m) profit. Italian lower league referee and part-time model Elena Tambini, 24, has hung up her whistle to become a television pundit despite being tipped to become a Serie A official said the Daily Mirror. And very topically, in the middle of the World Cup, Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has declared his love for rugby union after swapping tips with France's World Cup squad.


CoastRider - CoastRider Edition 566 - September Edition 470 29th - March 2015 2013

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