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Torrevieja and local areas Tuesday May 10th 2016 - Edition 597

Dancing the Night Away


Gardening News

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The Blame Game

Last week Spain's political parties quarrelled over ways to reduce the cost of the new national election campaign, The last vote in December cost taxpayers €130 million due to subsidies for political mail and parliament seats. €130 million that could have spent much better elsewhere. Last Thursday Spanish party representatives met to try to find ways to reduce campaign spending. With a fresh election set for June 26 after politicians failed to build governing alliances following an inconclusive vote in December, Spanish taxpayers could be facing another €130 million tab in campaign spending. Under Spanish legislation, the state puts up part of the money for the 15-day electoral campaign through subsidies for political mail and for every seat obtained in Congress and the Senate. Party representatives have agreed to meet again tomorrow, Wednesday in a bid to iron out their differences Although politicians had been mulling the need to reduce these costs since April, a meeting held on Thursday only served to showcase the difference of opinion between the traditional parties and the newcomers to the political scene. The Popular Party (PP) and Socialist Party (PSOE), which have taken turns in power for most of the last four decades, simply want all parties to slash 30% from the budgets they had for the December campaign. But this would still leave them in a position of financial superiority over their smaller rivals. The emerging Podemos and Ciudadanos, on the contrary, want to reduce the absolute spending ceiling for any party, a measure that would even out the playing field and comparatively hurt the two big parties. At the last election, the PP spent €12 million, the PSOE €9 million, Ciudadanos €4 million and Podemos €2.2 million. There was also division on the issue of political mail: the Socialists want to reduce the state subsidies for this campaign expenditure, while the PP conservatives want to keep things the way they are. The other parties want to mail all material out in the same envelope, but the PP is calling this notion “illegal.” At the last election, political mailings cost the state nearly €50 million. Party representatives have agreed to meet again next Wednesday in a bid to iron out their differences before the new campaign officially kicks off on June 10. Polls are predicting a similar outcome at the repeat election, which the PP confirming its first place yet falling short of the majority required to form a government. This is the first time in Spanish democratic history that a general election has to be called anew, reflecting the new political fragmentation in a country where parties are unaccustomed to broad governing coalitions of the type seen elsewhere in Europe.

bid at the prime minister’s office, attracting the sole support of Ciudadanos – says he will continue to reject the notion of a grand coalition with the conservatives led by acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. Possibly showing the desperation of PSOE leader Pedro Sánchez, the Socialist Party opened up a secret dialogue with Podemos in a bid to explore the chance of a deal without breaking with its official partner, Ciudadanos. Testimony gathered by EL PAÍS among PSOE and Podemos leaders who are familiar with those contacts suggests that economic issues and the anti-austerity party’s demands for cabinet positions were the real cause for failure to agree, rather than the idea of a hypothetical referendum on Catalan independence, which Podemos theoretically supports and the Socialists

Regarding the latest opinion polls, it looks like the hard stance of Podemos is resulting in them losing ground while the Socialists continue to rank second after the Partio Popular Party but are inching forward from the last voter poll in January. A new voter poll shows that Podemos and its regional allies in Catalonia, Valencia and Galicia are losing support with a view to the new general election of June 26. But figures suggest a similar overall outcome as the December 20 vote, when the conservative Popular Party (PP) came in first, followed by the Socialist Party (PSOE), Podemos, Ciudadanos and United Left (IU). According to the April poll released on Friday by the Centre for Sociology Studies (CIS), the PP would still come in first with 27.4% of the vote, down from the 28.7% it secured at the December election and from the 28.8% that a January poll suggested. Despite this forecast, Socialist leader Pedro Sánchez continues to say 'no' to a grand coalition with the conservatives. Opinion Poll feedback says that this new election will be a victory by attrition. When Spaniards go to the polls again on June 26, turnout will be lower, a new poll for Spanish National newspaper EL PAÍS shows. And the Metroscopia survey also suggests that the Popular Party (PP) will benefit from that 3.2-point drop in voter participation (to 70%), and earn the most seats in parliament again. The poll also forecasts that the Socialist Party (PSOE) and the anti-austerity Podemos will both lose votes this second time round, while Ciudadanos and United Left (IU) will perform better. According to Metroscopia estimates, the PP will receive 29% of the vote, followed by the PSOE with 20.3%, Podemos with 18.1% and Ciudadanos with 16.9%. The smaller Communist Party-led United Left (IU) stands to double its presence with 6.6%, although it may run in tandem with Podemos. Despite forecasts of a stronger PP emerging from the elections, Socialist leader Pedro Sánchez – the only candidate to have attempted a

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reject. “We will not deal with the PP, we are a radically different party,” he told members of the party federal committee behind closed doors at a Saturday meeting. “The PP is our adversary.” Rajoy has called for a crossparty coalition that would include Spain’s two main forces and possibly also the centre-right Ciudadanos. But in the four months since the December election, Rajoy has been unable to attract support of any kind from other parties in Congress, which are unwilling to associate themselves with a party tainted by corruption scandals. Sources close to Sánchez say that even if Rajoy stepped aside in favour of a new candidate – something Rajoy does not appear to be contemplating – there would still be no chance of a grand coalition with the PP. But sources at the Saturday meeting also say that Sánchez's request for agreement from delegates was met with silence. The federal committee is responsible for laying out party guidelines, and it will do so again after this fresh election. The meeting barely mentioned the PSOE’s only partner, Ciudadanos, with whom it drafted a governing program that has failed to attract enough congressional support for a majority: the Socialists have 90 seats and Ciudadanos has 40, short of the 176 required. One committee member, Javier Lambán, who is the regional premier of Aragon, said that the agreement that produced the 200-point joint program between the Socialists and Ciudadanos was a thing of the past and that it was time for each party to move on. The PSOE would rank second with 21.6%, slightly down from the 22% it obtained at the last election but up more than a point since the last poll in January. Podemos and its allies would secure 17.7%, of the vote, a drop of three percentage points from its December results and down from the 21.9% voters gave the group in the January poll.

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News 3 Gardening www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016

International Associations Day and Lifestyle Show

After an absence of almost a decade, Live And Enjoy Spain Events are reintroducing an International Associations Day, first made popular by This Is Spain Exhibitions during the boom years. Some of the Vega Baja and Torrevieja's clubs and groups will have the opportunity to participate in an International Associations Day. It's an opportunity for local groups, clubs, associations and charities to promote what they do under the one roof. That roof they are under is at the Torrevieja Christian Fellowship (TCF), Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas, 68,Torrevieja, on Thursday June 23rd, between the hours of 10.00am and 3.00pm. Admission for clubs and associations to exhibit is absolutely free. Admission is free to all visitors too and everyone will have the opportunity to win some great raffle prizes. Visitors will be able find out more about social clubs, sports, performance, golf, theatre, singing, luncheon, travel, solo, friendship, business, cultural, cinema and a whole lot more along with details of local charities and NGOs. Some select and targeted local businesses will also be present such as Currencies Direct, Coys Cars, Insurance and Funeral Directors and leisure companies. Refreshments are also available, tea, coffee, etc. All are welcome. Space is very limited and any club, association or charity that wishes to participate should send an email to:

Corvera airport visited by three companies

There was some interest shown in operating the empty Ghost airport at Corvera last when three companies were given a tour of the unopened facility. The Three companies interested in bidding for the new contract at Corvera airport were able to inspect the facilities, said the regional government. The Companies that have visited the terminal are the Spanish firm Acciona, the Lavalin, who got little makes the granting of Castell贸n, and the British group Rigby Group. The regional government says there are two other companies interested in Corvera airport along with National Company AENA. The regional government announced the visit to Murcia by the directors of Acciona and two foreign companies the same day as the special committee of the Regional Assembly is investigating the accounts and contracts at Corvera and visited the airport to see the state of its facilities. Along the way, the managers of the companies were accompanied by technicians and the director general of Tourism, Manuel Fern谩ndez Delgado. Corvera airport has been structurally finished and ready for the next phase of development since January 2012. The problem was that at this time the various bidders added as a condition to qualify for the contract the closure of San Javier

airport, since they were not willing to share the million passengers the airport next to Mar Menor has managed to maintain last year. The new interested parties travelled to Corvera with representatives of Acciona, the Spanish group who have won numerous contracts in Germany, Spain and North Africa. Airports Lavelin manage 16 airports in France and in areas such as Malta and Castellon. The Canadian company also won the contract for the airport of Valencia after the annulment of the first contract. Rigby Group is a British group operating in the UK, but has also been awarded and contracts in France, the Netherlands and Spain and in several Arab countries. The Murcia Executive has also announced the upcoming visit of two other companies, one American and one European.


Gardening News

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Surprise birthday party Spain’s richest man, Amancio Ortega, founder of the Inditex Empire that includes global fashion retailer Zara, celebrated his 80th birthday on March 28th. To celebrate the occasion, a surprise party was organized at the headquarters of the company, in Arteixo, close to A Coruña, in Galicia. Ortega’s daughter, Marta Ortega, led her father, who was visibly moved by the surprise, on a tour of the Arteixo plant, where hundreds of workers turned out to applaud the man who created the world’s largest fashion company. A “flashmob” had also been prepared, along with a dance attended by hundreds of employees from every department, factory and shops from around the world. Ortega opened his first shop in A Coruña, in the early 1970s, from where he began selling housecoats. Born in the small community of Busdongo de Arbas in the northern region of León just months before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, Ortega opened his first shop in A Coruña, in the early 1970s, from where he began selling housecoats. Since then, Inditex has grown to be the largest textile company in the world and

Ortega one of the planet’s highest net-worth individuals. The company employs 152,854 people and runs 7,000 stores in 88 countries. Ortega stood down as CEO in 2012, leaving the day-to-day running of the company in the hands of Pablo Isla, who has been with the company since 2005. Nevertheless, Ortega retains close links to Inditex. And despite the crisis, Zara founder Amancio Ortega is the world's fourth richest person, according to ‘Forbes’ magazine. Five Spaniards have dropped out of Forbes magazine’s world billionaires list, although the owner of clothing giant Zara remains among the top five. Amancio Ortega, whose Inditex retail fashion empire also includes other brands such as Bershka, Oysho and Massimo Dutti, slid down from third to fourth place with a net worth of $64.5 billion. The textile tycoon from Galicia was bettered by Microsoft founder Bill Gates ($79.2 billion), Mexican telecom magnate Carlos Slim ($77.1 billion) and US

investor Warren Buffett, who pushed his way up to third place with $72.7 billion. As of Forbes’ latest estimate, 21 Spaniards feature in the top 500 list of global fortunes, compared with 26 a year before. The Spaniards who made the list represent a joint fortune of $116.3 billion, less than the previous figure of $121.6 billion. Besides Amancio Ortega, the wealthiest Spaniards, according to Forbes, are his eldest daughter Sandra Ortega Mera ($6.4 billion); constructor Juan Miguel Villar Mir ($5.6 billion); Juan Roig, owner of the Mercadona supermarket chain ($5.3 billion); and Isak Andic, founder of another fashion giant, Mango ($4.8 billion). Juan Roig’s wife, Hortensia Herrero, newly joins the list because of her share in Mercadona. Pushed out of the list this year are Francisco José and Juan María Riberas Mera, of the Gestamp steel company; Leopoldo del Pino, of infrastructure builder and manager Ferrovial; El Corte Inglés founder Isidoro Álvarez, who died last year; José María Aristrain, founder of steelmaker Arcelor, and real estate entrepreneur Enrique Bañuelos.

TCF Spring Fayre Torrevieja Christian Fellowship (TCF) are holding their Spring Fayre at TCF. Avenida de las Valencianas,68,03183 on Saturday 21st May 2016 between 1.00 pm and 4.00 pm. Beautiful hand crafted items including cards, jewellery, knitted items, cushions etc. are available, as well as home baked cakes and scones, bric a brac and nearly new clothing. Free admission and there are refreshments on sale. All are welcome, bring your family and friends. Doors open at 1.00 pm prompt. www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016

News 5 Gardening

Royal Princess in Cartagena The cruise ship Royal Princess docked in Cartagena on Thursday, May 5, at the cruise terminal port of Cartagena and will return next Sunday. For the first time in its history, Cartagena will become the port of embarkation for transatlantic great cruise. This historical and tourist marker for the city attracted the Deputy Mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejon and the Councillor for Tourism, Obdulia Gomez. The local authorities were accompanied by the director general of the Port Authority, José Pedro Vindel and received by the captain of the Royal Princess, Nick Nash, as well as by Agustín Quesada, CEO of Mundomar Cruises. After an exchange of gifts, the Cartagena councillors enjoyed a tour of the facilities of the ship. A port city like Cartagena, that welcomes thousands of cruise passengers daily, is now prepared to receive tourists to embark from the port. The Deputy Mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejon , pointed out that the government team sees this as a new opportunity for

Cartagena, to further promote the city and continue positioning it as a tourist reference not only in the region of Murcia but also at the national level. Castejon stressed that the City Council, jointly with the Port Authority, was working towards making Cartagena a Home Port: a starting point for cruises. To do this, according Castejon, “we must improve the infrastructure but we are already taking concrete actions to improve the signage in the downtown area translating them into several languages.” For its part, the Councillor of Tourism pointed out that the Department is exploring new excursions and routes to offer tourists that embark from Cartagena. José Pedro Vindel stressed that they have made a great effort to build a shipping terminal in record time that has involved an investment of 300,000 euros. Also, Vindel, thanked the Princess shipping company for choosing Cartagena as a home port and wished that many more companies will decide to offer the tourist attractions of the city to its passengers. MS Royal Princess is a cruise ship operated by Princess Cruises, and the third ship to sail for the cruise line under that name. The ship was built by Fincantieri at their shipyard in Monfalcone, Italy. Royal Princess is the flagship of the Princess fleet, a designation held up to that point by Grand Princess. The ship measures 141,000 GT and has a capacity of 3,600 passengers. Her amenities include a pair of public areas cantilevered over the side of the ship on the top deck—a

walkway on the starboard side and a bar on the port side. She also has fewer pools than previous Princess Cruises ships and features expanded public areas, including the movie theatre, the "Sanctuary" bar and the central Piazza atrium. The ship will also have more dining options than previous Princess vessels. The ships of this class are one of the first passenger vessels built compliant to the new safe return to port requirements. On 9 April 2013, it was announced that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge would name Royal Princess in a naming ceremony in Southampton on 13 June 2013. The ceremony upheld British ship-naming traditions including the blessing, a performance by the Royal Marines and the pipers of the Irish Guards. Royal Princess arrived at the Ocean Terminal in Southampton on Friday 7 June, where a series of events commenced for customers and travel agents, including a special naming gala on the evening of Wednesday 12 June. The ship’s inaugural celebrations concluded with her maiden voyage on 16 June.


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Catalonia is preparing for another record year An expected 18 million tourists are expected to step foot in Catalonia this year covering all avenues including hotels, ports and airports for the most heavily attended summer in decades, Catalonia and in particular Barcelona, is preparing for another record season record. Hotels, ports and airports are hiring more than last year and if the trend of the first months of the year continues, the year will see with more than 18 million foreign visitors, 3% more than in 2015, bringing with them revenues of more than €16,000 million, according to estimates by the Generalitat. "Barcelona and Girona have had a good winter and a good first quarter. Barcelona forecasts for the next three months are also good," confirmed Joan Molas, president of the Business Confederation of Hotels and Restaurants of Catalonia. "All the forecasts make us think it will. The figures so far are better than last year, "said Ramon Ramos, Director of the Tourist Board Costa Brava Girona. From Tarragona, the manager of the Tourist Board Octavi Bono agrees: "We have positive expectations for growth." About 65% of international tourists arriving in Catalonia do so by air. The Airport at El Prat is preparing for a record breaking season and explained that airlines have offered almost 36 million seats for the summer season, which runs from March 27th to October 29th. This figure represents an increase of 12.7% over 2015. Vueling, El Prat's leading airline, is operating more flights

in the 12 year history of the company with 400 routes to more than 160 destinations in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. The Port of Barcelona is preparing to receive about 2.6 million cruise passengers this year, a figure that equals the record of 2011 with a planned 750 cruise calls. The weekend with more passengers will be the first of July, when a total of 62,166 cruise passengers will be in the city on the same day. French tourists (5 million in 2015) and British (1.9 million) are the most numerous tourist groups, followed by Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium. "The perspective we have after talking with tour operators is that expectations for tourists from nearby European markets are good," explains Molas. Beyond the usual

markets, he notes that there are good prospects to attract people from countries that do not usually spend the summer in Catalonia. "Ireland, which has a more family-type tourism is now buying vacations in Catalonia. The Polish market also reaches good numbers as does Switzerland." From the Union of Hospitality and Tourism of the Costa Brava-Centro, the manager Martí Sabrià is more cautious. "We wish it was better this year than last, but I think it will be similar." The international collective principal that stays in the establishments of this coastal area are the French, due to the proximity to the border. In 2013, Russian tourism in Catalonia peaked with nearly one million visitors. The trend has reversed since then because of the economic crisis and the devaluation of the ruble. This year some agents say it could grow back slightly after having fallen by half. Although international tourists grew from 2014 to 2015, the population employed in the tourism sector during the third quarter (July to September) went from 410,000 in 2014 to 406,000 in 2015. In the remaining quarters itself increases occurred around 4%. Joan Molas estimated that if demand and growth are as expected, hiring in this sector could grow between 2.5% and 3% more than the previous year. A forecast that is shared by Sabrià Martí: "In 2009 and 2010 we reached the bottom and now we are returning to our normal state of affairs." www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016


Guardamar’s Fiesta del Motor

8 Torrevieja’s Feria de Sevillanas 2016 was another outstanding success attracting thousands of visitors to the city for five days last week.

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Spanish News

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013

Eta member jailed for 92 years for plot to kill Spanish king A Spanish court sentenced a member of the Basque separatist group Eta to 92 years in prison over a failed plot to kill Spain’s king at the opening of Bilbao’s Guggenheim Museum in 1997. Eneko Gogeaskoetxea Arronategui and another Eta member had planned to lob grenades at Juan Carlos during the inauguration in northern Spain, according to the national court. The former Eta figure has been in London and Brussels with a new political message, but to many he still has blood on his hands Read more But police stumbled upon the plot as the two men, dressed as gardeners, were attempting to hide the weapons in flowerpots outside the museum five days before its scheduled opening on 18 October. Gogeaskoetxea shot dead a police officer at close range in an ensuing firefight and managed to escape, the court added. Gogeaskoetxea, 49, was arrested in the Cambridge, England, in July 2011 – where he had

been living for several years under a false identity – after a fellow Spaniard recognised him at a squash club. He was sentenced to 30 years in jail for murdering a police officer and another 15 years for conspiring against the monarchy. He was handed down a further 47 years behind bars for several other crimes related to the plot, including forgery of public documents and possessing weapons. Under Spanish law, a convicted criminal can serve a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison, unless he is convicted of carrying out deadly terrorist attacks in which case a life sentence is possible. Gogeaskoetxea’s lawyers had fought against his extradition to Spain, arguing that he faced a real risk of “a flagrant denial of justice” in the country because the accusations against him were based on the confessions of a co-defendant who was allegedly denied proper access to a lawyer. Britain’s high court rejected the appeal in 2012 and he was extradited. Eta has been blamed for more than 800 killings in its campaign of bombings and shootings to create an independent Basque territory in north Spain and south-west France. The group’s last deadly attack in Spain was in August 2009. In October 2011, it declared a “definitive end to armed activity” but it has yet to formally disband or disarm as the Spanish and French governments demand. Eta has been linked to several other assassination plots on Juan Carlos, 78, who abdicated the throne to his son Felipe in 2014.

Exorcism lessons are made compulsory for Spanish students Students in Spain are being forced to take a new course – in exorcisms. Their college, which is funded by the Spanish government, has called in a priest to give a seminar entitled 'The Evil'. Father José Antonio Fortea Cucurull has previously written a treatise on demonology that includes a manual on exorcisms. The University College of Barberan and Collan has made it compulsory for its 196 students to attend the conference that covers 'fields related to the devil, exorcisms and being possessed and hell'. Signs state the exorcism lecture is 'obligatory' unless students have a valid excuse, although it is not clear what that may include. The college is connected to the public research institute Complutense University of Madrid and is funded by Spain's Defence Ministry. The lecture has reportedly angered some students, but no one has yet submitted a formal complaint. In 2010, Father Cucurull defended the Vatican after the Pope's chief exorcist claimed the child sex abuse scandals rocking the Church were evidence of the

Devil's presence there. Father Gabriel Amorth, 84, who has carried out more than 70,000 exorcisms in a career spanning 24 years said Pope Benedict 'fully agreed' with him in 'casting out evil'. He added: 'We have cardinals who don't believe in Christ, bishops connected with demons. Then we have these stories of pedophilia. 'You can see the rot when we speak of Satan's smoke in the holy rooms (of the Vatican).' But Father Cucurull accused Father Amorth of going too far with his comments. Speaking at the time, he said: 'Cardinals might be better or worse, but all have upright intentions and seek the glory of God. 'To affirm that some cardinals are members of satanic sects is an unacceptable distance.' www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016

Was the famous Spanish author of Don Quixote actually ENGLISH? A Historic document has revealed that the famous Spanish author of Don Quixote may actually be of English heritage. The startling findings were found by historian Julio Mayo, who suggests that some of Miguel de Cervantes's relatives appear to have been English. The family tree seemingly contains a range of characters including a British spy and a suspected slave trader who lived in Bristol. The manuscript, which was found in Utrera's town hall, is thought to date back to 1593 and identifies a certain 'Juan Titon de Servantes', thought to be a relative of the famous author. Titon's relatives appear to suggest he comes from an Anglosaxon family, with the listed surnames including 'Tintam' (Titon) and Herbert' (Herver). The Tintam family lived in Bristol before settling in Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cadiz in 1480. The Medina Sidonia mayor Enrique de Guzman reportedly gave permission for the trader to stay in Spain. 'I truly believe I have proved Cervantes had English family and it's only the beginning,' Mayo said. Last month Spain celebrate the fourth centenary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes with hundreds of events. The author of the world-famous novel 'Don Quixote' died on April 22, 1616 in Madrid but the event has always been commemorated on the 23rd - the day when he was buried - coinciding with the passing of British literary co-star Shakespeare. A colourful figure who survived a sea battle,

capture by pirates, five years of captivity in Algiers and stints in prison, Cervantes is known as the father of the modern novel and his 'Don Quixote' has become one of the world's most translated works. The book about a delusional wanna-be knight who sets out to rid the world of its ills was an overnight success when it was published in 1605 Cervantes' portrayal of a hero as imperfect as any other human being considered revolutionary at the time. It inspired authors the world over, from Jane Austen and Fyodor Dostoyevsky to Gustave Flaubert and Mark Twain. 'Cervantes' work is universal because it's not just limited to an era or to a country, but talks about feelings and people... It's very relevant today,' says Javier Rodriguez Palacios, mayor of Alcala de Henares near Madrid where Cervantes was born.

Spanish News


Spain smashes Nigerian 'CEO swindle' scammer network

Police arrested 43 people thought to be involved in the socalled "CEO swindle" in Spain and one in Britain - 17 of whom are thought to be the ringleaders of the scam. The largest single sum lost to the fraud was â‚Ź1.8 million ($2.1 million). The scam is alleged to have used forged emails to dupe senior company executives into parting with personal details which were then used to empty their financial accounts. The man arrested in Britain was detained close to an airport where the gang allegedly hoarded large sums of cash before it was to be transported to Nigeria. Seven people involved in running an Internet cafe in the Madrid region are suspected of

having organised weekly transfers of cash to Nigeria by plane. "135,000 euros in notes was discovered at Madrid airport hidden in rubbish bags and concealed among underwear in a suitcase destined to travel in the hold of the aircraft," police said in a statement. Several Spanish businessmen suspected of helping the syndicate to launder the stolen funds were among those arrested, according to police. The investigation began at the end of 2014 after a Pakistani citizen reported that he had been robbed of â‚Ź34,000 after his bank account was hacked. Police refused to comment on the nationality of the suspects or when exactly the operation to arrest them took place.


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Club Torrevieja visit Fortuna Baths A car falls four meters without anyone inside

Club Torrevieja Classics and Specialists Cars had a couple of events in April. Firstly on Sunday the 24th, 14 cars met at the Spanglish Bar just north of Torrevieja, for a 10.30 cup of coffee before leaving at 11.00 for the Baths at Fortuna. We set off through Benijofar then around Jacarilla, past the water pipes to the N340. Following this main road through Santomera and

several small villages to Fortuna old town. The Banos de Fortuna are located on the other side of the town by the camp site. We stopped for a look at the Spa baths and a drink on the terrace of a bar with views across the valley. There are a couple of Hotels in the vicinity that looked very good and several members took brochures back with a view to a proper Spa session. After

forty minutes we continued our rally over the mountains through the villages of Barinas and Macisvenda to Hondon de Los Frailes, where we had reserved lunch in the pedestrian high street, and displayed the cars on both sides of the walk way. A leisurely lunch was enjoyed by the 32 members present in the Albatera restaurant before returning home at 17.00. Second event of the month was on Saturday the 30th in Guardamar, with a show and shine to support the Rotary Club raising funds for books for the local school children. Each child needs about 300 Euros worth of books each year!! There were at least 3 car clubs there with close to 45 cars plus a Giant Paella. So there was a lot of chatting amongst fellow petrol heads. If you are interested in cars / rallies and social events (especially if you have a Classic car) Please contact us as below. For more information on Club Torrevieja please visit, or telephone Ron Blackwell on 966791212 or come along to one of our monthly meetings which is every first Wednesday of the month at 19.30 in the Cafeteria Marina Club in the International Marina.

A strange accident took place on Sunday morning in the centre of Madrid. A maroon car fell onto the road from a height of about four meters in the district of the Retiro and landed upside down. When emergency services arrived on the scene they found the vehicle was empty with nobody inside. The incident occurred at 6.20am when, for reasons not clarified, the car broke through the protective fence and fell into the tunnel of Calle Reina Cristina, near Atocha station. Fortunitly at that time of the morning no other vehicles were passing through the area. The vehicle fell into the middle of both lanes. The accident caused traffic delays in both directions, from that moment until about 9.0am when a municipal crane removed the vehicle. Initial investigations suggest that the occupants of the vehicle may have absconded before emergency services arrived. The vehicle had been reported as stolen. Another hypothesis is that, despite the fall and subsequent rollover, the driver was drunk or high, and preferred to flee the site so as not to be subjected to the relevant police evidence checks. Agents from the Accident Investigation Unit of the Municipal Police have taken over the investigation to try to clarify what happened. Officials are seeking the owner of the vehicle to take his statement.

Pets in Spain Bridgette is 1 of many puppies we have available for adoption. She is around 9 weeks old and was covered in ticks and fleas when found but has now been treated and in good health. She is a very happy little girl and will be quite small when fully grown. Call: 645 469 253 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016



CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013

More foreign tourists visit Alicante

The average cumulative occupation of this year stood at 59.08%, representing an increase of 6.15 points compared to 2015. Increasing international tourists, with longer lengths of stay than the national non-summer seasons, have boosted occupancy rates in Alicante due to more direct flights from the airport with European cities. This has helped increase occupancy rates according to data recorded by the Provincial Association of Hotels of Alicante (APHA) from last April. Specifically, 5.25% more than last year (2015) to reach 73.56%. The average cumulative occupation of this year stood at 59.08%, representing an increase of 6.15 points compared to 2015. The data reflects that 62.93% are international visitors, highlighting the UK with 18.33%; Sweden 9.41% (where indeed was a promotion with the presence of the Bonfires); Norway 8.51% France 5.93% and 4.84% Algeria. As for domestic visitors, after the region itself, the majority are those from Madrid. The additional visitors was very

noticeable in the Puente de Mayo, where the occupancy rate of 85.34% was reached, a figure almost identical to that achieved in 2015. In addition to the increase in foreign visitors, figures from APHA also highlights the interesting segment of increased congresses in April, which continued in May with the meeting of the Spanish Society of Immunology, with about 450 participants. Referring to the segment during the month of April in Alicante were held: 17 EIPIN (European Intellectual Propierty Institutes Network) from 13 to 17; AESLA Congress 2016 with about 400 participants; International Electronic Radikal Darts Championship Darts, from 14 to 17 with the participation of about 3,000 people; National Toastmaster International Conference and Festival Open Energy Congress. All these small and medium meetings "have they helped to increase occupancy in hotels rooms available," clarified from APHA which provide the upward trend for the month of May.

Markets Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Tue 10 May 9:00am Los Belones 9:00am Benissa 9:00am Los Alcazares Street Market 9:00am La Unión 9:00am Los Alcázares 9:00am Alhama de Murcia 9:00am Relleu 9:00am Altea 9:00am Jumilla 9:00am Callosa d‘ En Sarrià 9:00am Agost 9:00am Bullas 9:00am Orihuela Street Market 9:00am Pilar de la Horadada 0:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Wed11 May 8:00am Alcoy 8:00am Calpe Flea Market - Car park close to Casa 9:00am Santiago de la Ribera Street Market 9:00am Polop 9:00am Mutxamel 9:00am San Miguel Street Market - San Miguel 9:00am Teulada 9:00am El Poblets Craft Market 9:00am Alcantarilla 9:00am El Campello 9:00am San Javier 9:00am Benidorm 9:00am Orba 9:00am Benitachell 9:00am La Mata

9:00am Yecla 9:00am Ondara 9:00am Guardamar del Segura Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Thu 12 May 8:00am Benidorm Antiques Market - El Cisne 9:00am Villajoyosa 9:00am Lorca 9:00am Javea 9:00am Blanca 9:00am Los Urrutias 9:00am Guardamar del Segura Street Market 9:00am Murcia 9:00am San Javier Street Market 9:00am San Javier 9:00am Balsicas Street Market 9:00am Gandia 9:00am Agost 9:00am Librilla 9:00am Rojales Street Market 9:00am La Marina Street Market - La Marina 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Fri 13 May 8:00am Alfas del Pi 8:30am Abarán 9:00am Gata de Gorgos 9:00am Pilar de la Horadada 9:00am Onil 9:00am Torrevieja Street Market

9:00am Calasparra 9:00am Finestrat 9:00am El Verger 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas 12:00pm Benidoleig Charity Auction at El Cid 4:00pm Los Montesinos Street Market Sat 14 Apr 8:00am Calpe 9:00am HELP Charity Sale Behind Rendezvous Bar Tiro de Pinchon Pueblo Principe 9:00am Underworld Car Boot Sale Punta Prima 9:00am Alicante Market 9:00am Benissa 9:00am Torre Pacheco Street Market 9:00am Almoradi Street Market 9:00am Los Narejos Street Market 9:00am Fortuna 9:00am Pedreguer 9:00am Los Narejos 9:00am Santa Pola Street Market 9:00am Abanilla 9:00am Elda 9:00am Águilas 9:00am Playa Flamenca Street Market 9:00am Orihuela Street Market 9:00am Fuente Alamo 9:00am San Javier Craft Market 9:00am El Verger Car Boot Safari park 9:00am Mazarrón 9:00am Gandia

9:00am Callosa d‘ En Sarrià 9:00am Molina de Segura 9:00am El Poblets Flea Market El Pont Bar and Restaurant 9:00am Callosa d‘ En Sarrià Antiques Market - Fuentes del Algar 10:00am Bigastro Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas 10:00am Bigastro Market

9:00am Aledo 9:00am Los Nietos 9:00am HELP Charity Sale Punta Prima - Water Tower Punta Prima 9:00am Murcia Antiques Market 9:00am Mazarrón 9:00am La Nucía Flea Market 10:00am Flea Market Punta Prima - Rocajuna

Sun 15 May

9:00am San Pedro del Pinatar Street Market 9:00am Dénia 9:00am Roldan 9:00am Beniel 9:00am Parcent 9:00am La Nucía 9:00am Caravaca de la Cruz 9:00am Ontinyent 9:00am Los Narejos Artisan Market 9:00am Santa Pola Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas

9:00am Lorca 9:00am San Pedro del Pinatar Craft Market 9:00am Torremanzanas 9:00am Cabo de Palos Street Market 9:00am Guardamar Campo Lemon Grove MarketSpain 9:00am Pedreguer Flea Market 9:00am La Marina Street Market - La Marina 9:00am Zoco Street Market Quesada,

Mon 16 May www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016

Specsavers celebrate 10 Years in Spain

To celebrate Specsavers Opticas’ 10th Anniversary in Spain there are two great events taking place in the southern Costa Blanca in May. Last week, on the 5th in Torrevieja and tomorrow 11th May in Guardamar, Specsavers Opticas will be holding a fun birthday events from 123pm to raise money for kidney charity ALCER. Sunshine Radio will be broadcasting live from both events, there will be cake and cava for everyone to enjoy and there will be fun activities such as a Magician and Face Painter to entertain the kids. There will also be a raffle to win a wonderful prize hamper and all proceeds will be donated to ALCER, a Spanish kidney charity which the stores have been supporting throughout the year.

At both events frame stylists will be on hand to offer style advice and guests will be able to enter the Spectacle Wearer of the Year competition and be in with a chance to win 500€. You can also enter via Facebook and online at until the 29th May. Specsavers Opticas is part of the World’s largest privately owned optical group which has revolutionised the eyecare industry. The first Specsavers Opticas opened in Javea on the Costa Blanca in April 2006 to provide customers with quality, professional eyecare at low prices and there are now five stores in the Costa Blanca. Find SpecsaversOpticas on Facebook or visit to find out more.




CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013

Back Stage with Tony Marsh Who are you and what do you do? My name is Tony Marsh and I am a guitar vocalist rocking all over the Costa. I play acoustic and electric guitars and do mix of pop, rock, background and easy listening music. How did you start in the business? I am lead singer and guitarist with local band Shades Of Grey and decided to turn solo when I was not performing with the band. What would you be doing if you were not an entertainer? Well I am now retired but used to be a Carpenter/Joiner. As an entertainer who has been your biggest influence? I am the youngest of 5 siblings and as a child I would be forever listening to their music. So the music of the 60’s has been my overall influence. I loved it then and I

love it now. Therefore, no one person or band in particular, but rather the entire sixties decade. Obviously my love for music spans a vast spectrum as I love to play almost all genres. Do you ever get nervous or have you suffered stage fright? Surprisingly, no. What was your best moment? My best moment was sitting in a local bar minding my own business, then being approached and asked if I had my guitar to hand. I fetched my acoustic from the car and began to twang. I had never played to an audience before and couldn’t always remember the words but within a very short space of time, I had people singing

along, dancing, clapping and really enjoying themselves. After several hours and numerous handshakes and hugs, they passed round the hat. The proprietor then booked me for several more ‘pluckings’, great stuff. What has been your worst moment? Worst moment, was a first gig at a club opening. Thirty minutes in, the amp decided to blow several fuses. It couldn’t have been that bad as they did ask us to return again. What’s the best piece of advice you have received or would give someone starting out in the business? First and foremost, enjoy yourself, go out and have fun. Secondly, take on board all constructive comments and listen to your audience. Any little anecdotes or interesting stories? At a local fiesta - it began with one band member not arriving. Just three of us carried off another 4 hours of entertainment to an audience of about 200 people at a posh hotel overlooking the sea, with a luxurious interior and tables laid for a banquet. We should have been fed and watered as agreed but no reservation had been made for this. After much debate and not so friendly discussion, we ‘legged’ it up the road for hamburger and chips, returning to venue 5 minutes before we were due to start. They were very lucky that we came back at all!!! Tony Marsh can be booked direct on 686 132 173

AFTER HOURS – INTERESTING TALES For several months now we have been running the “After Hours” interview featuring bars and restaurants in the CoastRider. The final question in the interview is always ‘Any interesting tales?’ This week we feature some of the interesting, amusing and - sometimes bizarre - stories we received. Lo Crispin Tavern in Lo Crispin that hosted a Russian wedding: “The wedding party all went outside for a traditional Russian toast which involved smashing all the glasses against the wall at the end (fortunately they brought their own). A tradition I did not know about is that both bride and groom take a bite out of a loaf of bread and the

one that takes the largest bite will be head of the family. If I remember rightly the bride won!” Watering Hole in San Luis: “We are normally busy but one cold dark weekday night recently there was just me and one male regular customer in the bar for ages. Eventually I said: ‘Enough of this, let’s have a party, just the two of us.’ We turned the music up loud and danced wildly on the terrace. It was just for fun but before we knew it we had a bar full of people. Funny thing is on that evening it wasn’t just us empty there didn’t appear to be anybody about at all…and then suddenly there they all

were.” Mono’s in Quesada: “A thing that made me laugh the most happened a while ago but still to this day makes me smile... a couple came into the bar and asked to eat in the restaurant. John (my barman) replied yes of course and they could take any table except for the table of six. The couple then asked which the table was for six. John replied that…er… that would be the table with the six chairs round it.... well I rolled up and still to this day it makes me chuckle.... sooo funny .......” Rendezvous Restaurant in Altos del Limonar: “One very busy evening a meal had been placed on the bar ready to be delivered to a customer and one of the waitresses for a reason she has never been able to explain decided it was leftovers and threw the contents of the plate into the bin. We were searching high and low for this missing meal while the poor lady waiting for it was becoming more and more irate. It was embarrassing at the time but very funny looking back.” Bar Carmen’s in El Chaparral: “There was one bizarre event. We had a

French gentleman and his wife who racked up quite a ‘tab’ one afternoon. When it was time to settle up he announced that he had no money and would have to go to a cashpoint. We suggested his wife stayed with us while he went to one but he refused to leave his wife as a deposit so left us his passport, wallet and car keys and off they went. We never saw them again! Their car disappeared shortly afterwards, so they must have had spare keys, but no sign of them. We handed in their property to the police but that was the last we ever heard. We’ve still got their bill, just in case.”

Entertainment www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016


Coastrider Gig Guide Dave The Hat


Tues 10 May

Sat 14 May

4:00 PM Terry Hart Bar Esquina, Quesada 8:00 PM El Marino Restaurante Casa Da Vinci, Zenia Mar 8:30 PM Graeme Mykal Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Timewarp Duo Rosamar Hotel, Benidorm 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Tango Bar, Avda Purissima, Torrevieja 9:00 PM Shanie Vaughan Porterhouse, Altos del Limonar 9:30 PM Martin Kay Cabaroke Pablo's, Playa Flamenca 10:00 PM Andy Winwood Kvikk Baren, Torre La Mata 10:30 PM David John Yolo's, Cabo Roig 10:30 PM Gina G Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca

8:30 PM David John Eduardos, Villamartin 8:30 PM Shanie Vaughan Sports Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Aneto Cerveceria, Benijofar 8:30 PM Andy Winwood Laurel & Hardy's, Quesada 9:00 PM Rain O'Connor Bamboo Lounge, Entre Naranjos 9:00 PM Chloe Leigh Lounge, La Marina 9:30 PM Roz McQuillan Alioth, Playa Flamenca 9:30 PM Dan Davy Emerald Isle, La Florida 10:00 PM Dougie Munro Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca 10:00 PM Snowblind Slieven's Irish Bar, Cabo Roig

Wed 11 May 8:30 PM Dan Davy Chemies Lounge, Villamartin 8:30 PM Duo Zodiac Hotel Helios, Benidorm 8:30 PM Sharni Bar La Copa, Calpe 9:00 PM Roz McQuillan Porterhouse, Altos del Limonar 9:00 PM Ed Temple Pablos, Playa Flamenca 9:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Emerald Isle La Florida 10:00 PM Snowblind Slieven's Irish Bar, Cabo Roig 10:00 PM Gina G Local, La Florida 10:00 PM David John Stray Sod, La Fuente 10:30 PM Backyard Session Murphys on the Park, Torrevieja Thur 12 May 8:00 PM Sharni Draculas, Calpe 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Ali Baba, Rojales 9:00 PM Duo Zodiac Hotel Rio Park, Benidorm 9:00 PM Dougie Munro The Local, La Florida 9:30 PM Terry Hart Bar Las Mimosas 10:00 PM Dan Davy O'Riordan's, Cabo Roig 10:00 PM Andy Winwood Kvikk Baren, Torre La Mata 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Yolo, Cabo Roig

Sun 15 May Dougie Munro

Fri 13 May 2:00 PM The Streeters El Rincon Tio Cali, Torrevieja 8:00 PM Terry Hart Fairways, Villamartin Plaza 8:00 PM El Marino Restaurante Nautilus, Punta Prima 8:00 PM DJ Weeto Bar Bokao, Condado de Alhama 8:30 PM Graeme Mykal Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Chloe Leigh Archer's, Quesada 8:30 PM Dave the Hat Park Inn, Quesada 8:30 PM Nigel Burchill as Elvis Sportsbar, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Roz McQuillan Durty Nelly's, Torrevieja 9:00 PM Gina G Clarke's Bar, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Timewarp Duo Hotel Sol Ifach, Calpe 10:00 PM Dan Davy Tradewinds, La Fuente 10:00 PM David John Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca 10:00 PM Dougie Munro Piano Lounge, Hotel Principe Felipe, La Manga 10:30 PM The Streeters Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca 10:30 PM Shanie Vaughan Shannon's Bar, Altos del Limonar 11:00 PM Martin Kay Cabaroke New Priory, El Galan

1:30 PM Terry Hart Sunrise, Playa Flamenca 1:30 PM Tony Capaldi Gastro Restaurant, Torrevieja 2:00 PM Saxy Johan Pablos International, Playa Flamenca 4:00 PM Roz McQuillan Durty Nelly's, Torrevieja 10:00 PM Dougie Munro Stray Sod, La Fuente 10:00 PM Rain O'Connor Gogarty's, La Zenia 10:00 PM Sharni Tradewinds, La Fuente 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Paddy's Point, La Zenia 10:30 PM Gina G Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca Mon 16 May 1:00 PM Terry Hart Alfie's Place, Lomas Cabo Roig 7:00 PM Roz McQuillan St. James Gate, Torreta 2 8:00 PM El Marino The Bells Restaurant, Quesada 8:30 PM Rain O'Connor Pablo's, La Florida 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Asturias Restaurant, Punta Prima 9:00 PM David John The Local, La Florida 9:00 PM Gina G Bar La Torre, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Backyard Session Emerald Isle, La Florida 10:00 PM Dougie Munro Mulligan's, The Club, La Manga 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Celtic Drop, Playa Flamenca


Health and Beauty

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013

Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Insomnia is a real problem apparent in our increasingly noisy, stressful lives. It can zap our energy, making us under-productive, irritable, and tired. Insomnia may be brought on by stress, depression, anxiety, a medical disorder, or some medications. Whatever the cause, there are some natural ways to combat insomnia that involve only a few changes in lifestyle or environment. First of all, establish the bed and the bedroom for sleeping activities only. Remove the television and avoid eating and working in bed. Make sure that daylight does not penetrate through the windows by using blinds or curtains to keep them covered. Keep your bedroom a temperature that is not too warm and not too cold. Your bedroom environment should be a place of serenity, not wakefulness, discomfort, or stress. Establish a regular sleeping routine if possible. Resetting your body's clock to get tired at a specific time each night will allow it to get used to sleeping in the designated time frame. Avoid naps at all cost, which can throw off this clock and make sleeping at night even more difficult. Do not oversleep, either -- encourage your body to adhere to a schedule. Exercise. This can really make a difference. Not only

does it boost your overall health, it also gives the body a reason to recharge each night. The best times to exercise are right before breakfast and right before dinner. Avoid doing it right before bed because the adrenaline may keep you awake. However, light yoga or stretches to soothing music can help your body wind down and prepare for sleep. Watch your diet. Too much caffeine or alcohol can inhibit regular sleep patterns. Heavy meals before bed can also keep you awake. If getting up to go to the bathroom

keeps you from sleeping a full night through, you might try avoiding liquids right before bed. Establish for yourself a time when you let your mind relax from the day's stresses. Read a pleasurable book, take a warm bath, or spend some time with your pet. Even if your body is no longer working, your mind might still be rehashing the day's events. Let the stress go by allowing your mind to focus on things which make you calm. If these tips seem not to help, examine your mattress. Is it old, uneven, or simply not the right firmness for you? A trip to any department store with a variety of mattresses can help you determine if you need to make a change . . . after all, you do use your mattress 7 to 10 hours in a 24 hour period every night. While a new mattress can be a relatively expensive purchase, it could mean the difference between feeling healthy and feeling drained all of the time. Sleep is essential for productivity and good health. The effects of a poor night's rest may be visible immediately upon starting the tasks for the day. A well-rested person looks energized and has a more positive outlook on the day. Don't let insomnia take away your right to being the best person you can be each day.

Build Your Immune System with Spices

Do you like cinnamon toast? How about enchiladas or hot cocoa? Did you know the spices that flavor these foods can help build your immune system? The immune system is a complex system of organs and

glands that guards against diseases and cancer. But it can only do its job when it is nourished and strengthened. Although there are many ways to build up your immune system, one can be as easy as

spicing up your meals! Common spices that may be sitting in your pantry do more than just flavor bland meals. Traditional cultures have used these spices for thousands of years to help with digestion. These spices can also help prevent cancer, but the big pharmaceutical companies don't research this because they cannot patent natural substances. If you want to take charge of your health and boost your immune system add these 4 spices to your meals: [Cinnamon] 路 Cinnamon is used for sweets, meats, squashes and more. It prevents insulin resistance and also improves memory and attention. And it's great for stopping Candida too. How many doctors have told you this? Cinnamon is high in manganese. Manganese is a mineral that helps keep bones strong, helps your thyroid gland and your nerves! 路 Cumin is a seasoning in enchiladas, tacos, soups and beans. As it flavors your food it also aids in digestion. Cumin is also used for chest ailments and coughs. Wow, I wonder if doctors would prescribe cumin for cough? I would love a prescription for enchiladas. Cumin is high in iron and a good source of manganese. 路 Oregano is used in garlic bread, pizza and omelets. What a tasty way to prevent colon cancer or ease colds, flu and fever. This spice also aids digestion. Oregano is an

excellent source of Vitamin K and a good source of manganese. 路 Cayenne is added to hot cocoa or beans and soups to stimulate and improve circulation. I added a bit of cayenne to my hot cocoa and did not taste it until it hit my throat. It felt tingly and warm. I think it would be great for sore throats! And for First Aid here are two important emergencies to use cayenne for: wounds and heart attack. For a cut, put directly into the wound to stop bleeding. For a heart attack, cayenne used with CPR helps revive the patient better than

CPR alone. Just mix in a teaspoon of cayenne into a glass of water and have the patient drink it down. Adding cayenne to the diet will help heart and high blood pressure conditions. Cayenne is an excellent source of Vitamin A and also a good source of manganese. This is only scratches the surface on how these and other spices boost the immune system. As more research is done we discover health benefits our ancestors already knew. So add more spice to your life and continue a tradition thousands of years old. www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016

Health and Beauty 19 What Is the Difference Between Salt and Sodium?

You’ve probably noticed that many food labels list sodium as well as or instead of salt — this is because it’s the sodium in salt that’s bad for you. Sodium is a mineral or a metallic element, and symbolized by Na. It is considered as an essential nutrient, but like all things, too much sodium can be bad for you. Many people think of sodium to be coming mostly from salt, but in reality, sodium is practically everywhere. With salt or without salt, food items we consume may still have lots of sodium. Processed foods, sea foods, frozen and canned goods — all of them contain sodium, which is more

than enough for our dietary allowance. Overconsumption of sodium can be very bad for our health, as it can lead to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. You need to make sure you know what you’re looking at — salt or sodium — and if a label only gives sodium, you can convert it into how much salt that food contains. The amount of salt is the amount of sodium times 2.5, so a food that contains 1.5g of sodium per portion, has 3.75g of salt per portion — well on the way towards the recommended daily maximum of 6g!



CoastRider - Edition 597 - May 10th 2016


Across 1 What name is given to chronic sleeplessness or an inability to sleep? (8) 7 What name is given to each of the bars or wire rods connecting the centre of a wheel to its outer edge? (5) 8 Which European plant is cultivated for its large thistle-like flower heads? (9) 9 By what name is insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethan e more commonly known? (3) 10 According to the Bible, what was the name of the eldest son of Adam and Eve? (4) 11 What was the name of the French resistance movement during the German occupation (1940-45)? (6) 13 James who is the American actor chiefly remembered for playing gangster roles in films such as The Public Enemy (1931)? (6) 14 What is the surname of the English dramatist, actor and director whose plays include The Birthday Party (1958), The Caretaker (1960), and Party Time (1991)? (6) 17 See 1 Down 18 See 2 Down 20 Which small pointed tool is used for piercing holes, especially in leather? (3) 22 According to legend, what was the name of King Arthur’s magic sword? (9) 23 In the human body, the lacrimal glands secrete what? (5)

24 Belize was formerly known as British what until 1973? (8) Down 1/17A Which Russian-born American science fiction writer’s best known works are I, Robot and the Foundation trilogy? (5,6)

2/18 Tatanka Iyotake was the real name of which great Sioux chief who took up arms against settlers in the northern Great Plains and against the US Army and was present at the battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 when the Sioux massacred General

Custer’s troops? (7,4) 3 What is the name of the staff of office that lies on the table in the House of Commons when the Speaker is in the chair? (4) 4 In meteorology, what name is given to a line connecting points having equal barometric

pressure at a given time? (6) 5 What is the surname of the American baseball player who scored a record 73 home runs in the 2001 season? (5) 6 In classical mythology, which mythical being was half man and half horse? (7) 7 By what name is the redwood tree, especially the California redwood, usually known? (7) 12 What is the surname of the French composer and organist whose best-known works are the ballets Coppelia (1870) and Sylvia (1876)? (7) 13 Which card game resembling rummy, which uses two packs, is usually played by two pairs of partners, and the aim is to collect sets (or melds) of cards? (7) 15 What is the surname of the American humourist and cartoonist who created the character Walter Mitty? (7) 16 Which South American garment is made of a thick piece of woollen cloth with a slit in the middle for the head? (6) 17 Which adverb is used to indicate that a named person is also known or more familiar under another specified name? (5) 19 In the UK, what name is given to the chamber or house of parliament composed of peers and bishops? (5) 21 Which 15th century ruler of Walachia was known as ‘the Impaler’? (4)

the crossword grid FILL-IT-IN Complete GEOGRAPHY QUIZ by using the given words: 4 letter words Alms Ammo Anti Beat Cage Gall Ides Iris Mama Mist Note Ores Ream Slat Slog Tang Tone Tree Wont Woos 5 letter words Aware Masts Pasta Paste 7 letter words Canasta Clothes Starter Stratum 9 letter words Contender Generator Libertine Strenuous

1. Which Country Left The 10. Where Is The Mathematical Bridge? Commonwealth In 1972? 11. "What continent contains 2. Berlin stands on which river? 3. Which Countries Are Divided By Queen Maud Land, Wilkes Land and Bird Land "? The 49th Parallel? 4. Bridgetown is the capital of 12. Which British Island is served by Ronaldsway Airport? Where? 5. What country boasts the 13. What river is known as china's southernmost point in continental sorrow because of its flooding? 14. In Which Country Is The Bridge Europe? 6. What Does Dc Stand For In Over The River Kwai? 15. Which Is The Largest Ocean? Washington DC? 7. What continent's westernmost point is The Big Crossword Answers called Cape Verde? 8. Madrid and Lisbon are both located near this river.? 9. Where Is Cape Horn?

Answers: 1. Pakistan 2. Spree 3. The USA & Canada 4. Barbados 5. Spain 6. District Of Columbia 7. Africa 8. Tagus 9. Bottom Of South America 10. Oxford 11. Antarctica 12. Isle Of Man 13. the yellow river 14. Burma (Myanmar) 15. The Pacific Ocean

3 letter words Ado Ago Air Ate Awe Awn Bin Cap Cat Den Egg Ems Ewe Gap Get His Ion Ire Ley Lid Mac Men Oil Pen Per Ran Rap Rod Sir Sob Sty Tap Tic Use

Puzzles www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016



Be in with a chance to win a 10€ voucher Simply send your completed crossword for the cryptic clues to our office by 12 noon on Thursday. The overall winner will be drawn from a hat of correct entries. Don’t forget to include your contact details and remember, you can enter every week! Send your completed entry to or bring it to our Torrevieja office (address on page 2). Draw will take place at 4pm every Thursday. The CoastRider’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


Please contact The Coastrider to claim your prize. Identification will be required. Voucher only redeemable for 7 days after collection.

logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.

Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

1. Of the person who chewed the tropical fruit gum and Camden, one has an anniversary on August 4 and the other enjoyed tuna for dinner. 2. The person whose anniversary is on October 6 is Camden. 3. The one who ordered crab chewed the cinnamon gum. 4. The 5 people were the person whose anniversary is on October 6, Megan, the person who chewed the bubblegum gum, the one who ordered lobster, and the person whose anniversary is on December 17. 5. The one who ordered oysters is not Megan or Luis. 6. The person who chewed the tropical fruit gum has an anniversary after the person who chewed the spearmint gum. 7. The person who chewed the spearmint gum has an anniversary before the one who ordered lobster. 8. The person who chewed the tropical fruit gum is not Luis. 9. Either the person who chewed the tropical fruit gum or the person who chewed the cinnamon gum is Weston. 10. The one who ordered swordfish has an anniversary before the one who ordered tuna.

Cryptic Across 1 Former partner has more than enough to make a pattern (7) 5 The people in charge are in the shade, for a change (5) 8 A friend hires out mattresses (7) 9 Knocks tramps gone soft in the middle (5) 10 I got by in Los Angeles or a North African state (5) 11 Possibly reunite the entourage (7) 12 Somehow relays a killer (6) 14 Picked on editor after cooked eats (6) 17 Charged a couple of hundred employed (7) 19 In addition, recapitulate on the evidence (3-2) 22 Once upon a time, all this was yours (5) 23 Account about a long time land area (7) 24 It concerns Adam's wife and a local official (5) 25 Unhappy winners are cruel people (7)

Sudoku Solution

Down 1 Remove forcibly from Essex pelican crossing (5) 2 To begin with, all day long I basically perform without preparation (2-3) 3 Nobility agree trouble in gym (7) 4 Make certain tapeworms leave redesigned Westonsuper-Mare (6) 5 Clothe custom (5) 6 Only nuts moan about LSD, man (7) 7 Put off temporary school bar (7) 12 Wreck that's rebuilt with some hesitation (7) 13 Attribute to a writer (7) 15 Guaranteed the end user by mistake (7) 16 The result of ladies aspirations (6) 18 A Scandinavian married in the Home Counties (5) 20 Intends to have money resources (5) 21 Looks closely at one's colleagues (5)

Standard Across 1 Instance (7) 5 Chiefs (5) 8 Portable platforms (7) 9 Strikes against (5) 10 North African country (5) 11 Entourage (7) 12 Murderer (6) 14 Taunted (6) 17 Charged (7) 19 Add together (3-2) 22 Yours (5) 23 Land area (7) 24 Steward (5) 25 Degenerates (7)

Down 1 Drive out (5) 2 Improvise (2-3) 3 Aristocracy (7) 4 Make certain (6) 5 Custom (5) 6 Edible nuts (7) 7 Adjourn (7) 12 Break (7) 13 Attribute (7) 15 Made certain (7) 16 Standards of perfection (6) 18 Native of Sweden (5) 20 Has in mind (5) 21 Gazes (5)

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Bars, Restaurants & Food

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Bars, Restaurants & Food



Bars, Restaurants & Food

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Bars, Restaurants & Food



Bars, Restaurants & Food

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Bars, Restaurants & Food



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SPOTLIGHT ON SAN LUIS www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition 470- -Edition March 597 5th 2013 - May 10th 2016





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Bars, Restaurants & Food



Bars, Restaurants & Food

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Bars, Restaurants & Food


Spicy Garlic Lime Chicken Ingredients • 3/4 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 1/8 teaspoon paprika • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder • 1/8 teaspoon onion powder • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme • 1/4 teaspoon dried parsley • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves • 2 tablespoons butter • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 2 teaspoons garlic powder • 3 tablespoons lime juice Directions 1. In a small bowl, mix together salt, black pepper, cayenne, paprika, 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, onion powder, thyme and parsley. Sprinkle spice mixture generously on both sides of chicken breasts. 2. Heat butter and olive oil in a large heavy skillet

over medium heat. Saute chicken until golden brown, about 6 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with 2 teaspoons garlic powder and lime juice. Cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently to coat evenly with sauce.



CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013

Roast cod with paella & saffron olive oil Ingredients For the paella 1 tbsp. olive oil 200g raw chorizo, diced 3 large shallot, thinly sliced 3 garlic clove, crushed 2 tsp smoked sweet paprika (Pimenton) 300g paella rice 1l fish stock Knob of unsalted butter 300g prawn, chopped into bite sized Pieces Handful cooked, shelled mussels, Plus 18 in their shells Juice ½ lemon (optional) Small bunch parsley, chopped For the saffron oil 75ml extra-virgin olive oil Juice ½ lemon Pinch saffron threads For the cod 1 tbsp. olive oil Knob of unsalted butter 6 x 175g/6oz cod fillets, skin on Squeeze lemon juice Method Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. To make the paella, put the Olive oil, chorizo, shallots and garlic in a large pan and fry for 7-8 mins until the chorizo releases its oil and the shallots have softened. Add the paprika and cook, stirring, for 5 mins, then add the rice, mix well and cook for a

sea salt and black pepper, then cook, skin-side down, in the hot pan, for 4 mins, then carefully turn the fish over and put the pan in the oven for a further 3 mins, finishing with a little more sea salt and a squeeze of lemon juice. Meanwhile, put the paella back in the pan, stir in the remaining fish stock and cook for 2 mins until completely heated

through. Stir through a knob of butter, the prawns and shelled mussels. Taste, season with lemon juice, salt and pepper if necessary, and finish with the chopped parsley. Serve with the roast cod, mussels in their shells and steamed purple broccoli or a green vegetable, if you like. Finally, drizzle everything with the saffron dressing.

Patatas bravas

few mins more. Pour in 600ml of the stock, season and mix well to combine. Cover and put in the oven for 15 mins. Uncover, give everything a good stir, then return to the oven for 10 mins. When almost cooked, remove from the oven and spread onto a tray to cool. Chill and reserve for later. You can make this a day ahead. To make the saffron oil, whisk the olive oil and lemon juice together in a small saucepan. Add the saffron and heat gently for 5 mins, then remove from the heat and leave to infuse and cool. You can make this a day ahead. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. For the cod, put the olive oil and butter in an ovenproof frying pan over a high heat, but don’t let it burn. Season the cod with

Ingredients For the sauce • 3 tbsp olive oil • 1 small onion, chopped • 2 garlic clove, chopped • 227g can chopped tomato • 1 tbsp tomato purée • 2 tsp sweet paprika (pimenton) • good pinch chilli powder • pinch sugar • chopped fresh parsley, to garnish For the potatoes • 900g potato • 2 tbsp olive oil Method 1. Prepare ahead by heating the oil in a pan, add the onion and fry for about 5 minutes until softened. Add the garlic, tomatoes, tomato purée, paprika, chilli powder, sugar and salt and bring to the boil, stirring. Simmer for 10 minutes until pulpy. Set aside for up to 24 hours.

2. To serve, preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6/fan oven 180C. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and pat dry with kitchen paper. Spread over a roasting tin and toss in the oil, then season. Roast for 40-50 minutes, until the potatoes are crisp and golden. 3. Tip the potatoes into dishes and spoon over the reheated sauce. Sprinkle with the parsley. Serve with cocktail sticks. www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016

Properties Gardening35


Gardening Properties

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Properties Gardening37


Gardening Properties

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Properties Gardening39


Gardening Motoring

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013

Jaguar Land Rover's New StartUp Promises Car Share App Company plans to “overcome” transport challenges Jaguar Land Rover has launched a new technology company that “builds apps and on-demand services to overcome modern travel and transport challenges”, it said. InMotion is based in London and strives to “meet the new needs” of travellers. The specifics are a mystery for now, but some company statements encourage speculation. Car share smartphone app InMotion imminently starts real world tests of services such as “car sharing” in Europe, North America and Asia, for example. A smartphone app might help drivers that want to share find each other

than arrange to meet (say) Tuesday, 9am, at Waterloo Station. Car sharing has a range of benefits such as minimising traffic congestion, pollution, and wear to the road network. Travellers might also: save money by sharing fuel costs, take it in turns to drive thus slashing the need to stop for rest, and maybe socialise. Car ownership solutions InMotion is also working on “car ownership solutions”, it revealed. The meaning of this phrase is open to interpretation, but a clue might come via a company press release that claimed it wants to enable motorists to “access the car they want - when they want to”. An article on the company's website adds further intrigue. It claimed: “For decades, owning a car was the sign of personal status: as much a statement of social mobility as an indicator of financial stability.” The writer proposed: “That idea is changing.” InMotion technology might, therefore, enable motorists to have access to – but not necessarily own – small vehicles

for commuting to work in town. Some kind of pay-as-you-go system, perhaps. It might also facilitate the use of larger models for family holidays. Company vision InMotion explained: “Our vision is to transform the experience of personal travel: to deliver greater freedom, choice, and well-being in movement. To allow you to move when you want, where you want and how you want. Innovation lies at the heart of making this happen”. It continued: “As an agile start-up (company), we’re well positioned to

deliver on that promise. We are creating and growing an enterprise that will, in turn, develop digital businesses that deliver solutions that will shape a smarter and more connected world.” InMotion concluded: “We believe we can use technology to make this happen today, helping us outsmart challenges and making space for things that matter most.” These include: “Discovering new ways to explore the world around us, spending time with our friends and family, and taking back control of our daily lives.”

New Volkswagen Tiguan For 2016 The 2016 VW Tiguan is a “new from the ground up” sports-utility vehicle that comes with: 2 or 4-wheel-drive, petrol or diesel engine and manual or auto gearbox, the manufacture says. It is 4,486mm long by 1,839mm wide, so is larger than its predecessor and a similar size to the latest Golf Estate. It costs £25,530-£31,895. Space and practicality Volkswagen highlights space and practicality as core strengths. It has 29mm more knee room than its predecessor, for example – and additional headroom. Furthermore, when the rear bench is flat cargo capacity is an estate-like 1,655-litres which is a rise of 145-litres. The lowered sill makes it easier to slide-in awkward items. The Tiguan's rear bench slides forward and backward to best suit the needs of passengers and their luggage, and its range of movement is 20mm further than the outgoing vehicle's. Slide backwards to increase rear leg room, for example. Cargo capacity with the bench forward is 615-litres which is a rise of 145-litres. Safety features Safety is a key strength too, the manufacturer argues. Systems include front assist with city emergency braking (and pedestrian monitoring) that brakes, automatically, should motorists fail to respond to hazards. Its purpose is to avoid collisions or – at least – take off enough speed to significantly reduce the severity. The Tiguan also has an active bonnet. As it hits pedestrians, it lifts slightly to form an energy absorbing buffer that cuts the risk of injury. It complements automatic post-collision braking that minimises the risk of secondary impacts, plus the knee airbag. Engines, performance, fuel consumption and emissions

The 2.0-litre TDI, 150PS, diesel engine propels motorists to 62mph in 9.3 seconds. Depending on the type of gearbox and drive, it averages between 49.6 and 58.9mpg and emissions range from 125 to 149g/km. It is available with: S, SE, SE Nav, SEL and R-Line trims. The 2.0-litre, 180PS, petrol engine, in contrast, is only available with the SEL and R-Line trims. Expect: 0–62mph in 7.7 seconds, average fuel consumption of 38.2mpg and carbon emissions of 170g/km. Volkswagen says it will extend the engine range over time. Trims and equipment The S trim has: air conditioning, automatic lights and rain-sensing wipers. The SE adds: tri-zone climate control and tinted rear windows, and the SE Nav has sat-nav too. The SEL - among other things – adds ambient lighting and the R-Line has 20” alloy wheels. Tiguan has “ingenious engineering”, VW claims Volkswagen UK Head of Marketing, Rod McLeod, argues: “This exceptional new car showcases the very best of what Volkswagen can deliver.” He suggests: “Ingenious engineering, exceptional practicality and fine styling sit alongside class-leading safety in a package that brings a premium look and feel to the compact SUV class.”

Motoring Gardening41 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016

Gorgeous rare Porsche Audi Q2 could cannibalise 964 'Flatnose' for sale other models in brand line-up

A SUPER-RARE Porsche 964 Turbo S 'Flatnose' is for sale – and if you have to ask, you can't afford it. Hexagon in London is selling the 1994 car, which is one of only 12 right-hand-drive versions ever built – and it's covered just 630 miles from new after being bought by a collector. A select few customers were even told about the Flatnose at the time, as Porsche looked to empty its warehouse of various trick bits and pieces it had no use for given that the 964 911 was at the end of its production life. What they were offered was two options; the X84 bodywork package, which included the more aerodynamic front end and pop-up headlights derived

directly from the 968, and the X88 'Turbo S' 3.6-litre engine package with 385bhp. The car for sale has both packages, finished in black-onblack, apart from the silver wheels. Not surprisingly, it's advertised as 'price on application'. Paul Michaels, chairman of Hexagon Classics, said: “At the time, only a select few were offered the ‘Flatnose’ models – they weren’t publicised, they were almost ‘under the counter’. Not only is this incredible 964 possibly the nearest thing to a brand-new Porsche 964 Turbo, it is also one of the rarest and most important time-warp Porsches we’ve ever had the pleasure of offering for sale. A true collectors’ item.”

Audi admits there’s a risk of cannibalising its range when the new Q2 goes on sale in July, but is confident the car can make a positive impact in its new segment. The Q2 will arrive in the niche premium compact crossover market and, with no direct rivals, will face competition from small SUVs and even some A-segment models, which could take sales from cars like the A3 and A1 hatchbacks. “There’s always going to be some crossover,” Chris Batty, UK product manager for the Q2 said. “But we expect the majority of buyers to be new to Audi.” Audi’s new compact crossover is shorter but wider and taller than the A3 Sportback and is seen as a key car in bringing new buyers to the brand, but its early success could be limited by the production capacity in Ingolstadt. “We are really optimistic about how well this will sell, if anything it could be constrained by how fast we can build it,” Batty said. “That could be what limits it going above any of the

other Q models initially.” Audi hopes the new, younger buyers who come to the brand with the Q2 will then go on to stay within the Audi range in future. Encouragingly for the manufacturer, 40% of people who have registered their

interest in the car so far currently don’t own an Audi. The car will be available in three trims when it goes on sale in July, with the top end Sport and S Line models in frontwheel drive variants expected to be the biggest sellers.


Gardening Television

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10th May Channel


00:30 The Graham Norton Show 01:15 Weather for the Week 01:20 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Food 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Neighbourhood Blues 12:45 Oxford Street Revealed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One; 14:30 BBC London News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Code 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six; 19:30 BBC London News; 20:00 Invictus Games 2016 20:30 BBC News; Regional News 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 In the Club 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News; Weather 23:45 Gareth's Invictus Choir

00:35 Burma's Secret Jungle War with Joe Simpson 01:35 MasterChef 02:05 Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit 03:05 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:30 Neighbourhood Blues 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:00 The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 09:30 Great British Railway Journeys 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Pressure Pad 14:45 My Life on a Plate 15:30 The TV That Made Me 16:00 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 16:45 Indian Ocean with Simon Reeve 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Big Blue UK 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Bake Off: Creme de la Creme 22:00 Old School with the Hairy Bikers 23:00 Later Live - with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight

00:10 The World Is Not Enough 02:30 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:55 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 River Monsters 21:00 Fierce 22:00 Crash: Anatomy of an Accident 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 What Would Be Your Miracle?

00:05 Random Acts 00:40 24 Hours in Police Custody 01:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:30 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 03:25 The World's Most Extreme 04:20 Four Rooms 05:15 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 05:35 Supershoppers 06:05 Location, Location, Location 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:30 Four in a Bed 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Sun, Sea and Supersavers 22:00 How to Get a Council House 23:00 Children on

00:00 Up Late with Rylan 00:45 Person of Interest 01:40 Tattoo Disasters UK 02:05 SuperCasino 04:10 Castle 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 A Date to Die For 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Ben Fogle: The Great African Migration 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Penguin A&E with Lorraine Kelly 23:00 Beaver Las Vegas: Saving The Strip

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 02:00 Restaurant: Impossible 03:00 Paul Hollywood: City Bakes 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Britain and Ireland 13:00 Jamie at Home 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ready Steady Cook 18:00 Ace of Cakes 19:00 Jamie at Home 20:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:00 Natural World

00:00 American Dad! 00:55 The Cleveland Show 01:55 Two and a Half Men 02:25 Celebrity Juice 03:05 @elevenish 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 19:50 The Hot Desk 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Matrix Revolutionss

00:00 The Knock 01:10 Noah's Ark 02:10 Where the Heart Is 03:05 Judge Judy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 Doctor at Large 07:35 Heartbeat 08:35 Where the Heart Is 09:40 The Royal 10:00 Teleshopping 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 Noah's Ark 13:05 Murder, She Wrote 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 Doctor at Large 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Law & Order: UK

00:40 Bundesliga Football 01:40 Premiership Rugby Union 02:40 Motorsport UK 03:30 Hogan's Heroes 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Hogan's Heroes 07:55 Minder 08:50 Ironside 09:55 Quincy ME 11:00 Ax Men 11:55 The Chase 12:55 Minder 13:55 Pawn Stars 14:50 Storage Wars: Texas 15:50 Hogan's Heroes 16:55 Quincy ME 18:00 Ironside 19:00 MotoGP Highlights 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Chase 22:00 Double Jeopardy

01:00 Everything and Nothing 02:00 The Genius of David Bowie 03:00 The High Art of the Low Countries 04:00 Timeshift 05:00 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Insect Worlds 21:00 Eurovision Song Contest 2016 23:05 Timeshift

Television Gardening43 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016


11th May Channel 00:45 Room 101 01:15 Weather for the Week 01:20 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Food 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Neighbourhood Blues 12:45 Oxford Street Revealed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One; 14:30 BBC London News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Code 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six; 19:30 BBC London News; 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Invictus Games 2016 22:00 Nature's Epic Journeys 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News; Weather 23:45 A Question of Sport

00:15 Horizon 01:15 MasterChef 02:15 This Farming Life 03:15 This Is BBC Two 06:45 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:15 Neighbourhood Blues 08:00 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 09:30 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Pressure Pad 14:45 My Life on a Plate 15:30 The TV That Made Me 16:00 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 16:45 Indian Ocean with Simon Reeve 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Big Blue UK 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Horizon 22:00 Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit 23:00 Cunk on Shakespeare 23:30 Newsnight

00:45 Bargain Shop Wars

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 02:00 Restaurant: Impossible 03:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Britain and Ireland 13:00 Jamie at Home 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ready Steady Cook 18:00 Ace of Cakes 19:00 Jamie at Home 20:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Mystery Diners 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:05 Agnetha: Abba & After 01:05 Abba at the BBC 02:05 The Dark Ages: An Age of Light 03:05 An Evening with Glen Campbell 04:25 Britain on Film 04:55 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Handmade on the Silk Road 21:00 The Silk Road 22:00 Doris Day: Virgin Territory


23:45 Our Queen at 90

00:00 24 Hours in A&E 01:05 Poker 02:05 KOTV Boxing Weekly 02:30 Gillette World Sport 03:00 Swimming 03:55 The Superhumans Show 04:25 British GT Championship 04:55 Cycling 05:50 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 06:05 Four Rooms 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:25 Four in a Bed 12:55 Channel 4 News Summary 13:00 Four in a Bed 15:00 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Supervet 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Never Seen a Doctor

00:00 Up Late with Rylan 00:45 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 01:45 Tattoo Disasters UK 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Castle 05:00 Wildlife SOS 05:25 Divine Designs 05:45 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Gadget Show 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:20 Left for Dead 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Britain's Horror Homes 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 23:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

00:35 Family Guy 01:35 American Dad! 02:30 The Almost Impossible Gameshow 03:25 Teleshopping 06:55 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 The Cube 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 The Cube 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Almost Impossible Gameshow 23:00 Plebs 23:30 Family Guy

00:00 The Knock 01:15 Noah's Ark 02:15 Where the Heart Is 03:05 Judge Judy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 Doctor at Large 07:35 Heartbeat 08:35 Where the Heart Is 09:40 The Royal 10:00 Teleshopping 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 Noah's Ark 13:05 Murder, She Wrote 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 Doctor at Large 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 23:00 Law & Order: UK

00:10 Total Recall 02:30 BRDC Formula 3 Highlights 03:25 Hogan's Heroes 03:55 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Sporting Funnies 07:10 Hogan's Heroes 08:00 Minder 08:55 Ironside 09:55 Quincy ME 11:00 Ax Men 11:50 The Chase 12:50 Minder 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:50 Storage Wars: Texas 15:50 Hogan's Heroes 17:00 Quincy ME 18:00 Ironside 19:00 Storage Wars: Texas 20:00 Pawn Stars 22:00 Diamonds Are Forever

01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Sunday Night at the Palladium 22:00 Killer Women with Piers Morgan 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London


Gardening Television

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013


12th May Channel 00:15 I Want My Wife Back 00:45 Live at the Apollo 01:30 Weather for the Week 01:35 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Food 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Neighbourhood Blues 12:45 Oxford Street Revealed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One; 14:30 BBC London News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Code 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six; 19:30 BBC London News; 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Invictus Games 2016 22:00 Gareth's Invictus Choir 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News; Weather 23:45 Question Time

00:15 Old School with the Hairy Bikers 01:15 MasterChef 02:15 Secret Britain 03:15 Normal for Norfolk 03:45 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:30 Neighbourhood Blues 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:00 The Great Interior Design Challenge 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Pressure Pad 14:45 My Life on a Plate 15:30 The TV That Made Me 16:00 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 16:45 Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Big Blue UK 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Natural World 22:00 Peaky Blinders 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight

01:35 Jackpot247

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 02:00 Restaurant: Impossible 03:00 Mystery Diners 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Food 13:00 Jamie at Home 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ready Steady Cook 18:00 Ace of Cakes 19:00 Jamie at Home 20:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Man v Food 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:30 Dancing Cheek to Cheek: An Intimate History of Dance 01:30 Timeshift 02:30 Timeshift 03:30 Everything and Nothing 04:30 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 The Sky at Night 21:00 Eurovision Song Contest 2016 23:05 Eurovision at 60



00:00 Gogglebox 01:00 Blink: Music on 4 01:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:30 The Kids Are All Right 04:25 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 04:35 Four Rooms 05:30 Supershoppers 06:00 Location, Location, Location 06:55 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:25 Four in a Bed 12:55 Channel 4 News 13:00 Four in a Bed 15:00 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Kirstie and Phil's Love It or List It 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 Grayson Perry: All Man

00:00 Up Late with Rylan 00:45 On Benefits 01:40 Tattoo Disasters UK 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 The Secret Life of Puppies 05:00 Now That's Funny! 05:45 Wildlife SOS 06:10 Divine Designs 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:20 Patient Killer 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 21:00 On Benefits 22:00 Violent Child, Desperate Parents 23:00 Betrayed and He's Going to Pay

00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 01:30 Glitchy 02:00 Two and a Half Men 02:30 The Almost Impossible Gameshow 03:20 Teleshopping 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Release the Hounds 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 @elevenish

00:00 The Knock 01:10 Noah's Ark 02:10 Where the Heart Is 03:05 Judge Judy 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Movies Now 07:10 Doctor at Large 07:35 Heartbeat 08:35 Where the Heart Is 09:40 The Royal 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 Noah's Ark 13:05 Murder, She Wrote 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:15 Doctor at Large 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Wycliffe

00:30 Escape from New York 02:30 River Monsters 03:30 Hogan's Heroes 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barcelona's European Glory 07:05 Hogan's Heroes 08:05 Minder 08:55 Ironside 10:00 Quincy ME 11:00 Ax Men 12:00 The Chase 13:00 Pawn Stars 14:55 Storage Wars: Texas 15:50 Hogan's Heroes 17:00 Quincy ME 18:00 Ironside 19:00 Storage Wars: Texas 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 River Monsters 23:10 Death Wish 3

04:00 Murder, She Wrote 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Bargain Shop Wars 22:00 What Would Be Your Miracle? 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 Crash: Anatomy of an

Television Gardening45

CoastRider - Edition - May5th10th www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider - Edition 470597 - March 20132016


13th May Channel 00:45 This Week 01:30 Weather for the Week 01:35 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Food 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Neighbourhood Blues 12:45 Oxford Street Revealed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One; 14:30 BBC London News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Code 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six; 19:30 BBC London News; 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Invictus Games 2016 22:30 Have I Got News for You 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 The Graham Norton Show

00:15 Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit 01:15 MasterChef 01:45 Paul O'Grady: The Sally Army and Me 02:15 How to Stay Young 03:15 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:30 Neighbourhood Blues 08:15 Escape to the Country 09:00 Into the Wild with Gordon Buchanan 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Pressure Pad 14:45 My Life on a Plate 15:30 The TV That Made Me 16:00 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 16:45 Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Big Blue UK 20:00 Nick Baker's Wild West 20:30 Food Detectives 21:00 The Extraordinary Collector 21:30 Gardeners' World 22:00 Rick Stein's Long Weekends 23:00 Mum 23:30 Newsnight

00:40 Murder, She Wrote

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 02:00 Restaurant: Impossible 03:00 Man v Food 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Food 13:00 Jamie at Home 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ready Steady Cook 18:00 Ace of Cakes 19:00 Jamie at Home 20:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:35 Britain's Deadliest Rail Disaster: Quintinshill 01:35 Horizon 02:35 Darwin's Struggle: The Evolution of the Origin of Species 03:35 Timeshift 04:35 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Top of the Pops: 1981 21:00 The Good Old Days 22:00 BBC Young Musician


23:30 ITV News London

00:05 How to Get a Council House 01:10 Never Seen a Doctor 02:05 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 03:00 One Born Every Minute 04:00 The World's Most Extreme 04:55 Location, Location, Location 05:50 Hugh's 3 Good Things: Best Bites 06:00 Fifteen to One 06:55 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Live Formula 1 11:35 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:30 Salvage SOS 12:55 Channel 4 News 13:00 Car SOS 13:55 Live Formula 1 15:35 Channel 4 Racing 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 The Windsors 23:35 Very British Problems

00:00 Up Late with Rylan 00:45 Lip Sync Battle UK 01:15 SuperCasino 04:10 Henry VIII and His Six Wives 05:00 Now That's Funny! 05:45 Wildlife SOS 06:10 Divine Designs 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Ancient Mysteries 22:00 Ben Fogle: The Great African Migration

00:20 Family Guy 01:20 American Dad! 02:20 Plebs 02:50 @elevenish 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 14:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Matrix Revolutions

00:05 Trial & Retribution 01:10 Noah's Ark 02:15 Where the Heart Is 03:05 Judge Judy 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Doctor at Large 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:35 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Noah's Ark 13:00 Murder, She Wrote 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:10 Doctor at Large 17:45 On the Buses 18:15 George and Mildred 18:50 Heartbeat 19:50 Murder, She Wrote 20:55 Wycliffe 22:00 Paul O'Grady's Animal Orphans 23:00 Wycliffe

00:30 Death Wish 3 01:05 The Big Lebowski 03:25 Hogan's Heroes 03:55 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 World Cup Rivalries 07:15 Hogan's Heroes 08:10 Minder 09:00 Ironside 10:00 Quincy ME 11:00 Ax Men 12:00 The Chase 13:00 Minder 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:55 Storage Wars: Texas 15:55 Hogan's Heroes 17:00 Quincy ME 18:00 Ironside 19:00 Storage Wars: Texas 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Fifth Gear 22:00 Bear Grylls: Mission Survive 23:00 Crank

01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight 04:25 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Barging Round Britain with John Sergeant 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Secret 23:00 ITV News at Ten


Gardening Television

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013


14th May Channel 00:20 Witless 00:50 Wild Hogs 02:25 Weather for the Week 02:30 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Mary Berry Cooks 13:00 BBC News; Weather 13:10 Football Focus 13:50 Saturday Sportsday 14:00 The Brownlees: An Olympic Story 14:30 Live Women's FA Cup Football 17:20 Flog It! 18:10 BBC News 18:20 BBC London News; Weather 18:30 Can't Touch This 19:20 Pointless Celebrities 20:10 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 21:00 Eurovision Song Contest 2016

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 02:00 Restaurant: Impossible 03:00 Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 09:00 Floyd on France 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 12:00 Jamie at Home 14:30 Hairy Bikers' Meals on Wheels Back on the Road 15:30 Man v Food 20:00 Paul Hollywood: City Bakes 21:00 Follow Donal to Europe 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible


00:00 Artsnight 00:30 Later - with Jools Holland 01:35 Question Time 02:35 Never Again: Fear and Faith in Paris 03:05 Louis Theroux - Drinking to Oblivion 04:05 This Is BBC Two 06:55 Glorious Gardens from Above 07:40 The Westerner 09:15 A Walk in the Sun 11:10 Homes Under the Hammer 12:10 Natural World 13:00 The Hairy Bikers: Everyday Gourmets 14:00 Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food 14:30 Bargain Hunt 15:05 Escape to the Continent 16:05 Money for Nothing 16:50 The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 17:20 Bake Off: Creme de la Creme 18:20 This Week's World 19:00 Gardeners' World 19:30 Attenborough's Passion Project 21:30 Dad's Army 22:00 The Hollow Crown

02:05 Jackpot247 04:00 Murder, She Wrote 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 The Aquabats! Super Show! 07:25 Pat & Stan 07:35 Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures 08:00 Signed Stories 08:05 Sooty 08:15 Super 4 08:30 Nerds & Monsters 08:45 The Tom & Jerry Show 09:00 Thunderbirds Are Go 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 14:30 BBQ Champ 15:30 Agent Cody Banks 17:30 The Wine Show 18:35 ITV News London 18:45 ITV News and Weather 19:00 You've Been Framed! 20:00 Bang on the Money 21:00 Britain's Got Talent 22:15 Play to the Whistle 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:14 ITV London Weather 23:15 The Dark Knight

00:40 Rude Tube 01:35 Chinatown 03:55 Flowers 04:25 Random Acts 04:55 Location, Location, Location 05:50 Fifteen to One 06:45 The King of Queens 07:10 The King of Queens 07:35 The King of Queens 08:00 The Grid 08:30 British Rally Championship 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 The Morning Line 10:55 Live Formula 1 12:05 The Superhumans Show 12:30 The Big Bang Theory 13:00 Live Formula 1 15:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:40 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:40 Homes by the Med 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Grand Designs 21:00 Great Canal Journeys 22:00 X-Men: First Class

01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 05:50 Wildlife SOS 06:10 Divine Designs 06:15 House Doctor 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:15 Angelina Ballerina 07:30 Bob the Builder 07:45 Tickety Toc 07:55 Zack and Quack 08:05 Pets 08:10 Noddy in Toyland 08:25 Paw Patrol 08:40 Little Princess 08:50 Pip Ahoy! 09:05 Blaze and the Monster Machines 09:30 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:45 Wanda and the Alien 09:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30 The Saturday Show 12:40 Funniest Fails, Falls & Flops 13:10 Police Interceptors 18:10 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 20:10 NCIS 21:00 NCIS: Los Angeles 22:00 NCIS 22:55 5 News Weekend 23:00 Live Boxing

00:00 Queens of Jazz: The Joy

00:35 Family Guy

and Pain of the Jazz Divas

01:35 American Dad!

01:00 Top of the Pops: 1981

02:30 The Cleveland Show

01:40 Agnetha: Abba & After

03:20 Teleshopping

02:40 Abba at the BBC

06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen

03:40 Queens of Jazz: The Joy

07:00 Emmerdale

and Pain of the Jazz Divas

09:30 Coronation Street

04:40 Close

12:00 Britain's Got Talent

20:00 Doris Day: Virgin

13:20 Britain's Got More Talent


14:20 Catchphrase

21:00 Venice

15:05 Scorpion

22:00 Hinterland

16:05 The Scorpion King

23:30 Dancing Cheek to

19:55 Back to the Future

Cheek: An Intimate History of

22:15 Britain's Got More Talent


23:15 Celebrity Juice

00:05 Trial & Retribution 01:05 Inspector Morse 03:05 Long Lost Family 03:55 Rory Bremner's Great British Views 05:35 George and Mildred 06:00 Judge Judy 06:40 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Judge Judy 07:45 Where the Heart Is 09:50 City of Angels 12:00 The Mirror Crack'd 14:15 Columbo: Lovely but Lethal 15:50 Foyle's War 17:55 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Foyle's War 23:00 Lewis

00:10 Crank 00:50 McVicar 03:10 Hogan's Heroes 03:35 Movies Now 03:45 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Motorway Patrol 07:20 Ax Men 08:55 Motorsport UK 09:55 FIA Formula E Championship 10:25 Bundesliga Football 11:25 Storage Wars: Texas 12:30 Pawn Stars 14:45 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 16:15 Blues Brothers 2000 18:45 Diamonds Are Forever 21:10 Jaws the Revenge 23:00 Total Recall

Television Gardening47 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016


15th May Channel 00:30 BBC News; Weather 00:50 Peter Kay's Comedy Shuffle 01:20 Buster 02:55 Weather for the Week 03:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Pentecost 2016 12:00 Sunday Politics London 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:15 Homes Under the Hammer 15:00 Escape to the Country 15:45 Nature's Epic Journeys 16:45 Points of View 17:00 Final Score 18:15 Songs of Praise 18:50 Pointless Celebrities 19:35 BBC News 19:50 BBC London News; 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Undercover 23:00 BBC News 23:20 BBC London News; Weather 23:30 Match of the Day

01:45 The Silence 03:35 This Is BBC Two 07:00 The Great Chelsea Garden Challenge 08:00 This Farming Life 09:00 Gardeners' World 09:30 The Beechgrove Garden 10:00 Countryfile 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 The Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure 13:00 The Hairy Bikers: Everyday Gourmets 14:00 Athletics 15:00 Triathlon 16:30 Diving 18:30 Flog It! 19:00 Choose the Right Puppy for You 20:00 Britain's Ultimate Pilots: Inside the RAF 21:00 Burma's Secret Jungle War with Joe Simpson 22:00 Louis Theroux: A Different Brain 23:00 QI XL 23:40 Stupid Man, Smart Phone

01:55 Jackpot247 04:00 Murder, She Wrote 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 The Aquabats! Super Show! 07:25 Pat & Stan 07:35 Dino Dan 08:00 Signed Stories 08:05 Sooty 08:15 Super 4 08:30 Nerds & Monsters 08:45 The Tom & Jerry Show 09:00 Teen Titans Go! 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Griff's Great Britain 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 13:05 ITV News and Weather 13:15 The Jeremy Kyle Show 14:15 Planet's Got Talent 14:45 Fierce 15:45 Britain's Got Talent 17:00 Uncle Buck 19:00 ITV News London 19:10 ITV News and Weather 19:30 The Chase 20:30 Let's Do It: A Tribute to Victoria Wood 21:35 The Queen's 90th Birthday Celebration

16:00 Man v Food 00:00 Restaurant: Impossible 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contess 09:00 Floyd on France 09:30 Floyd's American Pie 10:00 Follow Donal to Europe 11:00 Paul Hollywood: City Bakes 12:00 Jamie at Home 14:30 Hairy Bikers' Meals on Wheels Back on the Road 15:30 Ace of Cakes 18:00 Man Finds Food 20:00 Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 21:00 Man v Food 22:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:30 Blues at the BBC

00:05 Family Guy 01:35 American Dad! 02:35 The Cleveland Show 03:30 @elevenish 03:50 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:25 Emmerdale 10:00 Coronation Street 12:35 Take Me Out 13:45 Catchphrase 14:30 The Hot Desk 14:45 Kangaroo Jack 18:35 Britain's Got Talent 19:55 Britain's Got More Talent 21:00 Quantum of Solace 23:10 Family Guy

01:30 BBC Four Sessions: Bonnie Raitt 02:30 Blues America 03:30 Blues America 04:30 Close 20:00 BBC Young Musician 22:15 The Silk Road 23:15 Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer

00:35 GI Joe: the Rise of Cobra 02:50 Hollyoaks 04:55 Supershoppers 05:50 Posh Pawnbrokers 06:45 Will & Grace 07:10 The King of Queens 07:35 The King of Queens 08:00 The King of Queens 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Sunday Brunch 13:00 Live Formula 1 16:35 Pocahontas 18:10 Channel 4 News 18:30



Homes 20:00 Kevin McCloud's Escape to the Wild 21:00 Paul Merton's Secret Stations 22:00 Indian Summers 23:00 Gogglebox

01:05 Trial & Retribution 02:05 Northern Lights 03:05 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Judge Judy 07:20 The Mirror Crack'd 09:20 Heartbeat 11:25 Inspector Morse 13:40 Foyle's War 15:40 Columbo: Double Exposure 17:20 Calamity Jane 19:30 Richard Wilson on the Road 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Ghostboat

CHANNEL 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 The Tube: Going Underground 05:00 Deep-Sea Super Predator 05:45 Access 05:55 Divine Designs 06:20 HouseBusters 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 07:15 Angelina Ballerina 07:30 Bob the Builder 07:45 Tickety Toc 07:55 Zack and Quack 08:05 Pets 08:10 Noddy in Toyland 08:25 Paw Patrol 08:40 Little Princess 08:50 Pip Ahoy! 09:05 Blaze and the Monster Machines 09:30 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:45 Wanda and the Alien 09:55 Toby's Travelling Circus 10:10 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30 The Gadget Show 12:25 Make You Laugh Out Loud 15:00 Surf's Up 16:35 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 18:15 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 20:00 Penguin A&E with Lorraine Kelly 21:00 Beaver Las Vegas: Saving The Strip 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 21 Jump Street

00:05 Total Recall 01:15 Death Wish 3 03:20 Hogan's Heroes 03:45 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Football's Greatest: George Best 07:10 Hogan's Heroes 07:40 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 09:00 MotoGP Highlights 10:00 Fifth Gear 11:00 Pawn Stars 13:20 The Appaloosa 15:25 Death of a Gunfighter 17:20 Blues Brothers 2000 19:50 The Wine Show 20:55 River Monsters


Gardening Television

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - May 10th - Edition 470 -2016 March 2013


16th May Channel


01:10 No Strings Attached 02:50 Weather for the Week 02:55 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Countryfile Spring Diaries 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Neighbourhood Blues 12:45 Oxford Street Revealed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One; 14:30 BBC London News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Code 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six; 19:30 BBC London News; 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Panorama 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Would I Lie to You? 22:00 Peter Kay's Comedy Shuffle 22:30 I Want My Wife Back 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News; Weather 23:45 Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:30 Rescue Dawn 02:30 Countryfile 03:25 Holby City 04:25 This Is BBC Two 06:45 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:15 Bargain Hunt 08:00 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 Food Detectives 09:30 Gardeners' World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Athletics 15:00 Paul Hollywood's Pies & Puds 15:30 The TV That Made Me 16:00 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 16:45 Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Swimming: European Championships 21:00 Choose the Right Puppy for You 22:00 The Great British Sewing Bee 23:00 Upstart Crow 23:30 Newsnight

00:05 ITV News and Weather 00:25 Pop Gold 01:25 Jackpot247 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Wild Australia with Ray Mears 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Marcella 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 River Monsters

00:00 Formula 1 01:10 The Ghost 03:35 Come Dine with Me 05:45 Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free 06:00 Posh Pawnbrokers 06:55 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:30 Four in a Bed 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Eating Well with Hemsley + Hemsley 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Very British Problems

00:10 My Super Ex-Girlfriend 01:55 SuperCasino 04:10 The Yorkshire Vet 05:00 Great Scientists 05:25 House Doctor 06:15 Divine Designs 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy: 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Her Evil Twin 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Killer Landslides 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Undercover - The Big Sting 23:00 Gotham

00:00 Restaurant: Impossible 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Food 13:00 Jamie at Home 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ready Steady Cook 18:00 Ace of Cakes 19:00 Jamie at Home 20:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Paul Hollywood: City Bakes 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:15 Guts: The Strange and

00:10 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 02:10 The Cleveland Show 03:05 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 23:00 Plebs 23:30 Family Guy

00:35 Out of Sight 02:55 Blue Murder 03:45 May the Best House Win 05:30 On the Buses 06:20 Judge Judy 06:45 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Doctor at Large 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:25 The Royal 10:30 Judge Judy 11:50 Noah's Ark 12:55 Murder, She Wrote 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:10 Doctor at Large 17:45 On the Buses 18:15 George and Mildred 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 20:55 Wycliffe 22:00 Long Lost Family 23:00 Wycliffe

00:10 Crank 02:00 River Monsters 03:00 Hell on Wheels 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Hat-Trick Heroes II 07:15 Hogan's Heroes 08:10 Minder 09:00 Ironside 10:00 Quincy ME 11:05 Ax Men 12:00 The Chase 13:00 Minder 14:00 Pawn Stars 15:00 Storage Wars: Texas 16:00 Fifth Gear 16:55 Quincy ME 18:00 Ironside 19:00 Storage Wars: Texas 20:00 Cycling 21:00 Storage Wars 22:00 Red Heat

Wonderful World of the Human Stomach 01:15 Natural World 02:15 Horizon 03:15 The Silk Road 04:15 Redefining Juliet 05:00 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Insect Worlds 21:00 Madness on Wheels: Rallying's Craziest Years 22:00 Double Agent: The Eddie Chapman Story 23:00 The Dark Ages: An Age of Light www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016



What’s on

CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013

Fiestas, Festivals & Concerts Tue 10 May May Fiestas in Torrevieja Moors & Christians Biar Moors & Christians Petrer Moors & Christians Albanilla May Festival of the Witch - Alcantrilla Fiesta San Isidro Yecla ACDC Concert Sevilla

Moors & Christians Petrer May Festival of the Witch - Alcantrilla Fiesta San Isidro Yecla

Moors & Christians Petrer May Festival of the Witch - Alcantrilla Fiesta San Isidro Yecla

Thu 12 May May Fiestas in Torrevieja Moors & Christians Biar Moors & Christians Petrer May Festival of the Witch - Alcantrilla Fiesta San Isidro Yecla

Sat 14 May Moors & Christians Petrer May Festival of the Witch - Alcantrilla Fiesta San Isidro Yecla Bruce Springsteen Concerts

Wed 11 May

Sun 15 May Fri 13 May

May Fiestas in Torrevieja Moors & Christians Biar

Moors & Christians Biar

Tue 10 May Admit One English Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Cycling Club (Club Ciclista) - Main square in San Miguel de Salinas 10:00am Table Tennis Club Casa Ventura San Luis 10:00am Open Air Keep Fit - Playa Flamenca - Orihuela Costa 10:00am PALS La Siesta Meat Raffle & Bingo 10:30am Bar Columbus Toretta II CAMBRIDGE SLIMMING CLUB & ZUMBA 10:30am Digital Photography Club - Las Claras Centre in Los Narejos 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 10:45am Gardeners Corner Torrevieja - at karaoke bar 'Supersof' Torrevieja 1:00pm The Good Life Club - Los Arcos Restaurant Avenida Baleares Torrevieja 1:00pm Calpe Rotary Fellowship - Asia Restaurant La Fustera 1:00pm Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja - Centro Social, San Miguel de Salinas 1:00pm Bridge Club Rest Antonios Quesada 1:00pm Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers El Paraiso Restaurant 4:00pm Belly Dancing - The Emerald Isle, Urb. La Florida 4:00pm Latin Line Dancing - Casa Venture San Luis 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach 6:00pm PALS La Siesta TORREVIEJA CAMERA CLUB 7:00pm Badminton Club Teulada - Calle Benopia 2, Moraira 7:30pm Modern Jive Club - La Acena Gym, Puerto de Mazarron 8:00pm Friends and Buddies - Cats Bar, Sector A Camposol 8:00pm PALS La Siesta GAMES NIGHT 8:30pm The English Folk Music Club Matrix Madhouse La Fuente Wed 11 May Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers - see list Admit One English Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Velvetones Harmony Choir El Paraiso Jardin Del Mar Torrevieja 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:30am Successful Slimming Bar Carlos La Romana 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 10:45am Belly Dancing Keep Fit Session Quesada Wellbeing Centre, under The Club 12:00pm Al-Anon Family Groups Rojales & Torrevieja Ring 692 799 318 12:00pm Ladies Who Lunch Quesada Tel 966 261 359 for venue 1:00pm Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre Open Day Ptda. Lo Garriga 2:00pm Campoverde Theatre Group - Community Cntre Blue Lagoon 2:00pm Tai Chi Cultural Centre Quesada 2:30pm Spiritual Friends Los Leones Restaurant Moraira 2:30pm Strictly Social Club Meetings Asturias Restaurant Punta Prima 3:00pm Moraira Ladies Craft Club - Various Tel: 965 744 008 3:00pm Castilla Amigos Meetings Castilla Bar Lemon Tree Road Torrevieja

Feria San Isidro de Castalla Moors & Christians Petrer

4:00pm Belly Dancing - Keep Fit - Las Claras, Urb. Oasis, Los Alcazares 5:30pm Children's Theatre Workshops Nou Espai Social Centre La Nucia 5:30pm Royal Naval Association - Torrevieja Branch - El Paraiso Bar/Restaurant 6:00pm Netball Club in Torrevieja - At Playa Flamenca 6:00pm Torrevieja Christian Fellowship Av de Las Cortes Valencianas Torrevieja 7:00pm Line Dancing Camposol Cultural Centre 7:00pm Speed Dating a Luna Bar & Restaurant Guardamar 7:30pm Ballroom & Latin Classes Bienvenido Chinese,Res. Molino Blanco La Zenia 7:30pm Computer Club - Da Vincis Bistro San Luis 7:30pm Club Torrevieja Classics & Specialists Cars, Club Marina International Torrevieja 7:30pm GASP Salas Municipales Life Resort Gran Alacant 8:00pm Ballroom & Latin Dancing La Bamba's Asturias Restaurant La Zenia Thu 12 May Carp-R-Us Angling Club Phone for meet point 966 717 923 Admit One English Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Cycling Club (Club Ciclista) - Main square in San Miguel de Salinas 10:00am Table Tennis Club Casa Ventura San Luis 10:00am Open Air Keep Fit - Playa Flamenca - Orihuela Costa 10:00am Mazarron Bay Bridge Club - Playa Grande Hotel, Puerto de Mazarron 10:00am Rojales Pantomime Group Cultural Centre Quesada 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 10:30am Pat a Cake Club Bar Med Mazarron 10:30am Ladies' Barbershop Harmony Chorus - Las Claras Comm. Centre, Los Narejos 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 11:00am Orihuela Costa Male Voice Choir La Zenia Church 11:00am Rascals Sacko's Bar El Limonar San Luis 11:00am The Irish Rover Torrevieja CAMBRIDGE SLIMMING CLUB - Calle Dr Waksman 11:30am Ballroom & Latin Classes Bienvenido Chinese,Res. Molino Blanco La Zenia 1:00pm Bridge Club Rest Antonios Quesada 1:00pm Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers El Paraiso Restaurant 2:00pm PALS La Siesta CRAFT CLUB 3:30pm Campoamor Tennis Club - Campoamor Golf & Tennis Club 4:00pm Latin Line Dancing - Emerald Isle, La Florida 6:00pm The Sunshine Club 966 791 514 - Various - Villamartin 6:00pm Torrevieja Digital Camera Club - Casa Ventura San Luis 6:00pm Gandia Area Social Club (GASC) - Viva Espana, Oliva 7:00pm PALS La Siesta BINGO 8:00pm Costa Barber Singers - Recibar La Torre, Benissa. Fri 13 May Admit One English Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 9:45am Cresendo International Choir El Paraiso, Torrevieja 10:00am PALS La Siesta UNISEX SLIMMING AND RECREATION 10:30am Bar Columbus Toretta II CAMBRIDGE SLIMMING CLUB & ZUMBA 10:30am Line Dancing & Country Music Marina Bar Toretta 3 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 11:00am Ballroom & Latin Dancing La Bamba's Asturias Restaurant La Zenia

Moors & Christians Salinas - Salinas, Alicante May Festival of the Witch - Alcantrilla Fiesta San Isidro Yecla Bruce Springsteen Concerts Mon 16 May Feria San Isidro de Castalla Moors & Christians Petrer Moors & Christians Salinas - Salinas, Alicante May Festival of the Witch - Alcantrilla Fiesta San Isidro Yecla

2:00pm Tai Chi Cultural Centre Quesada 2:30pm Strictly Social Club Meetings Asturias Restaurant Punta Prima 3:00pm Cantabile Ladies Choir La Siesta Church 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach 7:00pm Coropilar - Choral group - Municipal offices at Campoverde 7:00pm Badminton Club Teulada - Calle Benopia 2, 03724 Moraira 7:00pm Monthly Country Music & Dance Camposol Cultural Centre 9:00pm Jazz Club - El Puente, Santiago de la Ribera Sat 14 May Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers Admit One English Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Oliva Drama and Cultural Association Viva Espana N332 9:00pm PALS La Siesta LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHT Sun 15 May Admit One English Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 8:30am Costa Blanca Runners South - Caprabo Supermarket Tel 966 786 774 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Campoamor Tennis Club - Campoamor Golf & Tennis Club 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 10:30am Christ In You - Torrevieja - Europa Building, Pinar de Campoverde. 10:30am Torrevieja Christian Fellowship Av de Las Cortes Valencianas Torrevieja 11:00am Netball Club in Torrevieja - Playa Flamenca 1:00pm Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre Open Day Ptda. Lo Garriga 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach 6:30pm International Christian Assembly - Calle San Miguel de Salinas 2, Torrevieja Mon 16 May Admit One English Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Scottish Bagpipers - Hoggies Bar La Siesta 10:00am Rojales Pantomime Group Cultural Centre Quesada 10:00am Torrevieja Craft Club - Diane's bar at 55 Dr Gregorio Maranon, Torrevieja 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 11:00am Rascals Sacko's Bar El Limonar San Luis 11:00am Washinton Bar La Siesta CAMBRIDGE SLIMMING CLUB 11:00am Jelly Beanz Parent Toddler Group Condado de Alhama, La Isla 11:00am The Jalon Valley Dolls House - Bar Emilio, La Llosa de Camacho, Jalon 12:00pm Al-Anon Family Groups Rojales & Torrevieja Ring 692 799 318 2:00pm Campoverde Theatre Group - Community Cntre Blue Lagoon 2:00pm Tai Chi Cultural Centre Quesada 5:00pm Mazarron Bahia Lions Club - Camposol Sector A, Mazarron 7:00pm Royal British Legion Gran Alacant /La Marina Branch Raco Jove Council Room 7:30pm Ballroom & Latin Dancing La Bamba's Asturias Restaurant La Zenia

What’s on www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016


What’s on in The Costa Blanca Bars

Here is a guide to what’s going on in your local area and these below are on every day – check the website for the latest information.

Pimientos Restaurant San Miguel A LA CARTE from 7PM Bar Carmens El Chaparral, MENU DEL DIA from 9am Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVE MENU €9.95 from 5.30pm Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm Reflections, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL from 12pm Glenn's Bar San Luis VALUE MEALS 2 for €8 Bar Carmens El Chaparral MENU DEL NOCHE 5.30pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD DEAL 1 for €6,2 for €10 Marabu Lounge Dona Pepe MENU DEL NOCHE €15.95 6pm Marabu Lounge MENU DEL DIA €11.95 1pm La Bocana Water-Sports OPEN ALL DAY from 9.30am El Capitan Los Altos MENU DEL DIA €6.50 from midday El Capitan Los Altos MENU DEL NOCHE €8.50 from 6pm El Castillo La Marina TEA/COFFEE & HOME MADE SWISS CAKE €3.00 from 11am till 6pm El Castillo MENU DEL DIA €8.50 11.30am El Castillo La Marina MENU DEL NOCHE €15.00 from 6pm Bar 1 The Carabasi Centre Gran Alacant HAPPY HOUR 5pm Restaurant Rendezvous Altos Del Limonar OPEN 12 - 12 Mexi Mundo Altos Del Limonar MINIGOLF Mexi Mundo Altos Del Limonar MENU DEL NOCHE €9.95 from 6pm Mexi Mundo Altos Del Limonar LUNCH Midday - free glass of wine with any main course Stan & Ollies El Raso 3 COURSES €15 Hen’s Teeth Villamartin Plaza MENU DEL DIA and TAPAS until 6pm Hen’s Teeth Villamartin Plaza MENU DEL NOCHE and TAPA Lo Rufete Torremendo Open All Day Kayaking, Horse Riding Quad Biking

Tuesday 10:30am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente YOGA 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern Lo Crispin TAI CHI 11:00am El Castillo La Marina DANCE CLASSES 12:00pm Restaurant Rendezvous Altos Del Limonar MEAL DEAL €12.50 6:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KARATE 6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada MOTOWN SOUL NIGHT & PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel PIE NIGHT 2 for €9.50 7:00pm Posh Club La Marina KARAOKE 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 7:30pm The Fire Station Via Park 1 – PASO A PASO 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - QUIZ NIGHT 8.00pm Drivers Bar Villamartin POOL NIGHT 8:00pm PALS Washington Square La Siesta GAMES NIGHT 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis QUIZ NIGHT 8:30pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig DARTS LEAGUE 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin DARTS 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar - KARAOKE 9:00pm Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta KARAOKE 9:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos QUIZ NIGHT

Wednesday Hen’s Teeth Villamartin Plaza FREE POOL ALL DAY 10:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS 10:00am El Castillo La Marina YOGA 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin ZUMBA 1:00pm Marabu Lounge Lo Marabu - TAPAS Wednesday 1:00pm Papillon Bar Restaurant Torretta 2 - SCHNITZEL DAY €6.50 1:30pm Lo Crispin Tavern Lo Crispin COMMUNITY LUNCH €3.00 2:00pm Marabu Lounge Dona Pepe LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 3:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente LINE DANCING 4:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos BINGO 4:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada ROCK AND ROLL BINGO AND MUSIC QUIZ 5:15pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KIDS THEATRE GROUP 5:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos BIG JAM 6:00pm Bar Imanyo,Daya Nueva - Special Menu €5.00 (Club Members €3.00) 6:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta CARVERY 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel STEAK NIGHT (minibus service)

6:00pm Olive Bar Dona Pepe STEAK AND PIE NIGHT 6:00pm Blackbull Torremendo STEAK NIGHT 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 8:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente QUIZ & BINGO 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis CARD BINGO 8.30pm Drivers Bar Villamartin DISCO 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar – KARAOKE 9.00pm The Fire Station Via Park 1 KARAOKE

Thursday 10:00am Matrix Madhouse La Fuente COFFEE MORNING CRAFTS BINGO & MY WEIGH IN 11:00am El Castillo La Marina TAI CHI 11:00am Mono's Bar Quesada LADIES PAMPER DAY 2:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis MUSIC BINGO 3:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta, JULIES CARDS 3.30pm Churchills San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 4.00pm The Watering Hole San Luis Square CARD BINGO & PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT 5:00pm Olive Bar and Kitchen Dona Pepe KARAOKE 6:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KARATE 6:00pm Mexi Mundo Altos Del Limonar All You Can Eat Buffet €7.50 8:00pm Bar 1 The Carabassi Centre DARTS PRACTICE 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva – DARTS COMPETITION 8:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos QUIZ & GAMES 8.00pm Hen’s Teeth Villamartin DARTS LEAGUE 8:30pm Reflections, San Luis, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8:30pm El Capitan Los Altos DARTS LEAGUE 8.30pm Drivers Bar Villamartin LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar - KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm Oceans Bar QUIZ NIGHT 9.00pm Bar Stop, Torrevieja KARAOKE 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

Friday 10:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH BEG. 10:00am El Castillo La Marina YOGA 11:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH INTER. 2:00pm Bar Carmens, La Siesta LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 3:00pm The Porter House Altos del Limonar - BINGO 4:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente FAMILY NIGHT MEAL DEALS Bouncy Castle 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel STEAK NIGHT (minibus service) 7:00pm Reflections, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva – FREE POOL 8:00pm Papillon Bar Restuarant Torretta 2 KARAOKE 8:00pm El Capitan Los Altos FUN DARTS 8.30pm Drivers Bar Villamartin QUIZ NIGHT 9.00pm The Watering Hole San Luis Square KARAOKE 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar - KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos LIVE MUSIC 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada LIVE MUSIC 9:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin, KARAOKE 9:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9.00pm Bar Stop Torrevieja LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

Saturday 10:00am Matrix Madhouse La Fuente STREET DANCE CLASS 4 - 7years 10:45am Matrix Madhouse La Fuente STREET DANCE CLASS 12:45pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP 4:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP 4:00pm The Porter House, Altos del Limonar - JAM SESSION 6:00pm Blackbull Torremendo STEAK NIGHT 6:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE FOOTBALL 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 7:00pm Reflections, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8:00pm Papillon Bar Rest. Torretta 2 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8.30pm The Watering Hole San Luis Square LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8.30pm Bar Stop Torrevieja GAMES NIGHT 9:00pm The Porter House, Altos Del Limonar - KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC

9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos LIVE MUSIC 9.00pm Churchills SanLuis KARAOKE 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada LIVE MUSIC 9:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm El Capitan Los Altos LIVE ENTERTAINMENT/KARAOKE 9:00pm El Castillo La Marina LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Pls Check in Winter 666 761 495 9:30pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

Sunday 12:00pm Olliewoods Restaurant at the Madhouse La Fuente FAMOUS ROAST 12:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis SUNDAY LUNCH 12:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nuevo - Sunday Lunch €5.00 12:00pm Pimientos Rest. & Tce San Miguel SUNDAY LUNCH 12:00pm Stan and Ollies El Raso SUNDAY LUNCH 12:30pm Bar Carmen's El Chaparral, La Siesta CARVERY 1:00pm El Castillo La Marina AS MUCH AS YOU CAN EAT HOT & COLD BUFFET 1:00pm The Porter House - Sunday Lunch €5.95 - Altos del Limonar 1:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel CARVERY €7.50 (free minibus service available) 1:00pm Marabu Lounge Dona Pepe SUNDAY LUNCH 1:00pm Blackbull Torremendo SUNDAY ROAST CARVERY 1:00pm Olive Bar and Kitchen Dona Pepe SUNDAY LUNCH 1:00pm Papillon Torretta 2 - ROAST DINNER from €4.90 2:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 2:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE FOOTBALL 3.00pm Churchills San Luis KARAOKE 4:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis BIG JAM 5:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP 5:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta KARAOKE 8:00pm El Capitan Los Altos QUIZ NIGHT 8:30pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig KARAOKE 8:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - QUIZ & BINGO 8.30pm Drivers Bar Villamartin KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos KARAOKE 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada KARAOKE & PLAY YOUR CARDS 9:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis KARAOKE 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin QUIZ 9.00pm Bar Stop, Torrevieja KARAOKE

Monday 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin ZUMBA 3:00pm The Porter House Altos Del Limonar - BINGO 3:00pm Oceans Bar Gran Alacant BINGO 3:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos DOMINOS 4:00pm Bar Carmens - El Chapparal, La Siesta BINGO 4:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis KARAOKE & LIVE MUSIC 5:30pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KIDS ROCK CHOIR 6:30pm Matrix Madhouse La Fuente ADULT ROCK CHOIR 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 8:00pm Bar 1 Carabassi Centre Gran Alacant DARTS LEAGUE 8:00pm Fire Station Via Park 1 – POOL LEAGUE & CRIB NIGHT 8:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SKITTLES 8:30pm Reflections San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8:30pm El Capitan Los Altos DARTS LEAGUE 9:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada FUN QUIZ NIGHT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin CRIB NIGHT 9:00pm Marabu Lounge Dona Pepe FUN QUIZ


CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - Edition - May 10th 470 -2016 March 2013

This week in History

May 10 1917 Allied ships get destroyer escorts to fend off German attacks in the Atlantic. 1924 J. Edgar Hoover is appointed head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 1928 WGY-TV in Schenectady, New York, begins regular television programming. 1933 Nazis begin burning books by “unGerman” writers such as Heinrich Mann and Erich Maria Remarque, author of All Quiet on the Western Front. 1940 German forces begin a blitzkrieg of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, skirting France’s “impenetrable” Maginot Line. 1940 Winston Churchill succeeds Neville Chamberlain as British Prime Minister. 1941 England’s House of Commons is destroyed during the worst of the London Blitz: 550 German bombers drop 100,000 incendiary bombs.

1960 The USS Nautilus completes first circumnavigation of globe underwater. 1994 Nelson Mandela is sworn in as South Africa’s first black president. Born on May 10 1813 Montgomery Blair, lawyer. 1838 John Wilkes Booth, actor, assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. 1886 Karl Barth, Swiss theologian. 1899 Fred Astaire (Frederick Austerlitz), American dancer and actor. 1902 David O. Selznick, film producer (Gone with the Wind, Rebecca). 1908 Carl Albert, U.S. politician. 1920 Richard Adams, English novelist (Watership Down). 1937 Arthur Kopit, American playwright. 1944 Judith Jamison, American ballerina. May 11 1792 The Columbia River is discovered by Captain

Robert Gray. 1812 British Prime Minster Spencer Perceval is shot by a bankrupt banker in the lobby of the House of Commons. 1857 Indian mutineers seize Delhi. 1858 Minnesota is admitted as the 32nd U.S. state. 1860 Giuseppe Garibaldi lands at Marsala, Sicily. 1862 Confederates scuttle the CSS Virginia off Norfolk, Virginia. 1864 Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart is mortally wounded at Yellow Tavern. 1960 Israeli soldiers capture Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires. 1967 The Siege of Khe Sanh ends, the base is still in American hands. Born on May 11 1885“King” Joseph Oliver, jazz cornetist and bandleader. 1888 Irving Berlin, composer, writer of over 1,500 songs. 1894 Mari Sandoz, writer and biographer (Crazy Horse). www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016 1895 William Grant Still, American composer and conductor. 1904 Salvador Dali, surrealist painter. 1912 Phil Silvers, comedian and actor. 1918 Richard Feynman, theoretical physicist. 1930 Stanley Elkin, author (George Mills). 1933 Louis Farrakhan, American religious leader. May 12 1926 The Airship Norge becomes the first vessel to fly over the North Pole. 1932 The body of Charles Lindbergh’s baby is found. 1935 Alcoholics Anonymous is founded in Akron, Ohio by “Bill W.,” a stockbroker, and “Dr. Bob S.,” a heart surgeon.

1940 The Nazi conquest of France begins with the crossing Muese River. 1942 The Soviet Army launches its first major offensive of the war, taking Kharkov in the eastern Ukraine. 1943 Axis forces in North Africa surrender. 1949 The Berlin Blockade ends. 1969 Viet Cong sappers try unsuccessfully to overrun Landing Zone Snoopy in Vietnam. 1975 The U.S. merchant ship Mayaguez is seized by Cambodian forces. Born on May 12 1820 Florence Nightingale, English nurse and hospital reformer. 1828 Dante Gabriel Rossetti, English poet and painter. 1907 Katherine Hepburn, actress (The Philadelphia Story, The African Queen). 1915 Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. 1921 Farley Mowat, Canadian nature writer (Never Cry Wolf ). 1925 Yogi Berra (Lawrence Peter Berra), baseball player and coach.

1933 Andrei Andreyevich Voznesensky, Russian poet. 1936 Tom Snyder, newscaster and television host. 1936 Frank Stella, painter. May 13 1846 The United States declares war on Mexico after fighting has already begun. 1861 Britain declares its neutrality in the American Civil War. 1864 The Battle of Resaca commences as Union General William T. Sherman fights towards Atlanta. 1888 Slavery is abolished in Brazil. 1912 The Royal Flying Corps is established in England. 1913 Igor Sikorsky flies the first four-engine aircraft. 1944 Allied forces in Italy break through the German Gustav Line into the Liri Valley. 1958 French troops take control of Algiers.

1968 Peace talks between the United States and North Vietnam begin in Paris. 1981 Pope John Paul II survives an assassination attempt. Born on May 13 1729 Henry William Stiegel, early American glassmaker. 1842 Sir Arthur Sullivan, composer, collaborator with W.S. Gilbert. 1857 Ronald Ross, bacteriologist. 1907 Daphne du Maurier, author (Rebecca). 1912 Gil Evans, jazz pianist and composer. 1914 Joe Louis, world heavyweight boxing champion from 1937 to 1949. 1940 Bruce Chatwin, travel writer (Patagonia). May 14 1897 “Stars and Stripes Forever” by John Phillip Sousa is performed for the first time in Philadelphia. 1935 A plebiscite in the Philippines ratifies an independence agreement. 1940 Holland surrenders to Germany. 1942 The British Army, in retreat from Burma, reach India. 1948 Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion establishes the State of Israel. 1961 A bus carrying black and white civil rights activists is bombed and burned in Alabama. 1969 Three companies of the 101st Airborne Division fail to push North Vietnamese forces off Hill 937 in South Vietnam. 1973 The U.S. space station Skylab is launched.

1991 In South Africa, Winnie Mandela is sentenced to six years in prison for her part in the kidnapping and beating of three black youths and the death of a fourth. Born on May 14 1533 Margaret of Valois, queen consort of Navarre. 1686 Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, German physicist, instrument maker, inventor of the thermometer. 1727 Thomas Gainsborough, painter (“Blue Boy”). 1771 Thomas Wedgwood, English physicist, photography pioneer. 1897 Sidney Bechet, jazz clarinetist and soprano saxaphone player. 1933 Richard P. Brickner, novelist (The Broken Year). 1944 George Lucas, film director and producer (Star Wars). 1946 Robert Jarvik, American physician. May 15 1918 Pfc. Henry Johnson and Pfc. Needham Roberts receive the Croix de Guerre for their services in World War I. They are the first Americans to win France’s highest military medal. 1930 Ellen Church becomes the first airline stewardess. 1942 The United States begins rationing gasoline. 1958 Sputnik III is launched by the Soviet Union. 1963 The last Project Mercury space flight, carrying Gordon Cooper, is launched. 1968 U.S. Marines relieve army troops in Nhi Ha, South Vietnam after a fourteen-day battle. 1972 Gov. George Wallace is shot by Arthur Bremer in Laurel, Maryland. 1975 The merchant ship Mayaguez is recaptured from Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge. 1988 Soviets forces begin their withdrawal from Afghanistan.

53 Born on May 15 1859 Pierre Curie, physicist. 1860 Ellen Louise Axson Wilson, first wife of President Woodrow Wilson. 1890 Katherine Anne Porter, novelist (Ship of Fools). 1891 Mikhail Bulgakov, Russian novelist (Notes of a Dead Man, Heart of a Dog). 1902 Richard Daley, mayor of Chicago through the 1960s and early 1970’s. 1923 Richard Avedon, photographer. 1926 Anthony Shaffer, English playwright (Sleuth), twin brother of Peter Shaffer. 1926 Peter Shaffer, English playwright (Equus, Amadeus), twin brother of Anthony Shaffer.

1930 Jasper Johns, Jr., painter, leader of the Pop Art movement. May 16 1770 Marie Antoinette marries future King Louis XVI of France. 1863 At the Battle of Champion’s Hill, Union General Ulysess S. Grant repulses the Confederates, driving them into Vicksburg. 1868 President Andrew Johnson is acquitted during Senate impeachment, by one vote, cast by Edmund G. Ross. 1879 The Treaty of Gandamak between Russia and England sets up the Afghan state. 1920 Joan of Arc is canonized in Rome. 1928 The first Academy Awards are held in Hollywood. 1943 A specially trained and equipped Royal Air Force squadron destroys two river dams in Germany. 1951 Chinese Communist Forces launch second step, fifth-phase offensive and gain up to 20 miles of territory. 1960 A Big Four summit in Paris collapses because of the American U-2 spy plane affair.

1963 After 22 Earth orbits, Gordon Cooper returns to Earth, ending the last mission of Project Mercury. Born on May 16 1824 Edmund Kirby-Smith, Confederate general during the American Civil War. 1850 Johannes von Mikulica-Radecki, Polish surgical pioneer. 1886 Douglas Southall Freeman, journalist, historian, Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer. 1905 Henry Fonda, American actor (Grapes of Wrath, On Golden Pond). 1912 Studs Terkel, author and historian. 1913 Woody Herman, jazz bandleader. 1929 Betty Carter, jazz singer. 1929 Adrienne Rich, poet (Diving into the Wreck). 1955 Olga Korbut, Olympic gymnast.


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North London touring side Mill Hill played a friendly against a combined Torrevieja - San Javier team on Sunday www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016



CD Torrevieja’s last home game saw them losing 1:3 to Jove Espanol


- Edition 470 -2016 March 2013 CoastRiderCoastRider - Edition 597 - May 10th

Football y Fútbol

This season's premiership has been the single most exciting as the Premiership goes to the wire. And while Leicester City have been crowned worthy champions with games in hand, except for Aston Villa being relegated, everything else could go to the very last second on the final day of Saturday's play. Even more exciting is in Spain, at 8.00pm, the final day's play also takes place and if Barcelona draw or lose and Real Madrid win, the Blancos could nick the title. Tomorrow, should Sunderland beat Everton, then they will survive for another season while Norwich and Newcastle will go down. If Manchester United win their two final games they will take fourth place and qualify for the Champions League while neighbours City will drop to fifth and Europa League. A win for Southampton and two loses for West Ham United would also see the Hammers missing out on Europe altogether. The gossip columns in the papers are going crazy with rumours and conjecture but usually these are based on a little fact. The Sun on Sunday say that Crystal Palace winger Yannick Bolasie, 26, and Watford midfielder Troy Deeney, 27, are wanted by Leicester in a £40m double deal and that Antonio Conte wants to bring Southampton forward Graziano Pelle to Chelsea Troy Deeney

Jack Colback

and will consider an £8m move for the 30-year-old Italian while Newcastle midfielder Jack Colback, 26, faces a Football Association investigation over allegedly breaking betting rules The Sunday Express say that Arsenal will make a £30m move for Liverpool and England striker Daniel Sturridge, 26, when the summer transfer window opens. Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal target Marqhuinos, 21, is frustrated with a lack of first-team opportunities at Paris St-Germain and the defender will ask to leave when he holds talks with the club's board after the French Cup final with Marseille on 21 May. According to the Sunday Mirror, Stoke are lining up a bid for Norwich winger Nathan Redmond, 22, as a cheaper alternative to 22-year-old West Brom forward Saido Berahino. England manager Roy Hodgson intends to speak to 20-year-old Spurs midfielder Dele Alli, suspended for the final three games of the Premier League season, about his tendency to retaliate. The Mail on Sunday wrote that Real Madrid midfielder Luka Modric says former club Tottenham's progress this season will benefit England at Euro 2016. Liverpool midfielder Jordan Rossiter is in talks over a move to

Rangers, with the 19-year-old's Anfield contract set to expire this summer. Former Newcastle forward Hatem Ben Arfa, 29, is set for a move to Barcelona, just a year after joining French club Nice following his release by the Magpies. Chelsea could make a rival bid for Ben Arfa, while midfielder Oscar, 24, is in talks over a summer move to Italian champions Juventus according to La Stampa via Daily Star Sunday. The London Evening Standard tell us that Crystal Palace manager Alan Pardew will sign a new contract after the south London club secured their Premier League status with a 2-1 victory over Stoke on Saturday while Stoke City have signed a 'strategic partnership' with MLS franchise Orlando City. Former Arsenal goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny believes Chelsea midfield target and Roma team-mate Radja Nainggolan, 28, is more than capable of playing in the Premier League say FourFourTwo while Manchester United defender Matteo Darmian, 26, could miss the FA Cup final after suffering a leg injury against Norwich City on Saturday note the Manchester Evening News. And this time next week, all the winners and losers will be announced while we look forward to the FA Cup and Champions League finals. Matteo Darmian

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