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Torrevieja and local areas Tuesday May 31st 2016 - Edition 600


The hope of many UK residents living for more than 15 years in Spain to express their opinion at the forthcoming EU Referendum on Thursday June 23rd were finally dashed last week. Full story on Page 2


Gardening News

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IT’S A NO FROM THE UK JUDGES UK Supreme Court decision ends voting hopes for thousands In a case that has been followed by many hundreds of thousands of British migrants living across the EU for months, the two Britons living abroad fighting the case have lost their Supreme Court battle over the right to vote in June's EU referendum. The UK's highest court upheld the recent decisions of both the High Court and Court of Appeal. Despite all the hopes to the contrary, UK citizens are officially not eligible to vote on 23 June if they have lived outside the UK for more than 15 years. The challenge was brought by World War Two veteran Harry Shindler, 94, who lives in Italy, and lawyer and Belgian resident Jacquelyn MacLennan, 54. Mr Shindler, who has lived in Italy for 35 years, and Ms MacLennan, from Inverness, who has lived in Belgium since 1987, argued that the 15-year rule acted as a penalty for them having exercised their rights to free movement, and was an infringement of their common law right to vote. But five Supreme Court justices - Lady Hale, Lord Mance, Lord Reed, Lord Sumption and Lord Hughes - unanimously rejected the lastditch legal challenge. More than two million British living across the world that are estimated to be affected by the decision, which marks the end of the legal battle for an expat's right to vote. There are no official figures to show the exact number of British migrants that have lived in Spain for more than 15 years out of the 283,000 that are registered on the Padron. Ms MacLennan, who had travelled by train from Brussels to be at the hearing said: "I thought our arguments were very compelling. I feel we have tried our best but, having got to this stage and been able to make our arguments before the Supreme Court, we have not been able to change this law, which is so manifestly unjust." Both Mr Shindler and Ms MacLennan wanted to vote to oppose Brexit. Mr Shindler, a UK passport holder, was in the World War Two landings at Anzio and still pays taxes on his pension to HM Revenue and Customs. He is worried that leaving the EU could seriously disrupt his way of life in Italy. Mr Shindler's lawyer said the test case was being watched by many other expats, who fear a vote to leave the EU will lead to them being deprived of EU citizenship and the rights that go with it. Downing Street welcomed the Supreme Court's ruling, saying the matter was discussed as part of the passage of the Referendum Bill and debated at length. "The result of that discussion in Parliament and the vote was that people who left the UK more than 15 years ago would not be eligible to vote. We welcome the fact

that the decision has been upheld," the prime minister's official spokesman said. The formal decision taken from the website of the UK Supreme Court is reproduced below: R (on the application of Shindler and another) (Appellants) v Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and another (Respondents) UKSC 2016/0105. On appeal from the Court of Appeal Civil Division (England and Wales) The Supreme Court held an oral hearing of the application for permission to appeal, with the appeal to follow immediately if permission to appeal was granted. The appellants challenged the lawfulness under EU law of section 2 of the EU Referendum Act 2015 in respect of its exclusion from the EU Referendum franchise British citizens who, in exercise of their EU free movement rights, reside outside the UK and have been resident outside the UK for a period of more than 15 years. The appellants claim that their disenfranchisement constitutes a unjustified restriction of their EU law rights to move and reside within the territory of the Member

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States and separately that the common law affords protection to their right to vote as British citizens and full members of the United Kingdom. The Supreme Court has refused permission to appeal and the Court of Appeal judgment will therefore stand. Giving the Court's decision, Lady Hale (Deputy President of the Supreme Court) said: "We should make it clear that the question is not whether this particular voting exclusion is justifiable as a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. The question is instead, firstly, whether European Union law applies at all, as only if it does so is there any possibility of attacking an Act of Parliament; and secondly, if so, whether there is any interference with the right of free movement. Assuming for the sake of argument that European Union law does apply, we have decided that it is not arguable that there is an interference with right of free movement, for the reasons given by the Divisional Court and the Court of Appeal. We do have considerable sympathy for the situation in which the applicants find themselves and we understand that this is something which concerns them deeply. But we cannot discern a legal basis for challenging this statute. Accordingly the application for permission to appeal is refused." At a one of the recent events where the BBC were in attendance to discover the British point of view on the Referendum, The CoastRider spoke to one or two concerned residents the day after the decision from the UK Supreme Court was announced. Sylvie, a recently widowed pensioner who has lived in the area for 18 years said: “I can’t believe the Conservative government didn’t ensure that their commitment to scrap the fifteen year limit wasn’t part of the Referendum Bill in the first place! Most people I speak to want to Remain; and as it’s official government policy too, surely this was a chance to secure even more votes?” Another couple, Helen and Jack also retired and into their 21st year on the Costa Blanca raised their concerns but coming from a different angle; one which is rarely expressed among the current discussions on social media or in the news. Jack said: “If we had known all those years ago that our status as British people living in Spain might be affected, we may have reconsidered selling up in the UK entirely and investing a significant amount of our money into our home and life in Spain!” His wife was nodding was a resigned look on her face. “I know it was a risk,” he continued, “but we were only taking advantage of the law as millions of others did. If that law is likely to be changed, I feel that we should have a say in that. It’s disgusting!”

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News 3 Gardening


There are still more questions than answers... Not for the first time since the announcement was made at the end of February, members of the UK based media have made their way to various parts of Spain to find out what British immigrants think of the forthcoming EU Referendum. Renowned journalist Matthew Engel from The Guardian was in the Orhuela Costa a couple of weeks ago addressing a group of concerned residents, and the BBC Breakfast show had a live link up with Gavin Lee to the same area last Thursday morning. Cafe J’s Bar in Urbanisation La Marina were the latest venue to be featured when a crew from BBC Look North

were on filming duty on a beautiful, sun-drenched Wednesday evening. It was all part of a package to be featured as part of the regional programme where opinions of those that had their roots in Yorkshire have made the permanent move to live in Spain. Barry & Margaret from Leeds, Mick & Michelle from Halifax and finally Mick & Desna from Sheffield shared their thoughts and concerns as to how they believed a potential Brexit would affect their day to day lives in this area of the Costa Blanca. Needless to say, might their future status in Spain and would they still continue to enjoy one of the benefits of free movement within the EU – free treatment using the Spanish NHS – continue as the status quo? In the case of the couple from Leeds, they’ve been living in La Marina for more than 15 years so even though they have their views, like many others across the EU they’re unable to express them at the ballot box. The series of informal chats preceded a specially re-arranged Quiz Night hosted by popular and veteran quizmaster Darren James who is now into his 25th year of presenting such

evenings. Darren told The Coastrider: “It was a great experience seeing how a filming schedule takes place and reading out questions with a cameraman inches from your face! The fifty quizgoers were mainly on their best behaviour!” Local quiz nights were the background to both of the filmed reports and those that took part were given the correct answers to all the questions asked on the evening. IF there is a vote to Leave the EU – just 23 days to the 23rd - an overwhelming number of the British migrants living in Spain are going to have to wait a little longer for the answers to some of the most important questions on their mind. BBC Look North plan to show the report from Urbanisation La Marina as part of the Wednesday edition shown at 7.30pm on 8th June on BBC1.


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In a move which has been seen as the final snub to the Labour Party that he previously supported, and was a member of from 1997 until last year, Lord Sugar has been appointed enterprise tsar as part of the Conservative government’s drive to get more young people to consider starting their own business or undertaking an apprenticeship. He had a similar role with New Labour from 2009 under the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown. In a very public move within days of the 2015 General Election, Lord Sugar announced he was leaving the Labour Party with the following statement: “In the past year I found myself losing confidence in the party due to their negative business policies and general anti-enterprise concepts they were considering if they were elected. I expressed this to the most senior figures in the party several times. I signed on to New Labour in 1997 but more recently, particularly in relation to business, I sensed a policy shift moving back towards what Old Labour stood for. By the start of this year I had made my decision to resign from the party whatever the outcome of the general election.” As well as championing enterprise and apprenticeships among young people, he will encourage businesses to take on apprentices themselves. Lord Sugar is one of the best known names

in British business, and having built up two successful computer firms – Amstrad and Viglen – after leaving school at 16, he is ideally placed to champion the cause of both entrepreneurship and apprenticeships. He will be undertaking a series of roadshow events across England, speaking to local school leavers and businesses. He will be provided with support by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Education. Lord Sugar said: “I’m delighted to be taking on this challenge. I built successful businesses with the support of hundreds of talented young people who learned their skills on the job – exactly the kinds of skills you learn in

an apprenticeship. But not enough of our young people know about apprenticeships and what they offer, and too few feel empowered to set up their own business.” He continued: “I’ll be travelling the length and breadth of this country to tell young people why apprenticeships are a great way for them to build their skills – and talking about the opportunities for starting their own business, hopefully instilling some entrepreneurial spirit.” Following the original announcement from No10 Downing Street, Skills Minister Nick Boles expressed his delight at the appointment: “We want every young person in Britain to get on and build a great life for themselves, whether it’s by starting an apprenticeship or setting up their own business. Lord Sugar has huge credibility among young people and I am delighted that he has agreed to help the government bang the drum for apprenticeships and enterprise.” Lord Sugar’s role will contribute to the government’s drive to deliver three million apprenticeship starts in England by 2020. In last year’s summer budget, the government announced the introduction of the apprenticeship levy to increase the quality and quantity of apprenticeships in England. An employer-led Institute for Apprenticeships will begin work next year and will have a mandate to regulate the quality of apprenticeships.

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Did you hear screams coming from the Benidorm area yesterday? They probably came from people trying the new attraction that was open to the public for the first time at the Terra Mitica theme park. Now into its 16th year, Terra Mitica is always looking to bring new rides and experiences to its customers and for the new season they are proud to present “Tornado”! Standing at an imposing 80 metres high (262 feet) flying chairs spin around a tower endlessly rotating at different heights and speeds. Tornado is situated in the ancient Rome area and takes its inspiration from the gladiatorial battles which took place in the

arena below. Amongst the weapons used by the armed men doing battle to the death were sling shots which were spun around at high speed above the slinger's head – very much like the chairs on the Tornado. More than 6 metres of foundation and 600 cubic meters of reinforced concrete have been used to build the attraction which is covered by a dome weighing more than 4,500 kg. In addition to the "Tornado" Terra Mitica will also add another important development with the opening of its first theme hotel, the Grand Luxor Hotel, located in the area of Egypt with 300 rooms.


The world’s biggest cruise ship is a “construction site”, its first customers have claimed. The £800 million Harmony of the Seas left Southampton for Rotterdam on a four-night trip on May 22 but customers have protested about ongoing work and closed attractions. Annoyed customers have tweeted pictures of overflowing urinals, uncovered drains and muddy carpets. Retired David Mitchell, 73, who paid around £1,000 for his four-night stay, told The Telegraph: “I am an ex-hotel manager so I really notice this kind of thing. It was totally chaotic – they were overwhelmed and underprepared. There were workmen crawling all over and lots of the features and amenities were closed. There were queues at the bars, queues to get into the dining room and there were so many people lining up at guest services to complain they had to put up barriers.” Another said: “Urinals blocked and overflowing on our cruise to Rotterdam. Ship NOT ready but took our money”. Around 6,000 passengers joined the ship’s first outing. It

has 20 restaurants, 23 swimming pools and took more than twoand-a-half-years to construct. A spokesperson for the Royal Caribbean Cruises added: "We can assure our passengers that the incidents reported have been isolated incidents, most occurring more than three days ago, and they were all immediately dealt with. We are taking every measure to guarantee passengers that their time aboard Harmony of the Seas is the exceptional experience that was billed."

Harmony of the Seas’ official maiden voyage will sailed from Southampton to its summer base of Barcelona where it arrived on Sunday.


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It’s almost one year to the day since the Partido Independiente Por las Nacionalidades (PIPN) doubled their council seats in the municipality of San Fulgencio. The time has come to look ahead to the next local elections in May 2019; three years is not a long time in politics! There have been many changes in the PIPN in the past twelve months, especially with the new additions to the team and with the revived commitment and vision for the locality as the President of PIPN, Samantha Hull explained: “The Party has drawn a red line under

what has gone before. This is a fresh start with a new team around me whom everyone will get to know very soon. I’m very excited about the future of the PIPN especially as we have the support of some very experienced and highly respected and principled members of the local Spanish community. I also want people to get away from the perception that we are “the Brit Party.” Samantha continued: “The job of an opposition party anywhere is not only to always hold the Council to account when they are able to do so, but to continually develop policies

and initiatives whilst in opposition, unlike the national parties, in consultation with residents, local business and tourists, and to develop a plan for the future. We have to show that the PIPN are not just an effective opposition party but a Council in waiting. We need to reinforce the message that we are the only truly independent party in San Fulgencio who do not have to answer to Alicante, Valencia or Madrid. We only have the best interests of the residents at heart” The PIPN are in the process of arranging regular surgery meetings in a number of venues in the municipality of San Fulgencio and the Urbanisations over the coming months. These will give the opportunity to residents of San Fulgencio and the Urbanisations to discuss their concerns with a Councillor and get an immediate and helpful response to their questions. If necessary the PIPN Councillor can legally voice any concerns or questions to the current council at a plenary Council meeting. Nobody else can do this. Within these regular surgery meetings there will be other members of the PIPN from

different nationalities there to help promote the benefits of registration on the local Padron and on the electoral role, as well as a few fund raising events including a very exciting evening to look forward to in the very near

future. Please keep a look out in the area for details and also on the dedicated Facebook page. Just type in PIPN and you’ll see the link to the page. Like the page, and send a message for details on how to join the party www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016



HM The Queen at the 2016 Chelsea Flower Show

Harmony of the Seas

Richard Jones – Winner of Britain’s Got Talent

Zika. Will it affect to Rio Olympics?

G7 Summit in Japan

Migrants jumping for their lives in the Mediterranean


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Facebook and Microsoft have announced a partnership to lay the highest-capacity subsea internet cable to ever cross the Atlantic Ocean, starting with hubs connecting Northern Virginia to Bilbao, Spain. The cable, called "MAREA" after the Spanish word for "tide," will be capable of 160 terabits per second of bandwidth and will stretch more than 4,100 miles of ocean in a submarine cable system. The two companies have hired Telxius, the infrastructure company owned by global communications giant Telefónica, to manage MAREA and expand network hubs from Europe to Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Construction is slated to begin in August of this year with a goal of October 2017 to complete the cable. "In order to better serve our customers and provide the type of reliable and low-

latency connectivity they deserve, we are continuing to invest in new and innovative ways to continuously upgrade both the Microsoft Cloud and the global internet infrastructure," Frank Rey, Microsoft's director of global network acquisition, said in a statement. "This marks an important new step in building the next generation infrastructure of the internet." Even with Telxius onboard, this new operation marks a turning point for tech companies, which have in the past joined telecom consortiums that already operate undersea cables rather than financing new cables outright. The ultimate goal here is to help both Facebook and Microsoft move information around the world — to their vast and expanding networks of data centres — at higher speeds using more reliable equipment.

MORE CHANGES @ TWITTER Twitter has announced that it will make a series of changes to how users compose their tweets and while there will still technically be a 140 character limit, the service will be more flexible. The micro-blogging company has notified developers ahead of rolling out the changes publicly “over the coming months”. Dealers should look out for changes which include: ● Replies: When replying to a tweet, @names will no longer count toward the 140-character count ● Media attachments: When you add attachments like photos, gifs, videos, polls, or quote tweets, that media will no longer count as characters within the tweet ● Retweet and quote tweet yourself: Twitter will allow users to retweet their own tweets, so users can easily retweet or quote tweet themselves when sharing content again ● The end of .@: new tweets that begin with a username will reach all followers (that means users no longer having to use the ”.@” convention, which

people currently use to broadcast tweets broadly.) If a user wants a reply to be seen by all their followers, they will be able to Retweet it to signal that they intend for it to be viewed more broadly. Twitter’s official blog said: “In addition to the changes outlined, we have plans to help you get even more from your tweets. We’re exploring ways to make existing uses easier and enable new ones, all without compromising the unique brevity and speed that make Twitter the best place for live commentary, connections, and conversations.” www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016



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The number of Premium Bond prizes is to be reduced, and National Savings and Investments (NS&I) is also cutting savings rates on a number of its products. From next week, the chances of winning a Premium Bond prize will change from 26,000/1, to 30,000/1. The savings rates on Direct Isas, Direct Saver, Income Bonds and the Investment Account will also be cut. NS&I said the new rates would still be competitive with other savings rates in the market. Direct Isa rates were previously reduced in November 2015. Variable Rate Savings Products ProductExisting rate Direct Isa 1.25% tax free Direct Saver 1.10% gross Income Bonds 1.25% gross Investment Account 0.75% gross (Source: NS&I)

New rate (from 6 June 2016) 1% tax free 0.8% gross 1% gross 0.45% gross (from 1 July)

Danny Cox of Hargreaves Lansdown said: “This is another serious blow for savers who like the absolute security offered by NS&I, but now face even lower returns on their cash.” However, NS&I defended its decision to cut savings rates, which follows a continuing reduction in returns to savers from banks and building societies over the past seven years. “The majority of the new interest rates on offer are either at, or above, average market rates,” said Jane Platt, the chief executive of NS&I. “We believe they present a fair offer to customers, who will also continue to benefit from our 100% HM Treasury guarantee on all holdings, as well as tax-free prizes for Premium Bonds.” Premium Bond Changes Current rate Prize fund 1.35% tax free Winning odds 26,000/1 Total value of prizes £67.5m Number of prizes 2.3m No. of £1m prizes (per month)2 No. of £100,000 prizes 5 No. of £50,000 prizes 12 No. of £25,000 prizes 22

New rate (from 6 June 2016) 1.25% tax free 30,000/1 £62.9m 2m 2 2 5 9

No. of £10,000 prizes No. of £5,000 prizes No. of £1,000 prizes

53 110 1352

24 46 1257

NS&I has been told by the Treasury to raise less money for the government in 2016/17 than it did in the current tax year. One reason is that it is currently cheaper for the Treasury to raise money by issuing government bonds than through NS&I. HISTORY Premium Bonds were introduced just over 60 years ago by Harold Macmillan in his budget of 17 April 1956, to control inflation and encourage people to save after the war. On 1 November 1956, in front of the Royal Exchange in the City of London, the Lord Mayor of London, Alderman Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd, bought the first bond from the Postmaster-General, Dr Charles Hill, for £1. Premium Bonds were based in St Anne’s-on-Sea until they moved to Blackpool in the late 1990s. The first “ERNIE” was built at the Post Office Research Station by a team led by Sidney Broadhurst. The designers were Tommy Flowers and Harry Fensom and it is based on Colossus, the world's first digital computer. It was introduced in 1957, and generated bond numbers based on the signal noise created by neon tubes. ERNIE 1 has been on display in the Science Museum since 2008. ERNIE is an acronym for "Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment". www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016


The AVE high-speed railway is no doubt a proud addition to the infrastructure of Spain, but concerns have been raised as to passenger use at some of the rural stations. For example, the station at Villena, one of three stops on the route between Madrid and Alicante, opened in 2013 at a cost of €11.5 million, is among the eight least-used of the system. In fact, one in four of the total of 31 AVE stations throughout the country is used by less than 100 passengers a day, The most recent figures for Villena, for 2014, show that 25,850 people (just 70 per day on average) bought tickets at the station in 2014. Renfe, the country’s state-owned rail operator, says that for the same year, 35,129,000 passengers in

total used the AVE system. But as the company registers passengers twice, for the outward and return journey, the real number of passengers was 17,564,500. At Puente Genil, in Seville, its 250space car park has no problem dealing with the 69 passengers that use it each day. Huesca (99), Guadalajara (92), Villanueva de Córdoba (23), Segovia (14), and Tardienta (1) are the remaining eight stations used by less than 100 people a day. Despite attracting growing numbers of passengers (up 9% between 2014 and 2015, says Renfe) the AVE is still underused. In March, some 50 million people took the train, of whom only 3.4 percent, or 1.7 million, travelled on AVE routes.

Spanish News



As the summer temperatures begin to rise on the Costa Blanca with 32.5C recorded in Elche last weekend already, spare a thought for India where they have suffered extreme heat in the run-up to the Indian monsoon season with life-threatening temperatures. The Wall Street Journal reported that, “sweltering temperatures lasting for weeks have led to at least 160 deaths,” as India’s hottest day on record was recorded with an incredible 51C busting the mercury in Rajasthan. The regions of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat also experiencing the unusually high temperatures. Much of South Asia has recorded temperatures between 3 to 5 degrees above the average, with the worst of the heat being felt across Pakistan and northwest India, with daytime highs

around the 50C mark as the premonsoon heat returns to the region. The new record was set in Phalodi in the desert state of Rajasthan with a maximum temperature of 51C on the afternoon of 19th May. That beats the previous record of 50.6 set 60 years earlier in the northern town of Alwar. Churu in West Rajasthan had a high of 50.6C on the same day. The weather was even hotter for some across the border in Pakistan. Jacobabad had a top temperature of 51.5C, while Bahawalnagar and Sibi both reach an even 50C. May and June tend to be the region's hottest months as temperatures climb ahead of the south-westerly monsoon. Maximum temperatures often pass 40C but 50 degrees is exceptional. The rains are not expected across southern India before the start of June.


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Maria del Carmen and Maria are the two most common names for women in Spain. In fact, in the case of Maria del Carmen, 683,000 women have that name. The 20 top names on the list follow Spain’s Catholic tradition with Maria being part of nine of the names and four others being biblical names. As far as men’s names are concerned, the most common is Antonio and whilst they still remain at the top of first names on the census across the country, others which were practically unheard of 10 years ago are now becoming par for the course. As for new born children in Spain between 2010 and 2014 and according to recent figures issued by the Spanish Institute

for Statistics (INE), the most popular for girls are: 1. LUCIA, 2. MARIA, 3. PAULA, 4. DANIELLA and 5. SARA. For the boys, it’s: 1. DANIEL, 2. HUGO, 3. ALEJANDRO, 4. PABLO and 5. ALVARO. There was a time when Spanish families would never

dream of christening their offspring with the weird and wonderful first names as has been an increasing trend in the UK. Latest data suggests that is slowly changing. Baby boys are being called Neymar, after the Barcelona FC star player from Brazil and fellow footballer and Spanish goalkeeper Iker. Girls called Arya, after Arya Stark from Game of Thrones, are not unheard of nowadays. It’s not just the world of sport and fantasy TV that has influenced the choice of many new parents. 107 Spanish girls on the census are named Rihanna, after the Barbados-born R&B singer. The increase in immigration, in particular the Muslim population, is also reflected in

the most common names in Spain. In the case of the male population, names like Mohamed or Mohammed are found in the top 30 most common names. The most common surnames among foreign residents in Spain remain mainly Latino: Rodriguez, Garcia, Gonzalez, Lopez, Sanchez and Perez, however names such as Chen and Singh are now beginning to appear among the top names on the list. Seeing the surname Garcia on an ID is not unusual. In fact, Garcia is the most common surname in Spain (and has been for many years), followed by Gonzalez and Rodriguez. Having García as a surname is nothing special it would seem, as more than a million and half people have it as first name, another million and a half as a second surname and to top that off, just over 82,000 people have it as both names, according to data from the last census, dated January 2010. Plus, if this is preceded with the already listed popular names

Pets in Spain Molly is a Poodle cross and was born on the 30th March. She has started her vaccinations and will be medium size when fully grown. Molly is great with other dogs and cats. Call: 645 469 253

of Maria del Carmen or Antonio, this makes up the most frequently found names in this country. In Spain, people have two surnames (apellidos) – the first being the father’s surname and the second from the mother and on occasions they are the same so someone could have a full name, for example, of Jose Maria Gonzales Gonzales. Over the years, there have been some amusing real combinations of surnames that resulted in a competition being held on Spanish TV during the 1990s inviting people to send in their favourite names which had to be backed up with proof as to their existence. Those on the final list included Rosa Cortada Del Rosal (Rose cut from the Rosebush), Juan Carlos Rey Del España (Juan Carlos King of Spain), and the winner Dolores Fuertes De La Barriga (Strong Stomach Pains). There was also a recent Basque Region politician called Jaime Mayor Oreja (James Big Ear)...judge for yourselves...and possibly the best of the newer and real ‘strange’ names belongs to Francisco Jose Folla Doblado (Francisco Jose F**** Bent Double)!! www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016



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Anyone that has had the misfortune to have to stay in hospital in Spain, will agree that one of the benefits is being able to enjoy the comfort of a single room with all the luxury and privacy that brings. However, that isn’t the case, at the moment in the Orihuela (Vega Baja) Hospital. The Partido Popular (PP) party in the local area responsible for the hospital will be proposing a motion for discussion at a

future Council meeting to demand that that a single room policy be adopted by the hospital. The co-ordinator of the PP in the Vega Baja, Adrian Ballester, told the Spanish press that, “the PP also reflects the feelings of the people of the region” who are already supporting a platform of “One person per room” The motion also urges the Department of Health "to provide the necessary space, to purchase medical equipment and to provide the necessary personnel to the Vega Baja Hospital so it is treated in the same way as the rest of the region." Sñr Ballester went on to say that “the inhabitants of Orihuela should have the same kind of facilities as other parts of the area. We defend the region, their needs and the infrastructure.”

Markets Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Tuesday 9:00am Los Belones 9:00am Benissa 9:00am Los Alcazares Street Market 9:00am La Unión 9:00am Los Alcázares 9:00am Alhama de Murcia 9:00am Relleu 9:00am Altea 9:00am Jumilla 9:00am Callosa d‘ En Sarrià 9:00am Agost 9:00am Bullas 9:00am Orihuela Street Market 9:00am Pilar de la Horadada 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Wednesday 8:00am Alcoy 8:00am Calpe Flea Market - Car park close to Casa 9:00am Santiago de la Ribera Street Market 9:00am Polop 9:00am Mutxamel 9:00am San Miguel Street Market - San Miguel 9:00am Teulada 9:00am El Poblets Craft Market 9:00am Alcantarilla 9:00am El Campello 9:00am San Javier 9:00am Benidorm 9:00am Orba 9:00am Benitachell 9:00am La Mata

9:00am Yecla 9:00am Ondara 9:00am Guardamar del Segura Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Thursday

8:00am Benidorm Antiques Market - El Cisne 9:00am Villajoyosa 9:00am Lorca 9:00am Javea 9:00am Blanca 9:00am Los Urrutias 9:00am Guardamar del Segura Street Market 9:00am Murcia 9:00am San Javier Street Market 9:00am San Javier 9:00am Balsicas Street Market 9:00am Gandia 9:00am Agost 9:00am Librilla 9:00am Rojales Street Market 9:00am La Marina Street Market - La Marina 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas Friday 8:00am Alfas del Pi 8:30am Abarán 9:00am Gata de Gorgos 9:00am Pilar de la Horadada 9:00am Onil 9:00am Torrevieja Street Market 9:00am Calasparra 9:00am Finestrat

9:00am El Verger 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas 12:00pm Benidoleig Charity Auction at El Cid 4:00pm Los Montesinos Street Market Saturday

8:00am Calpe 9:00am HELP Charity Sale Behind Rendezvous Bar Tiro de Pinchon Pueblo Principe 9:00am Underworld Car Boot Sale Punta Prima 9:00am Alicante Market 9:00am Benissa 9:00am Torre Pacheco Street Market 9:00am Almoradi Street Market :00am Los Narejos Street Market 9:00am Fortuna 9:00am Pedreguer 9:00am Los Narejos 9:00am Santa Pola Street Market 9:00am Abanilla 9:00am Elda 9:00am Águilas 9:00am Playa Flamenca Street Market 9:00am Orihuela Street Market 9:00am Fuente Alamo 9:00am San Javier Craft Market 9:00am El Verger Car Boot Safari park 9:00am Mazarrón 9:00am Gandia 9:00am Callosa d‘ En Sarrià 9:00am Molina de Segura

9:00am El Poblets Flea Market El Pont Bar and Restaurant 9:00am Callosa d‘ En Sarrià Antiques Market - Fuentes del Algar 10:00am Bigastro Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas 10:00am Bigastro Market Sunday 9:00am Lorca 9:00am San Pedro del Pinatar Craft Market 9:00am Torremanzanas 9:00am Cabo de Palos Street Market 9:00am Guardamar Campo Lemon Grove MarketSpain 9:00am Pedreguer Flea Market 9:00am La Marina Street Market - La Marina 9:00am Zoco Street Market Quesada, 9:00am Aledo

9:00am Los Nietos 9:00am HELP Charity Sale Punta Prima - Water Tower Punta Prima 9:00am Murcia Antiques Market 9:00am Mazarrón 9:00am La Nucía Flea Market 10:00am Flea Market Punta Prima - Rocajuna Monday 9:00am San Pedro del Pinatar Street Market 9:00am Dénia 9:00am Roldan 9:00am Beniel 9:00am Parcent 9:00am La Nucía 9:00am Caravaca de la Cruz 9:00am Ontinyent 9:00am Los Narejos Artisan Market 9:00am Santa Pola Street Market 10:00am Guardamar Fish Market - Port Marina de las Dunas www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016


A Spanish woman has been fined €100 for carrying a handbag saying All Cats are Beautiful because police thought the initials meant 'All Cops are Ba***rds'. Ms Belen Lobeto was quietly walking back to her home in Madrid when during the Copa del Rey final between Barcelona and Seville when she was stopped by riot squad officials. Her bag (pictured) containing the initials ACAB had been allegedly mistaken as being the accepted derogatory term used against police. Ms Lobeto said: 'I tried to explain that it was just a picture of a kitten but they wouldn't listen so I had to shut up for fear of being arrested.' The fine was nevertheless still handed out even though the real intended phrase of “All Cats Are Beautiful” was clearly embroidered under the picture. The offender told the Spanish press that the violation order was issued under Spain's controversial gagging law and could lead to a fine of between €100 and €600, but she says she has no intention to pay and will instead choose to appear

before a judge so he can decide whether to proceed or drop the case. Police sources said that although the bag did show the face of a cat, 'everyone knows what the initials ACAB really stand for.' However, it is not the first time football supporters have been fined due to their clothing. Back in 2011, three Ajax fans were fined for wearing shirts with the numbers 1312 on them. Police in Amsterdam believed the numbers corresponded to the letters ACAB.




CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013

Back Stage with Mister X Who are you and what do you do? I'm Mister X - a professional magician, who does general magic, illusion manipulations and illusion with large equipment. How did you start in the business? I started as a circus variety artist in variety shows venues around Bulgaria, since I graduated at the Unique Circus School in Moscow, Russia. What would you be doing if you were not an entertainer? For me the stage is everything and I love to perform on it! I love my job as a magician! Anyway, I'm also a civil engineer, so I do have an alternative job. As an entertainer who has been your biggest influence? I was mostly influenced by the son of the legendary Bulgarian magician Miti, called Julian. I got attracted by his tricks and illusions and that determined my future life.

Do you ever get nervous or have you suffered stage fright? When I started, I was concerned about my first appearances on stage about how the audience would react, and worried that if someone in the audience is illusionist with more experience than me and what would he say. But with the time I was seeing the audience's reaction and become more confident. I love the stage and the audience and have no worries now whatsoever. Even when I run a new magic trick I'm not worried as I know I have practised it many times and it has been refined in order to make sure that everything would run smooth. What was your best moment? For me, the best time is after every applause of the audience. This is the criteria for each artist. What has been your worst moment? At the first Balkan Festival of Magicians I had to open the festival. When I got announced, I appeared on stage and the wrong music was playing which threw me for a moment, I looked at the show director and I nodded to the audience, and invited my assistant on stage. My correct music started with my performance. The audience didn’t notice that. Later on I’ve found that the director had had informed the sound master about the problem which was solved within seconds. What’s the best piece of advice you have received or would give someone starting out in the business? I've received a lot of advice from colleagues and show directors. I'd share them with younger colleagues – the magic tricks have to be performed in front of an audience only after one is 100% sure and confident that the performance would run smooth. The hands have to do the magic trick instinctively, otherwise the audience would notice that the magician is not prepared.

Any little anecdotes or interesting stories? A. I was working in a variety complex with a live orchestra, playing with real cigarettes and throwing them on the floor. One cigarette’s spark fell on the magical towels on my table, so they got on fire. When I turned around I saw the guitarist trying to extinguish the burning towels stamping them with his feet. Mister X is available for table magic, magic and illusion shows as well as grand scale illusions. Take a look at his web page on ArtistsDirect – and phone to book him direct.

AFTER HOURS AT The Inn @ The Green After Hours with Chris & Nicky at The Inn @ The Green, Entrenaranjos Contact them on TEL: 634 887 889 Tell us about yourselves We both decided to move to Spain last year when Chris retired from the fire brigade after doing 30 years of service. Nicky had worked the past 12 years as a mental health worker in Bristol and previously to that in maternity in theatres and in the delivery suite. “Our children have grown up and fled the nest and we saw this as an opportunity to move to the sun.....”

What made you open a bar? Even though Chris has retired and we had decided to live in the sun neither of us are ready to give up work yet so we decided we would like to run a bar. We looked at several bars to buy and choose the Inn @ the Green because it was already a well-established business on a friendly urbanisation. What was the inspiration for the name? The Inn at the Green has been running for the past 7 years, and the name is really well known on the estate so we decided not to change the name.... This bar was the first bar to open on this urbanization and it is a well-established watering hole with locals and tourists alike – we try to have something different going on every day. Mondays, dominos, Tuesdays quiz, Wednesdays Bingo, Fun and games night on Thursdays with a variety of live entertainment

over the weekends. Who does the cooking? We do it between us at the moment and try to stick to no nonsense pub grub, all the old favourites. We have a very popular pick n’ mix breakfast menu where you build your own breakfast rather than buy a set breakfast which is available 10.30-12.30. We offer bar snacks and more traditional meals. What’s your favourite dish on the menu? Nicky’s absolute favourite is butchers ham egg and chips. What is your favourite day of the week? Our favourite day of the week has got to be on a Thursday when Stevie Spit does our quiz and games night – We have never laughed so much. We also enjoy the weekends with some fantastic artists working for us and entertaining our customers.

Any interesting tales? We have so many funny and interesting moments but one particular one that tickled us both is when one night, a long line of people were queuing for a photo after the Stevie Spit show, and one particular chap, being a bit tipsy, stepped up demanding to know if Stevie was really a woman or a man and then grabbing his fake boobs only to be very disappointed lol. The whole place erupted with laughter.

Entertainment www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016


Coastrider Gig Guide Mr Majestic



Terry Hart

4:00 PM Terry Hart Bar Esquina, Quesada 8:00 PM El Marino Restaurante Casa Da Vinci, Zenia Mar 8:30 PM Graeme Mykal Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Timewarp Duo Rosamar Hotel, Benidorm 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Tango Bar, Avda Purissima, Torrevieja 9:30 PM Martin Kay Cabaroke Pablo's, Playa Flamenca 10:00 PM Andy Winwood Kvikk Baren, Torre La Mata 10:30 PM David John Yolo's, Cabo Roig 10:30 PM Gina G Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca

8:30 PM Shanie Vaughan Sports Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Aneto Cerveceria, Benijofar 8:30 PM David John Eduardos, Villamartin 8:30 PM Sharni Brauhaus, Calpe 9:00 PM Rob Roberts Leprechaun Bar, Santa Pola de Este 9:00 PM Rain O'Connor Bamboo Lounge, Entre Naranjos 9:00 PM Andy Winwood The Lounge, La Marina 9:30 PM Roz McQuillan Alioth, Playa Flamenca 9:30 PM Dan Davy Emerald Isle, La Florida 10:00 PM Dougie Munro Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca 10:00 PM Snowblind Slieven's Irish Bar, Cabo Roig

Wednesday 8:00 PM - Andy Winwood El Castillo, La Marina 8:30 PM Dan Davy Chemies Lounge, Villamartin 8:30 PM Duo Zodiac Hotel Helios, Benidorm 8:30 PM Sharni Bar La Copa, Calpe 9:00 PM Ed Temple Pablos, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM David John Fuegos, La Fuente 9:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Emerald Isle La Florida 10:00 PM Snowblind Slieven's Irish Bar, Cabo Roig 10:00 PM Gina G Local, La Florida 10:30 PM Backyard Session Murphys on the Park, Torrevieja Thursday 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Ali Baba, Rojales 9:00 PM Duo Zodiac Hotel Rio Park, Benidorm 9:00 PM Dougie Munro The Local, La Florida 9:30 PM Terry Hart Bar Las Mimosas 10:00 PM Rain O' Connor O'Riordans, Cabo Roig 10:00 PM Dan Davy O'Riordan's, Cabo Roig 10:00 PM Andy Winwood Kvikk Baren, Torre La Mata 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Yolo, Cabo Roig Friday 2:00 PM The Streeters El Rincon Tio Cali, Torrevieja 2:00 PM Andy Winwood Carmen's Bar & Restaurant, El Chaparral



8:00 PM Andy Winwood La Manzana Sideria, Dona Pepa 8:00 PM Terry Hart Fairways, Villamartin Plaza 8:00 PM El Marino Restaurante Nautilus, Punta Prima 8:30 PM David John Pablos International Bar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Nigel Burchill as Elvis Sportsbar, Playa Flamenca 8:30 PM Dave the Hat Park Inn, Quesada 8:30 PM Graeme Mykal Friendly Bar, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Roz McQuillan Durty Nelly's, Torrevieja 9:00 PM Gina G Clarke's Bar, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Timewarp Duo Hotel Sol Ifach, Calpe 10:00 PM Dan Davy Tradewinds, La Fuente 10:00 PM Dougie Munro Piano Lounge, Hotel Principe Felipe, La Manga 10:30 PM The Streeters Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca 10:30 PM Shanie Vaughan Shannon's Bar, Altos del Limonar 11:00 PM Martin Kay Cabaroke New Priory, El Galan

1:30 PM Terry Hart Sunrise, Playa Flamenca 1:30 PM Tony Capaldi Gastro Restaurant, Torrevieja 2:00 PM Saxy Johan Pablos International, Playa Flamenca 4:00 PM Roz McQuillan Durty Nelly's, Torrevieja 4:00 PM Andy Winwood Cagney's, La Marina 10:00 PM Dougie Munro Stray Sod, La Fuente 10:00 PM Rain O'Connor Gogarty's, La Zenia 10:00 PM Sharni Tradewinds, La Fuente 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Paddy's Point, La Zenia 10:30 PM Gina G Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca Monday 1:00 PM Terry Hart Alfie's Place, Lomas Cabo Roig 7:00 PM Roz McQuillan St. James Gate, Torreta 2 8:00 PM El Marino The Bells Restaurant, Quesada 8:30 PM Rain O'Connor Pablo's, La Florida 8:30 PM Tony Capaldi Asturias Restaurant, Punta Prima 9:00 PM David John The Local, La Florida 9:00 PM Gina G Bar La Torre, Playa Flamenca 9:00 PM Backyard Session Emerald Isle, La Florida 10:00 PM Dougie Munro Mulligan's, The Club, La Manga 10:30 PM Showaddywaddy Legends Celtic Drop, Playa Flamenca


Health and Beauty

CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013

The Health Benefits of Fruit

While you probably know that fruit is good for you, you may not realize just how farreaching the health benefits of fruit can be. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate body protection and performance foods. If you want to live a long and healthy life, upping your fruit and vegetable intake could be one of the best changes you make to your diet. Fruits are rich in: • Vitamins — they’re particularly good for vitamin C and folic acid. • Minerals — many are a great source of potassium. • Other phytochemicals, such as the antioxidants that defend our bodies’ cells from damage. • Natural sugars • Water • Fibre Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables has been shown to: • Reduce cancer risk. • Reduce heart disease and stroke risk. • Reduce cataract risk. • Reduce Alzheimer’s risk. • Reduce type-2 diabetes risk. • Help prevent birth defects. • Help keep your digestive system working smoothly. • Help you to maintain a healthy weight.

• Help you to lose weight. • Improve your lung function. • Possibly slow down skin ageing. It’s true that all fruits are good for you, but there are a few which offer some specific and quite impactful health benefits. You may already know about some of them, but others may surprise you! Let’s take a look at these special fruits offering the most bang for your buck: 1. Cranberries Cranberries do more than help prevent urinary tract infections. There is evidence that the anti-bacterial chemicals they contain can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay and their antioxidant action may help to raise levels of HDL, the

good cholesterol that can help maintain healthy arteries. Cranberries are rich in flavonoids. These phytonutrients have been shown to inhibit certain types of cancer. Polyphenolic compounds found in cranberry may help to protect against neurodegenerative diseases, and the memory and coordination losses often associated with aging. 2. Raspberries Raspberries come in various colours. Although primarily red, raspberries may also be black, purple and even golden. There are over 200 known species of raspberries, and interestingly enough, raspberries form part of the rose or Rosaceae family, together with strawberries. There are two types of raspberries that are commercially available, the wild type summer bearing and the double or ever bearing plants. Raspberries are rich in vitamin C and may contain potential anti-cancer agents. Raspberries have also been linked to a positive promotion in cardiovascular health and cancer. A study published in the Journal of BioFactors reported that raspberries contain almost 50% more antioxidant activity than strawberries. These antioxidants have been shown to fight off cancer cells. 3. Apples Apples are not bursting with vitamins and minerals like other fruits, though they do provide a bit of vitamin C and potassium. However, without a doubt apples are amazing for controlling blood sugar, says Dr. Barry Sears in his book The Top

100 Zone Foods. “Apples are a good source of soluble fibre, especially pectin, which helps control insulin levels by slowing the release of sugar into your bloodstream. Pectin also helps reduce cholesterol levels by lowering insulin secretion.” We now also know that apples fairly shine in antioxidant phytochemicals; the principal ones identified so far are phenolics and the flavonoid quercetin. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant, a natural anti-histamine, and antiinflammatory. Studies have shown that quercetin reduces cancer risk of prostate, ovary, breast, gastric and colon cells. Don’t peel your apples, as quercetin is found only in the skin. 4. Pineapple Pineapple, Ananas comosus, belongs to the Bromeliaceae family, from which one of its most important health promoting compounds, the enzyme bromelain, was named. Bromelain is a mix of enzymes which has been shown to lessen inflammation and reduce certain types of swelling. Pineapple is also an excellent source of the trace mineral

manganese, which is an essential cofactor in a number of enzymes important in energy production and antioxidant defences. In addition to manganese, pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of vitamin B1, copper, dietary fibre and vitamin B6. Among the many benefits of vitamin B1 is its ability to increase blood circulation and provide a greater supply of oxygen to the blood cells. In addition, vitamin B1 is known to help with the proper metabolism of carbohydrates, making it vital to good digestion. 5. Blueberries Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center have found that blueberries rank No. 1 in antioxidant benefits, compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help neutralize harmful “free radicals” that can lead to cancer and other agerelated diseases. The total antioxidant capacity of blueberries (24 mcgmol Trolox equivalents per gram) is twice that of spinach and three times that of oranges. This extraordinary fruit is also rich in pectin. Blueberries are available yearround in many forms including fresh, frozen, juice, puree, concentrate, and dried. Fresh blueberries are higher in vitamins A and C than frozen or canned. A cup of blueberries provides nearly a third of the RDA for vitamin C. It would appear that most of the vitamin C is lost as a result of freezing and canning. www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016

Health and Beauty


What is Ginger Root? Ginger is one of the oldest spices, originating in tropical Southeast Asia. It has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. The cuisines of Asia are perfumed with its essence, as are the sweetbreads of northern Europe. An ancient food with medicinal properties, ginger contains gingerol, shogaol and zingiberene, which have antioxidant properties. It is a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin E, vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, potassium and selenium, and a very good source of manganese. Ginger root is very low in cholesterol and sodium. Ginger has been revered for thousands of years as a universal medicine, especially in areas such as China and India. It has been said to help provide relief for conditions as diverse as asthma, painful menstruation, migraines, indigestion and infection and is said to promote vitality and longevity. Ginger root is full of natural antiinflammatories, and anything that helps keep levels of inflammation low is good for your heart. Ginger is also good for headaches. Chew a piece for half an hour to alleviate the pain, advises herbalist Rosita Arvigo. Now new research by scientists in America suggests that symptoms of knee osteoarthritis can be significantly reduced with concentrated extracts of ginger. By comparing ginger with a placebo in a randomised control, they found that knee pain on standing and

after walking were all reduced by ginger and that the amount of painkillers needed was also reduced. Ginger is also good for the stomach. Japanese researchers found that the gingerols in ginger block the vomit reflex. “Ginger will help settle your stomach and calm nausea after drinking, or anytime you have an upset stomach,� says dietician Leslie Bonci of Pittsburgh University. However, high doses (6 grams or more) may damage the stomach lining and could eventually lead to ulcers. Allergic skin reactions are also possible, but in recommended doses, ginger causes no side effects. Massive doses of ginger can depress the nervous system and cause heart irregularities. If you suspect an overdose, seek medical attention immediately.



CoastRider - Edition 600 - May 31st 2016


Across 1 What name is applied to terrestrial ecosystems characterised by poor drainage and the consequent presence most or all of the time of sluggishly moving or standing water saturating the soil? (8) 7 Which unit of electrical energy is equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second? (5) 8 What is the name of the arm of the North Pacific lying between NE Siberia and Alaska, bounded to the south by the Aleutian Islands? (6,3) 9 What was the first name of actress Ms Gardner, whose films include The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952), The Barefoot Contessa (1954) Mogambo (1953) and Bhowani Junction (1956)? (3) 10 What name is given to a small stream or a shallow channel cut in the surface of soil or rocks by running water? (4) 11 According to legend, what collective name was given to the three daughters of Zeus and Hera, Aglaia (Brightness), Euphrosyne (Joyfulness), and Thalia (Bloom)? (6) 13 What name is given to the remains or impression of a prehistoric plant or animal preserved in petrified form or as a mould or cast in rock? (6) 14 See 4 Down 17 Ronald Wilson were the first names of which US president? (6)

18 What is the name of the vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs, for transportation over snow? (4) 20 On which river does the city of Exeter stand? (3) 22 What is the state capital and

largest city of Iowa? (3,6) 23/21 Which Swindon-born actress once described herself as ‘the only sex symbol Britain (had) produced since Lady Godiva’? (5,4) 24 Da Doo Ron Ron and Then He Kissed Me were both British top 10

hit singles for which American girl group? (8) Down 1 Named after a 19th century German physicist, what is the SI unit of magnetic flux? (5)

2 She’d Rather Be With Me and Elenore were both British top 10 hit singles for which US group? (7) 3 Which river in central Italy rises in the Apennines and flows through Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea? (4) 4/14/19 By the Sleepy Lagoon is the theme music of which longrunning radio programme? (6,6,5) 5 George who was the director of the Star Wars series of films? (5) 6 What name is given to liquid treated by having air passed or bubbled through it for purification? (7) 7 What was the title of the celebrated article on the Dreyfus affair by the French novelist, critic, and political activist Émile Zola? (7) 12 Named after the daughter of Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, which satellite of Uranus was discovered in 1948? (7) 13 Which popular American television series that ran from 1994 to 2004, featured the characters Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler and Ross? (7) 15 In which city were the 1996 summer Olympic Games held? (7) 16 What title was given to Roman emperors, especially those from Augustus to Hadrian? (6) 17 What was the title of Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s first British hit single, which topped the charts for five weeks in 1984? (5) 19 See 4 21 See 23 Across

the crossword grid FILL-IT-IN Complete MOVIES/TV QUIZ by using the given words: Halo Ibex Lest Loom Lord Lost More Robe Sera Were 5 letter words Amirs Depth Steal Trent 7 letter words Bedevil Clothes Grandad Thereat 8 letter words Creamery Embossed Lawgiver Loiterer Overtime Platelet Scrabble Sextants 9 letter words Chronicle Redheaded Roleplays Spearhead

1. Who said "Too much of a good name of Ellie's Chimp? 10. What is Homer Simpson's thing is wonderful"? 2. Diane Belmont became famous middle name? 11. Who other than Peter Sellers using what stage name? 3. What product did the first played Inspector Clouseau in 1968? 12. Declan McManus became commercial in the USA advertise? 4. In what Elvis film did he play a famous usng what stage name? 13. What fictional archaeologist double role? 5. Shirley Bassey sang three James trained under Professor Abner Bond theme songs for which 3 Ravenwood? 14. In what film would you hear the films? 6. What was Norman Bate's hobby in line 'A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do'? the movie 'Psycho'? 7. In the movie 'Casablanca' what is the The Big Crossword Answers name of the nightclub? 8. If you were in Lou Grant's office what city are you in? 9. In the Beverly Hillbillies what was the

Answers: 1. Mae West 2. Lucille Ball 3. Bulova Watches 4. Kissing Cousins 5. 'Goldfinger', 'Diamonds are Forever' and 'Moonraker'. 6. Stuffing birds 7. Rick's 8. Los Angeles 9. Cousin Bessie 10. Jay 11. Alan Arkin 12. Elvis Costello 13. Indiana Jones 14. Alan Ladd Shane

2 letter words At It Ma To 3 letter words Aid Bib Cob Den Doc Duo Eat Eel End Ens Pea Pen Pus Rat Red Rev Tor Via 4 letter words Alee Arcs Aver Blip Cert Clad Disc Ears Emit Etch

Puzzles www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016



Be in with a chance to win a 10€ voucher Simply send your completed crossword for the cryptic clues to our office by 12 noon on Thursday. The overall winner will be drawn from a hat of correct entries. Don’t forget to include your contact details and remember, you can enter every week! Send your completed entry to or bring it to our Torrevieja office (address on page 2). Draw will take place at 4pm every Thursday. The CoastRider’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


Please contact The Coastrider to claim your prize. Identification will be required. Voucher only redeemable for 7 days after collection.

logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.

Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

1. The snake owner is older than Delilah. 2. The 5 people were the 40 year-old, the artist who specialized in Titian, Jayson, the pot-bellied pig owner, and the 65 year-old.

Cryptic Across 1 Skit etc about coupons (7) 5 Search for public relations award (5) 8 Admire crumpled doilies (7) 9 Like a made up uniform (5) 10 Some bullfrog natterjacks return for a dance (5) 11 Pass four middlemen looking really laid-back (7) 12 Peter’s agitated badger (6) 14 Sir, get feral animals (6) 17 A French king, a saint and a British royal celebrate wildly (7) 19 Panto’s gone wrong; where’s the draught beer? (2,3) 22 Repatriated partly back to Wick (5) 23 Demand a rum and cola, mixed (7) 24 A way to obtain uncooked corn stalks (5) 25 Picturesque views

of stage setting (7) Down 1 Oliver’s favourite dance? (5) 2 Emblem of sovereignty that was a quarter-pounder (5) 3 I depose wrong part of a serial (7) 4 Stop-start the French records for rests (6) 5 Fruit that comes in twos, by the sound of it (5) 6 An opening for funny, suntanless functionaries (7) 7 Teams of one against one (7) 12 Commandeers plagiarists (7) 13 The team captain’s butterfly (7) 15 Set apart from one very much behind time (7) 16 A scarf spoilt a row (6) 18 Cast of varying worth (5) 20 Treasure discovered in a controversial place

(5) 21 Do for the politicians? (5) Standard Across 1 Tokens (7) 5 Investigate (5) 8 Hero-worship (7) 9 Similar (5) 10 Ballroom dance (5) 11 Docile (7) 12 Harass (6) 14 Large feline (6) 17 Carouse (7) 19 Available for immediate use (2,3) 22 Become narrow (5) 23 Uproar (7)

24 Stalk of corn (5) 25 Landscape (7) Down 1 Change (5) 2 Coronet (5) 3 Instalment (7) 4 Snoozes (6) 5 Edible fruits (5) 6 Opening (7) 7 Cricket teams (7) 12 Buccaneers (7) 13 Captain (7) 15 Set apart (7) 16 Disturbance (6) 18 Hurl (5) 20 Store of valuable things (5) 21 Celebration (5)

Last weeks Crossword Solution

3. The pot-bellied pig owner didn't study the works of Claude Monet. 4. The artist who specialized in Titian is younger than the cat owner. 5. The 65 year-old owns the tarantula. 6. Jayson is older than Corey. 7. Either the snake owner or the tarantula owner studied the works of Jackson Pollock. 8. The artist who specialized in Jackson Pollock is Corey. 9. The 39 year-old didn't study the works of Titian. 10. Of Gabrielle and the artist who specialized in Pablo Picasso, one is 73 years old and the other is 65 years old.

Sudoku Solution

Solution for Logic Puzzle


Bars, Restaurants & Food

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Bars, Restaurants & Food



Bars, Restaurants & Food

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Bars, Restaurants & Food



Bars, Restaurants & Food

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Bars, Restaurants & Food



CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013

SPOTLIGHT ON SAN LUIS www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016





Bars, Restaurants & Food

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Bars, Restaurants & Food



Bars, Restaurants & Food

CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016

Bars, Restaurants & Food


Spanish-style prawns Pan-fried hake, white bean & chorizo broth with fennel Ingredients • 2 cloves of garlic • 1 bulb of fennel • a few sprigs of fresh flat-leaf parsley • olive oil • 750 g ripe cherry tomatoes • 1 large wineglass of white wine • 10 large raw prawns, from sustainable sources • 1 lemon

Method Peel and finely slice the garlic, then trim and slice the fennel. Pick and roughly chop the parsley leaves, and roughly chop the stalks. Heat a good lug of oil in a saucepan and gently fry the garlic till golden. Add the fennel and parsley stalks, then reduce the heat to low and sauté for 10 minutes, or until softened but not coloured. Halve half the tomatoes, leaving the rest whole, then add to the pan with the wine. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, or until thickened. If it’s too thick, add a splash of water. Peel the prawns, leaving the tails on, then butterfly them by cutting along the back of each one and opening them out like a book. Add to the pan and cook for 4 minutes, or until they’re cooked and pink. Stir through parsley leaves and season. Serve with lemon wedges and nice bread.

This gutsy soup has a Spanish tone and works with other white fish like cod - layer the flavour up with garlic and paprika Ingredients • 450g dried white beans, such as haricot or cannellini, soaked overnight in water • 4 garlic clove, 3 left whole, 1 crushed • 2 bay leaf • 1 tsp thyme leaf, chopped, plus extra to serve • 6 tbsp olive oil • 100g good white bread, diced • 100g cooking chorizo, skinned and chopped into small chunks • 1 onion, sliced • 3 tsp paprika • 1l chicken stock • small handful parsley, chopped • 6 hake fillets, about 125g/5oz each Method 1. Drain the beans, then tip into a large pan with 2 litres of water. Simmer with the whole garlic cloves, bay leaves and thyme for 30 mins or until cooked and tender. Remove from the heat and set aside. 2. Meanwhile, heat 2 tbsp oil in a frying pan. Fry the bread with the remaining garlic clove. When golden and crisp, scoop out and drain on kitchen paper.

Add the chorizo to the pan, fry until crisp, tip out and keep warm with the bread. 3. Add another 2 tbsp oil and the onion to the pan, and cook for 5 mins until softened. Stir in the paprika. Drain the beans and add to the onions with the chicken stock and 2 tsp salt. Cook for 5-10 mins. Stir through the parsley and keep warm. 4. Season the hake and heat the remaining 2 tbsp oil in the frying pan. Put the hake, skin-side down, in the pan and cook for 3-5 mins over a medium high heat to crisp up the skin. Flip the fish over and cook for a further 3-5 mins until cooked through. Spoon the white bean mix into bowls, place the hake on top and finish with the fried bread, chorizo and a little more thyme.

Spanish meatballs with clams, chorizo & squid Smoky pork meatballs go perfectly with the salty seafood. Enjoy with a large hunk of bread Ingredients • 25g butter • 3 small shallot, diced • 1 heaped tsp smoked Spanish paprika (we used the sweet, or dulce type) • 3 garlic clove, 2 crushed and 1 sliced • 2 tbsp dry sherry • 50g fresh breadcrumbs • 300g pork mince • 1 egg yolk • 50ml olive oil, for frying • 300g chorizo, either mini whole ones or a large sausage, cut into bite-size pieces

• 300g cleaned squid, cut into rings • 100ml white wine • 300g chopped and squashed tomatoes (squeeze to a pulp using your fingers) • 400g clams • handful flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped • extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling Method 1. Melt the butter in a heavy-based casserole, then soften the shallots for 5 mins. Add the paprika and crushed garlic and cook for 1 min until the paprika becomes fragrant. Splash in the Sherry, then pour the whole lot into a bowl with the breadcrumbs. Season and cool. 2. Add the pork mince and the egg yolk to the bowl, then beat well. Shape into 18 small meatballs. Wipe the pan,

put on a medium-high heat, then add the oil. Fry the meatballs for 5 mins, just to colour, then lift onto a plate, but keep the oil in the pan. Sizzle the chorizo with the sliced garlic. Add the squid and fry to give a little colour. Now tip in the white wine and bring to the boil, scraping the bottom. Stir in the pulped tomatoes, bring to the boil, then add the meatballs and the clams. Cover and cook for 5 mins until the clam shells open. Discard any that stay shut. Sprinkle with the chopped parsley, drizzle with the extra virgin oil, then serve with crusty bread.



CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013


Included in the programme of the 12th ‘Nyora’ (Sweet dried red pepper) and ‘Llagostí’ (Guardamar King Prawn) Cuisine Week, a Wine Tasting Event is being held next Wednesday 8 June at 8pm. at Restaurant Chema, Cervantes Avenue. The event will be hosted by winemaker and winery manager, José María Martínez Verdú, who will present his Jumilla Origin (D.O.) Xenys Blanc, Xenysel Organic, Xenysel Young Plant Franco and Xenys Monastrell.

Tickets are available for €5 at the Guardamar Tourist Office (Plaça de la Constitució next to the Church and the Town Hall) from 9am to 3pm and from 5pm to 7pm Monday to Saturday. All funds raised from this event will be donated to the Guardamar Caritas Charity. A maximum of only 80 tickets are available. An English and French from Spanish interpreter will be available. www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016

Properties Gardening35



CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016



It was a great pleasure for The CoastRider to be part of a very special day in the life of the popular Electrosalomé store – situated in the Avenida Cortes Valencianas in Torrevieja – when they relaunched recently with some stunning new additions. Electrosalomé were proud and delighted to display to us the enhancements made to the store, the highlight of which is a superb new section featuring home decoration and furnishings adding to the wide range of appliances already available and what has made the store popular and well-known. There is also a large exhibition of kitchen furniture including some very attractive discounts! Because this important event was well promoted in advance, The CoastRider mingled among a large number of customers also enjoying the day in the

company of the very friendly management and staff of the store, always on hand to attend to all of our questions. The fun and enjoyment was added to with everyone being offered a complimentary drink and snack whilst enjoying the musical skills of a jazz band providing the entertainment. The new section unveiled in Electrosalomé features all the essential products you’d expect, such as textiles and furniture, to decorate your home to the highest standards. If you’re looking for a rest after all your hard work shopping and decorating, Electrosalomé can supply all your bed and sofa needs to! Just keep a look out for the “Illusion” sign showing the way to this dedicated department. All this new stock simply adds to the extensive catalogue of existing items available at

Electrosalomé-RedDer. These include televisions, next generation mobile ‘phones, memory cards, computer equipment and many other small and large appliances of all kinds. You’ll also be able to keep those special family moments in one place too with one of the outstanding selections of digital cameras for sale. An important and popular aspect of the store is the home delivery service, alongside the ever-present professionalism and levels of customer service shown by the dozen or so employees, all of whom have their own specialities and the ability to speak various languages. Electrosalomé opening hours are from 09.30 to 20.30 from Monday to Friday and from 10.00 to 15.00 on Saturdays.


Gardening Properties

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Properties Gardening39


Gardening Motoring

CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013

Infiniti Fastest Growing UK Car Brand After Sales Double

Infiniti's prestigious range is now so popular that it is the fastest growing automotive brand in the United Kingdom, the manufacturer confirmed. Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders figures show that between January and April 2016, registrations increased 111% compared to the equivalent period the previous year. Furthermore, April 2016 new vehicle registrations increased 91% compared to the same month in 2015. Barry Beeston, Country Director for

the United Kingdom commented: “It’s great to see such strong growth. Leading the market in terms of percentage increase during the first 4 months of 2016 shows Infiniti’s continuous momentum.” He added: “As we grow, we naturally push further into all channels in the UK to gain market share. Early signs show we have an even sales split between fleet and retail, which is a good indicator that Infiniti is heading in the right direction for future growth.”

Motoring Gardening41 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016

Reborn Vauxhall Viva still value for money Motorists under the age of 40 will struggle to remember the Vauxhall Viva on the roads of Britain in any great numbers, as production ceased in 1979. The car, which was first introduced in 1965 at the princely sum of £528, gave way to a new generation of frontwheel-drive cars in Britain when Vauxhall introduced the new Astra. But in its day the Viva represented good valuefor-money family motoring, an adage which is just as true of the new generation Viva which is on sale now. With an on-the-road price of just £7,995 the latest Viva is a nononsense, what you see is what you get, good looking fiveseater hatchback. It’s cheap to run, comfortable, drives well and its 1.0-litre, three-cylinder, 75bhp engine punches above its weight. Even with a full compliment of passengers on board it still pulls well, although you do have to work the five speed gearbox

on very steep hills. Surprisingly, despite its small engine the Viva is a very quiet, civilised car and its firm but comfortable suspension ensures an impressive ride. Even the entry-level SE model is well equipped, boasting electric front windows, cruise control, lane departure warning, steering wheel mounted audio controls, multi-function trip computer and front fog lights which illuminate the corners as you turn. There’s even a city mode

button to make the speed sensitive steering super light for easy parking. And what is surprising is the space inside the Viva considering its compact dimensions. There’s generous room for two in the back – three with a squeeze – and anyone sitting in the front will find more than enough head and leg room. Luggage space is limited and you would struggle with a large suitcase but it’s more than adequate for the weekly family

shop and folding the rear seatbacks down to increase the capacity from just 206 litres to more than 1,000 should suffice for holidays. Highly manoeuvrable, the Viva is one of the easiest cars on the market to drive. The five-speed gearbox is smooth and creamy to use and you get a conventional rather than electronic handbrake. There’s a tendency to assume that small cars with small engines will struggle on motorways but the little Viva is more than happy to mix it with the big boys in the fast lane and

noise levels remain low. Vauxhall bosses have done a great job with their new baby and I really enjoyed my week with the Viva. The latest one is certainly a credit to the old name and you would be hard pressed to find better value for money. Fast Facts Model: Vauxhall Viva SE Price: £7,995 Mechanical: 999cc, 75 bhp three cylinder petrol engine driving front wheels via 5-speed manual gearbox. Max speed: 106 mph 0-62mph: 13.1 secs Combined mpg: 62.8 CO2 emissions: 104 g/km Insurance: 3E BiK: 17 % Warranty: 3 years/60,000 miles


Gardening Television

CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013


31st May Channel 00:10 The Graham Norton Show 00:55 Weather for the Week 01:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Council House Crackdown 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:45 World War One Remembered: The Battle of Jutland 13:30 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One; 14:30 BBC London News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 For What It's Worth 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Instant Gardener 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six; 19:30 BBC London News; 19:55 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 In the Club 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News; Weather 23:45 Tim Rhys-Evans: All in the Mind

00:25 Caravanner of the Year 01:25 Lose Weight for Love 02:25 Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit 03:25 This Is BBC Two 06:45 Council House Crackdown 07:30 Family Finders 08:15 The Instant Gardener 09:00 The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 09:30 Great British Railway Journeys 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 11:45 Family Finders 12:30 Wanted Down Under 13:15 Pressure Pad 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 Cycling 15:45 The TV That Made Me 16:15 Australia with Simon Reeve 17:15 Great Continental Railway Journeys 18:15 Bargain Hunt 18:55 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung 20:00 World War One Remembered: The Battle of Jutland 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Britain & Europe: For Richer or Poorer? 23:00 Later Live - with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight

01:05 Murder, She Wrote

00:00 Man v Food 03:00 Ramsay's Best Restaurant 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 The Kitchen 13:00 Jamie's Comfort Food 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ace of Cakes 18:00 Man v Food 19:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 20:00 Barefoot Contessa 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

01:15 Biggest Band Break Ups and Make Ups 02:15 Bullets, Boots and Bandages: How to Really Win at War 03:15 The Brecon Beacons with Iolo Williams 03:45 Storm Troupers: The Fight to Forecast the Weather 04:45 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Railway Walks 21:00 Storm Troupers: The Fight to Forecast the Weather 22:00 Revolution and Romance: Musical Masters of the 19th Century 23:00 Seven Ages of Britain


23:40 On Assignment

01:20 Random Acts 01:45 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:35 Undercover: Inside Britain's Children's Services 03:30 The Three Day Nanny 04:25 Posh Pawnbrokers 05:20 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 05:40 Win It Cook It 06:05 Location, Location, Location 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Undercover Boss Canada 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 21:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 22:00 How to Get a Council House 23:00 Gogglebox

00:00 Football League Tonight 00:45 Tears of the Sun 02:40 SuperCasino 04:10 Castle 05:00 Caught on Camera 05:45 Wildlife SOS 06:10 Great Artists 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:20 Nightmare Nurse 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 19:55 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Inside the Murder Prison 23:00 Party Pensioners: Sex, Drugs & Bingo

00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 01:30 The Cleveland Show 02:25 Safeword 03:05 The Hot Desk 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 19:50 The Hot Desk 20:00 Love Island 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy

00:05 The Knock 01:15 A Touch of Frost 03:05 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:30 Judge Judy 11:50 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:10 In Loving Memory 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Wycliffe

00:00 30 Days of Night 02:20 Premiership Rugby Union 03:25 Tommy Cooper 03:55 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Motorway Patrol 07:30 Minder 08:30 The Chase 09:35 Fifth Gear 10:30 Ax Men 11:25 Cycling 12:30 TT 2016 13:30 Live French Open Tennis 21:00 The Chase 22:00 TT 2016 23:00 World Superbike Highlights

01:55 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:55 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:25 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Fierce 22:00 Myleene Klass: Single Mums on Benefits 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London

Television Gardening43 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016


1st Channel


00:30 The Truth About 01:30 Weather for the Week 01:35 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Council House Crackdown 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Family Finders 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One; 14:30 BBC London News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 For What It's Worth 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Instant Gardener 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six; 19:30 BBC London News; 19:55 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Living in '66 21:00 Lose Weight for Love 22:00 The Big C & Me 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News; Weather 23:45 Alan Shearer's Euro 96: When Football Came Home

00:15 Battle of Jutland: The Navy's Bloodiest Day 01:15 Nature's Epic Journeys 02:15 This Farming Life 03:15 This Is BBC Two 06:45 Council House Crackdown 07:30 Family Finders 08:15 The Instant Gardener 09:00 See Hear 09:30 The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Sydney White 14:45 The TV That Made Me 15:15 The Big Allotment Challenge 16:15 Australia with Simon Reeve 17:15 Great Continental Railway Journeys 18:15 Bargain Hunt 18:55 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Springwatch 22:30 Inside Versailles 22:30 Versailles 23:30 Newsnight

00:10 Columbo: Any Old Port in a Storm 02:00 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:25 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Sunday Night at the Palladium 22:00 Secrets of Growing Old 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Heathrow: Britain's Busiest Airport

00:05 First Dates 01:05 Embarrassing Bodies Down Under 02:05 KOTV Boxing Weekly 02:30 Gillette World Sport 02:55 Cycling 03:50 The Grid 04:15 The Superhumans Show 04:45 Motor Sport: Mini Challenge 05:10 Formula 1 06:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Undercover Boss Canada 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 21:00 The Supervet 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 True Stories

01:45 Police Interceptors: 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Castle 05:00 Caught on Camera 05:50 Wildlife SOS 06:10 Great Artists 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:15 Stranger in the House 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 19:55 Referendum Campaign Broadcast 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:00 Nightmare Tenants

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Britain and Ireland 13:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ready Steady Cook 18:00 Ace of Cakes 19:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 20:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Mystery Diners 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:00 Natural World 01:00 Ian Hislop Goes Off the Rails 02:00 The Art of Gothic: Britain's Midnight Hour 03:00 Pugin: God's Own Architect 04:00 Revolution and Romance: Musical Masters of the 19th Century 05:00 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Railway Walks 21:00 Hidden Killers 22:00 Ben Building: Mussolini, Monuments and Modernism 23:30 Andrew Marr on Churchill: Blood, Sweat and Oil Paint

00:20 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 02:10 Two and a Half Men 02:35 Safeword 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 14:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Love Island 20:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy

00:05 The Knock 01:20 A Touch of Frost 03:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:10 In Loving Memory 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Wycliffe

00:00 Road 02:15 Motorsport UK 03:20 Tommy Cooper 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Tommy Cooper 07:30 Minder 08:35 The Chase 09:35 Fifth Gear 10:35 Ax Men 11:30 Storage Wars 12:00 Storage Wars 12:25 TT 2016 13:30 Live French Open Tennis 21:00 The Chase 22:00 TT 2016 23:00 Cycling


Gardening Television

CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013


2nd June Channel 00:45 A Question of Sport 01:15 Weather for the Week 01:20 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Council House Crackdown 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Family Finders 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 For What It's Worth 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Instant Gardener 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Living with Dementia: Chris's Story 22:00 The Truth About 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News; Weather 23:45 Question Time

00:15 The Real Versailles 01:10 See Hear 01:40 Secret Britain 02:40 Normal for Norfolk 03:10 This Is BBC Two 06:45 Council House Crackdown 07:30 Family Finders 08:15 The Instant Gardener 09:00 The Great Interior Design Challenge 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 14:45 The TV That Made Me 15:15 The Big Allotment Challenge 16:15 Australia with Simon Reeve 17:15 Great Continental Railway Journeys 18:15 Bargain Hunt 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Peaky Blinders 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight

00:40 The Chase

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 02:00 Restaurant: Impossible 03:00 Mystery Diners 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Britain and Ireland 13:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Mealss 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ready Steady Cook 18:00 Ace of Cakes 19:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 20:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Man v Food 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:30 Natural World 01:30 Heart vs Mind: What Makes Us Human? 02:30 Seven Ages of Britain 03:30 Ben Building: Mussolini, Monuments and Modernism 05:00 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Top of the Pops: 1981 21:00 A Timewatch Guide 22:00 Dan Cruickshank: At Home with the British 23:00 Going Forward 23:30 A Very British Airline



00:05 24 Hours in A&E 01:10 Blink: Music on 4 01:40 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:30 Shell 04:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 05:00 Location, Location, Location 05:55 Hugh's 3 Good Things: Best Bites 06:05 Fifteen to One 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Undercover Boss 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Kirstie and Phil's Love It or List It 22:00 Le Week-end 23:50 How toGet a Council House

01:45 Police Interceptors: 02:10 SuperCasino 04:10 Inside Britain's Biggest Mosque 05:00 Caught on Camera 05:45 Wildlife SOS 06:10 Great Artists 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 Jesse Stone: No Remorse 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 21:00 On Benefits 22:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 23:00 Tantastic: 50 Shades of Orange

00:20 Family Guy 01:15 American Dad! 02:10 Two and a Half Men 02:35 Safeword 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Love Island 20:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Safeword 23:50 Family Guy

00:05 The Knock 01:15 A Touch of Frost 03:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:10 In Loving Memory 17:45 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Wycliffe

00:00 The Long Kiss Good-

01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Murder, She Wrote 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live International Football 23:15 ITV News 23:45 ITV News London 23:55 International Football

night 02:25 TT 2016 03:30 Tommy Cooper 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Minder 08:00 The Chase 09:00 Fifth Gear 10:00 Cycling 11:00 TT 2016 12:00 Live French Open Tennis 21:00 The Chase 22:00 River Monsters 23:00 Barcelona's European Glory 23:15 TT 2016

Television Gardening45

CoastRider - Edition - May5th31st www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider - Edition 470600 - March 20132016


3rd June Channel 00:45 The Last Days of Legal Highs 01:35 Weather for the Week 01:40 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Council House Crackdown 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Family Finders 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 For What It's Worth 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Instant Gardener 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Would I Lie to You? 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Love, Nina 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London News; Weather 23:35 The Graham Norton Show

00:15 Top Gear 01:20 Panorama 01:50 The Truth About 02:50 Horizon 03:45 This Is BBC Two 06:45 Council House Crackdown 07:30 Family Finders 08:15 The Instant Gardener 09:00 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 The Great Caruso 14:45 The TV That Made Me 15:15 The Big Allotment Challenge 16:15 Sacred Rivers with Simon Reeve 17:15 Great Continental Railway Journeys 18:15 Bargain Hunt 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 The Extraordinary Collector 21:30 Gardeners' World 22:00 Deepcut: The Army's Shame 23:00 Mum 23:30 Newsnight

01:00 Murder, She Wrote

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 02:00 Restaurant: Impossible 03:00 Man v Food 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Britain 13:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ready Steady Cook 18:00 Ace of Cakes 19:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 20:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:30 Venice 01:30 Top of the Pops: 1981 02:05 Pop Charts Britannia: 60 Years of the Top 10 03:35 Dan Cruickshank: At Home with the British 04:35 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Top of the Pops: 1981 21:00 The Good Old Days 21:45 Sounds of the Sixties 21:55 Pop Go the Sixties 22:00 UK's Best Part-Time Band 23:00 The Highwaymen: Friends Till the End 23:55 The Highwaymen Live



00:50 An Immigrant's Guide to Britain 01:20 True Stories 02:15 The World's Most Expensive Food 03:15 The Three Day Nanny 04:10 Posh Pawnbrokers 05:05 Location, Location, Location 06:00 Hugh's 3 Good Things 06:05 Fifteen to One 07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Undercover Boss 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Eating Well with Hemsley + Hemsley 21:00 George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 The Windsors 23:35 Rude Tube

00:00 Up Late with Rylan 00:45 Lip Sync Battle UK 01:15 SuperCasino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 05:00 Caught on Camera 05:50 Wildlife SOS 06:10 Great Artists 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild UK 21:00 Inside the Mega Twister 22:00 Karen Carpenter: Goodbye to Love

00:20 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 02:10 Two and a Half Men 02:35 The Cleveland Show 03:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 03:25 Teleshopping 06:55 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Love Island 20:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Safeword

00:05 The Knock 01:20 A Touch of Frost 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:10 In Loving Memory 17:40 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 23:00 Wycliffe

00:20 Fastest

01:50 Jackpot247 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Fraud - How They Steal Your ID 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 Back to the Future Part

02:35 TT 2016 03:40 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Football's Greatest: Ronaldo 07:05 Minder 08:10 The Chase 09:10 Fifth Gear 10:05 Ax Men 11:00 Storage Wars 11:30 TT 2016 12:30 Live French Open Tennis 21:30 Counting Cars 22:00 TT 2016 23:00 Cycling


Gardening Television

CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013


4th June Channel 00:25 Gareth Bale: Euro Star 00:55 Fright Night 02:35 Weather for the Week 02:40 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Mary Berry Cooks 13:00 BBC News; Weather 13:10 Athletics 13:40 Athletics 14:40 Boxing 15:40 Bargain Hunt 16:25 Escape to the Country 17:10 Madagascar 18:30 Can't Touch This 19:20 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News; Weather 19:40 Pointless Celebrities 20:30 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 21:20 Casualty 22:20 The Musketeers 23:15 BBC News; Weather 23:35 Die Hard with a Vengeance

00:00 Mystery Diners 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 02:00 Restaurant: Impossible 03:00 Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 09:00 Floyd on Food 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 12:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 14:30 Amazing Wedding Cakes 15:30 Man v Food 21:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 22:00 Ramsay's Best Restaurant 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible


00:05 No Such Thing As the News 00:35 Artsnight 01:05 Later - with Jools Holland 02:05 Question Time 03:05 Paxman in Brussels: Who Really Rules Us? 04:05 This Is BBC Two 07:10 Finishing School 08:20 Hue and Cry 09:40 The Island at the Top of the World 11:10 Homes Under the Hammer 12:10 Natural World 13:00 The Hairy Bikers: Everyday Gourmets 14:00 Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food 14:30 Pal Joey 16:20 The Great British Sewing Bee 17:20 This Week's World 18:00 Women's Football 20:30 Gardeners' World 21:00 Grand Tours of Scotland 21:30 Dad's Army 22:00 A Late Quartet 23:40 Versailles

01:40 Jackpot247 04:00 Murder, She Wrote 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 The Aquabats! Super Show! 07:25 Pat & Stan 07:35 Dino Dan 08:00 Signed Stories 08:05 Sooty 08:15 Super 4 08:30 Nerds & Monsters 08:45 The Tom & Jerry Show 09:00 Thunderbirds Are Go 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 11:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 14:30 Live French Open Tennis 19:00 ITV News London 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:30 You've Been Framed! 20:00 Bang on the Money 21:00 You Saw Them Here First 22:00 It'll Be Alright on the Night 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:20 Secrets of Growing Old

00:40 Channel 4's Comedy

22:00 12 Years a Slave

00:00 The Carpenters: Their Greatest Hits 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 05:45 Wildlife SOS 06:10 Great Artists 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Toby's Travelling Circus 07:15 Angelina Ballerina 07:30 Bob the Builder 07:45 Wanda and the Alien 07:55 Pets 08:00 Noddy in Toyland 08:15 Paw Patrol 08:30 Little Princess 08:40 Pip Ahoy! 08:55 Blaze and the Monster Machines 09:20 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:30 Shimmer and Shine 09:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30 The Saturday Show 12:30 Funniest Fails, Falls & Flops 13:00 Police Interceptors 18:00 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 20:00 NCIS: Los Angeles 21:00 NCIS 22:00 Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2015

02:05 Top of the Pops: 1981

00:35 Family Guy 01:55 American Dad! 02:55 The Cleveland Show 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 Emmerdale 10:05 Coronation Street 12:30 Catchphrase 13:10 The Cube 14:10 The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 15:20 Scorpion 16:00 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 17:45 Despicable Me 19:40 Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy

00:00 The Knock 01:15 Good Will Hunting 03:30 Long Lost Family 04:20 Rory Bremner's Great British Views 06:00 Judge Judy 06:20 George and Mildred 06:45 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 On the Buses 07:25 Judge Judy 08:05 Where the Heart Is 10:15 Columbo: Swan Song 12:20 Lewis 14:20 Hidden Treasure 16:25 Rosemary & Thyme 18:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Foyle's War 23:00 Colditz

00:00 Village of the Damned 03:00 Hell on Wheels 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Ax Men 08:30 FIA Formula E Championship 09:00 Motorsport UK 10:00 Fifth Gear 12:00 Cycling 13:00 TT 2016 15:00 BRDC Formula 3 Highlights 16:00 Counting Cars 16:30 Storage Wars 17:55 British Touring Cars Crashes and Smashes 18:15 Live French Open Tennis 20:00 TT 2016 23:00 Road

02:40 UK's Best Part-Time Band 03:40 The Highwaymen: Friends Till the End 04:35 Close 20:00 Venice 21:00 D-Day: The Last Heroes 22:00 The Disappearance 22:50 The Disappearance 23:40 The Richest Songs in the World

Gala 03:05 Withnail & I 04:55 Flowers 05:25 Location, Location, Location 06:20 Fifteen to One 07:15 Transvulcania Ultramarathon 08:10 British GT Championship 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 The Morning Line 11:00 Frasier 12:00



Show 12:30 The Big Bang Theory 13:30 The Simpsons 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 18:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 19:00 Homes by the Med 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:15 The Restoration Man 21:00 Grand Designs

Television Gardening47 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016


5th June Channel 01:35 The Children

00:40 You Will Be My Son

02:55 Weather for the Week

02:20 This Is BBC Two


07:05 Great British Garden

03:00 BBC News


07:00 Breakfast

08:05 This Farming Life

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show

08:30 Gardeners' World

11:00 The Big Questions

09:35 Countryfile

12:00 Sunday Politics London

10:30 The Beechgrove Gar-

13:15 Bargain Hunt


14:15 BBC News

11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best

14:25 Weather for the Week



12:30 The Hairy Bikers' Asian

14:30 Live Athletics 17:30 Celebrity Mastermind 18:00 Points of View 18:15 Songs of Praise 18:50 Pointless Celebrities 19:35 BBC News 19:50 BBC London News; Weather 20:00 Countryfile

Adventure 13:00 Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food 13:30 How the West Was Won 16:00 Flog It! 17:00 Gymnastics 19:00 Britain's Ultimate Pilots: Inside the RAF 20:00 Dara and Ed's Great Big Adventure

21:00 Antiques Roadshow

21:00 Top Gear

22:00 Wallander

22:00 City in the Sky

23:30 BBC News

23:05 Top Gear Extra Gear

23:50 BBC London News;

23:30 Stupid Man, Smart



00:00 Restaurant: Impossible 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 09:00 Floyd on Food 10:00 Follow Donal to Europe 11:00 Paul Hollywood: City Bakes 12:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 13:30 Jamie at Home 14:30 Amazing Wedding Cakes 15:30 Ace of Cakes 18:00 Man Finds Food 20:00 Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 21:00 Man v Food 22:00 Restaurant: Impossible 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

01:10 Biggest Band Break Ups and Make Ups 02:10 Top of the Pops: 1981 02:45 Top of the Pops: 1981 03:20 The Richest Songs in the World 04:50 Close 20:00 Good Swan, Bad Swan: Dancing Swan Lake 22:00 Secret Voices of Hollywood 23:30 Storyville

00:20 Carry On Cleo 02:00 Jackpot247 04:00 Murder, She Wrote 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 The Aquabats! Super Show! 07:25 Pat & Stan 07:35 Dino Dan 08:00 Signed Stories 08:05 Sooty 08:15 Super 4 08:30 Nerds & Monsters 08:45 The Tom & Jerry Show 09:00 Teen Titans Go! 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Griff's Great Britain 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 12:50 ITV News and Weather 12:59 ITV London Weather 13:00 Planet's Got Talent 13:30 Fierce 14:30 Live French Open Tennis 18:45 ITV News London 18:50 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Soccer Aid 2016 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:19 ITV London Weather 23:20 Fraud - How They Steal Your ID

00:20 Family Guy 01:15 American Dad! 02:15 The Cleveland Show 03:10 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Emmerdale 09:55 Coronation Street 12:25 Take Me Out 13:35 Love Island 14:05 Beethoven 15:50 A Cinderella Story 17:45 Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang 19:55 The Wedding Planner 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

00:45 Colombiana 02:40 Hollyoaks 05:15 Posh Pawnbrokers 06:10 Fifteen to One 07:00 Salvage SOS 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons 13:55 Step Up 3 16:05 Location, Location, Location 17:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:05 The Jungle Book 19:35 Channel 4 News 20:00 Escape to the Chateau 21:00 Penelope Keith at Her Majesty's Service 22:00 About Time

01:00 Bouquet of Barbed Wire 02:05 Northern Lights 03:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Judge Judy 07:20 On the Buses 07:45 Doc Hollywood 09:50 Heartbeat 11:50 Wycliffe 12:55 Columbo: Forgotten Lady 15:00 Lewis 18:55 Midsomer Murders 23:05 The Constant Gardener

CHANNEL 00:55 Access 01:00 SuperCasino 05:50 Divine Designs 06:20 House Doctor 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Toby's Travelling Circus 07:15 Angelina Ballerina 07:30 Bob the Builder 07:45 Wanda and the Alien 07:55 Zack and Quack 08:05 Pets 08:10 Noddy in Toyland 08:25 Paw Patrol 08:40 Little Princess 08:55 Pip Ahoy! 09:10 Blaze and the Monster Machines 09:35 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:50 Shimmer and Shine 10:15 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30 Access 11:40 Now That's Funny! 12:40 See No Evil, Hear No Evil 14:25 Six Days Seven Nights 16:25 Wayne's World 18:20 The Yorkshire Vet 19:20 PS I Love You 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Sacrifice 23:45The Last of the Mohicans

00:10 Road 01:15 Fastest 03:30 Highway Patrol 03:55 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Highway Patrol 07:20 Ax Men 08:10 Fifth Gear 10:10 World Superbike Highlights 11:10 TT 2016 12:15 Live British Touring Car Championship 18:40 Live French Open Tennis 21:00 Cycling 22:00 TT 2016 23:00 Life on the Limit


Gardening Television

CoastRider - Edition 600 - May 31st CoastRider - Edition 470 -2016 March 2013


6th June Channel


00:00 Music Day 01:00 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:05 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Family Finders 12:45 Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One; Weather 14:30 BBC London News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 For What It's Worth 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Instant Gardener 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six; Weather 19:30 BBC London News; Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News; Regional News 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Reg 23:30 BBC News at Ten

00:20 Flat TV 00:45 Later - with Jools Holland 01:45 Countryfile 02:40 Holby City 03:40 This Is BBC Two 06:45 Council House Crackdown 07:30 Family Finders 08:15 The Instant Gardener 09:00 Food Detectives 09:30 Gardeners' World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Coast 14:15 Athletics 15:15 The Big Allotment Challenge 16:15 Sacred Rivers with Simon Reeve 17:15 Great Continental Railway Journeys 18:15 Bargain Hunt 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 The Great British Sewing Bee 23:00 Upstart Crow 23:30 Newsnight

00:20 Tipping Point 01:20 Jackpot247 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Wild Australia with Ray Mears 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Heathrow: Britain's Busiest Airport 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 The Big Fish Off

00:25 Bad Teacher

23:35 Jon Richardson: Nidiot

02:15 SuperCasino 05:00 Caught on Camera 05:50 Nick's Quest 06:45 Angels of Jarm 07:00 The WotWots 07:10 Chloe's Closet 07:20 Lily's Driftwood Bay 07:30 Fireman Sam 07:40 Wissper 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Pip Ahoy! 08:10 Little Princess 08:20 Bob the Builder 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy: 09:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Paw Patrol 09:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 Below the Surface 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Ancient Mysteries 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 23:00 Gotham

02:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 Anna Olson: Bake 09:00 Ace of Cakes 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 11:00 Rachel Allen's Dinner Parties 12:00 Floyd on Britain 13:00 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 14:00 Barefoot Contessa 15:00 Great British Menu 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Ace of Cakes 18:00 How to Cook Like Heston 19:00 Jamie at Home 20:00 Paul Hollywood: City Bakes 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Ramsay's Best Restaurant 23:00 Restaurant: Impossible

00:50 Natural World 01:50 A Timewatch Guide 02:50 Andrew Marr on Churchill: Blood, Sweat and Oil Paint 03:50 Good Swan, Bad Swan: Dancing Swan Lake 04:50 Close 20:00 World News Today 20:30 Railway Walks 21:00 Canals - The Making of a Nation 21:30 Handmade: By Royal Appointment 22:00 Storm Troupers: The Fight to Forecast the Weather 23:00 Wonders of the Universe

00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 01:30 The Cleveland Show 02:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 02:50 Planet's Funniest Animals 03:15 Teleshopping 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Planet's Funniest Animals 07:20 Dinner Date 08:10 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 Love Island 20:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Family Guy

00:10 The Constant Gardener 01:40 Secret Smile 03:00 Blue Murder 03:50 May the Best House Win 05:30 On the Buses 06:30 Judge Judy 06:50 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 In Loving Memory 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Murder, She Wrote 12:55 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:05 Where the Heart Is 17:10 In Loving Memory 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Wycliffe

01:15 TT 2016 02:15 Hell on Wheels 03:15 Tommy Cooper 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 The Big Match Revisited 07:55 Minder 08:50 Ironside 09:55 Quincy ME 10:55 Ax Men 11:50 The Chase 12:50 Gunsmoke 13:50 TT 2016 14:50 TT 2016 15:55 Minder 16:55 Quincy ME 17:55 Ironside 19:00 The Saint 20:00 Cycling 21:00 MotoGP Highlights 22:00 TT 2016 23:00 Joey: The Man Who

03:05 Come Dine with Me 06:55 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 Undercover Boss Canada 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Shipping Wars UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Meet What You Eat 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 An Immigrant's Guide to Britain www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016


THE UNKNOWN MEMORIAL The greatest trick an enemy can play is to make everyone believe everyone else is their enemy!

The Russian artist, Zurab Tsereteli, was in his home in Moscow on September 11th 2001, and like many across the world was glued to the coverage of the attacks on the Twin Towers. Their subsequent collapse moved him to tears. That day, he went to work at the Academy of Art driving on a route that takes him past the American Embassy where people were gathered outside the gates to pay their sympathies. He saw a mass of crying people and decided to use the image of a tear in a memorial. He set to work that day on a proper and appropriate form through which to express his feelings over the attack and went through many various sketches and forms until finally deciding on the style of the monument. Zurab went to New York shortly after 9/11 and went to Ground Zero. The ruins were still smoking. He decided that he wanted to create a memorial to the victims but not on the site itself; he began to look for an appropriate and fitting site for the memorial. Zurab spoke to friends and colleagues who were in NY during the attacks and heard stories about how boats and ferries were used to shuttle survivors away from the Twin Towers. He also learned about the New Jersey residents who worked in the towers and thus decided to look for a suitable site there where the monument could be on the waterfront on settled on a never before seen area of the peninsula at Bayonne on a site that had been decided to convert into public park space. It has previously been a military installation. Like many, you’re probably thinking “what memorial on Bayonne?” Don’t worry; you’re not alone, as many millions of American’s aren’t even aware of its existence. Why? Possibly because the Teardrop Memorial was an official gift to the American people from the government and people of Russia? In September 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin was present in Bayonne, New Jersey, for the groundbreaking that launched the oneyear construction project. The entire structure was designed and built in Russia, transported in pieces to the US, and assembled in Harbour View Park on the Peninsula at Bayonne Harbour. The remarkable view from this beautiful two-acre public park on the New Jersey side of New York Harbour includes both the One World Trade Centre in downtown Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. The completed sculpture was dedicated on September 11th 2006 in a ceremony attended by President Bill Clinton, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, Governor Jon Corzine, Senator Frank Lautenberg, Senator Robert Menendez and family members of World Trade Centre victims. Grammy award winner Leann

visit New York every year and more than eight million live there but no one seems to have heard of The Teardrop...which is odd because it is a 100ft tall, 175-ton memorial to those who died on the city's blackest day.” He goes on to say that, “I tried to discover more from locals at Ground Zero, where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre stood until September 11, 2001, and was met with blank expressions. The one person who did know was an official guide but he said: 'I bet 99 per cent of New Yorkers haven't a clue where it is!” Even when he arrived on New Jersey, he followed some vague instructions before arriving at 34th Street in Bayonne and simply asking around. A local, who had never heard of the Teardrop, eventually offered to call a local taxi firm on his mobile who did know of its location. “Nobody ever comes here,” the taxi driver said to John Craven. Indeed, they were the only visitors, and even John himself mused that surely it hadn't been snubbed because it was from an old enemy? The subject of The Teardrop exploded across the internet during the middle of August, with many thinking it was one of many hoaxes. But it’s not a hoax or a myth; it’s true, and many are up in arms as to why its existence has appeared to have been covered up for so long. A lady from Brooklyn commented: “I live in Brooklyn, New York City, and I never even knew about this thoughtful, emotional gesture presented to us by Russia honouring all the victims of 9/11. It is a beautiful Teardrop shining through a crack in the wall evoking the sadness that the Russian people felt for us because of the terrorist attack! Why were we New Yorker’s never even told or shown this monument? Because if came from Vladimir Putin and the Rimes was on hand to sing the National Anthem. The Tear of Grief or the Teardrop Memorial is a 10story, 100 feet (30m) sculpture made of steel and coated in bronze, split with a jagged opening through the middle. Inside the opening hangs a large stainless steel teardrop, 40 feet (12 m) high, in memory of those whose lives were lost during terrorist attacks in the United States. The eleven sides of the monument's base bear granite name plates, on which are etched the names of those who died in the September 11 attacks AND the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing. Have you seen it before in the press or on TV? Even everyone’s favourite television uncle, John Craven, on a visit to the USA learned of the existence of the Teardrop by pure chance. In an article in the Daily Mail published in November 2012, he says that “about 50 million people

Russian people?” The more I read and look into this story, the more it looks like a deliberate attempt to prevent the world seeing the generosity of a person and a people that are always portrayed as an enemy. Propaganda at its worst, and another example of the oft quoted “Mushroom world” we live in when it comes to politicians with the back up and support of the controlled media. Kept in the dark and fed manure...or other words that fit and found in Roget’s Thesaurus! As he stood next to the memorial, John Craven said that he was struck by the thought that when passengers sail into Manhattan the first monument they now pass is not the Statue of Liberty but The Teardrop. And none of them will know what it is for. They will now.....


What’s on

CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013

Fiestas, Festivals & Concerts Primavera Barcelona

Tue 31 May

Thu 2 Jun

Moors & Christians Archena - Archena, Murcia Fiesta del Corpus y Virgen de la Salud Archena - Murcia

Moors & Christians Elda Santisima Trinidad Altea Fiesta del Corpus y Virgen de la Salud Archena - Murcia Primavera Sound 2016 festival Barcelona

Wed 1 Jun Fri 3 Jun Fiesta del Corpus y Virgen de la Salud Archena - Murcia Corpus Christi - Javalí Viejo Murcia Fiestas del Barrio de la Trinidad - El Campello Alicante

Moors & Christians Elda Santisima Trinidad Altea Fiesta del Corpus y Virgen de la Salud Archena - Murcia Moors & Christians Benejuzar

Tue 31 May Admit One Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Cycling Club (Club Ciclista) - Main square in San Miguel de Salinas 10:00am Table Tennis Club Casa Ventura San Luis 10:00am Open Air Keep Fit - Playa Flamenca - Orihuela Costa 10:00am PALS La Siesta Meat Raffle & Bingo 10:30am Bar Columbus Toretta II CAMBRIDGE SLIMMING CLUB & ZUMBA 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 10:45am Gardeners Corner Torrevieja - at karaoke bar 'Supersof' Torrevieja 1:00pm The Good Life Club - Los Arcos Restaurant Avenida Baleares Torrevieja 1:00pm Calpe Rotary Fellowship - Asia Restaurant La Fustera 1:00pm Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja - Centro Social, San Miguel de Salinas 1:00pm Bridge Club Rest Antonios Quesada 1:00pm Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers El Paraiso Restaurant 4:00pm Belly Dancing - The Emerald Isle, Urb. La Florida 4:00pm Latin Line Dancing - Casa Venture San Luis 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach 7:00pm Badminton Club Teulada - Calle Benopia 2, Moraira 7:30pm Modern Jive Club - La Acena Gym, Puerto de Mazarron 8:00pm Friends and Buddies - Cats Bar, Sector A Camposol 8:00pm PALS La Siesta GAMES NIGHT 8:30pm The English Folk Music Club Matrix Madhouse La Fuente Wed 1 Jun Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers Admit One Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Velvetones Harmony Choir El Paraiso Jardin Del Mar Torrevieja 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:30am Successful Slimming Bar Carlos La Romana 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 10:45am Belly Dancing Keep Fit Session Quesada Wellbeing Centre, under The Club 11:00am Dayamantes Singers - Music Room of San Miguel Archangel, Daya Nueva 12:00pm Al-Anon Family Groups Rojales & Torrevieja Ring 692 799 318 12:00pm Ladies Who Lunch Quesada Tel 966 261 359 for venue 1:00pm Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre Open Day Ptda. Lo Garriga 2:00pm Campoverde Theatre Group - Community Centre Blue Lagoon 2:00pm Tai Chi Cultural Centre Quesada 2:30pm Spiritual Friends Los Leones Restaurant Moraira 2:30pm Strictly Social Club Meetings Asturias Restaurant Punta Prima 3:00pm Moraira Ladies Craft Club - Various Tel: 965 744 008 3:00pm Castilla Amigos Meetings Castilla Bar Lemon Tree Road Torrevieja





Sat 4 Jun Moors & Christians Elda Santisima Trinidad Altea Fiesta del Corpus y Virgen de la Salud Archena - Murcia Moors & Christians Benejuzar Primavera Sound 2016 festival Barcelona Music 4 Cancer Tribute Barcelona Sun 5 Jun Moors & Christians Elda

4:00pm Belly Dancing - Keep Fit - Las Claras, Urb. Oasis, Los Alcazares 5:30pm Children's Theatre Workshops Nou Espai Social Centre La Nucia 5:30pm Royal Naval Association - Torrevieja Branch - El Paraiso Bar/Restaurant, 6:00pm Netball Club in Torrevieja - At Playa Flamenca 6:00pm Torrevieja Christian Fellowship Av de Las Cortes Valencianas Torrevieja 7:00pm Line Dancing Camposol Cultural Centre 7:00pm Speed Dating a Luna Bar & Restaurant Guardamar 7:30pm Ballroom & Latin Classes Bienvenido Chinese Rest. Molino Blanco La Zenia 7:30pm Computer Club - Da Vincis Bistro San Luis 7:30pm Club Torrevieja Classics & Specialist Cars, Cafeteria Club Marina, Torrevieja 7:30pm GASP Salas Municipales Life Resort Gran Alacant 8:00pm Ballroom & Latin Dancing La Bamba's Asturias Restaurant La Zenia Thu 2 Jun Carp-R-Us Angling Club Phone for meet point 966 717 923 Admit One Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Cycling Club (Club Ciclista) - Main square in San Miguel de Salinas 10:00am Table Tennis Club Casa Ventura San Luis 10:00am Open Air Keep Fit - Playa Flamenca - Orihuela Costa 10:00am Mazarron Bay Bridge Club - Playa Grande Hotel, Puerto de Mazarron 10:00am Rojales Pantomime Group Cultural Centre Quesada 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 10:30am Pat a Cake Club Bar Med Mazarron 10:30am Ladies' Barbershop Harmony Chorus - Las Claras Comm. Centre, Los Narejos 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 11:00am Orihuela Costa Male Voice Choir La Zenia Church 11:00am Rascals Sacko's Bar El Limonar San Luis 11:00am The Irish Rover Torrevieja CAMBRIDGE SLIMMING CLUB - Calle Dr Waksman 11:30am Ballroom & Latin Classes Bienvenido Chinese Rest. Molino Blanco La Zenia 1:00pm Bridge Club Rest Antonios Quesada 1:00pm Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers El Paraiso Restaurant 2:00pm PALS La Siesta CRAFT CLUB 3:30pm Campoamor Tennis Club - Campoamor Golf & Tennis Club 4:00pm Latin Line Dancing - Emerald Isle, La Florida 6:00pm The Sunshine Club 966 791 514 - Various - Villamartin 6:00pm Torrevieja Digital Camera Club - Casa Ventura San Luis 6:00pm Gandia Area Social Club (GASC) - Viva Espana, Oliva 7:00pm PALS La Siesta BINGO 8:00pm Costa Barber Singers - Recibar La Torre, Benissa. Fri 3 Jun Admit One Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 9:45am Cresendo International Choir El Paraiso, Torrevieja 10:00am PALS La Siesta UNISEX SLIMMING AND RECREATION 10:30am Bar Columbus Toretta II CAMBRIDGE SLIMMING CLUB & ZUMBA 10:30am Line Dancing & Country Music Marina Bar Toretta 3 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 11:00am Ballroom & Latin Dancing La Bamba's Asturias Restaurant La Zenia

Santisima Trinidad Altea Fiesta del Corpus y Virgen de la Salud Archena - Murcia Moors & Christians Benejuzar Fiestas Trinitarios y Berberiscos - Torre Pacheco Fiestas Mayores - Sangonera La Seca Mon 6 Jun Moors & Christians Elda Fiesta del Corpus y Virgen de la Salud Archena - Murcia Moors & Christians Benejuzar Fiestas Trinitarios y Berberiscos - Torre Pacheco

2:00pm Tai Chi Cultural Centre Quesada 2:30pm Strictly Social Club Meetings Asturias Restaurant Punta Prima 3:00pm Cantabile Ladies Choir La Siesta Church 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach 7:00pm Coropilar - Choral group - Municipal offices at Campoverde 7:00pm Badminton Club Teulada - Calle Benopia 2, 03724 Moraira 7:00pm Monthly Country Music & Dance Camposol Cultural Centre 9:00pm Jazz Club - El Puente, Santiago de la Ribera Sat 4 Jun Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers Admit One Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Oliva Drama and Cultural Association Viva Espana N332 9:00pm PALS La Siesta LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHT Sun 5 Jun Admit One Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 8:30am Costa Blanca Runners South - Caprabo Supermarket Tel 966 786 774 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Campoamor Tennis Club - Campoamor Golf & Tennis Club 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 10:30am Christ In You - Torrevieja - Europa Building, Pinar de Campoverde. 10:30am Torrevieja Christian Fellowship Av de Las Cortes Valencianas Torrevieja 11:00am Netball Club in Torrevieja - Playa Flamenca 1:00pm Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre Open Day Ptda. Lo Garriga 5:45pm Calpe Bowls Club - Edf Paraiso Mar Levante Beach 6:30pm International Christian Assembly - Calle San Miguel de Salinas 2, Torrevieja Mon 6 Jun Admit One Film Club IMF Cinemas Torrevieja 9:30am La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja 10:00am Scottish Bagpipers - Hoggies Bar La Siesta 10:00am Rojales Pantomime Group Cultural Centre Quesada 10:00am Torrevieja Craft Club - Diane's bar at 55 Dr Gregorio Maranon, Torrevieja 10:00am Badminton Pilar de La Horadad - Duques de Palma Sports Centre 10:00am Tennis Club Los Amigos Oliva 10:30am Age Concern C B South La Siesta - Calle Paganini next to local police office 11:00am Rascals Sacko's Bar El Limonar San Luis 11:00am Washinton Bar La Siesta CAMBRIDGE SLIMMING CLUB 11:00am Jelly Beanz Parent Toddler Group Condado de Alhama, La Isla 11:00am The Jalon Valley Dolls House - Bar Emilio, La Llosa de Camacho, 03727 Jalon 12:00pm Al-Anon Family Groups Rojales & Torrevieja Ring 692 799 318 2:00pm Campoverde Theatre Group - Community Cntre Blue Lagoon 2:00pm Tai Chi Cultural Centre Quesada 5:00pm Mazarron Bahia Lions Club - Camposol Sector A, Mazarron 7:00pm Royal British Legion Gran Alacant & La Mrina Branch Raco Jove Council Room 7:30pm Ballroom & Latin Dancing La Bamba's Asturias Restaurant La Zenia

What’s on www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016


What’s on in The Costa Blanca Bars

Here is a guide to what’s going on in your local area and these below are on every day – check the website for the latest information.

Pimientos Restaurant San Miguel A LA CARTE from 7PM Bar Carmens El Chaparral, MENU DEL DIA from 9am Star Of India San Luis SPECIAL EVE MENU €9.95 from 5.30pm Mono's Bar Quesada Serving Food 10 - 3pm Reflections, San Luis 5 EURO MEAL DEAL from 12pm Bar Carmens El Chaparral MENU DEL NOCHE 5.30pm Mono's Bar Quesada EARLY BIRD DEAL 1 for €6,2 for €10 Marabu Lounge Dona Pepe MENU DEL NOCHE €15.95 6pm Marabu Lounge MENU DEL DIA €11.95 1pm La Bocana Water-Sports OPEN ALL DAY from 9.30am El Capitan Los Altos MENU DEL DIA €6.50 from midday El Capitan Los Altos MENU DEL NOCHE €8.50 from 6pm El Castillo La Marina TEA/COFFEE & HOME MADE SWISS CAKE €3.00 from 11am till 6pm El Castillo MENU DEL DIA €8.50 11.30am El Castillo La Marina MENU DEL NOCHE €15.00 from 6pm Bar 1 The Carabasi Centre Gran Alacant HAPPY HOUR 5pm Restaurant Rendezvous Altos Del Limonar OPEN 12 - 12 Mexi Mundo Altos Del Limonar MINIGOLF Mexi Mundo Altos Del Limonar MENU DEL NOCHE €9.95 from 6pm Mexi Mundo Altos Del Limonar LUNCH Midday - free glass of wine with any main course Stan & Ollies El Raso 3 COURSES €15 Hen’s Teeth Villamartin Plaza MENU DEL DIA and TAPAS until 6pm Hen’s Teeth Villamartin Plaza MENU DEL NOCHE and TAPA Lo Rufete Torremendo Open All Day Kayaking, Horse Riding Quad Biking

Tuesday 10:30am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente YOGA 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern Lo Crispin TAI CHI 11:00am El Castillo La Marina DANCE CLASSES 12:00pm Restaurant Rendezvous Altos Del Limonar MEAL DEAL €12.50 6:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KARATE

1:30pm Lo Crispin Tavern Lo Crispin COMMUNITY LUNCH €3.00 2:00pm Marabu Lounge Dona Pepe LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 3:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente LINE DANCING 4:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos BINGO 4:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada ROCK AND ROLL BINGO AND MUSIC QUIZ 5:15pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KIDS THEATRE GROUP 5:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos BIG JAM 6:00pm Bar Imanyo,Daya Nueva - Special Menu €5.00 (Club Members €3.00) 6:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta CARVERY 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel STEAK NIGHT (minibus service) 6:00pm Olive Bar Dona Pepe STEAK AND PIE NIGHT 6:00pm Blackbull Torremendo STEAK NIGHT 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 8:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente QUIZ & BINGO 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis CARD BINGO 8.30pm Drivers Bar Villamartin DISCO 9.00pm The Fire Station Via Park 1 KARAOKE

Thursday 10:00am Matrix Madhouse La Fuente COFFEE MORNING CRAFTS BINGO & MY WEIGH IN 11:00am El Castillo La Marina TAI CHI 11:00am Mono's Bar Quesada LADIES PAMPER DAY 2:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis MUSIC BINGO 3:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta, JULIES CARDS 3.30pm Churchills San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 4.00pm The Watering Hole San Luis Square CARD BINGO & PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT 5:00pm Olive Bar and Kitchen Dona Pepe KARAOKE 6:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KARATE 6:00pm Mexi Mundo Altos Del Limonar All You Can Eat Buffet €7.50 8:00pm Bar 1 The Carabassi Centre DARTS PRACTICE 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva – DARTS COMPETITION 8:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos QUIZ & GAMES 8.00pm Hen’s Teeth Villamartin DARTS LEAGUE 8:30pm Reflections, San Luis, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8:30pm El Capitan Los Altos DARTS LEAGUE 8.30pm Drivers Bar Villamartin LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Oceans Bar QUIZ NIGHT 9.00pm Bar Stop, Torrevieja KARAOKE 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT


6:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada MOTOWN SOUL NIGHT & PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel PIE NIGHT 2 for €9.50 7:00pm Posh Club La Marina KARAOKE 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 7:30pm The Fire Station Via Park 1 – PASO A PASO 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - QUIZ NIGHT 8.00pm Drivers Bar Villamartin POOL NIGHT 8:00pm PALS Washington Square La Siesta GAMES NIGHT 8:30pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis QUIZ NIGHT 8:30pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig DARTS LEAGUE 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin DARTS 9:00pm Bar Carmens El Chaparral, La Siesta KARAOKE 9:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos QUIZ NIGHT

Wednesday Hen’s Teeth Villamartin Plaza FREE POOL ALL DAY 10:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS 10:00am El Castillo La Marina YOGA 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin ZUMBA 1:00pm Marabu Lounge Lo Marabu - TAPAS Wednesday 1:00pm Papillon Bar Restaurant Torretta 2 - SCHNITZEL DAY €6.50

10:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH BEG. 10:00am El Castillo La Marina YOGA 11:00am Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SPANISH INTER. 2:00pm Bar Carmens, La Siesta LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 4:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente FAMILY NIGHT MEAL DEALS Bouncy Castle 6:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel STEAK NIGHT (minibus service) 7:00pm Reflections, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 8:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva – FREE POOL 8:00pm Papillon Bar Restuarant Torretta 2 KARAOKE 8:00pm El Capitan Los Altos FUN DARTS 8.30pm Drivers Bar Villamartin QUIZ NIGHT 9.00pm The Watering Hole San Luis Square KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos LIVE MUSIC 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada LIVE MUSIC 9:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin, KARAOKE 9:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9.00pm Bar Stop Torrevieja LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

Saturday 10:00am Matrix Madhouse La Fuente STREET DANCE CLASS 4 - 7years 10:45am Matrix Madhouse La Fuente STREET DANCE CLASS 12:45pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP 4:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP 6:00pm Blackbull Torremendo STEAK NIGHT

6:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE FOOTBALL 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 7:00pm Reflections, San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8:00pm Papillon Bar Rest. Torretta 2 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8.30pm The Watering Hole San Luis Square LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8.30pm Bar Stop Torrevieja GAMES NIGHT 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos LIVE MUSIC 9.00pm Churchills San Luis KARAOKE 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada LIVE MUSIC 9:00pm Glenn's Bar San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:00pm El Capitan Los Altos LIVE ENTERTAINMENT/KARAOKE 9:00pm El Castillo La Marina LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Pls Check in Winter 666 761 495 9:30pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nueva - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 9:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

Sunday 12:00pm Bar Imanyo, Daya Nuevo - Sunday Lunch €5.00 12:00pm Pimientos Rest. & Tce San Miguel SUNDAY LUNCH 12:00pm Stan and Ollies El Raso SUNDAY LUNCH 12:30pm Bar Carmen's El Chaparral, La Siesta CARVERY 1:00pm El Castillo La Marina AS MUCH AS YOU CAN EAT HOT & COLD BUFFET 1:00pm The New Tavern San Miguel CARVERY €7.50 (free minibus service available) 1:00pm Marabu Lounge Dona Pepe SUNDAY LUNCH 1:00pm Blackbull Torremendo SUNDAY ROAST CARVERY 1:00pm Olive Bar and Kitchen Dona Pepe SUNDAY LUNCH 1:00pm Papillon Torretta 2 - ROAST DINNER from €4.90 2:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 2:30pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE FOOTBALL 3.00pm Churchills San Luis KARAOKE 4:00pm Reflections Bar & Restaurant, San Luis BIG JAM 5:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP 5:00pm Bar Carmens, El Chaparral, La Siesta KARAOKE 8:00pm El Capitan Los Altos QUIZ NIGHT 8:30pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig KARAOKE 8:30pm The Fire Station, Via Park 1 - QUIZ & BINGO 8.30pm Drivers Bar Villamartin KARAOKE 9:00pm La Bocana Cable Ski, Torrevieja Marina MUSIC 9:00pm Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos KARAOKE 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada KARAOKE & PLAY YOUR CARDS 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin QUIZ 9.00pm Bar Stop, Torrevieja KARAOKE

Monday 11:00am Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin ZUMBA 3:00pm Oceans Bar Gran Alacant BINGO 3:00pm The Inn @ The Green Entrenaranjos DOMINOS 4:00pm Bar Carmens - El Chapparal, La Siesta BINGO 5:30pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente KIDS ROCK CHOIR 6:30pm Matrix Madhouse La Fuente ADULT ROCK CHOIR 7:00pm Auld Dubliner Cabo Roig HAPPY HOUR 8:00pm Bar 1 Carabassi Centre Gran Alacant DARTS LEAGUE 8:00pm Fire Station Via Park 1 – POOL LEAGUE & CRIB NIGHT 8:00pm Matrix Madhouse Studio La Fuente SKITTLES 8:30pm Reflections San Luis LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 8:30pm El Capitan Los Altos DARTS LEAGUE 9:00pm Bamboo Lounge Entrenaranjos LIVE PREMIERSHIP 9:00pm Mono's Bar Quesada FUN QUIZ NIGHT 9:00pm Lo Crispin Tavern, Lo Crispin CRIB NIGHT 9:00pm Marabu Lounge Dona Pepe FUN QUIZ


CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013

This week in History

May 31 1909 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) holds its first conference. 1913 The 17th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, providing for direct election of senators, is ratified. 1915 A German zeppelin makes an air raid on London. 1916 British and German fleets fight in the Battle of Jutland. 1928 The first flight over the Pacific takes off from Oakland. 1941 An armistice is arranged between the British and the Iraqis. 1955 The Supreme Court orders that states must end racial segregation “with all deliberate speed.” 1962 Adolf Eichmann, the former SS commander, is hanged near Tel Aviv, Israel.

1969 John Lennon and Yoko Ono record “Give Peace a Chance.” 1974 Israel and Syria sign an agreement on the Golan Heights. 1979 Zimbabwe proclaims its independence.

1988 President Ronald Reagan arrives in Moscow, the first American president to do so in 14 years. Born on May 31 1469 Manuel I, King of Portugal (1495-1521). 1819 Walt Whitman, American poet. 1894 Fred Allen John Florence Sullivan], American comedian. 1898 Norman Vincent Peale, American religious leader. 1925 Julian Beck, theater manager. 1930 Clint Eastwood, American film actor and director. June 1 1915 Germany conducts the first zeppelin air raid over England. 1916 The National Defense Act increases the strength of the U.S. National Guard by 450,000 men. 1921 A race riot erupts in Tulsa, Oklahoma, killing 85 people. 1939 The Douglas DC-4 makes its first passenger flight from Chicago to New York. 1941The German Army completes the capture of Crete as the Allied evacuation ends. 1942 America begins sending Lend-Lease materials to

the Soviet Union. 1958 Charles de Gaulle becomes premier of France. 1963 Governor George Wallace vows to defy an injunction ordering integration of the University of Alabama. 1978 The U.S. reports finding wiretaps in the American embassy in Moscow. Born on June 1 1563 Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury. 1801 Brigham Young, American religious leader. 1814 Philip Kearney, Union general. 1831 John B. Hood, Confederate general. 1878 John Masefield, English poet. 1898 Molly Picon, comic actress and singer. 1901 John van Druten, English playwright (I am a Camera). 1926 Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jean Mortenson, later Norma Jean Baker), film actress and icon. 1932 Christopher Lasch, American social critic and writer. June 2 1910 Charles Stewart Rolls, one of the founders of RollsRoyce, becomes the first man to fly an airplane nonstop www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016 across the English Channel both ways. Tragically, he becomes Britain’s first aircraft fatality the following month when his biplane breaks up in midair. 1924 The United States grants full citizenship to American Indians. 1928 Nationalist Chiang Kai-shek captures Peking, China, in a bloodless takeover. 1942 The American aircraft carriers Enterprise, Hornet and Yorktown move into their battle positions for the Battle of Midway. 1944 Allied “shuttle bombing” of Germany begins, with bombers departing from Italy and landing in the Soviet Union. 1946 Italian citizens vote by referendum for a republic.

1948 Jamaican-born track star Herb McKenley sets a new world record for the 400 yard dash. 1953 Elizabeth II is crowned queen of England at Westminster Abbey. 1954 Senator Joseph McCarthy charges that there are communists working in the CIA and atomic weapons plants. 1969 The Australian aircraft carrier Melbourne slices the destroyer USS Frank E. Evans in half off the shore of South Vietnam. Born on June 2 1731 Martha Dandridge, the first First Lady of the United States. Widow of Daniel Park Custis, she married George Washington in 1759. 1740 Donatien Alphonse Francois, the Marquis de Sade. 1840 Thomas Hardy, English poet and novelist (Far From the Madding Crowd, Tess of D’Ubervilles). 1903 Robert Morris Page, physicist, inventor of pulse radar. 1904 Johnny Weissmuller, American gold-winning Olympic swimmer who portrayed Tarzan in films.

1913 Barbara Pym (Mary Crampton), English novelist (Less Than Angels, Quartet in Autumn). June 3 1928 Manchurian warlord Zhang Zuolin dies as a result of a bomb blast set off by the Japanese. 1938 The German Third Reich votes to confiscate socalled “degenerate art.” 1940 The German Luftwaffe hits Paris with 1,100 bombs. 1942 Japanese carrier-based planes strafe Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands as a diversion of the attack on Midway Island. 1952 A rebellion by North Korean prisoners in the Koje prison camp in South Korea is put down by American troops. 1965 Astronaut Edward White becomes the first American to walk in space when he exits the Gemini 4 space capsule. 1969 74 American sailors died when the destroyer USS Frank E. Evans was cut in two by an Australian aircraft

carrier in the South China Sea. 1974 Charles Colson, an aide to President Richard Nixon, pleads guilty to obstruction of justice. 1989 The Chinese government begins its crackdown on pro-democracy activists in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Hundreds are killed and thousands are arrested. Born on June 3 1726 James Hutton, Scottish scientist, pioneer in the field of geology. 1804 Richard Cobden, English economist and politician. 1808 Jefferson Davis, President of Confederate States of America. 1904 Charles R. Drew, American physician, researcher of blood plasma. 1906 Josephine Baker, dancer and singer. 1922 Alain Resnais, French film director. 1926 Allen Ginsberg, American poet (Howl). 1936 Larry McMurtry, novelist (The Last Picture Show, Terms of Endearment). June 4 1918 French and American troops halt Germany’s offensive at Chateau-Thierry, France. 1919 The U.S. Senate passes the Women’s Suffrage bill. 1940 British complete the evacuation of 300,000 troops at Dunkirk. 1943 In Argentina, Juan Peron takes part in the military coup that overthrows Ramon S. Castillo. 1944 The U-505 becomes the first enemy submarine captured by the U.S. Navy. 1944 Allied troops liberate Rome. 1946 Juan Peron is installed as Argentina’s president. 1953 North Korea accepts the United Nations proposals in all major respects.

1960 The Taiwan island of Quemoy is hit by 500 artillery shells fired from the coast of Communist China. 1972 Black activist Angela Davis is found not guilty of murder, kidnapping, and criminal conspiracy. Born on June 4 1738 George III, English king (1760-1820). 1843 Charles C. Abbott, American naturalist (Days Out of Doors). 1889 Beno Gutenberg, seismologist. 1895 Dino Conte Grandi, Italy’s delegate to League of Nations. 1904 Alvah Bessie, screenwriter and novelist. 1937 Robert Fulghum, American author (All I Really need to Know I learned in Kindergarten). 1945 Anthony Braxton, jazz composer and saxaphonist. 1966 Vladimir Voevodsky, Russian mathematician. June 5 1900 British troops under Lord Roberts seize Pretoria from the Boers. 1940 The German army begins its offensive in Southern France. 1944 The first B-29 bombing raid strikes the Japanese rail line in Bangkok, Thailand. 1947 Secretary of State George C. Marshall outlines “The Marshall Plan,” a program intended to assist European nations, including former enemies, to rebuild their economies. 1956 Premier Nikita Khrushchev denounces Josef Stalin to the Soviet Communist Party Congress. 1967 The Six-Day War between Israel and Egypt, Syria and Jordan begins. 1968 Sirhan Sirhan shoots Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy after Kennedy’s victory in

53 the pivotal California primary election. 1973 Doris A. Davis becomes the first African-American woman to govern a city in a major metropolitan area when she is elected mayor of Compton, California. 2004 Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan dies at age 93. Reagan was the 40th president of the United States. Born on June 5 1884 Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett, British author. 1898 Federico Garcia Lorca, Spanish poet and dramatist. 1915 Alfred Kazin, critic and editor (A Walker in the City). 1919 Richard Scarry, Children’s author and illustrator. 1926 David Wagoner, poet and novelist (The Escape Artist). 1932 Christy Brown, Irish novelist and poet (My Left Foot).

1939 Margaret Drabble, English novelist (The Millstone, The Realms of Gold). 1947 David Hare, British playwright and director (A Map of the World, Slag). 1949 Ken Follett, novelist (Eye of the Needle, On The Wings of Eagles). June 6 1924 The German Reichstag accepts the Dawes Plan, an American plan to help Germany pay off its war debts. 1930 Frozen foods are sold commercially for the first time. 1934 President Franklin Roosevelt signs the Securities Exchange Act, establishing the Securities and Exchange Commission. 1941 The U.S. government authorizes the seizure of foreign ships in U.S. ports. 1944 D-Day: Operation Overlord lands 400,000 Allied American, British, and Canadian troops on the beaches of Normandy in German-occupied France. 1961 Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, one of the founders of modern psychiatry, dies.

1966 African American James Meredith is shot and wounded while on a solo march in Mississippi to promote voter registration among blacks. 1982 Israel invades southern Lebanon. 1985 The body of Nazi war criminal Dr. Josef Mengele is located and exhumed near Sao Paolo, Brazil. Born on June 6 1799 Alexander Pushkin, Russian writer (Boris Godunov, The Queen of Spades). 1868 Robert F. Scott, British explorer. 1872 Alexandra, the last Russian Czarina. 1875 Thomas Mann, German novelist and essayist, forced into exile by the Nazis. 1902 Jimmie Lunceford, bandleader. 1907 Bill Dickey, professional baseball player. 1925 Maxine Kumin, poet novelist and children’s author. 1934 Bill Moyers, American broadcast journalist, press secretary to President Lyndon Johnson.


CoastRider CoastRider - Edition 600 - Edition - May 31st 470 -2016 March 2013


Four years on since the 2012 London Olympiad, the summer of 2016 sees this spectacular two weeks of some of the world’s best sporting stars moving across to the continent of South America and competing in Rio. It’s no doubt the highlight of this sporting summer! JUNE 1st to 5th - GYMNASTICS - Women's European Championships, Bern, Switzerland

JULY 1st to 3rd - FORMULA 1 - Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 2nd to 24th - CYCLING - Tour de France 5th - CRICKET - England v Sri Lanka 20/20, Southampton 9th - BOXING - Tyson Fury v Wladimir Klitschko (WBA Super and WBO Heavyweight titles), Manchester 6th to 10th - ATHLETICS - European Athletics Championships, Amsterdam 8th to 10th - FORMULA 1 - British Grand Prix, Silverstone 10th - FOOTBALL - Euro 2016 Final, Paris 14th to 17th - GOLF - Open Championship, Troon 14th to 18th - CRICKET - England v Pakistan, First Test Match, Lord's 15th to 17th - TENNIS - Davis Cup Quarter-Finals - Serbia v Great Britain 22nd to 24th - FORMULA 1 - Hungarian Grand Prix, Budapest 22nd to 24th - ATHLETICS - London Anniversary Games, Olympic Stadium

4th - HORSE RACING - Derby Day, Epsom 5th - FOOTBALL - Sweden v Wales, Euro 2016 warm-up, Stockholm 9th to 13th - CRICKET- England v Sri Lanka, Third Test Match, Lord's 10th (until 10th July) - FOOTBALL - EURO 2016, FRANCE (Look in next week’s The CoastRider for the full fixture list) 10th to 12th - FORMULA 1 - Canadian Grand Prix, Montreal 13th to 19th - TENNIS - Queen's Club, London 14th to 18th - HORSE RACING - Royal Ascot 16th to 19th - GOLF - US Open, Oakmont CC, Pennsylvania

22nd to 26th – CRICKET - England v Pakistan, Second Test Match, Old Trafford 26th to 30th - HORSE RACING - Glorious Goodwood 28th to 31st - GOLF - US PGA Championship, New Jersey 28th to 31st - GOLF - Women's British Open, Woburn 29th to 31st - FORMULA 1, German Grand Prix, Hockenheim AUGUST 3rd to 7th - CRICKET - England v Pakistan, Third Test Match, Edgbaston

17th to 19th - FORMULA 1 - Azerbaijan Grand Prix, Baku 21st, 24th, 26th, 29th June & 2nd July - CRICKET - England v Sri Lanka, One-Day Internationals 24th to 26th - ATHLETICS - British Athletics Championships & Olympic Trials, Birmingham 25th – BOXING - Anthony Joshua v Dominic Breazeale (IBF World Heavyweight Title Fight), London 27th to 10th July - TENNIS – Wimbledon Championships

5th to 21st - XXXI OLYMPIC GAMES, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Look out in a future edition of The Coastrider for a full Olympic timetable) 11th to 15th - CRICKET – England v Pakistan, Fourth Test Match, The Oval 13th - FOOTBALL – 2016/17 Premier League season starts 20th - CRICKET - T20 Blast Finals Day, Edgbaston 20th Aug to 11th Sept - CYCLING – Tour of Spain 24th, 27th, 30th Aug and 1st & 4th Sept - CRICKET - England v Pakistan One Day Internationals 26th to 28th - FORMULA 1 - Belgian Grand Prix, Spa-Francorchamps 27th - RUGBY LEAGUE - Challenge Cup Final, Wembley 29th Aug to 11th Sep - TENNIS - US Open, New York www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470600 - March - May5th31st 20132016



The Real half of the capital win title for the 11th time Real Madrid confirmed their status as aristocrats of the European game by winning their 11th European Cup/Champions League, defeating city rivals Atletico Madrid 5-3 on penalties after normal time and extra time finished a goal apiece in Milan. It was Madrid’s second title in three years after beating the same opponents 4-1 in the 2014 final in Lisbon. Portuguese striker, Cristiano Ronaldo scored the winning penalty after Atletico’s Juanfran hit the post with his team’s fourth spot kick. Yesterday’s game started with Real Madrid applying the early pressure by taking advantage of their aerial prowess. Within ten minutes, Atletico keeper Jan Oblak was called upon to save off the line with his left foot. On fifteen minutes, Real drew first blood via a set piece. Toni Kroos floated in a free kick which was nodded on by Gareth Bale before Sergio Ramos scrambled in from close range. The goal was deserved despite suspicions of offside from Ramos. Replays also cast doubts on who scored the goal with no visible touch from Ramos but Real could care less. However Atletico got a foothold as the game progressed and by the half hour mark were the more dominant team. Against all expectations, Atletico – who

got to the final averaging 30 per cent possession in their previous four matches – bossed possession as Real were content to sit back, soak up pressure and counterattack. The second half started with Atletico manager Diego Simeone using one of his trump cards by throwing on Belgian winger, Yannick Carrasco, in place of defensive midfielder Augusto Fernandez. The substitution paid immediate dividends as Atletico started the second half on the front foot and within three minutes, Fernando Torres conned Real’s Pepe into conceding a penalty. However, Atletico’s standout player of the season, Frenchman Antoine Greizmann, thumped the spot kick

against the crossbar to the relief of Real fans at the 70,000-capacity San Siro stadium. Not long after, missed Stefan Savic somehow missing the target from six yards after Diego Godin and Griezmann had kept a corner alive. Real should have made sure of victory when Benzema was thwarted by Oblak after Luka Modric had impressively sent him through on goal. They came even closer when the otherwise quiet Ronaldo was denied by Oblak twice in quick succession, with Bale’s goal-bound attempt from the rebound cleared off the line by Savic. Atletico kept pressing on though and with ten minutes left of normal time, Carrasco finished off a smooth Atletico move by converting Juanfran’s cross. Extra time followed, with Atletico keeping the ball better but Real looking very threatening on the break. Thirty minutes of extra time couldn’t separate the two teams, so it was down to the lottery of penalties to decide of Real won their eleventh European trophy or Atletico their first. Real chose to play first and Lucas Vazquez, Marcelo, Bale and Ramos were successful, while Greizmann, Saul NIguez and Gabi all converted for Atletico before Juanfran’s miss handed Ronaldo the chance to win it for Real with the final penalty.

TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP...AND BACK! Hull City return to the Premier League

Burnley and Middlesbrough had already won their promotion to the Barclays Premier League via the traditional route of finishing in the top two positions of the Championship. The third and final place was confirmed over the weekend as Hull City secured their passage back to the top level of English football with a 10 victory over Sheffield Wednesday in the Sky Bet Championship Play-Off Final at Wembley on Saturday. One second of pure quality from the right foot of Mohamed Diame is all that was needed 72 minutes into a tight contest, albeit a contest that the Tigers enjoyed the better of, and it was the sweetest of strikes as the Senegal international curled home a shot from 25 yards. Steve Bruce’s side had had their chances before that – Abel Hernandez seeing a header cleared off the line and another first half effort brilliantly saved by Keiren Westwood, and Diame had also tested the strength of the woodwork – but in the end it only needed one to be taken and Diame duly obliged. Unsurprisingly, Bruce named the same starting eleven that had tackled Derby County over two legs in the semi-final, meaning Eldin Jakupovic continued in goal in Allan McGregor’s injuryenforced absence. Tom Huddlestone fired an early shot straight down the throat of Westwood, although it was Sheffield Wednesday who did much of the early running with Fernando Forestieri forcing Michael Dawson into a tenth-minute challenge that brought the Tigers’ captain a yellow card. Forestieri’s free kick was pushed over the bar by Jakupovic. Another Owls’ free kick brought another save out of Jakupovic, the goalkeeper beating away Ross Wallace’s effort before the Tigers really began to grow into the game midway through the first half.

First Hernandez saw a header from a Robert Snodgrass corner blocked on the goal-line by Kieran Lee before penalty appeals were turned down when Dawson’s follow-up effort appeared to strike a Wednesday hand. Hernandez then brought a fine save out of Westwood after latching onto Diame’s clever pass, the striker seeing his shot brilliantly turned over the bar and Diame himself then fired against the post after some fine footwork had seen a shooting opportunity open up. Moses Odubajo sent a shot wide from 20 yards before the right back found himself through on goal, but a heavy first touch allowed Westwood to rush from his line to block. A late Wednesday set-piece brought a far-post chance for Tom Lees but his header was well saved by Jakupovic. Into the second half and Curtis Davies was forced into

a making a well-timed challenge on Forestieri inside the box while at the other end, Dawson controlled a Snodgrass cross at the far post before seeing an effort saved by Westwood. The Tigers really should have been in front just after the hour mark when a quick counter-attack had Odubajo away down the right. He crossed low into the centre where Andrew Robertson was arriving, but he could only balloon a shot high over the bar. Hutchinson fired over at the other end before Diame’s match-winning moment arrived 18 minutes from time. Collecting a Snodgrass pass after the Scottish international had seized on a poor clearance, Diame turned and curled an absolute beauty over Westwood and into the top of the net from 25 yards. Wednesday now had to throw men forward which meant they were leaving gaps at the back and Odubajo almost exploited that when running onto Huddlestone’s chipped pass but a half-volley only found the side-netting. Hernandez saw a shot well blocked by Glenn Loovens, but it soon became about making things rock solid at the back. Hernandez, Diame and Snodgrass were all withdrawn as David Meyler, Sam Clucas and Harry Maguire entered the action. There were still half-chances for the Tigers in the final ten minutes as Davies headed a difficult chance wide and Huddlestone dragged a shot across goal, but it was an aerial bombardment that Bruce’s men had to withstand, and they did. A final corner deep into added time, which saw goalkeeper Westwood pushed into the attack, was defended and cleared and the final whistle signalled a return to the big league.


CoastRider - Edition 470 -2016 March 2013 CoastRider - Edition 600 - May 31st


Following three years of accusations and rumours that have dogged him and his family since June 2013, Argentina football star Lionel Messi, one of the world's highest-paid athletes, goes on trial in Barcelona today (Tuesday) for allegedly defrauding Spain of over four million euros in unpaid taxes. After winning a league and Cup double with Barcelona, the five-time World Player of the Year and his father will have their day in court. The trial will run until this Thursday, June 2 - the day when Messi is due to testify along with his father. The court appearance comes just days before he joins his Argentina teammates for the Copa America in the United States. Argentina take on defending champions Chile in their first game of the tournament in California on June 6. Messi and his father, Jorge Horacio Messi, are accused of using a chain of fake companies in Belize and Uruguay to avoid paying taxes on 4.16 million euros ($4.7 million) of Messi's income earned through the sale of his image rights from 2007-09. They have been charged with three counts of tax fraud. Spanish prosecutors are seeking a jail sentence of 22and-a-half months for Messi and his father if they are found guilty, plus fines equivalent to the amount that was allegedly defrauded, but any such sentence would likely be suspended as it is common in Spain for first offences carrying a sentence of less than two years. Under Spanish law, a defendant is not obliged to attend the full trial if prosecutors seek a jail sentence of

less than two years, which means Messi may only show up on June 2 for his testimony. The football star and his defence team have argued that the player's father handled his finances without reporting to him, and that the striker was not aware of any wrongdoing. "My dad handled the cash," Messi said in September 2013 when he was questioned by a judge investigating the case at a court in Gavia, a town on the outskirts of Barcelona where the footballer lives. The player's father agreed. "He has nothing to do (with these issues), he only plays football," Jorge Horacio Messi said. State prosecutors initially asked that the case against Messi be dropped, arguing the player only followed the instructions of his father who he "trusted fully and blindly".

But the judge in charge of the case in October 2015 rejected the request, arguing in his ruling that "there are rational signs that the criminality was committed by both accused parties". The income related to Messi's image rights that was allegedly hidden includes endorsement deals with Banco Sabadell, Danone, Adidas, Pepsi-Cola, Procter & Gamble and the Kuwait Food Company. Questions over the player's finances increased after Messi and his father were among those named in April in reports by international media who received a vast trove of data and documents leaked from a law firm based in Panama. The two men opened a company in Panama in June 2013, just after the allegations of tax fraud broke, to continue to hide income earned from image rights from Spanish tax authorities, Spanish news site El Espanol reported. The Messi family acknowledged the existence of the company but they said it was "totally inactive" and never had any funds. The scandal appears not to have dented the popularity of the footballer whom Forbes magazine says was the world's fourth highest paid athlete last year with earnings of $74 million. Both Barcelona and the Argentine Football Association have supported the player, who is loudly cheered whenever he appears on the pitch at the Spanish club's Camp Nou stadium. Barcelona managers have even insinuated that there is a conspiracy to tar the image of their star player, who has been key to the club's success on the pitch in recent years.

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