Green Streets Guidebook

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Holyoke, once a thriving industrial center, is in a period of redevelopment. Like many older cities the city faces the issues of Combined Sewer Overflows and stormwater runoff polluting nearby water systems. This Guidebook proposes that Green Streets can help address these problems while creating more vibrant, livable communities. This Guidebook is intended to introduce city planners and policy makers to Green Streets, advocate for Green Streets implementation in Holyoke, and serve as a preliminary set of design guidelines to transform Holyoke’s streets into more ecologically, socially, and economically positive spaces.

The Conway School is the only institution of its kind in North America. Its focus is sustainable landscape planning and design and its graduates are awarded a Master of Science in Ecological Design degree. Each year, through its accredited, ten-month graduate program students from diverse backgrounds are immersed in a range of real-world design projects, ranging in scale from residences to regions. Graduates go on to play significant professional roles in various aspects of landscape planning and design.

GREEN STREETS GUIDEBOOK for the City of Holyoke, Massachusetts The Conway School of Landscape Design, 2014

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