Created and developed to meet the needs of industry, Lower Mill Pond in Easthampton, Massachusetts, and its nearby neighborhoods have changed as the economy has shifted. Today, places rendered derelict and obsolete by a decline in manufacturing are being re-visioned, re-purposed, and re-integrated into the cultural and economic landscape.
A Neighborhood Strategy for Improving the Lower Mill Pond Watershed Easthampton, Massachusetts
Today, non-point source pollution and stormwater runoff are the major threats to the pond. Implementation of best management practices will require not only an understanding of site-speciďŹ c conditions, but also a programmatic framework that promotes solutions at all scales. Vacant property could be acquired, protected, and restored as naturally vegetated green space for passive recreation. New and redevelopment projects requiring zoning review and permits are opportunities to work collaboratively with project proponents to include green infrastructure elements that capture and treat stormwater on site and add trees and other plants to the neighborhood. Municipal properties and the street right-of-way may present the most readily accessible locations for implementing green infrastructure, planting street trees, and educating the public through demonstration sites.
The Conway School is the only institution of its kind in North America. Its focus is sustainable landscape planning and design and its graduates are awarded a Master of Science in Ecological Design degree. Each year, through its accredited, ten-month graduate program students from diverse backgrounds are immersed in a range of real-world design projects, ranging from sites to cities to regions. Graduates play signiďŹ cant professional roles in various aspects of landscape planning and design. Fix what’s broken. Save what works. Design the future!
Prepared for the City of Easthampton The Conway School - Winter 2015