BUILDING A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE MILL RIVER GREENWAY The Mill River Greenway would connect communities living along the Mill River to the area's rich history, recreational land, ecological wonders, bike paths, and hiking trails. It would build community engagement, get people outside, and provide historic and cultural educational opportunities. This document seeks to inspire the foundation of a strategic plan for the Mill River Greenway by identifying opportunities for ecological and human corridors and considering how the two intersect. Context sensitive solutions and broad recommendations are made for the Mill River Greenway Initiative to continue their success in creating the Mill River Greenway.
The Conway School is the only institution of its kind in North America. Its focus is sustainable landscape planning and design and its graduates are awarded a Master of Science in Ecological Design degree. Each year, through its accredited, ten-month graduate program students from diverse backgrounds are immersed in a range of real-world design projects, ranging from sites to cities to regions. Graduates play significant professional roles in various aspects of landscape planning and design.
Prepared for the Mill River Greenway Initiative Prepared by Margot Halpin & Armi Macaballug The Conway School Winter 2016