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“I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.” Truer words may never have been spoken by many of us. Texas declared its independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836, so as you receive this issue of Cordillera Ranch Living, take a moment to count your blessings that we live in this greatest state by observing Texas’ 184th year of independence. Revere everything Lone Star, whether it be our flag, our beer or part of the Cordillera Ranch logo. One of my favorite classes in high school was the semester we covered Texas History. To put the importance of that class in perspective (at least Texas perspective), American History was also covered in just one semester. If you’re new to Texas, I encourage you to surf the internet for some old text books on Texas History to help with assimilating. Probably better to focus on pre-2000 to avoid the politically correct revisionist history editions. Another memory of this date was being a student at The University of Texas in Austin during the sesquicentennial year. Texans can certainly throw a celebration! Texas definitely gets in your heart and soul. When we travel out of state or out of the country and are asked where we’re from, I take great pride in saying “Texas.” There’s certainly a positive reaction no matter where you are in the world. People from afar still think it’s cowboys on horseback, tumbleweeds and oil wells… and that’s OK. They like Texans. And I really don’t feel safest or at home until we get back to Texas. Definitely a state of mind and being. Enjoy this issue’s Lifestyle article on “The Road to Freedom” to learn more about the Texas Independence Trail, battles and monuments. Enjoy meeting the Watts family as well — faith based, entrepreneurs, oil and gas, ranches and Aggies… you don’t get much more Texan than that!
Barry Denton Director of Real Estate Sales Cordillera Ranch
PUBLISHERS: Cordillera Ranch Development Corporation Traveling Blender, LLC CORDILLERA RANCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Charlie Hill – President cphill@cordilleraranch.com DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING Sara Hill 210.332.8628 shill@cordilleraranch.com EDITOR Trisha Doucette trisha@travelingblender.com EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT TEAM Barry Denton, Marc DeWall, Debbie Pepper, Shane Reynolds, Robert Rodriguez CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tim Shaw – The Shaw Creative theshawcreative@me.com CORDILLERA RANCH SALES 830.336.3570 info@cordilleraranch.com Clubs of Cordillera Ranch 830.336.9000 Feature article photography by Mark Humphries Photography. 210.226.6275 :: www.markhumphriesphoto.com Cordillera Ranch Living is published bi-monthly through a joint venture between Cordillera Ranch Development Corporation and Traveling Blender, LLC. No reproduction in any form is authorized without the consent of both Cordillera Ranch Development Corporation and Traveling Blender, LLC. Cordillera Ranch Living is a registered trademark of Cordillera Ranch Development Corporation. 808 Highway 46 E, Boerne, Texas 78006. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 2020. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited submissions. Manuscripts, photographs, and other submitted material can be acknowledged or returned if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The content contained does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of Cordillera Ranch Development Corporation, Traveling Blender, LLC, or Cordillera Ranch residents. Cordillera Ranch Development Corporation and Traveling Blender, LLC assumes no liability for misinformation, omissions, or errors.