26 minute read
7. Il-Ħaddiema
An investment was made in technological platforms so that administrative work could be maintained by means of teleworking.
During the whole ten months of the pandemic in 2020, Dar tal‑Providenza maintained continuous contact with the SCSA as well as implemented its directives on mitigation measures.
Undoubtedly, the pandemic has affected everyone’s way of life and the residents no less. Later on in this report we highlight in detail what was done so that in spite of the many restrictions, the residents could enjoy just the same the best quality of life possible in the prevailing circumstances.
Between March and June, our churches were closed and funeral masses could not be celebrated. During the period under review, two residents passed away and their funeral could only have a prayer and burial in the cemetery. Subsequently, three funerals took place in the Dar tal‑Providenza chapel according to the directives put in place by the Health Authorities.
As already noted, as from the second week of March, just about all the fundraising activities were cancelled. During the subsequent months due to the economic uncertainties and the fact that a lot of people lost their jobs or had their pay reduced, even donations took a nosedive. The Volleyball Marathon had to be shelved as well as other smaller initiatives planned for the year. In actual fact only a few initiatives managed to take place. Faced with these dire straits, the Home made a formal request for Government financial assistance and eventually, the Government, through a special fund created purposely for NGOs, made a one million euro donation to make good for the loss in funds.
During this year, however, we experienced solidarity by entities and the Malese population. Actually, from July onwards we experienced a huge providence from all angles including financial donations so that we could end the year without financial losses.
The Residents
Dar tal‑Providenza strives to provide individualised residential services, either on a long term basis or short term, referred to as respite, to persons with disability with full respect of their rights and dignity. During the year under review residents were given all the support necessary to have as much of a full life as possible. Therefore, apart from the support addressed to the needs of every person, the Home offers additional services to help its residents.
This year physiotherapy was coordinated by the principal physiotherapist, two full‑time physiotherapists and another part‑timer supported by two physiotherapy aides. An important aspect of their work focused on the assessment of various residents requiring a specialised wheelchair adapted to their needs.
As a result of the intervention by the Parliamentary Secretary for Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Hon. Silvio Parnis, the Home got back the podiatric services for residents on a regular basis provided by a Government podiatrist. A service that had been stopped for some time.
The Government offers the services of a speech language pathologist. This service led to the provision of so called passports for communication for some of the residents who were also assessed for the level of foods they can consume.
With the help of Aġenzija Sapport, for a resident of the Home that needs a high support service, the Home is receving from the Aġenzija payment for 80 hours of support. The Home is using this financial help to employ two Support Workers to do this work.
The Ability Promoters’ Team, as well as the support workers that work in the flats, regularly organise activities in the Home especially on Sundays and public holidays. Other activities, that reflect the residents’ tastes, are also organised outside the Home. From the start of the pandemic in March till the end of the year, all outside activities were cancelled. To mitigate this, huge efforts were made to have other activities organised in the Home. Every day, outside tours were organised using the Home’s vans to different places where residents would not come in contact with anyone due to the pandemic. Some activities organised during the year included, amongst others, Carnival (before the onset of the pandemic), Street Music and drama. A number of residents continued participating in the stamps and crafts workshops as well as in the St. Isidore Agricultural Centre where together with Ability Promoters and volunteers they grow and process farming products which are then sold to the public. Also with the support of the Ability Promoters they are given the opportunity to do some cooking, prepare tables and after they eat they also do the washing up of plates and the cleaning. All this helps them to become more independent.
The residents enjoy most participating in music sessions where they listen to and participate in the playing of instruments. In the specialised Music Room residents enjoy music sessions in groups or on an individual basis.
Despite the pandemic, we still found a way that whilst ensuring the health and safety of residents and staff involved we could continue using drama that offers the best opportunities for residents to express themselves and at the same time develop and share their artistic talents with others.
Every year, Dar tal‑Providenza produces a play for Christmas time with the participation of employees and residents. This time the residents together with their Ability Promoters produced “Dar tal‑Providenza goes Disney’ and a farce entitled “Ċuqq Paqq Pumm’. Because of the restrictions imposed by the Health Authorities these productions were repeated various times in order that the residents remain in their own bubble. This year the public could not be invited to
attend but the productions were recorded and the farce was actually broadcast on Xejk TV.
The Brain Foundation again offered rugby sessions on Saturday mornings to those residents who wished to participate. Between March and June this activity was held in virtual mode in the Home’s conference room.
The Home’s residents are always enouraged and helped to take part in activities that keep them active. These include mobility in flats on a regular basis coupled with other activities such as walks, dance and movement during the music session and the Hammet Baths.
Except for the months between March and June (during which the Health Authorities stopped the use of the pools due to the pandemic) a welcome number of residents continued using the therapeutic pool we have in the Home. Hydrotherapy helps in a better quality of life for the residents. It offers abundant opportunities for mobility and sport activites. Just as important is the relaxing sensation the warm water offers to make up for inability to exercise.
Some residents use the Soft Room, where they can do whatever activity they like in a secure and safe environment. With the help of the Ability Promoters and on the advice of the Occupational Therapist, residents are given the opportunity to stimulate their senses in different ways in the Multisensory Rooms. These rooms are used to help residents relax, especially those that are susceptible to difficult behaviours. As in previous years regular sporting activities that encouraged mobility were organised in the gym.
Forty‑five residents attend Day Centres for Adults run by Aġenzija Sapport. Because of the pandemic, in order to ensure the health and safety of the residents they did not attend these centres between March and December but remained in regular contact using video calls.
The Home has an ICT Lab where residents are trained to make the best use of internet technology and would therefore have equal access, as is their right, to information and communication offered by the world of technology today. This lab is equipped with assistive technology such as touch screens, keyboards, special mouses and other software that help persons with different disabilities use the computer.
During this year, both male and female residents continued to make use of the Hair Salon. Residents who preferred to use their own hairdresser could still do so by going to his/her salon or the hairdresser would come to our residence.
Spiritual Activities and SPRED
For the last fifteen years, Dar tal‑Providenza was affiliated to the SPRED Agency (SPecial REligious Development) of Glasgow, Scotland. This affiliation has been found to be very beneficial for residents with intellectual disability to be helped to also grow in their faith. During these catechises meetings every participating resident has an accompanying catechist from outside the Home.
This year was a particular one to the extent that in the SPRED year October 2019 to June 2020, only three meetings could be held before the pandemic struck. When meetings could be resumed they were held in what is described as the new norm and, even so, only another two meetings could be scheduled before the end of the year. Naturally, only those residents whose accompanying catechist felt it safe to attend could be present.
During the October 2019 to June 2020 period, every resident also attended two masses for the SPRED Family accompanied by their friends, the accompanying catechists. These activities had to be curtailed due to the pandemic.
Two editions of the Maltese publication “SPRED” were issued for Christmas and Easter.
Within the pandemic constraints, the ten groups of SPRED were still coordinated and activitated with meetings held from Monday to Friday in the morning with some days also in the evening. Every group is made up of six residents with their companions and two catechist leaders. Formation and enrichment meetings as well as a retreat were held. In September 2020, the commitment renewal rite for the new year was held for catechists and accompanists but, again, because of the pandemic the proceedings were done by mail.
Every day, a eucharistic celebration is held with a substantial number of residents in attendance and during which communal prayers are said for benefactors of the Home who died. There are also special celebrations on particular occasions such as funerals for residents. Groups of residents were coordinated to be able to attend Sunday mass in nearby parishes. Spiritual exercises were held in the Advent and Lent periods. In the months of March to June daily masses did not take place although the celebrations of the Coronation of Our Lady and Corpus Christi were held with all the necessary precautionary measures taken. Daily masses eventually resumed, chapel space and precautionary measures permitting, with the attendance of a small group of residents from three different flats.
Distribution of the eucharist was made to those residents who could not attend regularly the daily mass.
During the year under review, eleven residents, four females and seven males, passed away but none of whom were COVID‑19 related.
Respite Services
This year, the Home hosted seventy‑six persons for different periods of respite. These varied from short stints of a few hours so that family members could attend a wedding or a funeral to lengthier periods
of days or weeks for the family to go abroad or go through a period of rest. A number of persons made use of respite for longer peiods of a month or more mostly due to some serious illness of one of the parents. Dar tal‑Providenza believes that this support is necessary so that those with disability in the family can still live in the enviroment of their own family.
Management of Dar tal‑Providenza
The Board of the Home set up by Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona OP in March 2011, is chaired by Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, and composed of six members. It met ten times during the year, seven of which were held in virtual mode due to the pandemic.
Admittance of new residents is handled by a special board with Fr Martin Micallef as Chairperson and Dr Roberta Sammut and Dr George Grech as members. The board only had one meeting during which it approved the admittance of nine new residents, four females and five males.
The day‑to‑day administration of the Home is handled by a Management team made up of the Director, Fr Martin Micallef, the Administrator, Mrs Nadine Camilleri Cassano, the Services Co‑ ordinator, Miss Remona Cuschieri, the Spiritual Director of the Home, Fr Trevor Fairclough and the Head Physiotherapist, Mrs Margaret Vella. This team meets every two weeks and during this year under review met twenty‑three times. This Annual Report is uploaded in both Maltese and English on the Dar tal‑Providenza website www.dartalprovidenza.org.
End of tenure for the Sisters of Charity at Dar tal‑Providenza
As we were informed towards the end of 2019, the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joan Antide Thouret, known as Sisters of Charity, decided that it was time for the work by the sisters at Dar tal‑Providenza to end after fifty‑two years of service. This tenure officially ended at the beginning of July 2020.
When Dun Mikiel Azzopardi, the founder of the Home, was getting near to opening the doors of Dar tal‑Providenza, he had contacted a number of local and foreign congregations to help out on this christian charity endeavour for persons with disability. At that time they used to be literally hidden from the rest of society or sent in seniors’ homes or the mental hospital that surely were not adapted for them. The Sisters of Charity was the only congregation that accepted to help out since the beginning of this new venture that had the sole aim to offer a family like environment to perons with disability who needed a residential service. The Sisters of Charity together with Dun Mikiel helped to build from scratch services of the highest level that the Home still enjoys to this very day.
Although the sisters’ absence is going to be felt, at the same time it is indeed a nice feeling knowing that the work started by the sisters and the founder can still go on. The presence of this religious community was a gift to residents, workers and volunteers of the Home. They were always there for everyone twenty‑four hours a day. Most of them gave their services for many years. It is worthy of note that Sr Gesuina Mangion has been serving at the Home for these last forty‑one years, Sr Bernarda Buhagiar and Sr Bertha Bezzina were both here for twenty full years, whilst Sr Lorenza Borg for the last thirteen years
The Director of the Home wrote a letter of thanks to Sr Natalie Abela, the delegate for the Provincials in Malta and copied to the Mother House of the Congregation in Rome so that it could be archived for posterity. Their immense sense of service as well as that of all the sisters that worked at the Home from time to time will remain a guiding light to all of us working in this Home.
New Projects
This year, work continued to finish off another home in the community, this time in Balluta. It is basically ready in every aspect and the official opening is expected in 2021.
Other projects included: • Finalisation on the infrastructure for information technology financed by MITA that, amongst other things, provides free WiFi access everywhere at the Home; • Total refurbishment of the conference hall in Villa
Mons. Gonzi; • Extensive maintenance work at Dar Narċiża in
Xagħra, Gozo mainly used by residents on Gozo trips; • Extensive refurbishment financed by the Marigold
Foundation at the community home ‘Żerniq’ in
Siġġiewi. Work included installation of a new lift, new kitchen and two new bathrooms. Outer windows were replaced and fireproof doors and a modern fire alam system were installed; • A new tarmac layer was put courtesy of Bitmac
Ltd on the road that from the administration building leads to Villa Papa Luciani and the belvedere. Prior to this, underground pipes have been laid for future requirements; • Regular maintenance work and improvements to the Siggiewi residences and adjacent buildings.
The Volunteers
At Dar tal‑Providenza we have a healthy number of volunteers who donate their time to help the Home in its mission. Most of them attend on a regular basis whilst others do work connected with a particular activity. Because of the pandemic, volunteer work was very restricted to ensure the health and safety of residents and workers.
A number of regular volunteers work directly with residents either in one of the flats or by committing themselves to take out residents for a walk in the Home’s garden or outside of the Home. Some volunteers help in the kitchen, laundry,
the seamstresses section, maintenance and the stores amongst others. The registered number of volunteers is two hundred and twenty.
The Home also provides short volunteering opportunities to students, individuals as well as groups who wish to lend a helping hand.
This year, Dar tal‑Providenza lost two volunteers, Mr John Paris and Fr Lino Cardona SJ.
Mr Paris died on August 24th, 2020 after a lengthy illness. John, together with his wife Ġemma, have been doing voluntary work at Dar tal‑Providenza since 2012. He used to volunteer his time in the maintenance section. For the last few years John and Ġemma started organising day outings for residents on a regular basis to a scouts place at Rinella Bay in Kalkara.
Fr Lino, a volunteer for many years, died suddenly of COVID‑19 on Thursday, 29th October 2020 at the age of 76. Fr Lino started his association with Dar tal‑Providenza in the summer of 1975 when Dun Mikiel Azzopardi, the Home’s founder, requested him to fill in for him whilst he had an August vacation abroad. Since then, he said mass at the Home every Wednesday and Sunday and whenever necessary. In 2011 he was awarded the Premju Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi in recognition of his voluntary work at the Home. He was quite close to Dun Mikiel Azzopardi in his last years and had an active contribution in the preparations for his funeral and burial. National Award for Volunteer of the Year 2020
Dr George Grech and Mr Jesmond Saliba were this year nominated by Dar tal‑Providenza for the National Award for Volunteer of the Year 2020 organised by the Maltese Council for the Voluntary Sector. Dr George Grech was presented with this prestigious award. Dr Grech started his involvement with Dar tal‑Providenza more than fifteen years ago. He offered free medical service for residents of the Home and was the mastermind behind the therapeutic pool at the same Home.
Fundraising activities and initiatives
Although a lot of regular fundraising events had to be cancelled due to the COVID‑19 pandemic, some still made it. Amongst the major ones were:
The annual Festa ta’ Ġenerożità organised by Dar tal‑Providenza on January 1st 2020 (before the pandemic struck) during which a record sum of €1,365,556 was raised. A huge number of people made it to Siġġiewi to make donations under the big tent erected in the parking lot. Many others phoned in to make their donation. Various parishes in Malta and Gozo made special collections during church celebrations that were donated to the Home on behalf of the community.
The Friends of Providence House NSW Group
raised and donated $14,500AUD to Dar tal‑ Providenza during an Australian version of Festa ta’ Ġenerożità that was held at the La Vallette Social Centre in Blacktown on February 23rd 2020.
In July, Dar tal‑Providenza launched “Sabiħ li tagħti”, a fundraising campaign so that it can continue to provide the professional services to its residents. This in light of the COVID‑19 pandemic and of the seriously dwindling donations on one hand and the increase in costs to safeguard the health and safety of residents and workers on the other hand. The campaign is stil ongoing.
€17,390 were raised in the annual dinner in aid of
Dar Tal-Providenza organised by Infinitely Xara
Co. Ltd, owned by the Zammit Tabona family. Over €98,000 were raised in the four consecutive annual events. This year’s dinner, also hit by the pandemic, was attended by 80 people from different spheres of life. The Group announced that it was extending its support to Dar Tal‑Providenza by donating 10% of the government issued vouchers used in all its outlets.
The annual pocket diary for 2021 managed to beat the pandemic. The diary lists all the mass times in all churches in Malta and Gozo, a whole year’s calendar, as well as all the parish feasts in our islands during 2021. It is distributed in September/October in all households together with an envelope with the Home’s address for those wanting to make a
donation by post. This year, these small brown envelopes raised a total of €200,995.06.
A record €32,441 were raised for Dar tal‑Providenza during a 30-hour music marathon on 103 Malta’s Heart well exceeding last year’s sum of €12,710. The marathon kicked off at 6am on Wednesday, 30th December 2020 with Arthur Caruana accompanied by two other well known presenters Ron Briffa and Ian Busuttil Naudi and Jes Saliba.
The 25c employee scheme adhered to by a good number of companies and government and Church entities netted €73,523 during 2020 whilst another €10,622 were raised from coin boxes distributed in a number of outlets around Malta.
The usual “Karus ta’ Mħabba” initiative was a casualty of the pandemic because both schools and cathecism centres in various parishes remained closed during Lent.
Other initiatives originated by Dar tal‑Providenza were Wedding and Special Occasion Bookmarks and these generated a revenue of €158,877 during the year under review. The Bazaar, St Isidore Agricuture Centre and the Valletta Office were all somehow hit by the pandemic but the revenue was still satisfactory.
Conferences and Meetings
This year, various meetings were held in virtual mode such as those with the Social Care Standards
Authority (SCSA), the Commissioner for Rights of Persons with Disability, Mr Oliver Scicluna as well as with the new Minister responsible for the Persons with Disability sector, the Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli. Before the onset of the pandemic, meetings took place with the new CEO of Aġenzija Sapport, Mrs Ruth Sciberras and with the MaltaPost CEO, Mr Joseph Gafà.
Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, took part in various meetings of a Task Force specifically set up by the National Commission for Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) to look into the effects of the pandemic on persons with disability.
The Home also participated in Webinars organised by the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disability (ESPD), of which the Home is a member, to discuss the effects of the pandemic on persons with disability.
In order to function properly and efficiently the Home had, until December 31st 2020, 301 employees (fifteen additions on the previous year) of whom 220 were females and 81 males. Of these, 229 worked on a full‑ time basis and 73 on part‑time basis. During the year under review there were 14 new full‑time employees and 28 part‑time. 20 employees terminated their employment and another 5 retired. New Collective Agreement
Dar tal‑Providenza believes in and gives the right to its workers to join a Union that defends their interests in the workplace. The General Workers’ Union represents the majority of workers and thus the Home recognizes its right to negotiate and come to agreement on behalf of all workers.
On January 27th 2020 a new Collective Agreement was signed between Dar tal‑Providenza and the General Workers Union. The agreement, which covers the period between 2020 and 2023, provides for better conditions of work and salaries for all employees, amongst which were family friendly measures as well as a new grade structure and progressions for all grades.
This agreement was explained to the employees of Dar tal‑Providenza and was approved a few days before its signing. It was also approved by the Diocesan Financial Committee, presided over by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna.
At the signing ceremony, Fr Martin Micallef thanked all those who contributed to the negotiation of the third Collective Agreement for employees which was done in an atmosphere of mutual respect and a wish to improve further the conditions and salaries of all the employees of Dar tal‑Providenza. He added that the will to increase the employees salaries is not just reflection of a sense of justice bul also an appreciation of the commitment and dedication of the Home’s workers.
During the year under review Dar tal‑Providenza maintained excellent relations with the Union.
Training and formation of employees Because of the pandemic, this year it was not possible to hold training sessions for workers. The only training done was a first aid course in January. There were plans for another eight training courses for employees that had to be shelved including one on difficult behaviours that was scheduled to take place between 18th and 29th May 2020 by Prof. Tony Osgood, British expert on the subject. Another course was on Hydrotherapy that was to be conducted by Dr Maria Cristina Gualtieri.
As from last July, the Home started offering psychological support for workers as a group provided by two psychologists, Dr Nicholas Briffa and Mrs Dorianne Coleiro.
Initiative at the Workplace Award 2020
Fr Trevor Fairclough, Spiritual Director, and Rita Attard, Senior Support Worker, were presented with the 2020 Initiative at the Workplace Award Employees Section whilst the workers at the Sant’Antnin Flat were presented with the Team Section of the Initiative at the Workplace Award 2020.
The other nominees for the Employees Section of the Award were: Rita Buhagiar, Lourdes D’Amato, Christine Farrugia, Mary Camilleri, Maryrose Camilleri and Ritienne Scicluna.
The committee composed of Fr Martin Micallef, Mr Frans Micallef and Mr Jesmond Saliba received eight nominations for the Initiative at the Workplace Award (Employee) and one nomination for the Initiative at the Workplace Award (Team).
Employee Recognitions
A number of employees were regnised for their length of service at Dar tal‑Providenza. These were Maryrose Camilleri (35 years), Nathalie Mifsud (30 years), Mary Borg, Charles Borg, Anna Mifsud, Michelle Farrugia, Maryrose Attard, Antoinette Vella and Celestino Bugeja (all 25 years).
Appreciation was also shown for those employees who retired during the year. They were Rita Attard, Samuel Bezzina, Rose Marie Buhagiar, Maria Lourdes D’Amato, Doris Grima, Emmanuel Psaila and Joyce Sacco.
Dar tal‑Providenza nominated the Administrator of the Home, Mrs Nadine Camilleri Cassano for the National Award for Worker of the Year 2020 in recognition of her work.
Electronic sites and Facebook
The Dar tal‑Providenza website www. dartalprovidenza.org has different sections in Maltese and English focusing on the various aspects of the Home including its history, the services it offers, activities and ways and means how one can support the Home. This electronic site is of a great help for those wanting to know more about Dar tal‑ Providenza.
The Home’s facebook page as at the end of the year under review had 16,405 members who can regularly access news and activities taking place.
Media exposure of the Home is well covered. The major promotions being the ‘Festa ta’ Ġenerożita’’ and the ‘Sabiħ li tagħti’ campaign.
Dar tal‑Providenza takes very seriously the responsibilities that safeguard its residents and is committed not to allow any kind of abuse of residents that use its services. In doing this, the Home follows meticulously the Policy drawn up in the document
issued by the Church in Malta “Policy and Procedures in Cases of Sexual Abuse of the Maltese Ecclesiastical Province (2014)” as well as Maltese legislation. On this basis, the Home has also drawn up its own Safeguarding Policy and Ms Remona Cuschieri is the Designated Safeguarding Officer for Dar tal‑ Providenza.
As requested by law before engaging employees or volunteers, Dar tal‑Providenza has in place a responsible recruiting procedure whereby, amongst other measures, the Courts are asked to ensure that the person is not listed in the Register of persons who committed grievious crimes against minors and awaits confirmation that there are no such problems.
Premju Soċjetà Ġusta 2020
A Company and five persons were awarded the Premju Soċjetà Ġusta 2020 organised by the Ministry for Inclusion on the occasion of the Week for Persons with Disability. Because of the pandemic, the presentation ceremony was held in virtual mode without public participation. Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Dar tal‑Providenza, was awarded the prize for his lifelong commitment to the Disability Sector. Angela Agius, a hearing impaired person who stands up for other people with disabilities, was awarded the Premju Soċjetà Ġusta 2020. Angela lived for a while at Dar tal‑Providenza but now lives independently in her own home.
Other persons recognised for their work in the disability sector were: • Marchita Magiafico, Award for her work in the strengthening of the Rights of Persons with
Disability; • Jake Vella, Award for Active Participation in
Sport, Arts and Culture; • Ecabs, Award for the place of work that operates in an inclusive manner;
Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award 2020
The Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award, that was launched 25 years ago on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the founding of Dar tal‑Providenza, recognises the work done by individuals and groups to help persons with disability as well as shows appreciation for those that voluntarily support the works done at the Home.
This year, as appropriate, the Dun Mikiel Azzopardi Award was given to all Dar tal‑Providenza employees as a sign of gratitude and recognition for their dedication and extraordinary work done during the hard months of the COVID‑19 pandemic to keep the residents and their colleagues safe from the virus. The Award was also given to Mr Gordon Philip Hewitt for his voluntary work with residents for long years until his health permitted. For all the Dar tal‑Providenza employees, the year 2020 was neither normal nor easy but rather a year full of great challenges brought about by the pandemic. In spite of it all, the workers of the Home did their all to work according to the prevailing measures and most of the time this meant personal sacrifices more than normal.
On Friday, December 18th, 2020, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna presented the Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award to staff members Nadine Camilleri Cassano, Marieanne Abdilla and Rebecca Theuma on behalf of all the workers. That same day, Gordon Philip Hewitt, who was at the St. Vincent De Paule Residence before he passed away a few days later, received the award from Fr Ivan Scicluna, chaplain of the Residence. Conclusion
In his concluding remarks, Fr Martin said that in spite of the restrictions and difficulties brought about by the pandemic, the work at the Home went ahead to continue providing, as much as possible, the best environment, support and opportunities to residents as is there right.